1 /*
2     Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Fredrik Johansson
4     This file is part of Arb.
6     Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
8     by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.  See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
10 */
12 #include "flint/mpn_extras.h"
13 #include "arb.h"
15 #define TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS(__n) TMP_ALLOC((__n) * sizeof(mp_limb_t))
16 #define MAGLIM(prec) FLINT_MAX(65536, (4*prec))
18 static void
mag_nonzero_fast_mul(mag_t z,const mag_t x,const mag_t y)19 mag_nonzero_fast_mul(mag_t z, const mag_t x, const mag_t y)
20 {
22     MAG_EXP(z) = MAG_EXP(x) + MAG_EXP(y);
24 }
26 static void
mag_nonzero_fast_add(mag_t z,const mag_t x,const mag_t y)27 mag_nonzero_fast_add(mag_t z, const mag_t x, const mag_t y)
28 {
29     slong shift = MAG_EXP(x) - MAG_EXP(y);
31     if (shift == 0)
32     {
33         MAG_EXP(z) = MAG_EXP(x);
34         MAG_MAN(z) = MAG_MAN(x) + MAG_MAN(y);
35         MAG_FAST_ADJUST_ONE_TOO_LARGE(z); /* may need two adjustments */
36     }
37     else if (shift > 0)
38     {
39         MAG_EXP(z) = MAG_EXP(x);
41         if (shift >= MAG_BITS)
42             MAG_MAN(z) = MAG_MAN(x) + LIMB_ONE;
43         else
44             MAG_MAN(z) = MAG_MAN(x) + (MAG_MAN(y) >> shift) + LIMB_ONE;
45     }
46     else
47     {
48         shift = -shift;
49         MAG_EXP(z) = MAG_EXP(y);
51         if (shift >= MAG_BITS)
52             MAG_MAN(z) = MAG_MAN(y) + LIMB_ONE;
53         else
54             MAG_MAN(z) = MAG_MAN(y) + (MAG_MAN(x) >> shift) + LIMB_ONE;
55     }
58 }
60 static int
mag_nonzero_fast_cmp(const mag_t x,const mag_t y)61 mag_nonzero_fast_cmp(const mag_t x, const mag_t y)
62 {
63     if (MAG_EXP(x) == MAG_EXP(y))
64         return (MAG_MAN(x) < MAG_MAN(y)) ? -1 : 1;
65     else
66         return (MAG_EXP(x) < MAG_EXP(y)) ? -1 : 1;
67 }
69 static void
mag_fast_set(mag_t x,const mag_t y)70 mag_fast_set(mag_t x, const mag_t y)
71 {
72     MAG_EXP(x) = MAG_EXP(y);
73     MAG_MAN(x) = MAG_MAN(y);
74 }
76 void
_arb_sin_cos(arb_t zsin,arb_t zcos,const arf_t x,const mag_t xrad,slong prec)77 _arb_sin_cos(arb_t zsin, arb_t zcos, const arf_t x, const mag_t xrad, slong prec)
78 {
79     int want_sin, want_cos;
80     slong radexp, exp, wp, wn, N, r, wprounded, maglim, orig_prec;
81     mp_ptr tmp, w, sina, cosa, sinb, cosb, ta, tb;
82     mp_ptr sinptr, cosptr;
83     mp_limb_t p1, q1bits, p2, q2bits, error, error2, p1_tab1, radman;
84     int negative, inexact, octant;
85     int sinnegative, cosnegative, swapsincos;
86     TMP_INIT;
88     /* PART 1: special cases and setup. */
89     orig_prec = prec;
91     /* Below, both x and xrad will be finite, and x will be nonzero. */
92     if (mag_is_inf(xrad) || arf_is_special(x))
93     {
94         _arb_sin_cos_generic(zsin, zcos, x, xrad, prec);
95         return;
96     }
98     exp = ARF_EXP(x);
99     maglim = MAGLIM(prec);
100     negative = ARF_SGNBIT(x);
102     /* Unlikely: tiny or huge midpoint. As written, this test also
103        catches any bignum exponents. */
104     if (exp < -(prec/2) - 2 || exp > maglim)
105     {
106         _arb_sin_cos_generic(zsin, zcos, x, xrad, prec);
107         return;
108     }
110     want_sin = (zsin != NULL);
111     want_cos = (zcos != NULL);
113     /* Copy the radius data. */
114     radexp = MAG_EXP(xrad);
115     radman = MAG_MAN(xrad);
117     if (radman != 0)
118     {
119         /* Clamp the radius exponent to a safe range. */
120         if (radexp < MAG_MIN_LAGOM_EXP || radexp > MAG_MAX_LAGOM_EXP)
121         {
122             /* Very wide... */
123             if (fmpz_sgn(MAG_EXPREF(xrad)) > 0)
124             {
125                 _arb_sin_cos_wide(zsin, zcos, x, xrad, prec);
126                 return;
127             }
129             radman = MAG_ONE_HALF;
130             radexp = MAG_MIN_LAGOM_EXP + 1;
131         }
133         /* Use wide algorithm. */
134         if (radexp >= -24)
135         {
136             _arb_sin_cos_wide(zsin, zcos, x, xrad, prec);
137             return;
138         }
140         /* Regular case: decrease precision to match generic max. accuracy. */
141         /* Note: near x=0, the error can be quadratic for cos. */
142         if (want_cos && exp < -2)
143             prec = FLINT_MIN(prec, 20 - FLINT_MAX(exp, radexp) - radexp);
144         else
145             prec = FLINT_MIN(prec, 20 - radexp);
146     }
148     /* Absolute working precision (NOT rounded to a limb multiple) */
149     wp = prec + 8;
150     if (want_sin && exp <= 0)
151         wp += (-exp);
152     /* Number of limbs */
153     wn = (wp + FLINT_BITS - 1) / FLINT_BITS;
154     /* Precision rounded to a number of bits */
155     wprounded = FLINT_BITS * wn;
156     /* Don't be close to the boundary (to allow adding adding the
157        Taylor series truncation error without overflow) */
158     wp = FLINT_MAX(wp, wprounded - (FLINT_BITS - 4));
160     /* Too high precision to use table -- use generic algorithm */
161     if (wp > ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_PREC)
162     {
163         _arb_sin_cos_generic(zsin, zcos, x, xrad, orig_prec);
164         return;
165     }
167     /* PART 2: the actual computation. */
169     TMP_START;
170     tmp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS(9 * wn);
171     w    = tmp;         /* requires wn limbs */
172     sina = w    + wn;   /* requires wn limbs */
173     cosa = sina + wn;   /* requires wn limbs */
174     sinb = cosa + wn;   /* requires wn limbs */
175     cosb = sinb + wn;   /* requires wn limbs */
176     ta   = cosb + wn;   /* requires 2*wn limbs */
177     tb   = ta + 2*wn;   /* requires 2*wn limbs */
179     /* reduce modulo pi/4 */
180     if (_arb_get_mpn_fixed_mod_pi4(w, NULL, &octant, &error, x, wn) == 0)
181     {
182         /* may run out of precision for pi/4 */
183         _arb_sin_cos_generic(zsin, zcos, x, xrad, orig_prec);
184         TMP_END;
185         return;
186     }
188     sinnegative = (octant >= 4) ^ negative;
189     cosnegative = (octant >= 2 && octant <= 5);
190     swapsincos = (octant == 1 || octant == 2 || octant == 5 || octant == 6);
192     /* Table-based argument reduction (1 or 2 steps) */
193     if (wp <= ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_PREC)
194     {
195         q1bits = ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS;
196         q2bits = 0;
198         p1 = p1_tab1 = w[wn-1] >> (FLINT_BITS - q1bits);
199         w[wn-1] -= (p1 << (FLINT_BITS - q1bits));
200         p2 = 0;
202         /* p1_tab1 will be used for the error bounds at the end. */
203         p1_tab1 = p1;
204     }
205     else
206     {
207         q1bits = ARB_SIN_COS_TAB21_BITS;
208         q2bits = ARB_SIN_COS_TAB21_BITS + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB22_BITS;
210         /* p1_tab1 will be used for the error bounds at the end. */
211         p1_tab1 = w[wn-1] >> (FLINT_BITS - ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS);
213         p1 = w[wn-1] >> (FLINT_BITS - q1bits);
214         w[wn-1] -= (p1 << (FLINT_BITS - q1bits));
215         p2 = w[wn-1] >> (FLINT_BITS - q2bits);
216         w[wn-1] -= (p2 << (FLINT_BITS - q2bits));
217     }
219     /* |w| <= 2^-r */
220     r = _arb_mpn_leading_zeros(w, wn);
222     /* Choose number of terms N such that Taylor series truncation
223        error is <= 2^-wp */
224     N = _arb_exp_taylor_bound(-r, wp);
226     /* the summation for sin/cos is actually done to (2N-1)! */
227     N = (N + 1) / 2;
229     if (N < 14)
230     {
231         /* Evaluate Taylor series */
232         _arb_sin_cos_taylor_rs(sina, cosa, &error2, w, wn, N, 0, 1);
233         /* Taylor series evaluation error */
234         error += error2;
235         /* Taylor series truncation error */
236         error += UWORD(1) << (wprounded-wp);
237     }
238     else  /* Compute cos(a) from sin(a) using a square root. */
239     {
240         /* Evaluate Taylor series */
241         _arb_sin_cos_taylor_rs(sina, cosa, &error2, w, wn, N, 1, 1);
242         error += error2;
243         error += UWORD(1) << (wprounded-wp);
245         if (flint_mpn_zero_p(sina, wn))
246         {
247             flint_mpn_store(cosa, wn, LIMB_ONES);
248             error = FLINT_MAX(error, 1);
249         }
250         else
251         {
252             mpn_sqr(ta, sina, wn);
253             /* 1 - s^2 (negation guaranteed to have borrow) */
254             mpn_neg(ta, ta, 2 * wn);
255             /* top limb of ta must be nonzero, so no need to normalize
256                before calling mpn_sqrtrem */
257             mpn_sqrtrem(cosa, ta, ta, 2 * wn);
259             /* When converting sin to cos, the error for cos must be
260                smaller than the error for sin; but we also get 1 ulp
261                extra error from the square root. */
262             error += 1;
263         }
264     }
266     /*
267     sin(a+b) = sin(a)*cos(b) + cos(a)*sin(b)
268     cos(a+b) = cos(a)*cos(b) - sin(a)*sin(b)
270     [F1+e1]*[F2+e2] + [F3+e3]*[F4+e4] - F1 F2 + F3 F4 =
272        e1 e2 + e3 e4 + e2 F1 + e1 F2 + e4 F3 + e3 F4
274        <= (e1 + e2 + e3 + e4) + 1    (ulp)
276        <= 2*left_err + 2*right_err + 1     (ulp)
278     Truncating both terms before adding adds another 2 ulp, so the error
279     is bounded by
281        <= 2*left_err + 2*right_err + 3     (ulp)
282     */
284     if (p1 == 0 && p2 == 0)  /* no table lookups */
285     {
286         sinptr = sina;
287         cosptr = cosa;
288     }
289     else if (p1 == 0 || p2 == 0)    /* only one table lookup */
290     {
291         mp_srcptr sinc, cosc;
293         if (wp <= ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_PREC)  /* must be in table 1 */
294         {
295             sinc = arb_sin_cos_tab1[2 * p1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_LIMBS - wn;
296             cosc = arb_sin_cos_tab1[2 * p1 + 1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_LIMBS - wn;
297         }
298         else if (p1 != 0)
299         {
300             sinc = arb_sin_cos_tab21[2 * p1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
301             cosc = arb_sin_cos_tab21[2 * p1 + 1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
302         }
303         else
304         {
305             sinc = arb_sin_cos_tab22[2 * p2] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
306             cosc = arb_sin_cos_tab22[2 * p2 + 1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
307         }
309         if ((want_sin && !swapsincos) || (want_cos && swapsincos))
310         {
311             mpn_mul_n(ta, sina, cosc, wn);
312             mpn_mul_n(tb, cosa, sinc, wn);
313             mpn_add_n(w, ta + wn, tb + wn, wn);
314         }
316         if ((want_cos && !swapsincos) || (want_sin && swapsincos))
317         {
318             mpn_mul_n(ta, cosa, cosc, wn);
319             mpn_mul_n(tb, sina, sinc, wn);
320             mpn_sub_n(ta, ta + wn, tb + wn, wn);
321         }
323         sinptr = w;
324         cosptr = ta;
326         error = 2 * error + 2 * 1 + 3;
327     }
328     else        /* two table lookups, must be in table 2 */
329     {
330         mp_srcptr sinc, cosc, sind, cosd;
332         sinc = arb_sin_cos_tab21[2 * p1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
333         cosc = arb_sin_cos_tab21[2 * p1 + 1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
334         sind = arb_sin_cos_tab22[2 * p2] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
335         cosd = arb_sin_cos_tab22[2 * p2 + 1] + ARB_SIN_COS_TAB2_LIMBS - wn;
337         mpn_mul_n(ta, sinc, cosd, wn);
338         mpn_mul_n(tb, cosc, sind, wn);
339         mpn_add_n(sinb, ta + wn, tb + wn, wn);
341         mpn_mul_n(ta, cosc, cosd, wn);
342         mpn_mul_n(tb, sinc, sind, wn);
343         mpn_sub_n(cosb, ta + wn, tb + wn, wn);
345         error2 = 2 * 1 + 2 * 1 + 3;
347         if ((want_sin && !swapsincos) || (want_cos && swapsincos))
348         {
349             mpn_mul_n(ta, sina, cosb, wn);
350             mpn_mul_n(tb, cosa, sinb, wn);
351             mpn_add_n(w, ta + wn, tb + wn, wn);
352         }
354         if ((want_cos && !swapsincos) || (want_sin && swapsincos))
355         {
356             mpn_mul_n(ta, cosa, cosb, wn);
357             mpn_mul_n(tb, sina, sinb, wn);
358             mpn_sub_n(ta, ta + wn, tb + wn, wn);
359         }
361         error = 2 * error + 2 * error2 + 3;
363         sinptr = w;
364         cosptr = ta;
365     }
367     /* PART 3: compute propagated error and write output */
369     if (swapsincos)
370     {
371         mp_ptr tmptr = sinptr;
372         sinptr = cosptr;
373         cosptr = tmptr;
374     }
376     /*
377     We have two sources of error.
379     1. Computation error:
380         error * 2^(-wprounded)
382     2. With input radius r != 0, the propagated error bound:
383         sin(x):  min(2, r, |cos(x)|*r  +  0.5*r^2)
384         cos(x):  min(2, r, |sin(x)|*r  +  0.5*r^2)
386        We skip the min by 2 since this is unnecessary with the
387        separate code for wide intervals.
388     */
389     if (radman == 0)
390     {
391         if (want_sin)
392         {
393             mag_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(zsin), error, -wprounded);
394             if (want_cos)
395                 mag_set(arb_radref(zcos), arb_radref(zsin));
396         }
397         else
398         {
399             mag_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(zcos), error, -wprounded);
400         }
401     }
402     else
403     {
404         mag_t sin_err, cos_err, quadratic, comp_err, xrad_copy;
405         mp_limb_t A_sin, A_cos, A_exp;
407         /* Copy xrad to support aliasing (note: the exponent has
408            also been clamped earlier). */
409         MAG_MAN(xrad_copy) = radman;
410         MAG_EXP(xrad_copy) = radexp;
412         /* Bound computed error. */
413         if (error != 0)
414         {
415             mag_init(comp_err); /* no need to free */
416             mag_set_ui_2exp_si(comp_err, error, -wprounded);
417         }
419         /* Bound quadratic term for propagated error: 0.5*r^2 */
420         mag_init(quadratic); /* no need to free */
421         mag_nonzero_fast_mul(quadratic, xrad_copy, xrad_copy);
422         MAG_EXP(quadratic) -= 1;
424         /* Bound linear term for propagated error: cos(x)*r, sin(x)*r. */
425         /* Note: we could have used the computed values, but then we would
426            need to incorporate the computed error which would be slightly
427            messier, and we would also need extra cases when only computing
428            one of the functions. */
429         A_cos = arb_sin_cos_tab1[2 * p1_tab1][ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_LIMBS - 1];
430         A_sin = arb_sin_cos_tab1[2 * p1_tab1 + 1][ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_LIMBS - 1];
432         /* Note: ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS == 8 */
433         /* Adding 2 ulps (here ulp = 2^-8) gives an upper bound.
434            The truncated table entry underestimates the sine or
435            cosine of x by at most 1 ulp, and the top bits of x
436            underestimate x by at most 1 ulp. */
437         A_sin = (A_sin >> (FLINT_BITS - ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS)) + 2;
438         A_cos = (A_cos >> (FLINT_BITS - ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS)) + 2;
439         A_exp = -ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS;
440         if (swapsincos)
441         {
442             mp_limb_t tt = A_sin;
443             A_sin = A_cos;
444             A_cos = tt;
445         }
446         A_sin *= ((MAG_MAN(xrad_copy) >> (MAG_BITS - ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS)) + LIMB_ONE);
447         A_cos *= ((MAG_MAN(xrad_copy) >> (MAG_BITS - ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS)) + LIMB_ONE);
448         A_exp -= ARB_SIN_COS_TAB1_BITS;
449         A_exp += radexp;
451         if (want_sin)
452         {
453             mag_init(sin_err);
454             mag_set_ui_2exp_si(sin_err, A_sin, A_exp);
455             mag_nonzero_fast_add(sin_err, sin_err, quadratic);
457             /* The propagated error is certainly at most r */
458             if (mag_nonzero_fast_cmp(sin_err, xrad_copy) > 0)
459                 mag_fast_set(sin_err, xrad_copy);
461             /* Add the computed error. */
462             if (error != 0)
463                 mag_nonzero_fast_add(sin_err, sin_err, comp_err);
465             /* Set it, and clear the original output variable which could
466                have a bignum exponent. */
467             mag_swap(arb_radref(zsin), sin_err);
468             mag_clear(sin_err);
469         }
471         /* The same as above. */
472         if (want_cos)
473         {
474             mag_init(cos_err);
475             mag_set_ui_2exp_si(cos_err, A_cos, A_exp);
476             mag_nonzero_fast_add(cos_err, cos_err, quadratic);
478             if (mag_nonzero_fast_cmp(cos_err, xrad_copy) > 0)
479                 mag_fast_set(cos_err, xrad_copy);
481             if (error != 0)
482                 mag_nonzero_fast_add(cos_err, cos_err, comp_err);
483             mag_swap(arb_radref(zcos), cos_err);
484             mag_clear(cos_err);
485         }
486     }
488     /* Set the midpoints. */
489     if (want_sin)
490     {
491         inexact = _arf_set_mpn_fixed(arb_midref(zsin), sinptr,
492             wn, wn, sinnegative, prec, ARB_RND);
493         if (inexact)
494             arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(zsin),
495                 arb_radref(zsin), arb_midref(zsin), prec);
496     }
498     if (want_cos)
499     {
500         inexact = _arf_set_mpn_fixed(arb_midref(zcos), cosptr,
501             wn, wn, cosnegative, prec, ARB_RND);
502         if (inexact)
503             arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(zcos),
504                 arb_radref(zcos), arb_midref(zcos), prec);
505     }
507     TMP_END;
508 }
510 void
arb_sin_cos(arb_t s,arb_t c,const arb_t x,slong prec)511 arb_sin_cos(arb_t s, arb_t c, const arb_t x, slong prec)
512 {
513     _arb_sin_cos(s, c, arb_midref(x), arb_radref(x), prec);
514 }
516 void
arb_sin(arb_t s,const arb_t x,slong prec)517 arb_sin(arb_t s, const arb_t x, slong prec)
518 {
519     _arb_sin_cos(s, NULL, arb_midref(x), arb_radref(x), prec);
520 }
522 void
arb_cos(arb_t c,const arb_t x,slong prec)523 arb_cos(arb_t c, const arb_t x, slong prec)
524 {
525     _arb_sin_cos(NULL, c, arb_midref(x), arb_radref(x), prec);
526 }