1"""ARMA process and estimation with scipy.signal.lfilter
5* written without textbook, works but not sure about everything
6  briefly checked and it looks to be standard least squares, see below
8* theoretical autocorrelation function of general ARMA
9  Done, relatively easy to guess solution, time consuming to get
10  theoretical test cases, example file contains explicit formulas for
11  acovf of MA(1), MA(2) and ARMA(1,1)
14Judge, ... (1985): The Theory and Practise of Econometrics
16Author: josefpktd
17License: BSD
19from statsmodels.compat.pandas import Appender
21import numpy as np
22from scipy import linalg, optimize, signal
24from statsmodels.tools.docstring import Docstring, remove_parameters
25from statsmodels.tools.validation import array_like
27__all__ = [
28    "arma_acf",
29    "arma_acovf",
30    "arma_generate_sample",
31    "arma_impulse_response",
32    "arma2ar",
33    "arma2ma",
34    "deconvolve",
35    "lpol2index",
36    "index2lpol",
41The model's autoregressive parameters (ar) indicate that the process
42 is non-stationary. arma_acovf can only be used with stationary processes.
46def arma_generate_sample(
47    ar, ma, nsample, scale=1, distrvs=None, axis=0, burnin=0
49    """
50    Simulate data from an ARMA.
52    Parameters
53    ----------
54    ar : array_like
55        The coefficient for autoregressive lag polynomial, including zero lag.
56    ma : array_like
57        The coefficient for moving-average lag polynomial, including zero lag.
58    nsample : int or tuple of ints
59        If nsample is an integer, then this creates a 1d timeseries of
60        length size. If nsample is a tuple, creates a len(nsample)
61        dimensional time series where time is indexed along the input
62        variable ``axis``. All series are unless ``distrvs`` generates
63        dependent data.
64    scale : float
65        The standard deviation of noise.
66    distrvs : function, random number generator
67        A function that generates the random numbers, and takes ``size``
68        as argument. The default is np.random.standard_normal.
69    axis : int
70        See nsample for details.
71    burnin : int
72        Number of observation at the beginning of the sample to drop.
73        Used to reduce dependence on initial values.
75    Returns
76    -------
77    ndarray
78        Random sample(s) from an ARMA process.
80    Notes
81    -----
82    As mentioned above, both the AR and MA components should include the
83    coefficient on the zero-lag. This is typically 1. Further, due to the
84    conventions used in signal processing used in signal.lfilter vs.
85    conventions in statistics for ARMA processes, the AR parameters should
86    have the opposite sign of what you might expect. See the examples below.
88    Examples
89    --------
90    >>> import numpy as np
91    >>> np.random.seed(12345)
92    >>> arparams = np.array([.75, -.25])
93    >>> maparams = np.array([.65, .35])
94    >>> ar = np.r_[1, -arparams] # add zero-lag and negate
95    >>> ma = np.r_[1, maparams] # add zero-lag
96    >>> y = sm.tsa.arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, 250)
97    >>> model = sm.tsa.ARIMA(y, (2, 0, 2), trend='n').fit(disp=0)
98    >>> model.params
99    array([ 0.79044189, -0.23140636,  0.70072904,  0.40608028])
100    """
101    distrvs = np.random.standard_normal if distrvs is None else distrvs
102    if np.ndim(nsample) == 0:
103        nsample = [nsample]
104    if burnin:
105        # handle burin time for nd arrays
106        # maybe there is a better trick in scipy.fft code
107        newsize = list(nsample)
108        newsize[axis] += burnin
109        newsize = tuple(newsize)
110        fslice = [slice(None)] * len(newsize)
111        fslice[axis] = slice(burnin, None, None)
112        fslice = tuple(fslice)
113    else:
114        newsize = tuple(nsample)
115        fslice = tuple([slice(None)] * np.ndim(newsize))
116    eta = scale * distrvs(size=newsize)
117    return signal.lfilter(ma, ar, eta, axis=axis)[fslice]
120def arma_acovf(ar, ma, nobs=10, sigma2=1, dtype=None):
121    """
122    Theoretical autocovariances of stationary ARMA processes
124    Parameters
125    ----------
126    ar : array_like, 1d
127        The coefficients for autoregressive lag polynomial, including zero lag.
128    ma : array_like, 1d
129        The coefficients for moving-average lag polynomial, including zero lag.
130    nobs : int
131        The number of terms (lags plus zero lag) to include in returned acovf.
132    sigma2 : float
133        Variance of the innovation term.
135    Returns
136    -------
137    ndarray
138        The autocovariance of ARMA process given by ar, ma.
140    See Also
141    --------
142    arma_acf : Autocorrelation function for ARMA processes.
143    acovf : Sample autocovariance estimation.
145    References
146    ----------
147    .. [*] Brockwell, Peter J., and Richard A. Davis. 2009. Time Series:
148        Theory and Methods. 2nd ed. 1991. New York, NY: Springer.
149    """
150    if dtype is None:
151        dtype = np.common_type(np.array(ar), np.array(ma), np.array(sigma2))
153    p = len(ar) - 1
154    q = len(ma) - 1
155    m = max(p, q) + 1
157    if sigma2.real < 0:
158        raise ValueError("Must have positive innovation variance.")
160    # Short-circuit for trivial corner-case
161    if p == q == 0:
162        out = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=dtype)
163        out[0] = sigma2
164        return out
165    elif p > 0 and np.max(np.abs(np.roots(ar))) >= 1:
166        raise ValueError(NONSTATIONARY_ERROR)
168    # Get the moving average representation coefficients that we need
169    ma_coeffs = arma2ma(ar, ma, lags=m)
171    # Solve for the first m autocovariances via the linear system
172    # described by (BD, eq. 3.3.8)
173    A = np.zeros((m, m), dtype=dtype)
174    b = np.zeros((m, 1), dtype=dtype)
175    # We need a zero-right-padded version of ar params
176    tmp_ar = np.zeros(m, dtype=dtype)
177    tmp_ar[: p + 1] = ar
178    for k in range(m):
179        A[k, : (k + 1)] = tmp_ar[: (k + 1)][::-1]
180        A[k, 1 : m - k] += tmp_ar[(k + 1) : m]
181        b[k] = sigma2 * np.dot(ma[k : q + 1], ma_coeffs[: max((q + 1 - k), 0)])
182    acovf = np.zeros(max(nobs, m), dtype=dtype)
183    try:
184        acovf[:m] = np.linalg.solve(A, b)[:, 0]
185    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
186        raise ValueError(NONSTATIONARY_ERROR)
188    # Iteratively apply (BD, eq. 3.3.9) to solve for remaining autocovariances
189    if nobs > m:
190        zi = signal.lfiltic([1], ar, acovf[:m:][::-1])
191        acovf[m:] = signal.lfilter(
192            [1], ar, np.zeros(nobs - m, dtype=dtype), zi=zi
193        )[0]
195    return acovf[:nobs]
198def arma_acf(ar, ma, lags=10):
199    """
200    Theoretical autocorrelation function of an ARMA process.
202    Parameters
203    ----------
204    ar : array_like
205        Coefficients for autoregressive lag polynomial, including zero lag.
206    ma : array_like
207        Coefficients for moving-average lag polynomial, including zero lag.
208    lags : int
209        The number of terms (lags plus zero lag) to include in returned acf.
211    Returns
212    -------
213    ndarray
214        The autocorrelations of ARMA process given by ar and ma.
216    See Also
217    --------
218    arma_acovf : Autocovariances from ARMA processes.
219    acf : Sample autocorrelation function estimation.
220    acovf : Sample autocovariance function estimation.
221    """
222    acovf = arma_acovf(ar, ma, lags)
223    return acovf / acovf[0]
226def arma_pacf(ar, ma, lags=10):
227    """
228    Theoretical partial autocorrelation function of an ARMA process.
230    Parameters
231    ----------
232    ar : array_like, 1d
233        The coefficients for autoregressive lag polynomial, including zero lag.
234    ma : array_like, 1d
235        The coefficients for moving-average lag polynomial, including zero lag.
236    lags : int
237        The number of terms (lags plus zero lag) to include in returned pacf.
239    Returns
240    -------
241    ndarrray
242        The partial autocorrelation of ARMA process given by ar and ma.
244    Notes
245    -----
246    Solves yule-walker equation for each lag order up to nobs lags.
248    not tested/checked yet
249    """
250    # TODO: Should use rank 1 inverse update
251    apacf = np.zeros(lags)
252    acov = arma_acf(ar, ma, lags=lags + 1)
254    apacf[0] = 1.0
255    for k in range(2, lags + 1):
256        r = acov[:k]
257        apacf[k - 1] = linalg.solve(linalg.toeplitz(r[:-1]), r[1:])[-1]
258    return apacf
261def arma_periodogram(ar, ma, worN=None, whole=0):
262    """
263    Periodogram for ARMA process given by lag-polynomials ar and ma.
265    Parameters
266    ----------
267    ar : array_like
268        The autoregressive lag-polynomial with leading 1 and lhs sign.
269    ma : array_like
270        The moving average lag-polynomial with leading 1.
271    worN : {None, int}, optional
272        An option for scipy.signal.freqz (read "w or N").
273        If None, then compute at 512 frequencies around the unit circle.
274        If a single integer, the compute at that many frequencies.
275        Otherwise, compute the response at frequencies given in worN.
276    whole : {0,1}, optional
277        An options for scipy.signal.freqz/
278        Normally, frequencies are computed from 0 to pi (upper-half of
279        unit-circle.  If whole is non-zero compute frequencies from 0 to 2*pi.
281    Returns
282    -------
283    w : ndarray
284        The frequencies.
285    sd : ndarray
286        The periodogram, also known as the spectral density.
288    Notes
289    -----
290    Normalization ?
292    This uses signal.freqz, which does not use fft. There is a fft version
293    somewhere.
294    """
295    w, h = signal.freqz(ma, ar, worN=worN, whole=whole)
296    sd = np.abs(h) ** 2 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
297    if np.any(np.isnan(h)):
298        # this happens with unit root or seasonal unit root'
299        import warnings
301        warnings.warn(
302            "Warning: nan in frequency response h, maybe a unit " "root",
303            RuntimeWarning,
304        )
305    return w, sd
308def arma_impulse_response(ar, ma, leads=100):
309    """
310    Compute the impulse response function (MA representation) for ARMA process.
312    Parameters
313    ----------
314    ar : array_like, 1d
315        The auto regressive lag polynomial.
316    ma : array_like, 1d
317        The moving average lag polynomial.
318    leads : int
319        The number of observations to calculate.
321    Returns
322    -------
323    ndarray
324        The impulse response function with nobs elements.
326    Notes
327    -----
328    This is the same as finding the MA representation of an ARMA(p,q).
329    By reversing the role of ar and ma in the function arguments, the
330    returned result is the AR representation of an ARMA(p,q), i.e
332    ma_representation = arma_impulse_response(ar, ma, leads=100)
333    ar_representation = arma_impulse_response(ma, ar, leads=100)
335    Fully tested against matlab
337    Examples
338    --------
339    AR(1)
341    >>> arma_impulse_response([1.0, -0.8], [1.], leads=10)
342    array([ 1.        ,  0.8       ,  0.64      ,  0.512     ,  0.4096    ,
343            0.32768   ,  0.262144  ,  0.2097152 ,  0.16777216,  0.13421773])
345    this is the same as
347    >>> 0.8**np.arange(10)
348    array([ 1.        ,  0.8       ,  0.64      ,  0.512     ,  0.4096    ,
349            0.32768   ,  0.262144  ,  0.2097152 ,  0.16777216,  0.13421773])
351    MA(2)
353    >>> arma_impulse_response([1.0], [1., 0.5, 0.2], leads=10)
354    array([ 1. ,  0.5,  0.2,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ])
356    ARMA(1,2)
358    >>> arma_impulse_response([1.0, -0.8], [1., 0.5, 0.2], leads=10)
359    array([ 1.        ,  1.3       ,  1.24      ,  0.992     ,  0.7936    ,
360            0.63488   ,  0.507904  ,  0.4063232 ,  0.32505856,  0.26004685])
361    """
362    impulse = np.zeros(leads)
363    impulse[0] = 1.0
364    return signal.lfilter(ma, ar, impulse)
367def arma2ma(ar, ma, lags=100):
368    """
369    A finite-lag approximate MA representation of an ARMA process.
371    Parameters
372    ----------
373    ar : ndarray
374        The auto regressive lag polynomial.
375    ma : ndarray
376        The moving average lag polynomial.
377    lags : int
378        The number of coefficients to calculate.
380    Returns
381    -------
382    ndarray
383        The coefficients of AR lag polynomial with nobs elements.
385    Notes
386    -----
387    Equivalent to ``arma_impulse_response(ma, ar, leads=100)``
388    """
389    return arma_impulse_response(ar, ma, leads=lags)
392def arma2ar(ar, ma, lags=100):
393    """
394    A finite-lag AR approximation of an ARMA process.
396    Parameters
397    ----------
398    ar : array_like
399        The auto regressive lag polynomial.
400    ma : array_like
401        The moving average lag polynomial.
402    lags : int
403        The number of coefficients to calculate.
405    Returns
406    -------
407    ndarray
408        The coefficients of AR lag polynomial with nobs elements.
410    Notes
411    -----
412    Equivalent to ``arma_impulse_response(ma, ar, leads=100)``
413    """
414    return arma_impulse_response(ma, ar, leads=lags)
417# moved from sandbox.tsa.try_fi
418def ar2arma(ar_des, p, q, n=20, mse="ar", start=None):
419    """
420    Find arma approximation to ar process.
422    This finds the ARMA(p,q) coefficients that minimize the integrated
423    squared difference between the impulse_response functions (MA
424    representation) of the AR and the ARMA process. This does not  check
425    whether the MA lag polynomial of the ARMA process is invertible, neither
426    does it check the roots of the AR lag polynomial.
428    Parameters
429    ----------
430    ar_des : array_like
431        The coefficients of original AR lag polynomial, including lag zero.
432    p : int
433        The length of desired AR lag polynomials.
434    q : int
435        The length of desired MA lag polynomials.
436    n : int
437        The number of terms of the impulse_response function to include in the
438        objective function for the approximation.
439    mse : str, 'ar'
440        Not used.
441    start : ndarray
442        Initial values to use when finding the approximation.
444    Returns
445    -------
446    ar_app : ndarray
447        The coefficients of the AR lag polynomials of the approximation.
448    ma_app : ndarray
449        The coefficients of the MA lag polynomials of the approximation.
450    res : tuple
451        The result of optimize.leastsq.
453    Notes
454    -----
455    Extension is possible if we want to match autocovariance instead
456    of impulse response function.
457    """
459    # TODO: convert MA lag polynomial, ma_app, to be invertible, by mirroring
460    # TODO: roots outside the unit interval to ones that are inside. How to do
461    # TODO: this?
463    # p,q = pq
464    def msear_err(arma, ar_des):
465        ar, ma = np.r_[1, arma[: p - 1]], np.r_[1, arma[p - 1 :]]
466        ar_approx = arma_impulse_response(ma, ar, n)
467        return ar_des - ar_approx  # ((ar - ar_approx)**2).sum()
469    if start is None:
470        arma0 = np.r_[-0.9 * np.ones(p - 1), np.zeros(q - 1)]
471    else:
472        arma0 = start
473    res = optimize.leastsq(msear_err, arma0, ar_des, maxfev=5000)
474    arma_app = np.atleast_1d(res[0])
475    ar_app = (np.r_[1, arma_app[: p - 1]],)
476    ma_app = np.r_[1, arma_app[p - 1 :]]
477    return ar_app, ma_app, res
480_arma_docs = {"ar": arma2ar.__doc__, "ma": arma2ma.__doc__}
483def lpol2index(ar):
484    """
485    Remove zeros from lag polynomial
487    Parameters
488    ----------
489    ar : array_like
490        coefficients of lag polynomial
492    Returns
493    -------
494    coeffs : ndarray
495        non-zero coefficients of lag polynomial
496    index : ndarray
497        index (lags) of lag polynomial with non-zero elements
498    """
499    ar = array_like(ar, "ar")
500    index = np.nonzero(ar)[0]
501    coeffs = ar[index]
502    return coeffs, index
505def index2lpol(coeffs, index):
506    """
507    Expand coefficients to lag poly
509    Parameters
510    ----------
511    coeffs : ndarray
512        non-zero coefficients of lag polynomial
513    index : ndarray
514        index (lags) of lag polynomial with non-zero elements
516    Returns
517    -------
518    ar : array_like
519        coefficients of lag polynomial
520    """
521    n = max(index)
522    ar = np.zeros(n + 1)
523    ar[index] = coeffs
524    return ar
527def lpol_fima(d, n=20):
528    """MA representation of fractional integration
530    .. math:: (1-L)^{-d} for |d|<0.5  or |d|<1 (?)
532    Parameters
533    ----------
534    d : float
535        fractional power
536    n : int
537        number of terms to calculate, including lag zero
539    Returns
540    -------
541    ma : ndarray
542        coefficients of lag polynomial
543    """
544    # hide import inside function until we use this heavily
545    from scipy.special import gammaln
547    j = np.arange(n)
548    return np.exp(gammaln(d + j) - gammaln(j + 1) - gammaln(d))
551# moved from sandbox.tsa.try_fi
552def lpol_fiar(d, n=20):
553    """AR representation of fractional integration
555    .. math:: (1-L)^{d} for |d|<0.5  or |d|<1 (?)
557    Parameters
558    ----------
559    d : float
560        fractional power
561    n : int
562        number of terms to calculate, including lag zero
564    Returns
565    -------
566    ar : ndarray
567        coefficients of lag polynomial
569    Notes:
570    first coefficient is 1, negative signs except for first term,
571    ar(L)*x_t
572    """
573    # hide import inside function until we use this heavily
574    from scipy.special import gammaln
576    j = np.arange(n)
577    ar = -np.exp(gammaln(-d + j) - gammaln(j + 1) - gammaln(-d))
578    ar[0] = 1
579    return ar
582# moved from sandbox.tsa.try_fi
583def lpol_sdiff(s):
584    """return coefficients for seasonal difference (1-L^s)
586    just a trivial convenience function
588    Parameters
589    ----------
590    s : int
591        number of periods in season
593    Returns
594    -------
595    sdiff : list, length s+1
596    """
597    return [1] + [0] * (s - 1) + [-1]
600def deconvolve(num, den, n=None):
601    """Deconvolves divisor out of signal, division of polynomials for n terms
603    calculates den^{-1} * num
605    Parameters
606    ----------
607    num : array_like
608        signal or lag polynomial
609    denom : array_like
610        coefficients of lag polynomial (linear filter)
611    n : None or int
612        number of terms of quotient
614    Returns
615    -------
616    quot : ndarray
617        quotient or filtered series
618    rem : ndarray
619        remainder
621    Notes
622    -----
623    If num is a time series, then this applies the linear filter den^{-1}.
624    If both num and den are both lag polynomials, then this calculates the
625    quotient polynomial for n terms and also returns the remainder.
627    This is copied from scipy.signal.signaltools and added n as optional
628    parameter.
629    """
630    num = np.atleast_1d(num)
631    den = np.atleast_1d(den)
632    N = len(num)
633    D = len(den)
634    if D > N and n is None:
635        quot = []
636        rem = num
637    else:
638        if n is None:
639            n = N - D + 1
640        input = np.zeros(n, float)
641        input[0] = 1
642        quot = signal.lfilter(num, den, input)
643        num_approx = signal.convolve(den, quot, mode="full")
644        if len(num) < len(num_approx):  # 1d only ?
645            num = np.concatenate((num, np.zeros(len(num_approx) - len(num))))
646        rem = num - num_approx
647    return quot, rem
650_generate_sample_doc = Docstring(arma_generate_sample.__doc__)
651_generate_sample_doc.remove_parameters(["ar", "ma"])
652_generate_sample_doc.replace_block("Notes", [])
653_generate_sample_doc.replace_block("Examples", [])
656class ArmaProcess(object):
657    r"""
658    Theoretical properties of an ARMA process for specified lag-polynomials.
660    Parameters
661    ----------
662    ar : array_like
663        Coefficient for autoregressive lag polynomial, including zero lag.
664        Must be entered using the signs from the lag polynomial representation.
665        See the notes for more information about the sign.
666    ma : array_like
667        Coefficient for moving-average lag polynomial, including zero lag.
668    nobs : int, optional
669        Length of simulated time series. Used, for example, if a sample is
670        generated. See example.
672    Notes
673    -----
674    Both the AR and MA components must include the coefficient on the
675    zero-lag. In almost all cases these values should be 1. Further, due to
676    using the lag-polynomial representation, the AR parameters should
677    have the opposite sign of what one would write in the ARMA representation.
678    See the examples below.
680    The ARMA(p,q) process is described by
682    .. math::
684        y_{t}=\phi_{1}y_{t-1}+\ldots+\phi_{p}y_{t-p}+\theta_{1}\epsilon_{t-1}
685               +\ldots+\theta_{q}\epsilon_{t-q}+\epsilon_{t}
687    and the parameterization used in this function uses the lag-polynomial
688    representation,
690    .. math::
692        \left(1-\phi_{1}L-\ldots-\phi_{p}L^{p}\right)y_{t} =
693            \left(1+\theta_{1}L+\ldots+\theta_{q}L^{q}\right)\epsilon_{t}
695    Examples
696    --------
697    ARMA(2,2) with AR coefficients 0.75 and -0.25, and MA coefficients 0.65 and 0.35
699    >>> import statsmodels.api as sm
700    >>> import numpy as np
701    >>> np.random.seed(12345)
702    >>> arparams = np.array([.75, -.25])
703    >>> maparams = np.array([.65, .35])
704    >>> ar = np.r_[1, -arparams] # add zero-lag and negate
705    >>> ma = np.r_[1, maparams] # add zero-lag
706    >>> arma_process = sm.tsa.ArmaProcess(ar, ma)
707    >>> arma_process.isstationary
708    True
709    >>> arma_process.isinvertible
710    True
711    >>> arma_process.arroots
712    array([1.5-1.32287566j, 1.5+1.32287566j])
713    >>> y = arma_process.generate_sample(250)
714    >>> model = sm.tsa.ARIMA(y, (2, 0, 2), trend='n').fit(disp=0)
715    >>> model.params
716    array([ 0.79044189, -0.23140636,  0.70072904,  0.40608028])
718    The same ARMA(2,2) Using the from_coeffs class method
720    >>> arma_process = sm.tsa.ArmaProcess.from_coeffs(arparams, maparams)
721    >>> arma_process.arroots
722    array([1.5-1.32287566j, 1.5+1.32287566j])
723    """
725    # TODO: Check unit root behavior
726    def __init__(self, ar=None, ma=None, nobs=100):
727        if ar is None:
728            ar = np.array([1.0])
729        if ma is None:
730            ma = np.array([1.0])
731        self.ar = array_like(ar, "ar")
732        self.ma = array_like(ma, "ma")
733        self.arcoefs = -self.ar[1:]
734        self.macoefs = self.ma[1:]
735        self.arpoly = np.polynomial.Polynomial(self.ar)
736        self.mapoly = np.polynomial.Polynomial(self.ma)
737        self.nobs = nobs
739    @classmethod
740    def from_roots(cls, maroots=None, arroots=None, nobs=100):
741        """
742        Create ArmaProcess from AR and MA polynomial roots.
744        Parameters
745        ----------
746        maroots : array_like
747            Roots for the MA polynomial
748            1 + theta_1*z + theta_2*z^2 + ..... + theta_n*z^n
749        arroots : array_like
750            Roots for the AR polynomial
751            1 - phi_1*z - phi_2*z^2 - ..... - phi_n*z^n
752        nobs : int, optional
753            Length of simulated time series. Used, for example, if a sample
754            is generated.
756        Returns
757        -------
758        ArmaProcess
759            Class instance initialized with arcoefs and macoefs.
761        Examples
762        --------
763        >>> arroots = [.75, -.25]
764        >>> maroots = [.65, .35]
765        >>> arma_process = sm.tsa.ArmaProcess.from_roots(arroots, maroots)
766        >>> arma_process.isstationary
767        True
768        >>> arma_process.isinvertible
769        True
770        """
771        arpoly = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fromroots(arroots)
772        mapoly = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fromroots(maroots)
773        # As from_coeffs will create a polynomial with constant 1/-1,(MA/AR)
774        # we need to scale the polynomial coefficients accordingly
775        return cls(np.r_[1, -np.asarray(-1 * arpoly.coef[1:] / arpoly.coef[0])],
776                   np.r_[1, np.asarray(mapoly.coef[1:] / mapoly.coef[0])],
777                   nobs=nobs)
779    @classmethod
780    def from_coeffs(cls, arcoefs=None, macoefs=None, nobs=100):
781        """
782        Create ArmaProcess from an ARMA representation.
784        Parameters
785        ----------
786        arcoefs : array_like
787            Coefficient for autoregressive lag polynomial, not including zero
788            lag. The sign is inverted to conform to the usual time series
789            representation of an ARMA process in statistics. See the class
790            docstring for more information.
791        macoefs : array_like
792            Coefficient for moving-average lag polynomial, excluding zero lag.
793        nobs : int, optional
794            Length of simulated time series. Used, for example, if a sample
795            is generated.
797        Returns
798        -------
799        ArmaProcess
800            Class instance initialized with arcoefs and macoefs.
802        Examples
803        --------
804        >>> arparams = [.75, -.25]
805        >>> maparams = [.65, .35]
806        >>> arma_process = sm.tsa.ArmaProcess.from_coeffs(ar, ma)
807        >>> arma_process.isstationary
808        True
809        >>> arma_process.isinvertible
810        True
811        """
812        arcoefs = [] if arcoefs is None else arcoefs
813        macoefs = [] if macoefs is None else macoefs
814        return cls(
815            np.r_[1, -np.asarray(arcoefs)],
816            np.r_[1, np.asarray(macoefs)],
817            nobs=nobs,
818        )
820    @classmethod
821    def from_estimation(cls, model_results, nobs=None):
822        """
823        Create an ArmaProcess from the results of an ARIMA estimation.
825        Parameters
826        ----------
827        model_results : ARIMAResults instance
828            A fitted model.
829        nobs : int, optional
830            If None, nobs is taken from the results.
832        Returns
833        -------
834        ArmaProcess
835            Class instance initialized from model_results.
837        See Also
838        --------
839        statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA
840            The models class used to create the ArmaProcess
841        """
842        nobs = nobs or model_results.nobs
843        return cls(
844            model_results.polynomial_reduced_ar,
845            model_results.polynomial_reduced_ma,
846            nobs=nobs,
847        )
849    def __mul__(self, oth):
850        if isinstance(oth, self.__class__):
851            ar = (self.arpoly * oth.arpoly).coef
852            ma = (self.mapoly * oth.mapoly).coef
853        else:
854            try:
855                aroth, maoth = oth
856                arpolyoth = np.polynomial.Polynomial(aroth)
857                mapolyoth = np.polynomial.Polynomial(maoth)
858                ar = (self.arpoly * arpolyoth).coef
859                ma = (self.mapoly * mapolyoth).coef
860            except:
861                raise TypeError("Other type is not a valid type")
862        return self.__class__(ar, ma, nobs=self.nobs)
864    def __repr__(self):
865        msg = "ArmaProcess({0}, {1}, nobs={2}) at {3}"
866        return msg.format(
867            self.ar.tolist(), self.ma.tolist(), self.nobs, hex(id(self))
868        )
870    def __str__(self):
871        return "ArmaProcess\nAR: {0}\nMA: {1}".format(
872            self.ar.tolist(), self.ma.tolist()
873        )
875    @Appender(remove_parameters(arma_acovf.__doc__, ["ar", "ma", "sigma2"]))
876    def acovf(self, nobs=None):
877        nobs = nobs or self.nobs
878        return arma_acovf(self.ar, self.ma, nobs=nobs)
880    @Appender(remove_parameters(arma_acf.__doc__, ["ar", "ma"]))
881    def acf(self, lags=None):
882        lags = lags or self.nobs
883        return arma_acf(self.ar, self.ma, lags=lags)
885    @Appender(remove_parameters(arma_pacf.__doc__, ["ar", "ma"]))
886    def pacf(self, lags=None):
887        lags = lags or self.nobs
888        return arma_pacf(self.ar, self.ma, lags=lags)
890    @Appender(
891        remove_parameters(
892            arma_periodogram.__doc__, ["ar", "ma", "worN", "whole"]
893        )
894    )
895    def periodogram(self, nobs=None):
896        nobs = nobs or self.nobs
897        return arma_periodogram(self.ar, self.ma, worN=nobs)
899    @Appender(remove_parameters(arma_impulse_response.__doc__, ["ar", "ma"]))
900    def impulse_response(self, leads=None):
901        leads = leads or self.nobs
902        return arma_impulse_response(self.ar, self.ma, leads=leads)
904    @Appender(remove_parameters(arma2ma.__doc__, ["ar", "ma"]))
905    def arma2ma(self, lags=None):
906        lags = lags or self.lags
907        return arma2ma(self.ar, self.ma, lags=lags)
909    @Appender(remove_parameters(arma2ar.__doc__, ["ar", "ma"]))
910    def arma2ar(self, lags=None):
911        lags = lags or self.lags
912        return arma2ar(self.ar, self.ma, lags=lags)
914    @property
915    def arroots(self):
916        """Roots of autoregressive lag-polynomial"""
917        return self.arpoly.roots()
919    @property
920    def maroots(self):
921        """Roots of moving average lag-polynomial"""
922        return self.mapoly.roots()
924    @property
925    def isstationary(self):
926        """
927        Arma process is stationary if AR roots are outside unit circle.
929        Returns
930        -------
931        bool
932             True if autoregressive roots are outside unit circle.
933        """
934        if np.all(np.abs(self.arroots) > 1.0):
935            return True
936        else:
937            return False
939    @property
940    def isinvertible(self):
941        """
942        Arma process is invertible if MA roots are outside unit circle.
944        Returns
945        -------
946        bool
947             True if moving average roots are outside unit circle.
948        """
949        if np.all(np.abs(self.maroots) > 1):
950            return True
951        else:
952            return False
954    def invertroots(self, retnew=False):
955        """
956        Make MA polynomial invertible by inverting roots inside unit circle.
958        Parameters
959        ----------
960        retnew : bool
961            If False (default), then return the lag-polynomial as array.
962            If True, then return a new instance with invertible MA-polynomial.
964        Returns
965        -------
966        manew : ndarray
967           A new invertible MA lag-polynomial, returned if retnew is false.
968        wasinvertible : bool
969           True if the MA lag-polynomial was already invertible, returned if
970           retnew is false.
971        armaprocess : new instance of class
972           If retnew is true, then return a new instance with invertible
973           MA-polynomial.
974        """
975        # TODO: variable returns like this?
976        pr = self.maroots
977        mainv = self.ma
978        invertible = self.isinvertible
979        if not invertible:
980            pr[np.abs(pr) < 1] = 1.0 / pr[np.abs(pr) < 1]
981            pnew = np.polynomial.Polynomial.fromroots(pr)
982            mainv = pnew.coef / pnew.coef[0]
984        if retnew:
985            return self.__class__(self.ar, mainv, nobs=self.nobs)
986        else:
987            return mainv, invertible
989    @Appender(str(_generate_sample_doc))
990    def generate_sample(
991        self, nsample=100, scale=1.0, distrvs=None, axis=0, burnin=0
992    ):
993        return arma_generate_sample(
994            self.ar, self.ma, nsample, scale, distrvs, axis=axis, burnin=burnin
995        )