2# vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai
3# License: GPLv3 Copyright: 2010, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>
6# Contains various tweaks that affect calibre behavior. Only edit this file if
7# you know what you are doing. If you delete this file, it will be recreated from
8# defaults.
10#: Auto increment series index
11# The algorithm used to assign a book added to an existing series a series number.
12# New series numbers assigned using this tweak are always integer values, except
13# if a constant non-integer is specified.
14# Possible values are:
15#   next - First available integer larger than the largest existing number
16#   first_free - First available integer larger than 0
17#   next_free - First available integer larger than the smallest existing number
18#   last_free - First available integer smaller than the largest existing number. Return largest existing + 1 if no free number is found
19#   const - Assign the number 1 always
20#   no_change - Do not change the series index
21#   a number - Assign that number always. The number is not in quotes. Note that 0.0 can be used here.
22# Examples:
23#   series_index_auto_increment = 'next'
24#   series_index_auto_increment = 'next_free'
25#   series_index_auto_increment = 16.5
27# Set the use_series_auto_increment_tweak_when_importing tweak to True to
28# use the above values when importing/adding books. If this tweak is set to
29# False (the default) then the series number will be set to 1 if it is not
30# explicitly set during the import. If set to True, then the
31# series index will be set according to the series_index_auto_increment setting.
32# Note that the use_series_auto_increment_tweak_when_importing tweak is used
33# only when a value is not provided during import. If the importing regular
34# expression produces a value for series_index, or if you are reading metadata
35# from books and the import plugin produces a value, than that value will
36# be used irrespective of the setting of the tweak.
37series_index_auto_increment = 'next'
38use_series_auto_increment_tweak_when_importing = False
40#: Add separator after completing an author name
41# Should the completion separator be append
42# to the end of the completed text to
43# automatically begin a new completion operation
44# for authors.
45# Can be either True or False
46authors_completer_append_separator = False
48#: Author sort name algorithm
49# The algorithm used to copy author to author_sort.
50# Possible values are:
51#  invert: use "fn ln" -> "ln, fn"
52#  copy  : copy author to author_sort without modification
53#  comma : use 'copy' if there is a ',' in the name, otherwise use 'invert'
54#  nocomma : "fn ln" -> "ln fn" (without the comma)
55# When this tweak is changed, the author_sort values stored with each author
56# must be recomputed by right-clicking on an author in the left-hand tags
57# panel, selecting 'manage authors', and pressing
58# 'Recalculate all author sort values'.
60# The author_name_suffixes are words that are ignored when they occur at the
61# end of an author name. The case of the suffix is ignored and trailing
62# periods are automatically handled.
64# The same is true for author_name_prefixes.
66# The author_name_copywords are a set of words which, if they occur in an
67# author name, cause the automatically generated author sort string to be
68# identical to the author name. This means that the sort for a string like
69# "Acme Inc." will be "Acme Inc." instead of "Inc., Acme".
71# If author_use_surname_prefixes is enabled, any of the words in
72# author_surname_prefixes will be treated as a prefix to the surname, if they
73# occur before the surname. So for example, "John von Neumann" would be sorted
74# as "von Neumann, John" and not "Neumann, John von".
75author_sort_copy_method = 'comma'
76author_name_suffixes = ('Jr', 'Sr', 'Inc', 'Ph.D', 'Phd',
77                        'MD', 'M.D', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV',
78                        'Junior', 'Senior')
79author_name_prefixes = ('Mr', 'Mrs', 'Ms', 'Dr', 'Prof')
80author_name_copywords = ('Agency', 'Corporation', 'Company', 'Co.', 'Council',
81                         'Committee', 'Inc.', 'Institute', 'National',
82                         'Society', 'Club', 'Team')
83author_use_surname_prefixes = False
84author_surname_prefixes = ('da', 'de', 'di', 'la', 'le', 'van', 'von')
86#: Splitting multiple author names
87# By default, calibre splits a string containing multiple author names on
88# ampersands and the words "and" and "with". You can customize the splitting
89# by changing the regular expression below. Strings are split on whatever the
90# specified regular expression matches, in addition to ampersands.
91# Default: r'(?i),?\s+(and|with)\s+'
92authors_split_regex = r'(?i),?\s+(and|with)\s+'
94#: Use author sort in Tag browser
95# Set which author field to display in the Tag browser (the list of authors,
96# series, publishers etc on the left hand side). The choices are author and
97# author_sort. This tweak affects only what is displayed under the authors
98# category in the Tag browser and Content server. Please note that if you set this
99# to author_sort, it is very possible to see duplicate names in the list because
100# although it is guaranteed that author names are unique, there is no such
101# guarantee for author_sort values. Showing duplicates won't break anything, but
102# it could lead to some confusion. When using 'author_sort', the tooltip will
103# show the author's name.
104# Examples:
105#   categories_use_field_for_author_name = 'author'
106#   categories_use_field_for_author_name = 'author_sort'
107categories_use_field_for_author_name = 'author'
109#: Control partitioning of Tag browser
110# When partitioning the Tag browser, the format of the subcategory label is
111# controlled by a template: categories_collapsed_name_template if sorting by
112# name, categories_collapsed_rating_template if sorting by average rating, and
113# categories_collapsed_popularity_template if sorting by popularity. There are
114# two variables available to the template: first and last. The variable 'first'
115# is the initial item in the subcategory, and the variable 'last' is the final
116# item in the subcategory. Both variables are 'objects'; they each have multiple
117# values that are obtained by using a suffix. For example, first.name for an
118# author category will be the name of the author. The sub-values available are:
119#  name: the printable name of the item
120#  count: the number of books that references this item
121#  avg_rating: the average rating of all the books referencing this item
122#  sort: the sort value. For authors, this is the author_sort for that author
123#  category: the category (e.g., authors, series) that the item is in.
124# Note that the "r'" in front of the { is necessary if there are backslashes
125# (\ characters) in the template. It doesn't hurt anything to leave it there
126# even if there aren't any backslashes.
127categories_collapsed_name_template = r'{first.sort:shorten(4,,0)} - {last.sort:shorten(4,,0)}'
128categories_collapsed_rating_template = r'{first.avg_rating:4.2f:ifempty(0)} - {last.avg_rating:4.2f:ifempty(0)}'
129categories_collapsed_popularity_template = r'{first.count:d} - {last.count:d}'
131#: Control order of categories in the Tag browser
132# Change the following dict to change the order that categories are displayed in
133# the Tag browser. Items are named using their lookup name, and will be sorted
134# using the number supplied. The lookup name '*' stands for all names that
135# otherwise do not appear. Two names with the same value will be sorted
136# using the default order, the one specified by tag_browser_category_default_sort.
137# Example:
138#   tag_browser_category_order = {'series':1, 'tags':2, '*':3}
140# results in the order series, tags, then everything else in default order.
141# The tweak tag_browser_category_default_sort specifies the sort order before
142# applying the category order from the dict. The allowed values are:
143#   tag_browser_category_default_sort = 'default' # The calibre default order
144#   tag_browser_category_default_sort = 'display_name' # Sort by the display name of the category
145#   tag_browser_category_default_sort = 'lookup_name' # Sort by the lookup name of the category
147# In addition and if the category default sort is not 'default' you can specify
148# whether the sort is ascending or descending. This is ignored if the sort is 'default'.
149#   tag_browser_category_default_sort_direction = 'ascending'
150#   tag_browser_category_default_sort_direction = 'descending'
151tag_browser_category_order = {'*':1}
152tag_browser_category_default_sort = 'default'
153tag_browser_category_default_sort_direction = 'ascending'
156#: Specify columns to sort the booklist by on startup
157# Provide a set of columns to be sorted on when calibre starts.
158# The argument is None if saved sort history is to be used
159# otherwise it is a list of column,order pairs. Column is the
160# lookup/search name, found using the tooltip for the column
161# Order is 0 for ascending, 1 for descending.
162# For example, set it to [('authors',0),('title',0)] to sort by
163# title within authors.
164sort_columns_at_startup = None
166#: Control how dates are displayed
167# Format to be used for publication date and the timestamp (date).
168#  A string controlling how the publication date is displayed in the GUI
169#  d     the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)
170#  dd    the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)
171#  ddd   the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun').
172#  dddd  the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Sunday').
173#  M     the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)
174#  MM    the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)
175#  MMM   the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec').
176#  MMMM  the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December').
177#  yy    the year as two digit number (00-99)
178#  yyyy  the year as four digit number
179#  h     the hours without a leading 0 (0 to 11 or 0 to 23, depending on am/pm) '
180#  hh    the hours with a leading 0 (00 to 11 or 00 to 23, depending on am/pm) '
181#  m     the minutes without a leading 0 (0 to 59) '
182#  mm    the minutes with a leading 0 (00 to 59) '
183#  s     the seconds without a leading 0 (0 to 59) '
184#  ss    the seconds with a leading 0 (00 to 59) '
185#  ap    use a 12-hour clock instead of a 24-hour clock, with "ap" replaced by the localized string for am or pm
186#  AP    use a 12-hour clock instead of a 24-hour clock, with "AP" replaced by the localized string for AM or PM
187#  iso   the date with time and timezone. Must be the only format present
188#  For example, given the date of 9 Jan 2010, the following formats show
189#  MMM yyyy ==> Jan 2010    yyyy ==> 2010       dd MMM yyyy ==> 09 Jan 2010
190#  MM/yyyy ==> 01/2010      d/M/yy ==> 9/1/10   yy ==> 10
192# publication default if not set: MMM yyyy
193# timestamp default if not set: dd MMM yyyy
194# last_modified_display_format if not set: dd MMM yyyy
195gui_pubdate_display_format = 'MMM yyyy'
196gui_timestamp_display_format = 'dd MMM yyyy'
197gui_last_modified_display_format = 'dd MMM yyyy'
199#: Control sorting of titles and series in the library display
200# Control title and series sorting in the library view. If set to
201# 'library_order', the title sort field will be used instead of the title.
202# Unless you have manually edited the title sort field, leading articles such as
203# The and A will be ignored. If set to 'strictly_alphabetic', the titles will be
204# sorted as-is (sort by title instead of title sort). For example, with
205# library_order, The Client will sort under 'C'. With strictly_alphabetic, the
206# book will sort under 'T'.
207# This flag affects calibre's library display. It has no effect on devices. In
208# addition, titles for books added before changing the flag will retain their
209# order until the title is edited. Editing a title and hitting Enter
210# without changing anything is sufficient to change the sort. Or you can use
211# the 'Update title sort' action in the Bulk metadata edit dialog to update
212# it for many books at once.
213title_series_sorting = 'library_order'
215#: Control formatting of title and series when used in templates
216# Control how title and series names are formatted when saving to disk/sending
217# to device. The behavior depends on the field being processed. If processing
218# title, then if this tweak is set to 'library_order', the title will be
219# replaced with title_sort. If it is set to 'strictly_alphabetic', then the
220# title will not be changed. If processing series, then if set to
221# 'library_order', articles such as 'The' and 'An' will be moved to the end. If
222# set to 'strictly_alphabetic', the series will be sent without change.
223# For example, if the tweak is set to library_order, "The Lord of the Rings"
224# will become "Lord of the Rings, The". If the tweak is set to
225# strictly_alphabetic, it would remain "The Lord of the Rings". Note that the
226# formatter function raw_field will return the base value for title and
227# series regardless of the setting of this tweak.
228save_template_title_series_sorting = 'library_order'
230#: Set the list of words considered to be "articles" for sort strings
231# Set the list of words that are to be considered 'articles' when computing the
232# title sort strings. The articles differ by language. By default, calibre uses
233# a combination of articles from English and whatever language the calibre user
234# interface is set to. In addition, in some contexts where the book language is
235# available, the language of the book is used. You can change the list of
236# articles for a given language or add a new language by editing
237# per_language_title_sort_articles. To tell calibre to use a language other
238# than the user interface language, set, default_language_for_title_sort. For
239# example, to use German, set it to 'deu'. A value of None means the user
240# interface language is used. The setting title_sort_articles is ignored
241# (present only for legacy reasons).
242per_language_title_sort_articles = {
243        # English
244        'eng'  : (r'A\s+', r'The\s+', r'An\s+'),
245        # Esperanto
246        'epo': (r'La\s+', r"L'", 'L´'),
247        # Spanish
248        'spa'  : (r'El\s+', r'La\s+', r'Lo\s+', r'Los\s+', r'Las\s+', r'Un\s+',
249                  r'Una\s+', r'Unos\s+', r'Unas\s+'),
250        # French
251        'fra'  : (r'Le\s+', r'La\s+', r"L'", u'L´', u'L’', r'Les\s+', r'Un\s+', r'Une\s+',
252                  r'Des\s+', r'De\s+La\s+', r'De\s+', r"D'", u'D´', u'L’'),
253        # Italian
254        'ita': ('Lo\\s+', 'Il\\s+', "L'", 'L´', 'La\\s+', 'Gli\\s+',
255                'I\\s+', 'Le\\s+', 'Uno\\s+', 'Un\\s+', 'Una\\s+', "Un'",
256                'Un´', 'Dei\\s+', 'Degli\\s+', 'Delle\\s+', 'Del\\s+',
257                'Della\\s+', 'Dello\\s+', "Dell'", 'Dell´'),
258        # Portuguese
259        'por'  : (r'A\s+', r'O\s+', r'Os\s+', r'As\s+', r'Um\s+', r'Uns\s+',
260                  r'Uma\s+', r'Umas\s+', ),
261        # Romanian
262        'ron'  : (r'Un\s+', r'O\s+', r'Nişte\s+', ),
263        # German
264        'deu'  : (r'Der\s+', r'Die\s+', r'Das\s+', r'Den\s+', r'Ein\s+',
265                  r'Eine\s+', r'Einen\s+', r'Dem\s+', r'Des\s+', r'Einem\s+',
266                  r'Eines\s+'),
267        # Dutch
268        'nld'  : (r'De\s+', r'Het\s+', r'Een\s+', r"'n\s+", r"'s\s+", r'Ene\s+',
269                  r'Ener\s+', r'Enes\s+', r'Den\s+', r'Der\s+', r'Des\s+',
270                  r"'t\s+"),
271        # Swedish
272        'swe'  : (r'En\s+', r'Ett\s+', r'Det\s+', r'Den\s+', r'De\s+', ),
273        # Turkish
274        'tur'  : (r'Bir\s+', ),
275        # Afrikaans
276        'afr'  : (r"'n\s+", r'Die\s+', ),
277        # Greek
278        'ell'  : (r'O\s+', r'I\s+', r'To\s+', r'Ta\s+', r'Tus\s+', r'Tis\s+',
279                  r"'Enas\s+", r"'Mia\s+", r"'Ena\s+", r"'Enan\s+", ),
280        # Hungarian
281        'hun'  : (r'A\s+', r'Az\s+', r'Egy\s+',),
283default_language_for_title_sort = None
286#: Specify a folder calibre should connect to at startup
287# Specify a folder that calibre should connect to at startup using
288# connect_to_folder. This must be a full path to the folder. If the folder does
289# not exist when calibre starts, it is ignored.
290# Example for Windows:
291#     auto_connect_to_folder = 'C:/Users/someone/Desktop/testlib'
292# Example for other operating systems:
293#     auto_connect_to_folder = '/home/dropbox/My Dropbox/someone/library'
294auto_connect_to_folder = ''
296#: Specify renaming rules for SONY collections
297# Specify renaming rules for SONY collections. This tweak is only applicable if
298# metadata management is set to automatic. Collections on SONYs are named
299# depending upon whether the field is standard or custom. A collection derived
300# from a standard field is named for the value in that field.
302# For example, if the standard 'series' column contains the value 'Darkover', then the
303# collection name is 'Darkover'. A collection derived from a custom field will
304# have the name of the field added to the value. For example, if a custom series
305# column named 'My Series' contains the name 'Darkover', then the collection
306# will by default be named 'Darkover (My Series)'. For purposes of this
307# documentation, 'Darkover' is called the value and 'My Series' is called the
308# category. If two books have fields that generate the same collection name,
309# then both books will be in that collection.
311# This set of tweaks lets you specify for a standard or custom field how
312# the collections are to be named. You can use it to add a description to a
313# standard field, for example 'Foo (Tag)' instead of the 'Foo'. You can also use
314# it to force multiple fields to end up in the same collection.
316# For example, you could force the values in 'series', '#my_series_1', and
317# '#my_series_2' to appear in collections named 'some_value (Series)', thereby
318# merging all of the fields into one set of collections.
320# There are two related tweaks. The first determines the category name to use
321# for a metadata field.  The second is a template, used to determines how the
322# value and category are combined to create the collection name.
323# The syntax of the first tweak, sony_collection_renaming_rules, is:
324# {'field_lookup_name':'category_name_to_use', 'lookup_name':'name', ...}
326# The second tweak, sony_collection_name_template, is a template. It uses the
327# same template language as plugboards and save templates. This tweak controls
328# how the value and category are combined together to make the collection name.
329# The only two fields available are {category} and {value}. The {value} field is
330# never empty. The {category} field can be empty. The default is to put the
331# value first, then the category enclosed in parentheses, it isn't empty:
332# '{value} {category:|(|)}'
334# Examples: The first three examples assume that the second tweak
335# has not been changed.
337# 1) I want three series columns to be merged into one set of collections. The
338# column lookup names are 'series', '#series_1' and '#series_2'. I want nothing
339# in the parenthesis. The value to use in the tweak value would be:
340#    sony_collection_renaming_rules={'series':'', '#series_1':'', '#series_2':''}
342# 2) I want the word '(Series)' to appear on collections made from series, and
343# the word '(Tag)' to appear on collections made from tags. Use:
344#   sony_collection_renaming_rules={'series':'Series', 'tags':'Tag'}
346# 3) I want 'series' and '#myseries' to be merged, and for the collection name
347# to have '(Series)' appended. The renaming rule is:
348#   sony_collection_renaming_rules={'series':'Series', '#myseries':'Series'}
350# 4) Same as example 2, but instead of having the category name in parentheses
351# and appended to the value, I want it prepended and separated by a colon, such
352# as in Series: Darkover. I must change the template used to format the category name
354# The resulting two tweaks are:
355#    sony_collection_renaming_rules={'series':'Series', 'tags':'Tag'}
356#    sony_collection_name_template='{category:||: }{value}'
358sony_collection_name_template='{value}{category:| (|)}'
360#: Specify how SONY collections are sorted
361# Specify how SONY collections are sorted. This tweak is only applicable if
362# metadata management is set to automatic. You can indicate which metadata is to
363# be used to sort on a collection-by-collection basis. The format of the tweak
364# is a list of metadata fields from which collections are made, followed by the
365# name of the metadata field containing the sort value.
366# Example: The following indicates that collections built from pubdate and tags
367# are to be sorted by the value in the custom column '#mydate', that collections
368# built from 'series' are to be sorted by 'series_index', and that all other
369# collections are to be sorted by title. If a collection metadata field is not
370# named, then if it is a series- based collection it is sorted by series order,
371# otherwise it is sorted by title order.
372# [(['pubdate', 'tags'],'#mydate'), (['series'],'series_index'), (['*'], 'title')]
373# Note that the bracketing and parentheses are required. The syntax is
374# [ ( [list of fields], sort field ) , ( [ list of fields ] , sort field ) ]
375# Default: empty (no rules), so no collection attributes are named.
376sony_collection_sorting_rules = []
378#: Control how tags are applied when copying books to another library
379# Set this to True to ensure that tags in 'Tags to add when adding
380# a book' are added when copying books to another library
381add_new_book_tags_when_importing_books = False
383#: Set the maximum number of sort 'levels'
384# Set the maximum number of sort 'levels' that calibre will use to resort the
385# library after certain operations such as searches or device insertion. Each
386# sort level adds a performance penalty. If the database is large (thousands of
387# books) the penalty might be noticeable. If you are not concerned about multi-
388# level sorts, and if you are seeing a slowdown, reduce the value of this tweak.
389maximum_resort_levels = 5
391#: Choose whether dates are sorted using visible fields
392# Date values contain both a date and a time. When sorted, all the fields are
393# used, regardless of what is displayed. Set this tweak to True to use only
394# the fields that are being displayed.
395sort_dates_using_visible_fields = False
397#: Fuzz value for trimming covers
398# The value used for the fuzz distance when trimming a cover.
399# Colors within this distance are considered equal.
400# The distance is in absolute intensity units.
401cover_trim_fuzz_value = 10
403#: Control behavior of the book list
404# You can control the behavior of double clicks and pressing Enter on the books
405# list. Choices: open_viewer, do_nothing, show_book_details, edit_cell,
406# edit_metadata. Selecting anything other than open_viewer or show_book_details
407# has the side effect of disabling editing a field using a single click.
408# Default: open_viewer.
409# Example: doubleclick_on_library_view = 'do_nothing'
410# You can also control whether the book list scrolls per item or
411# per pixel. Default is per item.
412doubleclick_on_library_view = 'open_viewer'
413enter_key_behavior = 'do_nothing'
414horizontal_scrolling_per_column = False
415vertical_scrolling_per_row = False
417#: Language to use when sorting
418# Setting this tweak will force sorting to use the
419# collating order for the specified language. This might be useful if you run
420# calibre in English but want sorting to work in the language where you live.
421# Set the tweak to the desired ISO 639-1 language code, in lower case.
422# You can find the list of supported locales at
423# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
424# Default: locale_for_sorting = '' -- use the language calibre displays in
425# Example: locale_for_sorting = 'fr' -- sort using French rules.
426# Example: locale_for_sorting = 'nb' -- sort using Norwegian rules.
427locale_for_sorting =  ''
429#: Number of columns for custom metadata in the edit metadata dialog
430# Set whether to use one or two columns for custom metadata when editing
431# metadata  one book at a time. If True, then the fields are laid out using two
432# columns. If False, one column is used.
433metadata_single_use_2_cols_for_custom_fields = True
435#: Order of custom column(s) in edit metadata
436# Controls the order that custom columns are listed in edit metadata single
437# and bulk. The columns listed in the tweak are displayed first and in the
438# order provided. Any columns not listed are displayed after the listed ones,
439# in alphabetical order. Do note that this tweak does not change the size of
440# the edit widgets. Putting comments widgets in this list may result in some
441# odd widget spacing when using two-column mode.
442# Enter a comma-separated list of custom field lookup names, as in
443# metadata_edit_custom_column_order = ['#genre', '#mytags', '#etc']
444metadata_edit_custom_column_order = []
446#: Edit metadata custom column label width and elision point
447# Set the width of custom column labels shown in the edit metadata dialogs.
448# If metadata_edit_elide_labels is True then labels wider than the width
449# will be elided, otherwise they will be word wrapped. The maximum width is
450# computed by multiplying the average width of characters in the font by the
451# appropriate number.
452# Set the elision point to 'middle' to put the ellipsis (…) in the middle of
453# the label, 'right' to put it at the right end of the label, and 'left' to
454# put it at the left end.
455metadata_edit_elide_labels = True
456metadata_edit_bulk_cc_label_length = 25
457metadata_edit_single_cc_label_length = 12
458metadata_edit_elision_point = 'right'
460#: The number of seconds to wait before sending emails
461# The number of seconds to wait before sending emails when using a
462# public email server like GMX/Hotmail/Gmail. Default is: 5 minutes
463# Setting it to lower may cause the server's SPAM controls to kick in,
464# making email sending fail. Changes will take effect only after a restart of
465# calibre. You can also change the list of hosts that calibre considers
466# to be public relays here. Any relay host ending with one of the suffixes
467# in the list below will be considered a public email server.
468public_smtp_relay_delay = 301
469public_smtp_relay_host_suffixes = ['gmail.com', 'live.com', 'gmx.com']
471#: The maximum width and height for covers saved in the calibre library
472# All covers in the calibre library will be resized, preserving aspect ratio,
473# to fit within this size. This is to prevent slowdowns caused by extremely
474# large covers
475maximum_cover_size = (1650, 2200)
477#: Where to send downloaded news
478# When automatically sending downloaded news to a connected device, calibre
479# will by default send it to the main memory. By changing this tweak, you can
480# control where it is sent. Valid values are "main", "carda", "cardb". Note
481# that if there isn't enough free space available on the location you choose,
482# the files will be sent to the location with the most free space.
483send_news_to_device_location = "main"
485#: Unified toolbar on macOS
486# If you enable this option and restart calibre, the toolbar will be 'unified'
487# with the titlebar as is normal for macOS applications. However, doing this has
488# various bugs, for instance the minimum width of the toolbar becomes twice
489# what it should be and it causes other random bugs on some systems, so turn it
490# on at your own risk!
491unified_title_toolbar_on_osx = False
493#: Save original file when converting/polishing from same format to same format
494# When calibre does a conversion from the same format to the same format, for
495# example, from EPUB to EPUB, the original file is saved, so that in case the
496# conversion is poor, you can tweak the settings and run it again. By setting
497# this to False you can prevent calibre from saving the original file.
498# Similarly, by setting save_original_format_when_polishing to False you can
499# prevent calibre from saving the original file when polishing.
500save_original_format = True
501save_original_format_when_polishing = True
503#: Number of recently viewed books to show
504# Right-clicking the "View" button shows a list of recently viewed books. Control
505# how many should be shown, here.
506gui_view_history_size = 15
508#: Change the font size of the Book details panel in the interface
509# Change the font size at which book details are rendered in the side panel and
510# comments are rendered in the metadata edit dialog. Set it to a positive or
511# negative number to increase or decrease the font size.
512change_book_details_font_size_by = 0
514#: What format to default to when using the "Unpack book" feature
515# The "Unpack book" feature of calibre allows direct editing of a book format.
516# If multiple formats are available, calibre will offer you a choice
517# of formats, defaulting to your preferred output format if it is available.
518# Set this tweak to a specific value of 'EPUB' or 'AZW3' to always default
519# to that format rather than your output format preference.
520# Set to a value of 'remember' to use whichever format you chose last time you
521# used the "Unpack book" feature.
522# Examples:
523#   default_tweak_format = None       (Use output format)
524#   default_tweak_format = 'EPUB'
525#   default_tweak_format = 'remember'
526default_tweak_format = None
528#: Do not preselect a completion when editing authors/tags/series/etc.
529# This means that you can make changes and press Enter and your changes will
530# not be overwritten by a matching completion. However, if you wish to use the
531# completions you will now have to press Tab to select one before pressing
532# Enter. Which technique you prefer will depend on the state of metadata in
533# your library and your personal editing style.
534preselect_first_completion = False
536#: Completion mode when editing authors/tags/series/etc.
537# By default, when completing items, calibre will show you all the candidates
538# that start with the text you have already typed. You can instead have it show
539# all candidates that contain the text you have already typed. To do this, set
540# completion_mode to 'contains'. For example, if you type asi it will match both
541# Asimov and Quasimodo, whereas the default behavior would match only Asimov.
542completion_mode = 'prefix'
544#: Sort the list of libraries alphabetically
545# The list of libraries in the Copy to library and Quick switch menus are
546# normally sorted by most used. However, if there are more than a certain
547# number of such libraries, the sorting becomes alphabetic. You can set that
548# number here. The default is ten libraries.
549many_libraries = 10
551#: Choose available output formats for conversion
552# Restrict the list of available output formats in the conversion dialogs.
553# For example, if you only want to convert to EPUB and AZW3, change this to
554# restrict_output_formats = ['EPUB', 'AZW3']. The default value of None causes
555# all available output formats to be present.
556restrict_output_formats = None
558#: Set the thumbnail image quality used by the Content server
559# The quality of a thumbnail is largely controlled by the compression quality
560# used when creating it. Set this to a larger number to improve the quality.
561# Note that the thumbnails get much larger with larger compression quality
562# numbers.
563# The value can be between 50 and 99
564content_server_thumbnail_compression_quality = 75
566#: Image file types to treat as e-books when dropping onto the "Book details" panel
567# Normally, if you drop any image file in a format known to calibre onto the
568# "Book details" panel, it will be used to set the cover. If you want to store
569# some image types as e-books instead, you can set this tweak.
570# Examples:
571#    cover_drop_exclude = {'tiff', 'webp'}
572cover_drop_exclude = ()
574#: Show the Saved searches box in the Search bar
575# In newer versions of calibre, only a single button that allows you to add a
576# new Saved search is shown in the Search bar. If you would like to have the
577# old Saved searches box with its two buttons back, set this tweak to True.
578show_saved_search_box = False
580#: Exclude fields when copy/pasting metadata
581# You can ask calibre to not paste some metadata fields when using the
582# Edit metadata->Copy metadata/Paste metadata actions. For example,
583# exclude_fields_on_paste = ['cover', 'timestamp', '#mycolumn']
584# to prevent pasting of the cover, Date and custom column, mycolumn.
585# You can also add a shortcut in Preferences->Shortcuts->Edit metadata
586# to paste metadata ignoring this tweak.
587exclude_fields_on_paste = []
589#: Skip internet connected check
590# Skip checking whether the internet is available before downloading news.
591# Useful if for some reason your operating systems network checking
592# facilities are not reliable (for example NetworkManager on Linux).
593skip_network_check = False
595#: Tab stop width in the template editor
596# Sets the width of the tab stop in the template editor in "average characters".
597# For example, a value of 1 results in a space with the width of one average character.
598template_editor_tab_stop_width = 4
600#: Value for undefined numbers when sorting
601# Sets the value to use for undefined numbers when sorting.
602# For example, the value -10 sorts undefined numbers as if they were set to -10.
603# Use 'maximum' for the largest possible number. Use 'minimum' for the smallest
604# possible number. Quotes are optional if entering a number.
605# Examples:
606#   value_for_undefined_numbers_when_sorting = -100
607#   value_for_undefined_numbers_when_sorting = '2'
608#   value_for_undefined_numbers_when_sorting = -0.01
609#   value_for_undefined_numbers_when_sorting = 'minimum'
610#   value_for_undefined_numbers_when_sorting = 'maximum'
611value_for_undefined_numbers_when_sorting = 0