1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of Qt Creator.
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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #pragma once
28 #include "projectexplorerconstants.h"
30 #include <coreplugin/coreconstants.h>
31 #include <utils/hostosinfo.h>
33 #include <QUuid>
35 namespace ProjectExplorer {
36 namespace Internal {
38 enum class TerminalMode { On, Off, Smart };
39 enum class AppOutputPaneMode { FlashOnOutput, PopupOnOutput, PopupOnFirstOutput };
40 enum class BuildBeforeRunMode { Off, WholeProject, AppOnly };
41 enum class StopBeforeBuild { None, SameProject, All, SameBuildDir, SameApp };
43 class ProjectExplorerSettings
44 {
45 public:
46     BuildBeforeRunMode buildBeforeDeploy = BuildBeforeRunMode::WholeProject;
47     bool deployBeforeRun = true;
48     bool saveBeforeBuild = false;
49     bool useJom = true;
50     bool autorestoreLastSession = false; // This option is set in the Session Manager!
51     bool prompToStopRunControl = false;
52     bool automaticallyCreateRunConfigurations = true;
53     bool addLibraryPathsToRunEnv = true;
54     bool closeSourceFilesWithProject = true;
55     bool clearIssuesOnRebuild = true;
56     bool abortBuildAllOnError = true;
57     bool lowBuildPriority = false;
58     StopBeforeBuild stopBeforeBuild = Utils::HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()
59                                           ? StopBeforeBuild::SameProject
60                                           : StopBeforeBuild::None;
61     TerminalMode terminalMode = TerminalMode::Off;
63     // Add a UUid which is used to identify the development environment.
64     // This is used to warn the user when he is trying to open a .user file that was created
65     // somewhere else (which might lead to unexpected results).
66     QUuid environmentId;
67 };
69 inline bool operator==(const ProjectExplorerSettings &p1, const ProjectExplorerSettings &p2)
70 {
71     return p1.buildBeforeDeploy == p2.buildBeforeDeploy
72             && p1.deployBeforeRun == p2.deployBeforeRun
73             && p1.saveBeforeBuild == p2.saveBeforeBuild
74             && p1.useJom == p2.useJom
75             && p1.autorestoreLastSession == p2.autorestoreLastSession
76             && p1.prompToStopRunControl == p2.prompToStopRunControl
77             && p1.automaticallyCreateRunConfigurations == p2.automaticallyCreateRunConfigurations
78             && p1.addLibraryPathsToRunEnv == p2.addLibraryPathsToRunEnv
79             && p1.environmentId == p2.environmentId
80             && p1.stopBeforeBuild == p2.stopBeforeBuild
81             && p1.terminalMode == p2.terminalMode
82             && p1.closeSourceFilesWithProject == p2.closeSourceFilesWithProject
83             && p1.clearIssuesOnRebuild == p2.clearIssuesOnRebuild
84             && p1.abortBuildAllOnError == p2.abortBuildAllOnError
85             && p1.lowBuildPriority == p2.lowBuildPriority;
86 }
88 class AppOutputSettings
89 {
90 public:
91     AppOutputPaneMode runOutputMode = AppOutputPaneMode::PopupOnFirstOutput;
92     AppOutputPaneMode debugOutputMode = AppOutputPaneMode::FlashOnOutput;
93     bool cleanOldOutput = false;
94     bool mergeChannels = false;
95     bool wrapOutput = false;
96     int maxCharCount = Core::Constants::DEFAULT_MAX_CHAR_COUNT;
97 };
99 class CompileOutputSettings
100 {
101 public:
102     bool popUp = false;
103     bool wrapOutput = false;
104     int maxCharCount = Core::Constants::DEFAULT_MAX_CHAR_COUNT;
105 };
107 } // namespace ProjectExplorer
108 } // namespace Internal