1 /*
2  * This file is part of the GROMACS molecular simulation package.
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
5  * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, The GROMACS development team.
6  * Copyright (c) 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017 by the GROMACS development team.
7  * Copyright (c) 2018,2019,2020, by the GROMACS development team, led by
8  * Mark Abraham, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess, and Erik Lindahl,
9  * and including many others, as listed in the AUTHORS file in the
10  * top-level source directory and at http://www.gromacs.org.
11  *
12  * GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
14  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
15  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * GROMACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
23  * License along with GROMACS; if not, see
24  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses, or write to the Free Software Foundation,
25  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.
26  *
27  * If you want to redistribute modifications to GROMACS, please
28  * consider that scientific software is very special. Version
29  * control is crucial - bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to
30  * consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but
31  * derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found
32  * in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the
33  * official version at http://www.gromacs.org.
34  *
35  * To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
36  * the research papers on the package. Check out http://www.gromacs.org.
37  */
41 #include <array>
42 #include <memory>
43 #include <vector>
45 #include "gromacs/math/vectypes.h"
46 #include "gromacs/mdtypes/md_enums.h"
47 #include "gromacs/pbcutil/pbc.h"
48 #include "gromacs/utility/arrayref.h"
49 #include "gromacs/utility/basedefinitions.h"
50 #include "gromacs/utility/real.h"
52 #include "locality.h"
54 /* Abstract type for PME that is defined only in the routine that use them. */
55 struct gmx_pme_t;
56 struct nonbonded_verlet_t;
57 struct bonded_threading_t;
58 class DeviceContext;
59 class DispersionCorrection;
60 class ListedForces;
61 struct t_fcdata;
62 struct t_forcetable;
63 struct t_QMMMrec;
65 namespace gmx
66 {
67 class DeviceStreamManager;
68 class GpuBonded;
69 class GpuForceReduction;
70 class ForceProviders;
71 class StatePropagatorDataGpu;
72 class PmePpCommGpu;
73 class WholeMoleculeTransform;
74 } // namespace gmx
76 /* macros for the cginfo data in forcerec
77  *
78  * Since the tpx format support max 256 energy groups, we do the same here.
79  * Note that we thus have bits 8-14 still unused.
80  *
81  * The maximum cg size in cginfo is 63
82  * because we only have space for 6 bits in cginfo,
83  * this cg size entry is actually only read with domain decomposition.
84  */
85 #define SET_CGINFO_GID(cgi, gid) (cgi) = (((cgi) & ~255) | (gid))
86 #define GET_CGINFO_GID(cgi) ((cgi)&255)
87 #define SET_CGINFO_FEP(cgi) (cgi) = ((cgi) | (1 << 15))
88 #define GET_CGINFO_FEP(cgi) ((cgi) & (1 << 15))
89 #define SET_CGINFO_EXCL_INTER(cgi) (cgi) = ((cgi) | (1 << 17))
90 #define GET_CGINFO_EXCL_INTER(cgi) ((cgi) & (1 << 17))
91 #define SET_CGINFO_CONSTR(cgi) (cgi) = ((cgi) | (1 << 20))
92 #define GET_CGINFO_CONSTR(cgi) ((cgi) & (1 << 20))
93 #define SET_CGINFO_SETTLE(cgi) (cgi) = ((cgi) | (1 << 21))
94 #define GET_CGINFO_SETTLE(cgi) ((cgi) & (1 << 21))
95 /* This bit is only used with bBondComm in the domain decomposition */
96 #define SET_CGINFO_BOND_INTER(cgi) (cgi) = ((cgi) | (1 << 22))
97 #define GET_CGINFO_BOND_INTER(cgi) ((cgi) & (1 << 22))
98 #define SET_CGINFO_HAS_VDW(cgi) (cgi) = ((cgi) | (1 << 23))
99 #define GET_CGINFO_HAS_VDW(cgi) ((cgi) & (1 << 23))
100 #define SET_CGINFO_HAS_Q(cgi) (cgi) = ((cgi) | (1 << 24))
101 #define GET_CGINFO_HAS_Q(cgi) ((cgi) & (1 << 24))
104 /* Value to be used in mdrun for an infinite cut-off.
105  * Since we need to compare with the cut-off squared,
106  * this value should be slighlty smaller than sqrt(GMX_FLOAT_MAX).
107  */
108 #define GMX_CUTOFF_INF 1E+18
110 /* enums for the neighborlist type */
111 enum
112 {
113     enbvdwNONE,
114     enbvdwLJ,
115     enbvdwBHAM,
116     enbvdwTAB,
117     enbvdwNR
118 };
120 struct cginfo_mb_t
121 {
122     int              cg_start = 0;
123     int              cg_end   = 0;
124     int              cg_mod   = 0;
125     std::vector<int> cginfo;
126 };
129 /* Forward declaration of type for managing Ewald tables */
130 struct gmx_ewald_tab_t;
132 struct ewald_corr_thread_t;
134 /*! \brief Helper force buffers for ForceOutputs
135  *
136  * This class stores intermediate force buffers that are used
137  * internally in the force calculation and which are reduced into
138  * the output force buffer passed to the force calculation.
139  */
140 class ForceHelperBuffers
141 {
142 public:
143     /*! \brief Constructs helper buffers
144      *
145      * When the forces that will be accumulated with help of these buffers
146      * have direct virial contributions, set the parameter to true, so
147      * an extra force buffer is available for these forces to enable
148      * correct virial computation.
149      */
150     ForceHelperBuffers(bool haveDirectVirialContributions);
152     //! Returns whether we have a direct virial contribution force buffer
haveDirectVirialContributions()153     bool haveDirectVirialContributions() const { return haveDirectVirialContributions_; }
155     //! Returns the buffer for direct virial contributions
forceBufferForDirectVirialContributions()156     gmx::ArrayRef<gmx::RVec> forceBufferForDirectVirialContributions()
157     {
158         GMX_ASSERT(haveDirectVirialContributions_, "Buffer can only be requested when present");
159         return forceBufferForDirectVirialContributions_;
160     }
162     //! Returns the buffer for shift forces, size SHIFTS
shiftForces()163     gmx::ArrayRef<gmx::RVec> shiftForces() { return shiftForces_; }
165     //! Resizes the direct virial contribution buffer, when present
166     void resize(int numAtoms);
168 private:
169     //! True when we have contributions that are directly added to the virial
170     bool haveDirectVirialContributions_ = false;
171     //! Force buffer for force computation with direct virial contributions
172     std::vector<gmx::RVec> forceBufferForDirectVirialContributions_;
173     //! Shift force array for computing the virial, size SHIFTS
174     std::vector<gmx::RVec> shiftForces_;
175 };
177 struct t_forcerec
178 { // NOLINT (clang-analyzer-optin.performance.Padding)
179     // Declare an explicit constructor and destructor, so they can be
180     // implemented in a single source file, so that not every source
181     // file that includes this one needs to understand how to find the
182     // destructors of the objects pointed to by unique_ptr members.
183     t_forcerec();
184     ~t_forcerec();
186     struct interaction_const_t* ic = nullptr;
188     /* PBC stuff */
189     PbcType pbcType = PbcType::Xyz;
190     //! Tells whether atoms inside a molecule can be in different periodic images,
191     //  i.e. whether we need to take into account PBC when computing distances inside molecules.
192     //  This determines whether PBC must be considered for e.g. bonded interactions.
193     gmx_bool bMolPBC     = FALSE;
194     int      rc_scaling  = 0;
195     rvec     posres_com  = { 0 };
196     rvec     posres_comB = { 0 };
198     gmx_bool use_simd_kernels = FALSE;
200     /* Interaction for calculated in kernels. In many cases this is similar to
201      * the electrostatics settings in the inputrecord, but the difference is that
202      * these variables always specify the actual interaction in the kernel - if
203      * we are tabulating reaction-field the inputrec will say reaction-field, but
204      * the kernel interaction will say cubic-spline-table. To be safe we also
205      * have a kernel-specific setting for the modifiers - if the interaction is
206      * tabulated we already included the inputrec modification there, so the kernel
207      * modification setting will say 'none' in that case.
208      */
209     int nbkernel_elec_interaction = 0;
210     int nbkernel_vdw_interaction  = 0;
211     int nbkernel_elec_modifier    = 0;
212     int nbkernel_vdw_modifier     = 0;
214     /* Cut-Off stuff.
215      * Infinite cut-off's will be GMX_CUTOFF_INF (unlike in t_inputrec: 0).
216      */
217     real rlist = 0;
219     /* Charge sum for topology A/B ([0]/[1]) for Ewald corrections */
220     double qsum[2]  = { 0 };
221     double q2sum[2] = { 0 };
222     double c6sum[2] = { 0 };
224     /* Dispersion correction stuff */
225     std::unique_ptr<DispersionCorrection> dispersionCorrection;
227     /* Fudge factors */
228     real fudgeQQ = 0;
230     /* Table stuff */
231     gmx_bool bcoultab = FALSE;
232     gmx_bool bvdwtab  = FALSE;
234     t_forcetable* pairsTable = nullptr; /* for 1-4 interactions, [pairs] and [pairs_nb] */
236     /* Free energy */
237     int efep = 0;
239     /* Information about atom properties for the molecule blocks in the system */
240     std::vector<cginfo_mb_t> cginfo_mb;
241     /* Information about atom properties for local and non-local atoms */
242     std::vector<int> cginfo;
244     rvec* shift_vec = nullptr;
246     std::unique_ptr<gmx::WholeMoleculeTransform> wholeMoleculeTransform;
248     /* The Nbnxm Verlet non-bonded machinery */
249     std::unique_ptr<nonbonded_verlet_t> nbv;
251     /* The wall tables (if used) */
252     int             nwall    = 0;
253     t_forcetable*** wall_tab = nullptr;
255     /* The number of atoms participating in do_force_lowlevel */
256     int natoms_force = 0;
257     /* The number of atoms participating in force calculation and constraints */
258     int natoms_force_constr = 0;
260     /* List of helper buffers for ForceOutputs, one for each time step with MTS */
261     std::vector<ForceHelperBuffers> forceHelperBuffers;
263     /* Data for PPPM/PME/Ewald */
264     struct gmx_pme_t* pmedata                = nullptr;
265     int               ljpme_combination_rule = 0;
267     /* PME/Ewald stuff */
268     struct gmx_ewald_tab_t* ewald_table = nullptr;
270     /* Non bonded Parameter lists */
271     int               ntype = 0; /* Number of atom types */
272     gmx_bool          bBHAM = FALSE;
273     std::vector<real> nbfp;
274     real*             ljpme_c6grid = nullptr; /* C6-values used on grid in LJPME */
276     /* Energy group pair flags */
277     int* egp_flags = nullptr;
279     /* Shell molecular dynamics flexible constraints */
280     real fc_stepsize = 0;
282     /* If > 0 signals Test Particle Insertion,
283      * the value is the number of atoms of the molecule to insert
284      * Only the energy difference due to the addition of the last molecule
285      * should be calculated.
286      */
287     int n_tpi = 0;
289     /* Limit for printing large forces, negative is don't print */
290     real print_force = 0;
292     /* User determined parameters, copied from the inputrec */
293     int  userint1  = 0;
294     int  userint2  = 0;
295     int  userint3  = 0;
296     int  userint4  = 0;
297     real userreal1 = 0;
298     real userreal2 = 0;
299     real userreal3 = 0;
300     real userreal4 = 0;
302     /* Tells whether we use multiple time stepping, computing some forces less frequently */
303     bool useMts = false;
305     /* Data for special listed force calculations */
306     std::unique_ptr<t_fcdata> fcdata;
308     // The listed forces calculation data, 1 entry or multiple entries with multiple time stepping
309     std::vector<ListedForces> listedForces;
311     /* TODO: Replace the pointer by an object once we got rid of C */
312     gmx::GpuBonded* gpuBonded = nullptr;
314     /* Ewald correction thread local virial and energy data */
315     int                         nthread_ewc = 0;
316     struct ewald_corr_thread_t* ewc_t       = nullptr;
318     gmx::ForceProviders* forceProviders = nullptr;
320     // The stateGpu object is created in runner, forcerec just keeps the copy of the pointer.
321     // TODO: This is not supposed to be here. StatePropagatorDataGpu should be a part of
322     //       general StatePropagatorData object that is passed around
323     gmx::StatePropagatorDataGpu* stateGpu = nullptr;
324     // TODO: Should not be here. This is here only to pass the pointer around.
325     gmx::DeviceStreamManager* deviceStreamManager = nullptr;
327     //! GPU device context
328     DeviceContext* deviceContext = nullptr;
330     /* For PME-PP GPU communication */
331     std::unique_ptr<gmx::PmePpCommGpu> pmePpCommGpu;
333     /* For GPU force reduction (on both local and non-local atoms) */
334     gmx::EnumerationArray<gmx::AtomLocality, std::unique_ptr<gmx::GpuForceReduction>> gpuForceReduction;
335 };
337 /* Important: Starting with Gromacs-4.6, the values of c6 and c12 in the nbfp array have
338  * been scaled by 6.0 or 12.0 to save flops in the kernels. We have corrected this everywhere
339  * in the code, but beware if you are using these macros externally.
340  */
341 #define C6(nbfp, ntp, ai, aj) (nbfp)[2 * ((ntp) * (ai) + (aj))]
342 #define C12(nbfp, ntp, ai, aj) (nbfp)[2 * ((ntp) * (ai) + (aj)) + 1]
343 #define BHAMC(nbfp, ntp, ai, aj) (nbfp)[3 * ((ntp) * (ai) + (aj))]
344 #define BHAMA(nbfp, ntp, ai, aj) (nbfp)[3 * ((ntp) * (ai) + (aj)) + 1]
345 #define BHAMB(nbfp, ntp, ai, aj) (nbfp)[3 * ((ntp) * (ai) + (aj)) + 2]
347 #endif