1 // Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <memory>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
13 #include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
14 #include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
15 #include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
16 #include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
17 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
18 #include "base/optional.h"
19 #include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
20 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
21 #include "base/time/clock.h"
22 #include "base/timer/timer.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/navigation_predictor/navigation_predictor_keyed_service.h"
24 #include "components/optimization_guide/hints_component_info.h"
25 #include "components/optimization_guide/hints_fetcher.h"
26 #include "components/optimization_guide/optimization_guide_decider.h"
27 #include "components/optimization_guide/optimization_guide_service_observer.h"
28 #include "components/optimization_guide/proto/hints.pb.h"
29 #include "components/optimization_guide/proto/models.pb.h"
30 #include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type.h"
31 #include "services/network/public/cpp/network_quality_tracker.h"
33 namespace base {
34 class FilePath;
35 }  // namespace base
37 namespace content {
38 class NavigationHandle;
39 }  // namespace content
41 namespace leveldb_proto {
42 class ProtoDatabaseProvider;
43 }  // namespace leveldb_proto
45 namespace network {
46 class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
47 }  // namespace network
49 namespace optimization_guide {
50 class HintCache;
51 class HintsFetcherFactory;
52 class OptimizationFilter;
53 class OptimizationMetadata;
54 class OptimizationGuideService;
55 enum class OptimizationTargetDecision;
56 enum class OptimizationTypeDecision;
57 class StoreUpdateData;
58 class TopHostProvider;
59 }  // namespace optimization_guide
61 class OptimizationGuideNavigationData;
62 class PrefService;
63 class Profile;
65 class OptimizationGuideHintsManager
66     : public optimization_guide::OptimizationGuideServiceObserver,
67       public network::NetworkQualityTracker::EffectiveConnectionTypeObserver,
68       public NavigationPredictorKeyedService::Observer {
69  public:
70   OptimizationGuideHintsManager(
71       const std::vector<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>&
72           optimization_types_at_initialization,
73       optimization_guide::OptimizationGuideService* optimization_guide_service,
74       Profile* profile,
75       const base::FilePath& profile_path,
76       PrefService* pref_service,
77       leveldb_proto::ProtoDatabaseProvider* database_provider,
78       optimization_guide::TopHostProvider* top_host_provider,
79       scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory);
81   ~OptimizationGuideHintsManager() override;
83   // Unhooks the observer to |optimization_guide_service_|.
84   void Shutdown();
86   // optimization_guide::OptimizationGuideServiceObserver implementation:
87   void OnHintsComponentAvailable(
88       const optimization_guide::HintsComponentInfo& info) override;
90   // |next_update_closure| is called the next time OnHintsComponentAvailable()
91   // is called and the corresponding hints have been updated.
92   void ListenForNextUpdateForTesting(base::OnceClosure next_update_closure);
94   // Registers the optimization types that have the potential for hints to be
95   // called by consumers of the Optimization Guide.
96   void RegisterOptimizationTypes(
97       const std::vector<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>&
98           optimization_types);
100   // Returns the optimization types that are registered.
101   base::flat_set<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>
registered_optimization_types()102   registered_optimization_types() const {
103     return registered_optimization_types_;
104   }
106   // Returns whether there is an optimization allowlist loaded for
107   // |optimization_type|.
108   bool HasLoadedOptimizationAllowlist(
109       optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType optimization_type);
110   // Returns whether there is an optimization blocklist loaded for
111   // |optimization_type|.
112   bool HasLoadedOptimizationBlocklist(
113       optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType optimization_type);
115   // Returns the OptimizationTypeDecision based on the given parameters.
116   // |optimization_metadata| will be populated, if applicable.
117   optimization_guide::OptimizationTypeDecision CanApplyOptimization(
118       const GURL& navigation_url,
119       const base::Optional<int64_t>& navigation_id,
120       optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType optimization_type,
121       optimization_guide::OptimizationMetadata* optimization_metadata);
123   // Invokes |callback| with the decision for |navigation_url| and
124   // |optimization_type|, when sufficient information has been collected by
125   // |this| to make the decision. Virtual for testing.
126   virtual void CanApplyOptimizationAsync(
127       const GURL& navigation_url,
128       const base::Optional<int64_t>& navigation_id,
129       optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType optimization_type,
130       optimization_guide::OptimizationGuideDecisionCallback callback);
132   // Clears all fetched hints from |hint_cache_|.
133   void ClearFetchedHints();
135   // Clears the host-keyed fetched hints from |hint_cache_|, both the persisted
136   // and in memory ones.
137   void ClearHostKeyedHints();
139   // Returns the current batch update hints fetcher.
batch_update_hints_fetcher()140   optimization_guide::HintsFetcher* batch_update_hints_fetcher() const {
141     return batch_update_hints_fetcher_.get();
142   }
144   // Overrides |hints_fetcher_factory| for testing.
145   void SetHintsFetcherFactoryForTesting(
146       std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::HintsFetcherFactory>
147           hints_fetcher_factory);
149   // Overrides |clock_| for testing.
150   void SetClockForTesting(const base::Clock* clock);
152   // network::NetworkQualityTracker::EffectiveConnectionTypeObserver
153   // implementation:
154   void OnEffectiveConnectionTypeChanged(
155       net::EffectiveConnectionType type) override;
157   // Notifies |this| that a navigation with |navigation_handle| has started.
158   // |callback| is run when the request has finished regardless of whether there
159   // was actually a hint for that load or not. The callback can be used as a
160   // signal for tests.
161   void OnNavigationStartOrRedirect(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
162                                    base::OnceClosure callback);
164   // Notifies |this| that a navigation with redirect chain
165   // |navigation_redirect_chain| has finished.
166   void OnNavigationFinish(const std::vector<GURL>& navigation_redirect_chain);
168   // Add hints to the cache with the provided metadata. For testing only.
169   void AddHintForTesting(
170       const GURL& url,
171       optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType optimization_type,
172       const base::Optional<optimization_guide::OptimizationMetadata>& metadata);
174   // Override the decision returned by |ShouldTargetNavigation|
175   // for |optimization_target|. For testing purposes only.
176   void OverrideTargetDecisionForTesting(
177       optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationTarget optimization_target,
178       optimization_guide::OptimizationGuideDecision
179           optimization_guide_decision);
181  private:
182   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OptimizationGuideHintsManagerTest, IsGoogleURL);
183   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
184                            HintsFetched_AtSRP_NoRegisteredOptimizationTypes);
185   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
186                            HintsFetched_AtSRP_ECT_SLOW_2G);
187   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
188                            HintsFetched_AtSRP_ECT_4G);
189   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
190                            HintsFetched_AtNonSRP_ECT_SLOW_2G);
191   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
192                            HintsFetched_AtSRP_ECT_SLOW_2G_DuplicatesRemoved);
194       OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
195       HintsFetched_AtSRP_ECT_SLOW_2G_NonHTTPOrHTTPSHostsRemoved);
197       OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
198       HintsFetched_ExternalAndroidApp_ECT_SLOW_2G_NonHTTPOrHTTPSHostsRemovedAppWhitelisted);
200       OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
201       HintsFetched_ExternalAndroidApp_ECT_SLOW_2G_NonHTTPOrHTTPSHostsRemovedNotAllAppsWhitelisted);
203       OptimizationGuideHintsManagerFetchingTest,
204       HintsFetched_ExternalAndroidApp_ECT_SLOW_2G_NonHTTPOrHTTPSHostsRemovedAppNotWhitelisted);
206   // Processes the hints component.
207   //
208   // Should always be called on the thread that belongs to
209   // |background_task_runner_|.
210   std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::StoreUpdateData> ProcessHintsComponent(
211       const optimization_guide::HintsComponentInfo& info,
212       const base::flat_set<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>&
213           registered_optimization_types,
214       std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::StoreUpdateData> update_data);
216   // Processes the optimization filters contained in the hints component.
217   //
218   // Should always be called on the thread that belongs to
219   // |background_task_runner_|.
220   void ProcessOptimizationFilters(
221       const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<
222           optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationFilter>&
223           allowlist_optimization_filters,
224       const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<
225           optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationFilter>&
226           blocklist_optimization_filters,
227       const base::flat_set<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>&
228           registered_optimization_types);
230   // Process a set of optimization filters.
231   //
232   // |is_allowlist| will be used to ensure that the filters are either uses as
233   // allowlists or blocklists. |optimization_filters_lock_| should be held
234   // before calling this function.
235   void ProcessOptimizationFilterSet(
236       const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<
237           optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationFilter>& filters,
238       bool is_allowlist,
239       const base::flat_set<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>&
240           registered_optimization_types)
241       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(optimization_filters_lock_);
243   // Callback run after the hint cache is fully initialized. At this point,
244   // the OptimizationGuideHintsManager is ready to process hints.
245   void OnHintCacheInitialized();
247   // Updates the cache with the latest hints sent by the Component Updater.
248   void UpdateComponentHints(
249       base::OnceClosure update_closure,
250       std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::StoreUpdateData> update_data);
252   // Called when the hints have been fully updated with the latest hints from
253   // the Component Updater. This is used as a signal during tests.
254   void OnComponentHintsUpdated(base::OnceClosure update_closure,
255                                bool hints_updated);
257   // Method to decide whether to fetch new hints for user's top sites and
258   // proceeds to schedule the fetch.
259   void MaybeScheduleTopHostsHintsFetch();
261   // Schedules |hints_fetch_timer_| to fire based on:
262   // 1. The update time for the fetched hints in the store and
263   // 2. The last time a fetch attempt was made.
264   void ScheduleTopHostsHintsFetch();
266   // Called to make a request to fetch hints from the remote Optimization Guide
267   // Service. Used to fetch hints for origins frequently visited by the user.
268   void FetchTopHostsHints();
270   // Called when the hints for the top hosts have been fetched from the remote
271   // Optimization Guide Service and are ready for parsing. This is used when
272   // fetching hints in batch mode.
273   void OnTopHostsHintsFetched(
274       const base::flat_set<std::string>& hosts_fetched,
275       base::Optional<
276           std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::proto::GetHintsResponse>>
277           get_hints_response);
279   // Called when the hints for a navigation have been fetched from the remote
280   // Optimization Guide Service and are ready for parsing. This is used when
281   // fetching hints in real-time. |navigation_url| is the URL associated with
282   // the navigation handle that initiated the fetch.
283   // |page_navigation_urls_requested| contains the URLs that were requested  by
284   // |this| to be fetched. |page_navigation_hosts_requested| contains the hosts
285   // that were requested by |this| to be fetched.
286   void OnPageNavigationHintsFetched(
287       base::WeakPtr<OptimizationGuideNavigationData> navigation_data_weak_ptr,
288       const base::Optional<GURL>& navigation_url,
289       const base::flat_set<GURL>& page_navigation_urls_requested,
290       const base::flat_set<std::string>& page_navigation_hosts_requested,
291       base::Optional<
292           std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::proto::GetHintsResponse>>
293           get_hints_response);
295   // Called when the fetched hints have been stored in |hint_cache| and are
296   // ready to be used. This is used when hints were fetched in batch mode.
297   void OnFetchedTopHostsHintsStored();
299   // Called when the fetched hints have been stored in |hint_cache| and are
300   // ready to be used. This is used when hints were fetched in real-time.
301   // |navigation_url| is the URL associated with the navigation handle that
302   // initiated the fetch. |page_navigation_hosts_requested| contains the hosts
303   // whose hints should be loaded into memory when invoked.
304   void OnFetchedPageNavigationHintsStored(
305       base::WeakPtr<OptimizationGuideNavigationData> navigation_data_weak_ptr,
306       const base::Optional<GURL>& navigation_url,
307       const base::flat_set<std::string>& page_navigation_hosts_requested);
309   // Returns true if there is a fetch currently in-flight for |navigation_url|.
310   bool IsHintBeingFetchedForNavigation(const GURL& navigation_url);
312   // Cleans up the hints fetcher for |navigation_url|, if applicable.
313   void CleanUpFetcherForNavigation(const GURL& navigation_url);
315   // Returns the time when a hints fetch request was last attempted.
316   base::Time GetLastHintsFetchAttemptTime() const;
318   // Sets the time when a hints fetch was last attempted to |last_attempt_time|.
319   void SetLastHintsFetchAttemptTime(base::Time last_attempt_time);
321   // Called when the request to load a hint has completed.
322   void OnHintLoaded(base::OnceClosure callback,
323                     const optimization_guide::proto::Hint* loaded_hint) const;
325   // Returns true if |this| is allowed to fetch hints at the navigation time for
326   // |url|.
327   bool IsAllowedToFetchNavigationHints(const GURL& url);
329   // Loads the hint if available.
330   // |callback| is run when the request has finished regardless of whether there
331   // was actually a hint for that load or not. The callback can be used as a
332   // signal for tests.
333   void LoadHintForNavigation(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
334                              base::OnceClosure callback);
336   // Loads the hint for |host| if available.
337   // |callback| is run when the request has finished regardless of whether there
338   // was actually a hint for that |host| or not. The callback can be used as a
339   // signal for tests.
340   void LoadHintForHost(const std::string& host, base::OnceClosure callback);
342   // Returns true if the hostname for |url| matches the host of google web
343   // search results page (www.google.*).
344   bool IsGoogleURL(const GURL& url) const;
346   // Returns true if we can make a request for hints for |prediction|.
347   bool IsAllowedToFetchForNavigationPrediction(
348       const base::Optional<NavigationPredictorKeyedService::Prediction>
349           prediction) const;
351   // NavigationPredictorKeyedService::Observer:
352   void OnPredictionUpdated(
353       const base::Optional<NavigationPredictorKeyedService::Prediction>
354           prediction) override;
356   // Returns whether there is an optimization type to fetch for. Will return
357   // false if no optimization types are registered or if all registered
358   // optimization types are covered by optimization filters.
359   bool HasOptimizationTypeToFetchFor();
361   // Creates a hints fetch for |navigation_handle| if it is allowed. The
362   // fetch will include the host and URL of the |navigation_handle| if the
363   // associated hints for each are not already in the cache.
364   void MaybeFetchHintsForNavigation(
365       content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
367   // If an entry for |navigation_url| is contained in |registered_callbacks_|,
368   // it will load the hint for |navigation_url|'s host and upon completion, will
369   // invoke the registered callbacks for |navigation_url|.
370   void PrepareToInvokeRegisteredCallbacks(const GURL& navigation_url);
372   // Invokes the registered callbacks for |navigation_url|, if applicable.
373   void OnReadyToInvokeRegisteredCallbacks(const GURL& navigation_url);
375   // Whether all information was available to make a decision for
376   // |navigation_url| and |optimization type}.
377   bool HasAllInformationForDecisionAvailable(
378       const GURL& navigation_url,
379       optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType optimization_type);
381   // The OptimizationGuideService that this guide is listening to. Not owned.
382   optimization_guide::OptimizationGuideService* const
383       optimization_guide_service_;
385   // The information of the latest component delivered by
386   // |optimization_guide_service_|.
387   base::Optional<optimization_guide::HintsComponentInfo> hints_component_info_;
389   // The set of optimization types that have been registered with the hints
390   // manager.
391   //
392   // Should only be read and modified on the UI thread.
393   base::flat_set<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>
394       registered_optimization_types_;
396   // Synchronizes access to member variables related to optimization filters.
397   base::Lock optimization_filters_lock_;
399   // The set of optimization types that the component specified by
400   // |component_info_| has optimization filters for.
401   base::flat_set<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType>
402       optimization_types_with_filter_ GUARDED_BY(optimization_filters_lock_);
404   // A map from optimization type to the host filter that holds the allowlist
405   // for that type.
406   base::flat_map<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType,
407                  std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::OptimizationFilter>>
408       allowlist_optimization_filters_ GUARDED_BY(optimization_filters_lock_);
410   // A map from optimization type to the host filter that holds the blocklist
411   // for that type.
412   base::flat_map<optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType,
413                  std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::OptimizationFilter>>
414       blocklist_optimization_filters_ GUARDED_BY(optimization_filters_lock_);
416   // A map from URL to a map of callbacks (along with the navigation IDs that
417   // they were called for) keyed by their optimization type.
418   base::flat_map<
419       GURL,
420       base::flat_map<
421           optimization_guide::proto::OptimizationType,
422           std::vector<std::pair<
423               base::Optional<int64_t>,
424               optimization_guide::OptimizationGuideDecisionCallback>>>>
425       registered_callbacks_;
427   // Background thread where hints processing should be performed.
428   scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> background_task_runner_;
430   // A reference to the profile. Not owned.
431   Profile* profile_ = nullptr;
433   // A reference to the PrefService for this profile. Not owned.
434   PrefService* pref_service_ = nullptr;
436   // The hint cache that holds both hints received from the component and
437   // fetched from the remote Optimization Guide Service.
438   std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::HintCache> hint_cache_;
440   // The fetcher that handles making requests for hints for multiple hosts from
441   // the remote Optimization Guide Service.
442   std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::HintsFetcher> batch_update_hints_fetcher_;
444   // A cache keyed by navigation URL to the fetcher making a request for a hint
445   // for that URL and/or host to the remote Optimization Guide Service that
446   // keeps track of when an entry has been placed in the cache.
447   base::MRUCache<GURL, std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::HintsFetcher>>
448       page_navigation_hints_fetchers_;
450   // The factory used to create hints fetchers. It is mostly used to create
451   // new fetchers for use under the page navigation context, but will also be
452   // used to create the initial fetcher for the batch update context.
453   std::unique_ptr<optimization_guide::HintsFetcherFactory>
454       hints_fetcher_factory_;
456   // The external app packages that have been approved for fetching from the
457   // remote Optimization Guide Service.
458   base::flat_set<std::string> external_app_packages_approved_for_fetch_;
460   // The top host provider that can be queried. Not owned.
461   optimization_guide::TopHostProvider* top_host_provider_ = nullptr;
463   // The timer used to schedule fetching hints from the remote Optimization
464   // Guide Service.
465   base::OneShotTimer top_hosts_hints_fetch_timer_;
467   // The clock used to schedule fetching from the remote Optimization Guide
468   // Service.
469   const base::Clock* clock_;
471   // Whether fetched hints should be cleared when the store is initialized
472   // because a new optimization type was registered.
473   bool should_clear_hints_for_new_type_ = false;
475   // The current estimate of the EffectiveConnectionType.
476   net::EffectiveConnectionType current_effective_connection_type_ =
477       net::EffectiveConnectionType::EFFECTIVE_CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
479   // Used in testing to subscribe to an update event in this class.
480   base::OnceClosure next_update_closure_;
482   // Used to get |weak_ptr_| to self on the UI thread.
483   base::WeakPtrFactory<OptimizationGuideHintsManager> ui_weak_ptr_factory_{
484       this};
486   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OptimizationGuideHintsManager);
487 };