1;;; -*-  Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
3;;;     The data in this file contains enhancments.                    ;;;;;
4;;;                                                                    ;;;;;
5;;;  Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas   ;;;;;
6;;;     All rights reserved                                            ;;;;;
8;;;     (c) Copyright 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology         ;;;
11(in-package :maxima)
13(macsyma-module csimp2)
15(load-macsyma-macros rzmac)
17(declare-top (special var %p%i varlist plogabs half%pi nn* dn* $factlim
18                      $beta_expand))
20(defmvar $gammalim 10000
21  "Controls simplification of gamma for rational number arguments.")
23(defmvar $gamma_expand nil
24  "Expand gamma(z+n) for n an integer when T.")
28;;; Implementation of the plog function
30(defun simpplog (x vestigial z)
31  (declare (ignore vestigial))
32  (prog (varlist dd check y)
33     (oneargcheck x)
34     (setq check x)
35     (setq x (simpcheck (cadr x) z))
36     (cond ((equal 0 x) (merror (intl:gettext "plog: plog(0) is undefined.")))
37	   ((among var x)	;This is used in DEFINT. 1/19/81. -JIM
38	    (return (eqtest (list '(%plog) x) check))))
39     (newvar x)
40     (cond
41       ((and (member '$%i varlist)
42	     (not (some #'(lambda (v)
43			    (and (atom v) (not (eq v '$%i))))
44			varlist)))
45	(setq dd (trisplit x))
46	(cond ((setq z (patan (car dd) (cdr dd)))
47	       (return (add2* (simpln (list '(%log)
48					    (simpexpt (list '(mexpt)
49							    ($expand (list '(mplus)
50									   (list '(mexpt) (car dd) 2)
51									   (list '(mexpt) (cdr dd) 2)))
52							    '((rat) 1 2)) 1 nil)) 1 t)
53			      (list '(mtimes) z '$%i))))))
54       ((and (free x '$%i) (eq ($sign x) '$pnz))
55	(return (eqtest (list '(%plog) x) check)))
56       ((and (equal ($imagpart x) 0) (setq y ($asksign x)))
57	(cond ((eq y '$pos) (return (simpln (list '(%log) x) 1 t)))
58	      ((and plogabs (eq y '$neg))
59	       (return (simpln (list '(%log) (list '(mtimes) -1 x)) 1 nil)))
60	      ((eq y '$neg)
61	       (return (add2 %p%i
62			     (simpln (list '(%log) (list '(mtimes) -1 x)) 1 nil))))
63	      (t (merror (intl:gettext "plog: plog(0) is undefined.")))))
64       ((and (equal ($imagpart (setq z (div* x '$%i))) 0)
65	     (setq y ($asksign z)))
66	(cond
67	  ((equal y '$zero) (merror (intl:gettext "plog: plog(0) is undefined.")))
68	  (t (cond ((eq y '$pos) (setq y 1))
69		   ((eq y '$neg) (setq y -1)))
70	     (return (add2* (simpln (list '(%log)
71					  (list '(mtimes) y z)) 1 nil)
72			    (list '(mtimes) y '((rat) 1 2) '$%i '$%pi)))))))
73     (return (eqtest (list '(%plog) x) check))))
75(defun patan (r i)
76  (let (($numer $numer))
77    (prog (a b var)
78       (setq i (simplifya i nil) r (simplifya r nil))
79       (cond ((zerop1 r)
80	      (if (floatp i) (setq $numer t))
81	      (setq i ($asksign i))
82	      (cond ((equal i '$pos) (return (simplify half%pi)))
83		    ((equal i '$neg)
84		     (return (mul2 -1 (simplify half%pi))))
85		    (t (merror (intl:gettext "plog: encountered atan(0/0).")))))
86	     ((zerop1 i)
87	      (cond ((floatp r) (setq $numer t)))
88	      (setq r ($asksign r))
89	      (cond ((equal r '$pos) (return 0))
90		    ((equal r '$neg) (return (simplify '$%pi)))
91		    (t (merror (intl:gettext "plog: encountered atan(0/0).")))))
92	     ((and (among '%cos r) (among '%sin i))
93	      (setq var 'xz)
94	      (numden (div* r i))
95	      (cond ((and (eq (caar nn*) '%cos) (eq (caar dn*) '%sin))
96		     (return (cadr nn*))))))
97       (setq a ($sign r) b ($sign i))
98       (cond ((eq a '$pos) (setq a 1))
99	     ((eq a '$neg) (setq a -1))
100	     ((eq a '$zero) (setq a 0)))
101       (cond ((eq b '$pos) (setq b 1))
102	     ((eq b '$neg) (setq b -1))
103	     ((eq a '$zero) (setq b 0)))
104       (cond ((equal i 0)
105	      (return (if (equal a 1) 0 (simplify '$%pi))))
106	     ((equal r 0)
107	      (return (cond ((equal b 1) (simplify half%pi))
108			    (t (mul2 '((rat simp) -1 2)
109				     (simplify '$%pi)))))))
110       (setq r (simptimes (list '(mtimes) a b (div* i r)) 1 nil))
111       (return (cond ((onep1 r)
112		      (archk a b (list '(mtimes) '((rat) 1 4) '$%pi)))
113		     ((alike1 r '((mexpt) 3 ((rat) 1 2)))
114		      (archk a b (list '(mtimes) '((rat) 1 3) '$%pi)))
115		     ((alike1 r '((mexpt) 3 ((rat) -1 2)))
116		      (archk a b (list '(mtimes) '((rat) 1 6) '$%pi))))))))
120;;; Implementation of the Binomial coefficient
122;; Verb function for the Binomial coefficient
123(defmfun $binomial (x y)
124  (simplify (list '(%binomial) x y)))
126;; Binomial has Mirror symmetry
127(defprop %binomial t commutes-with-conjugate)
129(defun simpbinocoef (x vestigial z)
130  (declare (ignore vestigial))
131  (twoargcheck x)
132  (let ((u (simpcheck (cadr x) z))
133	(v (simpcheck (caddr x) z))
134	(y))
135    (cond ((integerp v)
136	   (cond ((minusp v)
137		  (if (and (integerp u) (minusp u) (< v u))
138		      (bincomp u (- u v))
139		      0))
140		 ((or (zerop v) (equal u v)) 1)
141		 ((and (integerp u) (not (minusp u)))
142		  (bincomp u (min v (- u v))))
143		 (t (bincomp u v))))
144          ((integerp (setq y (sub u v)))
145           (cond ((zerop1 y)
146                  ;; u and v are equal, simplify not if argument can be negative
147                  (if (member ($csign u) '($pnz $pn $neg $nz))
148                      (eqtest (list '(%binomial) u v) x)
149                      (bincomp u y)))
150                 (t (bincomp u y))))
151          ((complex-float-numerical-eval-p u v)
152           ;; Numercial evaluation for real and complex floating point numbers.
153           (let (($numer t) ($float t))
154             ($rectform
155               ($float
156                 ($makegamma (list '(%binomial) ($float u) ($float v)))))))
157          ((complex-bigfloat-numerical-eval-p u v)
158           ;; Numerical evaluation for real and complex bigfloat numbers.
159           ($rectform
160             ($bfloat
161               ($makegamma (list '(%binomial) ($bfloat u) ($bfloat v))))))
162          (t (eqtest (list '(%binomial) u v) x)))))
164(defun bincomp (u v)
165  (cond ((minusp v) 0)
166	((zerop v) 1)
167	((mnump u) (binocomp u v))
168	(t (muln (bincomp1 u v) nil))))
170(defun bincomp1 (u v)
171  (if (equal v 1)
172      (ncons u)
173      (list* u (list '(mexpt) v -1) (bincomp1 (add2 -1 u) (1- v)))))
175(defun binocomp (u v)
176  (prog (ans)
177     (setq ans 1)
178     loop (if (zerop v) (return ans))
179     (setq ans (timesk (timesk u ans) (simplify (list '(rat) 1 v))))
180     (setq u (addk -1 u) v (1- v))
181     (go loop)))
185;;; Implementation of the Beta function
187(declare-top (special $numer $gammalim))
189(defmvar $beta_args_sum_to_integer nil)
191;;; The Beta function has mirror symmetry
192(defprop $beta t commutes-with-conjugate)
194(defun simpbeta (x vestigial z &aux check)
195  (declare (ignore vestigial))
196  (twoargcheck x)
197  (setq check x)
198  (let ((u (simpcheck (cadr x) z)) (v (simpcheck (caddr x) z)))
199    (cond ((or (zerop1 u) (zerop1 v))
200           (if errorsw
201               (throw 'errorsw t)
202               (merror
203                 (intl:gettext "beta: expected nonzero arguments; found ~M, ~M")
204                               u v)))
206          ;; Check for numerical evaluation in float precision
207      	  ((complex-float-numerical-eval-p u v)
208           (cond
209             ;; We use gamma(u)*gamma(v)/gamma(u+v) for numerical evaluation.
210             ;; Therefore u, v or u+v can not be a negative integer or a
211             ;; floating point representation of a negative integer.
212             ((and (or (not (numberp u))
213                       (> u 0)
214                       (not (= (nth-value 1 (truncate u)) 0)))
215              (and (or (not (numberp v))
216                       (> v 0)
217                       (not (= (nth-value 1 (truncate v)) 0)))
218              (and (or (not (numberp (add u v)))
219                       (> (add v u) 0)
220                       (not (= (nth-value 1 ($truncate (add u v))) 0))))))
221	      ($rectform
222	        (power ($float '$%e)
223	               (add ($log_gamma ($float u))
224                            ($log_gamma ($float v))
225                            (mul -1 ($log_gamma ($float (add u v))))))))
226             ((or (and (numberp u)
227                       (> u 0)
228                       (= (nth-value 1 (truncate u)) 0)
229                       (not (and (mnump v)
230                                 (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate v) v)) '$zero)
231                                 (eq ($sign v) '$neg)
232                                 (eq ($sign (add u v)) '$pos)))
233                       (setq u (truncate u)))
234                  (and (numberp v)
235                       (> v 0)
236                       (= (nth-value 1 (truncate u)) 0)
237                       (not (and (mnump u)
238                                 (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate u) u)) '$zero)
239                                 (eq ($sign u) '$neg)
240                                 (eq ($sign (add u v)) '$pos)))
241                       (setq v (truncate v))))
242              ;; One value is representing a negative integer, the other a
243              ;; positive integer and the sum is negative. Expand.
244              ($rectform ($float (beta-expand-integer u v))))
245             (t
246               (eqtest (list '($beta) u v) check))))
248          ;; Check for numerical evaluation in bigfloat precision
249          ((complex-bigfloat-numerical-eval-p u v)
250           (let (($ratprint nil))
251             (cond
252               ((and (or (not (mnump u))
253                         (eq ($sign u) '$pos)
254                         (not (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate u) u)) '$zero)))
255                     (or (not (mnump v))
256                         (eq ($sign v) '$pos)
257                         (not (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate v) v)) '$zero)))
258                     (or (not (mnump (add u v)))
259                         (eq ($sign (add u v)) '$pos)
260                         (not (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate (add u v))
261                                              (add u v)))
262                                  '$zero))))
263                ($rectform
264                  (power ($bfloat'$%e)
265                         (add ($log_gamma ($bfloat u))
266                              ($log_gamma ($bfloat v))
267                              (mul -1 ($log_gamma ($bfloat (add u v))))))))
268               ((or (and (mnump u)
269                         (eq ($sign u) '$pos)
270                         (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate u) u)) '$zero)
271                         (not (and (mnump v)
272                              (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate v) v)) '$zero)
273                              (eq ($sign v) '$neg)
274                              (eq ($sign (add u v)) '$pos)))
275                         (setq u ($truncate u)))
276                    (and (mnump v)
277                         (eq ($sign v) '$pos)
278                         (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate v) v)) '$zero)
279                         (not (and (mnump u)
280                              (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate u) u)) '$zero)
281                              (eq ($sign u) '$neg)
282                              (eq ($sign (add u v)) '$pos)))
283                         (setq v ($truncate v))))
284                ($rectform ($bfloat (beta-expand-integer u v))))
285               (t
286                 (eqtest (list '($beta) u v) check)))))
288      	  ((or (and (and (integerp u)
289	                 (plusp u))
290	            (not (and (mnump v)
291	                      (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate v) v)) '$zero)
292      	                      (eq ($sign v) '$neg)
293	                      (eq ($sign (add u v)) '$pos))))
294	       (and (and (integerp v)
295	                 (plusp v))
296                    (not (and (mnump u)
297                              (eq ($sign (sub ($truncate u) u)) '$zero)
298                              (eq ($sign u) '$neg)
299                              (eq ($sign (add u v)) '$pos)))))
300           ;; Expand for a positive integer. But not if the other argument is
301           ;; a negative integer and the sum of the integers is not negative.
302           (beta-expand-integer u v))
304;;; At this point both integers are negative. This code does not work for
305;;; negative integers. The factorial function is not defined.
306;	  ((and (integerp u) (integerp v))
307;	   (mul2* (div* (list '(mfactorial) (1- u))
308;			(list '(mfactorial) (+ u v -1)))
309;		  (list '(mfactorial) (1- v))))
311	  ((or (and (ratnump u) (ratnump v) (integerp (setq x (addk u v))))
312	       (and $beta_args_sum_to_integer
313		    (integerp (setq x (expand1 (add2 u v) 1 1)))))
314	   (let ((w (if (symbolp v) v u)))
315	     (div* (mul2* '$%pi
316			  (list '(%binomial)
317				(add2 (1- x) (neg w))
318				(1- x)))
319		   `((%sin) ((mtimes) ,w $%pi)))))
321          ((and $beta_expand (mplusp u) (integerp (cadr u)))
322           ;; Expand beta(a+n,b) where n is an integer.
323           (let ((n (cadr u))
324                 (u (simplify (cons '(mplus) (cddr u)))))
325             (beta-expand-add-integer n u v)))
327          ((and $beta_expand (mplusp v) (integerp (cadr v)))
328           ;; Expand beta(a,b+n) where n is an integer.
329           (let ((n (cadr v))
330                 (v (simplify (cons '(mplus) (cddr v)))))
331             (beta-expand-add-integer n v u)))
333	  (t (eqtest (list '($beta) u v) check)))))
335(defun beta-expand-integer (u v)
336  ;; One of the arguments is a positive integer. Do an expansion.
337  ;; BUT for a negative integer as second argument the expansion is only
338  ;; possible when the sum of the integers is negative too.
339  ;; This routine expects that the calling routine has checked this.
340  (let ((x (add u v)))
341    (power
342      (mul (sub x 1)
343           (simplify
344             (list '(%binomial)
345                   (sub x 2)
346                   (sub (if (and (integerp u) (plusp u)) u v) 1))))
347      -1)))
349(defun beta-expand-add-integer (n u v)
350  (if (plusp n)
351      (mul (simplify (list '($pochhammer) u n))
352           (power (simplify (list '($pochhammer) (add u v) n)) -1)
353           (simplify (list '($beta) u v)))
354      (mul (simplify (list '($pochhammer) (add u v n) (- n)))
355           (power (simplify (list '($pochhammer) (add u n) (- n))) -1)
356           (simplify (list '($beta) u v)))))
360;;; Implementation of the Gamma function
362(defun simpgamma (x vestigial z)
363  (declare (ignore vestigial))
364  (oneargcheck x)
365  (let ((j (simpcheck (cadr x) z)))
366    (cond ((and (floatp j)
367                (or (zerop j)
368                    (and (< j 0)
369                         (zerop (nth-value 1 (truncate j))))))
370           (merror (intl:gettext "gamma: gamma(~:M) is undefined.") j))
371          ((float-numerical-eval-p j) (gammafloat ($float j)))
372          ((and ($bfloatp j)
373                (or (zerop1 j)
374                    (and (eq ($sign j) '$neg)
375                         (zerop1 (sub j ($truncate j))))))
376           (merror (intl:gettext "gamma: gamma(~:M) is undefined.") j))
377          ((bigfloat-numerical-eval-p j)
378           ;; Adding 4 digits in the call to bffac. For $fpprec up to about 256
379           ;; and an argument up to about 500.0 the accuracy of the result is
380           ;; better than 10^(-$fpprec).
381	   (let ((z (bigfloat:to ($bfloat j))))
382	     (cond
383	       ((bigfloat:<= (bigfloat:abs z) (bigfloat:sqrt (bigfloat:epsilon z)))
384		;; For small z, use gamma(z) = gamma(z+1)/z = z!/z
385		(div (mfuncall '$bffac
386			       ($bfloat j)
387			       (+ $fpprec 4))
388		     ($bfloat j)))
389	       (t
390		(let ((result (mfuncall '$bffac (m+ ($bfloat j) -1) (+ $fpprec 4))))
391		  ;; bigfloatp will round the result to the correct fpprec
392		  (bigfloatp result))))))
393	  ((complex-float-numerical-eval-p j)
394           (complexify (gamma-lanczos (complex ($float ($realpart j))
395                                               ($float ($imagpart j))))))
396          ((complex-bigfloat-numerical-eval-p j)
397	   (let ((z (bigfloat:to ($bfloat j))))
398	     (cond
399	       ((bigfloat:<= (bigfloat:abs z)
400			     (bigfloat:sqrt (bigfloat:epsilon z)))
401		;; For small z, use gamma(z) = gamma(z+1)/z = z!/z
402		(to (bigfloat:/ (bigfloat:to (mfuncall '$cbffac
403						       (to z)
404						       (+ $fpprec 4)))
405				z)))
406	       (t
407		;; Adding 4 digits in the call to cbffac. See comment above.
408		(let ((result
409		       (mfuncall '$cbffac
410				 (add -1 ($bfloat ($realpart j))
411				      (mul '$%i ($bfloat ($imagpart j))))
412				 (+ $fpprec 4))))
413		  (add (bigfloatp ($realpart result))
414		       (mul '$%i (bigfloatp ($imagpart result)))))))))
415          ((taylorize (mop x) (cadr x)))
416          ((eq j '$inf) '$inf) ; Simplify to $inf to be more consistent.
417          ((and $gamma_expand
418                (mplusp j)
419                (integerp (cadr j)))
420           ;; Expand gamma(z+n) for n an integer.
421           (let ((n (cadr j))
422                 (z (simplify (cons '(mplus) (cddr j)))))
423             (cond
424               ((> n 0)
425                (mul (simplify (list '($pochhammer) z n))
426                     (simplify (list '(%gamma) z))))
427               ((< n 0)
428                (setq n (- n))
429                (div (mul (power -1 n) (simplify (list '(%gamma) z)))
430                     ;; We factor to get the order (z-1)*(z-2)*...
431                     ;; and not (1-z)*(2-z)*...
432                     ($factor
433                       (simplify (list '($pochhammer) (sub 1 z) n))))))))
434	  ((integerp j)
435	   (cond ((> j 0)
436                  (cond ((<= j $factlim)
437                         ;; Positive integer less than $factlim. Evaluate.
438                         (simplify (list '(mfactorial) (1- j))))
439                         ;; Positive integer greater $factlim. Noun form.
440                        (t (eqtest (list '(%gamma) j) x))))
441                 ;; Negative integer. Throw a Maxima error.
442		 (errorsw (throw 'errorsw t))
443		 (t (merror (intl:gettext "gamma: gamma(~:M) is undefined.") j))))
444	  ((alike1 j '((rat) 1 2))
445	   (list '(mexpt simp) '$%pi j))
446          ((and (mnump j)
447                (ratgreaterp $gammalim (simplify (list '(mabs) j)))
448                (or (ratgreaterp j 1) (ratgreaterp 0 j)))
449           ;; Expand for rational numbers less than $gammalim.
450           (gammared j))
451	  (t (eqtest (list '(%gamma) j) x)))))
453(defun gamma (y) ;;; numerical evaluation for 0 < y < 1
454  (prog (sum coefs)
455     (setq coefs (list 0.035868343 -0.193527817 0.48219939
456		       -0.75670407 0.91820685 -0.89705693
457		       0.98820588 -0.57719165))
458     (unless (atom y) (setq y (fpcofrat y)))
459     (setq sum (car coefs) coefs (cdr coefs))
460     loop (setq sum (+ (* sum y) (car coefs)))
461     (when (setq coefs (cdr coefs)) (go loop))
462     (return (+ (/ y) sum))))
464(defun gammared (a)			;A is assumed to
465  (prog (m q n)				;be '((RAT) M N)
466     (cond ((floatp a) (return (gammafloat a))))
467     (setq m (cadr a)			;Numerator
468	   n (caddr a)			;denominator
469	   q (abs (truncate m n)))		;integer part
470     (cond ((minusp m)
471	    (setq q (1+ q) m (+ m (* n q)))
472	    (return
473	      (simptimes (list '(mtimes)
474			       (list '(mexpt) n q)
475			       (simpgamma (list '(%gamma)
476						(list '(rat) m n))
477					  1
478					  nil)
479			       (list '(mexpt) (gammac m n q) -1))
480			 1
481			 nil))))
482     (return (m* (gammac m n q)
483		 (simpgamma (list '(%gamma)
484				  (list '(rat) (rem m n) n))
485			    1 nil)
486		 (m^ n (- q))))))
488(defun gammac (m n q)
489  (do ((ans 1))
490      ((< q 1) ans)
491    (setq q (1- q) m (- m n) ans (* m ans))))
494;; This implementation is based on Lanczos convergent formula for the
495;; gamma function for Re(z) > 0.  We can use the reflection formula
497;;    -z*Gamma(z)*Gamma(-z) = pi/sin(pi*z)
499;; to handle the case of Re(z) <= 0.
501;; See http://my.fit.edu/~gabdo/gamma.m for some matlab code to
502;; compute this and http://my.fit.edu/~gabdo/gamma.txt for a nice
503;; discussion of Lanczos method and an improvement of Lanczos method.
506;; The document says this should give about 15 digits of accuracy for
507;; double-precision IEEE floats.  The document also indicates how to
508;; compute a new set of coefficients if you need more range or
509;; accuracy.
511(defun gamma-lanczos (z)
512  (declare (type (complex flonum) z)
513	   (optimize (safety 3)))
514  (let ((c (make-array 15 :element-type 'flonum
515		       :initial-contents
516		       '(0.99999999999999709182
517			 57.156235665862923517
518			 -59.597960355475491248
519			 14.136097974741747174
520			 -0.49191381609762019978
521			 .33994649984811888699e-4
522			 .46523628927048575665e-4
523			 -.98374475304879564677e-4
524			 .15808870322491248884e-3
525			 -.21026444172410488319e-3
526			 .21743961811521264320e-3
527			 -.16431810653676389022e-3
528			 .84418223983852743293e-4
529			 -.26190838401581408670e-4
530			 .36899182659531622704e-5))))
531    (declare (type (simple-array flonum (15)) c))
532    (cond
533      ((minusp (realpart z))
534       ;; Use the reflection formula
535       ;; -z*Gamma(z)*Gamma(-z) = pi/sin(pi*z)
536       ;; or
537       ;; Gamma(z) = pi/z/sin(pi*z)/Gamma(-z)
538       ;;
539       ;; If z is a negative integer, Gamma(z) is infinity.  Should
540       ;; we test for this?  Throw an error?
541       ;; The test must be done by the calling routine.
542       (/ (float pi)
543	  (* (- z) (sin (* (float pi) z))
544	     (gamma-lanczos (- z)))))
545      ((<= (abs z) (sqrt flonum-epsilon))
546       ;; For |z| small, use Gamma(z) = Gamma(z+1)/z
547       (/ (gamma-lanczos (+ 1 z))
548	  z))
549      (t
550       (let* ((z (- z 1))
551	      (zh (+ z 1/2))
552	      (zgh (+ zh 607/128))
553	      (ss
554	       (do ((sum 0.0)
555		    (pp (1- (length c)) (1- pp)))
556		   ((< pp 1)
557		    sum)
558		 (incf sum (/ (aref c pp) (+ z pp))))))
559	 (let ((result
560		;; We check for an overflow. The last positive value in
561		;; double-float precicsion for which Maxima can calculate
562		;; gamma is ~171.6243 (CLISP 2.46 and GCL 2.6.8)
563		(ignore-errors
564		  (let ((zp (expt zgh (/ zh 2))))
565		    (* (sqrt (float (* 2 pi)))
566		       (+ ss (aref c 0))
567		       (* (/ zp (exp zgh)) zp))))))
568	   (cond ((null result)
569		  ;; No result. Overflow.
570		  (merror (intl:gettext "gamma: overflow in GAMMA-LANCZOS.")))
571		 ((or (float-nan-p (realpart result))
572		      (float-inf-p (realpart result)))
573		  ;; Result, but beyond extreme values. Overflow.
574		  (merror (intl:gettext "gamma: overflow in GAMMA-LANCZOS.")))
575		 (t result))))))))
577(defun gammafloat (a)
578  (let ((a (float a)))
579    (cond ((minusp a)
580	   ;; Reflection formula to make it positive: gamma(x) =
581	   ;; %pi/sin(%pi*x)/x/gamma(-x)
582	   (/ (float (- pi))
583	      (* a (sin (* (float pi) a)))
584	      (gammafloat (- a))))
585	  ((<= a (sqrt flonum-epsilon))
586	   ;; Use gamma(x) = gamma(1+x)/x when x is very small
587	   (/ (gammafloat (+ 1 a))
588	      a))
589	  ((< a 10)
590	   (slatec::dgamma a))
591	  (t
592	   (let ((result
593		  (let ((c (* (sqrt (* 2 (float pi)))
594			      (exp (slatec::d9lgmc a)))))
595		    (let ((v (expt a (- (* .5e0 a) 0.25e0))))
596		      (* v
597			 (/ v (exp a))
598			 c)))))
599	     (if (or (float-nan-p result)
600		     (float-inf-p result))
601		 (merror (intl:gettext "gamma: overflow in GAMMAFLOAT."))
602		 result))))))
604(declare-top (special $numer $trigsign))
606(defmfun $zeromatrix (m n) ($ematrix m n 0 1 1))
608(defmfun $ematrix (m n var i j)
609  (prog (ans row)
610     (cond ((equal m 0) (return (ncons '($matrix simp))))
611	   ((and (equal n 0) (fixnump m) (> m 0))
612	    (return (cons '($matrix simp) (list-of-mlists m))))
613	   ((not (and (fixnump m) (fixnump n)
614		      (fixnump i) (fixnump j)
615		      (> m 0) (> n 0) (> i 0) (> j 0)))
616	    (merror (intl:gettext "ematrix: arguments must be positive integers; found ~M")
617		    (list '(mlist simp) m n i j) )))
618     loop (cond ((= m i) (setq row (onen j n var 0)) (go on))
619		((zerop m) (return (cons '($matrix) (mxc ans)))))
620     (setq row nil)
621     (do ((n n (1- n))) ((zerop n)) (setq row (cons 0 row)))
622     on   (setq ans (cons row ans) m (1- m))
623     (go loop)))
625(defun list-of-mlists (n)
626  (do ((n n (1- n))
627       (l nil (cons (ncons '(mlist simp)) l)))
628      ((= n 0) l)))
630(declare-top (special $ratmx))
632(defmfun $coefmatrix (eql varl) (coefmatrix eql varl nil))
634(defmfun $augcoefmatrix (eql varl) (coefmatrix eql varl t))
636(defun coefmatrix (eql varl ind)
637  (prog (ans row a b elem)
638     (if (not ($listp eql)) (improper-arg-err eql '$coefmatrix))
639     (if (not ($listp varl)) (improper-arg-err varl '$coefmatrix))
640     (dolist (v (cdr varl))
641       (if (and (not (atom v)) (member (caar v) '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq))
642	   (merror (intl:gettext "coefmatrix: variables cannot be '+' or '*' expressions; found ~M") v)))
643     (setq eql (nreverse (mapcar #'meqhk (cdr eql)))
644	   varl (reverse (cdr varl)))
645     loop1(if (null eql) (return (cons '($matrix) (mxc ans))))
646     (setq a (car eql) eql (cdr eql) row nil)
647     (if ind (setq row (cons (const1 a varl) row)))
648     (setq b varl)
649     loop2(setq elem (ratcoef a (car b)))
650     (setq row (cons (if $ratmx elem (ratdisrep elem)) row))
651     (if (setq b (cdr b)) (go loop2))
652     (setq ans (cons row ans))
653     (go loop1)))
655(defun const1 (e varl)
656  (dolist (v varl) (setq e (maxima-substitute 0 v e))) e)
658(defmfun $entermatrix (rows columns)
659  (prog (row column vector matrix sym symvector)
660     (cond ((or (not (fixnump rows))
661		(not (fixnump columns)))
662	    (merror (intl:gettext "entermatrix: arguments must be integers; found ~M, ~M") rows columns)))
663     (setq row 0)
664     (unless (= rows columns) (setq sym nil) (go oloop))
665     quest (format t "~%Is the matrix  1. Diagonal  2. Symmetric  3. Antisymmetric  4. General~%")
666     (setq sym (retrieve "Answer 1, 2, 3 or 4 : " nil))
667     (unless (member sym '(1 2 3 4)) (go quest))
668     oloop (cond ((> (incf row) rows)
669		 (format t "~%Matrix entered.~%")
670		 (return (cons '($matrix) (mxc matrix)))))
671     (cond ((equal sym 1)
672	    (setq column row)
673	    (let ((prompt (format nil "Row ~a Column ~a: " row column)))
674	      (setq matrix
675		    (nconc matrix
676			   (ncons (onen row columns
677					(meval (retrieve prompt nil)) 0)))))
678	    (go oloop))
679	   ((equal sym 2)
680	    (setq column (1- row))
681	    (cond ((equal row 1) (go iloop)))
682	    (setq symvector
683		  (cons (nthcdr column vector) symvector)
684		  vector (nreverse (mapcar 'car symvector))
685		  symvector (mapcar 'cdr symvector))
686	    (go iloop))
687	   ((equal sym 3)
688	    (setq column row)
689	    (cond ((equal row 1) (setq vector (ncons 0)) (go iloop)))
690	    (setq symvector
691		  (cons (mapcar #'neg (nthcdr (1- column) vector))
692			symvector)
693		  vector (nreconc (mapcar 'car symvector) (ncons 0))
694		  symvector (mapcar 'cdr symvector))
695	    (go iloop)))
696     (setq column 0 vector nil)
697     iloop (cond ((> (incf column) columns)
698		 (setq matrix (nconc matrix (ncons vector)))
699		 (go oloop)))
700     (let ((prompt (format nil "Row ~a Column ~a: " row column)))
701       (setq vector (nconc vector (ncons (meval (retrieve prompt nil))))))
702     (go iloop)))
704(declare-top (special sn* sd* rsn*))
706(defmfun $xthru (e)
707  (cond ((atom e) e)
708	((mtimesp e) (muln (mapcar '$xthru (cdr e)) nil))
709	((mplusp e) (simplify (comdenom (mapcar '$xthru (cdr e)) t)))
710	((mexptp e) (power ($xthru (cadr e)) (caddr e)))
711	((mbagp e) (cons (car e) (mapcar '$xthru (cdr e))))
712	(t e)))
714(defun comdenom (l ind)
715  (prog (n d)
716     (prodnumden (car l))
717     (setq n (m*l sn*) sn* nil)
718     (setq d (m*l sd*) sd* nil)
719     loop	(setq l (cdr l))
720     (cond ((null l)
721	    (return (cond (ind (div* (cond (rsn* ($ratsimp n))
722					   (t n))
723				     d))
724			  (t (list n d))))))
725     (prodnumden (car l))
726     (setq d (comdenom1 n d (m*l sn*) (m*l sd*)))
727     (setq n (car d))
728     (setq d (cadr d))
729     (go loop)))
731(defun prodnumden (e)
732  (cond ((atom e) (prodnd (list e)))
733	((eq (caar e) 'mtimes) (prodnd (cdr e)))
734	(t (prodnd (list e)))))
736(defun prodnd (l)
737  (prog (e)
738     (setq l (reverse l))
739     (setq sn* nil sd* nil)
740     loop (cond ((null l) (return nil)))
741     (setq e (car l))
742     (cond ((atom e) (setq sn* (cons e sn*)))
743	   ((ratnump e)
744	    (cond ((not (equal 1 (cadr e)))
745		   (setq sn* (cons (cadr e) sn*))))
746	    (setq sd* (cons (caddr e) sd*)))
747	   ((and (eq (caar e) 'mexpt)
748		 (mnegp (caddr e)))
749	    (setq sd* (cons (power (cadr e)
750				   (timesk -1 (caddr e)))
751			    sd*)))
752	   (t (setq sn* (cons e sn*))))
753     (setq l (cdr l))
754     (go loop)))
756(defun comdenom1 (a b c d)
757  (prog (b1 c1)
758     (prodnumden (div* b d))
759     (setq b1 (m*l sn*) sn* nil)
760     (setq c1 (m*l sd*) sd* nil)
761     (return
762       (list (add2 (m* a c1) (m* c b1))
763	     (mul2 d b1)))))
765(declare-top (special $globalsolve $backsubst $dispflag
766		      $linsolve_params $%rnum_list ax *linelabel* $linechar
767		      $linenum *mosesflag))
769(defun xrutout (ax n m varl ind)
770  (let (($linsolve_params (and $backsubst $linsolve_params)))
771    (prog (ix imin ans zz m-1 sol tim chk zzz)
772       (setq ax (get-array-pointer ax) tim 0)
773       (if $linsolve_params (setq $%rnum_list (list '(mlist))))
774       (setq imin (min (setq m-1 (1- m)) n))
775       (setq ix (max imin (length varl)))
776       loop (if (zerop ix) (if ind (go out) (return (cons '(mlist) zz))))
777       (when (or (> ix imin) (equal (car (aref ax ix ix)) 0))
778	 (setf (aref ax 0 ix)
779		(rform (if $linsolve_params (make-param) (ith varl ix))))
780	 (if $linsolve_params (go saval) (go next)))
781       (setq ans (aref ax ix m))
782       (setf (aref ax ix m) nil)
783       (do ((j (1+ ix) (1+ j)))
784	   ((> j m-1))
785	 (setq ans (ratdif ans (rattimes (aref ax ix j) (aref ax 0 j) t)))
786	 (setf (aref ax ix j) nil))
787       (setf (aref ax 0 ix) (ratquotient ans (aref ax ix ix)))
788       (setf (aref ax ix ix) nil)
789       (setq ans nil)
790       saval (push (cond (*mosesflag (aref ax 0 ix))
791			 (t (list (if $globalsolve '(msetq) '(mequal))
792				  (ith varl ix)
793				  (simplify (rdis (aref ax 0 ix))))))
794		   zz)
795       (if (not $backsubst)
796	   (setf (aref ax 0 ix) (rform (ith varl ix))))
797       (and $globalsolve (meval (car zz)))
798       next (decf ix)
799       (go loop)
800       out
801       (cond ($dispflag (mtell (intl:gettext "Solution:~%"))))
802       (setq sol (list '(mlist)) chk (checklabel $linechar))
803       (do ((ll zz (cdr ll)))
804	   ((null ll))
805	 (setq zzz (car ll))
806	 (setq zzz (list '(mlabel)
807			 (progn
808			   (if chk
809			       (setq chk nil)
810			       (incf $linenum))
811			   (let (($nolabels nil))
812			     (makelabel $linechar))
813			   *linelabel*)
814			 (setf (symbol-value *linelabel*) zzz)))
815	 (nconc sol (ncons *linelabel*))
816	 (cond ($dispflag
817		(setq tim (get-internal-run-time))
818		(mtell-open "~%~M" zzz)
819		(timeorg tim))
820	       (t
821		(putprop *linelabel* t 'nodisp))))
822       (return sol))))