1 /* tag: Tom Lord Tue Dec  4 14:41:33 2001 (bitset-tree.h)
2  */
3 /* bitset-tree.h -
4  *
5  ****************************************************************
6  * Copyright (C) 2000 Tom Lord
7  *
8  * See the file "COPYING" for further information about
9  * the copyright and warranty status of this work.
10  */
17 #include "hackerlab/mem/alloc-limits.h"
18 #include "hackerlab/bitsets/bitset.h"
22 /************************************************************************
23  *(h2 "Bitset Tree Rules")
24  *
25  * The branching structure of a bitset tree is determined by an array
26  * of structures of type `struct bits_tree_rule':
27  *
28  */
30 /* update bits-print.c when changing fields here */
31 /*(c #s"struct bits_tree_rule" :category type)
32  * struct bits_tree_rule;
33  *
34  insert*/
36 struct bits_tree_rule
37 {
38   int fanout;
39   size_t subset_size;
40   size_t subset_shift;
41   size_t subset_mask;
42 };
44 /*end-insert
45  *
46  * An array of `struct bits_tree_rule' values determines the branching
47  * structure of a bitset tree.  Nodes at distance `N' from the the
48  * root of the tree are defined by the `N'th element of the array.
49  * (See also xref:"The Bitset Tree Data Structure".)
50  *
51  * `fanout' is the number of sub-trees a node has.  It is 0 for leaf
52  * nodes.
53  *
54  * `subset_size' is the number of bits in each sub-tree.  For leaf
55  * nodes, this should be the number of bits in the leaf node.  For
56  * optimal performance, `subset_size' should be a multiple of `sizeof
57  * (bitset_subset)'.
58  *
59  * Given a non-leaf bitset tree `T', and a bit address within that
60  * tree, `B', the subset containing that bit is:
61  *
62  * 		T[B / subset_size]
63  *
64  * The relative address of the bit within that subtree is:
65  *
66  * 		B % subset_size
67  *
68  * The fields `subset_shift' and `subset_mask' are not used for leaf
69  * nodes.  For non-leaf nodes, if `subset_size' is not a power of two,
70  * the fields `subset_shift' and `subset_mask' should be 0.
71  * Otherwise, they should be set as follows:
72  *
73  * 		subset_shift = log2(subset_size)
74  * 		subset_mask = subset_size - 1
75  *
76  * Here is an example for bitset containing `1<<21' elements.  In this
77  * example, the root node of the tree has 32 sub-trees; each second
78  * and third level tree has 16 sub-trees; leaf nodes have 256 bits
79  * (`32 * 16 * 16 * 256 == 1<<21'):
80  *
81  * 	struct bits_tree_rule bitset_rule[] =
82  * 	{
83  *	  {32, 1<<16, 16, 0xffff}, // root has 32 subtrees
84  *	  {16, 1<<12, 12, 0xfff},  // level 1 nodes have 16 subtrees
85  *	  {16, 256, 8, 0xff},      // level 2 nodes have 16 subtrees
86  * 	  {0, 256, 0, 0}           // leaf nodes have 256 bits
87  *	};
88  *
89  * Bitset trees of the same size (`1<<21' bits) could be represented
90  * other ways.  For example:
91  *
92  * 	struct bits_tree_rule bitset_rule[] =
93  * 	{
94  *	  {16, 1<<17, 17, 0x1ffff}, // root has 16 subtrees
95  *	  {2, 1<<16, 16, 0xffff},   // level 1 nodes have 2 subtrees
96  *	  {16, 1<<12, 12, 0xfff},   // level 2 nodes have 16 subtrees
97  *	  {16, 256, 8, 0xff},	    // level 3 nodes have 16 subtrees
98  * 	  {0, 256, 0, 0}	    // leaf nodes have 256 bits
99  *	};
100  *
101  * Some care is necessary when choosing the values for an array of
102  * `struct bits_tree_rule'.  For a given bitset size, a deeper bitset
103  * tree (more elements in the rules array) means that the worst-case
104  * cost of accessing or modifying a single bit is raised.  On the
105  * other hand, homogenous sub-trees (at any depth) are (often)
106  * replaced by a 0 or `-1' pointer saving both space and time -- a
107  * deeper tree may offer more opportunities for that optimization.
108  * The best branching structure depends on the particular sets your
109  * programs uses and the particular access pattern of your program;
110  * experimentation with different branching structures may be
111  * necessary.
112  *
113  */
116 struct bits_tree_no_such_structure;
118 typedef struct bits_tree_no_such_structure * bits_tree;
120 #define bits_tree_which_bitset(L, R, X)		((R)->subset_shift ? ((X) >> (R)->subset_shift) : ((X) / (R)->subset_size))
122 #define bits_tree_which_bit(L, R, X)		((R)->subset_mask ? ((X) & (R)->subset_mask) : ((X) % (R)->subset_size))
124 #define bits_tree_full_bitset			((bits_tree)-1L)
126 #define bits_tree_empty_bitset			((bits_tree)0)
131 /* automatically generated __STDC__ prototypes */
132 extern bits_tree bits_tree_alloc (alloc_limits lim,
133 				  struct bits_tree_rule * rule);
134 extern void bits_tree_free (alloc_limits lim,
135 			    struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
136 			    bits_tree b);
137 extern bit_t bits_tree_compact (alloc_limits lim,
138 				struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
139 				bits_tree a);
140 extern bits_tree bits_tree_dup (alloc_limits lim,
141 				struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
142 				bits_tree a);
143 extern int bits_tree_get_subset (bitset_subset * answer,
144 				 alloc_limits lim,
145 				 struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
146 				 bits_tree b,
147 				 bit_t n);
148 extern int bits_tree_is_member (alloc_limits lim,
149 				struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
150 				bits_tree b,
151 				int n);
152 extern int bits_tree_is_equal (alloc_limits lim,
153 			       struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
154 			       bits_tree a, bits_tree b);
155 extern int bits_tree_is_subset (alloc_limits lim,
156 				struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
157 				bits_tree a,
158 				bits_tree b);
159 extern int bits_tree_is_empty (alloc_limits lim,
160 			       struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
161 			       bits_tree a);
162 extern int bits_tree_is_full (alloc_limits lim,
163 			      struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
164 			      bits_tree a);
165 extern int bits_tree_is_empty_range (alloc_limits lim,
166 				     struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
167 				     bits_tree a,
168 				     int from,
169 				     int to);
170 extern int bits_tree_is_full_range (alloc_limits lim,
171 				    struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
172 				    bits_tree a,
173 				    int from,
174 				    int to);
175 extern int bits_tree_adjoin (alloc_limits lim,
176 			     struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
177 			     bits_tree b,
178 			     int n);
179 extern int bits_tree_remove (alloc_limits lim,
180 			     struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
181 			     bits_tree b, int n);
182 extern int bits_tree_toggle (alloc_limits lim,
183 			     struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
184 			     bits_tree b,
185 			     int n);
186 extern void bits_tree_clear (alloc_limits lim,
187 			     struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
188 			     bits_tree b);
189 extern void bits_tree_fill (alloc_limits lim,
190 			    struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
191 			    bits_tree b);
192 extern int bits_tree_clear_range (alloc_limits lim,
193 				  struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
194 				  bits_tree b,
195 				  int from,
196 				  int to);
197 extern int bits_tree_fill_range (alloc_limits lim,
198 				 struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
199 				 bits_tree b,
200 				 int from,
201 				 int to);
202 extern void bits_tree_complement (alloc_limits lim,
203 				  struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
204 				  bits_tree b);
205 extern int bits_tree_assign (alloc_limits lim,
206 			     struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
207 			     bits_tree a,
208 			     bits_tree b);
209 extern int bits_tree_union (alloc_limits lim,
210 			    struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
211 			    bits_tree a,
212 			    bits_tree b);
213 extern int bits_tree_intersection (alloc_limits lim,
214 				   struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
215 				   bits_tree a,
216 				   bits_tree b);
217 extern int bits_tree_difference (alloc_limits lim,
218 				 struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
219 				 bits_tree a,
220 				 bits_tree b);
221 extern int bits_tree_revdifference (alloc_limits lim,
222 				    struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
223 				    bits_tree a,
224 				    bits_tree b);
225 extern int bits_tree_xor (alloc_limits lim,
226 			  struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
227 			  bits_tree a,
228 			  bits_tree b);
229 extern int bits_tree_population (alloc_limits lim,
230 				 struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
231 				 bits_tree a);
232 extern int bits_tree_population_range (alloc_limits lim,
233 				       struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
234 				       bits_tree a, int from, int to);
235 extern int bits_tree_ffs (alloc_limits lim,
236 			  struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
237 			  bits_tree b);
238 extern int bits_tree_ffc (alloc_limits lim, struct bits_tree_rule * rule, bits_tree b);
239 extern int bits_tree_ffs_range (alloc_limits lim,
240 				struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
241 				bits_tree b,
242 				int from,
243 				int to);
244 extern int bits_tree_ffc_range (alloc_limits lim,
245 				struct bits_tree_rule * rule,
246 				bits_tree b,
247 				int from,
248 				int to);