1 // Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_stream_sequencer_buffer.h"
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <cstddef>
9 #include <memory>
10 #include <string>
12 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
13 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_constants.h"
14 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_interval.h"
15 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h"
16 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flag_utils.h"
17 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
18 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h"
19 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/common/platform/api/quiche_str_cat.h"
21 namespace quic {
22 namespace {
CalculateBlockCount(size_t max_capacity_bytes)24 size_t CalculateBlockCount(size_t max_capacity_bytes) {
25   return (max_capacity_bytes + QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::kBlockSizeBytes - 1) /
26          QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::kBlockSizeBytes;
27 }
29 // Upper limit of how many gaps allowed in buffer, which ensures a reasonable
30 // number of iterations needed to find the right gap to fill when a frame
31 // arrives.
32 const size_t kMaxNumDataIntervalsAllowed = 2 * kMaxPacketGap;
34 // Number of blocks allocated initially.
35 constexpr size_t kInitialBlockCount = 8u;
37 // How fast block pointers container grow in size.
38 // Choose 4 to reduce the amount of reallocation.
39 constexpr int kBlocksGrowthFactor = 4;
41 }  // namespace
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer(size_t max_capacity_bytes)43 QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::QuicStreamSequencerBuffer(size_t max_capacity_bytes)
44     : max_buffer_capacity_bytes_(max_capacity_bytes),
45       max_blocks_count_(CalculateBlockCount(max_capacity_bytes)),
46       current_blocks_count_(0u),
47       total_bytes_read_(0),
48       blocks_(nullptr) {
49   if (allocate_blocks_on_demand_) {
50     DCHECK_GE(max_blocks_count_, kInitialBlockCount);
51   }
52   Clear();
53 }
~QuicStreamSequencerBuffer()55 QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::~QuicStreamSequencerBuffer() {
56   Clear();
57 }
Clear()59 void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::Clear() {
60   if (blocks_ != nullptr) {
61     size_t blocks_to_clear =
62         allocate_blocks_on_demand_ ? current_blocks_count_ : max_blocks_count_;
63     for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks_to_clear; ++i) {
64       if (blocks_[i] != nullptr) {
65         RetireBlock(i);
66       }
67     }
68   }
69   num_bytes_buffered_ = 0;
70   bytes_received_.Clear();
71   bytes_received_.Add(0, total_bytes_read_);
72 }
RetireBlock(size_t index)74 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::RetireBlock(size_t index) {
75   if (blocks_[index] == nullptr) {
76     QUIC_BUG << "Try to retire block twice";
77     return false;
78   }
79   delete blocks_[index];
80   blocks_[index] = nullptr;
81   QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Retired block with index: " << index;
82   return true;
83 }
MaybeAddMoreBlocks(size_t next_expected_byte)85 void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::MaybeAddMoreBlocks(size_t next_expected_byte) {
86   if (current_blocks_count_ == max_blocks_count_) {
87     return;
88   }
89   size_t last_byte = next_expected_byte - 1;
90   size_t num_of_blocks_needed;
91   // As long as last_byte does not wrap around, its index plus one blocks are
92   // needed. Otherwise, block_count_ blocks are needed.
93   if (last_byte < max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) {
94     num_of_blocks_needed =
95         std::max(GetBlockIndex(last_byte) + 1, kInitialBlockCount);
96   } else {
97     num_of_blocks_needed = max_blocks_count_;
98   }
99   if (current_blocks_count_ >= num_of_blocks_needed) {
100     return;
101   }
102   size_t new_block_count = kBlocksGrowthFactor * current_blocks_count_;
103   new_block_count = std::min(std::max(new_block_count, num_of_blocks_needed),
104                              max_blocks_count_);
105   auto new_blocks = std::make_unique<BufferBlock*[]>(new_block_count);
106   if (blocks_ != nullptr) {
107     memcpy(new_blocks.get(), blocks_.get(),
108            current_blocks_count_ * sizeof(BufferBlock*));
109   }
110   blocks_ = std::move(new_blocks);
111   current_blocks_count_ = new_block_count;
112 }
OnStreamData(QuicStreamOffset starting_offset,absl::string_view data,size_t * const bytes_buffered,std::string * error_details)114 QuicErrorCode QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::OnStreamData(
115     QuicStreamOffset starting_offset,
116     absl::string_view data,
117     size_t* const bytes_buffered,
118     std::string* error_details) {
119   *bytes_buffered = 0;
120   size_t size = data.size();
121   if (size == 0) {
122     *error_details = "Received empty stream frame without FIN.";
124   }
125   // Write beyond the current range this buffer is covering.
126   if (starting_offset + size > total_bytes_read_ + max_buffer_capacity_bytes_ ||
127       starting_offset + size < starting_offset) {
128     *error_details = "Received data beyond available range.";
129     return QUIC_INTERNAL_ERROR;
130   }
131   if (allocate_blocks_on_demand_) {
133         quic_allocate_stream_sequencer_buffer_blocks_on_demand);
134     MaybeAddMoreBlocks(starting_offset + size);
135   }
137   if (bytes_received_.Empty() ||
138       starting_offset >= bytes_received_.rbegin()->max() ||
139       bytes_received_.IsDisjoint(QuicInterval<QuicStreamOffset>(
140           starting_offset, starting_offset + size))) {
141     // Optimization for the typical case, when all data is newly received.
142     bytes_received_.AddOptimizedForAppend(starting_offset,
143                                           starting_offset + size);
144     if (bytes_received_.Size() >= kMaxNumDataIntervalsAllowed) {
145       // This frame is going to create more intervals than allowed. Stop
146       // processing.
147       *error_details = "Too many data intervals received for this stream.";
149     }
151     size_t bytes_copy = 0;
152     if (!CopyStreamData(starting_offset, data, &bytes_copy, error_details)) {
154     }
155     *bytes_buffered += bytes_copy;
156     num_bytes_buffered_ += *bytes_buffered;
157     return QUIC_NO_ERROR;
158   }
159   // Slow path, received data overlaps with received data.
160   QuicIntervalSet<QuicStreamOffset> newly_received(starting_offset,
161                                                    starting_offset + size);
162   newly_received.Difference(bytes_received_);
163   if (newly_received.Empty()) {
164     return QUIC_NO_ERROR;
165   }
166   bytes_received_.Add(starting_offset, starting_offset + size);
167   if (bytes_received_.Size() >= kMaxNumDataIntervalsAllowed) {
168     // This frame is going to create more intervals than allowed. Stop
169     // processing.
170     *error_details = "Too many data intervals received for this stream.";
172   }
173   for (const auto& interval : newly_received) {
174     const QuicStreamOffset copy_offset = interval.min();
175     const QuicByteCount copy_length = interval.max() - interval.min();
176     size_t bytes_copy = 0;
177     if (!CopyStreamData(copy_offset,
178                         data.substr(copy_offset - starting_offset, copy_length),
179                         &bytes_copy, error_details)) {
181     }
182     *bytes_buffered += bytes_copy;
183   }
184   num_bytes_buffered_ += *bytes_buffered;
185   return QUIC_NO_ERROR;
186 }
CopyStreamData(QuicStreamOffset offset,absl::string_view data,size_t * bytes_copy,std::string * error_details)188 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::CopyStreamData(QuicStreamOffset offset,
189                                                absl::string_view data,
190                                                size_t* bytes_copy,
191                                                std::string* error_details) {
192   *bytes_copy = 0;
193   size_t source_remaining = data.size();
194   if (source_remaining == 0) {
195     return true;
196   }
197   const char* source = data.data();
198   // Write data block by block. If corresponding block has not created yet,
199   // create it first.
200   // Stop when all data are written or reaches the logical end of the buffer.
201   while (source_remaining > 0) {
202     const size_t write_block_num = GetBlockIndex(offset);
203     const size_t write_block_offset = GetInBlockOffset(offset);
204     size_t current_blocks_count =
205         allocate_blocks_on_demand_ ? current_blocks_count_ : max_blocks_count_;
206     DCHECK_GT(current_blocks_count, write_block_num);
208     size_t block_capacity = GetBlockCapacity(write_block_num);
209     size_t bytes_avail = block_capacity - write_block_offset;
211     // If this write meets the upper boundary of the buffer,
212     // reduce the available free bytes.
213     if (offset + bytes_avail > total_bytes_read_ + max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) {
214       bytes_avail = total_bytes_read_ + max_buffer_capacity_bytes_ - offset;
215     }
217     if (!allocate_blocks_on_demand_) {
218       if (blocks_ == nullptr) {
219         blocks_.reset(new BufferBlock*[max_blocks_count_]());
220         for (size_t i = 0; i < max_blocks_count_; ++i) {
221           blocks_[i] = nullptr;
222         }
223       }
224     }
226     if (write_block_num >= current_blocks_count) {
227       *error_details = quiche::QuicheStrCat(
228           "QuicStreamSequencerBuffer error: OnStreamData() exceed array bounds."
229           "write offset = ",
230           offset, " write_block_num = ", write_block_num,
231           " current_blocks_count_ = ", current_blocks_count);
232       return false;
233     }
234     if (blocks_ == nullptr) {
235       *error_details =
236           "QuicStreamSequencerBuffer error: OnStreamData() blocks_ is null";
237       return false;
238     }
239     if (blocks_[write_block_num] == nullptr) {
240       // TODO(danzh): Investigate if using a freelist would improve performance.
241       // Same as RetireBlock().
242       blocks_[write_block_num] = new BufferBlock();
243     }
245     const size_t bytes_to_copy =
246         std::min<size_t>(bytes_avail, source_remaining);
247     char* dest = blocks_[write_block_num]->buffer + write_block_offset;
248     QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Write at offset: " << offset
249                   << " length: " << bytes_to_copy;
251     if (dest == nullptr || source == nullptr) {
252       *error_details = quiche::QuicheStrCat(
253           "QuicStreamSequencerBuffer error: OnStreamData()"
254           " dest == nullptr: ",
255           (dest == nullptr), " source == nullptr: ", (source == nullptr),
256           " Writing at offset ", offset,
257           " Received frames: ", ReceivedFramesDebugString(),
258           " total_bytes_read_ = ", total_bytes_read_);
259       return false;
260     }
261     memcpy(dest, source, bytes_to_copy);
262     source += bytes_to_copy;
263     source_remaining -= bytes_to_copy;
264     offset += bytes_to_copy;
265     *bytes_copy += bytes_to_copy;
266   }
267   return true;
268 }
Readv(const iovec * dest_iov,size_t dest_count,size_t * bytes_read,std::string * error_details)270 QuicErrorCode QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::Readv(const iovec* dest_iov,
271                                                size_t dest_count,
272                                                size_t* bytes_read,
273                                                std::string* error_details) {
274   *bytes_read = 0;
275   for (size_t i = 0; i < dest_count && ReadableBytes() > 0; ++i) {
276     char* dest = reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest_iov[i].iov_base);
277     DCHECK(dest != nullptr);
278     size_t dest_remaining = dest_iov[i].iov_len;
279     while (dest_remaining > 0 && ReadableBytes() > 0) {
280       size_t block_idx = NextBlockToRead();
281       size_t start_offset_in_block = ReadOffset();
282       size_t block_capacity = GetBlockCapacity(block_idx);
283       size_t bytes_available_in_block = std::min<size_t>(
284           ReadableBytes(), block_capacity - start_offset_in_block);
285       size_t bytes_to_copy =
286           std::min<size_t>(bytes_available_in_block, dest_remaining);
287       DCHECK_GT(bytes_to_copy, 0u);
288       if (blocks_[block_idx] == nullptr || dest == nullptr) {
289         *error_details = quiche::QuicheStrCat(
290             "QuicStreamSequencerBuffer error:"
291             " Readv() dest == nullptr: ",
292             (dest == nullptr), " blocks_[", block_idx,
293             "] == nullptr: ", (blocks_[block_idx] == nullptr),
294             " Received frames: ", ReceivedFramesDebugString(),
295             " total_bytes_read_ = ", total_bytes_read_);
297       }
298       memcpy(dest, blocks_[block_idx]->buffer + start_offset_in_block,
299              bytes_to_copy);
300       dest += bytes_to_copy;
301       dest_remaining -= bytes_to_copy;
302       num_bytes_buffered_ -= bytes_to_copy;
303       total_bytes_read_ += bytes_to_copy;
304       *bytes_read += bytes_to_copy;
306       // Retire the block if all the data is read out and no other data is
307       // stored in this block.
308       // In case of failing to retire a block which is ready to retire, return
309       // immediately.
310       if (bytes_to_copy == bytes_available_in_block) {
311         bool retire_successfully = RetireBlockIfEmpty(block_idx);
312         if (!retire_successfully) {
313           *error_details = quiche::QuicheStrCat(
314               "QuicStreamSequencerBuffer error: fail to retire block ",
315               block_idx,
316               " as the block is already released, total_bytes_read_ = ",
317               total_bytes_read_,
318               " Received frames: ", ReceivedFramesDebugString());
320         }
321       }
322     }
323   }
325   return QUIC_NO_ERROR;
326 }
GetReadableRegions(struct iovec * iov,int iov_len) const328 int QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetReadableRegions(struct iovec* iov,
329                                                   int iov_len) const {
330   DCHECK(iov != nullptr);
331   DCHECK_GT(iov_len, 0);
333   if (ReadableBytes() == 0) {
334     iov[0].iov_base = nullptr;
335     iov[0].iov_len = 0;
336     return 0;
337   }
339   size_t start_block_idx = NextBlockToRead();
340   QuicStreamOffset readable_offset_end = FirstMissingByte() - 1;
341   DCHECK_GE(readable_offset_end + 1, total_bytes_read_);
342   size_t end_block_offset = GetInBlockOffset(readable_offset_end);
343   size_t end_block_idx = GetBlockIndex(readable_offset_end);
345   // If readable region is within one block, deal with it seperately.
346   if (start_block_idx == end_block_idx && ReadOffset() <= end_block_offset) {
347     iov[0].iov_base = blocks_[start_block_idx]->buffer + ReadOffset();
348     iov[0].iov_len = ReadableBytes();
349     QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Got only a single block with index: " << start_block_idx;
350     return 1;
351   }
353   // Get first block
354   iov[0].iov_base = blocks_[start_block_idx]->buffer + ReadOffset();
355   iov[0].iov_len = GetBlockCapacity(start_block_idx) - ReadOffset();
356   QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Got first block " << start_block_idx << " with len "
357                 << iov[0].iov_len;
358   DCHECK_GT(readable_offset_end + 1, total_bytes_read_ + iov[0].iov_len)
359       << "there should be more available data";
361   // Get readable regions of the rest blocks till either 2nd to last block
362   // before gap is met or |iov| is filled. For these blocks, one whole block is
363   // a region.
364   int iov_used = 1;
365   size_t block_idx = (start_block_idx + iov_used) % max_blocks_count_;
366   while (block_idx != end_block_idx && iov_used < iov_len) {
367     DCHECK(nullptr != blocks_[block_idx]);
368     iov[iov_used].iov_base = blocks_[block_idx]->buffer;
369     iov[iov_used].iov_len = GetBlockCapacity(block_idx);
370     QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Got block with index: " << block_idx;
371     ++iov_used;
372     block_idx = (start_block_idx + iov_used) % max_blocks_count_;
373   }
375   // Deal with last block if |iov| can hold more.
376   if (iov_used < iov_len) {
377     DCHECK(nullptr != blocks_[block_idx]);
378     iov[iov_used].iov_base = blocks_[end_block_idx]->buffer;
379     iov[iov_used].iov_len = end_block_offset + 1;
380     QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Got last block with index: " << end_block_idx;
381     ++iov_used;
382   }
383   return iov_used;
384 }
GetReadableRegion(iovec * iov) const386 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetReadableRegion(iovec* iov) const {
387   return GetReadableRegions(iov, 1) == 1;
388 }
PeekRegion(QuicStreamOffset offset,iovec * iov) const390 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::PeekRegion(QuicStreamOffset offset,
391                                            iovec* iov) const {
392   DCHECK(iov);
394   if (offset < total_bytes_read_) {
395     // Data at |offset| has already been consumed.
396     return false;
397   }
399   if (offset >= FirstMissingByte()) {
400     // Data at |offset| has not been received yet.
401     return false;
402   }
404   // Beginning of region.
405   size_t block_idx = GetBlockIndex(offset);
406   size_t block_offset = GetInBlockOffset(offset);
407   iov->iov_base = blocks_[block_idx]->buffer + block_offset;
409   // Determine if entire block has been received.
410   size_t end_block_idx = GetBlockIndex(FirstMissingByte());
411   if (block_idx == end_block_idx) {
412     // Only read part of block before FirstMissingByte().
413     iov->iov_len = GetInBlockOffset(FirstMissingByte()) - block_offset;
414   } else {
415     // Read entire block.
416     iov->iov_len = GetBlockCapacity(block_idx) - block_offset;
417   }
419   return true;
420 }
MarkConsumed(size_t bytes_consumed)422 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::MarkConsumed(size_t bytes_consumed) {
423   if (bytes_consumed > ReadableBytes()) {
424     return false;
425   }
426   size_t bytes_to_consume = bytes_consumed;
427   while (bytes_to_consume > 0) {
428     size_t block_idx = NextBlockToRead();
429     size_t offset_in_block = ReadOffset();
430     size_t bytes_available = std::min<size_t>(
431         ReadableBytes(), GetBlockCapacity(block_idx) - offset_in_block);
432     size_t bytes_read = std::min<size_t>(bytes_to_consume, bytes_available);
433     total_bytes_read_ += bytes_read;
434     num_bytes_buffered_ -= bytes_read;
435     bytes_to_consume -= bytes_read;
436     // If advanced to the end of current block and end of buffer hasn't wrapped
437     // to this block yet.
438     if (bytes_available == bytes_read) {
439       RetireBlockIfEmpty(block_idx);
440     }
441   }
443   return true;
444 }
FlushBufferedFrames()446 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::FlushBufferedFrames() {
447   size_t prev_total_bytes_read = total_bytes_read_;
448   total_bytes_read_ = NextExpectedByte();
449   Clear();
450   return total_bytes_read_ - prev_total_bytes_read;
451 }
ReleaseWholeBuffer()453 void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::ReleaseWholeBuffer() {
454   Clear();
455   current_blocks_count_ = 0;
456   blocks_.reset(nullptr);
457 }
ReadableBytes() const459 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::ReadableBytes() const {
460   return FirstMissingByte() - total_bytes_read_;
461 }
HasBytesToRead() const463 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::HasBytesToRead() const {
464   return ReadableBytes() > 0;
465 }
BytesConsumed() const467 QuicStreamOffset QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::BytesConsumed() const {
468   return total_bytes_read_;
469 }
BytesBuffered() const471 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::BytesBuffered() const {
472   return num_bytes_buffered_;
473 }
GetBlockIndex(QuicStreamOffset offset) const475 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetBlockIndex(QuicStreamOffset offset) const {
476   return (offset % max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) / kBlockSizeBytes;
477 }
GetInBlockOffset(QuicStreamOffset offset) const479 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetInBlockOffset(
480     QuicStreamOffset offset) const {
481   return (offset % max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) % kBlockSizeBytes;
482 }
ReadOffset() const484 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::ReadOffset() const {
485   return GetInBlockOffset(total_bytes_read_);
486 }
NextBlockToRead() const488 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::NextBlockToRead() const {
489   return GetBlockIndex(total_bytes_read_);
490 }
RetireBlockIfEmpty(size_t block_index)492 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::RetireBlockIfEmpty(size_t block_index) {
493   DCHECK(ReadableBytes() == 0 || GetInBlockOffset(total_bytes_read_) == 0)
494       << "RetireBlockIfEmpty() should only be called when advancing to next "
495       << "block or a gap has been reached.";
496   // If the whole buffer becomes empty, the last piece of data has been read.
497   if (Empty()) {
498     return RetireBlock(block_index);
499   }
501   // Check where the logical end of this buffer is.
502   // Not empty if the end of circular buffer has been wrapped to this block.
503   if (GetBlockIndex(NextExpectedByte() - 1) == block_index) {
504     return true;
505   }
507   // Read index remains in this block, which means a gap has been reached.
508   if (NextBlockToRead() == block_index) {
509     if (bytes_received_.Size() > 1) {
510       auto it = bytes_received_.begin();
511       ++it;
512       if (GetBlockIndex(it->min()) == block_index) {
513         // Do not retire the block if next data interval is in this block.
514         return true;
515       }
516     } else {
517       QUIC_BUG << "Read stopped at where it shouldn't.";
518       return false;
519     }
520   }
521   return RetireBlock(block_index);
522 }
Empty() const524 bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::Empty() const {
525   return bytes_received_.Empty() ||
526          (bytes_received_.Size() == 1 && total_bytes_read_ > 0 &&
527           bytes_received_.begin()->max() == total_bytes_read_);
528 }
GetBlockCapacity(size_t block_index) const530 size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetBlockCapacity(size_t block_index) const {
531   if ((block_index + 1) == max_blocks_count_) {
532     size_t result = max_buffer_capacity_bytes_ % kBlockSizeBytes;
533     if (result == 0) {  // whole block
534       result = kBlockSizeBytes;
535     }
536     return result;
537   } else {
538     return kBlockSizeBytes;
539   }
540 }
ReceivedFramesDebugString() const542 std::string QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::ReceivedFramesDebugString() const {
543   return bytes_received_.ToString();
544 }
FirstMissingByte() const546 QuicStreamOffset QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::FirstMissingByte() const {
547   if (bytes_received_.Empty() || bytes_received_.begin()->min() > 0) {
548     // Offset 0 is not received yet.
549     return 0;
550   }
551   return bytes_received_.begin()->max();
552 }
NextExpectedByte() const554 QuicStreamOffset QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::NextExpectedByte() const {
555   if (bytes_received_.Empty()) {
556     return 0;
557   }
558   return bytes_received_.rbegin()->max();
559 }
561 }  //  namespace quic