1 //*****************************************************************************/
2 // Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Autodesk, Inc.
3 // All rights reserved.
4 //
5 // These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
6 // unpublished proprietary information written by Autodesk, Inc., and are
7 // protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed to third
8 // parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without
9 // the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
10 //*****************************************************************************/
11 /**********************************************************************
12  *<
13 	FILE: bmtex.h
15 	DESCRIPTION: BMTEX 2D Texture map.
17 	CREATED BY: Daniel Levesque
21  *>
22  **********************************************************************/
24 #ifndef _BMTEX_H_
25 #define _BMTEX_H_
27 #include <max.h>
28 #include <imtl.h>
29 #include <bmmlib.h>
30 #include <bitmap.h>
31 #include <iparamm2.h>
32 #include <stdmat.h>
33 #include <IAssetAccessor.h>
34 #include <containers/array.h>
36 class BMTex;
37 class BMTexDlg;
38 struct NotifyInfo;
40 // JBW: IDs for ParamBlock2 blocks and parameters
41 // Parameter and ParamBlock IDs, bmtex_time
42 enum { bmtex_params,bmtex_time};  // pblock ID
44 enum
45 {
46 	bmtex_clipu,bmtex_clipv,bmtex_clipw,bmtex_cliph,
47 	bmtex_jitter,bmtex_usejitter,
48 	bmtex_apply,bmtex_crop_place,
49 	bmtex_filtering,
50 	bmtex_monooutput,
51 	bmtex_rgboutput,
52 	bmtex_alphasource,
53 	bmtex_premultalpha,
54 	bmtex_bitmap,
55 	bmtex_coords,	 // access for UVW mapping
56 	bmtex_output,	 //output window
57 	bmtex_filename   // bitmap filename virtual parameter, JBW 2/23/99
58 };
61 enum
62 {
63 	bmtex_start,bmtex_playbackrate, bmtex_endcondition,
64 	bmtex_matidtime
65 };
67 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 // BMSampler
69 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 class BMSampler: public MapSampler {
72 public:
73 	BMSampler();
74 	void Init(BMTex *bmt, Bitmap *bm=NULL);
75 	int PlaceUV(ShadeContext& sc, float &u, float &v, int iu, int iv);
76 	int PlaceUVFilter(ShadeContext& sc, float &u, float &v, int iu, int iv);
78 	// -- from MapSampler
79 	virtual AColor Sample(ShadeContext& sc, float u,float v);
80 	virtual AColor SampleFilter(ShadeContext& sc, float u,float v, float du, float dv);
82 protected:
83 	Bitmap *bm;
84 	BMTex *tex;
85 	int alphaSource;
86 	float u0,v0,u1,v1,ufac,vfac,ujit,vjit;
87 	int bmw,bmh,clipx, clipy, cliph;
88 	float fclipw,fcliph, fbmh, fbmw;
89 } ;
91 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 // BMAlphaSampler
93 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 class BMAlphaSampler: public BMSampler {
95 public:
96 	// -- from MapSampler
Sample(ShadeContext & sc,float u,float v)97 	virtual AColor Sample(ShadeContext& sc, float u,float v) { return AColor(0,0,0,0);}
SampleFilter(ShadeContext & sc,float u,float v,float du,float dv)98 	virtual AColor SampleFilter(ShadeContext& sc, float u,float v, float du, float dv) { return AColor(0,0,0,0);}
99 	virtual float SampleMono(ShadeContext& sc, float u,float v);
100 	virtual float SampleMonoFilter(ShadeContext& sc, float u,float v, float du, float dv);
101 } ;
105 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 // BMCropper
107 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 class BMCropper:public CropCallback {
110 	BMTexDlg *dlg;
111 	BMTex *tex;
112 	BOOL mode;
113 	float u0,v0,w0,h0;
114 public:
GetInitU()115 	float GetInitU() { return u0; }
GetInitV()116 	float GetInitV() { return v0; }
GetInitW()117 	float GetInitW() { return w0; }
GetInitH()118 	float GetInitH() { return h0; }
GetInitMode()119 	BOOL GetInitMode() { return mode; }
120 	void SetValues(float u, float v, float w, float h, BOOL md);
121 	void OnClose();
122 	void Init(BMTexDlg *tx, TimeValue t);
123 };
126 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 // BMTexDlg
128 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 //class BMTexDlg: public ParamDlg , public DADMgr{
131 class BMTexDlg: public ParamMap2UserDlgProc, protected BitmapNotify {
132 public:
133 	HWND hwmedit;	 // window handle of the materials editor dialog
134 	IMtlParams *ip;
135 	BMTex *theBMTex;	 // current BMTex being edited.
136 	HWND hPanel; // Rollup pane
137 	//		HWND hTime; // Time Rollup pane
138 	TimeValue curTime;
139 	//		ICustButton *iName;
140 	BOOL valid;
141 	BOOL isActive;
142 	BOOL cropping;
144 	BMCropper cropper;
147 	//-----------------------------
148 	BMTexDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp, BMTex *m);
149 	~BMTexDlg();
151 	// inherited from ParamMap2UserDlgProc
152 	void Update(TimeValue t);
153 	INT_PTR DlgProc(TimeValue t,IParamMap2 *map,HWND hWnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
155 	//    INT_PTR PanelProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
156 	INT_PTR TimeProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
157 	void LoadDialog(BOOL draw);  // stuff params into dialog
158 	void ReloadDialog();
159 	void BMNameChanged();
UpdateMtlDisplay()160 	void UpdateMtlDisplay() { ip->MtlChanged(); }
ActivateDlg(BOOL onOff)161 	void ActivateDlg(BOOL onOff) {}
162 	void StuffBMNameField(HWND hwndDlg);
163 	void EnableAlphaButtons(BOOL isNew=FALSE);
164 	void EnableViewImage();
Invalidate()165 	void Invalidate() { valid = FALSE;	InvalidateRect(hPanel,NULL,0); }
166 	BOOL KeyAtCurTime(int id);
167 	void ShowCropImage();
168 	void RemoveCropImage();
170 	// methods inherited from ParamDlg:
171 	Class_ID ClassID();
172 	void SetThing(ReferenceTarget *m);
GetThing()173 	ReferenceTarget* GetThing() { return (ReferenceTarget *)theBMTex; }
DeleteThis()174 	void DeleteThis() { delete this;  }
176 protected:
178 	// from BitmapNotify
179 	virtual int Changed(ULONG flags);
180 	virtual void VFBClosed();
182 private:
184 	// The temporary bitmap instance used to display in the viewer.
185 	Bitmap* m_displayBitmap;
186 };
188 class BMTexNotify: public BitmapNotify {
189 public:
190 	BMTex *tex;
SetTex(BMTex * tx)191 	void SetTex(BMTex *tx) { tex  = tx; }
192 	int Changed(ULONG flags);
193 };
195 class BMTexPostLoad;
197 //--------------------------------------------------------------
198 // BMTex: A 2D texture map
199 //--------------------------------------------------------------
201 class BMTex: public BitmapTex {
202 	friend class BMTexPostLoad;
203 	friend class BMTexDlg;
204 	friend class BMTexDlgProc;
205 	friend class BMSampler;
206 	friend class BMAlphaSampler;
207 	friend class BMTexPBAccessor;
208 	friend class BMTex2PostLoad;
210 	static ParamDlg* uvGenDlg;
211 	static ParamDlg* texoutDlg;
213 	UVGen *uvGen;		   // ref #0
216 	TextureOutput *texout; // ref #2
218 	BMTexNotify bmNotify;
219 	TexHandle *texHandle;
220 	Interval ivalid;
221 	BMSampler mysamp;
222 	BMAlphaSampler alphasamp;
224 	Tab<BMSampler*> mysampList;
225 	Tab<BMAlphaSampler*> alphasampList;
227 public:
229 	class BMMSilentModeGuard;
230 	class ProxyModeDisableGuard;
232 	BOOL isParm2;
234 	float pbRate;
235 	TimeValue startTime;
236 	BOOL applyCrop;
237 	BOOL loading;
238 	BOOL loadingOld;
239 	BOOL placeImage;
240 	BOOL randPlace;
241 	BOOL fileNotFound;
242 	int filterType;
243 	int alphaSource;
244 	int rollScroll;
245 	int endCond;
246 	int alphaAsMono;
247 	int alphaAsRGB;
248 	float clipu, clipv, clipw, cliph, jitter;
249 	BOOL premultAlpha;
250 	BOOL isNew;
251 	BOOL loadFailed;
252 	BOOL bmWasSet;
253 	int texTime;
254 	Interval texValid;
255 	Interval clipValid;
256 	float rumax,rumin,rvmax,rvmin;
259 	IParamBlock2 *pblock;   // ref #1
260 	IParamBlock2 *pblockTime;   // ref #3
261 	static BMTexDlg *paramDlg;
263 	// Returns the bitmap to be used for display, render, etc. If
264 	// "tie time to material ID" is enabled, this returns the LAST bitmap in the list.
265 	// Why does it return the "last" bitmap in the list? That's for historical reasons;
266 	// the old code used to behave like this.
267 	Bitmap* GetActiveBitmap() const;
269 private:
271 	//==========================================================================
272 	// class BitmapHolder
273 	//
274 	// Encapsulates the handling of proxy vs. non-proxy bitmaps,
275 	// to force all BMTex methods to pass through this class and the appropriate
276 	// methods rather than accessing the bitmap directly.
277 	//==========================================================================
278 	class BitmapHolder {
279 	public:
281 		BitmapHolder();
282 		~BitmapHolder();
284 		// Copy constructor is1 meant to be used by STL only. It is
285 		// unsafe to be used in any other way as having multiple pointers to the same bitmap
286 		// is simply unsafe.
287 		BitmapHolder(const BitmapHolder& other);
288 		BitmapHolder& operator=(const BitmapHolder& other);
290 		// Enables/disables proxy mode, deleting the unused bitmap if necessary
291 		void EnableProxyMode(bool deleteNonProxyBitmap);
292 		void DisableProxyMode(bool deleteProxyBitmap);
294 		// Loads the bitmap described by the bitmap info; may load the proxy bitmap,
295 		// depending on the proxy mode.
296 		bool LoadBitmap(BMMRES& status, bool silenceBitmapManager);
298 		// Loads the bitmap in-place, re-using the same Bitmap. May load the proxy bitmap,
299 		// depending on the proxy mode. Does nothing if a bitmap was not already created
300 		// through LoadBitmap().
301 		void LoadInto(bool forceReload);
303 		// Frees both proxy and non-proxy bitmaps.
304 		void FreeBitmap();
306 		// Calls Bitmap::GoTo(), on either the proxy or non-proxy bitmap, depending on the proxy mode.
307 		BMMRES GotoFrame(bool silenceBitmapManager);
309 		// Returns the bitmap info of the non-proxy image.
310 		// Even when the proxy image is loaded while the high-res image is not loaded,
311 		// the non-proxy bitmap info will be up-to-date.
312 		BitmapInfo& GetBitmapInfo();
313 		const BitmapInfo& GetBitmapInfo() const;
315 		// Returns the bitmap to be used for getting pixel values; will return either
316 		// the proxy or non-proxy bitmap, depending on the proxy mode.
317 		Bitmap* GetBitmap() const;
319 		// Called to override the bitmap being used; overrides the proxy bitmap, if
320 		// and only if the input bitmap has the MAP_PROXY flag.
321 		void SetBitmap(Bitmap* bitmap);
323 		// The following methods apply the desired settings to both proxy and non-proxy bitmaps.
324 		int SetFilter(UINT filterType);
325 		void SetCroppingValues(float u, float v, float w, float h, BOOL placeImage);
326 		void SetNotify(BitmapNotify *bmnot);
328 	private:
330 		void FreeProxyBitmap();
331 		void FreeNonProxyBitmap();
333 		bool m_isProxyMode;
335 		// The non-proxy bitmap is loaded without the MAP_PROXYREQUEST flag.
336 		// It is therefore guaranteed not to be a reduced-size image.
337 		BitmapInfo m_nonProxyBitmapInfo;
338 		Bitmap* m_nonProxyBitmap;
340 		// The proxy bitmap is loaded WITH the MAP_PROXYREQUEST flag. Depending, on the proxy
341 		// manager settings, it may or may not be a reduced-size image.
342 		BitmapInfo m_proxyBitmapInfo;
343 		Bitmap* m_proxyBitmap;
344 	};
346 	// Indicates whether proxies have been disabled for rendering
347 	bool m_proxiesWereDisabledForRendering;
348 	// The number of times this bitmap has been temporarily disabled
349 	// (this value enables us to avoid multiple disables)
350 	int m_numTemporaryDisables;
351 	// The bitmap currently in use.
352 	BitmapHolder m_theBitmap;
353 	// A shortcut to the bitmap info stored in m_theBitmap.
354 	BitmapInfo& m_bi;
355 	// The list of bitmaps use with the "match time to material ID" feature.
356 	MaxSDK::Array<BitmapHolder> m_theBitmapList;
358 public:
360 	BMTex();
361 	~BMTex();
362 	IMtlParams *ip;
363 	ParamDlg* CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp);
364 	void Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid);
365 	void Init();
366 	void Reset();
Validity(TimeValue t)367 	Interval Validity(TimeValue t) { Interval v; Update(t,v); return ivalid; }
368 	TSTR GetFullName();
370 	// Inherited from Texmap. Bitmap texture ouput is always meaningful
IsLocalOutputMeaningful(ShadeContext & sc)371 	bool IsLocalOutputMeaningful( ShadeContext& sc ) { return true; }
SetOutputLevel(TimeValue t,float v)373 	void SetOutputLevel(TimeValue t, float v) {texout->SetOutputLevel(t,v); }
374 	void SetFilterType(int ft);
375 	void SetAlphaSource(int as);
376 	void SetEndCondition(int endcond);
377 	//		void SetEndCondition(int endcond) {
378 	//			pblockTime->SetValue( bmtex_endcondition, 0, endcond);
379 	//			endCond = endcond;
380 	//			ParamID changedParam = pblock->LastNotifyParamID();
381 	//			bmtex_time_param_blk.InvalidateUI(changedParam);
382 	//			}
SetAlphaAsMono(BOOL onoff)383 	void SetAlphaAsMono(BOOL onoff) {
384 		onoff = onoff != 0;
385 		BOOL oldOnOff = pblock->GetInt( bmtex_monooutput, 0 ) != 0;
386 		if ( onoff != oldOnOff )
387 			pblock->SetValue( bmtex_monooutput, 0, onoff);
388 		alphaAsMono = onoff;
389 	}
SetAlphaAsRGB(BOOL onoff)390 	void SetAlphaAsRGB(BOOL onoff) {
391 		onoff = onoff != 0;
392 		BOOL oldOnOff = pblock->GetInt( bmtex_rgboutput, 0 ) != 0;
393 		if ( onoff != oldOnOff )
394 			pblock->SetValue( bmtex_rgboutput, 0, onoff);
395 		alphaAsRGB = onoff;
396 	}
SetPremultAlpha(BOOL onoff)397 	void SetPremultAlpha(BOOL onoff) {
398 		onoff = onoff != 0;
399 		BOOL oldOnOff = pblock->GetInt( bmtex_premultalpha, 0 ) != 0;
400 		if ( onoff != oldOnOff )
401 			pblock->SetValue( bmtex_premultalpha, 0, onoff);
402 		premultAlpha = onoff;
403 	}
404 	void SetMapName(const TCHAR *name, bool isUIAction = false);
405 	void SetPlaybackRate(float r);
406 	void SetStartTime(TimeValue t);
408 	/****
409 	void SetStartTime(TimeValue t) {
410 	pblockTime->SetValue( bmtex_start, 0, t);
411 	startTime = t;
412 	}
413 	void SetPlaybackRate(float r) {
414 	pblockTime->SetValue( bmtex_playbackrate, 0, r);
415 	pbRate = r;
416 	}
417 	****/
418 	void SetClipU(TimeValue t, float f);
419 	void SetClipV(TimeValue t, float f) ;
420 	void SetClipW(TimeValue t, float f) ;
421 	void SetClipH(TimeValue t, float f) ;
422 	void SetJitter(TimeValue t, float f);
GetFilterType()424 	int GetFilterType() { return filterType; }
GetAlphaSource()425 	int GetAlphaSource() { return alphaSource; }
GetEndCondition()426 	int GetEndCondition() { return endCond; }
GetAlphaAsMono(BOOL onoff)427 	BOOL GetAlphaAsMono(BOOL onoff) { return alphaAsMono; }
GetAlphaAsRGB(BOOL onoff)428 	BOOL GetAlphaAsRGB(BOOL onoff) { return alphaAsRGB; }
GetPremultAlpha(BOOL onoff)429 	BOOL GetPremultAlpha(BOOL onoff) { return premultAlpha; }
GetMapName()430 	TCHAR *GetMapName() {
431 		UpdateBIName(); // CCJ 4/27/99
432 		return const_cast<TCHAR*>(m_bi.Name());
433 	}
GetStartTime()434 	TimeValue GetStartTime() { return startTime; }
GetPlaybackRate()435 	float GetPlaybackRate() { return pbRate; }
GetUVGen()436 	StdUVGen* GetUVGen() { return (StdUVGen*)uvGen; }
GetTexout()437 	TextureOutput* GetTexout() { return texout; }
438 	Bitmap *GetBitmap(TimeValue t);
GetClipU(TimeValue t)439 	float GetClipU(TimeValue t) {
440 		return pblock->GetFloat( bmtex_clipu, t);
441 	}
GetClipV(TimeValue t)442 	float GetClipV(TimeValue t) {
443 		return pblock->GetFloat( bmtex_clipv, t);
444 	}
GetClipW(TimeValue t)445 	float GetClipW(TimeValue t) {
446 		return pblock->GetFloat( bmtex_clipw, t);
447 	}
GetClipH(TimeValue t)448 	float GetClipH(TimeValue t) {
449 		return pblock->GetFloat( bmtex_cliph, t);
450 	}
GetJitter(TimeValue t)451 	float GetJitter(TimeValue t) {
452 		return pblock->GetFloat( bmtex_jitter, t);
453 	}
454 	void StuffCropValues(); // stuff new values into the cropping VFB
455 	void EnableStuff();
UpdateBIName()456 	void UpdateBIName() {
457 		PBBitmap* bitmapPB = NULL;
458 		pblock->GetValue( bmtex_bitmap, 0,bitmapPB, clipValid );
459 		if (bitmapPB != NULL)
460 			m_bi = bitmapPB->bi;	  //DS 2/24/99
461 		else m_bi.SetName(_T(""));   // DS 3/23/99
462 	}
UpdtSampler()464 	void UpdtSampler() {
465 		BOOL tieTimeToMatID;
467 		pblockTime->GetValue( bmtex_matidtime, 0, tieTimeToMatID,FOREVER);
469 		if (!tieTimeToMatID)
470 		{
471 			mysamp.Init(this);
472 			alphasamp.Init(this);
473 		}
474 		else
475 		{
476 			for (int i = 0; i < mysampList.Count(); i++)
477 			{
478 				mysampList[i]->Init(this,m_theBitmapList[i].GetBitmap());
479 				alphasampList[i]->Init(this,m_theBitmapList[i].GetBitmap());
480 			}
481 		}
482 	}
484 	void NotifyChanged();
485 	void FreeBitmap();
486 	BMMRES LoadBitmap(TimeValue t, bool quiet=true, bool reload=false);
487 	int CalcFrame(TimeValue t);
488 	void ScaleBitmapBumpAmt(float f);
489 	// 'isUIAction' should be set to true if the reloading occurs as the result
490 	// of a "Reload" button being pressed in the UI.
491 	void ReloadBitmap(bool isUIAction);
493 	// Evaluate the color of map for the context.
494 	RGBA EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc);
495 	float EvalMono(ShadeContext& sc);
496 	Point3 EvalNormalPerturb(ShadeContext& sc);
498 	void DiscardTexHandle();
SupportTexDisplay()500 	BOOL SupportTexDisplay() { return TRUE; }
501 	void ActivateTexDisplay(BOOL onoff);
502 	DWORD_PTR GetActiveTexHandle(TimeValue t, TexHandleMaker& thmaker);
503 	BITMAPINFO* GetVPDisplayDIB(TimeValue t, TexHandleMaker& thmaker, Interval &valid, BOOL mono=FALSE, BOOL forceW=0, BOOL forceH=0);
GetUVTransform(Matrix3 & uvtrans)505 	void GetUVTransform(Matrix3 &uvtrans) { uvGen->GetUVTransform(uvtrans); }
GetTextureTiling()506 	int GetTextureTiling() { return  uvGen->GetTextureTiling(); }
GetUVWSource()507 	int GetUVWSource() { return uvGen->GetUVWSource(); }
GetMapChannel()508 	int GetMapChannel () { return uvGen->GetMapChannel(); }
GetTheUVGen()509 	UVGen *GetTheUVGen() { return uvGen; }
511 	int RenderBegin(TimeValue t, ULONG flags);
512 	int RenderEnd(TimeValue t);
513 	int LoadMapFiles(TimeValue t);
514 	void RenderBitmap(TimeValue t, Bitmap *bm, float scale3D, BOOL filter);
516 	Class_ID ClassID();
517 	SClass_ID SuperClassID();
518 	void GetClassName(TSTR& s);
519 	void DeleteThis();
521 	// Requirements
LocalRequirements(int subMtlNum)522 	ULONG LocalRequirements(int subMtlNum) {
523 		return uvGen->Requirements(subMtlNum);
524 	}
LocalMappingsRequired(int subMtlNum,BitArray & mapreq,BitArray & bumpreq)526 	void LocalMappingsRequired(int subMtlNum, BitArray & mapreq, BitArray &bumpreq) {
527 		uvGen->MappingsRequired(subMtlNum,mapreq,bumpreq);
528 	}
NumSubs()530 	int NumSubs() { return 4; }
531 	Animatable* SubAnim(int i);
532 	TSTR SubAnimName(int i);
SubNumToRefNum(int subNum)533 	int SubNumToRefNum(int subNum) { return subNum; }
InitSlotType(int sType)534 	void InitSlotType(int sType) { if (uvGen) uvGen->InitSlotType(sType); }
536 	// From ref
NumRefs()537 	int NumRefs() { return 4; }
538 	RefTargetHandle GetReference(int i);
539 	void SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg);
540 	int RemapRefOnLoad(int iref);
542 	RefTargetHandle Clone(RemapDir &remap = DefaultRemapDir());
543 	RefResult NotifyRefChanged( Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget,
544 		PartID& partID, RefMessage message );
546 	// From Animatable
547 	void EnumAuxFiles(NameEnumCallback& nameEnum, DWORD flags);
548 	int SetProperty(ULONG id, void *data);
549 	void SetBitmap(Bitmap *bm);
FreeAllBitmaps()550 	void FreeAllBitmaps() {
551 		FreeBitmap();
552 	}
554 	// IO
555 	IOResult Save(ISave *isave);
556 	IOResult Load(ILoad *iload);
558 	// JBW: direct ParamBlock access is added
NumParamBlocks()559 	int	NumParamBlocks() { return 2; }					// return number of ParamBlocks in this instance
GetParamBlock(int i)561 	IParamBlock2* GetParamBlock(int i) {
562 		if (i == 0) return pblock;
563 		else if (i == 1) return pblockTime;
564 		else return NULL;			 } // return i'th ParamBlock
GetParamBlockByID(BlockID id)565 	IParamBlock2* GetParamBlockByID(BlockID id)
566 	{if (pblock->ID() == id) return pblock ;
567 	else if (pblockTime->ID() == id) return pblockTime ;
568 	else return  NULL; } // return id'd ParamBlock
570 	//		{ return (pblock->ID() == id) ? pblock : NULL; } // return id'd ParamBlock
571 	BOOL SetDlgThing(ParamDlg* dlg);
573 	//watje pops up a bitmap loader dlg
574 	void BitmapLoadDlg();
575 	//watje forces the bitmap to reload and view to be redrawn
576 	void ReloadBitmapAndUpdate();
578 	//watje
GetInterface(Interface_ID id)579 	BaseInterface* GetInterface(Interface_ID id)
580 	{
581 		if (id == BITMAPTEX_INTERFACE)
582 			return (BitmapTex*)this;
583 		else
584 			return FPMixinInterface::GetInterface(id);
585 	}
586 	void	fnReload();
587 	void	fnViewImage();
589 	int ComputeParticleFrame(ShadeContext& sc);
590 	BOOL mTieTimeToMatID;
591 	virtual int IsHighDynamicRange( ) const;
593 	// -- from Animatable
594 	virtual void* GetInterface(ULONG id);
595 	// lrr 06/04
596 	static TCHAR	s_lastName[MAX_PATH];		// last loaded complete ( with path ) file name
598 private:
600 	static void BMTexNotify(void *param, NotifyInfo *info);
601 	static bool ShouldDisableProxiesForRendering(bool isMtlEditor);
602 	static bool KeepNonProxyInMemoryAfterRendering();
604 #ifdef DESIGN_VER
605 	static void SetGeoReferenceInfo(BitmapInfo & bi, StdUVGen * uvGen);
606 #endif
608 	void Notify(NotifyInfo* info);
609 	void EnableProxyMode(bool deleteNonProxyBitmap);
610 	void DisableProxyMode(bool deleteProxyBitmap);
611 	void ShowBitmapProxyPrecacheDialog();
613 	// Initializes the bitmap samplers. To be called when the active bitmap might have changed.
614 	void InitBitmapSamplers();
615 };
617 class BMTexPathAccessor : public IAssetAccessor	{
618 public:
620 	BMTexPathAccessor(BMTex* aTex);
621 	virtual ~BMTexPathAccessor();
623 	// path accessor functions
624 	virtual MaxSDK::Util::Path GetPath() const;
625 	virtual void SetPath(const MaxSDK::Util::Path& aNewPath);
627 	virtual bool IsInputAsset() const ;
629 	// asset client information
630 	virtual int GetAssetType() const ;
631 	virtual const TCHAR* GetAssetDesc() const;
632 	virtual const TCHAR* GetAssetClientDesc() const ;
633 	virtual bool IsAssetPathWritable() const;
635 protected:
636 	BMTex* mTex;
637 };
639 //==============================================================================
640 // class BMTex::BMMSilentModeGuard
641 //
642 // Guard class used to silence the bitmap manager temporarily.
643 //==============================================================================
644 class BMTex::BMMSilentModeGuard {
645 public:
647 	BMMSilentModeGuard(bool setSilentMode);
648 	~BMMSilentModeGuard();
650 private:
652 	bool m_setSilentMode;
653 	BOOL m_previousSilentMode;
654 };
656 //==============================================================================
657 // class BMTex::ProxyModeDisableGuard
658 //
659 // Guard class used to disable the proxy mode on a BMTex, temporarily, but only
660 // on the main bitmap (i.e. the bitmap list is not affected).
661 //==============================================================================
662 class BMTex::ProxyModeDisableGuard {
663 public:
665 	// Set 'doDisable' to false basically makes this guard do nothing;
666 	// it's useful to turn the guard OFF when a certain condition holds.
667 	ProxyModeDisableGuard(BMTex& bitmapTex, bool doDisable = true);
668 	~ProxyModeDisableGuard();
670 private:
672 	bool m_doDisable;
673 	BMTex& m_bitmapTex;
674 };
676 #endif