1 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------  */
2 /*                          CALCULIX                                     */
3 /*                   - GRAPHICAL INTERFACE -                             */
4 /*                                                                       */
5 /*     A 3-dimensional pre- and post-processor for finite elements       */
6 /*              Copyright (C) 1996 Klaus Wittig                          */
7 /*                                                                       */
8 /*     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     */
9 /*     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    */
10 /*     published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of           */
11 /*     the License.                                                      */
12 /*                                                                       */
13 /*     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   */
14 /*     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    */
16 /*     GNU General Public License for more details.                      */
17 /*                                                                       */
18 /*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
19 /*     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software       */
20 /*     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.         */
21 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------  */
23 /* TO DO  */
24 /*                                                                                          */
25 /* -mittelknoten bei quadratischen elementen koennen aussermittig liegen                    */
26 /*  insbesondere bei nurbs-proj. verschiebung auf kreisbogen ist notwendig.                 */
27 /*                                                                                          */
28 /* -5-Seitige Bodies sollten noch nicht vernetzbar sein, da die surfnodes von surf2 noch    */
29 /*  nicht entsprechend den geaenderten u,v koordinaten umsortiert werden, wenn diese neu    */
30 /*  angelegt werden musste, siehe Zeile:                                                    */
31 /*     for(j=0; j<surf[ss[1]].nn; j++) surf[ss[1]].nod[j]=surf[s].nod[j];                   */
32 /*  sie sind nur dank des meshimprovers ok. Aber unter gewissen umstaenden reicht das nicht */
33 /*                                                                                          */
34 /* -7 sided bodies: bodyFrom7Surfs hier wird unter umstaenden noch nicht immer geprueft ob  */
35 /*  ein linienindex wirkich einer linie oder einer lcmb zugeordnet werden muss. Die variable */
36 /*  lm2[] ist hier verdaechtig */
38 /* BUGS:
39 int meshPoints( int setNr, int renderFlag )
40     // the threading is temporarely deactivated. Crashes happened and the reason is unclear
41     //printf("thread:%d points\n",i);
42     if( (int)thread_genNodeFromPoint((void *)targ[i].vargp) <0) meshflag=-1;
43     //pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_genNodeFromPoint,(void *)targ[i].vargp);
44 */
46 #include <cgx.h>
48 #define MIN_LINELENGTH 1e-9
49 #define INTERPOL_MODE  0
51 #define TEST          0
52 #define TEST1         0
53 #define TEST2         0
57 extern double     gtol;
59 extern char  printFlag;                   /* printf 1:on 0:off */
60 extern char  buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
62 FILE *handle;      /* for debugging */
64 char namebuf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
66 extern Scale     scale[1];
67 extern Summen    anz[1];
68 extern Nodes     *node;
69 extern Elements  *e_enqire;
70 extern NodeBlocks *nBlock;
71 extern Datasets *lcase;
73 extern Alias     *alias;
74 extern Sets      *set;
75 extern Points    *point;
76 extern Lines     *line;
77 extern Lcmb      *lcmb;
78 extern Gsur      *surf;
79 extern Gbod      *body;
80 extern Nurbs     *nurbs;
81 extern Shapes    *shape;
82 extern SumGeo    anzGeo[1];
84 /* additional entities from setFunktions */
85 extern SpecialSet specialset[1];
86 extern int  set_nomesh, set_glur, set_blr;
87 extern int  setall;                /* setNr of the default set "all" */
89 /* preliminary nodes, they will be deleded after the elements are created */
90 Summen    apre[1];
91 Nodes     *npre=NULL;
93 /* for CFD-meshing */
94 /* relation of node generated on entity to final node of the mesh, nbuf[npre][nr]=node */
95 /* for cfd more than one node of the mesh can exist based on one node of a certain entity */
96 int **nbuf=NULL;
97 int sum_nbuf=0;
98 int              anz_cfdSurfs=0;
99 int              writeCFDflag=0;
100 int   nurbsflag=0, meshopt_length, meshopt_angle, oldmeshflag;
102 extern sem_t   sem_n;
103 extern sem_t   sem_g;
104 int glob_meshsur=0, glob_repsur=0;
thread_genNodeFromPoint(void * vargp)108 void *thread_genNodeFromPoint(void *vargp)
109 {
110   int i,j;
111   int setNr;
112   int *param;
113   param=(int *)vargp;
114   setNr=param[0];
115   for (i=param[1]; i<param[2]; i++)
116   {
117     j=set[setNr].pnt[i];
118     // sem_g not needed since no point can be created as long as this threads run
119     if ((point[j].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)point[j].nod, ((int)1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
120     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshPoins point:%s can not be meshed\n\n", point[j].name);  param[4]=-1; return((void *)-1); }
122     sem_wait(&sem_n);
123     nod( apre, &npre, 0, apre->nmax+1, point[j].px, point[j].py, point[j].pz, 0 );
124     point[j].nod[0]=apre->nmax;
125     if(printFlag) printf (" tid:%d meshing point:%s node:%d\n", param[3], point[j].name, apre->nmax);
126     sem_post(&sem_n);
128     point[j].nn=1;
129   }
130   return((void *)1);
131 }
meshPoints(int setNr,int renderFlag)135 int meshPoints( int setNr, int renderFlag )
136 {
137   int i;
138   int meshflag;
140   typedef struct {
141     int vargp[5];
142   } Threadargs;
143   Threadargs *targ=NULL;
144   pthread_t *tid=NULL;
145   int nlocalThreads;
147   /* are elements requested? */
148   if (renderFlag) meshflag=1;
149   else
150   {
151    meshflag=0;
152    for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_l; i++)
153    {
154     if(( line[set[setNr].line[i]].etyp==11)||( line[set[setNr].line[i]].etyp==12)) { meshflag=1; break; }
155    }
156    for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_s; i++)
157    {
158     if(( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==7)||
159        ( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==8)||
160        ( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==9)||
161        ( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==10)) { meshflag=1; break; }
162    }
163    for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_b; i++)
164    {
165     if(( body[set[setNr].body[i]].etyp==1)||( body[set[setNr].body[i]].etyp==4)) { meshflag=1; break; }
166    }
167   }
168   if (!meshflag) return(-1);
170   if(anz->threads>set[setNr].anz_p) { nlocalThreads=set[setNr].anz_p; }
171   else nlocalThreads=anz->threads;
172   if ((tid=(pthread_t *)realloc((pthread_t *)tid, nlocalThreads*sizeof(pthread_t)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
173   if ((targ=(Threadargs *)realloc((Threadargs *)targ, nlocalThreads*sizeof(Threadargs)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
174   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
175   {
176     targ[i].vargp[0]=setNr;
177     targ[i].vargp[1]=i* set[setNr].anz_p/nlocalThreads;
178     if((i+1)==nlocalThreads) targ[i].vargp[2]=set[setNr].anz_p;
179     else targ[i].vargp[2]=(i+1)* set[setNr].anz_p/nlocalThreads;
180     targ[i].vargp[3]=i;
181     targ[i].vargp[4]=1; // error indicator (err:-1)
182     // the threading is temporarely deactivated. Crashes happened and the reason is unclear
183     //printf("thread:%d points\n",i);
184     if( (int)thread_genNodeFromPoint((void *)targ[i].vargp) <0) meshflag=-1;
185     //pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_genNodeFromPoint,(void *)targ[i].vargp);
186   }
187   /*
188   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
189   {
190     pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
191     if(targ[i].vargp[4] <0) meshflag=-1;
192   }
193   */
194   free(tid); tid=NULL;
195   free(targ); targ=NULL;
197   return(meshflag);
198 }
straightNodes(int j,int k,int div,double * pn)202 int straightNodes( int j, int k, int div, double *pn )
203 /* gives node-positions on a straight line due to line-div */
204 /* j: line-index, k: nodenr (starts with 0), pn[3]: x,y,z   */
205 {
206   int i;
207   static int curk=100, curj=-1, curdiv=-1;
208   static double p1[3], p2[3], p1p2[3], ep1p2[3], lp1p2;
209   static double l, p1pn[3], *dl=NULL, sum_l;
210   /* printf("j:%d k:%d curj:%d %d\n",j,k,curj,curk); */
211   if(( j!=curj)||( k<=curk)||(div!=curdiv))
212   {
213     if( (dl = (double *)realloc( (double *)dl, div*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
214     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in straightNodes()\n\n"); return(-1); }
216     curj=j;
217     curdiv=div;
218     p1[0]=point[line[j].p1].px;
219     p1[1]=point[line[j].p1].py;
220     p1[2]=point[line[j].p1].pz;
221     p2[0]=point[line[j].p2].px;
222     p2[1]=point[line[j].p2].py;
223     p2[2]=point[line[j].p2].pz;
224     v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
225     lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
226     v_norm( p1p2, ep1p2 );
228     /* berechnung der elementgroessen */
229     dl[0]=l=sum_l=1.;
230     for(i=1; i<div; i++)
231     {
232       l= l*line[j].bias; /* aktuelle relative Elementgroesse (1. Element ist 1 lang) */
233       sum_l+=l;          /* Summe aller relativen Elementgroessen */
234       dl[i]= sum_l;
235       /* printf("i:%d l:%lf suml:%lf\n", i, l, sum_l); */
236     }
237     for(i=0; i<div; i++)
238     {
239       dl[i]= dl[i]/sum_l* lp1p2; /* Summe aller Elementgroessen */
240       /* printf("i:%d dl:%lf\n", i,dl[i]);  */
241     }
242   }
243   curk=k;
245   /* calculate the node-pos. */
246   if (lp1p2==0.)
247   {
248     pn[0]=p1[0]; pn[1]=p1[1]; pn[2]=p1[2];
249   }
250   else
251   {
252     v_scal(&dl[k], ep1p2, p1pn );
253     v_add( p1, p1pn, pn );
254     /* printf("pn:%f %f %f\n",pn[0],pn[1],pn[2]); */
255   }
256   return(1);
257 }
arcNodes(int j,int k,int div,double * pn)261 int arcNodes( int j, int k, int div, double *pn )
262 /* gives node-positions on an arc line due to line-div */
263 /* j: line-index, k: nodenr (starts with 0), pn[3]: x,y,z   */
264 {
265   int i;
266   static int curk=100, curj=-1, curdiv=-1;
267   static double p1[3], p2[3], pc[3];
268   static double p1p2[3], ep1p2[3], lp1p2;
269   static double pcp1[3], lpcp1;
270   static double pcp2[3], lpcp2;
271   static double pcpn[3], Tp1p2[3], pcT[3], epcT[3];
272   static double rad, alfa, beta, *dalfa=NULL, T;
273   double rad_cur, l, sum_l;
275   /*
276   printf("p1: %lf %lf %lf\n", point[line[j].p1].px,point[line[j].p1].py,point[line[j].p1].pz);
277   printf("p2: %lf %lf %lf\n", point[line[j].p2].px,point[line[j].p2].py,point[line[j].p2].pz);
278   printf("pc: %lf %lf %lf\n", point[line[j].trk].px,point[line[j].trk].py,point[line[j].trk].pz);
279   printf("line-index j:%d k:%d div:%d curk:%d curj:%d\n",j,k,div,curk,curj);
280   */
281   if(( j!=curj)||( k<=curk)||( div!=curdiv))
282   {
283     if( (dalfa = (double *)realloc( (double *)dalfa, div*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
284     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in arcNodes()\n\n"); return(-1); }
286     curj=j;
287     curdiv=div;
288     p1[0]=point[line[j].p1].px;
289     p1[1]=point[line[j].p1].py;
290     p1[2]=point[line[j].p1].pz;
291     p2[0]=point[line[j].p2].px;
292     p2[1]=point[line[j].p2].py;
293     p2[2]=point[line[j].p2].pz;
294     pc[0]=point[line[j].trk].px;
295     pc[1]=point[line[j].trk].py;
296     pc[2]=point[line[j].trk].pz;
298     v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
299     v_result( pc, p1, pcp1 );
300     v_result( pc, p2, pcp2 );
302     lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
303     lpcp1=v_betrag( pcp1 );
304     lpcp2=v_betrag( pcp2 );
305     if ((lp1p2==0.)||(lpcp1==0.)||(lpcp2==0.))
306     {
307       pn[0]=point[line[j].p1].px;
308       pn[1]=point[line[j].p1].py;
309       pn[2]=point[line[j].p1].pz;
310       return(1);
311     }
312     rad=(lpcp1+lpcp2)/2.;
313     alfa=asin( (lp1p2/2.)/rad ) *2.;
314     beta=(PI-alfa)/2.;
316     /* berechnung der elementgroessen */
317     dalfa[0]=l=sum_l=1.;
318     for(i=1; i<div; i++)
319     {
320       l= l*line[j].bias; /* aktuelle relative Elementgroesse (1. Element ist 1 lang) */
321       sum_l+=l;          /* Summe aller relativen Elementgroessen */
322       dalfa[i]= sum_l;
323       // printf("i:%d l:%lf suml:%lf\n", i, l, sum_l);
324     }
325     for(i=0; i<div; i++)
326     {
327       dalfa[i]= dalfa[i]/sum_l * alfa; /* Summe aller Elementgroessen */
328       // printf("i:%d dalfa:%lf\n", i,dalfa[i]);
329     }
330   }
331   curk=k;
333   if ((lp1p2==0.)||(lpcp1==0.)||(lpcp2==0.))
334   {
335     pn[0]=point[line[j].p1].px;
336     pn[1]=point[line[j].p1].py;
337     pn[2]=point[line[j].p1].pz;
338     return(1);
339   }
341   T=rad/( cos(dalfa[k])/sin(dalfa[k])*sin(beta) + cos(beta) );
342   v_norm( p1p2, ep1p2 );
343   v_scal(&T, ep1p2, Tp1p2 );
345   v_add( pcp1, Tp1p2, pcT );
346   v_norm( pcT, epcT );
348   rad_cur=(lpcp1*(double)(div-(k+1))/(double)div) + (lpcp2*((double)(k+1)/(double)div));
349   v_scal(&rad_cur, epcT, pcpn );
351   v_add( pc, pcpn, pn );
353   // printf("r:%lf r(k/d:%d/%d):%lf a:%lf da:%lf b:%lf T:%lf lp1p2:%lf lpcp1:%lf lpcp2:%lf \n", rad,k,div,rad_cur,alfa,dalfa[k],beta,T,lp1p2,lpcp1,lpcp2);
355   return(1);
356 }
splineNodes(int j,int k,int div,double * pn)360 int splineNodes( int j, int k, int div, double *pn )
361 /* gives node-positions on an seq-line (spline) due to line-div */
362 /* j: line-index, k: nodenr (starts with 0), pn[3]: x,y,z   */
363 {
364   int i, lp[2], iopt=0;
365   static int setNr, curdiv=-1, curn=-1, curj=-1, n, mode;
366   static double lmax, le, *dl=NULL, sum_l, *l=NULL, *x=NULL, *y=NULL, *z=NULL;
367   static double p1[3], p2[3], p1p2[3], lp1p2;
368   static double dl1, lsegm;
370   setNr=line[j].trk;
372   /* determine if we have a new line, new division or number of points */
373   if(( j!=curj)||( div!=curdiv)||( set[setNr].anz_p!=curn)||(k==0))
374   {
375     curj=j;
376     curn=set[setNr].anz_p;
377     curdiv=div;
379     /* realloc the arrays for interpol */
380     if( (l = (double *)realloc( (double *)l, curn*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
381     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() l\n\n"); return(-1); }
382     if( (dl = (double *)realloc( (double *)dl, div*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
383     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() dl\n\n"); return(-1); }
384     if( (x = (double *)realloc( (double *)x, curn*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
385     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() x\n\n"); return(-1); }
386     if( (y = (double *)realloc( (double *)y, curn*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
387     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() y\n\n"); return(-1); }
388     if( (z = (double *)realloc( (double *)z, curn*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
389     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() z\n\n"); return(-1); }
391     /* look if the sequence is ordered in the same way as the line */
392     lp[0]=lp[1]=0;
393     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_p; i++)
394     {
395       if( line[j].p1==set[setNr].pnt[i] ) lp[0]=i;
396       if( line[j].p2==set[setNr].pnt[i] ) lp[1]=i;
397     }
399     /* determine the length of the spline, accumulate all dists between points */
400     /* look if the sequence is ordered in the same way as the line */
401     n=1;
402     if( lp[0]<lp[1] )
403     {
404       dl1=lsegm=lmax=l[0]=0.;
405       x[0]=p1[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[lp[0]]].px;
406       y[0]=p1[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[lp[0]]].py;
407       z[0]=p1[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[lp[0]]].pz;
408       for (i=lp[0]+1; i<=lp[1]; i++)
409       {
410         p2[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].px;
411         p2[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].py;
412         p2[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].pz;
413         v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
414         x[n]=p1[0]=p2[0];
415         y[n]=p1[1]=p2[1];
416         z[n]=p1[2]=p2[2];
417         lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
418         lmax+=lp1p2;              /* total spline length */
419         l[n]=lmax;
420         if(i==lp[0]) dl1=l[n];    /* spline-length at start of line */
421         if((i>lp[0])&&(i<=lp[1]))  lsegm+=lp1p2; /* total line lenght */
422         n++;
423       }
424     }
425     else
426     {
427       dl1=lsegm=lmax=l[0]=0.;
428       x[0]=p1[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[lp[1]]].px;
429       y[0]=p1[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[lp[1]]].py;
430       z[0]=p1[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[lp[1]]].pz;
431       for (i=lp[1]+1; i<=lp[0]; i++)
432       {
433 	// printf("point %d %s\n", i, point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].name);
434         p2[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].px;
435         p2[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].py;
436         p2[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].pz;
437         v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
438         x[n]=p1[0]=p2[0];
439         y[n]=p1[1]=p2[1];
440         z[n]=p1[2]=p2[2];
441         lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
442         lmax+=lp1p2;
443         l[n]=lmax;
444         if(i==lp[1]) dl1=l[n];    /* spline-length at start of line */
445         if((i>lp[1])&&(i<=lp[0]))  lsegm+=lp1p2; /* total line lenght */
446         n++;
447       }
448     }
450     /*
451     printf(" LINE:%s lmax:%lf\n", line[j].name, lmax);
452     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
453     {
454       printf("%d %lf %lf %lf  %lf %lf %lf %lf \n",i, dl1,lsegm,lmax,l[i],x[i],y[i],z[i]);
455     }
456     */
458     /* berechnung der elementgroessen */
459     dl[0]=le=sum_l=1.;
460     for(i=1; i<div; i++)
461     {
462       le= le*line[j].bias; /* aktuelle relative Elementgroesse (1. Element ist 1 lang) */
463       sum_l+=le;          /* Summe aller relativen Elementgroessen */
464       dl[i]= sum_l;
465       /* printf("i:%d l:%lf suml:%lf\n", i, l, sum_l); */
466     }
468     /* scalierung der elemente auf die linienlaenge */
469     /* Summe aller Elementgroessen zwischen 1. u i-linienpkt */
470     for(i=0; i<div; i++)
471     {
472       dl[i]= dl1 + dl[i]/sum_l* lsegm;
473       /* printf("i:%d dl:%lf\n", i,dl[i]); */
474     }
475   }
476   else iopt=1;
478   /* calculate the node-pos. */
479   mode=1;
480   pn[0] = intpol3( l, x, n, dl[k], &mode, 0., iopt );
481   if(mode==-1)
482   {
483     if(printFlag) printf("WARNING: intpol3 could not create the spline coefficients, intpol2 used\n");
484     mode=1;
485     pn[0] = intpol2( l, x, n, dl[k], &mode );
486   }
487   mode=1;
488   pn[1] = intpol3( l, y, n, dl[k], &mode, 0., iopt );
489   if(mode==-1)
490   {
491     if(printFlag) printf("WARNING: intpol3 could not create the spline coefficients, intpol2 used\n");
492     mode=1;
493     pn[0] = intpol2( l, y, n, dl[k], &mode );
494   }
495   mode=1;
496   pn[2] = intpol3( l, z, n, dl[k], &mode, 0., iopt );
497   if(mode==-1)
498   {
499     if(printFlag) printf("WARNING: intpol3 could not create the spline coefficients, intpol2 used\n");
500     mode=1;
501     pn[0] = intpol2( l, z, n, dl[k], &mode );
502   }
503   /*
504   printf ("dl:%lf node[%d] lmax:%lf div:%d pos:%lf %lf %lf\n", dl[k], k, lmax, div, pn[0],pn[1],pn[2]);
505   */
506   return(1);
507 }
510      /* prototype, preliminary version */
nurlNodes(int j,int k,int div,double * pn)512 int nurlNodes( int j, int k, int div, double *pn )
513 /* gives node-positions on a nurbs-line due to line-div */
514 /* j: line-index, k: nodenr (starts with 0), pn[3]: x,y,z   */
515 {
516   static int curk=100, curj=-1;
517   static double p1[3], p2[3], p1p2[3], ep1p2[3], lp1p2;
518   static double l, p1pn[3];
520   if(( j!=curj)||( k<=curk))
521   {
522     curj=j;
523     p1[0]=point[line[j].p1].px;
524     p1[1]=point[line[j].p1].py;
525     p1[2]=point[line[j].p1].pz;
526     p2[0]=point[line[j].p2].px;
527     p2[1]=point[line[j].p2].py;
528     p2[2]=point[line[j].p2].pz;
529     v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
530     lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
531     v_norm( p1p2, ep1p2 );
532   }
533   curk=k;
535   /* calculate the node-pos. */
536   if (lp1p2==0.)
537   {
538     pn[0]=p1[0]; pn[1]=p1[1]; pn[2]=p1[2];
539   }
540   else
541   {
542     l=lp1p2/div * (k+1.);
543     v_scal(&l, ep1p2, p1pn );
544     v_add( p1, p1pn, pn );
545   }
546   return(1);
547 }
550 int glob_line=0;
thread_genNodeFromLine(void * vargp)551 void *thread_genNodeFromLine(void *vargp)
552 {
553   int i,j,k,l,u;
554   int setNr, trkNr;
555   int *nl;
556   int ebuf[20];
557   double pn[3];
559   double *dl=NULL;
560   double p1pn[3];
562   double *dalfa=NULL;
563   double p1[3], p2[3], pc[3];
564   double p1p2[3], ep1p2[3], lp1p2;
565   double pcp1[3], lpcp1;
566   double pcp2[3], lpcp2;
567   double pcpn[3], Tp1p2[3], pcT[3], epcT[3];
568   double rad, alfa, beta, T;
569   double rad_cur, ll, sum_l;
571   int   n, lp[2], iopt=0, mode, renderFlag;
572   double lmax, le, *lls=NULL, *x=NULL, *y=NULL, *z=NULL;
573   double dl1, lsegm;
574   int *param;
575   param=(int *)vargp;
576   setNr=param[0];
577   renderFlag=param[2];
579   /* gives node-positions on a line due to line-div */
580   while(1)
581   {
582     sem_wait(&sem_g);
583     l=glob_line++;
584     sem_post(&sem_g);
585     if(l>=param[1]) break;
586     j=set[setNr].line[l];
587     line[j].fail=1;
589     if( line[j].name == (char *)NULL ) continue;
590     if( line[j].div < 1 )
591     {
592       param[4]++;
593       seta(set_nomesh,"l",j);
594       continue;
595     }
597     if ((line[j].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[j].nod, (line[j].div)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
598     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines Line:%s can not be meshed\n\n", line[j].name);  return((void *)-1); }
600     if(printFlag)
601       printf ("l:%d tid:%d meshing line:%s typ:%c\n",l, param[3], line[j].name, line[j].typ);
603     p1[0]=point[line[j].p1].px;
604     p1[1]=point[line[j].p1].py;
605     p1[2]=point[line[j].p1].pz;
606     p2[0]=point[line[j].p2].px;
607     p2[1]=point[line[j].p2].py;
608     p2[2]=point[line[j].p2].pz;
609     if (line[j].typ=='a')
610     {
611       // was: if(arcNodes( j, k,line[j].div, pn )==-1)      { param[4]++; pre_seta(specialset->nomesh, "l", line[j].name); }
612       if( (dalfa = (double *)realloc( (double *)dalfa, line[j].div*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
613       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in arcNodes()\n\n"); return((void *)-1); }
615       pc[0]=point[line[j].trk].px;
616       pc[1]=point[line[j].trk].py;
617       pc[2]=point[line[j].trk].pz;
619       v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
620       v_result( pc, p1, pcp1 );
621       v_result( pc, p2, pcp2 );
623       lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
624       lpcp1=v_betrag( pcp1 );
625       lpcp2=v_betrag( pcp2 );
627       rad=(lpcp1+lpcp2)/2.;
628       alfa=asin( (lp1p2/2.)/rad ) *2.;
629       beta=(PI-alfa)/2.;
631       /* berechnung der elementgroessen */
632       dalfa[0]=ll=sum_l=1.;
633       for(i=1; i<line[j].div; i++)
634       {
635         ll= ll*line[j].bias; /* aktuelle relative Elementgroesse (1. Element ist 1 lang) */
636         sum_l+=ll;          /* Summe aller relativen Elementgroessen */
637         dalfa[i]= sum_l;
638         // printf("i:%d ll:%lf suml:%lf\n", i, ll, sum_l);
639       }
640       for(i=0; i<line[j].div; i++)
641       {
642         dalfa[i]= dalfa[i]/sum_l * alfa; /* Summe aller Elementgroessen */
643         // printf("i:%d dalfa:%lf\n", i,dalfa[i]);
644       }
645       for (k=0; k<line[j].div-1; k++)
646       {
647         if ((lp1p2==0.)||(lpcp1==0.)||(lpcp2==0.))
648         {
649           pn[0]=point[line[j].p1].px;
650           pn[1]=point[line[j].p1].py;
651           pn[2]=point[line[j].p1].pz;
652         }
653         else
654         {
655           T=rad/( cos(dalfa[k])/sin(dalfa[k])*sin(beta) + cos(beta) );
656           v_norm( p1p2, ep1p2 );
657           v_scal(&T, ep1p2, Tp1p2 );
658           v_add( pcp1, Tp1p2, pcT );
659           v_norm( pcT, epcT );
660           rad_cur=(lpcp1*(double)(line[j].div-(k+1))/(double)line[j].div) + (lpcp2*((double)(k+1)/(double)line[j].div));
661           v_scal(&rad_cur, epcT, pcpn );
662           v_add( pc, pcpn, pn );
663 	}
664     sem_wait(&sem_n);
665         nod( apre, &npre, 0, apre->nmax+1, pn[0], pn[1], pn[2], 0 );
666         line[j].nod[k]=apre->nmax;
667     sem_post(&sem_n);
668     //sprintf( buffer,"%d ", line[j].nod[k] );
669       }
670       free(dalfa);
671       dalfa=NULL;
672     }
673     else if (line[j].typ=='s')
674     {
675       //was: if(splineNodes( j, k,line[j].div, pn )==-1)   { param[4]++; pre_seta(specialset->nomesh, "l", line[j].name); }
676       trkNr=line[j].trk;
678       /* realloc the arrays for interpol */
679       if( (lls = (double *)realloc( (double *)lls, (1+set[trkNr].anz_p)*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
680       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() l\n\n"); return((void *)-1); }
681       if( (dl = (double *)realloc( (double *)dl, line[j].div*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
682       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() dl\n\n"); return((void *)-1); }
683       if( (x = (double *)realloc( (double *)x, set[trkNr].anz_p*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
684       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() x\n\n"); return((void *)-1); }
685       if( (y = (double *)realloc( (double *)y, set[trkNr].anz_p*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
686       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() y\n\n"); return((void *)-1); }
687       if( (z = (double *)realloc( (double *)z, set[trkNr].anz_p*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
688       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splineNodes() z\n\n"); return((void *)-1); }
690       /* look if the sequence is ordered in the same way as the line */
691       lp[0]=lp[1]=0;
692       for(i=0; i<set[trkNr].anz_p; i++)
693       {
694         if( line[j].p1==set[trkNr].pnt[i] ) lp[0]=i;
695         if( line[j].p2==set[trkNr].pnt[i] ) lp[1]=i;
696       }
698       /* determine the length of the spline, accumulate all dists between points */
699       /* look if the sequence is ordered in the same way as the line */
700       n=1;
701       if( lp[0]<lp[1] )
702       {
703         dl1=lsegm=lmax=lls[0]=0.;
704         x[0]=p1[0]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[lp[0]]].px;
705         y[0]=p1[1]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[lp[0]]].py;
706         z[0]=p1[2]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[lp[0]]].pz;
707         for (i=lp[0]+1; i<=lp[1]; i++)
708         {
709           p2[0]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[i]].px;
710           p2[1]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[i]].py;
711           p2[2]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[i]].pz;
712           v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
713           x[n]=p1[0]=p2[0];
714           y[n]=p1[1]=p2[1];
715           z[n]=p1[2]=p2[2];
716           lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
717           lmax+=lp1p2;              /* total spline length */
718           lls[n]=lmax;
719           if(i==lp[0]) dl1=lls[n];    /* spline-length at start of line */
720           if((i>lp[0])&&(i<=lp[1]))  lsegm+=lp1p2; /* total line lenght */
721           n++;
722         }
723       }
724       else
725       {
726         dl1=lsegm=lmax=lls[0]=0.;
727         x[0]=p1[0]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[lp[1]]].px;
728         y[0]=p1[1]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[lp[1]]].py;
729         z[0]=p1[2]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[lp[1]]].pz;
730         for (i=lp[1]+1; i<=lp[0]; i++)
731         {
732   	// printf("point %d %s\n", i, point[set[trkNr].pnt[i]].name);
733           p2[0]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[i]].px;
734           p2[1]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[i]].py;
735           p2[2]=point[set[trkNr].pnt[i]].pz;
736           v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
737           x[n]=p1[0]=p2[0];
738           y[n]=p1[1]=p2[1];
739           z[n]=p1[2]=p2[2];
740           lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
741           lmax+=lp1p2;
742           lls[n]=lmax;
743           if(i==lp[1]) dl1=lls[n];    /* spline-length at start of line */
744           if((i>lp[1])&&(i<=lp[0]))  lsegm+=lp1p2; /* total line lenght */
745           n++;
746         }
747       }
749       /*
750       printf(" LINE:%s lmax:%lf\n", line[j].name, lmax);
751       for (i=0; i<n; i++)
752       {
753         printf("%d %lf %lf %lf  %lf %lf %lf %lf \n",i, dl1,lsegm,lmax,lls[i],x[i],y[i],z[i]);
754       }
755       */
757       /* berechnung der elementgroessen */
758       dl[0]=le=sum_l=1.;
759       for(i=1; i<line[j].div; i++)
760       {
761         le= le*line[j].bias; /* aktuelle relative Elementgroesse (1. Element ist 1 lang) */
762         sum_l+=le;          /* Summe aller relativen Elementgroessen */
763         dl[i]= sum_l;
764         /* printf("i:%d l:%lf suml:%lf\n", i, l, sum_l); */
765       }
767       /* scalierung der elemente auf die linienlaenge */
768       /* Summe aller Elementgroessen zwischen 1. u i-linienpkt */
769       for(i=0; i<line[j].div; i++)
770       {
771         dl[i]= dl1 + dl[i]/sum_l* lsegm;
772         /* printf("i:%d dl:%lf\n", i,dl[i]); */
773       }
775       for (k=0; k<line[j].div-1; k++)
776       {
777         mode=1;
778         pn[0] = intpol3( lls, x, n, dl[k], &mode, 0., iopt );
779         if(mode==-1)
780         {
781           if(printFlag) printf("WARNING: intpol3 could not create the spline coefficients, intpol2 used\n");
782           mode=1;
783           pn[0] = intpol2( lls, x, n, dl[k], &mode );
784         }
785         mode=1;
786         pn[1] = intpol3( lls, y, n, dl[k], &mode, 0., iopt );
787         if(mode==-1)
788         {
789           if(printFlag) printf("WARNING: intpol3 could not create the spline coefficients, intpol2 used\n");
790           mode=1;
791           pn[0] = intpol2( lls, y, n, dl[k], &mode );
792         }
793         mode=1;
794         pn[2] = intpol3( lls, z, n, dl[k], &mode, 0., iopt );
795         if(mode==-1)
796         {
797           if(printFlag) printf("WARNING: intpol3 could not create the spline coefficients, intpol2 used\n");
798           mode=1;
799           pn[0] = intpol2( lls, z, n, dl[k], &mode );
800         }
801         if(!iopt) iopt=1;
803     sem_wait(&sem_n);
804         nod( apre, &npre, 0, apre->nmax+1, pn[0], pn[1], pn[2], 0 );
805         line[j].nod[k]=apre->nmax;
806     sem_post(&sem_n);
807     //sprintf( buffer,"%d ", line[j].nod[k] );
808       }
809       free(dl);
810       free(lls);
811       free(x);
812       free(y);
813       free(z);
814       dl=lls=x=y=z=NULL;
815     }
816     else
817     {
818       //was: if(straightNodes( j, k,line[j].div, pn, dl)==-1) { param[4]++; pre_seta(specialset->nomesh, "l", line[j].name); }
819       if( (dl = (double *)realloc( (double *)dl, line[j].div*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
820       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in straightNodes()\n\n"); return((void *)-1); }
822       v_result( p1, p2, p1p2 );
823       lp1p2=v_betrag( p1p2 );
824       v_norm( p1p2, ep1p2 );
826       /* berechnung der elementgroessen */
827       dl[0]=ll=sum_l=1.;
828       for(i=1; i<line[j].div; i++)
829       {
830         ll= ll*line[j].bias; /* aktuelle relative Elementgroesse (1. Element ist 1 lang) */
831         sum_l+=ll;          /* Summe aller relativen Elementgroessen */
832         dl[i]= sum_l;
833         /* printf("i:%d ll:%lf suml:%lf\n", i, ll, sum_l); */
834       }
835       for(i=0; i<line[j].div; i++)
836       {
837         dl[i]= dl[i]/sum_l* lp1p2; /* Summe aller Elementgroessen */
838         /* printf("i:%d dl:%lf\n", i,dl[i]);  */
839       }
840       for (k=0; k<line[j].div-1; k++)
841       {
842         if (lp1p2==0.)
843         {
844           pn[0]=p1[0]; pn[1]=p1[1]; pn[2]=p1[2];
845         }
846         else
847         {
848           v_scal(&dl[k], ep1p2, p1pn );
849           v_add( p1, p1pn, pn );
850           /* printf("pn:%f %f %f\n",pn[0],pn[1],pn[2]); */
851         }
852     sem_wait(&sem_n);
853         nod( apre, &npre, 0, apre->nmax+1, pn[0], pn[1], pn[2], 0 );
854         line[j].nod[k]=apre->nmax;
855     sem_post(&sem_n);
856     //sprintf( buffer,"%d ", line[j].nod[k] );
857       }
858       free(dl);
859       dl=NULL;
860     }
861     line[j].nn=k;
862     line[j].fail=0;
864     /* correct midside-node-positions if a bias is defined */
865     if(line[j].bias!=1.)
866     {
867       if(line[j].etyp==12) goto corrMidsideNodes;
868       for (u=0; u<set[setNr].anz_s; u++)
869         if((surf[set[setNr].surf[u]].etyp==8)||(surf[set[setNr].surf[u]].etyp==10)) goto corrMidsideNodes;
870       for (u=0; u<set[setNr].anz_b; u++)
871         if(body[set[setNr].body[u]].etyp==4) goto corrMidsideNodes;
872       goto no_corrMidsideNodes;
874       corrMidsideNodes:;
875     sem_wait(&sem_n);
876       for (k=-1; k<line[j].nn-1; k+=2)
877       {
878         if(k==-1)
879           if(line[j].nn>1) adjustMidsideNode(&npre[point[line[j].p1].nod[0]].nx,&npre[line[j].nod[k+2]].nx,&npre[line[j].nod[k+1]].nx,0);
880           else             adjustMidsideNode(&npre[point[line[j].p1].nod[0]].nx,&npre[point[line[j].p2].nod[0]].nx,&npre[line[j].nod[k+1]].nx,0);
881         else if(k==line[j].nn-2)
882           adjustMidsideNode(&npre[line[j].nod[k]].nx,&npre[point[line[j].p2].nod[0]].nx,&npre[line[j].nod[k+1]].nx,0);
883 	else
884           adjustMidsideNode(&npre[line[j].nod[k]].nx,&npre[line[j].nod[k+2]].nx,&npre[line[j].nod[k+1]].nx,0);
885       }
886     sem_post(&sem_n);
888       no_corrMidsideNodes:;
889     }
891     /* generation of elements  */
892     k=0;
894     if ((line[j].div>0)&&(!renderFlag))
895     {
896       if (line[j].etyp==11)
897       {
898         if ((nl = (int *)malloc( (line[j].div+2)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
899         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines Line:%s can not be meshed\n\n", line[j].name);
900           return((void *)0); }
901         /* elemente duerfen nur allociert werden wenn noetig (NULL-Pointer wird irgendwo abgefragt ) */
902         if ((line[j].elem = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[j].elem, (line[j].div)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
903         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines Line:%s can not be meshed\n\n", line[j].name);
904           return((void *)0); }
906         nl[0]=point[line[j].p1].nod[0];
907         for (u=1; u<line[j].div; u++)
908         {
909           nl[u]=line[j].nod[u-1];
910         }
911         nl[u]=point[line[j].p2].nod[0];
913         for (u=0; u<line[j].div; u++)
914         {
915     sem_wait(&sem_n);
916           elem_define(anz,&e_enqire, anz->enext++, 11, &nl[u], 0, line[j].eattr );
917           line[j].elem[k]=anz->emax;
918     sem_post(&sem_n);
919           k++;
920         }
921         free(nl);
922       }
924       if (line[j].etyp==12)
925       {
926         if ((nl = (int *)malloc( (line[j].div+2)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
927         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines Line:%s can not be meshed\n\n", line[j].name);
928           return((void *)0); }
929         /* elemente duerfen nur allociert werden wenn noetig (NULL-Pointer wird irgendwo abgefragt ) */
930         if ((line[j].elem = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[j].elem, (line[j].div/2)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
931         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines Line:%s can not be meshed\n\n", line[j].name);
932           return((void *)0); }
934         nl[0]=point[line[j].p1].nod[0];
935         for (u=1; u<line[j].div; u++)
936         {
937           nl[u]=line[j].nod[u-1];
938         }
939         nl[u]=point[line[j].p2].nod[0];
941         for (u=0; u<line[j].div-1; u+=2)
942         {
943 	  ebuf[0]=nl[u];
944 	  ebuf[1]=nl[u+2];
945 	  ebuf[2]=nl[u+1];
946     sem_wait(&sem_n);
947           elem_define(anz,&e_enqire, anz->enext++, 12, ebuf, 0, line[j].eattr );
948           line[j].elem[k]=anz->emax;
949     sem_post(&sem_n);
950           k++;
951         }
952         free(nl);
953       }
954     }
955     line[j].ne=k;
956   }
957   return((void *)1);
958 }
meshLines(int setNr,int renderFlag)962 int meshLines( int setNr, int renderFlag)
963 {
964   int i;
965   int anz_l, meshflag, noLineMesh=0;
967   typedef struct {
968     int vargp[6];
969   } Threadargs;
970   Threadargs *targ=NULL;
971   pthread_t *tid=NULL;
972   int nlocalThreads;
974   /* are elements requested? */
975   anz_l=set[setNr].anz_l;
976   if(renderFlag) meshflag=1;
977   else
978   {
979    meshflag=0;
980    for (i=0; i<anz_l; i++)
981    {
982     if(( line[set[setNr].line[i]].etyp==11)||( line[set[setNr].line[i]].etyp==12)) { meshflag=1; break; }
983    }
984    for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_s; i++)
985    {
986     if(( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==7)||
987        ( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==8)||
988        ( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==9)||
989        ( surf[set[setNr].surf[i]].etyp==10)) { meshflag=1; break; }
990    }
991    for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_b; i++)
992    {
993     if(( body[set[setNr].body[i]].etyp==1)||( body[set[setNr].body[i]].etyp==4)) { meshflag=1; break; }
994    }
995   }
996   if (!meshflag) return(-1);
998   /* threaded node generation */
999   if(anz->threads>anz_l) { nlocalThreads=anz_l; }
1000   else nlocalThreads=anz->threads;
1001   if ((tid=(pthread_t *)realloc((pthread_t *)tid, nlocalThreads*sizeof(pthread_t)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
1002   if ((targ=(Threadargs *)realloc((Threadargs *)targ, nlocalThreads*sizeof(Threadargs)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
1003   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
1004   {
1005     targ[i].vargp[0]=setNr;
1006     targ[i].vargp[1]=anz_l;
1007     targ[i].vargp[2]=renderFlag;
1008     targ[i].vargp[3]=i;
1009     targ[i].vargp[4]=0; // counts noLineMesh
1010     //printf("thread:%d lines\n",i);
1011     // the following line might replace the pthread_xx functions to check them
1012     //noLineMesh+=(int)thread_genNodeFromLine((void *)targ[i].vargp);
1013     pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_genNodeFromLine,(void *)targ[i].vargp);
1014   }
1015   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
1016   {
1017     pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
1018     noLineMesh+=targ[i].vargp[4];
1019   }
1020   glob_line=0;
1022   free(tid); tid=NULL;
1023   free(targ); targ=NULL;
1025   return(noLineMesh);
1026 }
1029 /****************************************************************/
1030 /* get node-numbers of surface-edge-nodes                       */
1031 /* unused areas <n_uv(u,v)> return "-1"                         */
1032 /*                                                              */
1033 /*                                                              */
1034 /*    v                                                         */
1035 /*vmax^                                                         */
1036 /*    |                                                         */
1037 /*    |                                                         */
1038 /*    |                                                         */
1039 /*div_|                                                         */
1040 /*l[1]|                                                         */
1041 /*    |                                                         */
1042 /*    |________________________> u                              */
1043 /* n_uv(0,0) div_l[0]           umax                            */
1044 /****************************************************************/
edgeNodes(int vmax,int umax,int j,int * n_uv)1045 void edgeNodes( int vmax, int umax, int j, int *n_uv )
1046 {
1047   int k,l,n,m,o,p, u,v, nodnr;
1049     for( n=0; n<(umax*vmax); n++) n_uv[n]=-1;
1051     /* store nodes of edge0 */
1052     n=0; /* edge Nr */
1053     u=0; /* surf parameter */
1054     v=0; /* surf parameter */
1056     k=surf[j].l[n];
1057     if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
1058     {
1059       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1060       {
1061         for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
1062         {
1063           m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1064           if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='+')
1065           {
1066             if (l==0)
1067             {
1068               p=line[m].p1;                    /* Anfangsknoten */
1069               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1070               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1071               u++;
1072             }
1073             for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)  /* alle Zwischenknoten */
1074             {
1075               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1076               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1077               u++;
1078        	    }
1079             p=line[m].p2;                    /* Endknoten */
1080             nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1081             n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1082             u++;
1083           }
1084           else
1085           {
1086             if (l==0)
1087             {
1088               p=line[m].p2;
1089               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1090               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1091               u++;
1092             }
1093             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1094             {
1095               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1096               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1097               u++;
1098             }
1099               p=line[m].p1;
1100               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1101               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1102               u++;
1103             }
1104           }
1105         }
1106         else  /* edge is - oriented */
1107         {
1108           for( l=lcmb[k].nl-1; l>-1; l-- )
1109           {
1110             m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1111             if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='-')
1112             {
1113               if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1114               {
1115                 p=line[m].p1;
1116                 nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1117                 n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1118                 u++;
1119               }
1120               for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1121               {
1122                 nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1123                 n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1124                 u++;
1125               }
1126               p=line[m].p2;
1127               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1128               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1129               u++;
1130             }
1131             else
1132             {
1133             if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1134             {
1135               p=line[m].p2;
1136               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1137               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1138               u++;
1139             }
1140             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1141             {
1142               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1143               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1144               u++;
1145             }
1146             p=line[m].p1;
1147             nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1148             n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1149             u++;
1150           }
1151         }
1152       }
1153     }
1154     else /* its a line */
1155     {
1156       m=surf[j].l[n];
1157       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1158       {
1159         p=line[m].p1;
1160         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1161         n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1162         u++;
1163         for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1164         {
1165           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1166           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1167           u++;
1168         }
1169         p=line[m].p2;
1170         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1171         n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1172         u++;
1173       }
1174       else
1175       {
1176         p=line[m].p2;
1177         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1178         n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1179         u++;
1180         for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1181         {
1182           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1183           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1184           u++;
1185         }
1186         p=line[m].p1;
1187         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1188         n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1189         u++;
1190       }
1191     }
1194     /* store nodes of edge1 */
1195     n=1; /* edge Nr */
1196     u=umax-1; /* surf parameter */
1197     v=0;        /* surf parameter */
1199     k=surf[j].l[n];
1200     if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
1201     {
1202       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1203       {
1204         for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
1205         {
1206           m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1207           if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='+')
1208           {
1209             if (l==0)
1210             {
1211               p=line[m].p1;                    /* Anfangsknoten */
1212               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1213               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1214               v++;
1215             }
1216             for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)  /* alle Zwischenknoten */
1217             {
1218               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1219               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1220               v++;
1221        	    }
1222               p=line[m].p2;                    /* Endknoten */
1223               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1224               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1225               v++;
1226           }
1227           else
1228           {
1229             if (l==0)
1230             {
1231               p=line[m].p2;
1232               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1233               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1234               v++;
1235             }
1236             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1237             {
1238               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1239               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1240               v++;
1241             }
1242               p=line[m].p1;
1243               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1244               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1245               v++;
1246 	      }
1247         }
1248       }
1249       else  /* edge is - oriented */
1250       {
1251         for( l=lcmb[k].nl-1; l>-1; l-- )
1252         {
1253           m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1254           if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='-')
1255           {
1256             if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1257             {
1258               p=line[m].p1;
1259               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1260               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1261               v++;
1262             }
1263             for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1264             {
1265               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1266               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1267               v++;
1268             }
1269               p=line[m].p2;
1270               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1271               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1272               v++;
1273           }
1274           else
1275           {
1276             if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1277             {
1278               p=line[m].p2;
1279               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1280               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1281               v++;
1282             }
1283             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1284             {
1285               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1286               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1287               v++;
1288             }
1289               p=line[m].p1;
1290               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1291               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1292               v++;
1293           }
1294         }
1295       }
1296     }
1297     else /* its a line */
1298     {
1299       m=surf[j].l[n];
1300       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1301       {
1302         p=line[m].p1;
1303         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1304           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1305           v++;
1306         for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1307         {
1308           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1309           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1310           v++;
1311   	    }
1312         p=line[m].p2;
1313         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1314           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1315           v++;
1316       }
1317       else
1318       {
1319         p=line[m].p2;
1320         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1321           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1322           v++;
1323         for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1324         {
1325           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1326           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1327           v++;
1328         }
1329         p=line[m].p1;
1330         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1331           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1332           v++;
1333       }
1334     }
1337     /* store nodes of edge2 */
1338     n=2; /* edge Nr */
1339     u=umax-1; /* surf parameter */
1340     v=vmax-1; /* surf parameter */
1342     k=surf[j].l[n];
1343     if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
1344     {
1345       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1346       {
1347         for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
1348         {
1349           m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1350           if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='+')
1351           {
1352             if (l==0)
1353             {
1354               p=line[m].p1;                    /* Anfangsknoten */
1355               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1356               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1357               u--;
1358             }
1359             for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)  /* alle Zwischenknoten */
1360             {
1361               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1362               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1363               u--;
1364        	    }
1365               p=line[m].p2;                    /* Endknoten */
1366               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1367               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1368               u--;
1369           }
1370           else
1371           {
1372             if (l==0)
1373             {
1374               p=line[m].p2;
1375               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1376               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1377               u--;
1378             }
1379             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1380             {
1381               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1382               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1383               u--;
1384             }
1385               p=line[m].p1;
1386               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1387               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1388               u--;
1389 	      }
1390         }
1391       }
1392       else  /* edge is - oriented */
1393       {
1394         for( l=lcmb[k].nl-1; l>-1; l-- )
1395         {
1396           m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1397           if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='-')
1398           {
1399             if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1400             {
1401               p=line[m].p1;
1402               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1403               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1404               u--;
1405             }
1406             for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1407             {
1408               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1409               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1410               u--;
1411             }
1412               p=line[m].p2;
1413               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1414               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1415               u--;
1416           }
1417           else
1418           {
1419             if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1420             {
1421               p=line[m].p2;
1422               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1423               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1424               u--;
1425             }
1426             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1427             {
1428               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1429               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1430               u--;
1431             }
1432               p=line[m].p1;
1433               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1434               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1435               u--;
1436           }
1437         }
1438       }
1439     }
1440     else /* its a line */
1441     {
1442       m=surf[j].l[n];
1443       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1444       {
1445         p=line[m].p1;
1446         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1447           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1448           u--;
1449         for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1450         {
1451           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1452           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1453           u--;
1454   	    }
1455         p=line[m].p2;
1456         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1457           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1458           u--;
1459       }
1460       else
1461       {
1462         p=line[m].p2;
1463         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1464           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1465           u--;
1466         for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1467         {
1468           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1469           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1470           u--;
1471         }
1472         p=line[m].p1;
1473         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1474           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1475           u--;
1476       }
1477     }
1480     /* store nodes of edge3 */
1481     n=3; /* edge Nr */
1482     u=0; /* surf parameter */
1483     v=vmax-1;        /* surf parameter */
1485     k=surf[j].l[n];
1486     if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
1487     {
1488       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1489       {
1490         for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
1491         {
1492           m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1493           if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='+')
1494           {
1495             if (l==0)
1496             {
1497               p=line[m].p1;                    /* Anfangsknoten */
1498               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1499               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1500               v--;
1501             }
1502             for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)  /* alle Zwischenknoten */
1503             {
1504               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1505               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1506               v--;
1507        	    }
1508               p=line[m].p2;                    /* Endknoten */
1509               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1510               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1511               v--;
1512           }
1513           else
1514           {
1515             if (l==0)
1516             {
1517               p=line[m].p2;
1518               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1519               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1520               v--;
1521             }
1522             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1523             {
1524               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1525               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1526               v--;
1527             }
1528               p=line[m].p1;
1529               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1530               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1531               v--;
1532 	      }
1533         }
1534       }
1535       else  /* edge is - oriented */
1536       {
1537         for( l=lcmb[k].nl-1; l>-1; l-- )
1538         {
1539           m=lcmb[k].l[l];
1540           if(lcmb[k].o[l]=='-')
1541           {
1542             if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1543             {
1544               p=line[m].p1;
1545               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1546               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1547               v--;
1548             }
1549             for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1550             {
1551               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1552               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1553               v--;
1554             }
1555               p=line[m].p2;
1556               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1557               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1558               v--;
1559           }
1560           else
1561           {
1562             if (l==lcmb[k].nl-1)
1563             {
1564               p=line[m].p2;
1565               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1566               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1567               v--;
1568             }
1569             for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1570             {
1571               nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1572               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1573               v--;
1574             }
1575               p=line[m].p1;
1576               nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1577               n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1578               v--;
1579           }
1580         }
1581       }
1582     }
1583     else /* its a line */
1584     {
1585       m=surf[j].l[n];
1586       if(surf[j].o[n]=='+')
1587       {
1588         p=line[m].p1;
1589         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1590           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1591           v--;
1592         for( o=0; o<line[m].div-1; o++)
1593         {
1594           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1595           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1596           v--;
1597   	    }
1598         p=line[m].p2;
1599         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1600           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1601           v--;
1602       }
1603       else
1604       {
1605         p=line[m].p2;
1606         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1607           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1608           v--;
1609         for( o=line[m].div-2; o>-1; o--)
1610         {
1611           nodnr=line[m].nod[o];
1612           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1613           v--;
1614         }
1615         p=line[m].p1;
1616         nodnr=point[p].nod[0];
1617           n_uv[u*vmax +v]=nodnr;
1618           v--;
1619       }
1620     }
1621 }
1625 /********************************************************/
1626 /* surf has unbalanced edges, check if it is meshable   */
1627 /* and calculate the necessary divisions                */
1628 /*                                                      */
1629 /* the division on edge sb1 will not be changed, all    */
1630 /* other edges might have changed divisions.            */
1631 /*                                                      */
1632 /* in:                                                  */
1633 /* div_l[surfedge]:          original divisions         */
1634 /*                                                      */
1635 /* out:                                                 */
1636 /* div_a:                preliminary div on both side a */
1637 /* div_b:                preliminary div on both side b */
1638 /* sa1, sa2, sb1, sb2:   stores the surf-edges of a, b  */
1639 /*                                                      */
1640 /*  how a and b are determined:                         */
1641 /*    da<=db  da,db are |div_l[]-div_l[]| of opposite   */
1642 /*            edges                                     */
1643 /*   a                                                  */
1644 /*    |                                                 */
1645 /*    |   +^                                            */
1646 /*    |  |_|                                            */
1647 /*    |________ b                                       */
1648 /*                                                      */
1649 /*                                                      */
1650 /*    div_l[sb2]<=div_l[sb1]                            */
1651 /*                                                      */
1652 /* necessary divisions:                                 */
1653 /*  div_a=a1+(db-da)/2                                  */
1654 /*  div_b=b1                                            */
1655 /********************************************************/
newDivisions(int * div_l,int * div_a,int * div_b,int * sa1,int * sa2,int * sb1,int * sb2)1656 int newDivisions( int *div_l, int *div_a,int *div_b, int *sa1,int *sa2,int *sb1,int *sb2 )
1657 {
1659   int i,div_max,da,db, dd02,dd13, div_a1,div_a2,div_b1,div_b2;
1660   double fn,dn,n;
1663   dd02=div_l[0]-div_l[2];
1664   dd13=div_l[1]-div_l[3];
1665   if (dd02<0) dd02*=-1;
1666   if (dd13<0) dd13*=-1;
1667   if (dd02==dd13)
1668   {
1669     div_max=0; for(i=0; i<4; i++) if(div_l[i]>div_max) div_max=div_l[i];
1670     if((div_l[2]==div_max)||(div_l[0]==div_max))
1671     {
1672       da=dd02;
1673       db=dd13;
1674       if(div_l[2]<=div_l[0]){ div_a1= div_l[0]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[2]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=0; *sa2=2;}
1675       else                  { div_a1= div_l[2]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[0]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=2; *sa2=0;}
1676       if(div_l[3]<=div_l[1]){ div_b1= div_l[1]; div_b2= div_l[3]+db; *sb1=1; *sb2=3;}
1677       else                  { div_b1= div_l[3]; div_b2= div_l[1]+db; *sb1=3; *sb2=1;}
1678     }
1679     else
1680     {
1681       db=dd02;
1682       da=dd13;
1683       if (div_l[3]<=div_l[1]){div_a1= div_l[1]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[3]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=1; *sa2=3;}
1684       else                  {div_a1= div_l[3]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[1]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=3; *sa2=1;}
1685       if (div_l[2]<=div_l[0]){div_b1= div_l[0]; div_b2= div_l[2]+db; *sb1=0; *sb2=2;}
1686       else                  {div_b1= div_l[2]; div_b2= div_l[0]+db; *sb1=2; *sb2=0;}
1687     }
1688   }
1689   else
1690   {
1691     if (dd02<dd13)
1692     {
1693       da=dd02;
1694       db=dd13;
1695       if(div_l[2]<=div_l[0]){ div_a1= div_l[0]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[2]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=0; *sa2=2;}
1696       else                  { div_a1= div_l[2]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[0]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=2; *sa2=0;}
1697       if(div_l[3]<=div_l[1]){ div_b1= div_l[1]; div_b2= div_l[3]+db; *sb1=1; *sb2=3;}
1698       else                  { div_b1= div_l[3]; div_b2= div_l[1]+db; *sb1=3; *sb2=1;}
1699     }
1700     else
1701     {
1702       db=dd02;
1703       da=dd13;
1704       if (div_l[3]<=div_l[1]){div_a1= div_l[1]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[3]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=1; *sa2=3;}
1705       else                  {div_a1= div_l[3]+(db-da)/2; div_a2= div_l[1]+(db-da)/2+da; *sa1=3; *sa2=1;}
1706       if (div_l[2]<=div_l[0]){div_b1= div_l[0]; div_b2= div_l[2]+db; *sb1=0; *sb2=2;}
1707       else                  {div_b1= div_l[2]; div_b2= div_l[0]+db; *sb1=2; *sb2=0;}
1708     }
1709   }
1710   /* check if (db-da)/2 is positive and integer */
1711   fn=(double)(db-da)/2.;
1712   n=(int)fn;
1713   dn=fn-(double)n;
1714   if (dn<0.) dn*=-1.;
1715   if ((fn<0.)||(dn>1e-32))
1716   {
1717     printf(" ERROR: in newDivisions(), surf with the div: %d %d %d %d can not be meshed\n",
1718           div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3] );
1719     printf(" (db-da)/2:%lf dn:%lf\n", fn,dn);
1720     return(-1);
1721   }
1722   else if(printFlag) printf("in newDivisions(): meshable unbalanced edges: %d %d %d %d corrected to a1:%d a2:%d b1:%d b2:%d\n", div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3], div_a1, div_a2, div_b1, div_b2 );
1724   *div_a=div_a1;
1725   *div_b=div_b1;
1727   /* determine edge sa1. It is always the line before sb1 to create a propper system */
1728   n=*sa1;
1729   if(*sb1==0) *sa1=3;
1730   else *sa1=*sb1-1;
1731   if (*sa1==*sa2) *sa2=n;
1733   return(1);
1734 }
1738 /**************************************************************************/
1739 /* nun die Randknoten durch interpol auf die geaenderten                  */
1740 /* divisions umrechnen                                                    */
1741 /* Dann werden die x[u][v], y[u][v], z[u][v] felder gefuellt              */
1742 /* in:                                                                    */
1743 /*  n:       stuetzpunktzahl                                              */
1744 /*  lx,ly,lz Raumkoordinaten der Linienstuetzpunkte                       */
1745 /*  u,v      startwerte                                                   */
1746 /*  flag     flag=0 u laeuft von 0 -> umax-1, v bleibt konstant           */
1747 /*           flag=1 v laeuft von 1 -> vmax-1  u bleibt konstant           */
1748 /*  umax, vmax  groesse des zu fuellenden feldes                          */
1749 /*                                                                        */
1750 /*                                                                        */
1751 /*                                                                        */
1752 /* out:                                                                   */
1753 /*  x[u][v] usw. Raumkoordinaten der Randknoten im surfMesher system      */
1754 /*                                                                        */
1755 /*                                                                        */
1756 /**************************************************************************/
newEdgePositions(int n,int u,int v,int umax,int vmax,double * lx,double * ly,double * lz,double * x,double * y,double * z,int flag)1757 int  newEdgePositions( int n, int u,int v,int umax, int vmax, double *lx,double *ly,double *lz, double *x,double *y,double *z, int flag )
1758 {
1759   int i, nnew;
1760   double *ll,fn=0.,dll;
1761   double *nbez=NULL, *dl=NULL, *dlnew=NULL;
1764   /* zuerst wird ein feld mit der lauflaenge ll berechnet */
1765   if ((ll = (double *)malloc( (n)*sizeof(double)) ) == NULL )
1766   { errMsg(" ERROR: realloc failure in newEdgePositions()\n");
1767       return(-1); }
1768   linelength( lx, ly, lz, n, ll );
1770   if(n<3)
1771   {
1772     if (flag) dll=ll[n-1]/(vmax-1);      /* linienlaengen-inkrement */
1773     else      dll=ll[n-1]/(umax-1);      /* linienlaengen-inkrement */
1774     x[u*vmax +v] = lx[0];
1775     y[u*vmax +v] = ly[0];
1776     z[u*vmax +v] = lz[0];
1777     fn=dll;
1778     if (flag)
1779     {
1780       for (v=1; v<vmax-1; v++)
1781       {
1782         x[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lx, n, fn );
1783         y[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, ly, n, fn );
1784         z[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lz, n, fn );
1785       fn+=dll;
1786       }
1787     }
1788     else
1789     {
1790       for (u=1; u<umax-1; u++)
1791       {
1792         x[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lx, n, fn );
1793         y[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, ly, n, fn );
1794         z[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lz, n, fn );
1795         fn+=dll;
1796       }
1797     }
1798     x[u*vmax +v] = lx[n-1];
1799     y[u*vmax +v] = ly[n-1];
1800     z[u*vmax +v] = lz[n-1];
1801     free(ll);
1803     return(1);
1804   }
1805   /* berechne neue lauflaengen-inkremente auf basis der neuen stuetzpunktzahl */
1806   if (flag) nnew=vmax;
1807   else      nnew=umax;
1809   if ((dl = (double *)malloc( (nnew)*sizeof(double)) ) == NULL )
1810   { errMsg(" ERROR: realloc failure in newEdgePositions()\n");
1811       return(-1); }
1812   if ((dlnew = (double *)malloc( (nnew)*sizeof(double)) ) == NULL )
1813   { errMsg(" ERROR: realloc failure in newEdgePositions()\n");
1814       return(-1); }
1815   if ((nbez = (double *)malloc( (nnew)*sizeof(double)) ) == NULL )
1816   { errMsg(" ERROR: realloc failure in newEdgePositions()\n");
1817       return(-1); }
1819   for (i=1; i<n; i++) nbez[i-1]= (double)i/(double)(n-1);
1820   for (i=1; i<n; i++)
1821   {
1822     dl[i-1] = (ll[i]-ll[i-1])* (n-1)/(nnew-1);
1823     /* printf(" nbez[%d]:%f dl:%f\n", i-1, nbez[i-1], dl[i-1]); */
1824   }
1825   for (i=1; i<nnew; i++)
1826   {
1827     dlnew[i-1] = intpol( nbez, dl, n-1, (double)i/(double)(nnew-1));      /* i/(nnew-1) == nbeznew */
1828     /* fn+=dlnew[i-1]; */
1829     /* printf(" nbez[%d]:%f dlnew:%f\n", i-1,(double)i/(double)(nnew-1),  dlnew[i-1]); */
1830   }
1831   /* for (i=1; i<nnew; i++) dlnew[i-1]*=ll[n-1]/fn; */
1833   /* neue randkoordinaten */
1834   x[u*vmax +v] = lx[0];
1835   y[u*vmax +v] = ly[0];
1836   z[u*vmax +v] = lz[0];
1837   fn=dlnew[0];
1838   if (flag)
1839   {
1840     for (v=1; v<nnew-1; v++)
1841     {
1842       x[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lx, n, fn  );
1843       y[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, ly, n, fn  );
1844       z[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lz, n, fn  );
1845       fn+=dlnew[v];
1846     }
1847   }
1848   else
1849   {
1850     for (u=1; u<umax-1; u++)
1851     {
1852       x[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lx, n, fn  );
1853       y[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, ly, n, fn  );
1854       z[u*vmax +v] = intpol( ll, lz, n, fn  );
1855       fn+=dlnew[u];
1856     }
1857   }
1858   x[u*vmax +v] = lx[n-1];
1859   y[u*vmax +v] = ly[n-1];
1860   z[u*vmax +v] = lz[n-1];
1862   free(ll);
1863   free(dl);
1864   free(dlnew);
1865   free(nbez);
1866   return(1);
1867 }
1872 /*******************************************************************************************/
1873 /* splits line or lcmb at a certain position and returns 2 lines with nodes and elements   */
1874 /* of the original one                                                                     */
1875 /* in:                                                                                     */
1876 /* edge      line or lcmb index                                                            */
1877 /* typ       l for line or c for lcmb                                                      */
1878 /* splitdiv  splitting location in terms of node-divisions                                 */
1879 /*           for example if the combined division of the lcmb is 10 then a value of .5     */
1880 /*           would split the lcmb at node-position 6 and two lcmbs with div 5 are returned */
1881 /* out:                                                                                    */
1882 /* lnew      2 lines or lcmbs                                                              */
1883 /* typnew    l for line or c for lcmb                                                      */
1884 /* returns -1 if failed or split-point-index if successfull                                                */
1885 /*******************************************************************************************/
splitLineAtDivratio(int edge,int typ,double splitdiv,int * lnew,char * typnew)1887 int splitLineAtDivratio(int edge, int typ, double splitdiv, int *lnew, char  *typnew)
1888 {
1889   int c=0, i, j, l=0, n;
1890   int sum_div, div=0;
1891   int ps, cl=0, cnew[2];
1892   int seq[2], setNr;
1893   double v[3], p0[3], p1[3], p01[3], lbez, ps_lbez;
1894   char name[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
1895   int *lin=NULL;
1896   char *ori=NULL;
1898   double *pset_dl=NULL;
1901   /* define the split-point location and the line to split */
1902   if( typ=='l')
1903   {
1904     l= edge;
1905     if(line[l].div<2) return(-1);
1906     div=line[l].div*splitdiv-1;
1907     //printf("div:%d  ld:%d spl:%d \n",div, line[l].div,splitdiv);
1908     if(div<0) return(-1);
1909   }
1910   else if( typ=='c')
1911   {
1912     if ((ori = (char *)realloc( (char *)ori, (lcmb[c].nl)*sizeof(char)) ) == NULL )
1913      { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
1914     if ((lin = (int *)realloc( (int *)lin, (lcmb[c].nl)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
1915      { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
1917     /* search the midspan line-index */
1918     c= edge;
1919     sum_div=div=0;
1920     for(i=0; i<lcmb[c].nl; i++)
1921     {
1922       l=lcmb[c].l[i];
1923       sum_div+=line[l].div;
1924     }
1925     for(i=0; i<lcmb[c].nl; i++)
1926     {
1927       l=lcmb[c].l[i];
1928       div+=line[l].div;
1929       if(div>sum_div*splitdiv) break;
1930     }
1931     cl=i;
1932     if(lcmb[c].o[cl]=='+') div=line[l].div-(div-sum_div*splitdiv)-1;
1933     else                  div=(div-sum_div*splitdiv)-1;
1934   }
1936   /* check if the split-point would be at one of the ends of the line or if one line must be splitted */
1937   if(div==-1)
1938   {
1939     /* 1st Line-Point is the splitting point, no line must be splitted */
1940     ps=line[l].p1;
1942     /* create two lcmb */
1943     if(lcmb[c].o[cl]=='+')
1944     {
1945       if(cl==0) return(-1);
1946       else if(cl==1)
1947       {
1948         lnew[0]=lcmb[c].l[0];
1949         typnew[0]='l';
1950       }
1951       else
1952       {
1953         for(i=0; i<cl; i++)
1954         {
1955           lin[i]=lcmb[c].l[i];
1956           ori[i]=lcmb[c].o[i];
1957         }
1958         getNewName( name, "c" );
1959         lnew[0]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i, ori, lin ); typnew[0]='c';
1960         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
1961       }
1963       if(cl==(lcmb[c].nl-1))
1964       {
1965         lnew[1]=lcmb[c].l[cl];
1966         typnew[1]='l';
1967       }
1968       else
1969       {
1970         for(i=cl; i<lcmb[c].nl; i++)
1971         {
1972           lin[i-cl]=lcmb[c].l[i];
1973           ori[i-cl]=lcmb[c].o[i];
1974         }
1975         getNewName( name, "c" );
1976         lnew[1]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i-cl, ori, lin ); typnew[1]='c';
1977         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
1978       }
1980     }
1981     else
1982     {
1984       if(cl==0) { lnew[0]=lcmb[c].l[0]; typnew[0]='l'; }
1985       else
1986       {
1987         for(i=0; i<=cl; i++)
1988         {
1989           lin[i]=lcmb[c].l[i];
1990           ori[i]=lcmb[c].o[i];
1991         }
1992         getNewName( name, "c" );
1993         lnew[0]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i, ori, lin ); typnew[0]='c';
1994         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
1995       }
1997       if(cl==(lcmb[c].nl-1)) { lnew[1]=lcmb[c].l[cl]; typnew[1]='l'; }
1998       else
1999       {
2000         for(i=cl+1; i<lcmb[c].nl; i++)
2001         {
2002           lin[i-cl-1]=lcmb[c].l[i];
2003           ori[i-cl-1]=lcmb[c].o[i];
2004         }
2005         getNewName( name, "c" );
2006         lnew[1]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i-cl-1, ori, lin ); typnew[1]='c';
2007         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2008       }
2010     }
2011   }
2012   else if(div==line[l].div-1)
2013   {
2014     /* last Line-Point is the splitting point, no line must be splitted */
2015     ps=line[l].p2;
2017     /* create two lcmb */
2018     if(lcmb[c].o[cl]=='-')
2019     {
2020       if(cl==0) return(-1);
2021       else if(cl==1)
2022       {
2023         lnew[0]=lcmb[c].l[0];
2024         typnew[0]='l';
2025       }
2026       else
2027       {
2028         for(i=0; i<cl; i++)
2029         {
2030           lin[i]=lcmb[c].l[i];
2031           ori[i]=lcmb[c].o[i];
2032         }
2033         getNewName( name, "c" );
2034         lnew[0]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i, ori, lin ); typnew[0]='c';
2035         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2036       }
2038       if(cl==(lcmb[c].nl-1))
2039       {
2040         lnew[1]=lcmb[c].l[cl];
2041         typnew[1]='l';
2042       }
2043       else
2044       {
2045         for(i=cl; i<lcmb[c].nl; i++)
2046         {
2047           lin[i-cl]=lcmb[c].l[i];
2048           ori[i-cl]=lcmb[c].o[i];
2049         }
2050         getNewName( name, "c" );
2051         lnew[1]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i-cl, ori, lin ); typnew[1]='c';
2052         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2053       }
2055     }
2056     else
2057     {
2059       if(cl==0) { lnew[0]=lcmb[c].l[0]; typnew[0]='l'; }
2060       else
2061       {
2062         for(i=0; i<=cl; i++)
2063         {
2064           lin[i]=lcmb[c].l[i];
2065           ori[i]=lcmb[c].o[i];
2066         }
2067         getNewName( name, "c" );
2068         lnew[0]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i, ori, lin ); typnew[0]='c';
2069         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2070       }
2072       if(cl==(lcmb[c].nl-1)) { lnew[1]=lcmb[c].l[cl]; typnew[1]='l'; }
2073       else
2074       {
2075         for(i=cl+1; i<lcmb[c].nl; i++)
2076         {
2077           lin[i-cl-1]=lcmb[c].l[i];
2078           ori[i-cl-1]=lcmb[c].o[i];
2079         }
2080         getNewName( name, "c" );
2081         lnew[1]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i-cl-1, ori, lin ); typnew[1]='c';
2082         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2083       }
2085     }
2087   }
2088   else
2089   {
2090     /* create a splitting point */
2091     /* and two lines or lcmb */
2093     if (line[l].typ=='a')
2094     {
2095       arcNodes( l, div, line[l].div, v );
2096     }
2097     else if (line[l].typ=='s')
2098     {
2099       splineNodes( l, div, line[l].div, v );
2100     }
2101     else
2102     {
2103       straightNodes( l, div, line[l].div, v );
2104     }
2105     n= getNewName( name, "p" );
2106     ps= pnt( name, v[0], v[1], v[2], 0 );
2107     pre_seta(specialset->zap, "p", name);
2110     /* create two lines/lcmbs out of the original one and apply the nodes/elements of the original */
2112     /* create 2 new lines */
2113     if (line[l].typ=='a')
2114     {
2115       n= getNewName( name, "l" );
2116       lnew[0]= line_i( name, line[l].p1, ps, line[l].trk, div+1, 1, line[l].typ );
2117       if(lnew[0]<0) { printf("ERROR: line could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
2118       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "l", name);
2119       n= getNewName( name, "l" );
2120       lnew[1]= line_i( name, ps, line[l].p2, line[l].trk, line[l].div-(div+1), 1, line[l].typ );
2121       if(lnew[1]<0) { printf("ERROR: line could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
2122       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "l", name);
2123     }
2124     else if (line[l].typ=='s')
2125     {
2126       /* erzeuge zwei neue sets fuer die stuetzpunkte der zwei neuen linien */
2127       n= getNewName( name, "se" );
2128       seq[0]=pre_seta( name, "is", 0);
2129       if ( seq[0] <0 )
2130       { printf(" ERROR in splitLine\n"); return(-1); }
2131       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "r", name);
2133       n= getNewName( name, "se" );
2134       seq[1]=pre_seta( name, "is", 0);
2135       if ( seq[1] <0 )
2136       { printf(" ERROR in splitLine\n"); return(-1); }
2137       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "r", name);
2139       /* determine the length of the spline, accumulate all dists between points */
2140       /* look if the sequence is ordered in the same way as the line */
2141       setNr=line[l].trk;
2142       lbez=0.;
2143       if ( ( pset_dl= (double *)realloc( (double *)pset_dl, (set[setNr].anz_p+1) * sizeof(double))) == NULL )
2144         printf("ERROR: realloc failed: isort\n\n" );
2145       pset_dl[0]=0.;
2146       if( line[l].p1==set[setNr].pnt[0] )
2147       {
2148         p0[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[0]].px;
2149         p0[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[0]].py;
2150         p0[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[0]].pz;
2151         for (i=1; i<set[setNr].anz_p; i++)
2152         {
2153           p1[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].px;
2154           p1[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].py;
2155           p1[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[i]].pz;
2156           v_result( p0, p1, p01  );
2157           p0[0]=p1[0];
2158           p0[1]=p1[1];
2159           p0[2]=p1[2];
2160           lbez+=v_betrag( p01  );
2161           pset_dl[i]=lbez;
2162         }
2163       }
2164       else
2165       {
2166         p0[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[set[setNr].anz_p-1]].px;
2167         p0[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[set[setNr].anz_p-1]].py;
2168         p0[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[set[setNr].anz_p-1]].pz;
2169         for (i=1; i<set[setNr].anz_p; i++)
2170         {
2171           p1[0]=point[set[setNr].pnt[set[setNr].anz_p-1-i]].px;
2172           p1[1]=point[set[setNr].pnt[set[setNr].anz_p-1-i]].py;
2173           p1[2]=point[set[setNr].pnt[set[setNr].anz_p-1-i]].pz;
2174           v_result( p0, p1, p01  );
2175           p0[0]=p1[0];
2176           p0[1]=p1[1];
2177           p0[2]=p1[2];
2178           lbez+=v_betrag( p01  );
2179           pset_dl[set[setNr].anz_p-1-i]=lbez;
2180         }
2181       }
2182       ps_lbez=lbez*splitdiv;
2184       n=0;
2185       for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_p; i++)
2186       {
2187         if(pset_dl[i]<ps_lbez) seta( seq[0], "p", set[setNr].pnt[i] );
2188         else
2189         {
2190           if(!n){
2191             seta( seq[0], "p", ps );
2192             seta( seq[1], "p", ps ); n++; }
2193           /* add the spline point only if it is not co-incident with ps */
2194           if(pset_dl[i]>ps_lbez) seta( seq[1], "p", set[setNr].pnt[i] );
2195         }
2196       }
2198       n= getNewName( name, "l" );
2199       lnew[0]= line_i( name, line[l].p1, ps, seq[0], div+1, 1, line[l].typ );
2200       if(lnew[0]<0) { printf("ERROR: line could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
2201       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "l", name);
2202       n= getNewName( name, "l" );
2203       lnew[1]= line_i( name, ps, line[l].p2, seq[1], line[l].div-(div+1), 1, line[l].typ );
2204       if(lnew[1]<0) { printf("ERROR: line could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
2205       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "l", name);
2207       free(pset_dl);
2208     }
2209     else
2210     {
2211       n= getNewName( name, "l" );
2212       lnew[0]= line_i( name, line[l].p1, ps, -1, div+1, 1, line[l].typ );
2213       if(lnew[0]<0) { printf("ERROR: line could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
2214       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "l", name);
2215       n= getNewName( name, "l" );
2216       lnew[1]= line_i( name, ps, line[l].p2, -1, line[l].div-(div+1), 1, line[l].typ );
2217       if(lnew[1]<0) { printf("ERROR: line could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
2218       pre_seta(specialset->zap, "l", name);
2219     }
2220     typnew[0]=typnew[1]='l';
2222     if(line[l].nn)
2223     {
2224       /* map the nodes of the original line and additional point to the two new ones */
2225       if ((point[ps].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)point[ps].nod, ((int)1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
2226         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio, point:%s can not be meshed\n\n", point[ps].name); return(-1); }
2227       point[ps].nod[0]=line[l].nod[div];
2229       if(div>0)
2230         if ((line[lnew[0]].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[lnew[0]].nod, (div)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
2231         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines Line:%s can not be meshed\n\n", line[lnew[0]].name); return(-1); }
2232       for (i=0; i<div; i++)
2233       {
2234         line[lnew[0]].nod[i]=line[l].nod[i];
2235       }
2236       line[lnew[0]].nn=i;
2238       if(line[l].div-2-div>0)
2239         if ((line[lnew[1]].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[lnew[1]].nod, (line[l].div-2-div)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
2240         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines Line:%s can not be meshed\n\n", line[lnew[0]].name); return(-1); }
2241       j=0;
2242       for (i=div+1; i<line[l].div-1; i++)
2243       {
2244         line[lnew[1]].nod[j]=line[l].nod[i];
2245         j++;
2246       }
2247       line[lnew[1]].nn=j;
2248     }
2250     /* change lnew if the edge is an lcmb */
2251     if( typ=='c')
2252     {
2253       if(lcmb[c].o[cl]=='-')
2254       {
2255         cnew[0]=lnew[1];
2256         cnew[1]=lnew[0];
2257         lnew[0]=cnew[0];
2258         lnew[1]=cnew[1];
2259       }
2260       if(cl>0)
2261       {
2262         for(i=0; i<cl; i++)
2263         {
2264           lin[i]=lcmb[c].l[i];
2265           ori[i]=lcmb[c].o[i];
2266         }
2267         lin[i]=lnew[0];
2268         ori[i]=lcmb[c].o[cl];
2269         getNewName( name, "c" );
2270         lnew[0]= lcmb_i( name, 0, i+1, ori, lin ); typnew[0]='c';
2271         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2272       }
2274       if(cl<lcmb[c].nl-1)
2275       {
2276         lin[0]=lnew[1];
2277         ori[0]=lcmb[c].o[cl];
2278         j=1;
2279         for(i=cl+1; i<lcmb[c].nl; i++)
2280         {
2281           lin[j]=lcmb[c].l[i];
2282           ori[j]=lcmb[c].o[i];
2283           j++;
2284         }
2285         getNewName( name, "c" );
2286         lnew[1]= lcmb_i( name, 0, j, ori, lin ); typnew[1]='c';
2287         pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2288       }
2289     }
2291   }
2292   free(lin);
2293   free(ori);
2294   return(ps);
2295 }
2298 /* creates a lcmb out of two lines or lcmbs */
2299 /* returns index of an lcmb or -1 if failed */
addTwoLines(int l1,char o1,char typ1,int l2,char o2,char typ2)2300 int addTwoLines( int l1, char o1, char typ1, int l2, char o2, char typ2 )
2301 {
2302   int i, j, c, *lin;
2303   char name[MAX_LINE_LENGTH], *ori;
2305   if((typ1=='l')&&(typ2=='l'))
2306   {
2307     if ((ori = (char *)malloc((2)*sizeof(char)) ) == NULL )
2308     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2309     if ((lin = (int *)malloc((2)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
2310     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2311     lin[0]=l1;
2312     ori[0]=o1;
2313     lin[1]=l2;
2314     ori[1]=o2;
2315     getNewName( name, "c" );
2316     c = lcmb_i( name, 0, 2, ori, lin );
2317     pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2318     free(ori); free(lin);
2319   }
2320   else if((typ1=='l')&&(typ2=='c'))
2321   {
2322     if ((ori = (char *)malloc((lcmb[l2].nl+1)*sizeof(char)) ) == NULL )
2323     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2324     if ((lin = (int *)malloc((lcmb[l2].nl+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
2325     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2326     lin[0]=l1;
2327     ori[0]=o1;
2328     j=1;
2329     if(o2=='+')
2330     {
2331       for( i=0; i<lcmb[l2].nl; i++)
2332       {
2333         lin[j]=lcmb[l2].l[i];
2334         ori[j]=lcmb[l2].o[i];
2335         j++;
2336       }
2337     }
2338     else
2339     {
2340       for( i=lcmb[l2].nl-1; i>=0; i--)
2341       {
2342         lin[j]=lcmb[l2].l[i];
2343         ori[j]=lcmb[l2].o[i];
2344         j++;
2345       }
2346     }
2347     getNewName( name, "c" );
2348     c = lcmb_i( name, 0, j, ori, lin );
2349     pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2350     free(ori); free(lin);
2351   }
2352   else if((typ1=='c')&&(typ2=='l'))
2353   {
2354     if ((ori = (char *)malloc((lcmb[l1].nl+1)*sizeof(char)) ) == NULL )
2355     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2356     if ((lin = (int *)malloc((lcmb[l1].nl+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
2357     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2358     j=0;
2359     if(o1=='+')
2360     {
2361       for( i=0; i<lcmb[l1].nl; i++)
2362       {
2363         lin[j]=lcmb[l1].l[i];
2364         ori[j]=lcmb[l1].o[i];
2365         j++;
2366       }
2367     }
2368     else
2369     {
2370       for( i=lcmb[l1].nl-1; i>=0; i--)
2371       {
2372         lin[j]=lcmb[l1].l[i];
2373         ori[j]=lcmb[l1].o[i];
2374         j++;
2375       }
2376     }
2377     lin[j]=l2;
2378     ori[j]=o2;
2379     j++;
2380     getNewName( name, "c" );
2381     c = lcmb_i( name, 0, j, ori, lin );
2382     pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2383     free(ori); free(lin);
2384   }
2385   else if((typ1=='c')&&(typ2=='c'))
2386   {
2387     if ((ori = (char *)malloc((lcmb[l1].nl+lcmb[l2].nl)*sizeof(char)) ) == NULL )
2388     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2389     if ((lin = (int *)malloc((lcmb[l1].nl+lcmb[l2].nl)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
2390     { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in splitLineAtDivratio\n\n"); return(-1); }
2391     j=0;
2392     if(o1=='+')
2393     {
2394       for( i=0; i<lcmb[l1].nl; i++)
2395       {
2396         lin[j]=lcmb[l1].l[i];
2397         ori[j]=lcmb[l1].o[i];
2398         j++;
2399       }
2400     }
2401     else
2402     {
2403       for( i=lcmb[l1].nl-1; i>=0; i--)
2404       {
2405         lin[j]=lcmb[l1].l[i];
2406         ori[j]=lcmb[l1].o[i];
2407         j++;
2408       }
2409     }
2410     if(o2=='+')
2411     {
2412       for( i=0; i<lcmb[l2].nl; i++)
2413       {
2414         lin[j]=lcmb[l2].l[i];
2415         ori[j]=lcmb[l2].o[i];
2416         j++;
2417       }
2418     }
2419     else
2420     {
2421       for( i=lcmb[l2].nl-1; i>=0; i--)
2422       {
2423         lin[j]=lcmb[l2].l[i];
2424         ori[j]=lcmb[l2].o[i];
2425         j++;
2426       }
2427     }
2428     getNewName( name, "c" );
2429     c = lcmb_i( name, 0, j, ori, lin );
2430     pre_seta(specialset->zap, "c", name);
2431     free(ori); free(lin);
2432   }
2433   else return(-1);
2434   return(c);
2435 }
calcMeshDistance(int nr,int np,Points * ppre,int e,Points * pcg,int * tri)2438 double calcMeshDistance( int nr, int np, Points *ppre, int e, Points *pcg, int *tri)
2439 {
2440   int i,j,k,n;
2441   int n1,n2, flag;
2442   double vl[3],dist;
2443   double clength, dist_length, dist_maxlength;
2444   Points *cg=NULL;
2446   typedef struct {
2447     int sum, *n2;
2448     double *l;
2449   }N1l;
2450   N1l *n1l=NULL;
2452   /* decrement the pointer, tri[0] points to ppre[1] */
2453   ppre--;
2455   /* determine the distance of the cg of all tri to the nurbs,
2456      calc the ratio of this distance to the circumferential length of the tri as a quality measure
2457    */
2459   /* scan all tri and calc the cg and their circum. length (clength) */
2460   /* calc the length of all edges and reference them by its nodes */
2462   if ( (n1l = (N1l *)malloc( (np+1) * sizeof(N1l))) == NULL )
2463   { printf("\n\n ERROR in calcMeshDistance: malloc\n\n") ; return(0.); }
2464   for (i=0; i<=np; i++)
2465   {
2466     n1l[i].sum=0;
2467     n1l[i].n2=NULL;
2468     n1l[i].l=NULL;
2469   }
2471   if( (cg = (Points *)calloc((e),sizeof(Points) )) == NULL )
2472   { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1); }
2474   j=0;
2475   dist_maxlength=0.;
2476   for(i=0; i<e; i++)
2477   {
2478     /* check if the length is not known */
2479     clength=0.;
2481     for(n=0; n<3; n++)
2482     {
2483       if(n==0)
2484       {
2485         n1=tri[j];
2486         n2=tri[j+1];
2487       }
2488       else if(n==1)
2489       {
2490         n1=tri[j+1];
2491         n2=tri[j+2];
2492       }
2493       else
2494       {
2495         n1=tri[j+2];
2496         n2=tri[j];
2497       }
2499       flag=1;
2500       for(k=0; k<n1l[n1].sum; k++)
2501       {
2502         if(n1l[n1].n2[k]==n2) { clength+=n1l[n1].l[k]; flag=0; break; }
2503       }
2504       if(flag==1)
2505       {
2506         v_result(&ppre[n1].px,&ppre[n2].px,vl);
2508         if ( (n1l[n2].n2 = (int *)realloc( n1l[n2].n2, (n1l[n2].sum+1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL )
2509         { printf("\n\n ERROR in realloc\n\n") ; return(0.); }
2510         if ( (n1l[n2].l = (double *)realloc( n1l[n2].l, (n1l[n2].sum+1) * sizeof(double))) == NULL )
2511         { printf("\n\n ERROR in realloc\n\n") ; return(0.); }
2512         n1l[n2].n2[n1l[n2].sum]=n1;
2513         n1l[n2].l[n1l[n2].sum]=v_betrag(vl);
2514         clength+=n1l[n2].l[n1l[n2].sum];
2515         n1l[n2].sum++;
2516       }
2517     }
2519     for(n=0; n<3; n++)
2520     {
2521       cg[i].px+=ppre[tri[j+n]].px;
2522       cg[i].py+=ppre[tri[j+n]].py;
2523       cg[i].pz+=ppre[tri[j+n]].pz;
2524     }
2525     cg[i].px/=3.;
2526     cg[i].py/=3.;
2527     cg[i].pz/=3.;
2528     j+=3;
2530     /* determine the distance of the cg at the nurbs to the cg of the tri in xyz */
2531     v_result(&cg[i].px,&pcg[i].px,vl);
2532     dist=v_betrag(vl);
2533     /* calc the ratio */
2534     dist_length=dabs(dist)/clength;
2535     if(dist_length>dist_maxlength) dist_maxlength=dist_length;
2536   }
2538   for (i=0; i<=np; i++) { free(n1l[i].n2); free(n1l[i].l); }
2539   free(n1l);
2540   free(cg);
2542   return(dist_maxlength);
2543 }
2546 /* ppre real coordinates of tri-nodes */
triSplitter(int nr,int * ptr_np,Points ** ptr_ppre,int * ptr_ne,int ** ptr_tri,int ** ptr_pntflag,int ** edge_n2,int * pnt_indx,double ** ptr_pntu,double ** ptr_pntv,double max_ratio,double * tab_u,double * tab_lu,double * tab_bu,double * tab_v,double * tab_lv,double * tab_bv)2547 int triSplitter( int nr, int *ptr_np,  Points **ptr_ppre, int *ptr_ne, int **ptr_tri, int **ptr_pntflag, int **edge_n2, int *pnt_indx, double **ptr_pntu, double **ptr_pntv, double max_ratio, double *tab_u, double *tab_lu, double *tab_bu, double *tab_v, double *tab_lv, double *tab_bv)
2548 {
2549   int i,k,n,loop=0;
2550   int e,n1,n2,nm, nmp=0, continueFlag=0, nurbsType;
2551   Points *pm=NULL,*pm2=NULL,*nv=NULL, *ppre;
2552   int np,ne, *tri;
2553   double p1p2[3], pbuf[3], u=0.5;
2554   double *pntm_u=NULL, *pntm_v=NULL, *dist=NULL, *ln1n2=NULL;
2555   double *pnt_u, *pnt_v;
2556   double pnt_uscal[2], pnt_vscal[2], bu[2],bv[2],sumbu,sumbv;
2557   int n_nm[3],edge_nm[3],sum_nm=0,e_buf, *pnt_flag;
2559   typedef struct {
2560     int sum, *n2, *nm;
2561   }N1nm;
2562   N1nm *n1nm=NULL;
2564   typedef struct {
2565     int mod[3], nc[3], nm[3];
2566   }Tribuf;
2567   Tribuf *tribuf=NULL;
2569   np=*ptr_np;
2570   ppre=*ptr_ppre;
2571   ne=*ptr_ne;
2572   tri=*ptr_tri;
2573   pnt_flag=*ptr_pntflag;
2574   pnt_u=*ptr_pntu;
2575   pnt_v=*ptr_pntv;
2577   sem_wait(&sem_g);
2578   nurbsType=nurbs[nr].nurbsType;
2579   sem_post(&sem_g);
2581   /* In case its a curved surface, the triangles are splitted like tr6.
2582      The distance to the nurbs is then determined for the additional points.
2583      If a point is too far away it is set to the nurbs and used for new tr3.
2584      The original tr3 is redefined as one of the new tr3's.
2585      The procedere is repeated until no violation of the criterion appears or if the smallest tri is below a threshold-value
2587      tribuf[tri].nm[3]:     temporary midnode, index of new field called pms
2588              .nc[3]:     corner-node, (nm[x] follows nc[x] in the tri )
2589              .mod[3]:    1= was too far away from nurbs and triggers new tri's
2591      Remark:
2592       the node-nr referenced from tri[] is the index+1 from ppre[]: ppre[tri[]-1] !
2593   */
2595   /* loop until the tris are close enough */
2596   for(loop=0; loop<MAX_MESH2D_LOOPS; loop++)
2597   {
2598     //printf("hallo loop%d ne:%d np:%d\n", loop, ne, np);
2599     /* create new nodes in the middle of each edge except the boundary edges (as with "mids <set> gen" )*/
2600     /* and calculate real world coords in the middle of the edges (pms) */
2602     /* create a table for all nodes which points to already created midside nodes */
2603     if ( (n1nm = (N1nm *)malloc( (np+1) * sizeof(N1nm))) == NULL )
2604     { printf("\n\n ERROR in triSplitter: malloc\n\n") ; return(-1); }
2605     for (i=0; i<=np; i++) n1nm[i].sum=0;
2606     for (i=0; i<=np; i++) n1nm[i].n2=n1nm[i].nm=NULL;
2608     if ( (tribuf = (Tribuf *)realloc(tribuf,  (ne) * sizeof(Tribuf))) == NULL )
2609     { printf("\n\n ERROR in triSplitter: malloc\n\n"); return(-1); }
2611     nmp=e=0;
2612     for (k=0; k<ne; k++)
2613     {
2614       for (n=0; n<3; n++)
2615       {
2616         tribuf[k].mod[n]=0;
2617         tribuf[k].nc[n]=  n1=tri[e+n];
2618         if(n<2)  n2=tri[e+n+1];
2619         else     n2=tri[e];
2620 	//printf("hallo n1:%d n2:%d e:%d pnt_flag: %d %d\n",n1, n2, k, pnt_flag[n1-1], pnt_flag[n2-1]);
2622 	// check if its a boundary edge then no split-node has to be created
2623         if((pnt_flag[n1-1]!=0)&&(pnt_flag[n2-1]!=0))
2624 	{
2625           // check if n1+n2 are a bounday edge
2626 	  //printf("n1-1:%d n2-1:%d\n", n1-1,n2-1);
2627 	  //printf("pnt_indx[n1-1]:%d pnt_indx[n2-1]:%d\n", pnt_indx[n1-1],pnt_indx[n2-1]);
2628           if(edge_n2[pnt_indx[n1-1]][0]==pnt_indx[n2-1]) { tribuf[k].nm[n]=-1; continue; }
2629           else if(edge_n2[pnt_indx[n1-1]][1]==pnt_indx[n2-1]) { tribuf[k].nm[n]=-1; continue; }
2630 	}
2632         // check if the nm exists already
2633         nm=-1;
2634         for(i=0; i<n1nm[n1].sum; i++) if(n1nm[n1].n2[i]==n2) nm=n1nm[n1].nm[i];
2635         for(i=0; i<n1nm[n2].sum; i++) if(n1nm[n2].n2[i]==n1) nm=n1nm[n2].nm[i];
2637         if(nm==-1)
2638         {
2639           // generate new midside-point
2640           if( (pm = (Points *)realloc(pm, (nmp+1)*sizeof(Points) )) == NULL )
2641           { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n");
2642             return(-1); }
2643           if( (pntm_u = (double *)realloc(pntm_u, (nmp+1)*sizeof(double) )) == NULL )
2644           { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n");
2645             return(-1); }
2646           if( (pntm_v = (double *)realloc(pntm_v, (nmp+1)*sizeof(double) )) == NULL )
2647           { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n");
2648             return(-1); }
2649           // store the length between n1 and n2
2650           if( (ln1n2 = (double *)realloc(ln1n2, (nmp+1)*sizeof(double) )) == NULL )
2651           { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n");
2652             return(-1); }
2653           nm=nmp;
2654           nmp++;
2656           // real world coords
2657           v_result( &ppre[n1-1].px, &ppre[n2-1].px, p1p2  );
2658           ln1n2[nm] =v_betrag(p1p2 );
2659           v_scal( &u, p1p2, pbuf);
2660           if(nurbsType<=20)
2661 	  {
2662             if( (pm2 = (Points *)realloc(pm2, (nmp+1)*sizeof(Points) )) == NULL )
2663             { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1); }
2664             v_add( &ppre[n1-1].px, pbuf, &pm2[nm].px);
2665 	  }
2666           else
2667 	  {
2668             v_add( &ppre[n1-1].px, pbuf, &pm[nm].px);
2669 	  }
2670           pm[nm].name=(char *)0;
2672           // parametric coords for the mid node (uv)
2673           /*
2674           // alternatively w/o scaling:
2675           pntm_u[nm]=(pnt_u[n1-1]+pnt_u[n2-1])*.5;
2676           pntm_v[nm]=(pnt_v[n1-1]+pnt_v[n2-1])*.5;
2677           printf(" node %d %f %f %f\n", nm, pntm_u[nm],pntm_v[nm],0.);
2678 	  */
2679           pnt_uscal[0]=intpol( tab_u, tab_lu, UV_STEPS, pnt_u[n1-1] );
2680           pnt_vscal[0]=intpol( tab_v, tab_lv, UV_STEPS, pnt_v[n1-1] );
2681           pnt_uscal[1]=intpol( tab_u, tab_lu, UV_STEPS, pnt_u[n2-1] );
2682           pnt_vscal[1]=intpol( tab_v, tab_lv, UV_STEPS, pnt_v[n2-1] );
2683           bu[0]=intpol( tab_u, tab_bu, UV_STEPS, pnt_u[n1-1] );
2684           bv[0]=intpol( tab_v, tab_bv, UV_STEPS, pnt_v[n1-1] );
2685           bu[1]=intpol( tab_u, tab_bu, UV_STEPS, pnt_u[n2-1] );
2686           bv[1]=intpol( tab_v, tab_bv, UV_STEPS, pnt_v[n2-1] );
2687           sumbu=bu[0]+bu[1];
2688           sumbv=bv[0]+bv[1];
2689           pntm_u[nm]=pnt_uscal[0]*(bv[0]/sumbv)+pnt_uscal[1]*(bv[1]/sumbv);
2690           pntm_v[nm]=pnt_vscal[0]*(bu[0]/sumbu)+pnt_vscal[1]*(bu[1]/sumbu);
2691           pntm_u[nm]=intpol( tab_lu, tab_u, UV_STEPS, pntm_u[nm]);
2692           pntm_v[nm]=intpol( tab_lv, tab_v, UV_STEPS, pntm_v[nm]);
2693           //printf(" # %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", bu[0],bv[0],bu[1],bv[1],sumbu,sumbv);
2694           //printf(" node %d %f %f %f\n", nm, pntm_u[nm],pntm_v[nm],0.);
2696           if ( (n1nm[n1].n2 = (int *)realloc( n1nm[n1].n2, (n1nm[n1].sum+1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL )
2697           { printf("\n\n ERROR in mids: realloc\n\n") ; exit(-1); }
2698           if ( (n1nm[n1].nm = (int *)realloc( n1nm[n1].nm, (n1nm[n1].sum+1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL )
2699           { printf("\n\n ERROR in mids: realloc\n\n") ; exit(-1); }
2700           n1nm[n1].n2[n1nm[n1].sum]=n2;
2701           n1nm[n1].nm[n1nm[n1].sum]=nm;
2702           n1nm[n1].sum++;
2703         }
2704         tribuf[k].nm[n]=nm;
2705       }
2706       e+=3;
2707     }
2708     for (i=0; i<=np; i++) { free(n1nm[i].n2); free(n1nm[i].nm); }
2709     free(n1nm);
2711     /* determine the distance between pm and the nurbs */
2712     //for(i=0; i<nmp; i++) printf("hallo %d pm:%f %f %f \n",i, pm2[i].px, pm2[i].py, pm2[i].pz);
2713     /* calculate real world coordinates based on uv */
2714     if( (nv = (Points *)realloc(nv, (nmp)*sizeof(Points) )) == NULL )
2715     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1); }
2716     evalNurbsWithNormalVector( nr, nmp, pntm_u, pntm_v, pm, nv);
2718     /* calc the distance between pm and rw-pm2 in the direction of the normal vector */
2719     if( (dist = (double *)realloc(dist, (nmp)*sizeof(double) )) == NULL )
2720     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n");
2721       return(-1); }
2722     for (i=0; i<nmp; i++)
2723     {
2724       p1p2[0]=pm2[i].px-pm[i].px;
2725       p1p2[1]=pm2[i].py-pm[i].py;
2726       p1p2[2]=pm2[i].pz-pm[i].pz;
2727       v_norm( &nv[i].px, pbuf);
2728       dist[i]=dabs(v_sprod( p1p2, pbuf));
2729     }
2730     free(nv); nv=NULL;
2732     /*
2733     for(i=0; i<nmp; i++) { printf("#hallo %d dist:%lf pm:%f %f %f \n",i,dist[i], pm[i].px, pm[i].py, pm[i].pz);
2734       printf(" pnt pm2%d %f %f %f\n",i, pm2[i].px* scale->w+scale->x, pm2[i].py* scale->w+scale->y, pm2[i].pz* scale->w+scale->z);
2735       printf(" pnt pm%d %f %f %f\n",i, pm[i].px* scale->w+scale->x, pm[i].py* scale->w+scale->y, pm[i].pz* scale->w+scale->z);
2736     }
2737     */
2739     /* set tribuf[].mod[] to 1 if the related pm is too far away from the nurbs and the tri has to be splitted. This is measured as dist/ln1n2 */
2740     /* experimentally it was modified to (dist/ln1n2) *TRISPLITTER_QUALITY_THRESHOLD_FACTOR */
2741     for (k=0; k<ne; k++)
2742     {
2743       for (n=0; n<3; n++)
2744       {
2745         nm=tribuf[k].nm[n];
2746         if((nm!=-1)&&(dist[nm]/ln1n2[nm]*TRISPLITTER_QUALITY_THRESHOLD_FACTOR > max_ratio)) tribuf[k].mod[n]=1;
2747       }
2748     }
2750     /* go over all boundary nodes and set related tribuf[].mod[] back to 0 (no new tri's at the boundary) */
2751     continueFlag=0;
2752     for (k=0; k<ne; k++)
2753     {
2754       for (n=0; n<3; n++)
2755       {
2756         // check if still one edge has to be splitted
2757         if(tribuf[k].mod[n]) continueFlag=1;
2758       }
2759     }
2760     if(!continueFlag) goto finishLoop;
2762     /* create additional ppre based on pms */
2763     for (k=0; k<ne; k++)
2764     {
2765       for (n=0; n<3; n++)
2766       {
2767         i=tribuf[k].nm[n];
2768         if(tribuf[k].mod[n])
2769 	{
2770           pm[i].name=(char *)1;
2771           //printf(" pnt p%d %f %f %f\n",i, pm[i].px* scale->w+scale->x, pm[i].py* scale->w+scale->y, pm[i].pz* scale->w+scale->z);
2772 	}
2773       }
2774     }
2775     for (i=0; i<nmp; i++)
2776     {
2777       if(pm[i].name==(char *)1)
2778       {
2779 	//printf("hallo new point %d from %d\n",np,i);
2780         if( (ppre = (Points *)realloc(ppre, (np+1)*sizeof(Points) )) == NULL )
2781         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1); }
2782         if( (pnt_flag = (int *)realloc(pnt_flag, (np+1)*sizeof(int) )) == NULL )
2783         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1); }
2784         if( (pnt_u = (double *)realloc(pnt_u, (np+1)*sizeof(double) )) == NULL )
2785         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n");
2786           return(-1); }
2787         if( (pnt_v = (double *)realloc(pnt_v, (np+1)*sizeof(double) )) == NULL )
2788         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n");
2789           return(-1); }
2790         ppre[np].px=pm[i].px;
2791         ppre[np].py=pm[i].py;
2792         ppre[np].pz=pm[i].pz;
2793         pnt_u[np]=pntm_u[i];
2794         pnt_v[np]=pntm_v[i];
2795         pnt_flag[np] = 0;
2796         np++;
2797         pm[i].nn=np;
2798       }
2799     }
2801     /* redefine and create new tri, pnt_u, pnt_v if tribuf[].mod[]==1 */
2802     /* go over all tribuf and look for moved midnodes */
2803     e_buf=ne;
2804     for(k=0; k<e_buf; k++)
2805     {
2806       // edge_nm: stores index of moved mid-node pms from tribuf
2807       // sum_nm:  stores number of moved nodes per tribuf
2808       // n_nm : new node
2809       sum_nm=0;
2810       for(n=0; n<3; n++) if(tribuf[k].mod[n]==1) { edge_nm[sum_nm]=n; n_nm[sum_nm]=pm[tribuf[k].nm[n]].nn; sum_nm++; }
2812       if( (tri = (int *)realloc((int *)tri, ((ne+sum_nm)*3)*sizeof(int) )) == NULL )
2813       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); return(-1); }
2815       switch(sum_nm)
2816       {
2817         // one node moved, redefine orig tri and create 1 new tri
2818         case 1:
2819           switch(edge_nm[0])
2820           {
2821             case 0:
2822             tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2823             tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[0];
2824             tri[k*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2825             tri[ne*3]= n_nm[0];
2826             tri[ne*3+1]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2827             tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2828             break;
2829             case 1:
2830             tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2831             tri[k*3+1]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2832             tri[k*3+2]= n_nm[0];
2833             tri[ne*3]= n_nm[0];
2834             tri[ne*3+1]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2835             tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2836             break;
2837             case 2:
2838             tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2839             tri[k*3+1]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2840             tri[k*3+2]= n_nm[0];
2841             tri[ne*3]= n_nm[0];
2842             tri[ne*3+1]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2843             tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2844             break;
2845           }
2846           ne++;
2847         break;
2849         // two nodes moved, redefine orig tri and create 2 new tris
2850         case 2:
2851           switch(edge_nm[0])
2852           {
2853             case 0:
2854             switch(edge_nm[1])
2855             {
2856               case 1:
2857               tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2858               tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[0];
2859               tri[k*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2860               tri[ne*3]= tribuf[k].nc[2];
2861               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[0];
2862               tri[ne*3+2]=n_nm[1];
2863               ne++;
2864               tri[ne*3]= n_nm[1];
2865               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[0];
2866               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2867               break;
2868               case 2:
2869               tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2870               tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[0];
2871               tri[k*3+2]= n_nm[1];
2872               tri[ne*3]= n_nm[1];
2873               tri[ne*3+1]= n_nm[0];
2874               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2875               ne++;
2876               tri[ne*3]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2877               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[0];
2878               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2879               break;
2880 	    }
2881             break;
2883             case 1:
2884             switch(edge_nm[1])
2885             {
2886               case 0:
2887               tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2888               tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[1];
2889               tri[k*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2890               tri[ne*3]= tribuf[k].nc[2];
2891               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[1];
2892               tri[ne*3+2]=n_nm[0];
2893               ne++;
2894               tri[ne*3]= n_nm[0];
2895               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[1];
2896               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2897               break;
2898               case 2:
2899               tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2900               tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[0];
2901               tri[k*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2902               tri[ne*3]= tribuf[k].nc[0];
2903               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[0];
2904               tri[ne*3+2]=n_nm[1];
2905               ne++;
2906               tri[ne*3]= n_nm[1];
2907               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[0];
2908               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2909               break;
2910 	    }
2911             break;
2913             case 2:
2914             switch(edge_nm[1])
2915             {
2916               case 0:
2917               tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2918               tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[1];
2919               tri[k*3+2]= n_nm[0];
2920               tri[ne*3]= n_nm[0];
2921               tri[ne*3+1]= n_nm[1];
2922               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2923               ne++;
2924               tri[ne*3]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2925               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[1];
2926               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2927               break;
2928               case 1:
2929               tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2930               tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[1];
2931               tri[k*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2932               tri[ne*3]= tribuf[k].nc[0];
2933               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[1];
2934               tri[ne*3+2]=n_nm[0];
2935               ne++;
2936               tri[ne*3]= n_nm[0];
2937               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[1];
2938               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2939               break;
2940 	    }
2941             break;
2942           }
2943           ne++;
2944         break;
2946         // three nodes moved, redefine orig tri and create 3 new tris
2947         case 3:
2948 	  //printf("ERROR: the case with 3 splitnodes are not included so far\n");
2949           //exit(0);
2950               tri[k*3]=tribuf[k].nc[0];
2951               tri[k*3+1]= n_nm[0];
2952               tri[k*3+2]= n_nm[2];
2953               tri[ne*3]= n_nm[2];
2954               tri[ne*3+1]= n_nm[0];
2955               tri[ne*3+2]=n_nm[1];
2956               ne++;
2957               tri[ne*3]=n_nm[1];
2958               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[0];
2959               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[1];
2960               ne++;
2961               tri[ne*3]=n_nm[2];
2962               tri[ne*3+1]=n_nm[1];
2963               tri[ne*3+2]=tribuf[k].nc[2];
2964           ne++;
2965         break;
2966       }
2967     }
2968     /*
2969     printf("*NODE\n");
2970     for (i=0; i<np; i++)
2971     {
2972           printf("%d, %f, %f, %f\n",i+1, ppre[i].px* scale->w+scale->x, ppre[i].py* scale->w+scale->y, ppre[i].pz* scale->w+scale->z);
2973     }
2974     printf("*ELEMENT, TYPE=S3R, ELSET=Eall\n");
2975     for (k=0; k<ne; k++)
2976       //for (k=0; k<1; k++)
2977     {
2978       printf("%d, %d, %d, %d\n",k+1, tri[k*3], tri[k*3+1], tri[k*3+2]);
2979     }
2980     */
2982   finishLoop:;
2983     free(pm); pm=NULL;
2984     free(pm2); pm2=NULL;
2985     free(pntm_u); pntm_u=NULL;
2986     free(pntm_v); pntm_v=NULL;
2987     free(tribuf); tribuf=NULL;
2988     if(nurbsType<=20) { free(dist); dist=NULL; }
2989     else cppfreearray(dist);
2990     free(ln1n2); ln1n2=NULL;
2991     if(!continueFlag) break;
2992   }
2993   *ptr_np=np;
2994   *ptr_ppre=ppre;
2995   *ptr_ne=ne;
2996   *ptr_tri=tri;
2997   *ptr_pntflag=pnt_flag;
2998   *ptr_pntu=pnt_u;
2999   *ptr_pntv=pnt_v;
3001   return(1);
3002 }
checkMesh(int np,Points * ppre,int e,int * tri)3006 int checkMesh(int np, Points *ppre, int e, int *tri)
3007 {
3008   int i,j,n;
3009   double p0[3], p0p1[3], p2p0[3], p1p2[3], p1[3], p2[3], sp[3];
3011   /* decrement the pointer, tri[0] points to ppre[1] */
3012   ppre--;
3014   j=0;
3015   for(i=0; i<e; i++)
3016   {
3017     v_result(&ppre[tri[j]].px,&ppre[tri[j+1]].px,p0p1);
3018     v_result(&ppre[tri[j+1]].px,&ppre[tri[j+2]].px,p1p2);
3019     v_result(&ppre[tri[j+2]].px,&ppre[tri[j]].px,p2p0);
3020     v_norm(p0p1,p0);
3021     v_norm(p1p2,p1);
3022     v_norm(p2p0,p2);
3024     sp[0]=v_sprod(p0,p1);
3025     sp[1]=v_sprod(p1,p2);
3026     sp[2]=v_sprod(p2,p0);
3027     for (n=0; n<3; n++) if(sp[n]*sp[n]>MIN_ANGLE_TRI3) return(0);
3028     j+=3;
3029   }
3030   return(1);
3031 }
determineBestCorners(int s,int * cl)3035 int determineBestCorners( int s, int *cl)
3036 {
3037   int i,j;
3038   double v01[3],v02[3],vnorm[3];
3039   double *fi,  fi_min=MAX_INTEGER;
3041   if((fi=(double *)malloc((surf[s].nl+1)*sizeof(double) ) )==NULL)
3042   { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure in determineBestCorners()\n"); return(-1); }
3044   /* calculate the angle between two corners based on the end-points */
3045   for(i=0; i<surf[s].nl; i++)
3046   {
3047     if(i==surf[s].nl-1) j=0;
3048     else j=i+1;
3049     if(surf[s].typ[i]=='l')
3050     {
3051       v_result( &point[line[surf[s].l[i]].p1].px,&point[line[surf[s].l[i]].p2].px , v01 );
3052     }
3053     else
3054     {
3055       v_result( &point[lcmb[surf[s].l[i]].p1].px,&point[lcmb[surf[s].l[i]].p2].px , v01 );
3056     }
3057     if(surf[s].typ[j]=='l')
3058     {
3059       v_result( &point[line[surf[s].l[j]].p1].px,&point[line[surf[s].l[j]].p2].px , v02 );
3060     }
3061     else
3062     {
3063       v_result( &point[lcmb[surf[s].l[j]].p1].px,&point[lcmb[surf[s].l[j]].p2].px , v02 );
3064     }
3066     /* determine the smallest angle between two lines */
3067     /*
3068     v_norm( v01, e01 );
3069     v_norm( v02, e02 );
3070     fi[i]=abs(v_sprod( e01, e02 ));
3071     if(fi[i]>fi_max) { fi_max=fi[i]; cl[0]=i; cl[1]=j; }
3072     */
3074     /* determine the smallest cross-product between two lines (small angle and small lines) */
3075     v_prod( v01, v02, vnorm);
3076     fi[i]=abs(v_betrag(vnorm));
3077     if(fi[i]<fi_min) { fi_min=fi[i]; cl[0]=i; cl[1]=j; }
3079 #if TEST
3080     if(surf[s].typ[i]=='l') printf("fi:%lf %s\n", fi[i], line[surf[s].l[i]].name);
3081             else  printf("fi:%lf %s\n", fi[i], lcmb[surf[s].l[i]].name);
3082     if(surf[s].typ[j]=='l') printf("     %s\n", line[surf[s].l[j]].name);
3083             else  printf("     %s\n", lcmb[surf[s].l[j]].name);
3084 #endif
3085   }
3087   free(fi);
3088   return(1);
3089 }
thread_repSurf(void * vargp)3093 void *thread_repSurf( void *vargp)
3094 {
3095   int j,sur;
3096   int setNr, anz_s;
3098   typedef struct {
3099     int vargp[3];
3100   } Threadargs;
3101   Threadargs *param;
3103   param=(Threadargs *)vargp;
3104   setNr=param->vargp[0];
3105   anz_s=param->vargp[1];
3106   //thrd =param->vargp[2];
3108   while(1)
3109   {
3110     sem_wait(&sem_g);
3111     sur=glob_repsur++;
3112     sem_post(&sem_g);
3113     if(sur>=anz_s) break;
3114     j=set[setNr].surf[sur];
3115     //printf("thrd:%d sur:%d %s\n",thrd, sur, surf[j].name);
3116     repSurf(j,1);
3117   }
3118   return((void *)1);
3119 }
pre_repSurf(int setNr)3123 void pre_repSurf( int setNr)
3124 {
3125   int i, nr, anz_s, nurbsnr;
3126   pthread_t *tid=NULL;
3127   int nlocalThreads, anz_threads;
3129   typedef struct {
3130     int vargp[3];
3131   } Threadargs;
3132   Threadargs *targ=NULL;
3133   int pbuf[4], lbuf[4], sbuf;
3135   delSet(specialset->glur );
3136   set_glur=pre_seta(specialset->glur, "i", 0);
3137   set_blr=pre_seta(specialset->blr, "i", 0);
3139   /* create deleted surfaces for temporary use in surfToNurs() */
3140   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
3141   {
3142     sprintf(buffer,"-pa%d", i+1);
3143     pbuf[i]=pnt( buffer, 0.,0.,0., 0 );
3144   }
3145   for(i=0; i<3; i++)
3146   {
3147     sprintf(buffer,"-l%d", i+1);
3148     lbuf[i]=line_i( buffer, pbuf[i], pbuf[i+1], 0, 1, 1, 0 );
3149   }
3150   sprintf(buffer,"-l%d", i+1);
3151   lbuf[i]=line_i( buffer, pbuf[i], pbuf[0], 0, 1, 1, 0 );
3152   sbuf=surface_i( "-1s", '+', -1, (int)4, "++++", lbuf, "llll");
3153   delPnt( 4, pbuf );
3154   delLine( 4, lbuf );
3155   delSurf( 1, &sbuf );
3157   /* threaded surface evaluation */
3158   anz_s=set[setNr].anz_s;
3159   if(anz->threads>anz_s) { nlocalThreads=anz_s; }
3160   else nlocalThreads=anz->threads;
3161   if ((tid=(pthread_t *)realloc((pthread_t *)tid, nlocalThreads*sizeof(pthread_t)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return;}
3162   if ((targ=(Threadargs *)realloc((Threadargs *)targ, nlocalThreads*sizeof(Threadargs)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return;}
3163   glob_repsur=0;
3164   anz_threads=anz->threads;
3165   anz->threads=1;
3166   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
3167   {
3168     targ[i].vargp[0]=setNr;
3169     targ[i].vargp[1]=anz_s;
3170     targ[i].vargp[2]=i;
3171     //printf("thread_repSurf trdout:%d\n",i);
3172     //thread_repSurf((void *)&targ[i]);
3173     pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_repSurf,(void *)&targ[i]);
3174   }
3175   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
3176   {
3177     //printf("thread_repSurf trdin:%d\n",i);
3178     pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
3179   }
3180   anz->threads=anz_threads;
3181   glob_repsur=0;
3182   free(tid); tid=NULL;
3183   free(targ); targ=NULL;
3185   /* fill the failed surfs with glu */
3186   if(set[set_glur].anz_s>0)
3187   {
3188     set[set_glur].anz_n=0;
3189     for(i=0; i<set[set_glur].anz_s; i++)
3190     {
3191       nr=set[set_glur].surf[i];
3192       if((surf[nr].npgn<=0)&&(shape[surf[nr].sh].type==4))
3193       {
3194         nurbsnr=shape[surf[nr].sh].p[0];
3195         fillNurbsSurf(nurbsnr, nr);
3196       }
3197     }
3198   }
3199   delSet(specialset->glur);
3200   delSet(specialset->blr);
3202   return;
3203 }
thread_evalSurf(void * vargp)3206 void *thread_evalSurf( void *vargp)
3207 {
3208   int j,sur;
3209   int setNr, anz_s, meshflag, returnPtr, renderFlag;
3210   int   *mapsurf;
3212   typedef struct {
3213     int vargp[6];
3214     int *mapsurf;
3215     int meshflag;
3216   } Threadargs;
3217   Threadargs *param;
3219   param=(Threadargs *)vargp;
3220   setNr=param->vargp[0];
3221   renderFlag=param->vargp[2];
3222   anz_s=param->vargp[4];
3223   mapsurf=param->mapsurf;
3224   meshflag=param->meshflag;
3226   while(1)
3227   {
3228     sem_wait(&sem_g);
3229     sur=glob_meshsur++;
3230     sem_post(&sem_g);
3231     if(sur>=anz_s) break;
3232     j=set[setNr].surf[sur];
3233     //printf("thread:%d sur:%d %s\n",param->vargp[3], sur, surf[j].name);
3234     returnPtr=meshSurf(anz_s, j, sur, mapsurf, meshflag, renderFlag);
3236     if(returnPtr<0)
3237     {
3238       param->vargp[5]++;
3239       seta(set_nomesh,"s",j);
3240       if(returnPtr==-2) seta(set_glur, "s", j);
3241     }
3242   }
3243   return((void *)1);
3244 }
3247 /**********************************************************************************/
3248 /*                                                                                */
3249 /* creates temporary-nodes and final elements in all surfaces                     */
3250 /*                                                                                */
3251 /**********************************************************************************/
meshSurfs(int setNr,int renderFlag)3252 int meshSurfs( int setNr, int renderFlag)
3253 {
3254   int i,j,n,s;
3255   int noSurfMesh=0, meshflag, anz_s;
3256   int   *mapsurf=NULL, *sh_buf=NULL;
3258   typedef struct {
3259     int vargp[6];
3260     int *mapsurf;
3261     int meshflag;
3262   } Threadargs;
3263   Threadargs *targ=NULL;
3264   pthread_t *tid=NULL;
3265   int nlocalThreads;
3267   int *setTmp=NULL, Stmp=-1;
3268   int pbuf[4], lbuf[4], sbuf;
3270   /* copy the amount of surfaces to be meshed, this is necessary because during meshing new surfs */
3271   /* could be created which should not be meshed (substitute surfs for 3- and 5-sided surfs)   */
3272   anz_s=set[setNr].anz_s;
3274   /* buffer for substituted surfs */
3275   if ((mapsurf = (int *)realloc((int *)mapsurf, (anz_s+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
3276   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
3277   if ((sh_buf = (int *)realloc((int *)sh_buf, (anz_s+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
3278   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
3279   if ((setTmp = (int *)realloc((int *)setTmp, (anz_s+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
3280   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
3281   for (s=0; s<anz_s; s++) { mapsurf[s]=sh_buf[s]=setTmp[s]=-1; }
3283   for (s=0; s<anz_s; s++)
3284   {
3285     j=set[setNr].surf[s];
3287     /* check if the surface is meshable */
3288     if(surf[j].o==NULL) continue;
3289     if(surf[j].o[0]==0) continue;
3291     if(surf[j].eattr>=0) mapsurf[s]=substituteSurf(j);
3292     else if(surf[j].eattr==-1)
3293     {
3294       /* if shape=BLEND try to generate a shape as a basis for the mesh */
3295       if(surf[j].sh<0)
3296       {
3297         if(surfToShape(j)<0)
3298 	{
3299           mapsurf[s]=substituteSurf(j);
3300           continue;
3301 	}
3302         else { if(printFlag) printf (" define shape for surf:%s\n", surf[j].name); }
3303       }
3305       /* if shape, generate prelim nurbs */
3306       if(shape[surf[j].sh].type>-1) Stmp= surfToNurs(j);
3308       if(Stmp>-1)
3309       {
3310         sprintf(buffer,"-Stmp%d", j);
3311         delSet(buffer);
3312         setTmp[s]=pre_seta( buffer, "S", nurbs[Stmp].name );
3313 	if(setTmp[s]<0)
3314 	{
3315           printf(" ERROR: in meshSurf, temporary nurbs could not be added to set %s\n", buffer);
3316           return(-2);
3317 	}
3318         completeSet( buffer, "do" );
3320         sh_buf[s]=surf[j].sh;
3321         surf[j].sh=shape_i( nurbs[Stmp].name, 4, Stmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
3323         if(printFlag) printf (" interior changed to Nurbs: %s\n", nurbs[Stmp].name );
3324       }
3325     }
3326     /* create the uv patch (from mesh_tr3u()) */
3327     //repSurf(j, 0);
3328     //if(mapsurf[s]>-1) printf("surfs to map %d %d \n",s, mapsurf[s]);
3329   }
3331   /* check if bodies will be meshed, if yes also surfaces w/o element assignment have to be meshed */
3332   meshflag=0;
3333   for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_b; i++)
3334   {
3335     if(( body[set[setNr].body[i]].etyp==1)||( body[set[setNr].body[i]].etyp==4)) meshflag=1;
3336   }
3338   delSet(specialset->glur );
3339   set_glur=pre_seta(specialset->glur, "i", 0);
3341   /* create deleted surfaces for temporary use in surfToNurs() */
3342   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
3343   {
3344     sprintf(buffer,"-pa%d", i+1);
3345     pbuf[i]=pnt( buffer, 0.,0.,0., 0 );
3346   }
3347   for(i=0; i<3; i++)
3348   {
3349     sprintf(buffer,"-l%d", i+1);
3350     lbuf[i]=line_i( buffer, pbuf[i], pbuf[i+1], 0, 1, 1, 0 );
3351   }
3352   sprintf(buffer,"-l%d", i+1);
3353   lbuf[i]=line_i( buffer, pbuf[i], pbuf[0], 0, 1, 1, 0 );
3354   sbuf=surface_i( "-1s", '+', -1, (int)4, "++++", lbuf, "llll");
3355   delPnt( 4, pbuf );
3356   delLine( 4, lbuf );
3357   delSurf( 1, &sbuf );
3359   /* threaded surface evaluation */
3360   if(anz->threads>anz_s) { nlocalThreads=anz_s; }
3361   else nlocalThreads=anz->threads;
3362   //nlocalThreads=1;
3363   if ((tid=(pthread_t *)realloc((pthread_t *)tid, nlocalThreads*sizeof(pthread_t)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
3364   if ((targ=(Threadargs *)realloc((Threadargs *)targ, nlocalThreads*sizeof(Threadargs)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
3365   glob_meshsur=0;
3366   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
3367   {
3368     targ[i].vargp[0]=setNr;
3369     targ[i].vargp[2]=renderFlag;
3370     targ[i].vargp[3]=i;
3371     targ[i].vargp[4]=anz_s;
3372     targ[i].vargp[5]=0;
3373     targ[i].mapsurf=mapsurf;
3374     targ[i].meshflag=meshflag;
3375     //printf(" surf thread:%d\n",i);
3376     //thread_evalSurf((void *)&targ[i]);
3377     //noSurfMesh+=targ[i].vargp[5];
3378     pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_evalSurf,(void *)&targ[i]);
3379   }
3380   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
3381   {
3382     pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
3383     noSurfMesh+=targ[i].vargp[5];
3384   }
3385   glob_meshsur=0;
3386   free(tid); tid=NULL;
3387   free(targ); targ=NULL;
3389   /* fill the failed surfs with glu */
3390   if(set[set_glur].anz_s>0)
3391   {
3392     set[set_glur].anz_n=0;
3393     for(i=0; i<set[set_glur].anz_s; i++)
3394     {
3395       j=set[set_glur].surf[i];
3396       if((surf[j].npgn<=0)&&(surf[j].sh>-1)&&(shape[surf[j].sh].type==4))
3397       {
3398         n=shape[surf[j].sh].p[0];
3399         fillNurbsSurf(n, j);
3400       }
3401     }
3402   }
3403   delSet(specialset->glur);
3405   /* delete temporary nurbs */
3406   for (s=0; s<anz_s; s++)
3407   {
3408     if(sh_buf[s]>-1)
3409     {
3410       j=set[setNr].surf[s];
3411       surf[j].sh=sh_buf[s];
3412     }
3413     if(setTmp[s]>-1)
3414     {
3415       delNurs( set[setTmp[s]].anz_nurs, set[setTmp[s]].nurs );
3416       delPnt( set[setTmp[s]].anz_p, set[setTmp[s]].pnt );
3417       delSet( set[setTmp[s]].name );
3418     }
3419   }
3420   free(mapsurf);
3421   free(sh_buf);
3422   free(setTmp);
3424   return(noSurfMesh);
3425 }
evalBody(int b_indx,int * srefp)3429 int evalBody( int b_indx, int *srefp )
3430 {
3431   int n, s;
3432   int umax, vmax, wmax;
3434       /* surfs are all balanced, determine umax etc. */
3435       s=0;
3436       if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3437       {
3438         if ((srefp[s]==0)||(srefp[s]==2))
3439         {
3440           wmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][0]+1;
3441           vmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][1]+1;
3442         }
3443         else if ((srefp[s]==1)||(srefp[s]==3))
3444         {
3445           wmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][1]+1;
3446           vmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][0]+1;
3447         }
3448         else
3449         {
3450           errMsg("    ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
3451           exit(-1);
3452         }
3453       }
3454       else
3455       {
3456         if ((srefp[s]==0)||(srefp[s]==2))
3457         {
3458           wmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][1]+1;
3459           vmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][0]+1;
3460         }
3461         else if ((srefp[s]==1)||(srefp[s]==3))
3462         {
3463           wmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][0]+1;
3464           vmax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][1]+1;
3465         }
3466         else
3467         {
3468           errMsg("    ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
3469           exit(-1);
3470         }
3471       }
3473       /* bestimme die parametrischen Kantenlaengen des bodies, s3 fuer u,w */
3474       s=3;
3475       /* n=srefp[3]; ist gleich der LinienNr die die u-achse beschreibt, wenn die ori. der surf '+' ist */
3476       n=srefp[s]; /* Body-Surf edgenr */
3477       if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='-')
3478       {
3479         if( n==0) n=3;
3480         else if( n==1) n=0;
3481         else if( n==2) n=1;
3482         else if( n==3) n=2;
3483       }
3484       umax=body[b_indx].div_l[s][n]+1;
3485       if(printFlag) printf ("Nr of Nodes in 3D umax:%d vmax:%d wmax:%d\n", umax, vmax, wmax );
3487   body[b_indx].umax=umax;
3488   body[b_indx].vmax=vmax;
3489   body[b_indx].wmax=wmax;
3490   return(1);
3491 }
3496 /**********************************************************************************/
3497 /* Fuellt ein xyz- und nodeNr-feld mit den koordinaten eines Bodies bei der       */
3498 /* gegenueber liegende seiten gleiche divisions haben.                            */
3499 /* Die u-achse laeuft von bcp0 nach bcp4                                          */
3500 /* Die v-achse laeuft von bcp0 nach bcp1                                          */
3501 /* Die w-achse laeuft von bcp0 nach bcp3                                          */
3502 /*                                                                                */
3503 /* bestimmung der Referenzpunkte der Surfaces:                                    */
3504 /* srefp[0]=cp-index der Bodysurf:0 der mit bcp[0] zussammenfaellt.               */
3505 /* srefp[1]=cp-index der Bodysurf:1 der mit bcp[7] zussammenfaellt.               */
3506 /* srefp[2]=cp-index der Bodysurf:2 der mit bcp[0] zussammenfaellt.               */
3507 /* srefp[3]=cp-index der Bodysurf:3 der mit bcp[0] zussammenfaellt.               */
3508 /* srefp[4]=cp-index der Bodysurf:4 der mit bcp[3] zussammenfaellt.               */
3509 /* srefp[5]=cp-index der Bodysurf:5 der mit bcp[1] zussammenfaellt.               */
3510 /*                                                                                */
3511 /*                                                                                */
3512 /* in:                                                                            */
3513 /* b        body   -index                                                         */
3514 /* srefp    surface-reference-points                                              */
3515 /* umax, vmax, wmax  Anzahl nodes in den drei richtungen (div+1)                  */
3516 /*                                                                                */
3517 /* out:                                                                           */
3518 /* n_uvw       alle nodeNrs im uvw-feld                                           */
3519 /*                                                                                */
3520 /*                                                                                */
3521 /**********************************************************************************/
fillBody(int b_indx,int ** pn_uvw)3522 int fillBody( int b_indx, int **pn_uvw)
3523 {
3524   int s,j,n,k,l,m;
3525   int usmax, vsmax, us, vs, u,v,w, nodnr;
3526   double rv, rw, dx,dy,dz, xn,yn,zn;
3527   int *div_l=NULL;
3528   int *n_uv=NULL;  /* for edgenodes() */
3530   int umax, vmax, wmax, *n_uvw, *srefp;
3531   double *x, *y, *z;
3534   umax=body[b_indx].umax;
3535   vmax=body[b_indx].vmax;
3536   wmax=body[b_indx].wmax;
3537   srefp=&body[b_indx].s_indx[0];
3539   if( (n_uvw=(int *)malloc((umax)*(vmax)*(wmax)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
3540   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name); return(-1); }
3541   if( (x=(double *)malloc((umax)*(vmax)*(wmax)*sizeof(double)) ) == NULL )
3542   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name); return(-1); }
3543   if( (y=(double *)malloc((umax)*(vmax)*(wmax)*sizeof(double)) ) == NULL )
3544   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name); return(-1); }
3545   if( (z=(double *)malloc((umax)*(vmax)*(wmax)*sizeof(double)) ) == NULL )
3546   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name); return(-1); }
3548   *pn_uvw=n_uvw;
3550   /* allocate memory for embeded nodes */
3551   if((body[b_indx].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)body[b_indx].nod,((umax-2)*(vmax-2)*(wmax-2))*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
3552   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name); return(-1); }
3554   /* einlesen der Nodes der surf (1) in die Node-liste des Bodies  */
3555   /* surf1 liegt in der w-v ebene, u=umax-1  */
3556   s=1;
3557   u=umax-1;
3558   j=body[b_indx].s[s];
3560   if( (n_uv=(int *)realloc((int *)n_uv, (umax)*(vmax)*(wmax)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
3561   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in fillBody(), body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name); return(-1); }
3562   if( (div_l=(int *)realloc((int *)div_l, (surf[j].nl+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
3563   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in fillBody(), body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name); return(-1); }
3565 #if TEST
3566   fprintf (handle, "\nsur:%d %s\n", s, surf[j].name);
3567 #endif
3569       if (surf[j].nl!=MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF)
3570       {
3571         printf(" ERROR: Surf has no %d edges (has:%d)\n", MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, surf[j].nl );
3572         return(-1);
3573       }
3574       for (n=0; n<surf[j].nl; n++)
3575       {
3576         k=surf[j].l[n];
3577         div_l[n]=0;
3578         if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
3579         {
3580           for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
3581           {
3582             m=lcmb[k].l[l];
3583             div_l[n]+=line[m].div;
3584           }
3585         }
3586         else
3587           div_l[n]+=line[k].div;
3588       }
3589       if ((div_l[0]!=div_l[2])||(div_l[1]!=div_l[3]))
3590       {
3591         printf(" ERROR: Surf:%s has unbalanced edges: %d %d %d %d\n", surf[j].name,
3592                 div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3] );
3593         return(-1);
3594       }
3595       vsmax=div_l[3]+1;
3596       usmax=div_l[0]+1;
3597       edgeNodes( vsmax, usmax, j, n_uv );
3599       /* belege die Randknoten  */
3600       /* abhaengig von der orientierung und dem referenzpunkt der surface  */
3601       for (us=0; us<usmax; us++)
3602       {
3603         for (vs=0; vs<vsmax; vs++)
3604         {
3605           nodnr=n_uv[us*vsmax +vs];
3606           if (nodnr>-1)
3607 	  {
3608             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3609             {
3610               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3611               {
3612                 w=usmax-us-1;
3613                 v=vs;
3614               }
3615               else
3616               {
3617                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
3618                 v=us;
3619               }
3620             }
3621             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3622             {
3623               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3624               {
3625                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
3626                 v=usmax-us-1;
3627               }
3628               else
3629               {
3630                 w=us;
3631                 v=vs;
3632               }
3633             }
3634             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3635             {
3636               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3637               {
3638 		/*
3639                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
3640                 v=us;
3641 		*/
3642                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
3643                 w=us;
3644               }
3645               else
3646               {
3647 /*
3648                 w=usmax-us-1;
3649                 v=vs;
3650 */
3651                 v=usmax-us-1;
3652                 w=vs;
3653               }
3654             }
3655             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3656             {
3657               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3658               {
3659                 w=vs;
3660                 v=us;
3661               }
3662               else
3663               {
3664                 w=usmax-us-1;
3665                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
3666               }
3667             }
3668             else
3669             {
3670               errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
3671               exit(-1);
3672             }
3673           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
3674     sem_wait(&sem_n);
3675             x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
3676             y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
3677             z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
3678     sem_post(&sem_n);
3679 #if TEST
3680   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
3681   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
3682   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
3683     sem_wait(&sem_g);
3684   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
3685     sem_post(&sem_g);
3686 #endif
3688 	  }
3689         }
3690       }
3691       /* auffuellen der surface mit nodes */
3692       k=0;
3693       for (us=1; us<div_l[0]; us++)
3694       {
3695         for (vs=1; vs<div_l[3]; vs++)
3696         {
3697           nodnr=surf[j].nod[k];
3698             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3699             {
3700               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3701               {
3702                 w=usmax-us-1;
3703                 v=vs;
3704               }
3705               else
3706               {
3707                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
3708                 v=us;
3709               }
3710             }
3711             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3712             {
3713               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3714               {
3715                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
3716                 v=usmax-us-1;
3717               }
3718               else
3719               {
3720                 w=us;
3721                 v=vs;
3722               }
3723             }
3724             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3725             {
3726               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3727               {
3728 		/*
3729                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
3730                 v=us;
3731                 */
3732                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
3733                 w=us;
3734               }
3735               else
3736               {
3737 /*
3738                 w=usmax-us-1;
3739                 v=vs;
3740 */
3741                 v=usmax-us-1;
3742                 w=vs;
3743               }
3744             }
3745             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3746             {
3747               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3748               {
3749                 w=vs;
3750                 v=us;
3751               }
3752               else
3753               {
3754                 w=usmax-us-1;
3755                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
3756               }
3757             }
3758           else
3759           {
3760               errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
3761             exit(-1);
3762           }
3763           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
3764     sem_wait(&sem_n);
3765           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
3766           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
3767           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
3768     sem_post(&sem_n);
3769 #if TEST
3770   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
3771   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
3772   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
3773     sem_wait(&sem_g);
3774   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
3775     sem_post(&sem_g);
3776 #endif
3778           k++;
3779         }
3780       }
3783     /* surf4 liegt in der u-v ebene, w=wmax-1  */
3784     s=4;
3785     w=wmax-1;
3786     j=body[b_indx].s[s];
3788 #if TEST
3789   fprintf (handle, "\nsur:%d %s\n", s, surf[j].name);
3790 #endif
3792       if (surf[j].nl!=MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF)
3793       {
3794         printf(" ERROR: Surf has no %d edges (has:%d)\n", MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, surf[j].nl );
3795         return(-1);
3796       }
3797       for (n=0; n<surf[j].nl; n++)
3798       {
3799         k=surf[j].l[n];
3800         div_l[n]=0;
3801         if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
3802         {
3803           for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
3804           {
3805             m=lcmb[k].l[l];
3806             div_l[n]+=line[m].div;
3807           }
3808         }
3809         else
3810           div_l[n]+=line[k].div;
3811       }
3812       if ((div_l[0]!=div_l[2])||(div_l[1]!=div_l[3]))
3813       {
3814         printf(" ERROR: Surf:%s has unbalanced edges: %d %d %d %d\n", surf[j].name,
3815                 div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3] );
3816         return(-1);
3817       }
3818       vsmax=div_l[3]+1;
3819       usmax=div_l[0]+1;
3820       edgeNodes( vsmax, usmax, j, n_uv );
3822       /* belege die Randknoten  */
3823       /* abhaengig von der orientierung und dem referenzpunkt der surface  */
3824       for (us=0; us<usmax; us++)
3825       {
3826         for (vs=0; vs<vsmax; vs++)
3827         {
3828           nodnr=n_uv[us*vsmax +vs];
3829           if (nodnr>-1)
3830 	      {
3831             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3832             {
3833               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3834               {
3835                 v=vs;
3836                 u=us;
3837               }
3838               else
3839               {
3840                 v=us;
3841                 u=vs;
3842               }
3843             }
3844             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3845             {
3846               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3847               {
3848                 u=vs;
3849                 v=usmax-us-1;
3850               }
3851               else
3852               {
3853                 u=usmax-us-1;
3854                 v=vs;
3855               }
3856             }
3857             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3858             {
3859               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3860               {
3861                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
3862                 u=usmax-us-1;
3863               }
3864               else
3865               {
3866                 v=usmax-us-1;
3867                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
3868               }
3869             }
3870             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3871             {
3872               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3873               {
3874                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
3875                 v=us;
3876               }
3877               else
3878               {
3879                 u=us;
3880                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
3881               }
3882             }
3883             else
3884             {
3885               errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
3886               exit(-1);
3887             }
3888           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
3889     sem_wait(&sem_n);
3890             x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
3891             y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
3892             z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
3893     sem_post(&sem_n);
3894 #if TEST
3895   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
3896   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
3897   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
3898     sem_wait(&sem_g);
3899   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
3900     sem_post(&sem_g);
3901 #endif
3903           }
3904         }
3905       }
3906       /* auff�llen der surface mit nodes */
3907       k=0;
3908       for (us=1; us<div_l[0]; us++)
3909       {
3910         for (vs=1; vs<div_l[3]; vs++)
3911         {
3912           nodnr=surf[j].nod[k];
3913           if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3914           {
3915             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3916             {
3917               v=vs;
3918               u=us;
3919             }
3920             else
3921             {
3922               v=us;
3923               u=vs;
3924             }
3925           }
3926             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3927             {
3928               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3929               {
3930                 u=vs;
3931                 v=usmax-us-1;
3932               }
3933               else
3934               {
3935                 u=usmax-us-1;
3936                 v=vs;
3937               }
3938             }
3939           else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3940           {
3941             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3942             {
3943               v=vsmax-vs-1;
3944               u=usmax-us-1;
3945             }
3946             else
3947             {
3948               v=usmax-us-1;
3949               u=vsmax-vs-1;
3950             }
3951           }
3952             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
3953             {
3954               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
3955               {
3956                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
3957                 v=us;
3958               }
3959               else
3960               {
3961                 u=us;
3962                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
3963               }
3964             }
3965           else
3966           {
3967             errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
3968             exit(-1);
3969           }
3970           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
3971     sem_wait(&sem_n);
3972           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
3973           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
3974           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
3975     sem_post(&sem_n);
3976 #if TEST
3977   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
3978   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
3979   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
3980     sem_wait(&sem_g);
3981   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
3982     sem_post(&sem_g);
3983 #endif
3985           k++;
3986         }
3987       }
3991     /* einlesen der Nodes der surf (2) in die Node-liste des Bodies  */
3992     /* surf2 liegt in der u-v ebene, w=0  */
3993     s=2;
3994     w=0;
3995     j=body[b_indx].s[s];
3997 #if TEST
3998   fprintf (handle, "\nsur:%d %s\n", s, surf[j].name);
3999 #endif
4001       if (surf[j].nl!=MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF)
4002       {
4003         printf(" ERROR: Surf has no %d edges (has:%d)\n", MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, surf[j].nl );
4004         return(-1);
4005       }
4006       for (n=0; n<surf[j].nl; n++)
4007       {
4008         k=surf[j].l[n];
4009         div_l[n]=0;
4010         if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
4011         {
4012           for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
4013           {
4014             m=lcmb[k].l[l];
4015             div_l[n]+=line[m].div;
4016           }
4017         }
4018         else
4019           div_l[n]+=line[k].div;
4020       }
4021       if ((div_l[0]!=div_l[2])||(div_l[1]!=div_l[3]))
4022       {
4023         printf(" ERROR: Surf:%s has unbalanced edges: %d %d %d %d\n", surf[j].name,
4024                 div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3] );
4025         return(-1);
4026       }
4027       vsmax=div_l[3]+1;
4028       usmax=div_l[0]+1;
4029       edgeNodes( vsmax, usmax, j, n_uv );
4031       /* belege die Randknoten  */
4032       /* abhaengig von der orientierung und dem referenzpunkt der surface  */
4033       for (us=0; us<usmax; us++)
4034       {
4035         for (vs=0; vs<vsmax; vs++)
4036         {
4037           nodnr=n_uv[us*vsmax +vs];
4038           if (nodnr>-1)
4039 	      {
4040             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4041             {
4042               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4043               {
4044                 u=vs;
4045                 v=us;
4046               }
4047               else
4048               {
4049                 u=us;
4050                 v=vs;
4051               }
4052             }
4053             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4054             {
4055               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4056               {
4057                 u=usmax-us-1;
4058                 v=vs;
4059               }
4060               else
4061               {
4062                 u=vs;
4063                 v=usmax-1-us;
4064               }
4065             }
4066             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4067             {
4068               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4069               {
4070                 u=vsmax-1-vs;
4071                 v=usmax-1-us;
4072               }
4073               else
4074               {
4075                 u=usmax-1-us;
4076                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
4077               }
4078             }
4079             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4080             {
4081               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4082               {
4083                 u=us;
4084                 v=vsmax-1-vs;
4085               }
4086               else
4087               {
4088                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4089                 v=us;
4090               }
4091             }
4092             else
4093             {
4094               errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4095               exit(-1);
4096             }
4097           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4098     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4099             x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4100             y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4101             z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4102     sem_post(&sem_n);
4103 #if TEST
4104   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4105   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4106   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4107     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4108   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4109     sem_post(&sem_g);
4110 #endif
4112 	      }
4113         }
4114       }
4115       /* auffuellen der surface mit nodes */
4116       k=0;
4117       for (us=1; us<div_l[0]; us++)
4118       {
4119         for (vs=1; vs<div_l[3]; vs++)
4120         {
4121           nodnr=surf[j].nod[k];
4122             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4123             {
4124               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4125               {
4126                 u=vs;
4127                 v=us;
4128               }
4129               else
4130               {
4131                 u=us;
4132                 v=vs;
4133               }
4134             }
4135             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4136             {
4137               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4138               {
4139                 u=usmax-us-1;
4140                 v=vs;
4141               }
4142               else
4143               {
4144                 u=vs;
4145                 v=usmax-1-us;
4146               }
4147             }
4148             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4149             {
4150               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4151               {
4152                 u=vsmax-1-vs;
4153                 v=usmax-1-us;
4154               }
4155               else
4156               {
4157                 u=usmax-1-us;
4158                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
4159               }
4160             }
4161             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4162             {
4163               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4164               {
4165                 u=us;
4166                 v=vsmax-1-vs;
4167               }
4168               else
4169               {
4170                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4171                 v=us;
4172               }
4173             }
4174           else
4175           {
4176             errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4177             exit(-1);
4178           }
4179           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4180     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4181           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4182           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4183           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4184     sem_post(&sem_n);
4185 #if TEST
4186   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4187   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4188   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4189     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4190   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4191     sem_post(&sem_g);
4192 #endif
4194           k++;
4195         }
4196       }
4200     /* einlesen der Nodes der Mastersurf (0) in die Node-liste des Bodies  */
4201     /* surf0 liegt in der w-v ebene, u=0  */
4202     s=0;
4203     u=0;
4204     j=body[b_indx].s[s];
4206 #if TEST
4207   fprintf (handle, "\nsur:%d %s\n", s, surf[j].name);
4208 #endif
4210       if (surf[j].nl!=MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF)
4211       {
4212         printf(" ERROR: Surf has no %d edges (has:%d)\n", MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, surf[j].nl );
4213         return(-1);
4214       }
4215       for (n=0; n<surf[j].nl; n++)
4216       {
4217         k=surf[j].l[n];
4218         div_l[n]=0;
4219         if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
4220         {
4221           for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
4222           {
4223             m=lcmb[k].l[l];
4224             div_l[n]+=line[m].div;
4225           }
4226         }
4227         else
4228           div_l[n]+=line[k].div;
4229       }
4230       if ((div_l[0]!=div_l[2])||(div_l[1]!=div_l[3]))
4231       {
4232         printf(" ERROR: Surf:%s has unbalanced edges: %d %d %d %d\n", surf[j].name,
4233                 div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3] );
4234         return(-1);
4235       }
4236       vsmax=div_l[3]+1;
4237       usmax=div_l[0]+1;
4238       edgeNodes( vsmax, usmax, j, n_uv );
4240       /* belege die Randknoten  */
4241       /* abhaengig von der orientierung und dem referenzpunkt der surface  */
4242       for (us=0; us<usmax; us++)
4243       {
4244         for (vs=0; vs<vsmax; vs++)
4245         {
4246           nodnr=n_uv[us*vsmax +vs];
4247           if (nodnr>-1)
4248 	      {
4249             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4250             {
4251               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4252               {
4253                 v=vs;
4254                 w=us;
4255               }
4256               else
4257               {
4258                 v=us;
4259                 w=vs;
4260               }
4261             }
4262             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4263             {
4264               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4265               {
4266                 w=vs;
4267                 v=usmax-us-1;
4268               }
4269               else
4270               {
4271                 w=usmax-us-1;
4272                 v=vs;
4273               }
4274             }
4275             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4276             {
4277               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4278               {
4279                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
4280                 w=usmax-us-1;
4281               }
4282               else
4283               {
4284                 v=usmax-us-1;
4285                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4286               }
4287             }
4288             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4289             {
4290               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4291               {
4292                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4293                 v=us;
4294               }
4295               else
4296               {
4297                 w=us;
4298                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
4299               }
4300             }
4301             else
4302             {
4303               errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4304               exit(-1);
4305             }
4306           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4307     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4308             x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4309             y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4310             z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4311     sem_post(&sem_n);
4312 #if TEST
4313   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4314   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4315   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4316     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4317   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4318     sem_post(&sem_g);
4319 #endif
4321 	      }
4322         }
4323       }
4324       /* auff�llen der surface mit nodes */
4325       k=0;
4326       for (us=1; us<div_l[0]; us++)
4327       {
4328         for (vs=1; vs<div_l[3]; vs++)
4329         {
4330           nodnr=surf[j].nod[k];
4331           if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4332           {
4333             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4334             {
4335               v=vs;
4336               w=us;
4337             }
4338             else
4339             {
4340               v=us;
4341               w=vs;
4342             }
4343           }
4344             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4345             {
4346               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4347               {
4348                 w=vs;
4349                 v=usmax-us-1;
4350               }
4351               else
4352               {
4353                 w=usmax-us-1;
4354                 v=vs;
4355               }
4356             }
4357           else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4358           {
4359             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4360             {
4361               v=vsmax-vs-1;
4362               w=usmax-us-1;
4363             }
4364             else
4365             {
4366               v=usmax-us-1;
4367               w=vsmax-vs-1;
4368             }
4369           }
4370             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4371             {
4372               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4373               {
4374                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4375                 v=us;
4376               }
4377               else
4378               {
4379                 w=us;
4380                 v=vsmax-vs-1;
4381               }
4382             }
4383           else
4384           {
4385             errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4386             exit(-1);
4387           }
4388           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4389     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4390           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4391           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4392           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4393     sem_post(&sem_n);
4394 #if TEST
4395   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4396   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4397   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4398     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4399   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4400     sem_post(&sem_g);
4401 #endif
4403           k++;
4404         }
4405       }
4408     /* surf3 liegt in der u-w ebene, v=0  */
4409     s=3;
4410     v=0;
4411     j=body[b_indx].s[s];
4413 #if TEST
4414   fprintf (handle, "\nsur:%d %s\n", s, surf[j].name);
4415 #endif
4417       if (surf[j].nl!=MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF)
4418       {
4419         printf(" ERROR: Surf has no %d edges (has:%d)\n", MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, surf[j].nl );
4420         return(-1);
4421       }
4422       for (n=0; n<surf[j].nl; n++)
4423       {
4424         k=surf[j].l[n];
4425         div_l[n]=0;
4426         if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
4427         {
4428           for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
4429           {
4430             m=lcmb[k].l[l];
4431             div_l[n]+=line[m].div;
4432           }
4433         }
4434         else
4435           div_l[n]+=line[k].div;
4436       }
4437       if ((div_l[0]!=div_l[2])||(div_l[1]!=div_l[3]))
4438       {
4439         printf(" ERROR: Surf:%s has unbalanced edges: %d %d %d %d\n", surf[j].name,
4440                 div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3] );
4441         return(-1);
4442       }
4443       vsmax=div_l[3]+1;
4444       usmax=div_l[0]+1;
4445       edgeNodes( vsmax, usmax, j, n_uv );
4447       /* belege die Randknoten  */
4448       /* abhaengig von der orientierung und dem referenzpunkt der surface  */
4449       for (us=0; us<usmax; us++)
4450       {
4451         for (vs=0; vs<vsmax; vs++)
4452         {
4453           nodnr=n_uv[us*vsmax +vs];
4454           if (nodnr>-1)
4455 	      {
4456             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4457             {
4458               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4459               {
4460                 w=vs;
4461                 u=us;
4462               }
4463               else
4464               {
4465                 w=us;
4466                 u=vs;
4467               }
4468             }
4469             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4470             {
4471               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4472               {
4473                 u=vs;
4474                 w=usmax-us-1;
4475               }
4476               else
4477               {
4478                 u=usmax-us-1;
4479                 w=vs;
4480               }
4481             }
4482             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4483             {
4484               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4485               {
4486                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4487                 u=usmax-us-1;
4488               }
4489               else
4490               {
4491                 w=usmax-us-1;
4492                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4493               }
4494             }
4495             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4496             {
4497               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4498               {
4499                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4500                 w=us;
4501               }
4502               else
4503               {
4504                 u=us;
4505                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4506               }
4507             }
4508             else
4509             {
4510               errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4511               exit(-1);
4512             }
4513           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4514     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4515             x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4516             y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4517             z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4518     sem_post(&sem_n);
4519 #if TEST
4520   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4521   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4522   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4523     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4524   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4525     sem_post(&sem_g);
4526 #endif
4528 	      }
4529         }
4530       }
4531       /* auff�llen der surface mit nodes */
4532       k=0;
4533       for (us=1; us<div_l[0]; us++)
4534       {
4535         for (vs=1; vs<div_l[3]; vs++)
4536         {
4537           nodnr=surf[j].nod[k];
4538           if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4539           {
4540             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4541             {
4542               w=vs;
4543               u=us;
4544             }
4545             else
4546             {
4547               w=us;
4548               u=vs;
4549             }
4550           }
4551             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4552             {
4553               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4554               {
4555                 u=vs;
4556                 w=usmax-us-1;
4557               }
4558               else
4559               {
4560                 u=usmax-us-1;
4561                 w=vs;
4562               }
4563             }
4564           else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4565           {
4566             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4567             {
4568               w=vsmax-vs-1;
4569               u=usmax-us-1;
4570             }
4571             else
4572             {
4573               w=usmax-us-1;
4574               u=vsmax-vs-1;
4575             }
4576           }
4577             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4578             {
4579               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4580               {
4581                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4582                 w=us;
4583               }
4584               else
4585               {
4586                 u=us;
4587                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4588               }
4589             }
4590           else
4591           {
4592             errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4593             exit(-1);
4594           }
4595           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4596     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4597           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4598           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4599           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4600     sem_post(&sem_n);
4601 #if TEST
4602   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4603   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4604   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4605     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4606   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4607     if(sem_post(&sem_g)) printf("Error in:sem_wait\n");
4608 #endif
4610           k++;
4611         }
4612       }
4614     /* surf5 liegt in der w-u ebene, v=vmax-1  */
4615     s=5;
4616     v=vmax-1;
4617     j=body[b_indx].s[s];
4619 #if TEST
4620   fprintf (handle, "\nsur:%d %s\n", s, surf[j].name);
4621 #endif
4623       if (surf[j].nl!=MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF)
4624       {
4625         printf(" ERROR: Surf has no %d edges (has:%d)\n", MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, surf[j].nl );
4626         return(-1);
4627       }
4628       for (n=0; n<surf[j].nl; n++)
4629       {
4630         k=surf[j].l[n];
4631         div_l[n]=0;
4632         if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
4633         {
4634           for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
4635           {
4636             m=lcmb[k].l[l];
4637             div_l[n]+=line[m].div;
4638           }
4639         }
4640         else
4641           div_l[n]+=line[k].div;
4642       }
4643       if ((div_l[0]!=div_l[2])||(div_l[1]!=div_l[3]))
4644       {
4645         printf(" ERROR: Surf:%s has unbalanced edges: %d %d %d %d\n", surf[j].name,
4646                 div_l[0], div_l[1], div_l[2], div_l[3] );
4647         return(-1);
4648       }
4649       vsmax=div_l[3]+1;
4650       usmax=div_l[0]+1;
4651       edgeNodes( vsmax, usmax, j, n_uv );
4653       /* belege die Randknoten  */
4654       /* abhaengig von der orientierung und dem referenzpunkt der surface  */
4655       for (us=0; us<usmax; us++)
4656       {
4657         for (vs=0; vs<vsmax; vs++)
4658         {
4659           nodnr=n_uv[us*vsmax +vs];
4660           if (nodnr>-1)
4661 	      {
4662             if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4663             {
4664               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4665               {
4666                 u=vs;
4667                 w=us;
4668               }
4669               else
4670               {
4671                 u=us;
4672                 w=vs;
4673               }
4674             }
4675             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4676             {
4677               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4678               {
4679                 w=vs;
4680                 u=usmax-us-1;
4681               }
4682               else
4683               {
4684                 w=usmax-us-1;
4685                 u=vs;
4686               }
4687             }
4688             else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4689             {
4690               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4691               {
4692                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4693                 w=usmax-us-1;
4694               }
4695               else
4696               {
4697                 u=usmax-us-1;
4698                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4699               }
4700             }
4701             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4702             {
4703               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4704               {
4705                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4706                 u=us;
4707               }
4708               else
4709               {
4710                 w=us;
4711                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4712               }
4713             }
4714             else
4715             {
4716               errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4717               exit(-1);
4718             }
4719           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4720     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4721             x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4722             y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4723             z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4724     sem_post(&sem_n);
4725 #if TEST
4726   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4727   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4728   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4729     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4730   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4731     if(sem_post(&sem_g)) printf("Error in:sem_wait\n");
4732 #endif
4734 	      }
4735         }
4736       }
4737       /* auff�llen der surface mit nodes */
4738       k=0;
4739       for (us=1; us<div_l[0]; us++)
4740       {
4741         for (vs=1; vs<div_l[3]; vs++)
4742         {
4743           nodnr=surf[j].nod[k];
4744           if (srefp[s]==0) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4745           {
4746             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4747             {
4748               u=vs;
4749               w=us;
4750             }
4751             else
4752             {
4753               u=us;
4754               w=vs;
4755             }
4756           }
4757             else if (srefp[s]==1) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4758             {
4759               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4760               {
4761                 w=vs;
4762                 u=usmax-us-1;
4763               }
4764               else
4765               {
4766                 w=usmax-us-1;
4767                 u=vs;
4768               }
4769             }
4770           else if (srefp[s]==2) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4771           {
4772             if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4773             {
4774               u=vsmax-vs-1;
4775               w=usmax-us-1;
4776             }
4777             else
4778             {
4779               u=usmax-us-1;
4780               w=vsmax-vs-1;
4781             }
4782           }
4783             else if (srefp[s]==3) /* edge der surf am refpunkt */
4784             {
4785               if (body[b_indx].o[s]=='+')
4786               {
4787                 w=vsmax-vs-1;
4788                 u=us;
4789               }
4790               else
4791               {
4792                 w=us;
4793                 u=vsmax-vs-1;
4794               }
4795             }
4796           else
4797           {
4798             errMsg(" ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
4799             exit(-1);
4800           }
4801           n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=nodnr;
4802     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4803           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nx;
4804           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].ny;
4805           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=npre[nodnr].nz;
4806     sem_post(&sem_n);
4807 #if TEST
4808   fprintf (handle, "n:%d %d %d %d\n", nodnr, u,v,w);
4809   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", nodnr);
4810   sprintf( namebuf, "bs%d ", s);
4811     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4812   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4813     if(sem_post(&sem_g)) printf("Error in:sem_wait\n");
4814 #endif
4816           k++;
4817         }
4818       }
4820     /* korrigieren der nodeposition der eingebetteten nodes fuer den kollabierten Body */
4821     s=1;
4822     u=umax-1;
4823     j=body[b_indx].s[s];
4824     /* kollabierte seite feststellen, welcher seitenabstand ist 0? */
4825     dx= x[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +0]-x[u*vmax*wmax +(vmax-1)*wmax +0];
4826     dy= y[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +0]-y[u*vmax*wmax +(vmax-1)*wmax +0];
4827     dz= z[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +0]-z[u*vmax*wmax +(vmax-1)*wmax +0];
4828     rv =dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
4829     dx= x[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +0]-x[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +(wmax-1)];
4830     dy= y[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +0]-y[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +(wmax-1)];
4831     dz= z[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +0]-z[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +(wmax-1)];
4832     rw =dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
4833 #if TEST
4834     printf("rv=%lf (if 0 colapsed) rw=%lf \n",rv,rw);
4835 #endif
4836     if (rv==0.)
4837     {
4838       for (v=1; v<vmax-1; v++)
4839       {
4840         for (w=1; w<wmax-1; w++)
4841         {
4842           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=x[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +w];
4843           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=y[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +w];
4844           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=z[u*vmax*wmax +0*wmax +w];
4845         }
4846       }
4847     }
4848     if (rw==0.)
4849     {
4850       for (v=1; v<vmax-1; v++)
4851       {
4852         for (w=1; w<wmax-1; w++)
4853         {
4854           x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +0];
4855           y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +0];
4856           z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +0];
4857         }
4858       }
4859     }
4861     /* auffuellen des bodies mit nodes */
4862     k=0;
4864     bodyMesh2( &wmax, &vmax, &umax, x, y, z);
4865     for (u=1; u<umax-1; u++)
4866     {
4867       for (v=1; v<vmax-1; v++)
4868       {
4869         for (w=1; w<wmax-1; w++)
4870         {
4871         xn=x[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w];
4872         yn=y[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w];
4873         zn=z[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w];
4874     sem_wait(&sem_n);
4875         nod(  apre, &npre, 0, apre->nmax+1, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
4876         body[b_indx].nod[k]=n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax +v*wmax +w]=apre->nmax;
4877     sem_post(&sem_n);
4879 #if TEST
4880   sprintf( buffer, "%d ", body[b_indx].nod[k]);
4881   sprintf( namebuf, "bod%d ", b_indx);
4882     sem_wait(&sem_g);
4883   pre_seta( namebuf, "n", buffer);
4884     sem_post(&sem_g);
4885 #endif
4887         k++;
4888         }
4889       }
4890     }
4891     body[b_indx].nn=k;
4892     body[b_indx].fail=0;
4894     free(x);
4895     free(y);
4896     free(z);
4897     free(div_l);
4898   return(1);
4899 }
4902 /**********************************************************************************/
4903 /*                                                                                */
4904 /* bestimme die parametrischen Kantenlaengen der surf eines bodies                */
4905 /*                                                                                */
4906 /*                                                                                */
4907 /* in:                                                                            */
4908 /* b        body   -index                                                         */
4909 /* s        surface-index in body-def                                             */
4910 /*                                                                                */
4911 /* out:                                                                           */
4912 /* div_l    divisions of all surf-edges                                           */
4913 /*                                                                                */
4914 /* return:                                                                        */
4915 /* unbalance  1: unbalanced edges, 0: balanced edges, -1 not meshable             */
4916 /*                                                                                */
4917 /**********************************************************************************/
getSurfDivs(int b,int s,int * div_l)4918 int getSurfDivs( int b, int s, int *div_l )
4919 {
4920   int j, n, k, l, m;
4921   int sum_div;
4923   j=body[b].s[s];
4925   /* determine the amount of nodes in the surf without the nodes of the borderlines and points */
4926   /* => div.side1-1 * div.side2-1 = amount of embeded nodes */
4927   for (n=0; n<surf[j].nl; n++)
4928   {
4929     k=surf[j].l[n];
4930     div_l[n]=0;
4931     if( surf[j].typ[n]=='c' )
4932     {
4933       for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ )
4934       {
4935         m=lcmb[k].l[l];
4936         div_l[n]+=line[m].div;
4937       }
4938     }
4939     else
4940       div_l[n]+=line[k].div;
4941   }
4942   /* look if the divisions are suited for the elemtype  */
4943   /*  sum_div%2=0 for linear elements */
4944   sum_div=0;
4945   if (body[b].etyp==1)
4946   {
4947     for (n=0; n<4; n++) sum_div+=div_l[n];
4948     if((sum_div&(int)1))
4949     {
4950       printf ("WARNING: bad divisions in body:%s\n", body[b].name);
4951       return(-1);
4952     }
4953   }
4954   /* check each div%2=0 for quadratic elems, and check if the sum_div%4=0 */
4955   if (body[b].etyp==4)
4956   {
4957     for (n=0; n<4; n++)
4958     {
4959       if((div_l[n]&(int)1))
4960       {
4961         printf ("WARNING: bad divisions in body:%s\n", body[b].name);
4962         return(-1);
4963       }
4964       sum_div+=div_l[n];
4965     }
4966     if( ((sum_div&(int)1))||((sum_div&(int)2)) )
4967     {
4968       printf ("WARNING: bad divisions in body:%s\n", body[b].name);
4969       return(-1);
4970     }
4971   }
4972   if ((div_l[0]!=div_l[2])||(div_l[1]!=div_l[3])) return(1);
4973   else return(0);
4974 }
4977 /**********************************************************************************/
4978 /*                                                                                */
4979 /* calculates new positions for existing nodes to gain a better quality           */
4980 /*                                                                                */
4981 /*  return 1 if bad elements exist else 0                                         */
4982 /*                                                                                */
4983 /**********************************************************************************/
meshImprover(int * petyp,int * nodes,int * elements,int * n_indx,int * n_ori,double ** n_coord,int ** e_nod,int * n_type,int ** n_edge,int ** s_div)4984 int meshImprover( int *petyp, int *nodes, int *elements, int *n_indx, int *n_ori, double **n_coord, int **e_nod, int *n_type, int **n_edge, int **s_div )
4985 {
4986   int i,j,k,n, nn[6], nr_surfs;
4988   Summen   anzl[1];
4989   Nodes    nodel[20];
4991   /* workspace for the improver */
4993   int    *kon=NULL, *neigh=NULL, *iptr1=NULL, *iptr2=NULL, *nside=NULL, *ineino=NULL, *nkind=NULL;
4994   double *co=NULL, *pneigh=NULL;
4995   int ndiv[24], maxsumdiv;
4996   double xl[20][3];
4997   char elty[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
4998   int checkFailed=0;
4999   int *etyp;
5000   int vetyp;
5002   etyp=&vetyp;
5003   if (*petyp==7) *etyp=9;
5004   else if (*petyp==8) *etyp=9;
5005   else *etyp=*petyp;
5007   if((kon=(int *)malloc( (int)(*elements*20)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5008   { printf(" ERROR: kon malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5009   if((iptr1=(int *)malloc( (int)*nodes*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5010   { printf(" ERROR: iptr1 malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5011   if((iptr2=(int *)malloc( (int)(*nodes*6)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5012   { printf(" ERROR: iptr2 malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5013   if((nside=(int *)malloc( (int)(*nodes)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5014   { printf(" ERROR: nside malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5015   if((ineino=(int *)malloc( (int)(*nodes*12)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5016   { printf(" ERROR: ineino malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5017   if((nkind=(int *)malloc( (int)(*nodes)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5018   { printf(" ERROR: nkind malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5020   if((pneigh=(double *)malloc( (int)(*nodes*3)*sizeof(double)) )==NULL)
5021   { printf(" ERROR: pneigh malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5022   if((co=(double *)malloc( (int)(*nodes*3)*sizeof(double)) )==NULL)
5023   { printf(" ERROR: co malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5025   for (i=0; i<*nodes; i++)
5026   {
5027     nkind[i]=n_type[i+1];
5028   }
5030   for (i=0; i<*nodes; i++)
5031     for (j=0; j<3; j++)
5032       co[i*3+j]=(double)n_coord[i][j];
5034   if(*etyp==1)
5035   {
5036     nr_surfs=6;
5037     for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5038     {
5039       for (j=0; j<8; j++)
5040         kon[i*20+j]=e_nod[i][j];
5041       for (j=8; j<20; j++)
5042         kon[i*20+j]=0;
5043     }
5044   }
5045   else if(*etyp==4)
5046   {
5047     nr_surfs=6;
5048     for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5049     {
5050       for (j=0; j<12; j++)
5051         kon[i*20+j]=e_nod[i][j];
5052       for (j=12; j<16; j++)
5053         kon[i*20+j+4]=e_nod[i][j];
5054       for (j=16; j<20; j++)
5055         kon[i*20+j-4]=e_nod[i][j];
5056     }
5057   }
5058   else if(*etyp==9)
5059   {
5060     nr_surfs=1;
5061     for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5062     {
5063       for (j=0; j<4; j++)
5064         kon[i*20+j]=e_nod[i][j];
5065       for (j=4; j<20; j++)
5066         kon[i*20+j]=0;
5067     }
5068   }
5069   else if(*etyp==10)
5070   {
5071     nr_surfs=1;
5072     for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5073     {
5074       for (j=0; j<8; j++)
5075         kon[i*20+j]=e_nod[i][j];
5076       for (j=8; j<20; j++)
5077         kon[i*20+j]=0;
5078     }
5079   }
5080   else return(-1);
5082   maxsumdiv=0;
5083   for (i=0; i<nr_surfs; i++)
5084   {
5085     nn[i]=0;
5086     for (j=0; j<4; j++) { nn[i]+=s_div[i][j]; }
5087     if(nn[i]>maxsumdiv) maxsumdiv=nn[i];
5088   }
5089   if((neigh=(int *)malloc( (int)(maxsumdiv*12)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5090   { printf(" ERROR: neigh malloc failure in meshImproverHe20\n\n"); return(-1); }
5091   for (i=0; i<nr_surfs; i++)
5092     for (j=0; j<nn[i]; j++)
5093       neigh[i*maxsumdiv+j]=n_edge[i][j];
5096   for (i=0; i<nr_surfs; i++)
5097     for (j=0; j<4; j++)
5098     {
5099       ndiv[i*4+j]=s_div[i][j];
5100     }
5103   // sem_wait(&sem_n);
5104   if ((meshopt_length)||(oldmeshflag))
5105     smooth_length( co,nodes,kon,elements,iptr1,iptr2,nside,ineino,nkind,neigh,ndiv,pneigh,&maxsumdiv,etyp, n_ori);
5106   if (oldmeshflag) goto finish;
5107   if (meshopt_angle)
5108     smooth_angle( co,nodes,kon,elements,iptr1,iptr2,nside,ineino,nkind,neigh,ndiv,pneigh,&maxsumdiv,etyp, n_ori);
5109   //sem_post(&sem_n);
5111   /* check the mesh for negative jacobian matrix */
5112   anzl->e=1;
5113   checkFailed=0;
5114   for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5115   {
5116     if(*etyp == 1)
5117     {
5118       for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5119       {
5120         nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5121         nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5122         nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5123       }
5124       for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5125       {
5126         co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5127         co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5128         co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5129       }
5130       for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5131       {
5132         for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5133       }
5134       strcpy(elty,"C3D8");
5135       if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5136       strcpy(elty,"C3D8R");
5137       if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5138     }
5139     else if(*etyp == 4)
5140     {
5141       for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5142       {
5143         nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5144         nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5145         nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5146       }
5147       for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5148       {
5149         co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5150         co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5151         co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5152       }
5154       for(j=0; j<12; j++)
5155       {
5156         for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5157       }
5158       for(n=16; n<20; n++)
5159       {
5160         for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5161         j++;
5162       }
5163       for(n=12; n<16; n++)
5164       {
5165         for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5166         j++;
5167       }
5168       strcpy(elty,"C3D20");
5169       if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5170       strcpy(elty,"C3D20R");
5171       if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5172     }
5173     else if(*etyp == 6)
5174     {
5175       for(j=0; j<10; j++)
5176       {
5177         for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5178       }
5179       strcpy(elty,"C3D10");
5180       if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5181     }
5182   }
5184   /* if negative jacobian matrix do smooth_length alone */
5185   if ((meshopt_length)&&(checkFailed))
5186   {
5187     printf ("WARNING: smooth_length only\n");
5188     smooth_length( co,nodes,kon,elements,iptr1,iptr2,nside,ineino,nkind,neigh,ndiv,pneigh,&maxsumdiv,etyp, n_ori);
5189   }
5191   if (checkFailed)
5192   {
5193     /* check the mesh for negative jacobian matrix */
5194     checkFailed=0;
5195     for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5196     {
5197       if(*etyp == 1)
5198       {
5199         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5200         {
5201           nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5202           nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5203           nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5204         }
5205         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5206         {
5207           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5208           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5209           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5210         }
5212         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5213         {
5214           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5215         }
5216         strcpy(elty,"C3D8");
5217         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5218         strcpy(elty,"C3D8R");
5219         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5220       }
5221       else if(*etyp == 4)
5222       {
5223         for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5224         {
5225           nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5226           nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5227           nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5228         }
5229         for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5230         {
5231           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5232           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5233           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5234         }
5236         for(j=0; j<12; j++)
5237         {
5238           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5239         }
5240         for(n=16; n<20; n++)
5241         {
5242           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5243           j++;
5244         }
5245         for(n=12; n<16; n++)
5246         {
5247           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5248           j++;
5249         }
5250         strcpy(elty,"C3D20");
5251         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5252         strcpy(elty,"C3D20R");
5253         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5254       }
5255       else if(*etyp == 6)
5256       {
5257         for(j=0; j<10; j++)
5258         {
5259           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5260         }
5261         strcpy(elty,"C3D10");
5262         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5263       }
5264     }
5265   }
5267   /* if negative jacobian matrix do smooth_angle alone */
5268   if ((meshopt_angle)&&(checkFailed))
5269   {
5270     printf ("WARNING: smooth_angle only\n");
5271     smooth_angle( co,nodes,kon,elements,iptr1,iptr2,nside,ineino,nkind,neigh,ndiv,pneigh,&maxsumdiv,etyp, n_ori);
5272   }
5274   if (checkFailed)
5275   {
5276     /* check the mesh for negative jacobian matrix */
5277     checkFailed=0;
5278     for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5279     {
5280       if(*etyp == 1)
5281       {
5282         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5283         {
5284           nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5285           nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5286           nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5287         }
5288         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5289         {
5290           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5291           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5292           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5293         }
5295         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5296         {
5297           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5298         }
5299         strcpy(elty,"C3D8");
5300         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5301         strcpy(elty,"C3D8R");
5302         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5303       }
5304       else if(*etyp == 4)
5305       {
5306         for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5307         {
5308           nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5309           nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5310           nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5311         }
5312         for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5313         {
5314           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5315           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5316           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5317         }
5319         for(j=0; j<12; j++)
5320         {
5321           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5322         }
5323         for(n=16; n<20; n++)
5324         {
5325           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5326           j++;
5327         }
5328         for(n=12; n<16; n++)
5329         {
5330           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5331           j++;
5332         }
5333         strcpy(elty,"C3D20");
5334         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5335         strcpy(elty,"C3D20R");
5336         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5337       }
5338       else if(*etyp == 6)
5339       {
5340         for(j=0; j<10; j++)
5341         {
5342           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5343         }
5344         strcpy(elty,"C3D10");
5345         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5346       }
5347     }
5348   }
5350   /* if negative jacobian matrix do smooth_midnodes alone */
5351   if ((checkFailed) || (!meshopt_angle && !meshopt_length))
5352   {
5353     for (i=0; i<*nodes; i++)
5354       for (j=0; j<3; j++)
5355         co[i*3+j]=(double)n_coord[i][j];
5356     printf ("WARNING: no smoothing\n");
5357     smooth_midnodes( co,nodes,kon,elements,iptr1,iptr2,nside,ineino,nkind,neigh,ndiv,pneigh,&maxsumdiv,etyp, n_ori);
5358   }
5360   if (checkFailed)
5361   {
5362     /* check the mesh for negative jacobian matrix */
5363     checkFailed=0;
5364     for (i=0; i<*elements; i++)
5365     {
5366       if(*etyp == 1)
5367       {
5368         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5369         {
5370           nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5371           nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5372           nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5373         }
5374         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5375         {
5376           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5377           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5378           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5379         }
5381         for(j=0; j<8; j++)
5382         {
5383           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5384         }
5385         strcpy(elty,"C3D8");
5386         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5387         strcpy(elty,"C3D8R");
5388         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5389       }
5390       else if(*etyp == 4)
5391       {
5392         for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5393         {
5394           nodel[j].nx=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0];
5395           nodel[j].ny=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1];
5396           nodel[j].nz=co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2];
5397         }
5398         for(j=0; j<20; j++)
5399         {
5400           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+0]=nodel[j].nx;
5401           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+1]=nodel[j].ny;
5402           co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+2]=nodel[j].nz;
5403         }
5405         for(j=0; j<12; j++)
5406         {
5407           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5408         }
5409         for(n=16; n<20; n++)
5410         {
5411           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5412           j++;
5413         }
5414         for(n=12; n<16; n++)
5415         {
5416           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][n]-1)+k];
5417           j++;
5418         }
5419         strcpy(elty,"C3D20");
5420         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5421         strcpy(elty,"C3D20R");
5422         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5423       }
5424       else if(*etyp == 6)
5425       {
5426         for(j=0; j<10; j++)
5427         {
5428           for(k=0; k<3; k++) xl[j][k]= co[3*(e_nod[i][j]-1)+k];
5429         }
5430         strcpy(elty,"C3D10");
5431         if (!e_c3d__(&xl[0][0], elty)) checkFailed=1;
5432       }
5433     }
5434   }
5436  finish:;
5437   for (i=0; i<*nodes; i++)
5438   {
5439     for (j=0; j<3; j++)
5440     {
5441       n_coord[i][j]=co[i*3+j];
5442     }
5443   }
5444   free(kon);
5445   free(neigh);
5446   free(iptr1);
5447   free(iptr2);
5448   free(nside);
5449   free(ineino);
5450   free(nkind);
5451   free(co);
5452   free(pneigh);
5454   return(checkFailed);
5455 }
bodyFrom5Surfs(int * b)5460 int bodyFrom5Surfs( int *b)
5461 {
5462   int i,ii,j,jj,k,l,n,s, **sn=NULL, u,v, umax,vmax;
5463   int bs;          /* body-surf */
5464   int lm[2];       /* master-lines which are replaced by lines ls */
5465   int tm[2];       /* master-line-type which is replaced by lines ls */
5466   int ss[6];       /* slave surfs */
5467   int ps[2];       /* split points */
5468   int ls[2][2];    /* lines ls[surf][l] in the place of the master-lines */
5469   int ts[2][2];    /* type of lines ls[surf][l] in the place of the master-lines */
5470   int sm[2];       /* surface between 0 and 1 which is to be replaced by two new ones */
5471   int lm2[2];      /* master-lines which are located between surf 0 and 1 */
5472   int tm2[2];      /* master-lines-type which are located between surf 0 and 1 */
5473   int om2[2];      /* master-lines-ori which are located between surf 0 and 1 */
5474   int lnew;        /* line between split-points */
5476   int clin[MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF], l1, l3;
5477   int edge[MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF];
5478   char ctyp[MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF];
5479   char cori[MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY];  /* orientation, used for slave surfs and body */
5481   int lnew_[2];
5482   char typnew[2];
5484   char name[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
5487   /* store the basic info from the substitute surfs */
5488   for(bs=0; bs<2; bs++)
5489   {
5490     s=body[*b].s[bs];
5491     lm[bs]=surf[s].l[surf[s].l[3]];
5492     tm[bs]=surf[s].typ[surf[s].l[3]];
5493     ss[bs]=surf[s].l[4];
5494     ps[bs]=surf[s].l[5];
5495     ls[bs][0]=surf[s].l[6];
5496     ts[bs][0]=surf[s].l[7];
5497     ls[bs][1]=surf[s].l[8];
5498     ts[bs][1]=surf[s].l[9];
5500     /* search the surf sm (no. 2,3,4) which is related to the replaced line lm */
5501     for(i=2; i<5; i++)
5502     {
5503       sm[bs]=body[*b].s[i];
5504       for(j=0; j<4; j++) if((surf[sm[bs]].l[j]==lm[bs])&&(surf[sm[bs]].typ[j]==tm[bs])) goto sm_found;
5505     }
5506     sm_found:;
5507   }
5509   /* this surfaces should be identical if the geometry was sweped */
5510   if(sm[0]!=sm[1])
5511   {
5512     /* the embedded surface ss[1] must be redefined. */
5513     printf("WARNING: Untested code in bodyFrom5Surfs()\n");
5515     /* search the opposide line to lm[0] on surf sm[1]. This is also part of surf =body[*b].s[1] */
5516     printf("the embedded surface ss[1] must be redefined lm[0]:%s lm[1]:%s\n", line[lm[0]].name, line[lm[1]].name);
5517     lm[1]=-1;
5518     s=body[*b].s[1];
5519     for(i=0; i<3; i++)
5520       for(j=0; j<4; j++)
5521         if((surf[sm[1]].l[j]==surf[s].l[i])&&(surf[sm[1]].typ[j]==surf[s].typ[i]))
5522         { lm[1]=surf[s].l[i]; goto foundLine; }
5523     printf("ERROR: line opposide to lm[0] not found\n");
5524    foundLine:;
5525     printf("new lm[1]:%s\n", line[lm[1]].name);
5526     if(lm[1]==-1) { printf(" ERROR: 5-sided body not meshable\n"); return(-1); }
5528     ps[1]=splitLineAtDivratio( surf[s].l[i], surf[s].typ[i], 0.5, lnew_, typnew);
5529     if (ps[1]==-1) { printf(" ERROR: 5-sided body not meshable\n"); return(-1); }
5531     /* create a 4 sided surf */
5532     for (jj=0; jj<i; jj++)
5533     {
5534       edge[jj]=surf[s].l[jj];
5535       cori[jj]=surf[s].o[jj];
5536       ctyp[jj]=surf[s].typ[jj];
5537     }
5538     edge[jj]=lnew_[0];
5539     cori[jj]=surf[s].o[2];
5540     ctyp[jj]=typnew[0];
5541     jj++;
5542     edge[jj]=lnew_[1];
5543     cori[jj]=surf[s].o[2];
5544     ctyp[jj]=typnew[1];
5545     for (; jj<3; jj++) /* thats ok so */
5546     {
5547       edge[jj+1]=surf[s].l[jj];
5548       cori[jj+1]=surf[s].o[jj];
5549       ctyp[jj+1]=surf[s].typ[jj];
5550     }
5552 #if TEST
5553     for (jj=0; jj<MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF; jj++)
5554     {
5555       if(ctyp[jj]=='l') printf("edge:%s cori:%c ctyp:%c\n", line[edge[jj]].name, cori[jj], ctyp[jj]);
5556       else if(ctyp[jj]=='c') printf("edge:%s cori:%c ctyp:%c\n", lcmb[edge[jj]].name, cori[jj], ctyp[jj]);
5557       else printf("error:%c\n",ctyp[jj]);
5558     }
5559 #endif
5560     ss[1]=surface_i( surf[ss[1]].name, surf[s].ori, -1, MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, cori, edge, ctyp );
5561     if( ss[1]<0)
5562     { printf("ERROR: surface could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
5563     setr( 0, "s",ss[1] );
5564     surf[ss[1]].etyp=surf[s].etyp;
5565     /* update the reference to the substitute-surface (s)  */
5566     surf[s].l[surf[s].nl]=i ;
5567     surf[s].l[surf[s].nl+1]=ss[1];
5568     surf[s].l[surf[s].nl+2]=ps[1];
5569     surf[s].l[surf[s].nl+3]=ls[1][0]=lnew_[0];
5570     surf[s].l[surf[s].nl+4]=ts[1][0]=typnew[0];
5571     surf[s].l[surf[s].nl+5]=ls[1][1]=lnew_[1];
5572     surf[s].l[surf[s].nl+6]=ts[1][1]=typnew[1];
5574     if(printFlag) printf("surf[%d]:%s is replaced by surf[%d]:%s\n",j, surf[s].name,s, surf[ss[1]].name);
5576     /* the embedded nodes must be rearranged to meet the toplology of the new slave surf */
5577     /* allocate memory for embeded nodes */
5578     if((surf[ss[1]].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)surf[ss[1]].nod, surf[s].nn*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5579     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshSurfs surf:%s can not be meshed, surf->nod (3)\n\n", surf[ss[1]].name);
5580       return(-1); }
5582     /* map the nodes */
5583     /* WARNING: this straight forward mapping is not supposed to work but it works thanks to the meshimprover. */
5584     /* the changed u,v range is not considered, the necessary order is differend and should be updated */
5585     surf[ss[1]].nn=surf[s].nn;
5586     for(j=0; j<surf[ss[1]].nn; j++) surf[ss[1]].nod[j]=surf[s].nod[j];
5587   }
5588 #if TEST
5589   for(bs=0; bs<2; bs++)
5590   {
5591     printf("ps:%s sm:%s ss:%s\n", point[ps[bs]].name, surf[sm[bs]].name, surf[ss[bs]].name);
5592     if(tm[bs]=='c') printf("cm:%s\n", lcmb[lm[bs]].name );
5593     if(tm[bs]=='l') printf("lm:%s\n", line[lm[bs]].name );
5594     if(ts[bs][0]=='c') printf("cs:%s\n", lcmb[ls[bs][0]].name );
5595     if(ts[bs][0]=='l') printf("ls:%s\n", line[ls[bs][0]].name );
5596     if(ts[bs][1]=='c') printf("cs:%s\n", lcmb[ls[bs][1]].name );
5597     if(ts[bs][1]=='l') printf("ls:%s\n", line[ls[bs][1]].name );
5598   }
5599 #endif
5601   /* replace this surf sm by two new ones ss[4 and 5] and map the nodes into them */
5602   /* search the remaining unknown lines between ss 0 and 1 */
5603   j=0; for(i=0; i<surf[sm[0]].nl; i++)
5604   {
5605     /* if the lines are not lm[] */
5606     if( ((surf[sm[0]].typ[i]==tm[0])&&(surf[sm[0]].l[i]==lm[0])) || ((surf[sm[0]].typ[i]==tm[1])&&(surf[sm[0]].l[i]==lm[1])) );
5607     else
5608     {
5609       tm2[j]=surf[sm[0]].typ[i];
5610       om2[j]=surf[sm[0]].o[i];
5611       lm2[j]=surf[sm[0]].l[i];
5612 #if TEST
5613       if(tm2[j]=='l') printf("%d line between sur0,1:%s\n", j,line[lm2[j]].name);
5614       else if(tm2[j]=='c') printf("%d lcmb between sur0,1:%s\n", j,lcmb[lm2[j]].name);
5615       else printf("%d typ:%c not known, lm2:%d\n", j, tm2[j],lm2[j] );
5616 #endif
5617       j++;
5618     }
5619   }
5620   /* create a line between ps and fill it with nodes from sm */
5621   getNewName( name, "l" );
5622   lnew= line_i( name, ps[0], ps[1], -1, line[lm2[0]].div, 1, 0 );
5623   if(lnew<0) { printf("ERROR: line could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
5624   pre_seta(specialset->zap, "l", name);
5626   /* create the surfs ss 4 and 5 */
5627   /* the 0. line of the slave surfs correspond to lm2 and the orientation also */
5628   /* look which ls are connected to lm2 */
5629   for(i=0; i<2; i++) /* two surfs inside sm[0] */
5630   {
5631 #if TEST
5632     printf(" create new surf\n");
5633 #endif
5634     if((tm2[i]!='l')&&(tm2[i]!='c'))
5635     {
5636       printf("ERROR: body:%s could not be meshed\n", body[*b].name);
5637       return(-1);
5638     }
5640     if(om2[i]=='-') { l1=1; l3=3; }
5641     else            { l1=3; l3=1; }
5642     for(j=0; j<2; j++) /* left and right side of sm */
5643     {
5644       for(l=0; l<2; l++) /* two lines on each side */
5645       {
5646         if(tm2[i]=='l')
5647 	{
5648           if(ts[j][l]=='l')
5649           {
5650             if((line[lm2[i]].p1==line[ls[j][l]].p1)||(line[lm2[i]].p1==line[ls[j][l]].p2))
5651             {
5652               clin[l1]=ls[j][l];
5653               ctyp[l1]=ts[j][l];
5654 	    }
5655             if((line[lm2[i]].p2==line[ls[j][l]].p1)||(line[lm2[i]].p2==line[ls[j][l]].p2))
5656             {
5657               clin[l3]=ls[j][l];
5658               ctyp[l3]=ts[j][l];
5659 	    }
5660 	  }
5661           if(ts[j][l]=='c')
5662           {
5663             if((line[lm2[i]].p1==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p1)||( line[lm2[i]].p1==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p2))
5664             {
5665               clin[l1]=ls[j][l];
5666               ctyp[l1]=ts[j][l];
5667 	    }
5668             if((line[lm2[i]].p2==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p1)||( line[lm2[i]].p2==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p2))
5669             {
5670               clin[l3]=ls[j][l];
5671               ctyp[l3]=ts[j][l];
5672 	    }
5673 	  }
5674 	}
5675         if(tm2[i]=='c')
5676 	{
5677           if(ts[j][l]=='l')
5678           {
5679             if((lcmb[lm2[i]].p1==line[ls[j][l]].p1)||( lcmb[lm2[i]].p1==line[ls[j][l]].p2))
5680             {
5681               clin[l1]=ls[j][l];
5682               ctyp[l1]=ts[j][l];
5683             }
5684             if((lcmb[lm2[i]].p2==line[ls[j][l]].p1)||( lcmb[lm2[i]].p2==line[ls[j][l]].p2))
5685             {
5686               clin[l3]=ls[j][l];
5687               ctyp[l3]=ts[j][l];
5688 	    }
5689 	  }
5690           if(ts[j][l]=='c')
5691           {
5692             if((lcmb[lm2[i]].p1==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p1)||( lcmb[lm2[i]].p1==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p2))
5693             {
5694               clin[l1]=ls[j][l];
5695               ctyp[l1]=ts[j][l];
5696             }
5697             if((lcmb[lm2[i]].p2==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p1)||( lcmb[lm2[i]].p2==lcmb[ls[j][l]].p2))
5698             {
5699               clin[l3]=ls[j][l];
5700               ctyp[l3]=ts[j][l];
5701 	    }
5702 	  }
5703 	}
5704       }
5705     }
5707     clin[0]=lm2[i];
5708     ctyp[0]=tm2[i];
5709     clin[2]=lnew;
5710     ctyp[2]='l';
5711     for(j=0; j<6; j++) cori[j]='+';
5712 #if TEST
5713     for(j=0; j<4; j++)
5714     {
5715       if(ctyp[j]=='l')printf("clin[%d]:%s  ctyp:%c cori:%c\n", j, line[clin[j]].name,ctyp[j],cori[j]);
5716       else if(ctyp[j]=='c')printf("clin[%d]:%s  ctyp:%c cori:%c\n", j, lcmb[clin[j]].name,ctyp[j],cori[j]);
5717       else printf("typ:%c not known, clin:%d cori:%c\n", ctyp[j],clin[j],cori[j] );
5718     }
5719 #endif
5720     getNewName( name, "s" );
5721     ss[i+4]= surface_i( name, surf[sm[0]].ori, -1, 4, cori, clin, ctyp );
5722     if(ss[i+4]<0)
5723     {
5724       printf("ERROR: surf could not be created\n");
5725       return(-1);
5726     }
5727     //setr( 0, "s", ss[i+4] );
5728     pre_seta(specialset->zap, "s", name);
5730     /* map the nodes of the master to the slave */
5731     /* determine the div of the surf umax and vmax */
5732     k=surf[sm[0]].l[0];
5733     umax=0;
5734     if( surf[sm[0]].typ[0]=='l' ) umax=line[k].div;
5735     else  for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ ) umax+=line[lcmb[k].l[l]].div;
5736     k=surf[sm[0]].l[3];
5737     vmax=0;
5738     if( surf[sm[0]].typ[3]=='l' ) vmax=line[k].div;
5739     else  for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ ) vmax+=line[lcmb[k].l[l]].div;
5741     if((sn = (int **)malloc((umax+1)*sizeof(int *))) == NULL )
5742       errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failed in bodyFrom5Surfs()\n");
5743     for(k=0; k<(umax+1); k++)
5744     {
5745       if((sn[k] = (int *)malloc((vmax+1)*sizeof(int))) == NULL )
5746         errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failed in bodyFrom5Surfs()\n");
5747     }
5749     /* map the master-surf-nodes in a prelim-area */
5751     /* define the division of surf[].l[1] which is aligned to lm[]. */
5752     /* this is necessary to determine the ratio of nodes of both slave surfs */
5753     if(surf[ss[i+4]].typ[1]=='l') ii=line[surf[ss[i+4]].l[1]].div;
5754     else
5755     {
5756       ii=0;
5757       for(u=0; u<lcmb[surf[ss[i+4]].l[1]].nl; u++)
5758       {
5759         ii+=line[lcmb[surf[ss[i+4]].l[1]].l[u]].div;
5760       }
5761     }
5762     j=0; for (u=1; u<umax; u++)
5763     {
5764       for (v=1; v<vmax; v++)
5765       {
5766         sn[u][v]=surf[sm[0]].nod[j];
5767         j++;
5768       }
5769     }
5771     j=0;
5772     if((lm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].l[0])&&(tm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].typ[0]))
5773     {
5774       if((surf[ss[i+4]].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)surf[ss[i+4]].nod, (umax*vmax/2+1)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5775         errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failure\n");
5776       for (u=1; u<umax; u++)
5777       {
5778         for (v=1; v<ii; v++)
5779         {
5780           surf[ss[i+4]].nod[j]=sn[u][v];
5781 	  /* printf("ns00[%d][%d]:%d\n", u,v,sn[u][v]); */
5782           j++;
5783 	}
5784       }
5785       /* add nodes to the new line */
5786       if ((line[lnew].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[lnew].nod, (umax+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
5787         errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failure\n");
5788       n=0; if(surf[ss[i+4]].o[2]=='+')
5789       {
5790         for (u=umax-1; u>0; u--) { line[lnew].nod[n]= sn[u][ii]; n++; }
5791       }
5792       else
5793       {
5794         for (u=1; u<umax; u++) { line[lnew].nod[n]= sn[u][ii]; n++; }
5795       }
5796       line[lnew].nn=n;
5797     }
5798     if((lm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].l[1])&&(tm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].typ[1]))
5799     {
5800       if((surf[ss[i+4]].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)surf[ss[i+4]].nod, (umax/2*vmax+1)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5801         errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failure\n");
5802       for (v=1; v<vmax; v++)
5803       {
5804         for (u=umax-1; u>(umax-ii); u--)
5805         {
5806           surf[ss[i+4]].nod[j]=sn[u][v];
5807           j++;
5808 	}
5809       }
5810       /* add nodes to the new line */
5811       if ((line[lnew].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[lnew].nod, (vmax+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
5812         errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failure\n");
5813       n=0; if(surf[ss[i+4]].o[2]=='+')
5814       {
5815         for (v=vmax-1; v>0; v--) { line[lnew].nod[n]= sn[umax-ii][v]; n++; }
5816       }
5817       else
5818       {
5819         for (v=1; v<vmax; v++) { line[lnew].nod[n]= sn[umax-ii][v]; n++; }
5820       }
5821       line[lnew].nn=n;
5822     }
5823     if((lm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].l[2])&&(tm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].typ[2]))
5824     {
5825       if((surf[ss[i+4]].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)surf[ss[i+4]].nod, (umax*vmax/2+1)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5826         errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failure\n");
5827       for (u=umax-1; u>0; u--)
5828       {
5829         for (v=vmax-1; v>(vmax-ii); v--)
5830         {
5831           surf[ss[i+4]].nod[j]=sn[u][v];
5832           j++;
5833 	}
5834       }
5835     }
5836     if((lm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].l[3])&&(tm2[i]==surf[sm[0]].typ[3]))
5837     {
5838       if((surf[ss[i+4]].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)surf[ss[i+4]].nod, (umax/2*vmax+1)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
5839         errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failure\n");
5840       for (v=vmax-1; v>0; v--)
5841       {
5842         for (u=1; u<ii; u++)
5843         {
5844           surf[ss[i+4]].nod[j]=sn[u][v];
5845           j++;
5846 	}
5847       }
5848     }
5849     surf[ss[i+4]].nn=j;
5851     for(k=0; k<(umax+1); k++) free(sn[k]);
5852     free(sn);
5853   }
5855   /* create a new body with this surfs */
5856   j=2; for(i=2; i<5; i++)
5857   {
5858     if(body[*b].s[i]==sm[0]) { ss[j]=ss[4]; j++; ss[j]=ss[5]; }
5859     else ss[j]=body[*b].s[i];
5860     j++;
5861   }
5862 #if TEST
5863   for(i=0; i<6; i++)
5864   {
5865     printf("body: s:%s c:%c\n", surf[ss[i]].name, cori[i]);
5866   }
5867 #endif
5868   getNewName( name, "b" );
5869   bs= gbod_i( name, -1, 6, cori, ss );
5870   if(bs<0) { printf("ERROR: body could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
5871   setr(0,"b",bs);
5872   pre_seta(specialset->zap, "b", name);
5873   body[bs].etyp=body[*b].etyp;
5874   body[bs].eattr=body[*b].eattr;
5875   *b=bs;
5876   return(1);
5877 }
bodyFrom7Surfs(int * b)5880 int bodyFrom7Surfs( int *b)
5881 {
5882   int i,j,jj,k,l,n,s, **sn=NULL, u,v, umax0,umax1,vmax0,vmax1, ps=-1;
5883   int bs;          /* body-surf */
5884   int lm[2][2];       /* master-lines which are replaced by lines ls */
5885   int tm[2][2];       /* master-line-type which is replaced by lines ls */
5886   int ss[6];       /* slave surfs */
5887   int cs[2];    /* lcmb cs[surf] in the place of the master-lines */
5888   int sm[2][2];       /* surfaces between 0 and 1 which are to be replaced by a new one */
5890   int sml[2][4];     /* either 0 or 1 if the line is identified by lm or lcomon, lm2 are the remainders which are not connected with lcommon */
5891   int lm2[2]={0,0};        /* line-index of the lines between surf 0 and 1 which are needed for ss */
5892   int tm2[2]={0,0};        /* line-type of the lines between surf 0 and 1 which are needed for ss */
5893   int cl[2];
5895   int tcomon=0, lcomon=0; /* line between sm */
5896   int clin[5];
5897   int edge[5];
5898   char ctyp[5];
5899   char cori[MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY];  /* orientation, used for slave surfs and body */
5901   char name[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
5904   /* store the basic info from the substitute surfs */
5905   for(bs=0; bs<2; bs++)
5906   {
5907     s=body[*b].s[bs];
5908     lm[bs][0]=surf[s].l[surf[s].l[5]];
5909     tm[bs][0]=surf[s].typ[surf[s].l[5]];
5910     lm[bs][1]=surf[s].l[surf[s].l[6]];
5911     tm[bs][1]=surf[s].typ[surf[s].l[6]];
5912     ss[bs]=surf[s].l[7];
5913     cs[bs]=surf[s].l[8];
5914 #if TEST
5915     printf("s:%d = %s\n", s, surf[s].name);
5916     printf("tm0:%c tm1:%c l5:%d l6:%d\n",tm[bs][0], tm[bs][1], surf[s].l[5],surf[s].l[6] );
5917     if(tm[bs][0]=='c') printf(" cm0:%s\n", lcmb[lm[bs][0]].name );
5918     if(tm[bs][0]=='l') printf(" lm0:%s\n", line[lm[bs][0]].name );
5919     if(tm[bs][1]=='c') printf(" cm1:%s\n", lcmb[lm[bs][1]].name );
5920     if(tm[bs][1]=='l') printf(" lm1:%s\n", line[lm[bs][1]].name );
5921     printf(" ss[%d]:%s\n", ss[bs], surf[ss[bs]].name);
5922     printf(" cs[%d]:%s\n", cs[bs], lcmb[cs[bs]].name );
5923 #endif
5924   }
5926   /* search the two surfs sm between the 5-sided surfs which are related to the lm[0][0 and 1] */
5927   for(bs=0; bs<2; bs++)
5928   {
5929     n=0;
5930     sm1_found:;
5931     for(i=2; i<7; i++) /* all possible surfs of the body */
5932     {
5933       sm[bs][n]=body[*b].s[i];
5934       for(k=0; k<surf[sm[bs][n]].nl; k++) /* compare with all lines/lcmb in this surf */
5935       {
5936 #if TEST
5937         printf("bs:%d k:%d n:%d check line:%s i:%d with i:%d of typ:%c\n", bs, k, n, line[surf[sm[bs][n]].l[k]].name, surf[sm[bs][n]].l[k], lm[bs][n], tm[bs][n]);
5938 #endif
5939         if((surf[sm[bs][n]].l[k]==lm[bs][n])&&(surf[sm[bs][n]].typ[k]==tm[bs][n]))
5940         {
5941           sml[bs][k]=1; /* mark the line as known */
5942 #if TEST
5943           if(surf[sm[bs][n]].typ[k]=='l') printf("found surf:%s at line:%s\n", surf[sm[bs][n]].name, line[surf[sm[bs][n]].l[k]].name);
5944           if(surf[sm[bs][n]].typ[k]=='c') printf("found surf:%s at lcmb:%s\n", surf[sm[bs][n]].name, lcmb[surf[sm[bs][n]].l[k]].name);
5945 #endif
5946           n++;
5947           if(n==1) goto sm1_found;
5948           else goto sm2_found;
5949         }
5950       }
5951     }
5952     sm2_found:;
5953   }
5955   /* compare the connected surfs */
5956   jj=0; for(i=0; i<2; i++) for(j=0; j<2; j++) if(sm[0][i]==sm[1][j]) jj++;
5958   if(jj!=2)
5959   {
5960     /* the embedded surface ss[1] must be redefined. */
5962     /* this works only if the number of embedded nodes of body[*b].s[0] and body[*b].s[1] are equal   */
5963     /* to overcome this problem a remeshing of one of this surfs would be necessary, but then already */
5964     /* created elements based on this surface would not fit */
5965     if(surf[body[*b].s[0]].nn!=surf[body[*b].s[1]].nn)
5966     { printf(" ERROR: 7-sided body not meshable, the distortion is probably to big\n"); return(-1); }
5968     /* search the corresponding line to lm[0] on surf sm[0][0]. This is also part of surf =body[*b].s[1] */
5969     cl[0]=cl[1]=-1;
5970     s=body[*b].s[1];
5971     for(i=0; i<5; i++)
5972       for(j=0; j<4; j++)
5973         if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[j]==surf[s].l[i])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].typ[j]==surf[s].typ[i]))
5974         { cl[0]=i; goto foundLine0; }
5975    foundLine0:;
5976     if(cl[0]==-1) { printf(" ERROR: 7-sided body not meshable 0\n"); return(-1); }
5977     for(i=0; i<5; i++)
5978       for(j=0; j<4; j++)
5979         if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[j]==surf[s].l[i])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].typ[j]==surf[s].typ[i]))
5980         { cl[1]=i; goto foundLine1; }
5981    foundLine1:;
5982     if(cl[1]==-1) { printf(" ERROR: 7-sided body not meshable 1\n"); return(-1); }
5984     /* create a lcmb out of 2 edges */
5985     cs[1]=addTwoLines( surf[s].l[cl[0]], surf[s].o[cl[0]], surf[s].typ[cl[0]], surf[s].l[cl[1]], surf[s].l[cl[1]], surf[s].typ[cl[1]] );
5986     if( cs[1]==-1)  { printf(" ERROR: 7-sided body not meshable 2\n"); return(-1); };
5988     /* create a 4 sided surf */
5989     if (cl[0]==4)
5990     {
5991       edge[0]=cs[1];
5992       cori[0]=surf[s].o[cl[0]];
5993       ctyp[0]='c';
5994       for (jj=1; jj<cl[0]; jj++)
5995       {
5996         edge[jj]=surf[s].l[jj];
5997         cori[jj]=surf[s].o[jj];
5998         ctyp[jj]=surf[s].typ[jj];
5999       }
6000     }
6001     else
6002     {
6003       for (jj=0; jj<cl[0]; jj++)
6004       {
6005         edge[jj]=surf[s].l[jj];
6006         cori[jj]=surf[s].o[jj];
6007         ctyp[jj]=surf[s].typ[jj];
6008       }
6009       edge[jj]=cs[1];
6010       cori[jj]=surf[s].o[cl[0]];
6011       ctyp[jj]='c';
6012       for (jj++; jj<4; jj++)
6013       {
6014         edge[jj]=surf[s].l[jj+1];
6015         cori[jj]=surf[s].o[jj+1];
6016         ctyp[jj]=surf[s].typ[jj+1];
6017       }
6018     }
6019 #if TEST
6020     for (jj=0; jj<MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF; jj++)
6021     {
6022       if((ctyp[jj]!='l')&&(ctyp[jj]!='c'))
6023       { printf("ERROR: body:%s could not be meshed\n", body[*b].name); return(-1); }
6024       if(ctyp[jj]=='l') printf("edge:%s cori:%c ctyp:%c\n", line[edge[jj]].name, cori[jj], ctyp[jj]);
6025       else if(ctyp[jj]=='c') printf("edge:%s cori:%c ctyp:%c\n", lcmb[edge[jj]].name, cori[jj], ctyp[jj]);
6026       else printf("error:%c\n",ctyp[jj]);
6027     }
6028 #endif
6029     ss[1]=surface_i( surf[ss[1]].name, surf[ss[1]].ori, -1, MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, cori, edge, ctyp );
6030     if(ss[1]<0) { printf("ERROR: surf could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
6031     setr( 0, "s", ss[1] );
6032     surf[ss[1]].etyp=surf[s].etyp;
6034     surf[s].l[5]=cl[0];    /* place of the line in the surf */
6035     surf[s].l[6]=cl[1];  /* place of the line in the surf */
6036     surf[s].l[7]=ss[1];  /* slave surf */
6037     surf[s].l[8]=cs[1];  /* slave lcmb */
6039     lm[1][0]=surf[s].l[surf[s].l[5]];
6040     tm[1][0]=surf[s].typ[surf[s].l[5]];
6041     lm[1][1]=surf[s].l[surf[s].l[6]];
6042     tm[1][1]=surf[s].typ[surf[s].l[6]];
6044     if(printFlag) printf("surf:%s is replaced by surf:%s\n", surf[s].name, surf[ss[1]].name);
6046     /* the embedded nodes must be rearranged to meet the toplology of the new slave surf */
6047     /* allocate memory for embeded nodes */
6048     if((surf[ss[1]].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)surf[ss[1]].nod, surf[s].nn*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
6049     { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in bodyFrom7Surfs surf:%s can not be meshed, surf->nod (4)\n\n", surf[ss[1]].name);
6050       return(-1); }
6052     /* map the nodes */
6053     /* WARNING: this straight forward mapping is not supposed to work but it works thanks to the mesh-improver. */
6054     /* the changed u,v range is not considered, the necessary order is differend and should be updated */
6055     surf[ss[1]].nn=surf[s].nn;
6056     for(j=0; j<surf[ss[1]].nn; j++) surf[ss[1]].nod[j]=surf[s].nod[j];
6057   }
6059   /* search the line between sm 0 and 1 */
6060   /* reset sml */
6061   for(i=0; i<4; i++) sml[0][i]=sml[1][i]=0;
6062   for(i=0; i<surf[sm[0][0]].nl; i++)
6063   {
6064     for(j=0; j<surf[sm[0][1]].nl; j++)
6065     {
6066       if(surf[sm[0][0]].l[i]==surf[sm[0][1]].l[j])
6067       {
6068         sml[0][i]=1; /* mark the line as known */
6069         tcomon=surf[sm[0][0]].typ[i];
6070         lcomon=surf[sm[0][0]].l[i];
6071 #if TEST
6072   if(tcomon=='l') printf(" line between sm 0:%s ,1:%s =%s\n", surf[sm[0][0]].name, surf[sm[0][1]].name,line[lcomon].name);
6073   if(tcomon=='c') printf(" lcmb between sm 0:%s ,1:%s =%s\n", surf[sm[0][0]].name, surf[sm[0][1]].name,lcmb[lcomon].name);
6074 #endif
6075       }
6076     }
6077   }
6079   /* find the outer lines lm2 */
6081   /* mark all surf-lines which are identical to lm */
6082   for(i=0; i<4; i++) for(j=0; j<2; j++) for(k=0; k<2; k++) for(n=0; n<2; n++)
6083     if((surf[sm[0][j]].l[i]==lm[k][n])&&(surf[sm[0][j]].typ[i]==tm[k][n])) sml[j][i]=1;
6085   /* mark all surf-lines which are identical to lcomon */
6086   for(i=0; i<4; i++) for(j=0; j<2; j++)
6087     if((surf[sm[0][j]].l[i]==lcomon)&&(surf[sm[0][j]].typ[i]==tcomon)) sml[j][i]=1;
6089   /* look which lines are unmarked on each 1st surf relating to the 5sided surfs */
6090   for(i=0; i<4; i++) if(sml[0][i]==0) { lm2[0]=surf[sm[0][0]].l[i]; tm2[0]=surf[sm[0][0]].typ[i]; }
6091   for(i=0; i<4; i++) if(sml[1][i]==0) { lm2[1]=surf[sm[0][1]].l[i]; tm2[1]=surf[sm[0][1]].typ[i]; }
6093 #if TEST
6094  if(tm2[0]=='c') printf(" lm20:%s \n", lcmb[lm2[0]].name);
6095  else            printf(" lm20:%s \n", line[lm2[0]].name);
6096  if(tm2[1]=='c') printf(" lm21:%s \n", lcmb[lm2[1]].name);
6097  else            printf(" lm21:%s \n", line[lm2[1]].name);
6098 #endif
6100   /* replace this surfs sm by a new one ss and map the nodes into it */
6101   clin[0]=cs[0];
6102   ctyp[0]='c';
6103   clin[1]=lm2[0];
6104   ctyp[1]=tm2[0];
6105   clin[2]=cs[1];
6106   ctyp[2]='c';
6107   clin[3]=lm2[1];
6108   ctyp[3]=tm2[1];
6109   for(j=0; j<6; j++) cori[j]='+';
6110 #if TEST
6111   for(j=0; j<4; j++)
6112   {
6113       if(ctyp[j]=='l')printf("clin[%d]:%s  ctyp:%c cori:%c\n", j, line[clin[j]].name,ctyp[j],cori[j]);
6114       else if(ctyp[j]=='c')printf("clin[%d]:%s  ctyp:%c cori:%c\n", j, lcmb[clin[j]].name,ctyp[j],cori[j]);
6115       else printf("typ:%c not known\n", ctyp[j]);
6116   }
6117 #endif
6118   getNewName( name, "s" );
6119   ss[5]= surface_i( name, surf[sm[0][0]].ori, -1, 4, cori, clin, ctyp );
6120   if(ss[5]<0) { printf("ERROR: surf could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
6121   setr( 0, "s", ss[5] );
6122   pre_seta(specialset->zap, "s", name);
6124   /* map the nodes of the master-surfs into the slave-surf */
6125   /* determine the div of the surf */
6126   k=surf[sm[0][0]].l[0];
6127   umax0=0;
6128   if( surf[sm[0][0]].typ[0]=='l' ) umax0=line[k].div;
6129   else  for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ ) umax0+=line[lcmb[k].l[l]].div;
6130   k=surf[sm[0][1]].l[0];
6131   umax1=0;
6132   if( surf[sm[0][1]].typ[0]=='l' ) umax1=line[k].div;
6133   else  for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ ) umax1+=line[lcmb[k].l[l]].div;
6135   k=surf[sm[0][0]].l[3];
6136   vmax0=0;
6137   if( surf[sm[0][0]].typ[3]=='l' ) vmax0=line[k].div;
6138   else  for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ ) vmax0+=line[lcmb[k].l[l]].div;
6139   k=surf[sm[0][1]].l[3];
6140   vmax1=0;
6141   if( surf[sm[0][1]].typ[3]=='l' ) vmax1=line[k].div;
6142   else  for( l=0; l<lcmb[k].nl; l++ ) vmax1+=line[lcmb[k].l[l]].div;
6144   /* allocate space for the nodes of the slave-surf, for convenience it is allocated too big */
6145   if((surf[ss[5]].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)surf[ss[5]].nod,((umax0+umax1)*(vmax0+vmax1)+1)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
6146     errMsg(" ERROR: realloc failure\n");
6148   /* running-number of slave-surf-nodes */
6149   n=0;
6151   /* store the nodes of the master sm[0][1] into nod[u][v] */
6152   if((sn = (int **)malloc((umax1+1)*sizeof(int *))) == NULL )
6153     errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failed in bodyFrom7Surfs()\n");
6154   for(k=0; k<(umax1+1); k++)
6155   {
6156     if((sn[k] = (int *)malloc((vmax1+1)*sizeof(int))) == NULL )
6157       errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failed in bodyFrom7Surfs()\n");
6158   }
6159   j=0; for (u=1; u<umax1; u++)
6160   {
6161     for (v=1; v<vmax1; v++)
6162     {
6163       sn[u][v]=surf[sm[0][1]].nod[j];
6164       j++;
6165     }
6166   }
6167 #if TEST
6168   printf("umax0:%d vmax0:%d umax1:%d vmax1:%d\n", umax0, vmax0, umax1, vmax1);
6169   printf("sm[0][1]:%s v:lm2[1]:%d u:lm[0][1]:%d\n", surf[sm[0][1]].name, lm2[1], lm[0][1] );
6170   for (v=0; v<4; v++) printf("surf_l[%d]:%d\n",v,surf[sm[0][1]].l[v]);
6171 #endif
6172   if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[0]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[3]==lm[0][1]))
6173   {
6174     for (v=1; v<vmax1; v++)
6175     {
6176       for (u=1; u<umax1; u++)
6177       {
6178         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6179         n++;
6180       }
6181     }
6182   }
6183   else if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[2]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[1]==lm[0][1]))
6184   {
6185     for (v=vmax1-1; v>0; v--)
6186     {
6187       for (u=umax1-1; u>0; u--)
6188       {
6189         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6190         n++;
6191       }
6192     }
6193   }
6194   else if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[3]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[2]==lm[0][1]))
6195   {
6196     for (u=1; u<umax1; u++)
6197     {
6198       for (v=vmax1-1; v>0; v--)
6199       {
6200         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6201         n++;
6202       }
6203     }
6204   }
6205   else if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[1]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[0]==lm[0][1]))
6206   {
6207     for (u=umax1-1; u>0; u--)
6208     {
6209       for (v=1; v<vmax1; v++)
6210       {
6211         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6212         n++;
6213       }
6214     }
6215   }
6216   else if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[0]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[1]==lm[0][1]))
6217   {
6218     for (v=1; v<vmax1; v++)
6219     {
6220       for (u=umax1-1; u>0; u--)
6221       {
6222         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6223         n++;
6224       }
6225     }
6226   }
6227   else if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[2]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[3]==lm[0][1]))
6228   {
6229     for (v=vmax1-1; v>0; v--)
6230     {
6231       for (u=1; u<umax1; u++)
6232       {
6233         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6234         n++;
6235       }
6236     }
6237   }
6238   else if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[3]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[0]==lm[0][1]))
6239   {
6240     for (u=1; u<umax1; u++)
6241     {
6242       for (v=1; v<vmax1; v++)
6243       {
6244         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6245         n++;
6246       }
6247     }
6248   }
6249   else if((surf[sm[0][1]].l[1]==lm2[1])&&(surf[sm[0][1]].l[2]==lm[0][1]))
6250   {
6251     for (u=umax1-1; u>0; u--)
6252     {
6253       for (v=vmax1-1; v>0; v--)
6254       {
6255         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6256         n++;
6257       }
6258     }
6259   }
6260   else
6261   {
6262     errMsg("BUG: found no surface orientation for surf:%s\n", surf[sm[0][1]].name );
6263     exit(-1);
6264   }
6265   for(k=0; k<(umax1+1); k++) free(sn[k]);
6266   free(sn);
6268   /* add the nodes of lcomon */
6269   /* search the index of the point between lm[0][0] and lm[0][1] */
6270   if(( tm[0][0]=='l')&&( tm[0][1]=='l'))
6271   {
6272     if( line[lm[0][0]].p1==line[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p1;
6273     else if( line[lm[0][0]].p1==line[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p1;
6274     else if( line[lm[0][0]].p2==line[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p2;
6275     else if( line[lm[0][0]].p2==line[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p2;
6276   }
6277   else if(( tm[0][0]=='l')&&( tm[0][1]=='c'))
6278   {
6279     if( line[lm[0][0]].p1==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p1;
6280     else if( line[lm[0][0]].p1==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p1;
6281     else if( line[lm[0][0]].p2==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p2;
6282     else if( line[lm[0][0]].p2==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=line[lm[0][0]].p2;
6283   }
6284   else if(( tm[0][0]=='c')&&( tm[0][1]=='l'))
6285   {
6286     if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1==line[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1;
6287     else if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1==line[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1;
6288     else if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2==line[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2;
6289     else if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2==line[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2;
6290   }
6291   else if(( tm[0][0]=='c')&&( tm[0][1]=='c'))
6292   {
6293     if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1;
6294     else if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p1;
6295     else if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p2) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2;
6296     else if( lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2==lcmb[lm[0][1]].p1) ps=lcmb[lm[0][0]].p2;
6297   }
6298   if(ps<0) { printf("ERROR: ps:%d can not be determined\n", ps); exit(-1); }
6300   /* look how the line is oriented relative to ps */
6301   if(tcomon=='l')
6302   {
6303     if(ps==line[lcomon].p1)
6304     {
6305       for (v=0; v<line[lcomon].div-1; v++)
6306       {
6307         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=line[lcomon].nod[v];
6308         n++;
6309       }
6310     }
6311     else
6312     {
6313       for (v=line[lcomon].div-2; v>-1; v--)
6314       {
6315         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=line[lcomon].nod[v];
6316         n++;
6317       }
6318     }
6319   }
6320   else /* tcomon=='c' */
6321   {
6322     if(ps==lcmb[lcomon].p1)
6323     {
6324       for( l=0; l<lcmb[lcomon].nl; l++ )
6325       {
6326         if(lcmb[lcomon].o[l]=='+')
6327         {
6328           for (v=0; v<line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].div-1; v++)
6329           {
6330             surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].nod[v];
6331             n++;
6332           }
6333           /* add the node at the end of the line */
6334           surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=point[line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].p2].nod[0];
6335           n++;
6336         }
6337         else
6338         {
6339           for (v=line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].div-2; v>-1; v--)
6340           {
6341             surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].nod[v];
6342             n++;
6343           }
6344           /* add the node at the end of the line */
6345           surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=point[line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].p1].nod[0];
6346           n++;
6347         }
6348       }
6349     }
6350     else
6351     {
6352       for( l=0; l<lcmb[lcomon].nl; l++ )
6353       {
6354         if(lcmb[lcomon].o[l]=='-')
6355         {
6356           for (v=0; v<line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].div-1; v++)
6357           {
6358             surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].nod[v];
6359             n++;
6360           }
6361           /* add the node at the end of the line */
6362           surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=point[line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].p1].nod[0];
6363           n++;
6364         }
6365         else
6366         {
6367           for (v=line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].div-2; v>-1; v--)
6368           {
6369             surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].nod[v];
6370             n++;
6371           }
6372           /* add the node at the end of the line */
6373           surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=point[line[lcmb[lcomon].l[l]].p2].nod[0];
6374           n++;
6375         }
6376       }
6377     }
6378     n--;
6379   }
6382   /* store the nodes of the master sm[0][0] into nod[u][v] */
6383   if((sn = (int **)malloc((umax0+1)*sizeof(int *))) == NULL )
6384     errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failed in bodyFrom7Surfs()\n");
6385   for(k=0; k<(umax0+1); k++)
6386   {
6387     if((sn[k] = (int *)malloc((vmax0+1)*sizeof(int))) == NULL )
6388       errMsg(" ERROR: malloc failed in bodyFrom7Surfs()\n");
6389   }
6390   j=0; for (u=1; u<umax0; u++)
6391   {
6392     for (v=1; v<vmax0; v++)
6393     {
6394       sn[u][v]=surf[sm[0][0]].nod[j];
6395       j++;
6396     }
6397   }
6398   if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[0]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[3]==lm[0][0]))
6399   {
6400     for (v=vmax0-1; v>0; v--)
6401     {
6402       for (u=1; u<umax0; u++)
6403       {
6404         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6405         n++;
6406       }
6407     }
6408   }
6409   else if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[2]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[1]==lm[0][0]))
6410   {
6411     for (v=1; v<vmax0; v++)
6412     {
6413       for (u=umax0-1; u>0; u--)
6414       {
6415         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6416         n++;
6417       }
6418     }
6419   }
6420   else if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[3]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[2]==lm[0][0]))
6421   {
6422     for (u=umax0-1; u>0; u--)
6423     {
6424       for (v=vmax0-1; v>0; v--)
6425       {
6426         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6427         n++;
6428       }
6429     }
6430   }
6431   else if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[1]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[0]==lm[0][0]))
6432   {
6433     for (u=1; u<umax0; u++)
6434     {
6435       for (v=1; v<vmax0; v++)
6436       {
6437         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6438         n++;
6439       }
6440     }
6441   }
6442   else if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[0]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[1]==lm[0][0]))
6443   {
6444     for (v=vmax0-1; v>0; v--)
6445     {
6446       for (u=umax0-1; u>0; u--)
6447       {
6448         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6449         n++;
6450       }
6451     }
6452   }
6453   else if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[2]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[3]==lm[0][0]))
6454   {
6455     for (v=1; v<vmax0; v++)
6456     {
6457       for (u=1; u<umax0; u++)
6458       {
6459         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6460         n++;
6461       }
6462     }
6463   }
6464   else if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[3]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[0]==lm[0][0]))
6465   {
6466     for (u=umax0-1; u>0; u--)
6467     {
6468       for (v=1; v<vmax0; v++)
6469       {
6470         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6471         n++;
6472       }
6473     }
6474   }
6475   else if((surf[sm[0][0]].l[1]==lm2[0])&&(surf[sm[0][0]].l[2]==lm[0][0]))
6476   {
6477     for (u=1; u<umax0; u++)
6478     {
6479       for (v=vmax0-1; v>0; v--)
6480       {
6481         surf[ss[5]].nod[n]=sn[u][v];
6482         n++;
6483       }
6484     }
6485   }
6486   else
6487   {
6488     errMsg("BUG: found no surface orientation\n");
6489     exit(-1);
6490   }
6491   for(k=0; k<(umax0+1); k++) free(sn[k]);
6492   free(sn);
6494   /* create a new body with this surfs */
6495   j=2; for(i=2; i<7; i++)
6496   {
6497     if((body[*b].s[i]!=sm[0][0])&&(body[*b].s[i]!=sm[0][1])) { ss[j]=body[*b].s[i]; j++; }
6498   }
6499 #if TEST
6500   for(i=0; i<6; i++)
6501   {
6502     printf("body: s:%s c:%c\n", surf[ss[i]].name, cori[i]);
6503   }
6504 #endif
6505   getNewName( name, "b" );
6506   bs= gbod_i( name, -1, 6, cori, ss );
6507   if(bs<0) { printf("ERROR: body could not be created\n"); return(-1); }
6508   setr(0,"b",bs);
6509   pre_seta(specialset->zap, "b", name);
6510   body[bs].etyp=body[*b].etyp;
6511   body[bs].eattr=body[*b].eattr;
6512   *b=bs;
6513   return(1);
6514 }
6517 /* suche die Eckpunkte der surfaces, setzt einen orientierten body voraus. */
6518 /* beruecksichtige dabei die orientierung der linien oder lcmbs */
6519 /* so das die punktefolge der linienfolge entspricht */
6520 /* return -1 if failed, 1 if successfull */
generateBodyCornerPoints(int b_indx,int * bcp,int * srefp)6521 int generateBodyCornerPoints( int b_indx, int *bcp, int *srefp)
6522 {
6523   int i, j=0, s, sl, cl, err=0;
6524   int **scp; /* corner points of the surfs */
6526   if( (scp=(int **)malloc((body[b_indx].ns+1)*sizeof(int *) ) )==NULL)
6527   { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure in generateBodyCornerPoints()\n"); return(-1); }
6528   for(i=0; i<body[b_indx].ns; i++)
6529   {
6530     if( (scp[i]=(int *)malloc((surf[body[b_indx].s[i]].nl+1)*sizeof(int) ) )==NULL)
6531     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure in generateBodyCornerPoints()\n"); return(-1); }
6532   }
6534   for (i=0; i<body[b_indx].ns; i++)
6535   {
6536     s=body[b_indx].s[i];
6537     /* suche den ersten punkt der ersten linie oder lcmb der i-ten surf */
6538     sl=surf[s].l[0];
6539     if (surf[s].typ[0]=='c')
6540     {
6541       cl=lcmb[sl].nl-1;
6542       if (surf[s].o[0]=='-')
6543       {
6544         if(lcmb[sl].o[cl]=='+') scp[i][0]=line[lcmb[sl].l[cl]].p2;
6545         else                    scp[i][0]=line[lcmb[sl].l[cl]].p1;
6546       }
6547       else
6548       {
6549         if(lcmb[sl].o[0]=='+')  scp[i][0]=line[lcmb[sl].l[0]].p1;
6550         else                    scp[i][0]=line[lcmb[sl].l[0]].p2;
6551       }
6552     }
6553     else if (surf[s].typ[0]=='l')
6554     {
6555       if (surf[s].o[0]=='-')
6556       {
6557         scp[i][0]=line[surf[s].l[0]].p2;
6558       }
6559       else
6560       {
6561         scp[i][0]=line[surf[s].l[0]].p1;
6562       }
6563     }
6564     else { errMsg (" ERROR: , surf.typ:%1c not known\n", surf[s].typ[j]); exit(-1);}
6566     /* suche den anfangspunkt aller weiteren linien oder lcmbs der surf */
6567     for (j=1; j<surf[s].nl; j++)
6568     {
6569       sl=surf[s].l[j];
6570       if (surf[s].typ[j]=='c')
6571       {
6572         cl=lcmb[sl].nl-1;
6573         if (surf[s].o[j]=='-')
6574         {
6575           if(lcmb[sl].o[cl]=='+') scp[i][j]=line[lcmb[sl].l[cl]].p2;
6576           else                    scp[i][j]=line[lcmb[sl].l[cl]].p1;
6577         }
6578         else
6579         {
6580           if(lcmb[sl].o[0]=='+')  scp[i][j]=line[lcmb[sl].l[0]].p1;
6581           else                    scp[i][j]=line[lcmb[sl].l[0]].p2;
6582         }
6583       }
6584       else if (surf[s].typ[j]=='l')
6585       {
6586         if (surf[s].o[j]=='-')
6587         {
6588           scp[i][j]=line[surf[s].l[j]].p2;
6589         }
6590         else
6591         {
6592           scp[i][j]=line[surf[s].l[j]].p1;
6593         }
6594       }
6595       else { errMsg (" ERROR:  surf.typ:%1c not known\n", surf[s].typ[j]); exit(-1);}
6596     }
6597 #if TEST1
6598   printf ("Edge-points of Surf:%s ",  surf[s].name );
6599   for (j=0; j<surf[s].nl; j++)
6600       printf (" scp[%d][%d]=%d",i,j, scp[i][j]);
6601   for (j=0; j<surf[s].nl; j++)
6602       printf (" %s", point[scp[i][j]].name);
6603   printf ("\n");
6604 #endif
6605   }
6607   /* die surfs des 6-seitigen bodies muessen 4 kanten haben!  */
6608   for(s=0; s<body[b_indx].ns; s++)
6609   {
6610     j=body[b_indx].s[s];
6611     if (surf[j].nl!=4)
6612     {
6613       printf(" ERROR: Surf has no %d edges (has:%d)\n", MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF, surf[j].nl );
6614       err=-1;
6615       goto noEdges;
6616     }
6617   }
6619   /* bestimmung der body-edges  */
6621   /* bcp 0-3 werden durch die Mastersurf (0) festgelegt (orientabhaengig)  */
6622   if ( body[b_indx].o[0]=='+')
6623   {
6624     bcp[0]=scp[0][3];
6625     bcp[1]=scp[0][2];
6626     bcp[2]=scp[0][1];
6627     bcp[3]=scp[0][0];
6628   }
6629   else if (body[b_indx].o[0]=='-')
6630   {
6631     bcp[0]=scp[0][2];
6632     bcp[1]=scp[0][3];
6633     bcp[2]=scp[0][0];
6634     bcp[3]=scp[0][1];
6635   }
6636   else
6637   {
6638     errMsg (" ERROR:  surface-orientation not known.\n");
6639     exit(-1);
6640   }
6642   /* bcp 4-5 werden durch die surf (2) festgelegt (orientabhaengig)  */
6643   /* suche den mit bcp(0) verbundenen punkt (Verknuepfungspunkt)  */
6644   for(j=0; j<MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF; j++)
6645   {
6646     if (scp[2][j]==bcp[0])
6647     {
6648       if ( body[b_indx].o[2]=='+')
6649       {
6650         if (j==0)
6651         {
6652           bcp[5]=scp[2][2];
6653           bcp[4]=scp[2][3];
6654         }
6655         else if (j==1)
6656         {
6657           bcp[5]=scp[2][3];
6658           bcp[4]=scp[2][0];
6659         }
6660         else if (j==2)
6661         {
6662           bcp[5]=scp[2][0];
6663           bcp[4]=scp[2][1];
6664         }
6665         else if (j==3)
6666         {
6667           bcp[5]=scp[2][1];
6668           bcp[4]=scp[2][2];
6669         }
6670         else
6671         {
6672           errMsg (" ERROR:  edge not known.\n");
6673           exit(-1);
6674         }
6675       }
6676       else if (body[b_indx].o[2]=='-')
6677       {
6678         if (j==0)
6679         {
6680           bcp[5]=scp[2][2];
6681           bcp[4]=scp[2][1];
6682         }
6683         else if (j==1)
6684         {
6685           bcp[5]=scp[2][3];
6686           bcp[4]=scp[2][2];
6687         }
6688         else if (j==2)
6689         {
6690           bcp[5]=scp[2][0];
6691           bcp[4]=scp[2][3];
6692         }
6693         else if (j==3)
6694         {
6695           bcp[5]=scp[2][1];
6696           bcp[4]=scp[2][0];
6697         }
6698         else
6699         {
6700           errMsg (" ERROR:  edge not known.\n");
6701           exit(-1);
6702         }
6703       }
6704       else
6705       {
6706         errMsg (" ERROR:  surface-orientation not known.\n");
6707         exit(-1);
6708       }
6709     }
6710   }
6712   /* bcp 6-7 werden durch die surf (4) festgelegt (orientabhaengig)  */
6713   /* suche den mit bcp(3) verbundenen punkt (Verknuepfungspunkt)  */
6714   for(j=0; j<MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF; j++)
6715   {
6716     if (scp[4][j]==bcp[3])
6717     {
6718       if ( body[b_indx].o[4]=='-')
6719       {
6720         if (j==0)
6721         {
6722           bcp[6]=scp[4][2];
6723           bcp[7]=scp[4][3];
6724         }
6725         else if (j==1)
6726         {
6727           bcp[6]=scp[4][3];
6728           bcp[7]=scp[4][0];
6729         }
6730         else if (j==2)
6731         {
6732           bcp[6]=scp[4][0];
6733           bcp[7]=scp[4][1];
6734         }
6735         else if (j==3)
6736         {
6737           bcp[6]=scp[4][1];
6738           bcp[7]=scp[4][2];
6739         }
6740         else
6741         {
6742           errMsg (" ERROR:  edge not known.\n");
6743           exit(-1);
6744         }
6745       }
6746       else if (body[b_indx].o[4]=='+')
6747       {
6748         if (j==0)
6749         {
6750           bcp[6]=scp[4][2];
6751           bcp[7]=scp[4][1];
6752         }
6753         else if (j==1)
6754         {
6755           bcp[6]=scp[4][3];
6756           bcp[7]=scp[4][2];
6757         }
6758         else if (j==2)
6759         {
6760           bcp[6]=scp[4][0];
6761           bcp[7]=scp[4][3];
6762         }
6763         else if (j==3)
6764         {
6765           bcp[6]=scp[4][1];
6766           bcp[7]=scp[4][0];
6767         }
6768         else
6769         {
6770           errMsg (" ERROR:  edge not known.\n");
6771           exit(-1);
6772         }
6773       }
6774       else
6775       {
6776         errMsg (" ERROR:  surface-orientation not known.\n");
6777         exit(-1);
6778       }
6779     }
6780   }
6782   /* bestimmung der Referenzpunkte der Surfaces  */
6783   /* srefp[0]=cp-index der Bodysurf:0 der mit bcp[0] zussammenfaellt.  */
6784   /* srefp[1]=cp-index der Bodysurf:1 der mit bcp[7] zussammenfaellt.  */
6785   /* srefp[2]=cp-index der Bodysurf:2 der mit bcp[0] zussammenfaellt.  */
6786   /* srefp[3]=cp-index der Bodysurf:3 der mit bcp[0] zussammenfaellt.  */
6787   /* srefp[4]=cp-index der Bodysurf:4 der mit bcp[3] zussammenfaellt.  */
6788   /* srefp[5]=cp-index der Bodysurf:5 der mit bcp[1] zussammenfaellt.  */
6789   for(j=0; j<MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF; j++) srefp[j]=-1;
6790   for(j=0; j<MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF; j++)
6791   {
6792     if (scp[0][j]==bcp[0]) srefp[0]=j;
6793     if (scp[2][j]==bcp[0]) srefp[2]=j;
6794     if (scp[3][j]==bcp[0]) srefp[3]=j;
6795     if (scp[4][j]==bcp[3]) srefp[4]=j;
6796     if (scp[5][j]==bcp[1]) srefp[5]=j;
6797   }
6798   /* Bodysurf 1 ist ein sonderfall. Diese Surface kann zu einer Linie oder einem Punkt */
6799   /* kollabiert sein. In diesem Fall muessen zwei aufeinander folgende Punkte abgeprueft*/
6800   /* werden (diese bilden eine Kante). Die gesuchte Kante bildet die "u"-Achse und     */
6801   /* laeuft fuer die + orientierte surface von bcp7 zu bcp4. */
6802   srefp[1]=-1;
6803   if (body[b_indx].o[1]=='+')
6804   {
6805       if ((scp[1][0]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][1]==bcp[4])) srefp[1]=0;
6806       if ((scp[1][1]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][2]==bcp[4])) srefp[1]=1;
6807       if ((scp[1][2]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][3]==bcp[4])) srefp[1]=2;
6808       if ((scp[1][3]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][0]==bcp[4])) srefp[1]=3;
6809   }
6810   else /* surf is - oriented */
6811   {
6812       if ((scp[1][0]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][1]==bcp[6])) srefp[1]=0;
6813       if ((scp[1][1]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][2]==bcp[6])) srefp[1]=1;
6814       if ((scp[1][2]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][3]==bcp[6])) srefp[1]=2;
6815       if ((scp[1][3]==bcp[7])&&(scp[1][0]==bcp[6])) srefp[1]=3;
6816   }
6817   for(j=0; j<6;j++) if(srefp[j]<0)
6818   {
6819     errMsg(" ERROR:  edge:%d not known:%d, body:%s\n", j, srefp[j], body[b_indx].name );
6820     err=-1;
6821     goto noEdges;
6822   }
6824 #if TEST1
6825   for(j=0; j<6;j++)
6826     printf ("surf[%d]:%s refpnt:%s edge:%d\n",j, surf[ body[b_indx].s[j] ].name, point[ (scp[j][srefp[j]]) ].name, srefp[j]);
6827 #endif
6828   err=1;
6829   for(i=0; i<body[b_indx].ns; i++) free(scp[i]);
6830   free(scp);
6831   noEdges:;
6832   return(err);
6833 }
6836 int glob_bod=0;
thread_genNodeFromBody(void * vargp)6837 void *thread_genNodeFromBody(void *vargp)
6838 {
6839   int i,j,k,n,s,bod,  u,v,w, a,b=0,c;
6840   int setNr, nmax;
6841   int bcp[MAX_CORNERS_PER_BODY];               /* corner points of the body */
6842   int noBodyMesh=0;
6843   int *mapbody;
6844   int umax,vmax,wmax, b_indx;
6845   int amax,bmax,cmax, offs_sa1, offs_sa2, div_sa1, div_sa2;
6846   int   en[26];
6847   int    *n_uvw;
6848   int    *n_abc;
6850   /* variables for the mesh-improver */
6851   int   nj, *n_indx=NULL, *n_ori=NULL, **e_nod=NULL, *n_type=NULL, **n_edge=NULL, **s_div=NULL;
6852   double **n_coord=NULL;
6854   /* and for cfd-mesh */
6855   int ii, jj;
6856   char surFlag;
6857   int bcp2[MAX_CORNERS_PER_BODY];               /* corner points of the corresponding body */
6858   int bcp3[MAX_CORNERS_PER_BODY];               /* corner points of the corresponding body */
6859   int div_lu[6][4];
6860   int imax, jmax, kmax;
6861   int iislave=0;
6862   int srefp[6];               /* Reference-point of the Surface to the body */
6863   int unbalance[MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY];
6865   typedef struct {
6866     int vargp[6];
6867     int *mapbody;
6868   } Threadargs;
6869   Threadargs *param;
6871   param=(Threadargs *)vargp;
6872   setNr=param->vargp[0];
6873   mapbody=param->mapbody;
6875   /* evaluate the bodies */
6876   while(1)
6877   {
6878     sem_wait(&sem_g);
6879     bod=glob_bod++;
6880     sem_post(&sem_g);
6881     if(bod>=param->vargp[1]) break;
6882     if(mapbody[bod]>-1) b_indx= mapbody[bod];
6883     //if(mapbody[bod]>-1) continue;
6884     else b_indx=set[setNr].body[bod];
6886     if(body[b_indx].fail==1) continue;
6887     body[b_indx].fail=1;
6888     if( body[b_indx].name == (char *)NULL ) continue;
6891     /* check if all surfs defining the body were successfully meshed before. */
6892     /* check if all surfs defining the body use a suited element type and attribute. */
6893     for(i=0; i<body[b_indx].ns; i++)
6894     {
6895       if(surf[body[b_indx].s[i]].fail==1)
6896         { printf("ERROR: surf:%s of body:%s not meshed\n",surf[body[b_indx].s[i]].name,body[b_indx].name); goto badBody; }
6897       if(surf[body[b_indx].s[i]].eattr==-1)
6898         { printf("ERROR: surf:%s of body:%s holds unsuited elements of attr:%d\n",surf[body[b_indx].s[i]].name,body[b_indx].name, surf[body[b_indx].s[i]].eattr); goto badBody; }
6899     }
6901     /* suche die Eckpunkte der surfaces, setzt einen orientierten body voraus. */
6902     /* so das die punktefolge der linienfolge entspricht */
6903     if( generateBodyCornerPoints( b_indx, bcp, srefp) == -1) goto badBody;
6905 #if TEST1
6906     /* liste die gefundenen Eckpunkte des bodies  */
6907     printf ("Edgepoints of Body:%s ",  body[b_indx].name );
6908     for (j=0; j<MAX_CORNERS_PER_BODY; j++)
6909       printf (" %s", point[bcp[j]].name);
6910     printf ("\n");
6911 #endif
6913     /* Bodytopologie: bestimme die parametrischen Kantenlaengen des bodies        */
6914     /* Der Nullpunkt liegt im Schnittpunkt von surf 0 2 3 (surfs starten mit 0)  */
6915     /* Die u-Achse liegt in der schnittlinie von 2 3  */
6916     /* Die v-Achse liegt in der schnittlinie von 0 2  */
6917     /* Die w-Achse liegt in der schnittlinie von 0 3  */
6919     /* Bestimme die divisions der 6 bodyflaechen zur erkennung von unbalance und */
6920     /* bestimme die parametrischen Kantenlaengen des bodies umax, vmax, wmax mit s2 und s3 */
6921     /* fuer den fall das kein unbalance erkannt wurde */
6923     n=0;
6924     for(j=0; j<MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY;j++)
6925     {
6926       body[b_indx].unbalance[j]= getSurfDivs( b_indx, j, &body[b_indx].div_l[j][0] );
6927       if (body[b_indx].unbalance[j]==-1) goto badBody;
6928       n+=body[b_indx].unbalance[j];
6929     }
6930     if(n==2) body[b_indx].typ=1;
6931     else if(n==0) body[b_indx].typ=0;
6932     else body[b_indx].typ=-1;
6934     /* unbalanced body-surfs */
6935     if(body[b_indx].typ==1)
6936     {
6937       /* only two surfs must be unbalanced and must be opposite */
6938       if( evalBody2( b_indx )==-1) goto badBody;
6939     }
6940     /* body-surfs have balanced edges */
6941     else if (body[b_indx].typ==0)
6942     {
6943       if( evalBody( b_indx, srefp)==-1) goto badBody;
6944       body[b_indx].s_indx[0]=srefp[0];
6945       body[b_indx].s_indx[1]=srefp[1];
6946       body[b_indx].s_indx[2]=srefp[2];
6947       body[b_indx].s_indx[3]=srefp[3];
6948       body[b_indx].s_indx[4]=srefp[4];
6949       body[b_indx].s_indx[5]=srefp[5];
6950     }
6951     else
6952     {
6953       /* wrong number of surfs are not balanced */
6954       /* body is not meshable */
6955       goto badBody;
6956     }
6958     if(body[b_indx].typ==1)
6959     {
6960       if( fillBody2( b_indx, &n_abc)==-1) body[b_indx].fail=1;
6961     }
6962     else
6963     {
6964       if( fillBody( b_indx, &n_uvw)==-1) body[b_indx].fail=1;
6965     }
6966     nmax=apre->nmax;
6968     /******* generation of elements  **********/
6970     /* body with unbalanced body-surfs */
6971     if (body[b_indx].typ==1)
6972     {
6973       amax	=body[b_indx].umax;
6974       bmax	=body[b_indx].vmax;
6975       cmax	=body[b_indx].wmax;
6976       offs_sa1  =body[b_indx].offs_sa1;
6977       offs_sa2  =body[b_indx].offs_sa2;
6978       div_sa1   =body[b_indx].div_sa1;
6979       div_sa2   =body[b_indx].div_sa2;
6981       /* allocate memory for embeded elements */
6982       if((body[b_indx].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)body[b_indx].elem, (amax*bmax*cmax)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
6983       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
6984         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
6986       /* START of section mesh-improver, allocate memory for the mesh-improver */
6987       if((n_indx=(int *)realloc((int *)n_indx, (nmax+1)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
6988       { printf(" ERROR: n_indx realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
6989         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
6990       if((n_ori=(int *)realloc((int *)n_ori, (amax*bmax*cmax)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
6991       { printf(" ERROR: n_ori realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
6992         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
6993       if((e_nod=(int **)realloc((int **)e_nod, (amax*bmax*cmax)*sizeof(int *)) )==NULL)
6994       { printf(" ERROR: e_nod realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
6995         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
6996       for (i=0; i<(amax*bmax*cmax); i++)
6997         if((e_nod[i]=(int *)malloc( (int)20*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
6998         { printf(" ERROR: e_nod[i] malloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
6999           , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7000       if((n_edge=(int **)realloc((int **)n_edge, (int)MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY*sizeof(int *)) )==NULL)
7001       { printf(" ERROR: n_edge realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
7002         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7003       for (i=0; i<MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY; i++)
7004         if((n_edge[i]=(int *)malloc( (int)(amax*bmax*cmax)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
7005         { printf(" ERROR: n_edge[%d] malloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
7006           , i, body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7007       if((s_div=(int **)realloc((int **)s_div, (int)MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY*sizeof(int *)) )==NULL)
7008       { printf(" ERROR: s_div realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
7009         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7010       for (i=0; i<MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY; i++)
7011         if((s_div[i]=(int *)malloc( (int)MAX_EDGES_PER_SURF*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
7012         { printf(" ERROR: s_div[i] malloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
7013           , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7014       if((n_type=(int *)realloc((int *)n_type, (amax*bmax*cmax+1)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
7015       { printf(" ERROR: n_type realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
7016         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7017       if((n_coord=(double **)realloc((double **)n_coord, (int)(amax*bmax*cmax)*sizeof(double *)) )==NULL)
7018       { printf(" ERROR: n_coord realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
7019         , body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7020       for (i=0; i<(amax*bmax*cmax); i++)
7021         if((n_coord[i]=(double *)malloc( (int)3*sizeof(double)) )==NULL)
7022         { printf(" ERROR: n_coord[%d] malloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n"
7023           , i, body[b_indx].name); return((void *)0); }
7025       /* ini data for mesh-improver */
7026       j=0;
7027       for(i=0; i<=nmax; i++) n_indx[i]=-1;      /* initialized as unused */
7028       for(i=0; i<(amax*bmax*cmax); i++) n_type[i]=0; /* initialized as bulk nodes */
7029       /* INTERRUPT of section mesh-improver */
7031       k=0;
7032       if (body[b_indx].etyp==1)
7033       {
7034         for (c=0; c<cmax-1; c++)
7035         {
7036           for (a=0; a<amax-1; a++)
7037           {
7038             for (b=0; b<bmax-1; b++)
7039             {
7040               if ((a>=div_sa1)&&(b<offs_sa1)) goto noelem1a;
7041               if ((a>=div_sa2)&&(b>=bmax-1-offs_sa2)) goto noelem1a;
7042               en[0]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7043               en[1]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7044               en[2]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +c];
7045               en[3]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +c];
7046               en[4]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +(c+1)];
7047               en[5]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +(c+1)];
7048               en[6]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +(c+1)];
7049               en[7]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +(c+1)];
7050 #if TEST
7051               printf(" e(%d,%d,%d):%d -> e(%d,%d,%d):%d\n",a,b,c,en[0],a+1,b+1,c+1,en[6]);
7052               printf(" en1: %d %d %d %d \n",en[0],en[1],en[2],en[3]);
7053               printf(" en2: %d %d %d %d \n",en[4],en[5],en[6],en[7]);
7054 #endif
7055     sem_wait(&sem_n);
7056               elem_define(anz,&e_enqire, anz->enext++, 1, en, 0, body[b_indx].eattr );
7057               body[b_indx].elem[k]=anz->emax;
7058     sem_post(&sem_n);
7060               /* RESTART of section mesh-improver, describe variables for the mesh-improver */
7061               for (i=0; i<8; i++)
7062               {
7063                 if( n_indx[en[i]]==-1) /* node not stored yet */
7064                 {
7065                   n_ori[j]=en[i];
7066     sem_wait(&sem_n);
7067                   n_coord[j][0]=npre[n_ori[j]].nx;
7068                   n_coord[j][1]=npre[n_ori[j]].ny;
7069                   n_coord[j][2]=npre[n_ori[j]].nz;
7070     sem_post(&sem_n);
7071                   j++;
7072                   n_indx[en[i]]=j; /* first number is "1" to match the needs of the improver */
7073                 }
7074 #if TEST
7075 		printf("en[i]:%d n_indx[en[i]]:%d k:%d i:%d\n", en[i],n_indx[en[i]],k,i);
7076 #endif
7077                 e_nod[k][i]=n_indx[en[i]];
7078               }
7079               /* INTERRUPT of section mesh-improver */
7081               k++;
7082               noelem1a:;
7083             }
7084           }
7085         }
7086       }
7087       else if (body[b_indx].etyp==4)
7088       {
7089         for (c=0; c<cmax-1; c+=2)
7090         {
7091           for (a=0; a<amax-1; a+=2)
7092           {
7093             for (b=0; b<bmax-1; b+=2)
7094             {
7095               if ((a>=div_sa1)&&(b<offs_sa1)) goto noelem4a;
7096               if ((a>=div_sa2)&&(b>=bmax-1-offs_sa2)) goto noelem4a;
7097               en[0]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7098               en[1]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7099               en[2]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +c];
7100               en[3]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +c];
7101               en[4]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +(c+2)];
7102               en[5]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +(c+2)];
7103               en[6]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +(c+2)];
7104               en[7]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +(c+2)];
7106               en[8]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7107               en[9]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +c];
7108               en[10]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +c];
7109               en[11]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +c];
7110               en[12]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +(c+1)];
7111               en[13]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +(c+1)];
7112               en[14]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +(c+1)];
7113               en[15]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +(c+1)];
7115               en[16]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +(c+2)];
7116               en[17]=n_abc[(a+2)*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +(c+2)];
7117               en[18]=n_abc[(a+1)*bmax*cmax + (b+2) *cmax    +(c+2)];
7118               en[19]=n_abc[(a  )*bmax*cmax + (b+1) *cmax    +(c+2)];
7119 #if TEST
7120               printf(" e(%d,%d,%d):%d -> e(%d,%d,%d):%d\n"
7121               ,a,b,c,en[0],a+2,b+2,c+2,en[6]);
7122               printf(" en1: %d %d %d %d \n",en[0],en[1],en[2],en[3]);
7123               printf(" en2: %d %d %d %d \n",en[4],en[5],en[6],en[7]);
7124               printf(" en3: %d %d %d %d \n",en[8],en[9],en[10],en[11]);
7125               printf(" en4: %d %d %d %d \n",en[12],en[13],en[14],en[15]);
7126               printf(" en5: %d %d %d %d \n",en[16],en[17],en[18],en[19]);
7127 #endif
7128     sem_wait(&sem_n);
7129               elem_define(anz,&e_enqire, anz->enext++, 4, en, 0, body[b_indx].eattr );
7130               body[b_indx].elem[k]=anz->emax;
7131     sem_post(&sem_n);
7133               /* RESTART of section mesh-improver, describe variables for the mesh-improver */
7134               for (i=0; i<20; i++)
7135               {
7136                 if( n_indx[en[i]]==-1) /* node not stored yet */
7137                 {
7138                   n_ori[j]=en[i];
7139     sem_wait(&sem_n);
7140                   n_coord[j][0]=npre[n_ori[j]].nx;
7141                   n_coord[j][1]=npre[n_ori[j]].ny;
7142                   n_coord[j][2]=npre[n_ori[j]].nz;
7143     sem_post(&sem_n);
7144                   j++;
7145                   n_indx[en[i]]=j; /* first number is "1" to match the needs of the improver */
7146                 }
7147 #if TEST
7148 		printf("en[i]:%d n_indx[en[i]]:%d k:%d i:%d\n", en[i],n_indx[en[i]],k,i);
7149 #endif
7150                 e_nod[k][i]=n_indx[en[i]];
7151               }
7152               /* INTERRUPT of section mesh-improver */
7154               k++;
7155               noelem4a:;
7156             }
7157           }
7158         }
7159       }
7160       body[b_indx].ne=k;
7162       nj=j;
7164       /* RESTART of section mesh-improver: determine the surface and edge nodes */
7165       /* at first the surfs with unbalanced div */
7167       /* side0 only surfs*/
7168       c=0;
7169       for (a=0; a<amax; a++)
7170       {
7171         for (b=0; b<bmax; b++)
7172         {
7173           if ((a>=div_sa1)&&(b<offs_sa1)) ;
7174           else if ((a>=div_sa2)&&(b>bmax-1-offs_sa2)) ;
7175           else
7176           {
7177             s=n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7178             if (n_indx[s]>-1) n_type[n_indx[s]]=1;
7179           }
7180         }
7181       }
7182       /* side1 only surfs*/
7183       c=cmax-1;
7184       for (a=0; a<amax; a++)
7185       {
7186         for (b=0; b<bmax; b++)
7187         {
7188           if ((a>=div_sa1)&&(b<offs_sa1)) ;
7189           else if ((a>=div_sa2)&&(b>bmax-1-offs_sa2)) ;
7190           else
7191           {
7192             s=n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7193             if (n_indx[s]>-1) n_type[n_indx[s]]=2;
7194           }
7195         }
7196       }
7197       /* side2 */
7198       a=0;
7199       for (c=0; c<cmax; c++)
7200       {
7201         for (b=0; b<bmax; b++)
7202         {
7203           s=n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7204           if (n_indx[s]>-1)
7205           {
7206             if(c==0) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-2;
7207 	    else if(c==cmax-1) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-3;
7208             else if((b==0)||(b==bmax-1))      n_type[n_indx[s]]=-1;
7209             else n_type[n_indx[s]]=3;
7210           }
7211         }
7212       }
7213       /* side3 */
7214       b=0;
7215       for (a=0; a<amax-offs_sa1; a++)
7216       {
7217         for (c=0; c<cmax; c++)
7218         {
7219           s=n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7220           if (n_indx[s]>-1)
7221           {
7222             if(c==0) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-2;
7223 	    else if(c==cmax-1) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-3;
7224             else if((a==0)||(a==amax-1-offs_sa1)) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-1;
7225             else n_type[n_indx[s]]=4;
7226           }
7227         }
7228       }
7229       /* side4 */
7230       a=amax-1;
7231       for (b=offs_sa1; b<bmax-offs_sa2; b++)
7232       {
7233         for (c=0; c<cmax; c++)
7234         {
7235           s=n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7236           if (n_indx[s]>-1)
7237           {
7238             if(c==0) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-2;
7239 	    else if(c==cmax-1) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-3;
7240             else if((b==offs_sa1)||(b==bmax-1-offs_sa2)) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-1;
7241             else n_type[n_indx[s]]=5;
7242           }
7243         }
7244       }
7245       /* side5 */
7246       b=bmax-1;
7247       for (a=0; a<amax-offs_sa2; a++)
7248       {
7249         for (c=0; c<cmax; c++)
7250         {
7251           s=n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b     *cmax    +c];
7252           if (n_indx[s]>-1)
7253           {
7254             if(c==0) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-2;
7255 	    else if(c==cmax-1) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-3;
7256             else if((a==0)||(a==amax-1-offs_sa2)) n_type[n_indx[s]]=-1;
7257             else n_type[n_indx[s]]=6;
7258           }
7259         }
7260       }
7261       /* for (j=0; j<nj; j++) printf(" n_type[j+1]:%d n_ori[j]:%d \n", n_type[j+1], n_ori[j]); */
7263       /* compiling the edge nodes */
7264       /* side 0 */
7265       v=0;
7266       u=0;
7267       a=0, c=0;
7268       for (b=0; b<bmax-1; b++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7269       s_div[v][0]=b;
7270       b=bmax-1;
7271       for (a=0; a<amax-1-offs_sa2; a++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7272       s_div[v][1]=a;
7273       a=amax-1;
7274       for (b=bmax-1-offs_sa2; b>offs_sa1; b--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7275       s_div[v][2]=bmax-1-offs_sa2-offs_sa1;
7276       b=0;
7277       for (a=amax-1-offs_sa1; a>0; a--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7278       s_div[v][3]=amax-1-offs_sa1;
7280       /* side 1 */
7281       v=1;
7282       u=0;
7283       b=0, c=cmax-1;
7284       for (a=0; a<amax-1-offs_sa1; a++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7285       s_div[v][0]=a;
7286       a=amax-1;
7287       for (b=offs_sa1; b<bmax-1-offs_sa2; b++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7288       s_div[v][1]=b-offs_sa1;
7289       b=bmax-1;
7290       for (a=amax-1-offs_sa2; a>0; a--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7291       s_div[v][2]=amax-1-offs_sa2;
7292       a=0;
7293       for (b=bmax-1; b>0; b--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7294       s_div[v][3]=bmax-1;
7295       /*
7296 	for (a=0; a<u; a++) printf("edge[%d][%d]:%d\n", v,a, n_edge[v][a]);
7297 	for (a=0; a<4; a++) printf("s_div[%d][%d]:%d\n", v,a, s_div[v][a]);
7298 	*/
7300       /* side 2 */
7301       v=2;
7302       u=0;
7303       a=b=0;
7304       for (c=0; c<cmax-1; c++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7305       s_div[v][0]=c;
7306       c=cmax-1;
7307       for (b=0; b<bmax-1; b++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7308       s_div[v][1]=b;
7309       b=bmax-1;
7310       for (c=cmax-1; c>0; c--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7311       s_div[v][2]=cmax-1;
7312       c=0;
7313       for (b=bmax-1; b>0; b--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7314       s_div[v][3]=bmax-1;
7316       /* side 3 */
7317       v=3;
7318       u=0;
7319       c=b=0;
7320       for (a=0; a<amax-1-offs_sa1; a++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7321       s_div[v][0]=a;
7322       a=amax-1-offs_sa1;
7323       for (c=0; c<cmax-1; c++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7324       s_div[v][1]=c;
7325       c=cmax-1;
7326       for (a=amax-1-offs_sa1; a>0; a--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7327       s_div[v][2]=amax-1-offs_sa1;
7328       a=0;
7329       for (c=cmax-1; c>0; c--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7330       s_div[v][3]=cmax-1;
7332       /* side 4 */
7333       v=4;
7334       u=0;
7335       a=amax-1; c=0;
7336       for (b=offs_sa1; b<bmax-1-offs_sa2; b++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7337       s_div[v][0]=b-offs_sa1;
7338       b=bmax-1-offs_sa2;
7339       for (c=0; c<cmax-1; c++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7340       s_div[v][1]=c;
7341       c=cmax-1;
7342       for (b=bmax-1-offs_sa2; b>offs_sa1; b--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7343       s_div[v][2]=bmax-1-offs_sa2-offs_sa1;
7344       b=offs_sa1;
7345       for (c=cmax-1; c>0; c--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7346       s_div[v][3]=cmax-1;
7348       /* side 5 */
7349       v=5;
7350       u=0;
7351       c=cmax-1; b=bmax-1;
7352       for (a=0; a<amax-1-offs_sa2; a++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7353       s_div[v][0]=a;
7354       a=amax-1-offs_sa2;
7355       for (c=cmax-1; c>0; c--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7356       s_div[v][1]=cmax-1;
7357       c=0;
7358       for (a=amax-1-offs_sa2; a>0; a--) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7359       s_div[v][2]=amax-1-offs_sa2;
7360       a=0;
7361       for (c=0; c<cmax-1; c++) n_edge[v][u++]=n_indx[n_abc[ a *bmax*cmax + b *cmax +c]];
7362       s_div[v][3]=c;
7364       if(meshImprover( &body[b_indx].etyp, &nj, &k, n_indx, n_ori, n_coord, e_nod, n_type, n_edge, s_div )==0)
7365       {
7366         // write the coordinates back
7367         for (i=0; i<nj; i++)
7368         {
7369     sem_wait(&sem_n);
7370           npre[n_ori[i]].pflag=1;
7371           npre[n_ori[i]].nx=n_coord[i][0];
7372           npre[n_ori[i]].ny=n_coord[i][1];
7373           npre[n_ori[i]].nz=n_coord[i][2];
7374     sem_post(&sem_n);
7375         }
7376       }
7378       /* free some space */
7379       for (i=0; i<(amax*bmax*cmax); i++) free(n_coord[i]);
7380       for (i=0; i<(amax*bmax*cmax); i++) free(e_nod[i]);
7381       for (i=0; i<MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY; i++) free(n_edge[i]);
7382       for (i=0; i<MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY; i++) free(s_div[i]);
7383       free(n_abc);
7384       free(n_indx);
7385       free(n_ori);
7386       free(n_type);
7387       free(e_nod);
7388       free(n_edge);
7389       free(n_coord);
7390       free(s_div);
7391       n_indx=NULL;
7392       n_ori=NULL;
7393       n_type=NULL;
7394       e_nod=NULL;
7395       n_edge=NULL;
7396       n_coord=NULL;
7397       s_div=NULL;
7398       /* END of section mesh-improver */
7399     }
7400     /* body with balanced body-surfs */
7401     else if(body[b_indx].typ==0)
7402     {
7403       umax	=body[b_indx].umax;
7404       vmax	=body[b_indx].vmax;
7405       wmax	=body[b_indx].wmax;
7406       k=0;
7408       if (body[b_indx].etyp==1) /* also for blocked cfd meshes */
7409       {
7410         /* allocate memory for embeded elements */
7411         if((body[b_indx].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)body[b_indx].elem,((umax-1)*(vmax-1)*(wmax-1))*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
7412         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name);
7413           return((void *)0); }
7415         if(writeCFDflag==1)
7416         {
7418           /* ony one thread must be active here per time since apre is everywere used and shared */
7419     sem_wait(&sem_n);
7421           /* allocate memory for final-node-buffer nbuf and the final nodes */
7422           if ((nbuf = (int **)realloc((int **)nbuf, (apre->nmax+1)*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
7423           { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshSurf, nodes not installed\n\n"); return((void *)0); }
7424           for (v=sum_nbuf; v<=apre->nmax; v++)
7425           {
7426             if ((nbuf[v] = (int *)malloc( (2)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
7427             { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshSurf, nodes not installed\n\n"); return((void *)0); }
7428             nbuf[v][0]=0;
7429           }
7430           sum_nbuf=apre->nmax+1;
7432           /* store the node-indexes for block-structured cfd meshes */
7433           if(body[b_indx].ori!='+')
7434           {
7435             printf("WARNING: for cfd the body:%s must be positive oriented but is negative oriented.\n", body[b_indx].name);
7436           }
7438           printf("# body:%s is duns-body:%d\n", body[b_indx].name, b_indx+1);
7439           if ( (nBlock = (NodeBlocks *)realloc((NodeBlocks *)nBlock, (apre->b+1) * sizeof(NodeBlocks))) == NULL )
7440             printf("\n\n ERROR: realloc failed, NodeBlocks\n\n") ;
7441           if ( (nBlock[apre->b].nod = (int *)malloc( (umax*vmax*wmax+1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL )
7442             printf("\n\n ERROR: malloc failed, NodeBlocks\n\n") ;
7443           nBlock[apre->b].dim=3;
7444           nBlock[apre->b].geo=b_indx;
7445           nBlock[apre->b].i=umax;
7446           nBlock[apre->b].j=vmax;
7447           nBlock[apre->b].k=wmax;
7448           n=0;
7449           for (w=0; w<wmax; w++)
7450           {
7451             for (v=0; v<vmax; v++)
7452             {
7453               for (u=0; u<umax; u++)
7454               {
7455                 nBlock[apre->b].nod[n]=n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w];
7456                 n++;
7457               }
7458   	    }
7459   	  }
7461           /* determine the connectivity for cfd-blocks */
7462           if(body[b_indx].ns!=6)
7463           {
7464             printf("PRG_ERROR: body must have 6 surfaces but has:%d. Please check your model.\n",body[b_indx].ns);
7465             exit(1);
7466           }
7467           for (v=0; v<body[b_indx].ns; v++)
7468           {
7469             /* v: side-nr in duns and isaac */
7470             /* duns-surfs are imin, imax, jmin, jmax, (kmin, kmax) */
7471             /* ii: cgx surfaces  */
7472             if(v==0)      ii=0;
7473             else if(v==1) ii=1;
7474             else if(v==2) ii=3;
7475             else if(v==3) ii=5;
7476             else if(v==4) ii=2;
7477             else          ii=4;
7479             nBlock[apre->b].neighbor[v]=-1;
7480             nBlock[apre->b].bcface[v]=-1;
7481             nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=-1;  nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=-1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=-1;
7483             /* describe the contact face by indexes */
7484             /* faces related to bcp[0]: ii= 0,2,3   */
7485             /* faces related to bcp[6]: ii= 1,4,5   */
7486             /* i==nBlock[].strt1[face][0], j==nBlock[].strt1[face][1], j==nBlock[].strt1[face][2] */
7487             imax= umax; jmax= vmax; kmax= wmax;
7488             if(ii==0)
7489             {
7490               nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
7491               nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
7492             }
7493             if(ii==1)
7494             {
7495               nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=kmax;
7496               nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=1;
7497             }
7498             if(ii==2)
7499             {
7500               nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
7501               nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=1;
7502             }
7503             if(ii==3)
7504             {
7505               nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
7506               nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
7507             }
7508             if(ii==4)
7509             {
7510               nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=kmax;
7511               nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
7512             }
7513             if(ii==5)
7514             {
7515               nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=kmax;
7516               nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=1;
7517             }
7519             surFlag=1;
7521             /* search the slave surface */
7522             for (u=0; u<set[setNr].anz_b; u++)
7523   	    {
7524               if((u!=b_indx)&&(body[u].name != (char *)NULL)) for (jj=0; jj<body[u].ns; jj++)
7525   	      {
7527                 if (body[b_indx].s[ii]==body[u].s[jj])
7528   	        {
7529                   /* corresponding body */
7530                   surFlag=0;
7531 #if TEST2
7532                   printf(" b:%s s:%s matches b:%s\n", body[b_indx].name, surf[body[b_indx].s[ii]].name, body[u].name);
7533 #endif
7534                   /* determine the corner-points of the corresponding body */
7535                   if( generateBodyCornerPoints( u, bcp2, srefp) == -1)  goto noEtypDefined;
7536                   iislave=jj;
7537 #if TEST2
7538                   printf ("Edgepoints of Body:%s ",  body[u].name );
7539                   for (j=0; j<MAX_CORNERS_PER_BODY; j++)
7540                     printf (" j:%d bcp:%d %s", j, bcp2[j], point[bcp2[j]].name);
7541                   printf ("\n");
7542                   for (j=0; j<MAX_SURFS_PER_BODY; j++)
7543                     printf (" surf %d %s", j,surf[body[u].s[j]].name );
7544                   printf ("\n");
7546                   /* determine the orientation of the corresponding body */
7547                   printf(" ii:%d iislave:%d\n", ii, iislave);
7548 #endif
7549                   /* check if the corresponding body is usable for cfd */
7550                   /* and determine the amount of nodes in each direction of the slave body */
7551                   for(j=0; j<body[u].ns; j++)
7552                   {
7553                     unbalance[j]= getSurfDivs( u, j, &div_lu[j][0] );
7554                     if (unbalance[j]!=0)  surFlag=1;
7555                   }
7556                   goto matchSurfs;
7557   	        }
7558   	      }
7559   	    }
7560             matchSurfs:;
7563             if(!surFlag)
7564             {
7565               nBlock[apre->b].neighbor[v]=u;
7567               /* determine the parametric space of the slave body */
7568               /* suche die Eckpunkte der surfaces, setzt einen orientierten body voraus. */
7569               /* so das die punktefolge der linienfolge entspricht */
7570               if( generateBodyCornerPoints( u, bcp3, srefp) == -1)  goto noEtypDefined;
7572               /* surfs are all balanced, determine umax etc. */
7573               s=0;
7574               if (body[u].o[s]=='+')
7575               {
7576                 if ((srefp[s]==0)||(srefp[s]==2))
7577                 {
7578                   kmax=div_lu[s][0]+1;
7579                   jmax=div_lu[s][1]+1;
7580                 }
7581                 else if ((srefp[s]==1)||(srefp[s]==3))
7582                 {
7583                   kmax=div_lu[s][1]+1;
7584                   jmax=div_lu[s][0]+1;
7585                 }
7586                 else
7587                 {
7588                   errMsg("    ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
7589                   exit(-1);
7590                 }
7591               }
7592               else
7593               {
7594                 if ((srefp[s]==0)||(srefp[s]==2))
7595                 {
7596                   kmax=div_lu[s][1]+1;
7597                   jmax=div_lu[s][0]+1;
7598                 }
7599                 else if ((srefp[s]==1)||(srefp[s]==3))
7600                 {
7601                   kmax=div_lu[s][0]+1;
7602                   jmax=div_lu[s][1]+1;
7603                 }
7604                 else
7605                 {
7606                   errMsg("    ERROR:  edge%d not known:%d\n",s, srefp[s]);
7607                   exit(-1);
7608                 }
7609               }
7611               /* bestimme die parametrischen Kantenlaengen des bodies, s3 fuer u,w */
7612               s=3;
7613               /* n=srefp[3]; ist gleich der LinienNr die die u-achse beschreibt, wenn die ori. der surf '+' ist */
7614               n=srefp[s]; /* Body-Surf edgenr */
7615               if (body[u].o[s]=='-')
7616               {
7617                 if( n==0) n=3;
7618                 else if( n==1) n=0;
7619                 else if( n==2) n=1;
7620                 else if( n==3) n=2;
7621               }
7622               imax=div_lu[s][n]+1;
7625               if((ii==0)&&(iislave==0))
7626               {
7627                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7628                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7629                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7630                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7631                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7632               }
7633               else if((ii==0)&&(iislave==1))
7634               {
7635                 if     (bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7636                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7637                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7638                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7639                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7640               }
7641               else if((ii==0)&&(iislave==2))
7642               {
7643                 if     (bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7644                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7645                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7646                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7647                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7648               }
7649               else if((ii==0)&&(iislave==3))
7650               {
7651                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7652                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7653                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7654                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7655                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7656               }
7657               else if((ii==0)&&(iislave==4))
7658               {
7659                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7660                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7661                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7662                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7663                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7664               }
7665               else if((ii==0)&&(iislave==5))
7666               {
7667                 if     (bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7668                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7669                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7670                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7671                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7672               }
7674               else if((ii==2)&&(iislave==0))
7675               {
7676                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7677                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7678                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7679                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7680                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7681               }
7682               else if((ii==2)&&(iislave==1))
7683               {
7684                 if     (bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7685                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7686                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7687                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7688                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7689               }
7690               else if((ii==2)&&(iislave==2))
7691               {
7692                 if     (bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7693                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7694                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7695                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7696                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7697               }
7698               else if((ii==2)&&(iislave==3))
7699               {
7700                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7701                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7702                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7703                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7704                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7705               }
7706               else if((ii==2)&&(iislave==4))
7707               {
7708                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7709                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7710                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7711                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7712                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7713               }
7714               else if((ii==2)&&(iislave==5))
7715               {
7716                 if     (bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7717                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7718                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7719                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7720                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7721               }
7723               else if((ii==3)&&(iislave==0))
7724               {
7725                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7726                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7727                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7728                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7729                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7730               }
7731               else if((ii==3)&&(iislave==1))
7732               {
7733                 if     (bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7734                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7735                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7736                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7737                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7738               }
7739               else if((ii==3)&&(iislave==2))
7740               {
7741                 if     (bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7742                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7743                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7744                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7745                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7746               }
7747               else if((ii==3)&&(iislave==3))
7748               {
7749                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7750                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7751                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7752                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7753                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7754               }
7755               else if((ii==3)&&(iislave==4))
7756               {
7757                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7758                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7759                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7760                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7761                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7762               }
7763               else if((ii==3)&&(iislave==5))
7764               {
7765                 if     (bcp2[2]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7766                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7767                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7768                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7769                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7770               }
7772               else if((ii==1)&&(iislave==0))
7773               {
7774                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7775                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7776                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7777                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7778                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7779               }
7780               else if((ii==1)&&(iislave==1))
7781               {
7782                 if     (bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7783                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7784                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7785                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7786                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7787               }
7788               else if((ii==1)&&(iislave==2))
7789               {
7790                 if     (bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7791                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7792                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7793                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7794                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7795               }
7796               else if((ii==1)&&(iislave==3))
7797               {
7798                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7799                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7800                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7801                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7802                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7803               }
7804               else if((ii==1)&&(iislave==4))
7805               {
7806                 if     (bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; }
7807                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7808                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; }
7809                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7810                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7811               }
7812               else if((ii==1)&&(iislave==5))
7813               {
7814                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; }
7815                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; }
7816                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; }
7817                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; }
7818                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7819               }
7821              else if((ii==4)&&(iislave==0))
7822               {
7823                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7824                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7825                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7826                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7827                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7828               }
7829               else if((ii==4)&&(iislave==1))
7830               {
7831                 if     (bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7832                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7833                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7834                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7835                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7836               }
7837               else if((ii==4)&&(iislave==2))
7838               {
7839                 if     (bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7840                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7841                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7842                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7843                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7844               }
7845               else if((ii==4)&&(iislave==3))
7846               {
7847                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7848                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7849                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7850                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7851                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7852               }
7853               else if((ii==4)&&(iislave==4))
7854               {
7855                 if     (bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; }
7856                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7857                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; }
7858                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7859                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7860               }
7861               else if((ii==4)&&(iislave==5))
7862               {
7863                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; }
7864                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; }
7865                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; }
7866                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; }
7867                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7868               }
7870              else if((ii==5)&&(iislave==0))
7871               {
7872                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7873                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7874                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7875                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7876                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7877               }
7878               else if((ii==5)&&(iislave==1))
7879               {
7880                 if     (bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7881                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7882                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7883                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7884                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7885               }
7886               else if((ii==5)&&(iislave==2))
7887               {
7888                 if     (bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7889                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7890                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7891                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7892                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7893               }
7894               else if((ii==5)&&(iislave==3))
7895               {
7896                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7897                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7898                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7899                 else if(bcp2[0]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7900                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7901               }
7902               else if((ii==5)&&(iislave==4))
7903               {
7904                 if     (bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=2; }
7905                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=2; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7906                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=5; }
7907                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7908                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7909               }
7910               else if((ii==5)&&(iislave==5))
7911               {
7912                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=4; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=6; }
7913                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=6; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=1; }
7914                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=1; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=3; }
7915                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6]) { nBlock[apre->b].map[v][1]=5; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][2]=3; nBlock[apre->b].map[v][0]=4; }
7916                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7917               }
7918               else  printf("ERROR: no adjacent body-face found\n");
7920               /* count the block-to-block interfaces for isaac */
7921               apre->c++;
7924               if((iislave==0) && ((ii==0)||(ii==2)||(ii==3)) )
7925               {
7926                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0])
7927                 {
7928                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
7929                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
7930                 }
7931                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0])
7932                 {
7933                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
7934                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
7935                 }
7936                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0])
7937                 {
7938                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
7939                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
7940                 }
7941                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0])
7942                 {
7943                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
7944                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
7945                 }
7946                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7947               }
7948               if((iislave==0) && ((ii==1)||(ii==4)||(ii==5)) )
7949               {
7950                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[6])
7951                 {
7952                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
7953                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
7954                 }
7955                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[6])
7956                 {
7957                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
7958                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
7959                 }
7960                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6])
7961                 {
7962                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
7963                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
7964                 }
7965                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6])
7966                 {
7967                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
7968                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
7969                 }
7970                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7971               }
7973               if((iislave==1) && ((ii==0)||(ii==2)||(ii==3)) )
7974               {
7975                 if     (bcp2[4]==bcp[0])
7976                 {
7977                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
7978                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
7979                 }
7980                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0])
7981                 {
7982                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
7983                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
7984                 }
7985                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0])
7986                 {
7987                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
7988                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
7989                 }
7990                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0])
7991                 {
7992                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
7993                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
7994                 }
7995                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
7996               }
7997               if((iislave==1) && ((ii==1)||(ii==4)||(ii==5)) )
7998               {
7999                 if     (bcp2[4]==bcp[6])
8000                 {
8001                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8002                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8003                 }
8004                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6])
8005                 {
8006                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8007                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8008                 }
8009                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6])
8010                 {
8011                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8012                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8013                 }
8014                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6])
8015                 {
8016                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8017                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8018                 }
8019                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8020               }
8022               if((iislave==2) && ((ii==0)||(ii==2)||(ii==3)) )
8023               {
8024                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0])
8025                 {
8026                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8027                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8028                 }
8029                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[0])
8030                 {
8031                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8032                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8033                 }
8034                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0])
8035                 {
8036                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8037                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8038                 }
8039                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0])
8040                 {
8041                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8042                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8043                 }
8044                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8045               }
8046               if((iislave==2) && ((ii==1)||(ii==4)||(ii==5)) )
8047               {
8048                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[6])
8049                 {
8050                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8051                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8052                 }
8053                 else if(bcp2[1]==bcp[6])
8054                 {
8055                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8056                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8057                 }
8058                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6])
8059                 {
8060                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8061                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8062                 }
8063                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6])
8064                 {
8065                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8066                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8067                 }
8068                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8069               }
8071               if((iislave==4) && ((ii==0)||(ii==2)||(ii==3)) )
8072               {
8073                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[0])
8074                 {
8075                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8076                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8077                 }
8078                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0])
8079                 {
8080                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8081                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8082                 }
8083                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0])
8084                 {
8085                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8086                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8087                 }
8088                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0])
8089                 {
8090                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8091                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8092                 }
8093                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8094               }
8095               if((iislave==4) && ((ii==1)||(ii==4)||(ii==5)) )
8096               {
8097                 if     (bcp2[3]==bcp[6])
8098                 {
8099                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8100                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8101                 }
8102                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6])
8103                 {
8104                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8105                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8106                 }
8107                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6])
8108                 {
8109                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8110                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8111                 }
8112                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6])
8113                 {
8114                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8115                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8116                 }
8117                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8118               }
8120               if((iislave==3) && ((ii==0)||(ii==2)||(ii==3)) )
8121               {
8122                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[0])
8123                 {
8124                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8125                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8126                 }
8127                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[0])
8128                 {
8129                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8130                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8131                 }
8132                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[0])
8133                 {
8134                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8135                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8136                 }
8137                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[0])
8138                 {
8139                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8140                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8141                 }
8142                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8143               }
8144               if((iislave==3) && ((ii==1)||(ii==4)||(ii==5)) )
8145               {
8146                 if     (bcp2[0]==bcp[6])
8147                 {
8148                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8149                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8150                 }
8151                 else if(bcp2[4]==bcp[6])
8152                 {
8153                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8154                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8155                 }
8156                 else if(bcp2[7]==bcp[6])
8157                 {
8158                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8159                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8160                 }
8161                 else if(bcp2[3]==bcp[6])
8162                 {
8163                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8164                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8165                 }
8166                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8167               }
8169               if((iislave==5) && ((ii==0)||(ii==2)||(ii==3)) )
8170               {
8171                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[0])
8172                 {
8173                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8174                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8175                 }
8176                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[0])
8177                 {
8178                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8179                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8180                 }
8181                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[0])
8182                 {
8183                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8184                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8185                 }
8186                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[0])
8187                 {
8188                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8189                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8190                 }
8191                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8192               }
8193               if((iislave==5) && ((ii==1)||(ii==4)||(ii==5)) )
8194               {
8195                 if     (bcp2[1]==bcp[6])
8196                 {
8197                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8198                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8199                 }
8200                 else if(bcp2[5]==bcp[6])
8201                 {
8202                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=1;
8203                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=kmax;
8204                 }
8205                 else if(bcp2[6]==bcp[6])
8206                 {
8207                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8208                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8209                 }
8210                 else if(bcp2[2]==bcp[6])
8211                 {
8212                   nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt2[v][2]=kmax;
8213                   nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_2[v][2]=1;
8214                 }
8215                 else printf("ERROR in orienting the corresponding body\n");
8216               }
8218   	    }
8220             if(surFlag)
8221             {
8222               /* found a free surface */
8223               printf("# surf:%s is duns-surf:%d \n", surf[body[b_indx].s[ii]].name, anz_cfdSurfs+1 );
8224               nBlock[apre->b].neighbor[v]=anz_cfdSurfs+1;
8225               nBlock[apre->b].bcface[v]=ii;
8226               anz_cfdSurfs++;
8228               /* i==nBlock[].strt1[][0], j==nBlock[].strt1[][1], imin==1, imax==vmax, jmin==1, jmax==umax */
8229               /* i,j,k must be ascending, therefore they must be newly written! */
8230               imax= umax; jmax= vmax; kmax= wmax;
8231               if(ii==0)
8232               {
8233                 nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
8234                 nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
8235               }
8236               if(ii==1)
8237               {
8238                 nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
8239                 nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
8240               }
8241               if(ii==2)
8242               {
8243                 nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
8244                 nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=1;
8245               }
8246               if(ii==3)
8247               {
8248                 nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
8249                 nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
8250               }
8251               if(ii==4)
8252               {
8253                 nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=kmax;
8254                 nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
8255               }
8256               if(ii==5)
8257               {
8258                 nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][0]=1;    nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].strt1[v][2]=1;
8259                 nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][0]=imax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][1]=jmax; nBlock[apre->b].end_1[v][2]=kmax;
8260               }
8261   	    }
8262   	  }
8264           for (w=0; w<wmax; w++)
8265           {
8266             for (v=0; v<vmax; v++)
8267             {
8268               for (u=0; u<umax; u++)
8269               {
8270                 nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext++, npre[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]].nx, npre[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]].ny, npre[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]].nz, 0 );
8271                 if(nbuf[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]][0]>0)
8272                 {
8273                   if ((nbuf[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]] = (int *)realloc((int *)nbuf[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]], (nbuf[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]][0]+2)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8274                   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshSurf, nodes not installed\n\n"); return((void *)0); }
8275                 }
8276                 nbuf[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]][0]++; nbuf[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]][nbuf[n_uvw[u*vmax*wmax+v*wmax+w]][0]]=anz->nnext-1;
8277               }
8278             }
8279           }
8280           apre->b++;
8282     sem_post(&sem_n);
8284         }
8285         /* end cfd */
8288         for (w=0; w<wmax-1; w++)
8289         {
8290           for (v=0; v<vmax-1; v++)
8291           {
8292             for (u=0; u<umax-1; u++)
8293             {
8294               en[0]=n_uvw[ u*vmax*wmax     + v*wmax     + w      ];
8295               en[1]=n_uvw[ u*vmax*wmax     + v*wmax     + (w+1)  ];
8296               en[2]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + v*wmax     + (w+1)  ];
8297               en[3]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + v*wmax     + w      ];
8298               en[4]=n_uvw[ u*vmax*wmax     + (v+1)*wmax + w      ];
8299               en[5]=n_uvw[ u*vmax*wmax     + (v+1)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8300               en[6]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8301               en[7]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + w      ];
8302     sem_wait(&sem_n);
8303               elem_define(anz,&e_enqire, anz->enext++, 1, en, 0, body[b_indx].eattr );
8304               body[b_indx].elem[k]=anz->emax;
8305     sem_post(&sem_n);
8306               k++;
8307             }
8308           }
8309         }
8310       }
8312       else if (body[b_indx].etyp==4)
8313       {
8314        /* allocate memory for embeded elements */
8315        if((body[b_indx].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)body[b_indx].elem,((umax-1)*(vmax-1)*(wmax-1)/8)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
8316        { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[b_indx].name);
8317         return((void *)0); }
8318        for (w=0; w<wmax-2; w+=2)
8319        {
8320         for (v=0; v<vmax-2; v+=2)
8321         {
8322           for (u=0; u<umax-2; u+=2)
8323           {
8324             en[0]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w  )  ];
8325             en[1]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8326             en[2]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8327             en[3]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w  )  ];
8328             en[4]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w  )  ];
8329             en[5]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8330             en[6]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8331             en[7]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w  )  ];
8333             en[8] =n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8334             en[9] =n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8335             en[10]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8336             en[11]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v  )*wmax + (w  )  ];
8337             en[12]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w  )  ];
8338             en[13]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8339             en[14]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8340             en[15]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w  )  ];
8342             en[16]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8343             en[17]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8344             en[18]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8345             en[19]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w  )  ];
8346             en[20]=n_uvw[ (u  )*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8347             en[21]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w+2)  ];
8348             en[22]=n_uvw[ (u+2)*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8349             en[23]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+1)*wmax + (w  )  ];
8351             en[24]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+0)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8352             en[25]=n_uvw[ (u+1)*vmax*wmax + (v+2)*wmax + (w+1)  ];
8353     sem_wait(&sem_n);
8354             elem_define(anz,&e_enqire, anz->enext++, 4, en, 0, body[b_indx].eattr );
8355             body[b_indx].elem[k]=anz->emax;
8356     sem_post(&sem_n);
8357             k++;
8358           }
8359         }
8360        }
8361       }
8362       body[b_indx].ne=k;
8363       free(n_uvw);
8364     }
8366     /* if a substitute body was meshed then map the mesh onto the original one, body will be deleted later */
8367     if(mapbody[bod]>-1)
8368     {
8369 #if TEST
8370       printf("MAP MESH TO BODY :%s\n", body[set[setNr].body[bod]].name);
8371 #endif
8372       s=set[setNr].body[bod];
8373       if((body[s].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)body[s].elem, (body[b_indx].ne)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
8374       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[s].name); seta(set_nomesh, "b", s);  noBodyMesh++; }
8375       for(k=0; k<body[b_indx].ne; k++) body[s].elem[k]=body[b_indx].elem[k];
8376       body[s].ne=body[b_indx].ne;
8378       if((body[s].nod=(int *)realloc((int *)body[s].nod, (body[b_indx].nn)*sizeof(int)) )==NULL)
8379       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure  body:%s can not be meshed\n\n", body[s].name); seta(set_nomesh, "b", s);  noBodyMesh++; }
8380       for(k=0; k<body[b_indx].nn; k++) body[s].nod[k]=body[b_indx].nod[k];
8381       body[s].nn=body[b_indx].nn;
8382       body[s].fail=0;
8383     }
8385     body[b_indx].fail=0;
8386     continue;
8387   badBody:;
8388   noEtypDefined:;
8389     body[b_indx].fail=1;
8390     seta(set_nomesh, "b", b_indx);
8391     noBodyMesh++;
8392   }
8394   param->vargp[5]=noBodyMesh;
8395   return((void *)1);
8396 }
8399 /**********************************************************************************/
8400 /*                                                                                */
8401 /* creates temporary-nodes and final elements in all bodies                       */
8402 /*                                                                                */
8403 /**********************************************************************************/
meshBodies(int setNr)8404 int meshBodies( int setNr )
8405 {
8406   int i,bod;
8407   int noBodyMesh=0, anz_b, b_indx;
8408   static int   *mapbody=NULL;
8410   typedef struct {
8411     int vargp[6];
8412     int *mapbody;
8413   } Threadargs;
8414   Threadargs *targ=NULL;
8415   pthread_t *tid=NULL;
8416   int nlocalThreads;
8418   /* save the amount of bodies to be meshed */
8419   anz_b=set[setNr].anz_b;
8421   /* buffer for substituted bodies */
8422   if ((mapbody = (int *)realloc((int *)mapbody, (anz_b+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8423   { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
8424   for (bod=0; bod<anz_b; bod++)      mapbody[bod]=-1;
8426   for (bod=0; bod<anz_b; bod++)
8427   {
8428     b_indx=set[setNr].body[bod];
8429     body[b_indx].fail=1;
8430     if( body[b_indx].name == (char *)NULL ) continue;
8432     if ((body[b_indx].etyp==1)||(body[b_indx].etyp==4))
8433     {
8434       if(printFlag) printf ("meshing body:%s with %d surfs\n", body[b_indx].name, body[b_indx].ns);
8435     }
8436     else
8437     {
8438       continue;
8439     }
8441     /* check how much surfs define the body. If not 6 then create a substitute-body with 6 surfs */
8442     if(body[b_indx].ns==5)
8443     {
8444       if(bodyFrom5Surfs(&b_indx)==-1) body[b_indx].fail=1;
8445       else body[b_indx].fail=0;
8446       mapbody[bod]=b_indx;
8447     }
8448     else if(body[b_indx].ns==7)
8449     {
8450       if(bodyFrom7Surfs(&b_indx)==-1) body[b_indx].fail=1;
8451       else body[b_indx].fail=0;
8452       mapbody[bod]=b_indx;
8453     }
8454     else if (body[b_indx].ns!=6)
8455     {
8456       errMsg (" ERROR: , body:%s has %d surfs but must have 5 to 7!\n", body[b_indx].name, body[b_indx].ns);
8457     }
8458     else
8459     {
8460       body[b_indx].fail=0;
8461     }
8462   }
8464   /*
8465   for (bod=0; bod<anz_b; bod++)
8466   {
8467     if(mapbody[bod]>-1) printf("bodies to map %d %d \n",bod, mapbody[bod]);
8468   }
8469   */
8471   /* threaded body evaluation */
8472   if(anz->threads>anz_b) { nlocalThreads=anz_b; }
8473   else nlocalThreads=anz->threads;
8474   if ((tid=(pthread_t *)realloc((pthread_t *)tid, nlocalThreads*sizeof(pthread_t)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
8475   if ((targ=(Threadargs *)realloc((Threadargs *)targ, nlocalThreads*sizeof(Threadargs)) ) == NULL ) { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1);}
8476   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
8477   {
8478     targ[i].vargp[0]=setNr;
8479     targ[i].vargp[1]=anz_b;
8480     targ[i].vargp[3]=0; // unused
8481     targ[i].vargp[4]=i;
8482     targ[i].mapbody=mapbody;
8483     //printf(" thread:%d bodies\n",i);
8484     pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,thread_genNodeFromBody,(void *)&targ[i]);
8485   }
8486   for(i=0; i<nlocalThreads; i++)
8487   {
8488     pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
8489   }
8490   glob_bod=0;
8492   free(tid); tid=NULL;
8493   free(targ); targ=NULL;
8495   return(noBodyMesh);
8496 }
meshSet(char * setname,int blockFlag,int lonlyFlag,int projFlag,int meshoptFlag_length,int meshoptFlag_angle)8500 int meshSet(char *setname, int blockFlag, int lonlyFlag, int projFlag, int meshoptFlag_length, int meshoptFlag_angle )
8501 {
8502   int setNr, i,j,k, n=0,e=0,p,l,s,b, anz_n, buf, sets, renderFlag=0;
8503   double xn, yn, zn;
8505   int *ptr=NULL, *nodbuf=NULL;
8506   int **pointnod=NULL, **linenod=NULL, **surfnod=NULL, **bodynod=NULL;
8507   int *pointnods=NULL, *linenods=NULL, *surfnods=NULL, *bodynods=NULL;
8508   int **lineelem=NULL, **surfelem=NULL, **bodyelem=NULL;
8509   int *lineelems=NULL, *surfelems=NULL, *bodyelems=NULL;
8510   int ini_anz_e;
8512 #if TEST
8513   /* file fuer debugging infos */
8514   handle= fopen("fort.30","w+");
8515 #endif
8517   nurbsflag=projFlag;
8518   meshopt_length=meshoptFlag_length;
8519   meshopt_angle=meshoptFlag_angle;
8520   oldmeshflag=lonlyFlag;
8522   writeCFDflag=blockFlag;
8523   anz_cfdSurfs=0;
8524   sum_nbuf=0;
8526   /* clear special sets */
8527   delSet(specialset->nomesh );
8528   set_nomesh=pre_seta(specialset->nomesh, "i", 0);
8530   setNr=getSetNr(setname);
8531   if (setNr<0)
8532   {
8533     printf (" ERROR in meshSet: set:%s does not exist\n", setname);
8534     return(-1);
8535   }
8536   apre->n=0;
8537   apre->e=0;
8538   apre->f=0;
8539   apre->g=0;
8540   apre->emax=0;
8541   apre->emin=MAX_INTEGER;
8542   apre->b=0;
8543   apre->c=0;
8544   apre->l=0;
8545   apre->nmax=0;
8546   apre->nmin=MAX_INTEGER;
8547   apre->nnext=1;
8548   apre->enext=1;
8549   apre->orign=0;
8550   npre=NULL;
8551   ini_anz_e=anz->e;
8553   /* so far blocked meshing for cfd is only working with one thread */
8554   if(writeCFDflag==1) anz->threads=1;
8556   /* repaint the surface for the interior definitions (uv-loops) before the mesh is created */
8557   /* but only if tr3g, tr3u or tr6u are requested */
8558   for (j=0; j<set[setNr].anz_s; j++)
8559   {
8560     i=set[setNr].surf[j];
8561     if(((surf[i].etyp==7)||(surf[i].etyp==8))&&(surf[i].sh>-1)&&(surf[i].eattr<0))
8562     {
8563         if(shape[surf[i].sh].type==4) repNurs(shape[surf[i].sh].p[0]);
8564 	//  repSurf performed in mesh_tr3u
8565     }
8566   }
8568   /* All surfaces with no assigned elem-type which reference a shape or nurbs should have the unstructured mesh attribute */
8569   /*-> but not if the surface is used by a body which does not use the ustructured mesh attribute */
8570   if ( set[setNr].anz_s>0)
8571   {
8572     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_s; i++)
8573     {
8574       j=set[setNr].surf[i];
8575       if((surf[j].etyp==0)&&(surf[j].eattr==0)&&(surf[j].sh!=-1)) surf[j].eattr=-1;
8576     }
8577   }
8578   if ( set[setNr].anz_b>0)
8579   {
8580     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_b; i++)
8581     {
8582       b=set[setNr].body[i];
8583       if(body[b].eattr!=-1)
8584       {
8585         for(j=0; j<body[b].ns; j++)
8586 	{
8587           p=body[b].s[j];
8588           if((surf[p].etyp==0)&&(surf[p].eattr==-1)) surf[p].eattr=0;
8589 	}
8590       }
8591     }
8592   }
8595   if ( set[setNr].anz_p>0)
8596   {
8597     // save the node references
8598     if ((pointnods = (int *)malloc(set[setNr].anz_p*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8599     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8600     if ((pointnod = (int **)malloc(set[setNr].anz_p*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8601     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8602     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_p; i++)
8603     {
8604       p=set[setNr].pnt[i];
8605       if(point[p].nn)
8606       {
8607         if ((pointnod[i] = (int *)malloc(point[p].nn*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8608         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8609         for(j=0; j<point[p].nn; j++) pointnod[i][j]=point[p].nod[j];
8610         pointnods[i]=point[p].nn;
8611       }
8612       else pointnods[i]=0;
8613     }
8614     buf= meshPoints(setNr, renderFlag) ;
8615     if (buf<0) { errMsg(" Nothing to do! Specify element types with elty.\n"); return(-2); }
8616   }
8617   if ( set[setNr].anz_l>0)
8618   {
8619     // save the node references
8620     if ((linenods = (int *)malloc(set[setNr].anz_l*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8621     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8622     if ((linenod = (int **)malloc(set[setNr].anz_l*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8623     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8624     // save the element references
8625     if ((lineelems = (int *)malloc(set[setNr].anz_l*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8626     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8627     if ((lineelem = (int **)malloc(set[setNr].anz_l*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8628     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8629     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_l; i++)
8630     {
8631       p=set[setNr].line[i];
8632       if(line[p].nn)
8633       {
8634         if ((linenod[i] = (int *)malloc(line[p].nn*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8635         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8636         for(j=0; j<line[p].nn; j++) linenod[i][j]=line[p].nod[j];
8637         linenods[i]=line[p].nn;
8638       }
8639       else linenods[i]=0;
8640       if(line[p].ne)
8641       {
8642         if ((lineelem[i] = (int *)malloc(line[p].ne*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8643         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8644         for(j=0; j<line[p].ne; j++) lineelem[i][j]=line[p].elem[j];
8645         lineelems[i]=line[p].ne;
8646       }
8647       else lineelems[i]=0;
8648     }
8649     buf=meshLines( setNr, renderFlag);
8650     if (buf<0) { errMsg(" ERROR: severe problem in meshLines \n"); return(-3); }
8651     else if (buf>0)  errMsg(" %d lines are not meshed, check set %s \n", buf,specialset->nomesh);
8652   }
8653   if ( set[setNr].anz_s>0)
8654   {
8655     // save the node references
8656     if ((surfnods = (int *)malloc(set[setNr].anz_s*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8657     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8658     if ((surfnod = (int **)malloc(set[setNr].anz_s*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8659     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8660     // save the element references
8661     if ((surfelems = (int *)malloc(set[setNr].anz_s*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8662     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8663     if ((surfelem = (int **)malloc(set[setNr].anz_s*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8664     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8665     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_s; i++)
8666     {
8667       p=set[setNr].surf[i];
8668       if(surf[p].nn)
8669       {
8670         if ((surfnod[i] = (int *)malloc(surf[p].nn*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8671         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8672         for(j=0; j<surf[p].nn; j++) surfnod[i][j]=surf[p].nod[j];
8673         surfnods[i]=surf[p].nn;
8674       }
8675       else surfnods[i]=0;
8676       if(surf[p].ne)
8677       {
8678         if ((surfelem[i] = (int *)malloc(surf[p].ne*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8679         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8680         for(j=0; j<surf[p].ne; j++) surfelem[i][j]=surf[p].elem[j];
8681         surfelems[i]=surf[p].ne;
8682       }
8683       else surfelems[i]=0;
8684     }
8685     buf=meshSurfs( setNr, renderFlag);
8686     if (buf<0) { errMsg(" ERROR: severe problem in meshSurfs \n"); return(-4); }
8687     else if (buf>0)  errMsg(" %d surfs are not meshed, check set %s \n", buf,specialset->nomesh);
8688   }
8689   if ( set[setNr].anz_b>0)
8690   {
8691     // save the node references
8692     if ((bodynods = (int *)malloc(set[setNr].anz_b*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8693     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8694     if ((bodynod = (int **)malloc(set[setNr].anz_b*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8695     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8696     // save the element references
8697     if ((bodyelems = (int *)malloc(set[setNr].anz_b*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8698     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8699     if ((bodyelem = (int **)malloc(set[setNr].anz_b*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8700     { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8701     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_b; i++)
8702     {
8703       p=set[setNr].body[i];
8704       if(body[p].nn)
8705       {
8706         if ((bodynod[i] = (int *)malloc(body[p].nn*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8707         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8708         for(j=0; j<body[p].nn; j++) bodynod[i][j]=body[p].nod[j];
8709         bodynods[i]=body[p].nn;
8710       }
8711       else bodynods[i]=0;
8712       if(body[p].ne)
8713       {
8714         if ((bodyelem[i] = (int *)malloc(body[p].ne*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8715         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); }
8716         for(j=0; j<body[p].ne; j++) bodyelem[i][j]=body[p].elem[j];
8717         bodyelems[i]=body[p].ne;
8718       }
8719       else bodyelems[i]=0;
8720     }
8721     buf=meshBodies( setNr) ;
8722     if (buf<0) { errMsg(" ERROR: severe problem  \n"); return(-5); }
8723     else if (buf>0)  errMsg(" %d bodies are not meshed, check set %s \n", buf,specialset->nomesh);
8724   }
8725   for (i=0; i<anzGeo->nurs; i++) untrimNurs(i);
8727   /* delete specialset->nomesh if nothing was stored */
8728   if((!set[set_nomesh].anz_l)&&(!set[set_nomesh].anz_s)&&(!set[set_nomesh].anz_s)) delSet(specialset->nomesh);
8730   /* --------------- all elements are allocated, allocate final nodes -----------------  */
8732   /* reset all node references if it is no block mesh */
8733   if(!blockFlag)
8734   {
8735     if(nbuf==NULL)
8736     {
8737       if ((nbuf = (int **)realloc((int **)nbuf, (apre->nmax+1)*sizeof(int *)) ) == NULL )
8738       { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure in meshLines, nodes not installed\n\n"); return(-1); }
8739       for (i=sum_nbuf; i<=apre->nmax; i++)
8740       {
8741         if ((nbuf[i] = (int *)malloc( (2)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
8742         { printf(" ERROR: malloc failure\n\n"); return(-1); }
8743         nbuf[i][0]=0;
8744       }
8745     }
8746     else
8747     {
8748       for (i=0; i<=apre->nmax; i++)
8749       {
8750         nbuf[i][0]=0;
8751       }
8752     }
8753   }
8755 #if TEST
8756   /* zum testen koennen npre uebernommen werden, funktioniert nicht bei mehrstufiger Vernetzung */
8757   printf("zum testen werden  npre uebernommen\n");
8758   if( anz->nmax )
8759   {
8760     errMsg("ERROR: in meshSet, no TEST possible with a predefined mesh (anz->nmax==%d)\n", anz->nmax );
8761     goto nextSet;
8762   }
8763   if( apre->n > 0 )
8764   {
8765     for (i=1; i<=apre->nmax; i++)
8766     {
8767       nod( anz, &node, 1, i, npre[i].nx, npre[i].ny, npre[i].nz , 0 );
8768       nbuf[i][0]=1; nbuf[i][1]=i;
8769     }
8770   }
8771 #else
8772   for (i=ini_anz_e; i<anz->e; i++)
8773   {
8774     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==1)
8775     {
8776       for (j=0; j<8; j++)
8777       {
8778         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8779         {
8780           printf(" ERROR: en:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n"
8781           , e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8782           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8783         }
8784         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8785         {
8786           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8787           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8788           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8789           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8790           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8791           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8792           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8793         }
8794         else /* node is allocated */
8795         {
8796           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8797         }
8798       }
8799     }
8800     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==4)
8801     {
8802       for (j=0; j<20; j++)
8803       {
8804         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8805         {
8806           printf(" ERROR: en:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n", e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8807           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8808         }
8809         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8810         {
8811           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8812           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8813           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8814           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8815           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8816           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8817           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8818         }
8819         else /* node is allocated */
8820         {
8821           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8822         }
8823       }
8824     }
8825     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==7)
8826     {
8827       for (j=0; j<3; j++)
8828       {
8829         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8830         {
8831           printf(" ERROR: en:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n", e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8832           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8833         }
8834         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8835         {
8836           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8837           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8838           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8839           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8840           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8841           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8842           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8843         }
8844         else /* node is allocated */
8845         {
8846           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8847         }
8848       }
8849     }
8850     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==8)
8851     {
8852       for (j=0; j<6; j++)
8853       {
8854         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8855         {
8856           printf(" ERROR: en:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n", e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8857           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8858         }
8859         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8860         {
8861           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8862           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8863           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8864           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8865           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8866           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8867           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8868         }
8869         else /* node is allocated */
8870         {
8871           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8872         }
8873       }
8874     }
8875     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==9)
8876     {
8877       for (j=0; j<4; j++)
8878       {
8879         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8880         {
8881           printf(" ERROR: en:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n", e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8882           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8883         }
8884         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8885         {
8886           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8887           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8888           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8889           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8890           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8891           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8892           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8893         }
8894         else /* node is allocated */
8895         {
8896           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8897         }
8898       }
8899     }
8900     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==10)
8901     {
8902       for (j=0; j<8; j++)
8903       {
8904         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8905         {
8906           printf(" ERROR: en:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n", e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8907           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8908         }
8909         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8910         {
8911           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8912           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8913           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8914           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8915           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8916           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8917           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8918         }
8919         else /* node is allocated */
8920         {
8921           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8922         }
8923       }
8924     }
8925     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==11)
8926     {
8927       for (j=0; j<2; j++)
8928       {
8929         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8930         {
8931           printf(" ERROR: en:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n", e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8932           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8933         }
8934         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8935         {
8936           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8937           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8938           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8939           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8940           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8941           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8942           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8943         }
8944         else /* node is allocated */
8945         {
8946           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8947         }
8948       }
8949     }
8950     if(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].type==12)
8951     {
8952       for (j=0; j<3; j++)
8953       {
8954         if ((e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]>apre->nmax)||(e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]<0))
8955         {
8956           printf(" ERROR: en[%d]:%d > apre->nmax:%d, e:%d corrupted\n", i, e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j],apre->nmax,e_enqire[i].nr);
8957           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= 1;
8958         }
8959         else if ( nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]==0 )  /* node not yet allocated */
8960         {
8961           xn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nx;
8962           yn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].ny;
8963           zn=npre[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]].nz;
8964           nod( anz, &node, 1, anz->nnext, xn, yn, zn, 0 );
8965           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][0]=1;
8966           nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1]= anz->nnext;
8967           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= anz->nnext++;
8968         }
8969         else /* node is allocated */
8970         {
8971           e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]= nbuf[e_enqire[e_enqire[i].nr].nod[j]][1];
8972         }
8973       }
8974     }
8975   }
8976 #endif
8978   /* replace n_pre by node in all cfd-blocks */
8979   if(printFlag) printf(" update the node numbers of the cfd-blocks\n");
8980   if ( apre->b>0)
8981   {
8982     anz->b=apre->b;
8983     anz->c=apre->c;
8984     for (i=0; i<anz->b; i++)
8985     {
8986       for (n=0; n<(nBlock[i].i*nBlock[i].j*nBlock[i].k); n++ )
8987       {
8988         nBlock[i].nod[n]=nbuf[nBlock[i].nod[n]][1];
8989       }
8990     }
8991   }
8993   /* replace n_pre by node in all entities */
8994   if(printFlag) printf(" update the node numbers of the geometric entities\n");
8995   if ( set[setNr].anz_p>0)
8996   {
8997     for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_p; i++)
8998     {
8999       anz_n=0;
9000       p=set[setNr].pnt[i];
9001       for (n=0; n<point[p].nn; n++ )
9002       {
9003 #if TEST
9004         if ((point[p].nod[n]>apre->nmax)||(point[p].nod[n]<0))
9005 	{
9006           errMsg("ERROR: point[%d].nod[%d]=%d not valid\n",p,n,point[p].nod[n]);
9007         }
9008 #endif
9009         j=0; while(j<nbuf[point[p].nod[n]][0])
9010         {
9011           if ((nodbuf = (int *)realloc((int *)nodbuf, (anz_n+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9012 	    { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9013           nodbuf[anz_n]=nbuf[point[p].nod[n]][++j]; anz_n++;
9014         }
9015       }
9016       point[p].nn=anz_n;
9017       ptr=point[p].nod;
9018       point[p].nod=nodbuf;
9019       nodbuf=ptr;
9020     }
9021   }
9023   if ( set[setNr].anz_l>0)
9024   {
9025     for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_l; i++)
9026     {
9027       anz_n=0;
9028       l=set[setNr].line[i];
9029       for (n=0; n<line[l].nn; n++ )
9030       {
9031 #if TEST
9032         if ((line[l].nod[n]>apre->nmax)||(line[l].nod[n]<0))
9033 	{
9034           errMsg("ERROR: line[%d].nod[%d]=%d not valid\n",l,n,line[l].nod[n]);
9035         }
9036 #endif
9037         j=0; while(j<nbuf[line[l].nod[n]][0])
9038         {
9039           if ((nodbuf = (int *)realloc((int *)nodbuf, (anz_n+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9040 	    { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9041           nodbuf[anz_n]=nbuf[line[l].nod[n]][++j]; anz_n++;
9042         }
9043       }
9044       line[l].nn=anz_n;
9045       ptr=line[l].nod;
9046       line[l].nod=nodbuf;
9047       nodbuf=ptr;
9048     }
9049   }
9051   if ( set[setNr].anz_s>0)
9052   {
9053     for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_s; i++)
9054     {
9055       anz_n=0;
9056       s=set[setNr].surf[i];
9057       for (n=0; n<surf[s].nn; n++  )
9058       {
9059 #if TEST
9060         if ((surf[s].nod[n]>apre->nmax)||(surf[s].nod[n]<0))
9061 	{
9062           errMsg("ERROR: surf[%d].nod[%d]=%d not valid\n",s,n,surf[s].nod[n]);
9063         }
9064 #endif
9065         j=0; while(j<nbuf[surf[s].nod[n]][0])
9066         {
9067           if ((nodbuf = (int *)realloc((int *)nodbuf, (anz_n+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9068           { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9069           nodbuf[anz_n]=nbuf[surf[s].nod[n]][++j]; anz_n++;
9070         }
9071       }
9072       surf[s].nn=anz_n;
9073       ptr=surf[s].nod;
9074       surf[s].nod=nodbuf;
9075       nodbuf=ptr;
9076     }
9077   }
9079   if ( set[setNr].anz_b>0)
9080   {
9081     for (i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_b; i++)
9082     {
9083       anz_n=0;
9084       b=set[setNr].body[i];
9085       for (n=0; n<body[b].nn; n++ )
9086       {
9087 #if TEST
9088         if ((body[b].nod[n]>apre->nmax)||(body[b].nod[n]<1))
9089 	{
9090           errMsg("ERROR: body[%d].nod[%d]=%d not valid\n",b,n,body[b].nod[n]);
9091         }
9092 #endif
9093         j=0; while(j<nbuf[body[b].nod[n]][0])
9094         {
9095           if ((nodbuf = (int *)realloc((int *)nodbuf, (anz_n+1)*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9096           { printf("\n\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9097           nodbuf[anz_n]=nbuf[body[b].nod[n]][++j]; anz_n++;
9098         }
9099       }
9100       body[b].nn=anz_n;
9101       ptr=body[b].nod;
9102       body[b].nod=nodbuf;
9103       nodbuf=ptr;
9104     }
9105   }
9107   /* delete the temporary entities which were created to substitute 3- and 5-sided surfs */
9108   /* warning, s is now redefined */
9109   if(printFlag) printf(" delete the temporary entities\n");
9110   s=getSetNr(specialset->zap);
9111 #if TEST
9112   fclose(handle);
9113 #else
9114   if(s>-1)
9115   {
9116     for(i=0; i<set[s].anz_b; i++)
9117     {
9118       if(printFlag) printf (" delete body:%s \n",  body[set[s].body[i]].name );
9119       for(j=0; j<anz->sets; j++)
9120       {
9121         if(set[j].flag=='o') setr( j, "b",set[s].body[i] );
9122       }
9123       body[set[s].body[i]].name = (char *)NULL ;
9124       body[set[s].body[i]].ns=0;
9125       free(body[set[s].body[i]].o);
9126       body[set[s].body[i]].o= NULL;
9127       free(body[set[s].body[i]].s);
9128       body[set[s].body[i]].s= NULL;
9129       body[set[s].body[i]].nn=0;
9130       free(body[set[s].body[i]].nod);
9131       body[set[s].body[i]].nod= NULL;
9132       body[set[s].body[i]].ne=0;
9133       free(body[set[s].body[i]].elem);
9134       body[set[s].body[i]].elem= NULL;
9135       body[set[s].body[i]].etyp= 0;
9136     }
9137     for(i=0; i<set[s].anz_s; i++)
9138     {
9139       if(printFlag) printf (" delete surf:%s \n",  surf[set[s].surf[i]].name );
9140       for(j=0; j<anz->sets; j++)
9141       {
9142         if(set[j].flag=='o') setr( j, "s",set[s].surf[i] );
9143       }
9144       surf[set[s].surf[i]].name = (char *)NULL ;
9145       surf[set[s].surf[i]].nl= 0;
9146       free(surf[set[s].surf[i]].typ);
9147       surf[set[s].surf[i]].typ= NULL;
9148       free(surf[set[s].surf[i]].o);
9149       surf[set[s].surf[i]].o= NULL;
9150       free(surf[set[s].surf[i]].l);
9151       surf[set[s].surf[i]].l= NULL;
9152       surf[set[s].surf[i]].nn= 0;
9153       free(surf[set[s].surf[i]].nod);
9154       surf[set[s].surf[i]].nod= NULL;
9155       surf[set[s].surf[i]].ne= 0;
9156       free(surf[set[s].surf[i]].elem);
9157       surf[set[s].surf[i]].elem= NULL;
9158       surf[set[s].surf[i]].etyp= 0;
9159     }
9160     for(i=0; i<set[s].anz_l; i++)
9161     {
9162       if(printFlag) printf (" delete line:%s \n",  line[set[s].line[i]].name );
9163       /* setr will also remove node-numbers of n_pre from set 'all' */
9164       /* this node-numbers might be used by predefined nodes also */
9165       /* therefore a 'comp all do' must follow to compensate this */
9166       for(j=0; j<anz->sets; j++)
9167       {
9168         if(set[j].flag=='o') setr( j, "l",set[s].line[i] );
9169       }
9170       line[set[s].line[i]].name = (char *)NULL ;
9171       line[set[s].line[i]].div = 0;
9172       if (line[set[s].line[i]].typ=='s')
9173       {
9174         /* delete the set */
9175         delSet(set[line[set[s].line[i]].trk].name);
9176       }
9177       line[set[s].line[i]].typ=' ';
9178       line[set[s].line[i]].etyp=0;
9179       line[set[s].line[i]].p1=-1;
9180       line[set[s].line[i]].p2=-1;
9181       line[set[s].line[i]].trk=-1;
9182       line[set[s].line[i]].nip= 0;
9183       free(line[set[s].line[i]].ip);
9184       line[set[s].line[i]].ip= NULL;
9185       line[set[s].line[i]].nn= 0;
9186       free(line[set[s].line[i]].nod);
9187       line[set[s].line[i]].nod = NULL;
9188       line[set[s].line[i]].ne= 0;
9189       free(line[set[s].line[i]].elem);
9190       line[set[s].line[i]].elem = NULL;
9191     }
9192     for(i=0; i<set[s].anz_c; i++)
9193     {
9194       if(printFlag) printf (" delete lcmb:%s \n",  lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].name );
9195       for(j=0; j<anz->sets; j++)
9196       {
9197         if(set[j].flag=='o') setr( j, "c",set[s].lcmb[i] );
9198       }
9199       lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].name = (char *)NULL;
9200       lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].nl=0;
9201       free(lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].o);
9202       lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].o= NULL;
9203       free(lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].l);
9204       lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].l= NULL;
9205       lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].p1=-1;
9206       lcmb[set[s].lcmb[i]].p2=-1;
9207     }
9208     for(i=0; i<set[s].anz_p; i++)
9209     {
9210       if(printFlag) printf (" delete pnt:%s \n",  point[set[s].pnt[i]].name );
9211       for(j=0; j<anz->sets; j++)
9212       {
9213         if(set[j].flag=='o') setr( j, "p",set[s].pnt[i] );
9214       }
9215       point[set[s].pnt[i]].name = (char *)NULL ;
9216       free(point[set[s].pnt[i]].nod);
9217       point[set[s].pnt[i]].nod=NULL;
9218       point[set[s].pnt[i]].nn=0;
9219     }
9220     /* delete the set itself */
9221     //delSet(specialset->zap);
9223     /* the following commands includes the lost nodes in set all */
9224     s=pre_seta( specialset->zap, "i", 0 );
9225     setall=getSetNr("all");
9226     if(setall>=0)
9227     {
9228       if((set[s].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)set[s].elem,(set[s].anz_e+set[setall].anz_e+1)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9229         printf(" ERROR: malloc failed in set[%d]:%s\n\n", 0, set[s].name);
9230       for(i=0; i<set[setall].anz_e; i++)
9231       {
9232         set[s].elem[set[s].anz_e]= set[setall].elem[i]; set[s].anz_e++;
9233       }
9234       qsort( set[s].elem, set[s].anz_e, sizeof(int), (void *)compareInt );
9235     }
9236     /* circle through all elements and add all nodes */
9237     for (i=0; i<set[s].anz_e; i++)
9238     {
9239       if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 1) n = 8;       /* HEXA8 */
9240       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 2) n = 6;  /* PENTA6 */
9241       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 3) n = 4;  /* TET4 */
9242       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 4) n = 20; /* HEXA20 */
9243       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 5) n = 15; /* PENTA15 */
9244       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 6) n = 10; /* TET10 */
9245       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 7) n = 3;  /* TRI3  */
9246       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 8) n = 6;  /* TRI6  */
9247       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 9) n = 4;  /* QUAD4 */
9248       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 10) n = 8; /* QUAD8 */
9249       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 11) n = 2; /* BEAM2 */
9250       else if (e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].type == 12) n = 3; /* BEAM3 */
9251       else n=0;
9252       if((set[s].node=(int *)realloc((int *)set[s].node,(set[s].anz_n+n+1)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9253       printf(" ERROR: malloc failed in set[%d]:%s\n\n", 0, set[s].name);
9254       for (j=0; j<n; j++)
9255       {
9256         set[s].node[set[s].anz_n]= e_enqire[set[s].elem[i]].nod[j]; set[s].anz_n++;
9257       }
9258     }
9259     qsort( set[s].node, set[s].anz_n, sizeof(int), (void *)compareInt );
9261     for(i=0; i<set[s].anz_n; i++) if(!node[set[s].node[i]].pflag)
9262     {
9263       seta(setall,"n",set[s].node[i]);
9264     }
9266     delSet(specialset->zap);
9267   }
9268 #endif
9270   /* add the nodes of entities to the sets */
9271   for (sets=0; sets<anz->sets; sets++)
9272   {
9273     if ( sets==setNr||( set[sets].type==1)||(set[sets].name==(char *)NULL)) goto nextSet;
9274     n=set[sets].anz_n;
9275     e=set[sets].anz_e;
9277     if ( set[sets].anz_p>0)
9278     {
9279       for (i=0; i<set[sets].anz_p; i++)
9280       {
9281         p=set[sets].pnt[i];
9282         if((point[p].name != (char *)NULL)&&(point[p].nn>0))
9283         {
9284           for (k=0; k<point[p].nn; k++)
9285           {
9286             if(node[point[p].nod[k]].pflag!=-1 )
9287 	    {
9288               set[sets].anz_n++;
9289               if((set[sets].node=(int *)realloc((int *)set[sets].node, (set[sets].anz_n)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9290               { printf("\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9291               set[sets].node[n++]=point[p].nod[k];
9292 	    }
9293           }
9294         }
9295       }
9296     }
9297     if ( set[sets].anz_l>0)
9298     {
9299       for (i=0; i<set[sets].anz_l; i++)
9300       {
9301         l=set[sets].line[i];
9302         if(line[l].name != (char *)NULL)
9303         {
9304           for (k=0; k<line[l].nn; k++)
9305           {
9306             if(node[line[l].nod[k]].pflag!=-1 )
9307 	    {
9308               set[sets].anz_n++;
9309               if((set[sets].node=(int *)realloc((int *)set[sets].node, (set[sets].anz_n)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9310               { printf("\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9311               set[sets].node[n++]=line[l].nod[k];
9312 	    }
9313           }
9314           for (k=0; k<line[l].ne; k++)
9315           {
9316             if(e_enqire[line[l].elem[k]].type)
9317 	    {
9318               set[sets].anz_e++;
9319               if((set[sets].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)set[sets].elem, (set[sets].anz_e)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9320               { printf("\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9321               set[sets].elem[e++]=line[l].elem[k];
9322 	    }
9323           }
9324         }
9325       }
9326     }
9327     if ( set[sets].anz_s>0)
9328     {
9329       for (i=0; i<set[sets].anz_s; i++)
9330       {
9331         s=set[sets].surf[i];
9332         if(surf[s].name != (char *)NULL)
9333         {
9334           for (k=0; k<surf[s].nn; k++)
9335           {
9336             if(node[surf[s].nod[k]].pflag!=-1 )
9337 	    {
9338 	      set[sets].anz_n++;
9339               if((set[sets].node=(int *)realloc((int *)set[sets].node, (set[sets].anz_n)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9340               { printf("\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9341               set[sets].node[n++]=surf[s].nod[k];
9342 	    }
9343           }
9344           for (k=0; k<surf[s].ne; k++)
9345           {
9346             if(e_enqire[surf[s].elem[k]].type)
9347 	    {
9348               set[sets].anz_e++;
9349               if((set[sets].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)set[sets].elem, (set[sets].anz_e)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9350               { printf("\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9351               set[sets].elem[e++]=surf[s].elem[k];
9352 	    }
9353           }
9354         }
9355       }
9356     }
9357     if ( set[sets].anz_b>0)
9358     {
9359       for (i=0; i<set[sets].anz_b; i++)
9360       {
9361         b=set[sets].body[i];
9362         if(body[b].name != (char *)NULL)
9363         {
9364           for (k=0; k<body[b].nn; k++)
9365           {
9366             if(node[body[b].nod[k]].pflag!=-1 )
9367 	    {
9368 	      set[sets].anz_n++;
9369               if((set[sets].node=(int *)realloc((int *)set[sets].node, (set[sets].anz_n)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9370               { printf("\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9371               set[sets].node[n++]=body[b].nod[k];
9372             }
9373           }
9374           for (k=0; k<body[b].ne; k++)
9375           {
9376             if(e_enqire[body[b].elem[k]].type)
9377 	    {
9378               set[sets].anz_e++;
9379               if((set[sets].elem=(int *)realloc((int *)set[sets].elem, (set[sets].anz_e)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
9380               { printf("\nERROR: realloc failure in meshSet\n\n"); return(0); }
9381               set[sets].elem[e++]=body[b].elem[k];
9382             }
9383           }
9384         }
9385       }
9386     }
9387     qsort( set[sets].node, set[sets].anz_n, sizeof(int), (void *)compareInt );
9388     qsort( set[sets].elem, set[sets].anz_e, sizeof(int), (void *)compareInt );
9390     /* erase multiple entities */
9391     if(set[sets].anz_n)
9392     {
9393       n=0;
9394       for(j=1; j<set[sets].anz_n; j++)
9395       {
9396         if(set[sets].node[n]!=set[sets].node[j]) set[sets].node[++n]=set[sets].node[j];
9397       }
9398       set[sets].anz_n=n+1;
9399     }
9400     if(set[sets].anz_e)
9401     {
9402       n=0;
9403       for(j=1; j<set[sets].anz_e; j++)
9404       {
9405         if(set[sets].elem[n]!=set[sets].elem[j]) set[sets].elem[++n]=set[sets].elem[j];
9406       }
9407       set[sets].anz_e=n+1;
9408     }
9409   nextSet:;
9410   }
9412   for(i=0; i<apre->nmax; i++) free(nbuf[i]);
9413   free(nbuf);
9414   nbuf=NULL;
9416   free(npre);
9417   npre=NULL;
9418   apre->n=0;
9419   apre->nmax=0;
9420   apre->nmin=MAX_INTEGER;
9423   /* for drawing purposes it is nessesary to add additional nodes */
9424   anz->orignmax = anz->nmax;
9425   anz->orign = anz->n;
9427   if(anz->e)
9428   {
9429     e_enqire[0].type=0;
9430   }
9432   // add the old node references
9433   if ( set[setNr].anz_p>0)
9434   {
9435     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_p; i++)
9436     {
9437       p=set[setNr].pnt[i];
9438       if(pointnods[i])
9439       {
9440         if ((point[p].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)point[p].nod, (point[p].nn+pointnods[i])*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9441         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
9442         for(j=0; j<pointnods[i]; j++) { point[p].nod[j+point[p].nn]=pointnod[i][j]; }
9443         point[p].nn+=pointnods[i];
9444         free(pointnod[i]);
9445       }
9446     }
9447     free(pointnod);
9448     free(pointnods);
9449   }
9450   if ( set[setNr].anz_l>0)
9451   {
9452     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_l; i++)
9453     {
9454       p=set[setNr].line[i];
9455       if(linenods[i])
9456       {
9457         if ((line[p].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[p].nod, (line[p].nn+linenods[i])*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9458         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
9459         for(j=0; j<linenods[i]; j++) { line[p].nod[j+line[p].nn]=linenod[i][j]; }
9460         line[p].nn+=linenods[i];
9461         free(linenod[i]);
9462       }
9463       if(lineelems[i])
9464       {
9465         if ((line[p].elem = (int *)realloc( (int *)line[p].elem, (line[p].ne+lineelems[i])*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9466         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
9467         for(j=0; j<lineelems[i]; j++) { line[p].elem[j+line[p].ne]=lineelem[i][j]; }
9468         line[p].ne+=lineelems[i];
9469         free(lineelem[i]);
9470       }
9471     }
9472     free(linenod);
9473     free(linenods);
9474     free(lineelem);
9475     free(lineelems);
9476   }
9477   if ( set[setNr].anz_s>0)
9478   {
9479     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_s; i++)
9480     {
9481       p=set[setNr].surf[i];
9482       if(surfnods[i])
9483       {
9484         if ((surf[p].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)surf[p].nod, (surf[p].nn+surfnods[i])*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9485         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
9486         for(j=0; j<surfnods[i]; j++) { surf[p].nod[j+surf[p].nn]=surfnod[i][j]; }
9487         surf[p].nn+=surfnods[i];
9488         free(surfnod[i]);
9489       }
9490       if(surfelems[i])
9491       {
9492         if ((surf[p].elem = (int *)realloc( (int *)surf[p].elem, (surf[p].ne+surfelems[i])*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9493         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
9494         for(j=0; j<surfelems[i]; j++) { surf[p].elem[j+surf[p].ne]=surfelem[i][j]; }
9495         surf[p].ne+=surfelems[i];
9496         free(surfelem[i]);
9497       }
9498     }
9499     free(surfnod);
9500     free(surfnods);
9501     free(surfelem);
9502     free(surfelems);
9503   }
9504   if ( set[setNr].anz_b>0)
9505   {
9506     for(i=0; i<set[setNr].anz_b; i++)
9507     {
9508       p=set[setNr].body[i];
9509       if(bodynods[i])
9510       {
9511         if ((body[p].nod = (int *)realloc( (int *)body[p].nod, (body[p].nn+bodynods[i])*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9512         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
9513         for(j=0; j<bodynods[i]; j++) { body[p].nod[j+body[p].nn]=bodynod[i][j]; }
9514         body[p].nn+=bodynods[i];
9515         free(bodynod[i]);
9516       }
9517       if(bodyelems[i])
9518       {
9519         if ((body[p].elem = (int *)realloc( (int *)body[p].elem, (body[p].ne+bodyelems[i])*sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
9520         { printf(" ERROR: realloc failure\n\n"); }
9521         for(j=0; j<bodyelems[i]; j++) { body[p].elem[j+body[p].ne]=bodyelem[i][j]; }
9522         body[p].ne+=bodyelems[i];
9523         free(bodyelem[i]);
9524       }
9525     }
9526     free(bodynod);
9527     free(bodynods);
9528     free(bodyelem);
9529     free(bodyelems);
9530   }
9532   if(printFlag) printf(" end of meshSet\n");
9533   return(1);
9534 }