1#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
5#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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12"""bravyi_kitaev_fast transform on fermionic operators."""
14from typing import Optional
16import numpy
17import networkx
19from openfermion.ops.operators import QubitOperator
20from openfermion.ops.representations import InteractionOperator
21from openfermion.utils.operator_utils import count_qubits
24def bravyi_kitaev_fast(operator: InteractionOperator) -> QubitOperator:
25    """
26    Find the Pauli-representation of InteractionOperator for Bravyi-Kitaev
27    Super fast (BKSF) algorithm. Pauli-representation of general
28    FermionOperator is not possible in BKSF. Also, the InteractionOperator
29    given as input must be Hermitian. In future we might provide a
30    transformation for a restricted set of fermion operator.
32    Args:
33        operator: InteractionOperator.
35    Returns:
36        transformed_operator: An instance of the QubitOperator class.
38    Raises:
39        TypeError: If operator is not an InteractionOperator
41    """
42    if isinstance(operator, InteractionOperator):
43        return bravyi_kitaev_fast_interaction_op(operator)
44    else:
45        raise TypeError("operator must be an InteractionOperator.")
48def bravyi_kitaev_fast_interaction_op(iop: InteractionOperator
49                                     ) -> QubitOperator:
50    r"""
51    Transform from InteractionOperator to QubitOperator for Bravyi-Kitaev fast
52    algorithm.
54    The electronic Hamiltonian is represented in terms of creation and
55    annihilation operators. These creation and annihilation operators could be
56    used to define Majorana modes as follows:
57        c_{2i} = a_i + a^{\dagger}_i,
58        c_{2i+1} = (a_i - a^{\dagger}_{i})/(1j)
59    These Majorana modes can be used to define edge operators B_i and A_{ij}:
60        B_i=c_{2i}c_{2i+1},
61        A_{ij}=c_{2i}c_{2j}
62    using these edge operators the fermionic algebra can be generated and
63    hence all the terms in the electronic Hamiltonian can be expressed in
64    terms of edge operators. The terms in electronic Hamiltonian can be
65    divided into five types (arXiv 1208.5986). We can find the edge operator
66    expression for each of those five types. For example, the excitation
67    operator term in Hamiltonian when represented in terms of edge operators
68    becomes:
69        a_i^{\dagger}a_j+a_j^{\dagger}a_i = (-1j/2)*(A_ij*B_i+B_j*A_ij)
70    For the sake of brevity the reader is encouraged to look up the
71    expressions of other terms from the code below. The variables for edge
72    operators are chosen according to the nomenclature defined above
73    (B_i and A_ij). A detailed description of these operators and the terms
74    of the electronic Hamiltonian are provided in (arXiv 1712.00446).
76    Args:
77        iop (InteractionOperator):
78        n_qubit (int): Number of qubits
80    Returns:
81        qubit_operator: An instance of the QubitOperator class.
82    """
83    n_qubits = count_qubits(iop)
85    # Initialize qubit operator as constant.
86    qubit_operator = QubitOperator((), iop.constant)
87    edge_matrix = bravyi_kitaev_fast_edge_matrix(iop)
88    edge_matrix_indices = numpy.array(
89        numpy.nonzero(
90            numpy.triu(edge_matrix) - numpy.diag(numpy.diag(edge_matrix))))
91    # Loop through all indices.
92    for p in range(n_qubits):
93        for q in range(n_qubits):
94            # Handle one-body terms.
95            coefficient = complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 0)])
96            if coefficient and p >= q:
97                qubit_operator += (coefficient *
98                                   _one_body(edge_matrix_indices, p, q))
100            # Keep looping for the two-body terms.
101            for r in range(n_qubits):
102                for s in range(n_qubits):
103                    coefficient = complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)])
105                    # Skip zero terms.
106                    if (not coefficient) or (p == q) or (r == s):
107                        # coverage: ignore
108                        continue
110                    # Identify and skip one of the complex conjugates.
111                    if [p, q, r, s] != [s, r, q, p]:
112                        if len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 4:
113                            if min(r, s) < min(p, q):
114                                continue
115                        # Handle case of 3 unique indices
116                        elif len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 3:
117                            transformed_term = _two_body(
118                                edge_matrix_indices, p, q, r, s)
119                            transformed_term *= .5 * coefficient
120                            qubit_operator += transformed_term
121                            continue
122                        elif p != r and q < p:
123                            # TODO: remove pragma if reachable continue
124                            continue  # pragma: no cover
126                    # Handle the two-body terms.
127                    transformed_term = _two_body(edge_matrix_indices, p, q, r,
128                                                 s)
129                    transformed_term *= coefficient
130                    qubit_operator += transformed_term
131    return qubit_operator
134def bravyi_kitaev_fast_edge_matrix(iop: InteractionOperator,
135                                   n_qubits: Optional[int] = None
136                                  ) -> numpy.ndarray:
137    """
138    Use InteractionOperator to construct edge matrix required for the algorithm
140    Edge matrix contains the information about the edges between vertices.
141    Edge matrix is required to build the operators in bravyi_kitaev_fast model.
143    Args:
144        iop (InteractionOperator):
145        n_qubits (int): number of qubits
147    Returns:
148        edge_matrix (Numpy array): A square numpy array containing information
149            about the edges present in the model.
150    """
151    n_qubits = count_qubits(iop)
152    edge_matrix = 1j * numpy.zeros((n_qubits, n_qubits))
153    # Loop through all indices.
154    for p in range(n_qubits):
155        for q in range(n_qubits):
157            # Handle one-body terms.
158            coefficient = complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 0)])
159            if coefficient and p >= q:
160                edge_matrix[p, q] = bool(complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 0)]))
162            # Keep looping for the two-body terms.
163            for r in range(n_qubits):
164                for s in range(n_qubits):
165                    coefficient2 = complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)])
167                    # Skip zero terms.
168                    if (not coefficient2) or (p == q) or (r == s):
169                        # TODO: remove pragma if this is a reachable continue
170                        continue  # pragma: no cover
172                    # Identify and skip one of the complex conjugates.
173                    if [p, q, r, s] != [s, r, q, p]:
174                        if len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 4:
175                            if min(r, s) < min(p, q):
176                                continue
177                        elif p != r and q < p:
178                            continue
180                    # Handle case of four unique indices.
181                    if len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 4:
183                        if coefficient2 and p >= q:
184                            edge_matrix[p, q] = bool(
185                                complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)]))
186                            a, b = sorted([r, s])
187                            edge_matrix[b, a] = bool(
188                                complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)]))
190                    # Handle case of three unique indices.
191                    elif len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 3:
193                        # Identify equal tensor factors.
194                        if p == r:
195                            a, b = sorted([q, s])
196                            edge_matrix[b, a] = bool(
197                                complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)]))
198                        elif p == s:
199                            a, b = sorted([q, r])
200                            edge_matrix[b, a] = bool(
201                                complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)]))
202                        elif q == r:
203                            a, b = sorted([p, s])
204                            edge_matrix[b, a] = bool(
205                                complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)]))
206                        elif q == s:
207                            a, b = sorted([p, r])
208                            edge_matrix[b, a] = bool(
209                                complex(iop[(p, 1), (q, 1), (r, 0), (s, 0)]))
211    return edge_matrix.transpose()
214def _one_body(edge_matrix_indices: numpy.ndarray, p: int,
215              q: int) -> QubitOperator:
216    r"""
217    Map the term a^\dagger_p a_q + a^\dagger_q a_p to QubitOperator.
219    The definitions for various operators will be presented in a paper soon.
221    Args:
222        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array): Specifying the edges
223        p and q (int): specifying the one body term.
225    Return:
226        An instance of QubitOperator()
227    """
228    # Handle off-diagonal terms.
229    qubit_operator = QubitOperator()
230    if p != q:
231        a, b = sorted([p, q])
232        B_a = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, a)
233        B_b = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, b)
234        A_ab = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, a, b)
235        qubit_operator += -1j / 2. * (A_ab * B_b + B_a * A_ab)
237    # Handle diagonal terms.
238    else:
239        B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
240        qubit_operator += (QubitOperator((), 1) - B_p) / 2.
242    return qubit_operator
245def _two_body(edge_matrix_indices: numpy.ndarray, p: int, q: int, r: int,
246              s: int) -> QubitOperator:
247    r"""
248    Map the term a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s + h.c. to QubitOperator.
250    The definitions for various operators will be covered in a paper soon.
252    Args:
253        edge_matrix_indices (numpy array): specifying the edges
254        p, q, r and s (int): specifying the two body term.
256    Return:
257        An instance of QubitOperator()
258    """
259    # Initialize qubit operator.
260    qubit_operator = QubitOperator()
262    # Handle case of four unique indices.
263    if len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 4:
264        B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
265        B_q = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, q)
266        B_r = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, r)
267        B_s = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, s)
268        A_pq = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, p, q)
269        A_rs = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, r, s)
270        qubit_operator += 1 / 8. * A_pq * A_rs * (-QubitOperator(
271            ()) - B_p * B_q + B_p * B_r + B_p * B_s + B_q * B_r + B_q * B_s -
272                                                  B_r * B_s +
273                                                  B_p * B_q * B_r * B_s)
274        return qubit_operator
276    # Handle case of three unique indices.
277    elif len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 3:
278        # Identify equal tensor factors.
279        if p == r:
280            B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
281            B_q = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, q)
282            B_s = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, s)
283            A_qs = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, q, s)
284            qubit_operator += 1j * (A_qs * B_s + B_q * A_qs) * (QubitOperator(
285                ()) - B_p) / 4.
287        elif p == s:
288            B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
289            B_q = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, q)
290            B_r = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, r)
291            A_qr = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, q, r)
292            qubit_operator += -1j * (A_qr * B_r + B_q * A_qr) * (QubitOperator(
293                ()) - B_p) / 4.
295        elif q == r:
296            B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
297            B_q = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, q)
298            B_s = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, s)
299            A_ps = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, p, s)
300            qubit_operator += -1j * (A_ps * B_s + B_p * A_ps) * (QubitOperator(
301                ()) - B_q) / 4.
303        elif q == s:
304            B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
305            B_q = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, q)
306            B_r = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, r)
307            A_pr = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, p, r)
308            qubit_operator += 1j * (A_pr * B_r + B_p * A_pr) * (QubitOperator(
309                ()) - B_q) / 4.
311    # Handle case of two unique indices.
312    elif len(set([p, q, r, s])) == 2:
313        # Get coefficient.
314        if p == s:
315            B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
316            B_q = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, q)
317            qubit_operator += (QubitOperator(()) - B_p) * (QubitOperator(
318                ()) - B_q) / 4.
320        else:
321            B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
322            B_q = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, q)
323            qubit_operator += -(QubitOperator(()) - B_p) * (QubitOperator(
324                ()) - B_q) / 4.
326    return qubit_operator
329def edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices: numpy.ndarray,
330                    i: int) -> QubitOperator:
331    """Calculate the edge operator B_i. The definitions used here are
332    consistent with arXiv:quant-ph/0003137
334    Args:
335        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array(square and symmetric):
336        i (int): index for specifying the edge operator B.
338    Returns:
339        An instance of QubitOperator
340    """
341    B_i = QubitOperator()
342    qubit_position_matrix = numpy.array(numpy.where(edge_matrix_indices == i))
343    qubit_position = qubit_position_matrix[1][:]
344    qubit_position = numpy.sort(qubit_position)
345    operator = tuple()
346    for d1 in qubit_position:
347        operator += ((int(d1), 'Z'),)
348    B_i += QubitOperator(operator)
349    return B_i
352def edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices: numpy.ndarray, i: int,
353                      j: int) -> QubitOperator:
354    """Calculate the edge operator A_ij. The definitions used here are
355    consistent with arXiv:quant-ph/0003137
357    Args:
358        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array): specifying the edges
359        i,j (int): specifying the edge operator A
361    Returns:
362        An instance of QubitOperator
363    """
364    a_ij = QubitOperator()
365    operator = tuple()
366    position_ij = -1
367    qubit_position_i = numpy.array(numpy.where(edge_matrix_indices == i))
368    for edge_index in range(numpy.size(edge_matrix_indices[0, :])):
369        if set((i, j)) == set(edge_matrix_indices[:, edge_index]):
370            position_ij = edge_index
371    operator += ((int(position_ij), 'X'),)
373    for edge_index in range(numpy.size(qubit_position_i[0, :])):
374        if edge_matrix_indices[int(not (qubit_position_i[0, edge_index]))][
375                qubit_position_i[1, edge_index]] < j:
376            operator += ((int(qubit_position_i[1, edge_index]), 'Z'),)
377    qubit_position_j = numpy.array(numpy.where(edge_matrix_indices == j))
378    for edge_index in range(numpy.size(qubit_position_j[0, :])):
379        if edge_matrix_indices[int(not (qubit_position_j[0, edge_index]))][
380                qubit_position_j[1, edge_index]] < i:
381            operator += ((int(qubit_position_j[1, edge_index]), 'Z'),)
382    a_ij += QubitOperator(operator, 1)
383    if j < i:
384        a_ij = -1 * a_ij
385    return a_ij
388def vacuum_operator(edge_matrix_indices: numpy.ndarray) -> QubitOperator:
389    """Use the stabilizers to find the vacuum state in bravyi_kitaev_fast.
391    Args:
392        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array): specifying the edges
394    Return:
395        An instance of QubitOperator
397    """
398    # Initialize qubit operator.
399    g = networkx.Graph()
400    g.add_edges_from(tuple(edge_matrix_indices.transpose()))
401    stabs = numpy.array(networkx.cycle_basis(g))
402    vac_operator = QubitOperator(())
403    for stab in stabs:
405        A = QubitOperator(())
406        stab = numpy.array(stab)
407        for i in range(numpy.size(stab)):
408            if i == (numpy.size(stab) - 1):
409                A = (1j) * A * edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, stab[i],
410                                                 stab[0])
411            else:
412                A = (1j) * A * edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, stab[i],
413                                                 stab[i + 1])
414        vac_operator = vac_operator * (QubitOperator(()) + A) / numpy.sqrt(2)
416    return vac_operator
419def number_operator(iop, mode_number=None):
420    """Find the qubit operator for the number operator in bravyi_kitaev_fast
421    representation
423    Args:
424        iop (InteractionOperator):
425        mode_number: index mode_number corresponding to the mode
426            for which number operator is required.
428    Return:
429        A QubitOperator
431   """
432    n_qubit = iop.n_qubits
433    num_operator = QubitOperator()
434    edge_matrix = bravyi_kitaev_fast_edge_matrix(iop)
435    edge_matrix_indices = numpy.array(
436        numpy.nonzero(
437            numpy.triu(edge_matrix) - numpy.diag(numpy.diag(edge_matrix))))
438    if mode_number is None:
439        for i in range(n_qubit):
440            num_operator += (QubitOperator(
441                ()) - edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, i)) / 2.
443    else:
444        num_operator += (QubitOperator(
445            ()) - edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, mode_number)) / 2.
447    return num_operator
450def generate_fermions(edge_matrix_indices: numpy.ndarray, i: int,
451                      j: int) -> QubitOperator:
452    """The QubitOperator for generating fermions in bravyi_kitaev_fast
453    representation
455    Args:
456        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array): specifying the edges
457        i and j (int)
459    Return:
460        A QubitOperator
461    """
462    gen_fer_operator = (-1j /
463                        2.) * (edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, i, j) *
464                               edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, j) -
465                               edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, i) *
466                               edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, i, j))
467    return gen_fer_operator