1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 /// \file  formic/utils/lmyengine/block_detai.cpp
3 ///
4 /// \brief  implementation file for block-recursive algorithm functions
5 ///
6 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #include <vector>
9 #include <list>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <numeric>
12 #include <cassert>
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <cmath>
15 #include <sstream>
16 //#include <mpi.h>
18 #include <boost/format.hpp>
19 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
21 #include "formic/utils/matrix.h"
22 #include "formic/utils/numeric.h"
23 #include "formic/utils/mpi_interface.h"
24 #include "block_detail.h"
25 #include "formic/utils/lmyengine/var_dependencies.h"
26 #include "formic/utils/lmyengine/eigen_solver.h"
27 #include "formic/utils/lmyengine/davidson_solver.h"
28 #include "formic/utils/lmyengine/spam_solver.h"
30 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 /// \brief  Get the begining and end indices and the length for each block of variables
32 ///
33 /// \param[in]    nvar         the number of variables that will be divided into blocks
34 /// \param[in]    nblock       the number of blocks
35 /// \param[out]   block_beg    on exit, the length nblock vector of indices marking the begining of each block
36 /// \param[out]   block_end    on exit, the length nblock vector of block lengths
37 ///
38 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
brlm_get_block_info(const int nvar,const int nblock,std::vector<int> & block_beg,std::vector<int> & block_end,std::vector<int> & block_len)39 void cqmc::engine::brlm_get_block_info(const int nvar, const int nblock, std::vector<int> & block_beg, std::vector<int> & block_end, std::vector<int> & block_len) {
41   // initialize output vectors
42   block_beg.assign(nblock, 0);
43   block_end.assign(nblock, 0);
44   block_len.assign(nblock, 0);
46   // get the length of most blocks
47   const int base_block_len = nvar / nblock;
49   // get the residual
50   const int base_block_rem = nvar % nblock;
52   int beg = 0;
54   // loop over blocks
55   for (int i = 0; i < nblock; i++) {
56     block_beg.at(i) = beg;
57     block_len.at(i) = base_block_len + ( i < base_block_rem ? 1 : 0 );
58     beg += block_len.at(i);
59     block_end.at(i) = beg;
60   }
61   if ( beg != nvar )
62     throw formic::Exception("after block index steup, beg = %i but should have been %i in cqmc::engin::brlm_get_block_info") % beg % nvar;
63 }
65 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
66 /// \brief   Computes the first so many important update directions in the basis of those that define
67 ///          the basis for the provided Hamiltinonian and overlap matrices
68 ///
69 /// \param[in]    nkeep         the number of important update directions to keep
70 /// \param[in]    curr_e        the current energy
71 /// \param[in]    shift_i       magnitude of the identity shift
72 /// \param[in]    shift_s       magnitude of the overlap shift
73 /// \param[in]    ovl_thresh    threshold below which overlap eigenvalues will be truncated
74 /// \param[in]    hh            the Hamiltonian matrix in the basis of possible directions.
75 ///                             the first of which is the current wavefunction
76 /// \param[in]    ss            the overlap     matrix in the basis of possible directions,
77 ///                             the first of which is the current wavefunction
78 /// \param[in]    dd            the identity shift matrix in the basis of possible directions,
79 ///                             the first of which is the current wavefunction
80 /// \param[in]    ostream       the output stream
81 ///
82 /// \return a matrix holding the best nkeep directions in its column, the first of which
83 ///         is always the current wavefunction
84 ///
85 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
get_important_brlm_dirs(const int nkeep,const double curr_e,const double shift_i,const double shift_s,const double ovl_thresh,const formic::Matrix<double> & hh,const formic::Matrix<double> & ss,const formic::Matrix<double> & dd,std::ostream & output)86 formic::Matrix<double> cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs(const int nkeep,
87                                                              const double curr_e,
88                                                              const double shift_i,
89                                                              const double shift_s,
90                                                              const double ovl_thresh,
91                                                              const formic::Matrix<double> & hh,
92                                                              const formic::Matrix<double> & ss,
93                                                              const formic::Matrix<double> & dd,
94                                                              std::ostream & output) {
96   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
97   // Note in this function we deal with four sets of basis vectors
98   //
99   //  Basis 1: The initial basis, in which hh and ss are defined.
100   //           The current wave function is the first basis vector.
101   //
102   //  Basis 2: Basis after projecting out the current wavefunction from
103   //           the second through through last basis vectors of basis 1.
104   //
105   //  Basis 3: The basis consisting of the second through last vectors
106   //           of basis 2, i.e. everything except the current wfn.
107   //
108   //  Basis 4: The basis after projecting out all previous updates from
109   //           the vectors in basis 2 and then orthonormalizing, dropping
110   //           vectors with pre-normalized norms below ovl_thresh.
111   //           The first vector in this basis is still the current wfn.
112   //
113   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115   // get the number of vectors in basis 1
116   const int nd = hh.rows();
119   // sanity checks
120   if ( hh.rows() != hh.cols() )
121     throw formic::Exception("hh (%i by %i) should be square in cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs") % hh.rows() % hh.cols();
122   if ( hh.rows() != ss.rows() || hh.cols() != ss.cols() )
123     throw formic::Exception("ss dimension (%i by %i) should match hh dimension (%i by %i) in cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs")
124                   % ss.rows() % ss.cols() % hh.rows() % hh.cols();
125   //if ( std::abs( 1.0 - std::abs(ss.at(0,0)) ) > 1.0e-14 )
126   //  throw formic::Exception("expected ss(0,0) to be 1.0 in cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs");
128   // put the vectors defining basis 2 in the columns of a matrix
129   formic::Matrix<double> basis2 = formic::identity_matrix<double>(nd);
130   basis2.at(0,0) = 1.0/std::abs(std::sqrt(ss(0,0)));
131   for (int i = 1; i < nd; i++)
132    basis2.at(0,i) -= (ss(i,0)/ss(0,0));
134   // get H and S in basis 2, including the identity shift effect on H
135   formic::Matrix<double> hh2 = basis2.t() * ( hh + shift_i * dd ) * basis2;
136   formic::Matrix<double> ss2 = basis2.t() * ss * basis2;
137   //output << ss2.print("%12.6f", "ss2");
139   //output << hh2.print("%12.4f", "hh2") << std::endl;
141   // extract overlap matrix for basis 3
142   formic::Matrix<double> ss3(nd-1,nd-1);
143   for (int i = 0; i < nd-1; i++) {
144     for (int j = 0; j < nd-1; j++) {
145       ss3.at(i,j) = ss2.at(i+1,j+1);
146     }
147   }
149   // initialize matrix of update direction coefficients in basis 2
150   formic::Matrix<double> update_dirs(nd, nkeep, 1.0);
152   // ietratively find the best nkeep directions
153   for (int nkept = 0; nkept < nkeep; nkept++) {
155     // make sure previous update directions are excluded by projecting them out
156     formic::Matrix<double> proj_dirs = formic::identity_matrix<double>(nd-1);
157     if ( nkept > 0 ) {
159       // get the matrix of update coefficients that excludes the coeff on the currenr wfn
160       formic::Matrix<double> bigV(nd-1, nkept);
161       for (int j = 0; j < nkept; j++) {
162         for (int i = 0; i < nd-1; i++) {
163           bigV.at(i,j) = update_dirs.at(i+1, j);
164         }
165         formic::ColVec<double> current_col(nd-1, bigV.col_begin(j));
166         current_col /= std::abs(std::sqrt(current_col.norm2()));
167       }
169       // get "bare" overlap between these vectors
170       formic::Matrix<double> bares = bigV.t() * bigV;
172       // check the smallest eigenvalue of the bare overlap
173       formic::ColVec<double> bare_evals;
174       formic::Matrix<double> bare_evecs;
175       bares.sym_eig(bare_evals, bare_evecs);
177       // project these directions out of the full set of directions
178       proj_dirs -= bigV * bares.inv() * bigV.t();
179     }
181     // get overlap in these projected directions
182     formic::Matrix<double> ps = proj_dirs.t() * ss3 * proj_dirs;
183     //output << ps.print("%12.6f", "ps") << std::endl;
185     // diagonalize the projected overlap
186     formic::ColVec<double> ps_evals;
187     formic::Matrix<double> ps_evecs;
188     ps.sym_eig(ps_evals, ps_evecs);
189     //output << ps_evecs.print("%12.6f", "ps_evecs") << std::endl;
190     //output << ps_evals.print("%12.6f", "ps_evals") << std::endl;
192     // count number of projected overlap eigenvalues above the threshold
193     //const int nabove = std::accumulate(ps_evals.begin(), ps_evals.end(), int(0), [ovl_thresh] (int i, double x) { return i + ( x > ovl_thresh ? 1 : 0 ); });
194     const int nabove = std::accumulate(ps_evals.begin(), ps_evals.end(), int(0), [ovl_thresh] (int i, double x) { return i + ( x > ovl_thresh ? 1 : 0 ); });
196     const int nbelow = ps_evals.size() - nabove;
198     // get coefficients for basis 4 vectors in terms of basis 2 vectors
199     formic::Matrix<double> basis4(nd, nabove+1, 0.0);
201     // initial wfn
202     basis4.at(0,0) = 1.0;
204     for (int i = 0; i < nabove; i++) {
205       const double eval_sqrt = std::abs(std::sqrt(ps_evals.at(nbelow+i)));
206       for (int j = 0; j < nd-1; j++) {
207         basis4.at(j+1, i+1) = ps_evecs.at(j, i+nbelow) / eval_sqrt;
208       }
209     }
210     //output << basis4.print("%12.6f", "basis4") << std::endl;
212     // compute overlap in basis 4 and check that it is the identity matrix
213     formic::Matrix<double> ss4 = basis4.t() * ss2 * basis4;
214     //output << ss4.print("%12.6f", "ss4");
215     for (int i = 0; i < ss4.rows(); i++) {
216       for (int j = 0; j < ss4.cols(); j++) {
217         if ( std::abs( ss4.at(i,j) - ( i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0) ) > 1.0e-6 )
218           throw formic::Exception("failure to move to orthonormal basis in cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs, ss4(%i,%i) = %.8e")
219                         % i % j % ss4.at(i,j);
220        }
221      }
223      // compute Hamiltonian in basis 4
224      formic::Matrix<double> hh4 = basis4.t() * hh2 * basis4;
225      //output << hh4.print("%12.6f", "hh4") << std::endl;
227      // apply overlap shift to the Hamiltonian
228      for (int i = 1; i < hh4.rows(); i++)
229        hh4.at(i,i) += shift_s;
231      // solve for the lowest energy in eigenvector in basis 4
232      formic::ColVec<std::complex<double> > e_evals;
233      formic::Matrix<std::complex<double> > e_evecs;
234      hh4.nonsym_eig(e_evals, e_evecs);
236      // find the lowest energy eigenvalue
237      double lowest_eval = e_evals.at(0).real();
238      int lowest_index = 0;
239      for (int i = 1; i < e_evals.size(); i++) {
240        if ( e_evals.at(i).real() < lowest_eval ) {
241          lowest_eval = e_evals.at(i).real();
242          lowest_index = i;
243        }
244      }
246      output << boost::format("shift_s %.2e   vec %i   target = %20.12f + %16.2f i    delta = %17.12f")
247                    % shift_s % nkept % e_evals.at(lowest_index).real() % e_evals.at(lowest_index).imag() % (e_evals.at(lowest_index).real() - curr_e)
248                 << std::endl;
250      // check that the eigenvalue is real
251      if ( std::abs( e_evals.at(lowest_index).imag() ) >  1.0e-6 )
252        throw formic::Exception("lowest_eval has an imaginary component of %.2e in cqmc::engine::get_lm_brnr_update") % e_evals.at(lowest_index).imag();
254      // check that the eigenvector has weight on the initial wavefunction
255      if ( std::abs( e_evecs.at(0, lowest_index) ) < 1.0e-6 )
256        throw formic::Exception("lowest_evec has a small weight of %.2e on the initial wave function in cqmc::engine::get_lm_brnr_update") % std::abs(e_evecs.at(0,lowest_index));
258      // attempt to get the eigenvector in terms of real numbers
259      formic::ColVec<double> evec_real(e_evecs.rows(), 0.0);
260      for (int i = 0; i < e_evecs.rows(); i++) {
261        std::complex<double> val = e_evecs.at(i, lowest_index) / e_evecs.at(0, lowest_index);
262        if ( std::abs(val.imag()) > 1.0e-6 )
263          throw formic::Exception("lowest_evec element %i has an un-removed imaginary component of %.2e in cqmc::engine::get_lm_brnr_update") % i % val.imag();
264        evec_real.at(i) = val.real();
265      }
267      // convert the eigenvector to basis 2
268      ( basis4 * evec_real ) >>= update_dirs.col_begin(nkept);
270      // check that this eigenvector still has weight on the initial wfn
271      if ( std::abs( update_dirs.at(0, nkept) ) < 1.0e-6 )
272        throw formic::Exception("basis 2 eigenvector has a small weight of %.2e on the initial wave function in cqmc::engine::get_lm_brnr_update")
273                      % std::abs( update_dirs.at(0, nkept) );
275      // scale the eigenvector in basis 2 so that the initial wavefunction has unit weight
276      formic::ColVec<double>(update_dirs.rows(), update_dirs.col_begin(nkept)) /= *update_dirs.col_begin(nkept);
278    }
280    // convert the eigenvectors to basis 1
281    update_dirs = basis2 * update_dirs;
283    // scale the eigenvectors so that in basis 1 they have unit weight on the initial wave function
284    for (int nkept = 0; nkept < nkeep; nkept++) {
285      if ( std::abs( *update_dirs.col_begin(nkept) ) < 1.0e-6 )
286        throw formic::Exception("basis 1 eigenvector has an small weight of %.2e on the initial wave function in cqmc::engine::get_lm_brnr_update")
287                      % std::abs( *update_dirs.col_begin(nkept) );
288      formic::ColVec<double>(update_dirs.rows(), update_dirs.col_begin(nkept)) /= (*update_dirs.col_begin(nkept));
289    }
291    // clean up memory used by matrices and vectors
292    formic::reusable_array_garbage_collect();
294    // return the eigenvectors in basis 1
295    return update_dirs;
297 }
299 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
300 /// \brief   Computes the first so many important update directions in the basis of those that define
301 ///          the basis for the provided Hamiltinonian and overlap matrices
302 ///
303 /// \param[in]    nkeep         the number of important update directions to keep
304 /// \param[in]    curr_e        the current energy
305 /// \param[in]    omega         energy shift used for harmonic davidson
306 /// \param[in]    shift_i       magnitude of the identity shift
307 /// \param[in]    shift_s       magnitude of the overlap shift
308 /// \param[in]    ovl_thresh    threshold below which overlap eigenvalues will be truncated
309 /// \param[in]    hh            the Hamiltonian matrix in the basis of possible directions.
310 ///                             the first of which is the current wavefunction
311 /// \param[in]    ss            the overlap     matrix in the basis of possible directions,
312 ///                             the first of which is the current wavefunction
313 /// \param[in]    dd            the identity shift matrix in the basis of possible directions,
314 ///                             the first of which is the current wavefunction
315 /// \param[in]    ostream       the output stream
316 ///
317 /// \return a matrix holding the best nkeep directions in its column, the first of which
318 ///         is always the current wavefunction
319 ///
320 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
get_important_brlm_dirs_davidson(const formic::VarDeps * dep_ptr,const int nkeep,const double omega,const double curr_cost,const double shift_i,const double shift_s,const double ovl_thresh,formic::Matrix<double> & hh,formic::Matrix<double> & ss,formic::Matrix<double> & dd,std::ostream & output)321 formic::Matrix<double> cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs_davidson(const formic::VarDeps * dep_ptr,
322                                                                       const int nkeep,
323                                                                       const double omega,
324                                                                       const double curr_cost,
325                                                                       const double shift_i,
326                                                                       const double shift_s,
327                                                                       const double ovl_thresh,
328                                                                       formic::Matrix<double> & hh,
329                                                                       formic::Matrix<double> & ss,
330                                                                       formic::Matrix<double> & dd,
331                                                                       std::ostream & output) {
334   // get rank number and number of ranks
335   int my_rank = formic::mpi::rank();
337   // check to see whether nkeep is one and throw out an error if not
338   if ( nkeep != 1 )
339     throw formic::Exception("nkeep must be 1 in get_important_brlm_dirs_davidson!");
341   // get the number of vectors in basis 1
342   int nd = hh.rows();
343   formic::mpi::bcast(&nd, 1);
344   //MPI_Bcast(&nd, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
346   // get the flag that whether the calculation is ground or targeted excited
347   bool ground = true;
348   if ( my_rank == 0 )
349     ground = ( std::abs(ss.at(0,0) - 1.0) < 1.0e-6 );
350   formic::mpi::bcast(&ground, 1);
351   //MPI_Bcast(&ground, 1, MPI::BOOL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
353   // initial energy/target fn value
354   double init_cost = 0.0;
355   if ( my_rank == 0 )
356     init_cost = hh.at(0,0)/ss.at(0,0);
357   formic::mpi::bcast(&init_cost, 1);
358   //MPI_Bcast(&init_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
360   // sanity checks
361   if ( my_rank == 0 ) {
362     if ( hh.rows() != hh.cols() )
363       throw formic::Exception("hh (%i by %i) should be square in cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs") % hh.rows() % hh.cols();
364     if ( hh.rows() != ss.rows() || hh.cols() != ss.cols() )
365       throw formic::Exception("ss dimension (%i by %i) should match hh dimension (%i by %i) in cqmc::engine::get_important_brlm_dirs")
366                     % ss.rows() % ss.cols() % hh.rows() % hh.cols();
367   }
369   // initialize matrix of update direction coefficients
370   formic::Matrix<double> update_dirs(nd, nkeep, 1.0);
372   // add identity shift to the Hamiltonian
373   formic::Matrix<double> m_hh = hh + shift_i * dd;
375   // create eigensolver
376   std::vector<double> vf_var;
377   boost::shared_ptr< cqmc::engine::EigenSolver<double> > eigensolver(new cqmc::engine::DavidsonLMHD<double>(dep_ptr,
378                                                                                                             nd,
379                                                                                                             60,
380                                                                                                             1.0e-7,
381                                                                                                             ovl_thresh,
382                                                                                                             false, // var deps use?
383                                                                                                             true,  // chase lowest
384                                                                                                             false,  // chase closest
385                                                                                                             ground,  // ground state?
386                                                                                                             false,  // variance correct
387                                                                                                             true, // build matrix
388                                                                                                             vf_var,
389                                                                                                             init_cost, // initial energy
390                                                                                                             0.0, // initial variance
391                                                                                                             omega, // omega
392                                                                                                             0.0, // var weight
393                                                                                                             20.0, // maximun energy change
394                                                                                                             0.0, // total weight
395                                                                                                             0.0, // total weight
396                                                                                                             hh,
397                                                                                                             hh,
398                                                                                                             m_hh,
399                                                                                                             ss,
400                                                                                                             ss));
403   // iteratively find the best nkeep directions CURRENTLY ONLY WORK FOR NKEEP=1!!!!!
404   for (int nkept = 0; nkept < nkeep; nkept++) {
406     // reset the eigensolver
407     eigensolver -> reset();
409     // update shift
410     eigensolver -> update_lm_shift(0.0, shift_s);
412     // add first krylov vector
413     {
414       formic::ColVec<double> temp(hh.cols());
415       for (int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++)
416         temp.at(j) = ( j == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
417       eigensolver -> add_krylov_vector(temp);
418     }
421     // solve the eigenvalue problem
422     double davidson_eval;
423     bool solve_shift = eigensolver -> solve(davidson_eval, output);
425     // scale the eigenvector so that the initial wavefunction has the unit weight
426     if ( my_rank == 0 ) {
427       eigensolver -> convert_to_wf_coeff();
428       formic::ColVec<double> evec_eigen = eigensolver -> wf_coeff();
430       // compute the largest weight on the derivative vector
431       double max_update_abs_value = std::abs(evec_eigen.at(1));
433       // store this eigenvector
434       evec_eigen >>= update_dirs.col_begin(nkept);
436       for (int k = 0; k < nd; k++) {
437         if ( k != 0 )
438           max_update_abs_value = std::abs(evec_eigen.at(k)) > max_update_abs_value ? std::abs(evec_eigen.at(k)) : max_update_abs_value;
439       }
440       output << boost::format("The largest weight on the derivative vector for shift %.4e is %.6e") % shift_i % max_update_abs_value << std::endl << std::endl;
441     }
442   }
444   // clean up memory used by matrices and vectors
445   formic::reusable_array_garbage_collect();
447   // return the eigenvectors in basis 1
448   return update_dirs;
449 }