1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file GeomFigureMesh.cpp
19   \author Y. Lafranche
20   \since 22 May 2008
21   \date 08 Mar 2014
23   \brief Implementation of xlifepp::subdivision::GeomFigureMesh class members and related functions
24 */
26 #include "GeomFigureMesh.hpp"
27 #include "Hexahedron.hpp"
28 #include "Tetrahedron.hpp"
29 #include "Quadrangle.hpp"
30 #include "Triangle.hpp"
31 #include "TeXPolygon.hpp"
33 #include <algorithm>
34 #include<vector>
35 using namespace std;
37 namespace xlifepp {
38 namespace subdivision {
40 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 //  Public member functions
42 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 /*!
45  Returns the list of all the vertices of the element num, with
46  minElementNum_ <= num <= numberOfElements+minElementNum_-1.
47  Each vertex is given by its number, which is >= minVertexNum_.
48  */
49 template<class T_>
element(const number_t num) const50 vector<number_t> GeomFigureMesh<T_>::element(const number_t num) const {
51    vector<number_t> V = listT_.at(num-minElementNum_).rankOfVertices();
52    rankToNum(V);
53    return V;
54 }
56 /*!
57   returns the localization code of the element num, with num such that
58   minElementNum_ <= num <= numberOfElements+minElementNum_-1
59   The code is computed from those of its main vertices. The function
60   returns the localization code of the domain the element belongs to.
61 */
62 template<class T_>
locCode(const number_t num) const63 refnum_t GeomFigureMesh<T_>::locCode(const number_t num) const {
64    const T_& elem(listT_.at(num-minElementNum_));
65    vector<number_t> V = elem.rankOfVertices();
66    refnum_t localcod = listV_[V[0]].locCode();
67    for (number_t j=1; j<elem.numberOfO1Vertices(); j++) {
68       localcod &= listV_[V[j]].locCode();
69    }
70    return localcod;
71 }
73 /*!
74   returns a normal vector to the face number i >= 1 of element num,
75   with num such that minElementNum_ <= num <= numberOfElements+minElementNum_-1
76   The vector is not normalized and is oriented towards the exterior of the element.
77  */
78 template<class T_>
faceExtNormalVec(const number_t num,const number_t i) const79 vector<real_t> GeomFigureMesh<T_>::faceExtNormalVec(const number_t num, const number_t i) const {
80    return listT_.at(num-minElementNum_).extNormVec(i, listV_);
81 }
83 /*!
84   returns the orientation of the face number i >= 1 of element num, with num such that
85   minElementNum_ <= num <= numberOfElements+minElementNum_-1. The function:
86   - returns 1 if the first three vertices (i,j,k) of the face define a vector ij x ik
87     oriented towards the exterior of the element,
88   - returns -1 otherwise.
89 */
90 template<class T_>
faceOrientation(const number_t num,const number_t i) const91 int GeomFigureMesh<T_>::faceOrientation(const number_t num, const number_t i) const {
92    return listT_.at(num-minElementNum_).faceOrientation(i);
93 }
95 /*!
96  Returns the list of elements of the mesh belonging to an area of kind TA
97  or belonging to any area of kind TA if num=0. The elements are given by their
98  number in the whole set of elements of the mesh.
99  */
100 template<class T_>
elementsIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const101 vector<number_t> GeomFigureMesh<T_>::elementsIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
102    vector<number_t> V;
103    refnum_t sig = lCodeOf(TA,num);
105    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
106    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
107       refnum_t localcod = listV_[itT->rankOfVertex(1)].locCode();
108       for (number_t j=2; j<=nb_main_vertices_by_element_; j++) {
109          localcod &= listV_[itT->rankOfVertex(j)].locCode();
110       }
111       // If the element belongs to the area, store its number.
112       if (localcod & sig) {V.push_back(itT->number());}
113    }
114    return V;
115 }
117 /*!
118  Returns the number of edges belonging to an area num of kind TA
119  or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
120  */
121 template<class T_>
numberOfEdgesIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const122 number_t GeomFigureMesh<T_>::numberOfEdgesIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
123    return rk_edgesIn(TA,num).size();
124 }
125 /*!
126  Returns the list of edges of the elements of the mesh belonging to an area num
127  of kind TA or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
128  Each edge is defined by a pair of the form (nelem[i], nedge[i]) where
129    . nelem[i] is the number of the element (>=minElementNum_) the edge belongs to.
130    . nedge[i] is the local number of the edge in the element (from 1 to nb_edges_by_element_)
131  These numbers are stored in two separate vectors nelem and nedge, with the same
132  length, grouped as a pair returned by the function.
133  -> The core of the algorithm is the same in rk_edgesIn.
134  Nota: If TA is an interface, the result consists in fact in two lists, since each
135        segment of the interface belongs to 2 elements. The two lists are intermixed,
136        except when there are only two subdomains, in which case, due to the construction
137        algorithm, the first half of the elements belong to one subdomain and the second
138        half of the elements belong to the other subdomain.
139        If needed, the two lists should be separated using geometric computations.
140  */
141 template<class T_>
142 pair< vector<number_t>,vector<number_t> >
edgeElementsIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const143 GeomFigureMesh<T_>::edgeElementsIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
144    vector<number_t> numEdge;
145    vector<number_t> numElem;
146    refnum_t sig = lCodeOf(TA,num);
148    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
149    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
150       for (number_t i=1; i<=nb_edges_by_element_; i++) {
151          pair_nn prV = itT->rkOfO1VeOnEdge(i);
152          refnum_t localcod = listV_[prV.first].locCode() & listV_[prV.second].locCode();
153          // If the edge belongs to the area, store it.
154          if (localcod & sig) { numEdge.push_back(i); numElem.push_back(itT->number()); }
155       }
156    }
157    return make_pair(numElem, numEdge);
158 }
159 /*!
160  Returns the list of edges of a triangle mesh belonging to an area num of kind TA
161  or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
162  Edges are defined by the number of their vertices (starting from minVertexNum_).
163  */
164 template<class T_>
edgesIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const165 vector< pair_nn > GeomFigureMesh<T_>::edgesIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
166    vector< pair_nn > EonB = rk_edgesIn(TA,num);
167    vector< pair_nn >::iterator itEonB;
169    for (itEonB=EonB.begin(); itEonB != EonB.end(); itEonB++) { rankToNum(*itEonB); }
170    return EonB;
171 }
173 //  functions for 3D geometries
174 /*!
175  Returns the number of faces belonging to an area num of kind TA
176  or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
177  */
178 template<class T_>
numberOfFacesIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const179 number_t GeomFigureMesh<T_>::numberOfFacesIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
180    return rk_facesIn(TA,num).size();
181 }
182 /*!
183  Returns the number of the internal faces of the mesh
184  */
185 template<class T_>
numberOfFacesInside() const186 number_t GeomFigureMesh<T_>::numberOfFacesInside() const {
187 // lazy algorithm: it would be more efficient not to buid the list in memory,
188 //                 but just count the internal faces as they appear in the loop
189 //                  (see function facesInside).
190    return facesInside().size();
191 }
193 /*!
194  Returns the list of faces of the elements of the mesh belonging to an area num
195  of kind TA or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
196  Each face is defined by a pair of the form (nelem[i], nface[i]) where
197    . nelem[i] is the number of the element (>=minElementNum_) the face belongs to,
198    . nface[i] is the local number of the face in the element (from 1 to nb_faces_by_element_).
199  These numbers are stored in two separate vectors nelem and nface, with the same
200  length, grouped as a pair returned by the function.
201  -> The core of the algorithm is the same in rk_facesIn.
202  Nota: If TA is an interface, the result consists in fact in two lists, since each 2D
203        element of the interface belongs to two 3D elements. The two lists are intermixed,
204        except when there are only two subdomains, in which case, due to the construction
205        algorithm, the first half of the elements belong to one subdomain and the second
206        half of the elements belong to the other subdomain.
207        If needed, the two lists should be separated using geometric computations.
208  */
209 template<class T_>
210 pair< vector<number_t>,vector<number_t> >
faceElementsIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const211 GeomFigureMesh<T_>::faceElementsIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
212    vector<number_t> numFace;
213    vector<number_t> numElem;
214    refnum_t sig = lCodeOf(TA,num);
216    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
217    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
218       for (number_t i=1; i<=nb_faces_by_element_; i++) {
219          vector<number_t> vrV = itT->rkOfO1VeOnFace(i);
220          vector<number_t>::const_iterator itvrV(vrV.begin());
221          refnum_t localcod = listV_[*itvrV].locCode();
222          while (++itvrV < vrV.end()) { localcod &= listV_[*itvrV].locCode(); }
223          // If the face belongs to the area, store it.
224          if (localcod & sig) { numFace.push_back(i); numElem.push_back(itT->number()); }
225       }
226    }
227    return make_pair(numElem, numFace);
228 }
230 /*!
231  Returns the list of faces of a mesh belonging to an area num of kind TA
232  or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
233  Faces are defined by the number of their vertices (starting from minVertexNum_).
234  */
235 template<class T_>
facesIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const236 vector< vector<number_t> > GeomFigureMesh<T_>::facesIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
237    vector< vector<number_t> > FonB = rk_facesIn(TA,num);
238    vector< vector<number_t> >::iterator itFonB;
240    for (itFonB=FonB.begin(); itFonB != FonB.end(); itFonB++) { rankToNum(*itFonB); }
241    return FonB;
242 }
244 /*!
245  Returns the list of faces of a mesh which are inside the boundaries.
246  Each face is defined by a pair of the form ( vertices, VnTnF ) where
247    . vertices is a set of integers, corresponding to the numbers of the vertices
248      defining the face,
249    . VnTnF is a vector of two pairs of the form (nelem, nface) corresponding to the
250      two elements sharing the face, where
251      . nelem is the number (>=1) of one of the two elements the face belongs to,
252      . nface is the local number of the face in this element (from 1 to nb_faces_by_element_).
253  */
254 template<class T_>
facesInside() const255 map_set_vec GeomFigureMesh<T_>::facesInside() const {
256    map_set_vec FI;
257    pair< map_set_vec::iterator, bool > retval;
258    refnum_t BMask = TG_.maskOf(boundaryArea);
260    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
261    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
262       for (number_t i=1; i<=nb_faces_by_element_; i++) {
263          vector<number_t> vrV = itT->rkOfO1VeOnFace(i);
264          vector<number_t>::const_iterator itvrV(vrV.begin());
265          refnum_t localcod = BMask & listV_[*itvrV].locCode();
266          while (++itvrV < vrV.end()) { localcod &= listV_[*itvrV].locCode(); }
267      // If the vertices of the face do not belong all to the same boundary patch,
268      // the face is internal and is stored.
269      // Since each such face belongs to two elements, in order to ensure the
270      // face is stored only once, the vector vrV is converted into a set (ordered) used
271      // as the key value of the map, whose occurrence is thus unique.
272      if (! localcod) {
273         rankToNum(vrV);
274         set_n Face(vrV.begin(),vrV.end());
275         pair_nn nTnF(make_pair(itT->number(),i));
276         vector< pair_nn > VnTnF; VnTnF.push_back(nTnF);
277         retval = FI.insert(make_pair(Face, VnTnF));
278         if (! retval.second) {// add second element sharing this face
279            (retval.first->second).push_back(nTnF);
280            }
281         }
282       }
283    }
284    return FI;
285 }
287 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 //  I/O utilities
289 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 /*!
291  Prints, on stream os, the definition of a mesh with vertices coordinates.
292  */
293 template<class T_>
printall(ostream & os) const294 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::printall(ostream& os) const {
295    printInfo(os);
297    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
298    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
299       os << "Element " << itT->number() << endl;
300       for (number_t j=1; j<=nb_main_vertices_by_element_; j++) {
301          listV_[itT->rankOfVertex(j)].print(os,TG_);
302       }
303    }
304    os << endl;
306    os << endl << "List of vertices :" << endl;
307    vector<Vertex>::const_iterator itV;
308    for (itV=listV_.begin(); itV != listV_.end(); itV++) {itV->print(os,TG_);}
309    os << endl;
310 }
312 /*!
313  Prints, on stream os, the definition of a mesh.
314  */
315 template<class T_>
print(ostream & os) const316 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::print(ostream& os) const {
317    printInfo(os);
319    os << endl << "List of elements (vertices are given by their number):" << endl;
320    for (number_t nel=1; nel<=numberOfElements(); nel++) {
321       os << "Element " << nel << " : ";
322       vector<number_t> nV(element(nel));
323       for (size_t i=0; i<nV.size(); i++) {os << nV[i] << " ";}
324       os << endl;
325    }
327    os << endl << "List of elements (vertices are given by their rank in the vertex list):" << endl;
328    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
329    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
330       itT->print(os);
331    }
333    os << endl << "List of vertices :" << endl;
334    vector<Vertex>::const_iterator itV;
335    number_t k;
336    for (itV=listV_.begin(), k=0; itV != listV_.end(); itV++,k++) {
337       os << "Rank " << setw(4) << k << " ";
338       itV->print(os,TG_);}
339    os << endl;
340 }
342 /*!
343  Prints, on stream ftex, Fig4TeX instructions to draw a mesh.
344  The observation direction is defined by the longitude Psi and the latitude Theta,
345  given in degrees. nbviews figures are drawn, all with the same latitude, the
346  longitude varying by a 360/nbviews increment.
347 */
348 template<class T_>
printTeX(ostream & ftex,const float Psi,const float Theta,const number_t nbviews,const string & DimProj,const bool withInterface,const bool withElems) const349 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::printTeX(ostream& ftex, const float Psi, const float Theta,
350                                const number_t nbviews, const string& DimProj,
351                                const bool withInterface, const bool withElems) const {
352    ftex << "\\let\\showfigOne\\centerline" << endl;
353    ftex << "\\def\\showfigTwo#1#2{\\centerline{#1}\\nobreak\\medskip\\centerline{#2}}" << endl;
354    ftex << "\\input fig4tex.tex" << endl;
355    printTeXHeader(ftex);
356    ftex << "%" << endl;
357    ftex << "% 1. Definition of characteristic points" << endl;
358    ftex << "\\figinit{"<< DimProj << "}" << endl;
360    bool drawInterface = withInterface && numberOfInterfaces() > 0;
361    printTeXPoints(ftex,drawInterface);
362    ftex << "%" << endl;
364    float psi = Psi, deltapsi = 360./nbviews;
365    for (number_t numv=1; numv <= nbviews; numv++) {
366       ostringstream ss;
367       ss << "Subdiv. level "<< subdiv_level_
368             << ", long. "<< psi << "$^\\circ$, lat. " << Theta << "$^\\circ$";
369       if (drawInterface) {
370          createFileNBox(ftex,boundaryArea,psi,Theta,"A",string("Domain"));
371          createFileNBox(ftex,interfaceArea,psi,Theta,"B",string("Interfaces"));
372          ftex << "\\showfigTwo{\\box\\figBoxA\\hfil\\quad\\box\\figBoxB}{"
373               << ss.str() << "}" << endl;
374          }
375       else {
376          createFileNBox(ftex,boundaryArea,psi,Theta,"A",ss.str());
377          ftex << "\\showfigOne{\\box\\figBoxA}" << endl;
378          }
379       ftex << "%-------------------------------- End of figure --------------------------------" << endl;
380       ftex << "\\bigskip\\vfill" << endl;
381       psi += deltapsi;
382    }
384 // Draw the elements if requested (essentially usefull in 3D and to check high degree vertices)
385    if (withElems) {
386       ftex << "\\bigskip\\vfill\\eject" << endl;
387       ftex << "% Draw all the elements of the mesh" << endl;
388       printTeXInArea(ftex,0,subdomainArea);
389       ftex << "\\figdrawbegin{}"<< endl;
390       vector<number_t>::iterator itN;
391       number_t ind, indx(numberOfMainVerticesByElement());
392       // Draw all the elements of the mesh
393       number_t nbElts = numberOfElements();
394       for (number_t k=1; k<=nbElts; k++) {
395         vector<number_t> N = element(k);
396         ftex << "\\drawElem";
397         for (itN=N.begin(), ind=0; ind<indx; ind++,itN++) {
398           ftex << "{" << *itN << "}";
399           }
400         ftex << endl;
401       }
402       ftex << "\\figdrawend" << endl;
403       ftex << "\\figvisu{\\figBoxA}{" << nbElts << " elements of order " << order_ << "}{" << endl;
404       ftex << "% Write all the vertices as a whole" << endl;
405       ftex << "%\\figshowpts[1," << numberOfVertices() << "]" << endl;
406       ftex << "% Write all the vertices, element by element, including high order vertices if any" << endl;
407       ftex << "\\figset write(ptname={\\bf{#1}})" << endl;
408       // Write all the vertices, element by element, including high order vertices if any
409       for (number_t k=1; k<=nbElts; k++) {
410         vector<number_t> N = element(k);
411         itN=N.begin();
412         ftex << "\\figwritec[" << *itN++ ;
413         for (; itN<N.end(); itN++) {
414           ftex << "," << *itN ;
415           }
416         ftex << "]{}" << endl;
417       }
418       ftex << "}" << endl << "\\centerline{\\box\\figBoxA}" << endl;
419    }
420    ftex << "\\bye" << endl;
421 }
423 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
424 //  Protected member functions
425 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 // defined here because of instantiation, but never used in practice
427 template<class T_>
algoSubdiv(const T_ & T,number_t & ElementNum,number_t & VertexNum,vector<T_> & listT,map_pair_num & SeenEdges)428 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::algoSubdiv(const T_& T, number_t& ElementNum, number_t& VertexNum,
429                                     vector<T_>& listT, map_pair_num& SeenEdges) {
430    error("nofunc","GeomFigureMesh" ,"algoSubdiv");
431 }
433    //! build the mesh, compute high order vertices and check consistency
434 template<class T_>
buildNcheck(number_t & VertexNum)435 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::buildNcheck(number_t& VertexNum) {
436    if (order_ < 1) {order_ = 1;}
437 //   Subdivisions
438    buildMesh(VertexNum);
439 //   Store the number of vertices of order 1
440    nb_main_vertices_ = listV_.size();
442 //   End with computing high order vertices, if required, and some ckecks
443    try {
444       // Take order into account: compute additionnal high order vertices
445       if (order_ > 1) {
446          createHOV(VertexNum); // throw (HOV_error)
447       }
448       // Check number of vertices for each element and the number assigned to each of them
449       checkElements(); // throw (number_t *)
450       // Check the number assigned to each vertex
451       vector<Vertex>::const_iterator itV;
452       number_t k;
453       for (itV=listV_.begin(), k=minVertexNum_; itV != listV_.end(); itV++, k++) {
454          if (itV->number() != k) {
455             throw std::make_pair(itV->number(), k);
456          }
457       }
458    }
459    catch (HOV_error pb) {
460       cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
461       cout << "From subdivision mesh constructor" << endl;
462       cout << " Error during high order vertices generation while processing" << endl;
463       cout << " element " << pb.elemNum << " and vertex " << pb.vertexNum << endl;
464       cout << pb.mes << endl;
465       cout << " Rank of vertex 1 = " << pb.rV1 << endl;
466       cout << " Rank of vertex 2 = " << pb.rV2 << endl;
467       cout << " Rank of vertex 3 = " << pb.rV3 << endl;
468       cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
469    }
470    catch (number_t *values) {
471       cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
472       cout << "From subdivision mesh constructor" << endl;
473       cout << " Error detected during post construction check:" << endl;
474       cout << "Computed element number : " << values[0] << endl;
475       cout << "Expected element number : " << values[1] << endl;
476       cout << values[2] << " vertices computed on this element " << endl;
477       cout << values[3] << " vertices expected." << endl;
478       cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
479    }
480    catch (pair_nn values) {
481       cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
482       cout << "From subdivision mesh constructor" << endl;
483       cout << " Error detected during post construction check:" << endl;
484       cout << "Computed vertex number : " << values.first << endl;
485       cout << "Expected vertex number : " << values.second << endl;
486       cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
487    }
488 }
490 /*!
491  Build the mesh by successive subdivisions of the initial mesh.
492  Input arguments :
493    VertexNum   : number of the last vertex created in the initial mesh
494  Output arguments :
495    VertexNum   : number of the last vertex created in the mesh
496   */
497 template<class T_>
buildMesh(number_t & VertexNum)498 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::buildMesh(number_t& VertexNum){
499 //  At each subdivision, the elements are numbered starting from minElementNum_ (via
500 //  the statement ElementNum=minElementNum_-1), since theses are all new elements.
501 //  On the contrary, the vertices are all kept from the beginning and the vertex counter
502 //  VertexNum must not be reinitialized.
503 //  Nota: By construction, the elements stored in listT_ are grouped by subdomains.
504    for (number_t i=0; i<subdiv_level_; i++) {
505       number_t ElementNum = minElementNum_ - 1;
506       vector<T_> tmplistT;
507       // listT_.size() is the number of elements built during previous subdivision
508       tmplistT.reserve(subdivisionFactor_*listT_.size());
509       map_pair_num SeenEdges;
510       typename vector<T_>::iterator itT;
511       for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
512          algoSubdiv(*itT,ElementNum,VertexNum,tmplistT,SeenEdges);
513       }
514       listT_ = tmplistT;
515    }
516    initDefaultUserAttribute();
517 }
518 /*!
519  Check number of vertices for each element and the number assigned to each of them
520  */
521 template<class T_>
checkElements()522 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::checkElements() {
523    number_t k;
524    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
525    for (itT=listT_.begin(), k=minElementNum_; itT != listT_.end(); itT++, k++) {
526       if (itT->numberOfVertices() != total_nb_vertices_by_element_ || itT->number() != k) {
527          number_t values[] = {itT->number(), k, itT->numberOfVertices(), total_nb_vertices_by_element_};
528          throw values;
529       }
530    }
531 }
533 /*!
534  Create high order vertices.
535  Input arguments :
536  \param VertexNum : number of the last vertex created so far in the mesh
537  Output arguments :
538  \param VertexNum : number of the last vertex created in the mesh by this procedure
539  */
540 template<class T_>
createHOV(number_t & VertexNum)541 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::createHOV(number_t& VertexNum){
542    map_set_pair SeenEdges;
543    map_set_pair_in SeenFaces;
544    typename vector<T_>::iterator itT;
546    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
547 // Vertices inside each edge
548       for (number_t numEdge=1; numEdge<=nb_edges_by_element_; numEdge++) {
549          createHOeV(*itT,order_,VertexNum,numEdge,SeenEdges);
550       }
551 // Vertices inside each face
552       for (number_t numFace=1; numFace<=nb_faces_by_element_; numFace++) {
553          createHOfV(*itT,order_,VertexNum,numFace,SeenFaces);
554       }
555 // Internal vertices
556       createHOiV(*itT,order_,VertexNum);
557    }
558 }
559 /*!
560  Create or retrieve high order vertices on the edge numEdge of element Elem.
561  Their numbers are consecutive on the edge.
562  The creation process of the new vertices and the numbering defined in
563  T_::numberingOfVertices are coherent.
564  */
565 template<class T_>
createHOeV(T_ & Elem,const number_t order,number_t & VertexNum,const number_t numEdge,map_set_pair & SeenEdges)566 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::createHOeV(T_& Elem, const number_t order, number_t& VertexNum,
567                                     const number_t numEdge, map_set_pair& SeenEdges){
568    pair_nn prV = Elem.rkOfO1VeOnEdge(numEdge);
569    // Map key is a set in order to create a unique entry in the map, regardless of
570    // the way the edge is defined.
571    number_t rV1 = prV.first;
572    number_t rV2 = prV.second;
573    set_n Edge; Edge.insert(rV1); Edge.insert(rV2);
574    map_set_pair::iterator itSE;
576    if ((itSE=SeenEdges.find(Edge)) == SeenEdges.end()) {
577       // This edge has not yet been seen: compute the corresponding vertices
578       // Store the edge along with the corresponding couple (rank of the
579       // first new vertex created in the edge, rank of the first vertex
580       // defining the edge)
581       pair_nn NV (VertexNum, rV1);
582       SeenEdges.insert(make_pair(Edge,NV));
584       // Compute the new vertices along this edge
585       Vertex V1=listV_[rV1];
586       Vertex V2=listV_[rV2];
587       refnum_t localcod = V1.locCode() & V2.locCode();
588       // We compute the position of each point as a barycenter of the two end-points of the edge.
589       // The numbering is decreasing from V1 towards V2.
590       //           V1                                                                           V2
591       //           |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
592       // coef[0] =            1          2             . . .             k-2        k-1
593       // coef[1] =           k-1        k-2            . . .              2          1
594       vector<Point> VP(2);
595       VP[0] = V1.geomPt();
596       VP[1] = V2.geomPt();
597       real_t coef[2];
598       Point P;
599       for (number_t i1=1; i1<order; i1++) {
600          coef[0] = i1;
601          coef[1] = order-i1;
602          P = (this->*newVertexPt_)(localcod,coef,VP);
603          Elem.vertices_.push_back(VertexNum);// add rank of the new vertex
604          listV_.push_back(Vertex(++VertexNum,localcod,P));// store the new vertex
605       }
606    }
607    else {
608 // Edge found: get back the corresponding vertices whose numbers are consecutive
609 // along this edge, starting from num.
610       number_t num = (itSE->second).first;
611       // Find the edge orientation
612       if ( (itSE->second).second == rV1){
613          for (number_t i1=1; i1<order; i1++) {
614             Elem.vertices_.push_back(num++);// add rank of the vertex
615          }
616       }
617       else {
618          num += order-2;
619          for (number_t i1=1; i1<order; i1++) {
620             Elem.vertices_.push_back(num--);// add rank of the vertex
621          }
622       }
623    }
624 }
625 // defined here because of instantiation, but never used in practice
626 template<class T_>
printTeXHeader(ostream & ftex) const627 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::printTeXHeader(ostream& ftex) const {
628    error("nofunc","GeomFigureMesh","printTeXHeader");
629 }
630 /*!
631  Prints, on stream ftex, Fig4TeX instructions to define points to be used for
632  the display of the mesh. These points are located on the boundaries of the domain
633  or on the interfaces.
634  */
635 template<class T_>
printTeXPoints(ostream & ftex,const bool withInterface) const636 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::printTeXPoints(ostream& ftex, const bool withInterface) const {
637    printTeXInArea(ftex,0,boundaryArea);
638    if (withInterface) { printTeXInArea(ftex,0,interfaceArea); }
639 }
641 /*!
642  Prints, on stream ftex, Fig4TeX instructions to draw faces of a mesh belonging
643  to any area of kind TA. The faces are ordered from the farthest to the nearest
644  along the observation direction defined by the longitude psi and the latitude
645  theta, given in degrees.
646  */
647 template<class T_>
printTeXSortedAreaFoE(ostream & ftex,const topologicalArea TA,const float psi,const float theta) const648 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::printTeXSortedAreaFoE(ostream& ftex, const topologicalArea TA,
649                                                const float psi, const float theta) const {
650    vector<TeXPolygon> BF;
651    number_t number_of_area = TG_.numberOf(TA);
653 //  Collect all the boundary faces and keep their associated boundary number
654    for (number_t numArea=1; numArea<=number_of_area; numArea++) {
655       vector< vector<number_t> > FonB = rk_facesIn(TA,numArea);
656       vector< vector<number_t> >::iterator itFonB;
657       for (itFonB=FonB.begin(); itFonB != FonB.end(); itFonB++) {
658          BF.push_back(TeXPolygon(*itFonB,numArea,listV_));
659       }
660       // Define boundary colors
661       ftex << "\\def\\Color" << string(1,'@'+numArea)  // ColorA, ColorB...
662            << "{" << colorOf(TA,numArea) << "}% " << TG_.nameOf(TA,numArea) << endl;
663    }
664 //  Sort the faces from the farthest to the nearest
665 //  1. Compute the vector defining the observation direction
666    real_t psird = psi*pi_/180.;
667    real_t thetard = theta*pi_/180.;
668    real_t ct = std::cos(thetard);
669 //   TeXPolygon::OD = Vect(ct*cos(psird), ct*sin(psird), sin(thetard));
670    TeXPolygon::initObsDir(Vect(ct*std::cos(psird), ct*std::sin(psird), std::sin(thetard)));
671 //  2. Apply sort algorithm
672    sort(BF.begin(),BF.end());
673 //  3. Print the sorted faces
674    if (number_of_area > 0) {
675       ftex << "% " << BF.size() << " faces on " << TG_.kindOf(TA) << " " << TG_.nameOf(TA,1);
676    }
677    for (number_t numArea=2; numArea<=number_of_area; numArea++) {
678       ftex << ", " << TG_.nameOf(TA,numArea);
679    }
680    ftex << endl;
681    vector<TeXPolygon>::iterator itBF;
682    vector<number_t>::const_iterator itF;
683    for (itBF=BF.begin(); itBF != BF.end(); itBF++) {
684       ftex << "\\drawFace";
685       for (itF=itBF->Vrank().begin(); itF != itBF->Vrank().end(); itF++) {
686          ftex << "{" << listV_[*itF].number() << "}";
687       }
688       ftex << "{\\Color" << string(1,'@'+itBF->attrib()) << "}";
689       ftex << endl;
690    }
691 }
693 /*!
694  Returns the list of edges of a mesh belonging to area num of kind TA
695  or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
696  Edges are defined by the rank of their vertices in the internal list of vertices.
697  */
698 template<class T_>
rk_edgesIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const699 vector< pair_nn > GeomFigureMesh<T_>::rk_edgesIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
700    vector< pair_nn > EonB;
701    refnum_t sig = lCodeOf(TA,num);
703    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
704    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
705       for (number_t i=1; i<=nb_edges_by_element_; i++) {
706          pair_nn prV = itT->rkOfO1VeOnEdge(i);
707          refnum_t localcod = listV_[prV.first].locCode() & listV_[prV.second].locCode();
708          // If the edge belongs to the area, store it.
709          if (localcod & sig) {EonB.push_back(prV);}
710       }
711    }
712    return EonB;
713 }
715 /*!
716  Returns the list of faces of a mesh belonging to area num of kind TA
717  or belonging to any area of this kind if num=0.
718  Faces are defined by the rank of their vertices in the internal list of vertices.
719  */
720 template<class T_>
rk_facesIn(const topologicalArea TA,const number_t num) const721 vector< vector<number_t> > GeomFigureMesh<T_>::rk_facesIn(const topologicalArea TA, const number_t num) const {
722    vector< vector<number_t> > FonB;
723    refnum_t sig = lCodeOf(TA,num);
725    typename vector<T_>::const_iterator itT;
726    for (itT=listT_.begin(); itT != listT_.end(); itT++) {
727       for (number_t i=1; i<=nb_faces_by_element_; i++) {
728          vector<number_t> vrV = itT->rkOfO1VeOnFace(i);
729          vector<number_t>::const_iterator itvrV(vrV.begin());
730          refnum_t localcod = listV_[*itvrV].locCode();
731          while (++itvrV < vrV.end()) { localcod &= listV_[*itvrV].locCode(); }
732          // If the face belongs to the area, store it.
733          if (localcod & sig) {
734             if (itT->faceOrientation(i) > 0) { FonB.push_back(vrV); }
735             else {// orientation is negative : store vertices in the reverse order
736                FonB.push_back(vector<number_t> (vrV.rbegin(),vrV.rend())); }
737          }
738       }
739    }
740    return FonB;
741 }
742 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 //  Private member functions
744 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
745 /*!
746  Write on stream ftex Fig4TeX instructions to create the graphical file and
747  the associated TeX box. Selected faces and edges belong to areas of kind TA.
748  Longitude psi and latitude theta define the observation direction.
749  boxName is the name of the TeX box created.
750  */
751 template<class T_>
createFileNBox(ostream & ftex,const topologicalArea TA,const float psi,const float theta,const char * boxName,const string & caption) const752 void GeomFigureMesh<T_>::createFileNBox(ostream& ftex, const topologicalArea TA,
753                                         const float psi, const float theta, const char* boxName,
754                                         const string& caption) const {
755    ftex << "\\figset proj(psi=" << psi << ", theta=" << theta << ")" << endl;
756    ftex << "% 2. Creation of the graphical file" << endl;
757    ftex << "\\figdrawbegin{}" << endl;
758    printTeXSortedAreaFoE(ftex,TA,psi,theta);
759    ftex << "\\figdrawend" << endl;
760    ftex << "%" << endl;
761    ftex << "% 3. Writing text on the figure" << endl;
762    ftex << "\\figvisu{\\figBox" << boxName << "}{" << caption << "}{" << endl;
763    // Display first points:
764    ftex << "\\figshowpts[1," << nb_main_vertices_by_element_ << "]" << endl;
765    ftex << "}" << endl;
766 }
768 // class instantiations:
769 template class GeomFigureMesh<Hexahedron>;
770 template class GeomFigureMesh<Tetrahedron>;
771 template class GeomFigureMesh<Quadrangle>;
772 template class GeomFigureMesh<Triangle>;
774 } // end of namespace subdivision
775 } // end of namespace xlifepp