1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
2 /** @file
3  * TODO: insert short description here
4  *//*
5  * Authors:
6  * see git history
7  * Fred
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors
10  * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
11  */
13 #ifndef my_defs
14 #define my_defs
16 #include <cstdint>
18 // error codes (mostly obsolete)
19 enum
20 {
21   avl_no_err = 0,		// 0 is the error code for "everything OK"
22   avl_bal_err = 1,
23   avl_rm_err = 2,
24   avl_ins_err = 3,
25   shape_euler_err = 4,		// computations result in a non-eulerian graph, thus the function cannot do a proper polygon
26   // despite the rounding sheme, this still happen with uber-complex graphs
27   // note that coordinates are stored in double => double precision for the computation is not even
28   // enough to get exact results (need quadruple precision, i think).
29   shape_input_err = 5,		// the function was given an incorrect input (not a polygon, or not eulerian)
30   shape_nothing_to_do = 6		// the function had nothing to do (zero offset, etc)
31 };
33 // return codes for the find function in the AVL tree (private)
34 enum
35 {
36   not_found = 0,
37   found_exact = 1,
38   found_on_left = 2,
39   found_on_right = 3,
40   found_between = 4
41 };
43 // types of cap for stroking polylines
44 enum butt_typ
45 {
46   butt_straight,		// straight line
47   butt_square,			// half square
48   butt_round,			// half circle
49   butt_pointy			// a little pointy hat
50 };
51 // types of joins for stroking paths
52 enum join_typ
53 {
54   join_straight,		// a straight line
55   join_round,			// arc of circle (in fact, one or two quadratic bezier curve chunks)
56   join_pointy			// a miter join (uses the miter parameter)
57 };
58 typedef enum butt_typ ButtType;
59 typedef enum join_typ JoinType;
61 enum fill_typ
62 {
63   fill_oddEven   = 0,
64   fill_nonZero   = 1,
65   fill_positive  = 2,
66   fill_justDont = 3
67 };
68 typedef enum fill_typ FillRule;
70 // info for a run of pixel to fill
71 struct raster_info {
72 		int       startPix,endPix;  // start and end pixel from the polygon POV
73 		int       sth,stv;          // coordinates for the first pixel in the run, in (possibly another) POV
74 		uint32_t* buffer;           // pointer to the first pixel in the run
75 };
76 typedef void (*RasterInRunFunc) (raster_info &dest,void *data,int nst,float vst,int nen,float ven);	// init for position ph,pv; the last parameter is a pointer
79 enum Side {
80     LEFT = 0,
81     RIGHT = 1
82 };
84 enum FirstOrLast {
85     FIRST = 0,
86     LAST = 1
87 };
89 #endif