2 /*
3 A* -------------------------------------------------------------------
4 B* This file contains source code for the PyMOL computer program
5 C* copyright 1998-2000 by Warren Lyford Delano of DeLano Scientific.
6 D* -------------------------------------------------------------------
7 E* It is unlawful to modify or remove this copyright notice.
8 F* -------------------------------------------------------------------
9 G* Please see the accompanying LICENSE file for further information.
10 H* -------------------------------------------------------------------
11 I* Additional authors of this source file include:
12 -*
13 -*
14 -*
15 Z* -------------------------------------------------------------------
16 */
17 #ifndef _H_PyMOLObject
18 #define _H_PyMOLObject
21 /* literally a 3-D object...also an object object */
23 #include"Base.h"
24 #include"Ray.h"
25 #include"Rep.h"
26 #include"Setting.h"
27 #include"Symmetry.h"
28 #include"PyMOLGlobals.h"
29 #include"View.h"
30 #include"Word.h"
31 #include"vla.h"
33 typedef char ObjectNameType[WordLength];
35 enum cObject_t : int {
36   cObjectMolecule = 1,
37   cObjectMap = 2,
38   cObjectMesh = 3,
39   cObjectMeasurement = 4,
40   cObjectCallback = 5,
41   cObjectCGO = 6,
42   cObjectSurface = 7,
43   cObjectGadget = 8,
44   cObjectCalculator = 9,
45   cObjectSlice = 10,
46   cObjectAlignment = 11,
47   cObjectGroup = 12,
48   cObjectVolume = 13,
49 };
51 /*
52    the object base class is in the process of being converted to support
53    states explicitly (an unfortunate early omission), which will allow
54    for simplified implementation of future multi-state objects.
55  */
57 struct CObjectState {
58   PyMOLGlobals *G;
59   std::vector<double> Matrix;
60   std::vector<double> InvMatrix;
CObjectStateCObjectState61   CObjectState() : G(nullptr){};
CObjectStateCObjectState62   CObjectState(PyMOLGlobals * G): G(G) {};
63 };
65 struct CObject {
66   PyMOLGlobals *G = nullptr;
67   cObject_t type;
68   ObjectNameType Name {};
69   int Color = 0;
70   int visRep = 0;
71   float ExtentMin[3]{}, ExtentMax[3]{};
72   int ExtentFlag = false, TTTFlag = false;
73   float TTT[16]{};                /* translate, transform, translate matrix (to apply when rendering) */
74   CSetting *Setting = nullptr;
75   int Enabled = 0;                  /* read-only... maintained by Scene */
76   int Context = 0;                  /* 0 = Camera, 1 = Unit Window, 2 = Scaled Window */
77   pymol::vla<CViewElem> ViewElem;          /* for animating objects via the TTT */
79   /* not pickled */
80   int grid_slot = 0;
81   CGO *gridSlotSelIndicatorsCGO = nullptr;
82   int Grabbed = 0;
84   // methods
85   int getCurrentState() const;
86   CObjectState* getObjectState(int state);
getObjectStateCObject87   const CObjectState* getObjectState(int state) const
88   {
89     return const_cast<CObject*>(this)->getObjectState(state);
90   }
92 protected:
93   CObject(PyMOLGlobals* G);
95   /// @pre `0 <= state && state < getNFrame()`
96   /// @return NULL if state is empty (not active)
_getObjectStateCObject97   virtual CObjectState* _getObjectState(int state) { return nullptr; }
99 public:
100   virtual ~CObject();
updateCObject102   virtual void update() {}
103   virtual void render(RenderInfo* info);
invalidateCObject104   virtual void invalidate(int rep, int level, int state) {}
getNFrameCObject105   virtual int getNFrame() const { return 1; }
106   virtual void describeElement(int index, char* buffer) const;
getCaptionCObject107   virtual char* getCaption(char* ch, int len) const { return nullptr; };
108   virtual CSetting **getSettingHandle(int state);
cloneCObject109   virtual CObject* clone() const { return nullptr; };
110   virtual CSymmetry const* getSymmetry(int state = 0) const { return nullptr; }
111   virtual bool setSymmetry(CSymmetry const&, int state = 0) { return false; }
112 };
114 int ObjectCopyHeader(CObject * I, const CObject * src);
115 void ObjectSetName(CObject * I, const char *name);
116 bool ObjectMakeValidName(char *name);
117 void ObjectMakeValidName(PyMOLGlobals * G, char *name, bool quiet = false);
118 void ObjectPurgeSettings(CObject * I);
119 void ObjectUseColor(CObject * I);
120 void ObjectUseColorCGO(CGO *cgo, CObject * I);
121 void ObjectSetRepVisMask(CObject * I, int repmask, int value);
122 void ObjectToggleRepVis(CObject * I, int rep);
123 void ObjectPrepareContext(CObject * I, RenderInfo * info);
124 void ObjectSetTTT(CObject * I, const float *ttt, int state,int store);
125 int ObjectGetTTT(CObject * I, const float **ttt, int state);
126 int ObjectGetTotalMatrix(CObject * I, int state, int history, double *matrix);
127 void ObjectCombineTTT(CObject * I, const float *ttt, int reverse_order, int store);
128 void ObjectTranslateTTT(CObject * T, const float *v,int store);
129 void ObjectSetTTTOrigin(CObject * I, float *origin);
130 void ObjectResetTTT(CObject * I,int store);
131 PyObject *ObjectAsPyList(CObject * I);
132 int ObjectFromPyList(PyMOLGlobals * G, PyObject * list, CObject * I);
133 int ObjectGetCurrentState(CObject * I, int ignore_all_states);
134 void ObjectAdjustStateRebuildRange(CObject * I, int *start, int *stop);
135 int ObjectMotion(CObject * I, int action, int first,
136                  int last, float power, float bias,
137                  int simple, float linear, int wrap,
138                  int hand, int window, int cycles, int state, int quiet);
139 int ObjectGetSpecLevel(CObject * I, int frame);
140 void ObjectMotionTrim(CObject *I, int n_frame);
141 void ObjectDrawViewElem(CObject *I, BlockRect *rect, int frames, CGO *orthoCGO);
142 void ObjectStateInit(PyMOLGlobals * G, CObjectState * I);
143 void ObjectStatePurge(CObjectState * I);
144 int ObjectStateSetMatrix(CObjectState * I, double *matrix);
145 double *ObjectStateGetMatrix(CObjectState * I);
146 double *ObjectStateGetInvMatrix(CObjectState * I);
147 void ObjectStateTransformMatrix(CObjectState * I, double *matrix);
148 void ObjectStateResetMatrix(CObjectState * I);
149 PyObject *ObjectStateAsPyList(CObjectState * I);
150 int ObjectStateFromPyList(PyMOLGlobals * G, PyObject * list, CObjectState * I);
151 int ObjectStatePushAndApplyMatrix(CObjectState * I, RenderInfo * info);
152 void ObjectStatePopMatrix(CObjectState * I, RenderInfo * info);
153 void ObjectStateRightCombineMatrixR44d(CObjectState * I, double *matrix);
154 void ObjectStateLeftCombineMatrixR44d(CObjectState * I, double *matrix);
155 void ObjectStateCombineMatrixTTT(CObjectState * I, float *matrix);
156 int ObjectMotionModify(CObject *I,int action, int index, int count,int target, int freeze, int localize);
157 void ObjectMotionReinterpolate(CObject *I);
158 int ObjectMotionGetLength(CObject *I);
160 typedef struct _CObjectUpdateThreadInfo CObjectUpdateThreadInfo;
162 #define cObjectTypeAll                    0
163 #define cObjectTypeObjects                1
164 #define cObjectTypeSelections             2
165 #define cObjectTypePublic                 3
166 #define cObjectTypePublicObjects          4
167 #define cObjectTypePublicSelections       5
168 #define cObjectTypePublicNonGroupObjects  6
169 #define cObjectTypePublicGroupObjects     7
170 #define cObjectTypeNonGroupObjects        8
171 #define cObjectTypeGroupObjects           9
172 /* Note: public objects are ones that do not start with "_" */
174 // object and object-state level setting
175 template <typename V> void SettingSet(int index, V value, CObject * obj, int state=-1) {
176     auto handle = obj->getSettingHandle(state);
177     if (handle)
178       SettingSet(obj->G, handle, index, value);
179 }
181 #endif