1 /*
2  * CalmaRead.c --
3  *
4  * Input of Calma GDS-II stream format.
5  *
6  *     *********************************************************************
7  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
8  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
9  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
10  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
11  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
12  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
13  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
14  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
15  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
16  *     *********************************************************************
17  */
19 #ifndef lint
20 static char rcsid[] __attribute__ ((unused)) = "$Header: /usr/cvsroot/magic-8.0/calma/CalmaRead.c,v 1.3 2010/06/24 12:37:15 tim Exp $";
21 #endif  /* not lint */
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <sys/types.h>
26 #include <unistd.h>
28 #include <netinet/in.h>
30 #include "utils/magic.h"
31 #include "utils/geometry.h"
32 #include "tiles/tile.h"
33 #include "utils/utils.h"
34 #include "utils/hash.h"
35 #include "database/database.h"
36 #include "database/databaseInt.h"
37 #include "utils/malloc.h"
38 #include "utils/tech.h"
39 #include "cif/cif.h"
40 #include "cif/CIFint.h"
41 #include "cif/CIFread.h"
42 #include "utils/signals.h"
43 #include "windows/windows.h"
44 #include "dbwind/dbwind.h"
45 #include "utils/styles.h"
46 #include "textio/textio.h"
47 #include "calma/calmaInt.h"
48 #include "commands/commands.h"		/* for CmdGetRootPoint */
49 #include "utils/main.h"			/* for EditCellUse */
50 #include "utils/undo.h"
52 /* Globals for Calma reading */
53 FILE *calmaInputFile = NULL;		/* Read from this stream */
54 FILE *calmaErrorFile = NULL;		/* Write error output here */
55 bool CalmaSubcellPolygons = FALSE;	/* Put non-Manhattan polygons
56 					 * in their own subcells.
57 					 */
58 int CalmaPolygonCount;
59 bool CalmaSubcellPaths = FALSE;		/* Put paths in their own subcells. */
60 int CalmaPathCount;
61 bool CalmaFlattenUses = FALSE;		/* If TRUE, small cells in the input
62 					 * stream are flattened when encountered
63 					 * as uses.  This improves magic's
64 					 * performance when handling contacts
65 					 * saved as subcell arrays.
66 					 */
67 char **CalmaFlattenUsesByName = NULL;	/* NULL-terminated list of strings
68 					 * to do glob-style pattern matching
69 					 * to determine what cells to flatten
70 					 * by cellname.
71 					 */
72 bool CalmaReadOnly = FALSE;		/* Set files to read-only and
73 					 * retain file position information
74 					 * so cells can be written verbatim.
75 					 */
76 bool CalmaNoDRCCheck = FALSE;		/* If TRUE, don't mark cells as needing
77 					 * a DRC check;  they will be assumed
78 					 * DRC clean.
79 					 */
80 bool CalmaPostOrder = FALSE;		/* If TRUE, forces the GDS parser to
81 					 * read cells in post-order.  It is
82 					 * necessary, e.g., when we need to
83 					 * flatten cells that are contact cuts.
84 					 * Added by Nishit 8/16/2004
85 					 */
86 bool CalmaNoDuplicates = FALSE;		/* If TRUE, then if a cell exists in
87 					 * memory with the same name as a cell
88 					 * in the GDS file, then the cell in
89 					 * the GDS file is skipped.
90 					 */
91 bool CalmaUnique = FALSE;		/* If TRUE, then if a cell exists in
92 					 * memory with the same name as a cell
93 					 * in the GDS file, then the cell in
94 					 * memory is renamed to a unique
95 					 * identifier with a _N suffix.
96 					 */
97 extern void calmaUnexpected();
98 extern int calmaWriteInitFunc();
100 bool calmaParseUnits();
102 /*
103  * Scaling.
104  * Multiply all coordinates by calmaReadScale1, then divide them
105  * by calmaReadScale2 in order to get coordinates in centimicrons.
106  */
107 int calmaReadScale1;
108 int calmaReadScale2;
110 int calmaTotalErrors;
112 /*
113  * Lookahead: calmaLApresent is TRUE when calmaLAnbytes and calmaLArtype
114  * are set to the record header of a record we just ungot.
115  */
116 bool calmaLApresent;	/* TRUE if lookahead input waiting */
117 int calmaLAnbytes;	/* # bytes in record (from header)  */
118 int calmaLArtype;	/* Record type */
120 /*
121  * Hash table for errors, indexed by (layer, datatype).
122  * The corresponding entry in this table is created whenever
123  * a (layer, datatype) is seen that we don't recognize, so
124  * we don't output an error message more than once.
125  */
126 HashTable calmaLayerHash;
128 /*
129  * Hash table to keep track of all defs that have appeared
130  * in this file.  Indexed by cell def name.
131  */
132 HashTable calmaDefInitHash;
134 /* Common stuff to ignore */
135 int calmaElementIgnore[] = { CALMA_ELFLAGS, CALMA_PLEX, -1 };
137 /*
138  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139  *
140  * CalmaReadFile --
141  *
142  * Read an entire GDS-II stream format library from the open FILE 'file'.
143  *
144  * Results:
145  *	None.
146  *
147  * Side effects:
148  *	May modify the contents of cifReadCellDef by painting or adding
149  *	new uses or labels.  May also create new CellDefs.
150  *
151  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
152  */
154 void
CalmaReadFile(file,filename)155 CalmaReadFile(file, filename)
156     FILE *file;			/* File from which to read Calma */
157     char *filename;		/* The real name of the file read */
158 {
159     int k, version;
160     char *libname = NULL;
161     MagWindow *mw;
162     static int hdrSkip[] = { CALMA_FORMAT, CALMA_MASK, CALMA_ENDMASKS,
165     static int skipBeforeLib[] = { CALMA_LIBDIRSIZE, CALMA_SRFNAME,
166 				   CALMA_LIBSECUR, -1 };
168     if (EditCellUse == (CellUse *)NULL)
169     {
170 	TxError("Cannot read GDS:  There is no edit cell.\n");
171 	return;
172     }
174     /* We will use full cell names as keys in this hash table */
175     CIFReadCellInit(0);
177     if (CIFWarningLevel == CIF_WARN_REDIRECT)
178     {
179 	if (CIFErrorFilename == NULL)
180 	    calmaErrorFile = NULL;
181 	else
182 	    calmaErrorFile = PaOpen(CIFErrorFilename, "w", (char *)NULL, ".",
183 			(char *)NULL, (char **)NULL);
184     }
186     if (cifCurReadStyle == NULL)
187     {
188 	TxError("Don't know how to read GDS-II:\n");
189 	TxError("Nothing in \"cifinput\" section of tech file.\n");
190 	return;
191     }
192     TxPrintf("Warning: Calma reading is not undoable!  I hope that's OK.\n");
193     UndoDisable();
195     calmaTotalErrors = 0;
196     CalmaPolygonCount = 0;
197     CalmaPathCount = 0;
199     /* Reset cd_client pointers (using init function from CalmaWrite.c) */
200     /* This is in case a cell already in memory is being referenced;	*/
201     /* it is probably better to avoid those kinds of naming collisions	*/
202     /* though. . . 							*/
203     (void) DBCellSrDefs(0, calmaWriteInitFunc, (ClientData) NULL);
205     HashInit(&calmaDefInitHash, 32, 0);
206     calmaLApresent = FALSE;
207     calmaInputFile = file;
209     /* Read the GDS-II header */
210     if (!calmaReadI2Record(CALMA_HEADER, &version)) goto done;
211     if (version < 600)
212 	TxPrintf("Library written using GDS-II Release %d.0\n", version);
213     else
214 	TxPrintf("Library written using GDS-II Release %d.%d\n",
215 	    version / 100, version % 100);
216     if (!calmaSkipExact(CALMA_BGNLIB)) goto done;
217     calmaSkipSet(skipBeforeLib);
218     if (!calmaReadStringRecord(CALMA_LIBNAME, &libname)) goto done;
219     if ((libname != NULL) && (libname[0] != '\0'))
220     {
221 	/* Avoid generating a magic name with spaces in it. . .	*/
222 	/* (added by Mike Godfrey, 7/17/05)			*/
224 	for (k = 0; k < strlen(libname); k++)
225 	    if (libname[k] == ' ')
226 		libname[k] = '_';
227 	TxPrintf("Library name: %s\n", libname);
228     }
230     /* Skip the reflibs, fonts, etc. cruft */
231     calmaSkipSet(hdrSkip);
233     /* Set the scale factors */
234     if (!calmaParseUnits()) goto done;
236     /* Main body of GDS-II input */
237     while (calmaParseStructure(filename))
238 	if (SigInterruptPending)
239 	    goto done;
240     (void) calmaSkipExact(CALMA_ENDLIB);
242 done:
244     /* Added by Nishit, Sept. 2004---Load cell read from GDS    */
245     /* stream file to the magic layout window.  If this fails   */
246     /* then we do the original action and don't do a load into  */
247     /* the window.  Note that this follows the Magic GDS output	*/
248     /* convention of giving the library the name of the		*/
249     /* top-level cell, so magic-produced GDS can be read back	*/
250     /* with the expected cell appearing in the layout window.	*/
252     if (libname != NULL)
253     {
254 	mw = CmdGetRootPoint((Point *)NULL, (Rect *)NULL);
255 	if (mw == NULL)
256 	    windCheckOnlyWindow(&mw, DBWclientID);
257 	if (mw != NULL)
258 	{
259 	    if (calmaLookCell(libname, NULL) != (CellDef *)NULL)
260 		DBWloadWindow(mw, libname, 0);
261 	}
262 	freeMagic(libname);
263     }
265     CIFReadCellCleanup(FILE_CALMA);
266     HashKill(&calmaDefInitHash);
267     UndoEnable();
269     if (calmaErrorFile != NULL) fclose(calmaErrorFile);
270 }
272 /*
273  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
274  *
275  * calmaParseUnits --
276  *
277  * Process the CALMA_UNITS record that sets the relationship between
278  * user units (stored in the stream file) and centimicrons.
279  *
280  * Results:
281  *	TRUE if successful, FALSE if we encountered an error and
282  *	the caller should abort.
283  *
284  * Side effects:
285  *	Consumes input.
286  *	Sets calmaReadScale1 to the number of centimicrons per user
287  *	unit, and calmaReadScale2 to 1, unless calmaReadScale1 would be
288  *	less than 1, in which case we set calmaReadScale1 to 1 and
289  *	calmaReadScale2 to 1/calmaReadScale1.
290  *
291  * NOTE:
292  *	We don't care about user units, only database units.  The
293  *	GDS-II stream specifies the number of meters per database
294  *	unit, which we use to compute the number of centimicrons
295  *	per database unit.  Since database units are floating point,
296  *	there is a possibility of roundoff unless the number of
297  *	centimicrons per user unit is an integer value.
298  *
299  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
300  */
302 bool
calmaParseUnits()303 calmaParseUnits()
304 {
305     int nbytes, rtype;
306     double metersPerDBUnit;
307     double userUnitsPerDBUnit;
308     double cuPerDBUnit;
310     READRH(nbytes, rtype);
311 #ifdef	lint
312     nbytes = nbytes;
313 #endif	/* lint */
315     if (rtype != CALMA_UNITS)
316     {
317 	calmaUnexpected(CALMA_UNITS, rtype);
318 	return (FALSE);
319     }
321     /* Skip user units per database unit */
322     if (!calmaReadR8(&userUnitsPerDBUnit)) return (FALSE);
324     /* Read meters per database unit */
325     if (!calmaReadR8(&metersPerDBUnit)) return (FALSE);
327 #ifdef	notdef
328     TxPrintf("1 database unit equals %e user units\n", userUnitsPerDBUnit);
329     TxPrintf("1 database unit equals %e meters\n", metersPerDBUnit);
330     TxPrintf("1 user unit equals %e database units\n", 1.0/userUnitsPerDBUnit);
331     TxPrintf("1 meter equals %e database units\n", 1.0/metersPerDBUnit);
332 #endif	/* notdef */
334     /* Meters per database unit (1.0e8 corresponds to traditional centimicrons) */
335     cuPerDBUnit = metersPerDBUnit * 1.0e8 * cifCurReadStyle->crs_multiplier;
337     /*
338      * Multiply database units by calmaReadScale1, then divide
339      * by calmaReadScale2 to get CIF units.  The current scheme
340      * relies entirely on calmaReadScale1 being an integer.
341      */
342     if (cuPerDBUnit >= 1.0)
343     {
344 	calmaReadScale1 = (int)(cuPerDBUnit + 0.5);
345 	calmaReadScale2 = 1;
346     }
347     else
348     {
349 	cuPerDBUnit = 1.0 / cuPerDBUnit;
350 	calmaReadScale1 = 1;
351 	calmaReadScale2 = (int)(cuPerDBUnit + 0.5);
352     }
353 #ifdef	notdef
354     TxPrintf("All units to be scaled by %d/%d\n", calmaReadScale1, calmaReadScale2);
355 #endif	/* notdef */
357     return (TRUE);
358 }
360 /*
361  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
362  *
363  * CalmaReadError --
364  *
365  * This procedure is called to print out error messages during
366  * Calma file reading.
367  *
368  * Results:
369  *      None.
370  *
371  * Side effects:
372  *      An error message is printed.
373  *
374  * Note:
375  *      You can add more arguments if 10 turns out not to be enough.
376  *
377  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
378  */
380 void
381     /*VARARGS1*/
CalmaReadError(format,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10)382 CalmaReadError(format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
383     char *format;
384     char *a1, *a2, *a3, *a4, *a5, *a6, *a7, *a8, *a9, *a10;
385 {
386     off_t filepos;
388     calmaTotalErrors++;
389     if (CIFWarningLevel == CIF_WARN_NONE) return;
391     if ((calmaTotalErrors < 100) || (CIFWarningLevel != CIF_WARN_LIMIT))
392     {
393 	filepos = ftello(calmaInputFile);
395         if (CIFWarningLevel == CIF_WARN_REDIRECT)
396         {
397             if (calmaErrorFile != NULL)
398             {
399                 fprintf(calmaErrorFile, "Error while reading cell \"%s\" ",
400                                 cifReadCellDef->cd_name);
401 		fprintf(calmaErrorFile, "(byte position %"DLONG_PREFIX"d): ",
402 				(dlong)filepos);
403                 fprintf(calmaErrorFile, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7,
404                                 a8, a9, a10);
405             }
406         }
407         else
408         {
409             TxError("Error while reading cell \"%s\" ", cifReadCellDef->cd_name);
410 	    TxError("(byte position %"DLONG_PREFIX"d): ", (dlong)filepos);
411             TxError(format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);
412         }
413     }
414     else if ((calmaTotalErrors == 100) && (CIFWarningLevel == CIF_WARN_LIMIT))
415     {
416         TxError("Error limit set:  Remaining errors will not be reported.\n");
417     }
418 }
420 /*
421  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
422  *
423  * calmaUnexpected --
424  *
425  * Complain about a record where we expected one kind but got another.
426  *
427  * Results:
428  *	None.
429  *
430  * Side effects:
431  *	Prints an error message.
432  *
433  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
434  */
436 void
calmaUnexpected(wanted,got)437 calmaUnexpected(wanted, got)
438     int wanted;	/* Type of record we wanted */
439     int got;	/* Type of record we got */
440 {
441     CalmaReadError("Unexpected record type in input: \n");
443     if (CIFWarningLevel == CIF_WARN_NONE) return;
444     if (calmaTotalErrors < 100 || (CIFWarningLevel != CIF_WARN_LIMIT))
445     {
446 	if (CIFWarningLevel == CIF_WARN_REDIRECT)
447 	{
448 	    if (calmaErrorFile != NULL)
449 	    {
450 	        fprintf(calmaErrorFile,"    Expected %s record ",
451 			calmaRecordName(wanted));
452 		fprintf(calmaErrorFile, "but got %s.\n", calmaRecordName(got));
453 	    }
454 	}
455 	    else
456 	    {
457 	        TxError("    Expected %s record ", calmaRecordName(wanted));
458 	        TxError("but got %s.\n", calmaRecordName(got));
459 	    }
460     }
461 }
463 /*
464  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
465  *
466  * calmaRecordName --
467  *
468  * Return a pointer to the printable name of a CALMA record type.
469  *
470  * Results:
471  *	See above.
472  *
473  * Side effects:
474  *	May overwrite the string we returned on the previous call.
475  *
476  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
477  */
479 char *
calmaRecordName(rtype)480 calmaRecordName(rtype)
481     int rtype;
482 {
483     static char numeric[10];
484     static char *calmaRecordNames[] =
485     {
488 	"BOUNDARY",	"PATH",		"SREF",		"AREF",
490 	"XY",		"ENDEL",	"SNAME",	"COLROW",
501     };
503     if (rtype < 0 || rtype >= CALMA_NUMRECORDTYPES)
504     {
505 	(void) sprintf(numeric, "%d", rtype);
506 	return (numeric);
507     }
509     return (calmaRecordNames[rtype]);
510 }
512 /*
513  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
514  *
515  * CalmaTechInit --
516  *
517  * Prepare for a technology file.
518  *
519  * Results:
520  *	None.
521  *
522  * Side effects:
523  *	Error checking.
524  *
525  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
526  */
528 void
CalmaTechInit()529 CalmaTechInit()
530 {
531     ASSERT(sizeof(FourByteInt)==4, "definition in calmaInt.h");
532     ASSERT(sizeof(TwoByteInt)==2, "definition in calmaInt.h");
533 }