1 #ifndef __SKELETON_H__
2 #define __SKELETON_H__
4 #include "actors.h"
5 #include "cal3d_wrapper.h"
7 #ifdef __cplusplus
8 extern "C" {
9 #endif
11 /*!
12  * \brief The main used bones
13  */
14 typedef enum {
15 	head_bone = 0,
16 	mouth_bone = 1,
17 	body_top_bone = 2,
18 	body_bottom_bone = 3,
19 	cape_top_bone = 4,
20 	cape_middle_bone = 5,
21 	cape_bottom_bone = 6,
22 	weapon_left_bone = 7,
23 	weapon_right_bone = 8,
24 	staff_right_bone = 9,
25 	arrow_bone = 10,
26 	hand_left_bone = 11,
27 	hand_right_bone = 12,
28 	highest_bone = 13
29 } cal_bone_name;
31 #define MAX_MAIN_CAL_BONES 14
33 /*!
34  * \brief Structure that holds the IDs of the main bones for a skeleton
35  */
36 typedef struct {
37 	char name[MAX_FILE_PATH]; /*!< The name of the skeleton */
38 	int cal_bones_id[MAX_MAIN_CAL_BONES]; /*!< The main bones IDs by their names */
39 } skeleton_types;
41 #define MAX_SKELETONS 20
43 /*!
44  * \brief Array that contains all the main bones definitions for each existing skeleton
45  */
46 extern skeleton_types skeletons_defs[MAX_SKELETONS];
47 extern int skeletons_count;
49 /*!
50  * \brief Get the ID of an actor bone by its name in a core skeleton
51  * \param skel the core skeleton
52  * \param name the name of the bone
53  * \return the ID of the bone if it exists, else -1
54  */
55 int find_core_bone_id(struct CalCoreSkeleton *skel, const char *name);
57 /*!
58  * \brief Get the ID of a skeleton by its name
59  * \param cal_model the cal model that contains the cal skeleton
60  * \param skeleton_name the name of the skeleton
61  *
62  * This function checks in the skeletons_defs array if the skeleton already
63  * exists and returns the corresponding ID if true.
64  * Otherwise, it adds a new skeleton to the array and setup the IDs for the
65  * different bones names according to the name of the skeleton.
66  */
67 int get_skeleton(struct CalCoreModel *cal_model, const char *skeleton_name);
69 /*!
70  * \brief Get the ID of an actor bone by its name
71  * \param act the actor
72  * \param name the predefined name of the bone
73  * \return the ID of the bone if it exists, else -1
74  *
75  * When accessing to several bones IDs in the same function for the
76  * same actor, prefer using directly the data structure to get a pointer
77  * on the corresponding skeleton_types structure.
78  */
79 int get_actor_bone_id(actor *act, cal_bone_name name);
81 #ifdef __cplusplus
82 } // extern "C"
83 #endif
85 #endif // __SKELETON_H__