1#!/usr/bin/python3 -OO
2# Copyright 2007-2021 The SABnzbd-Team <team@sabnzbd.org>
4# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12# GNU General Public License for more details.
14# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
19sabnzbd.misc - misc classes
21import os
22import sys
23import logging
24import urllib.request
25import urllib.parse
26import re
27import subprocess
28import socket
29import time
30import datetime
31import inspect
32import ctypes
33import ipaddress
34from typing import Union, Tuple, Any, AnyStr, Optional, List
36import sabnzbd
38import sabnzbd.config as config
39import sabnzbd.cfg as cfg
40from sabnzbd.encoding import ubtou, platform_btou
41from sabnzbd.filesystem import userxbit
43TAB_UNITS = ("", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P")
44RE_UNITS = re.compile(r"(\d+\.*\d*)\s*([KMGTP]?)", re.I)
45RE_VERSION = re.compile(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)([a-zA-Z]*)(\d*)")
46RE_IP4 = re.compile(r"inet\s+(addr:\s*)?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)")
47RE_IP6 = re.compile(r"inet6\s+(addr:\s*)?([0-9a-f:]+)", re.I)
49# Check if strings are defined for AM and PM
50HAVE_AMPM = bool(time.strftime("%p", time.localtime()))
52if sabnzbd.WIN32:
53    try:
54        import win32process
55        import win32con
57        # Define scheduling priorities
58        WIN_SCHED_PRIOS = {
59            1: win32process.IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS,
60            2: win32process.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,
61            3: win32process.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,
62            4: win32process.ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,
63        }
64    except ImportError:
65        pass
68def time_format(fmt):
69    """Return time-format string adjusted for 12/24 hour clock setting"""
70    if cfg.ampm() and HAVE_AMPM:
71        return fmt.replace("%H:%M:%S", "%I:%M:%S %p").replace("%H:%M", "%I:%M %p")
72    else:
73        return fmt
76def calc_age(date: datetime.datetime, trans=False) -> str:
77    """Calculate the age difference between now and date.
78    Value is returned as either days, hours, or minutes.
79    When 'trans' is True, time symbols will be translated.
80    """
81    if trans:
82        d = T("d")  # : Single letter abbreviation of day
83        h = T("h")  # : Single letter abbreviation of hour
84        m = T("m")  # : Single letter abbreviation of minute
85    else:
86        d = "d"
87        h = "h"
88        m = "m"
89    try:
90        now = datetime.datetime.now()
91        # age = str(now - date).split(".")[0] #old calc_age
93        # time difference
94        dage = now - date
95        seconds = dage.seconds
96        # only one value should be returned
97        # if it is less than 1 day then it returns in hours, unless it is less than one hour where it returns in minutes
98        if dage.days:
99            age = "%d%s" % (dage.days, d)
100        elif int(seconds / 3600):
101            age = "%d%s" % (seconds / 3600, h)
102        else:
103            age = "%d%s" % (seconds / 60, m)
104    except:
105        age = "-"
107    return age
110def safe_lower(txt: Any) -> str:
111    """Return lowercased string. Return '' for None"""
112    if txt:
113        return txt.lower()
114    else:
115        return ""
118def cmp(x, y):
119    """
120    Replacement for built-in funciton cmp that was removed in Python 3
122    Compare the two objects x and y and return an integer according to
123    the outcome. The return value is negative if x < y, zero if x == y
124    and strictly positive if x > y.
125    """
127    return (x > y) - (x < y)
130def name_to_cat(fname, cat=None):
131    """Retrieve category from file name, but only if "cat" is None."""
132    if cat is None and fname.startswith("{{"):
133        n = fname.find("}}")
134        if n > 2:
135            cat = fname[2:n].strip()
136            fname = fname[n + 2 :].strip()
137            logging.debug("Job %s has category %s", fname, cat)
139    return fname, cat
142def cat_to_opts(cat, pp=None, script=None, priority=None) -> Tuple[str, int, str, int]:
143    """Derive options from category, if options not already defined.
144    Specified options have priority over category-options.
145    If no valid category is given, special category '*' will supply default values
146    """
147    def_cat = config.get_category()
148    cat = safe_lower(cat)
149    if cat in ("", "none", "default"):
150        cat = "*"
151    my_cat = config.get_category(cat)
152    # Ignore the input category if we don't know it
153    if my_cat == def_cat:
154        cat = "*"
156    if pp is None:
157        pp = my_cat.pp()
158        if pp == "":
159            pp = def_cat.pp()
161    if not script:
162        script = my_cat.script()
163        if safe_lower(script) in ("", "default"):
164            script = def_cat.script()
166    if priority is None or priority == "" or priority == DEFAULT_PRIORITY:
167        priority = my_cat.priority()
168        if priority == DEFAULT_PRIORITY:
169            priority = def_cat.priority()
171    logging.debug("Parsing category %s to attributes: pp=%s script=%s prio=%s", cat, pp, script, priority)
172    return cat, pp, script, priority
175def pp_to_opts(pp: int) -> Tuple[bool, bool, bool]:
176    """Convert numeric processing options to (repair, unpack, delete)"""
177    # Convert the pp to an int
178    pp = sabnzbd.interface.int_conv(pp)
179    if pp == 0:
180        return False, False, False
181    if pp == 1:
182        return True, False, False
183    if pp == 2:
184        return True, True, False
185    return True, True, True
188def opts_to_pp(repair: bool, unpack: bool, delete: bool) -> int:
189    """Convert (repair, unpack, delete) to numeric process options"""
190    pp = 0
191    if repair:
192        pp = 1
193    if unpack:
194        pp = 2
195    if delete:
196        pp = 3
197    return pp
200_wildcard_to_regex = {
201    "\\": r"\\",
202    "^": r"\^",
203    "$": r"\$",
204    ".": r"\.",
205    "[": r"\[",
206    "]": r"\]",
207    "(": r"\(",
208    ")": r"\)",
209    "+": r"\+",
210    "?": r".",
211    "|": r"\|",
212    "{": r"\{",
213    "}": r"\}",
214    "*": r".*",
218def wildcard_to_re(text):
219    """Convert plain wildcard string (with '*' and '?') to regex."""
220    return "".join([_wildcard_to_regex.get(ch, ch) for ch in text])
223def cat_convert(cat):
224    """Convert indexer's category/group-name to user categories.
225    If no match found, but indexer-cat equals user-cat, then return user-cat
226    If no match found, but the indexer-cat starts with the user-cat, return user-cat
227    If no match found, return None
228    """
229    if cat and cat.lower() != "none":
230        cats = config.get_ordered_categories()
231        raw_cats = config.get_categories()
232        for ucat in cats:
233            try:
234                # Ordered cat-list has tags only as string
235                indexer = raw_cats[ucat["name"]].newzbin()
236                if not isinstance(indexer, list):
237                    indexer = [indexer]
238            except:
239                indexer = []
240            for name in indexer:
241                if re.search("^%s$" % wildcard_to_re(name), cat, re.I):
242                    if "." in name:
243                        logging.debug('Convert group "%s" to user-cat "%s"', cat, ucat["name"])
244                    else:
245                        logging.debug('Convert index site category "%s" to user-cat "%s"', cat, ucat["name"])
246                    return ucat["name"]
248        # Try to find full match between user category and indexer category
249        for ucat in cats:
250            if cat.lower() == ucat["name"].lower():
251                logging.debug('Convert index site category "%s" to user-cat "%s"', cat, ucat["name"])
252                return ucat["name"]
254        # Try to find partial match between user category and indexer category
255        for ucat in cats:
256            if cat.lower().startswith(ucat["name"].lower()):
257                logging.debug('Convert index site category "%s" to user-cat "%s"', cat, ucat["name"])
258                return ucat["name"]
260    return None
263_SERVICE_KEY = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\"
264_SERVICE_PARM = "CommandLine"
267def get_serv_parms(service):
268    """Get the service command line parameters from Registry"""
269    import winreg
271    service_parms = []
272    try:
273        key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _SERVICE_KEY + service)
274        for n in range(winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[1]):
275            name, service_parms, _val_type = winreg.EnumValue(key, n)
276            if name == _SERVICE_PARM:
277                break
278        winreg.CloseKey(key)
279    except OSError:
280        pass
282    # Always add the base program
283    service_parms.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
285    return service_parms
288def set_serv_parms(service, args):
289    """Set the service command line parameters in Registry"""
290    import winreg
292    serv = []
293    for arg in args:
294        serv.append(arg[0])
295        if arg[1]:
296            serv.append(arg[1])
298    try:
299        key = winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _SERVICE_KEY + service)
300        winreg.SetValueEx(key, _SERVICE_PARM, None, winreg.REG_MULTI_SZ, serv)
301        winreg.CloseKey(key)
302    except OSError:
303        return False
304    return True
307def get_from_url(url: str) -> Optional[str]:
308    """Retrieve URL and return content"""
309    try:
310        req = urllib.request.Request(url)
311        req.add_header("User-Agent", "SABnzbd/%s" % sabnzbd.__version__)
312        with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
313            return ubtou(response.read())
314    except:
315        return None
318def convert_version(text):
319    """Convert version string to numerical value and a testversion indicator"""
320    version = 0
321    test = True
322    m = RE_VERSION.search(ubtou(text))
323    if m:
324        version = int(m.group(1)) * 1000000 + int(m.group(2)) * 10000 + int(m.group(3)) * 100
325        try:
326            if m.group(4).lower() == "rc":
327                version = version + 80
328            elif m.group(4).lower() == "beta":
329                version = version + 40
330            version = version + int(m.group(5))
331        except:
332            version = version + 99
333            test = False
334    return version, test
337def check_latest_version():
338    """Do an online check for the latest version
340    Perform an online version check
341    Syntax of online version file:
342        <current-final-release>
343        <url-of-current-final-release>
344        <latest-alpha/beta-or-rc>
345        <url-of-latest-alpha/beta/rc-release>
346    The latter two lines are only present when an alpha/beta/rc is available.
347    Formula for the version numbers (line 1 and 3).
348        <major>.<minor>.<bugfix>[rc|beta|alpha]<cand>
350    The <cand> value for a final version is assumned to be 99.
351    The <cand> value for the beta/rc version is 1..98, with RC getting
352    a boost of 80 and Beta of 40.
353    This is done to signal alpha/beta/rc users of availability of the final
354    version (which is implicitly 99).
355    People will only be informed to upgrade to a higher alpha/beta/rc version, if
356    they are already using an alpha/beta/rc.
357    RC's are valued higher than Beta's, which are valued higher than Alpha's.
358    """
360    if not cfg.version_check():
361        return
363    current, testver = convert_version(sabnzbd.__version__)
364    if not current:
365        logging.debug("Unsupported release number (%s), will not check", sabnzbd.__version__)
366        return
368    # Fetch version info
369    data = get_from_url("https://sabnzbd.org/latest.txt")
370    if not data:
371        logging.info("Cannot retrieve version information from GitHub.com")
372        logging.debug("Traceback: ", exc_info=True)
373        return
375    version_data = data.split()
376    try:
377        latest_label = version_data[0]
378        url = version_data[1]
379    except:
380        latest_label = ""
381        url = ""
383    try:
384        latest_testlabel = version_data[2]
385        url_beta = version_data[3]
386    except:
387        latest_testlabel = ""
388        url_beta = ""
390    latest = convert_version(latest_label)[0]
391    latest_test = convert_version(latest_testlabel)[0]
393    logging.debug(
394        "Checked for a new release, cur=%s, latest=%s (on %s), latest_test=%s (on %s)",
395        current,
396        latest,
397        url,
398        latest_test,
399        url_beta,
400    )
402    if latest_test and cfg.version_check() > 1:
403        # User always wants to see the latest test release
404        latest = latest_test
405        latest_label = latest_testlabel
406        url = url_beta
408    notify_version = None
409    if current < latest:
410        # This is a test version, but user hasn't seen the
411        # "Final" of this one yet, so show the Final
412        # Or this one is behind, show latest final
413        sabnzbd.NEW_VERSION = (latest_label, url)
414        notify_version = latest_label
415    elif testver and current < latest_test:
416        # This is a test version beyond the latest Final, so show latest Alpha/Beta/RC
417        sabnzbd.NEW_VERSION = (latest_testlabel, url_beta)
418        notify_version = latest_testlabel
420    if notify_version:
421        sabnzbd.notifier.send_notification(T("Update Available!"), "SABnzbd %s" % notify_version, "other")
424def upload_file_to_sabnzbd(url, fp):
425    """Function for uploading nzbs to a running SABnzbd instance"""
426    try:
427        fp = urllib.parse.quote_plus(fp)
428        url = "%s&mode=addlocalfile&name=%s" % (url, fp)
429        # Add local API-key if it wasn't already in the registered URL
430        apikey = cfg.api_key()
431        if apikey and "apikey" not in url:
432            url = "%s&apikey=%s" % (url, apikey)
433        if "apikey" not in url:
434            # Use alternative login method
435            username = cfg.username()
436            password = cfg.password()
437            if username and password:
438                url = "%s&ma_username=%s&ma_password=%s" % (url, username, password)
439        get_from_url(url)
440    except:
441        logging.error(T("Failed to upload file: %s"), fp)
442        logging.info("Traceback: ", exc_info=True)
445def from_units(val: str) -> float:
446    """Convert K/M/G/T/P notation to float"""
447    val = str(val).strip().upper()
448    if val == "-1":
449        return float(val)
450    m = RE_UNITS.search(val)
451    if m:
452        if m.group(2):
453            val = float(m.group(1))
454            unit = m.group(2)
455            n = 0
456            while unit != TAB_UNITS[n]:
457                val = val * 1024.0
458                n = n + 1
459        else:
460            val = m.group(1)
461        try:
462            return float(val)
463        except:
464            return 0.0
465    else:
466        return 0.0
469def to_units(val: Union[int, float], postfix="") -> str:
470    """Convert number to K/M/G/T/P notation
471    Show single decimal for M and higher
472    """
473    dec_limit = 1
474    if val < 0:
475        sign = "-"
476    else:
477        sign = ""
478    val = str(abs(val)).strip()
480    n = 0
481    try:
482        val = float(val)
483    except:
484        return ""
485    while (val > 1023.0) and (n < 5):
486        val = val / 1024.0
487        n = n + 1
488    unit = TAB_UNITS[n]
489    if n > dec_limit:
490        decimals = 1
491    else:
492        decimals = 0
494    fmt = "%%s%%.%sf %%s%%s" % decimals
495    return fmt % (sign, val, unit, postfix)
498def caller_name(skip=2):
499    """Get a name of a caller in the format module.method
500    Originally used: https://gist.github.com/techtonik/2151727
501    Adapted for speed by using sys calls directly
502    """
503    # Only do the tracing on Debug (function is always called)
504    if cfg.log_level() != 2:
505        return "N/A"
507    parentframe = sys._getframe(skip)
508    function_name = parentframe.f_code.co_name
510    # Module name is not available in the binaries, we can use the filename instead
511    if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
512        module_name = inspect.getfile(parentframe)
513    else:
514        module_name = inspect.getmodule(parentframe).__name__
516    # For decorated functions we have to go deeper
517    if function_name in ("call_func", "wrap") and skip == 2:
518        return caller_name(4)
520    return ".".join([module_name, function_name])
523def exit_sab(value: int):
524    """Leave the program after flushing stderr/stdout"""
525    sys.stderr.flush()
526    sys.stdout.flush()
527    # Cannot use sys.exit as it will not work inside the macOS-runner-thread
528    os._exit(value)
531def split_host(srv):
532    """Split host:port notation, allowing for IPV6"""
533    if not srv:
534        return None, None
536    # IPV6 literal (with no port)
537    if srv[-1] == "]":
538        return srv, None
540    out = srv.rsplit(":", 1)
541    if len(out) == 1:
542        # No port
543        port = None
544    else:
545        try:
546            port = int(out[1])
547        except ValueError:
548            return srv, None
550    return out[0], port
553def get_cache_limit():
554    """Depending on OS, calculate cache limits.
555    In ArticleCache it will make sure we stay
556    within system limits for 32/64 bit
557    """
558    # Calculate, if possible
559    try:
560        if sabnzbd.WIN32:
561            # Windows
562            mem_bytes = get_windows_memory()
563        elif sabnzbd.DARWIN:
564            # macOS
565            mem_bytes = get_darwin_memory()
566        else:
567            # Linux
568            mem_bytes = os.sysconf("SC_PAGE_SIZE") * os.sysconf("SC_PHYS_PAGES")
570        # Use 1/4th of available memory
571        mem_bytes = mem_bytes / 4
573        # We don't want to set a value that's too high
574        if mem_bytes > from_units(DEF_ARTICLE_CACHE_MAX):
575            return DEF_ARTICLE_CACHE_MAX
577        # We make sure it's at least a valid value
578        if mem_bytes > from_units("32M"):
579            return to_units(mem_bytes)
580    except:
581        pass
583    # Always at least minimum on Windows/macOS
584    if sabnzbd.WIN32 and sabnzbd.DARWIN:
587    # If failed, leave empty for Linux so user needs to decide
588    return ""
591def get_windows_memory():
592    """Use ctypes to extract available memory"""
594    class MEMORYSTATUSEX(ctypes.Structure):
595        _fields_ = [
596            ("dwLength", ctypes.c_ulong),
597            ("dwMemoryLoad", ctypes.c_ulong),
598            ("ullTotalPhys", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
599            ("ullAvailPhys", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
600            ("ullTotalPageFile", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
601            ("ullAvailPageFile", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
602            ("ullTotalVirtual", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
603            ("ullAvailVirtual", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
604            ("sullAvailExtendedVirtual", ctypes.c_ulonglong),
605        ]
607        def __init__(self):
608            # have to initialize this to the size of MEMORYSTATUSEX
609            self.dwLength = ctypes.sizeof(self)
610            super(MEMORYSTATUSEX, self).__init__()
612    stat = MEMORYSTATUSEX()
613    ctypes.windll.kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatusEx(ctypes.byref(stat))
614    return stat.ullTotalPhys
617def get_darwin_memory():
618    """Use system-call to extract total memory on macOS"""
619    system_output = run_command(["sysctl", "hw.memsize"])
620    return float(system_output.split()[1])
623def on_cleanup_list(filename, skip_nzb=False):
624    """Return True if a filename matches the clean-up list"""
625    lst = cfg.cleanup_list()
626    if lst:
627        name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
628        ext = ext.strip().lower()
629        name = name.strip()
630        for k in lst:
631            item = k.strip().strip(".").lower()
632            item = "." + item
633            if (item == ext or (ext == "" and item == name)) and not (skip_nzb and item == ".nzb"):
634                return True
635    return False
638def memory_usage():
639    try:
640        # Probably only works on Linux because it uses /proc/<pid>/statm
641        with open("/proc/%d/statm" % os.getpid()) as t:
642            v = t.read().split()
643        virt = int(_PAGE_SIZE * int(v[0]) / MEBI)
644        res = int(_PAGE_SIZE * int(v[1]) / MEBI)
645        return "V=%sM R=%sM" % (virt, res)
646    except IOError:
647        pass
648    except:
649        logging.debug("Error retrieving memory usage")
650        logging.info("Traceback: ", exc_info=True)
654    _PAGE_SIZE = os.sysconf("SC_PAGE_SIZE")
656    _PAGE_SIZE = 0
657_HAVE_STATM = _PAGE_SIZE and memory_usage()
660def loadavg():
661    """Return 1, 5 and 15 minute load average of host or "" if not supported"""
662    p = ""
663    if not sabnzbd.WIN32 and not sabnzbd.DARWIN:
664        opt = cfg.show_sysload()
665        if opt:
666            try:
667                p = "%.2f | %.2f | %.2f" % os.getloadavg()
668            except:
669                pass
670            if opt > 1 and _HAVE_STATM:
671                p = "%s | %s" % (p, memory_usage())
672    return p
675def format_time_string(seconds):
676    """Return a formatted and translated time string"""
678    def unit(single, n):
679        # Seconds and minutes are special due to historical reasons
680        if single == "minute" or (single == "second" and n == 1):
681            single = single[:3]
682        if n == 1:
683            return T(single)
684        return T(single + "s")
686    # Format the string, size by size
687    seconds = int_conv(seconds)
688    completestr = []
689    days = seconds // 86400
690    if days >= 1:
691        completestr.append("%s %s" % (days, unit("day", days)))
692        seconds -= days * 86400
693    hours = seconds // 3600
694    if hours >= 1:
695        completestr.append("%s %s" % (hours, unit("hour", hours)))
696        seconds -= hours * 3600
697    minutes = seconds // 60
698    if minutes >= 1:
699        completestr.append("%s %s" % (minutes, unit("minute", minutes)))
700        seconds -= minutes * 60
701    if seconds > 0:
702        completestr.append("%s %s" % (seconds, unit("second", seconds)))
704    # Zero or invalid integer
705    if not completestr:
706        completestr.append("0 %s" % unit("second", 0))
708    return " ".join(completestr)
711def int_conv(value: Any) -> int:
712    """Safe conversion to int (can handle None)"""
713    try:
714        value = int(value)
715    except:
716        value = 0
717    return value
720def create_https_certificates(ssl_cert, ssl_key):
721    """Create self-signed HTTPS certificates and store in paths 'ssl_cert' and 'ssl_key'"""
722    try:
723        from sabnzbd.utils.certgen import generate_key, generate_local_cert
725        private_key = generate_key(key_size=2048, output_file=ssl_key)
726        generate_local_cert(private_key, days_valid=3560, output_file=ssl_cert, LN="SABnzbd", ON="SABnzbd")
727        logging.info("Self-signed certificates generated successfully")
728    except:
729        logging.error(T("Error creating SSL key and certificate"))
730        logging.info("Traceback: ", exc_info=True)
731        return False
733    return True
736def get_all_passwords(nzo):
737    """Get all passwords, from the NZB, meta and password file"""
738    if nzo.password:
739        logging.info("Found a password that was set by the user: %s", nzo.password)
740        passwords = [nzo.password.strip()]
741    else:
742        passwords = []
744    meta_passwords = nzo.meta.get("password", [])
745    pw = nzo.nzo_info.get("password")
746    if pw:
747        meta_passwords.append(pw)
749    if meta_passwords:
750        passwords.extend(meta_passwords)
751        logging.info("Read %s passwords from meta data in NZB: %s", len(meta_passwords), meta_passwords)
753    pw_file = cfg.password_file.get_path()
754    if pw_file:
755        try:
756            with open(pw_file, "r") as pwf:
757                lines = pwf.read().split("\n")
758            # Remove empty lines and space-only passwords and remove surrounding spaces
759            pws = [pw.strip("\r\n ") for pw in lines if pw.strip("\r\n ")]
760            logging.debug("Read these passwords from file: %s", pws)
761            passwords.extend(pws)
762            logging.info("Read %s passwords from file %s", len(pws), pw_file)
764            # Check size
765            if len(pws) > 30:
766                logging.warning_helpful(
767                    T(
768                        "Your password file contains more than 30 passwords, testing all these passwords takes a lot of time. Try to only list useful passwords."
769                    )
770                )
771        except:
772            logging.warning(T("Failed to read the password file %s"), pw_file)
773            logging.info("Traceback: ", exc_info=True)
775    if nzo.password:
776        # If an explicit password was set, add a retry without password, just in case.
777        passwords.append("")
778    elif not passwords or nzo.encrypted < 1:
779        # If we're not sure about encryption, start with empty password
780        # and make sure we have at least the empty password
781        passwords.insert(0, "")
782    return set(passwords)
785def find_on_path(targets):
786    """Search the PATH for a program and return full path"""
787    if sabnzbd.WIN32:
788        paths = os.getenv("PATH").split(";")
789    else:
790        paths = os.getenv("PATH").split(":")
792    if isinstance(targets, str):
793        targets = (targets,)
795    for path in paths:
796        for target in targets:
797            target_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, target))
798            if os.path.isfile(target_path) and os.access(target_path, os.X_OK):
799                return target_path
800    return None
803def strip_ipv4_mapped_notation(ip: str) -> str:
804    """Convert an IP address in IPv4-mapped IPv6 notation (e.g. ::ffff: to its regular
805    IPv4 form. Any value of ip that doesn't use the relevant notation is returned unchanged.
807    CherryPy may report remote IP addresses in this notation. While the ipaddress module should be
808    able to handle that, the latter has issues with the is_private/is_loopback properties for these
809    addresses. See https://bugs.python.org/issue33433"""
810    try:
811        # Keep the original if ipv4_mapped is None
812        ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip).ipv4_mapped or ip
813    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
814        pass
815    return str(ip)
818def ip_in_subnet(ip: str, subnet: str) -> bool:
819    """Determine whether ip is part of subnet. For the latter, the standard form with a prefix or
820    netmask (e.g. "" or "") is expected. Input in SABnzbd's old
821    cfg.local_ranges() settings style (e.g. "192.168.1."), intended for use with str.startswith(),
822    is also accepted and internally converted to address/prefix form."""
823    if not ip or not subnet:
824        return False
826    try:
827        if subnet.find("/") < 0 and subnet.find("::") < 0:
828            # The subnet doesn't include a prefix or netmask, or represent a single (compressed)
829            # IPv6 address; try converting from the older local_ranges settings style.
831            # Take the IP version of the subnet into account
832            IP_LEN, IP_BITS, IP_SEP = (8, 16, ":") if subnet.find(":") >= 0 else (4, 8, ".")
834            subnet = subnet.rstrip(IP_SEP).split(IP_SEP)
835            prefix = IP_BITS * len(subnet)
836            # Append as many zeros as needed
837            subnet.extend(["0"] * (IP_LEN - len(subnet)))
838            # Store in address/prefix form
839            subnet = "%s/%s" % (IP_SEP.join(subnet), prefix)
841        ip = strip_ipv4_mapped_notation(ip)
842        return ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet, strict=True)
843    except Exception:
844        # Probably an invalid range
845        return False
848def is_ipv4_addr(ip: str) -> bool:
849    """Determine if the ip is an IPv4 address"""
850    try:
851        return ipaddress.ip_address(ip).version == 4
852    except ValueError:
853        return False
856def is_ipv6_addr(ip: str) -> bool:
857    """Determine if the ip is an IPv6 address; square brackets ([2001::1]) are OK"""
858    try:
859        return ipaddress.ip_address(ip.strip("[]")).version == 6
860    except (ValueError, AttributeError):
861        return False
864def is_loopback_addr(ip: str) -> bool:
865    """Determine if the ip is an IPv4 or IPv6 local loopback address"""
866    try:
867        if ip.find(".") < 0:
868            ip = ip.strip("[]")
869        ip = strip_ipv4_mapped_notation(ip)
870        return ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_loopback
871    except (ValueError, AttributeError):
872        return False
875def is_localhost(value: str) -> bool:
876    """Determine if the input is some variety of 'localhost'"""
877    return (value == "localhost") or is_loopback_addr(value)
880def is_lan_addr(ip: str) -> bool:
881    """Determine if the ip is a local area network address"""
882    try:
883        ip = strip_ipv4_mapped_notation(ip)
884        return (
885            # The ipaddress module considers these private, see https://bugs.python.org/issue38655
886            not ip in ("", "")
887            and not ip_in_subnet(ip, "::/128")  # Also catch (partially) exploded forms of "::"
888            and ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_private
889            and not is_loopback_addr(ip)
890        )
891    except ValueError:
892        return False
895def ip_extract() -> List[str]:
896    """Return list of IP addresses of this system"""
897    ips = []
898    program = find_on_path("ip")
899    if program:
900        program = [program, "a"]
901    else:
902        program = find_on_path("ifconfig")
903        if program:
904            program = [program]
906    if sabnzbd.WIN32 or not program:
907        try:
908            info = socket.getaddrinfo(socket.gethostname(), None)
909        except:
910            # Hostname does not resolve, use localhost
911            info = socket.getaddrinfo("localhost", None)
912        for item in info:
913            ips.append(item[4][0])
914    else:
915        output = run_command(program)
916        for line in output.split("\n"):
917            m = RE_IP4.search(line)
918            if not (m and m.group(2)):
919                m = RE_IP6.search(line)
920            if m and m.group(2):
921                ips.append(m.group(2))
922    return ips
925def get_server_addrinfo(host: str, port: int) -> socket.getaddrinfo:
926    """Return processed getaddrinfo()"""
927    try:
928        int(port)
929    except:
930        port = 119
931    opt = sabnzbd.cfg.ipv6_servers()
932    """ ... with the following meaning for 'opt':
933    Control the use of IPv6 Usenet server addresses. Meaning:
934    0 = don't use
935    1 = use when available and reachable (DEFAULT)
936    2 = force usage (when SABnzbd's detection fails)
937    """
938    try:
939        # Standard IPV4 or IPV6
940        ips = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
941        if opt == 2 or (opt == 1 and sabnzbd.EXTERNAL_IPV6) or (opt == 1 and sabnzbd.cfg.load_balancing() == 2):
942            # IPv6 forced by user, or IPv6 allowed and reachable, or IPv6 allowed and loadbalancing-with-IPv6 activated
943            # So return all IP addresses, no matter IPv4 or IPv6:
944            return ips
945        else:
946            # IPv6 unreachable or not allowed by user, so only return IPv4 address(es):
947            return [ip for ip in ips if ":" not in ip[4][0]]
948    except:
949        if opt == 2 or (opt == 1 and sabnzbd.EXTERNAL_IPV6) or (opt == 1 and sabnzbd.cfg.load_balancing() == 2):
950            try:
951                # Try IPV6 explicitly
952                return socket.getaddrinfo(
953                    host, port, socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.AI_CANONNAME
954                )
955            except:
956                # Nothing found!
957                pass
958        return []
961def get_base_url(url: str) -> str:
962    """Return only the true root domain for the favicon, so api.oznzb.com -> oznzb.com
963    But also api.althub.co.za -> althub.co.za
964    """
965    url_host = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname
966    if url_host:
967        url_split = url_host.split(".")
968        # Exception for localhost and IPv6 addresses
969        if len(url_split) < 3:
970            return url_host
971        return ".".join(len(url_split[-2]) < 4 and url_split[-3:] or url_split[-2:])
972    else:
973        return ""
976def match_str(text: AnyStr, matches: Tuple[AnyStr, ...]) -> Optional[AnyStr]:
977    """Return first matching element of list 'matches' in 'text', otherwise None"""
978    text = text.lower()
979    for match in matches:
980        if match.lower() in text:
981            return match
982    return None
985def nntp_to_msg(text: Union[List[AnyStr], str]) -> str:
986    """Format raw NNTP bytes data for display"""
987    if isinstance(text, list):
988        text = text[0]
990    # Only need to split if it was raw data
991    # Sometimes (failed login) we put our own texts
992    if not isinstance(text, bytes):
993        return text
994    else:
995        lines = text.split(b"\r\n")
996        return ubtou(lines[0])
999def list2cmdline(lst: List[str]) -> str:
1000    """convert list to a cmd.exe-compatible command string"""
1001    nlst = []
1002    for arg in lst:
1003        if not arg:
1004            nlst.append('""')
1005        else:
1006            nlst.append('"%s"' % arg)
1007    return " ".join(nlst)
1010def build_and_run_command(command: List[str], flatten_command=False, **kwargs):
1011    """Builds and then runs command with nessecary flags and optional
1012    IONice and Nice commands. Optional Popen arguments can be supplied.
1013    On Windows we need to run our own list2cmdline for Unrar.
1014    Returns the Popen-instance.
1015    """
1016    # command[0] should be set, and thus not None
1017    if not command[0]:
1018        logging.error(T("[%s] The command in build_command is undefined."), caller_name())
1019        raise IOError
1021    if not sabnzbd.WIN32:
1022        if command[0].endswith(".py"):
1023            with open(command[0], "r") as script_file:
1024                if not userxbit(command[0]):
1025                    # Inform user that Python scripts need x-bit and then stop
1026                    logging.error(T('Python script "%s" does not have execute (+x) permission set'), command[0])
1027                    raise IOError
1028                elif script_file.read(2) != "#!":
1029                    # No shebang (#!) defined, add default python
1030                    command.insert(0, sys.executable if sys.executable else "python")
1032        if sabnzbd.newsunpack.IONICE_COMMAND and cfg.ionice():
1033            ionice = cfg.ionice().split()
1034            command = ionice + command
1035            command.insert(0, sabnzbd.newsunpack.IONICE_COMMAND)
1036        if sabnzbd.newsunpack.NICE_COMMAND and cfg.nice():
1037            nice = cfg.nice().split()
1038            command = nice + command
1039            command.insert(0, sabnzbd.newsunpack.NICE_COMMAND)
1040        creationflags = 0
1041        startupinfo = None
1042    else:
1043        # For Windows we always need to add python interpreter
1044        if command[0].endswith(".py"):
1045            command.insert(0, "python.exe")
1046        if flatten_command:
1047            command = list2cmdline(command)
1048        # On some Windows platforms we need to supress a quick pop-up of the command window
1049        startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
1050        startupinfo.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
1051        startupinfo.wShowWindow = win32con.SW_HIDE
1052        creationflags = WIN_SCHED_PRIOS[cfg.win_process_prio()]
1054    # Set the basic Popen arguments
1055    popen_kwargs = {
1056        "stdin": subprocess.PIPE,
1057        "stdout": subprocess.PIPE,
1058        "stderr": subprocess.STDOUT,
1059        "startupinfo": startupinfo,
1060        "creationflags": creationflags,
1061    }
1062    # Update with the supplied ones
1063    popen_kwargs.update(kwargs)
1065    # Run the command
1066    logging.info("[%s] Running external command: %s", caller_name(), command)
1067    logging.debug("Popen arguments: %s", popen_kwargs)
1068    return subprocess.Popen(command, **popen_kwargs)
1071def run_command(cmd: List[str], **kwargs):
1072    """Run simple external command and return output as a string."""
1073    with build_and_run_command(cmd, **kwargs) as p:
1074        txt = platform_btou(p.stdout.read())
1075        p.wait()
1076    return txt