1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2"""Classes representing different kinds of astronomical position."""
4from numpy import array, einsum, full, reshape, nan, nan_to_num
5from . import framelib
6from .constants import ANGVEL, AU_M, C, ERAD, DAY_S, RAD2DEG, pi, tau
7from .descriptorlib import reify
8from .earthlib import compute_limb_angle
9from .functions import (
10    _T, _to_array, _to_spherical_and_rates, angle_between, from_spherical,
11    length_of, mxm, mxv, rot_z, to_spherical,
13from .geometry import intersect_line_and_sphere
14from .relativity import add_aberration, add_deflection
15from .timelib import Time
16from .units import Angle, AngleRate, Distance, Velocity, _interpret_angle
18_GIGAPARSEC_AU = 206264806247096.38  # 1e9 * 360 * 3600 / tau
20def build_position(position_au, velocity_au_per_d=None, t=None,
21                   center=None, target=None):
22    if center == 0:
23        cls = Barycentric
24    elif center == 399:
25        cls = Geocentric
26    elif hasattr(center, 'rotation_at'):  # and thus deserves an altaz() method
27        cls = Geometric
28    else:
29        cls = ICRF
30    return cls(position_au, velocity_au_per_d, t, center, target)
32def position_of_radec(ra_hours, dec_degrees, distance_au=_GIGAPARSEC_AU,
33                      epoch=None, t=None, center=None, target=None):
34    """Build a position object from a right ascension and declination.
36    If a specific ``distance_au`` is not provided, Skyfield returns a
37    position vector a gigaparsec in length.  This puts the position at a
38    great enough distance that it will stand at the same right ascension
39    and declination from any viewing position in the Solar System, to
40    very high precision (within a few hundredths of a microarcsecond).
42    If an ``epoch`` is specified, the input coordinates are understood
43    to be in the dynamical system of that particular date.  Otherwise,
44    they will be assumed to be ICRS (the modern replacement for J2000).
46    .. versionadded:: 1.21
47       This replaces a deprecated function ``position_from_radec()``
48       whose ``distance`` argument was not as well designed.
50    """
51    theta = _to_array(dec_degrees) / 360.0 * tau
52    phi = _to_array(ra_hours) / 24.0 * tau
53    position_au = from_spherical(distance_au, theta, phi)
54    if epoch is not None:
55        position_au = mxv(epoch.MT, position_au)
56    return build_position(position_au, None, t, center, target)
58def position_from_radec(ra_hours, dec_degrees, distance=1.0, epoch=None,
59                        t=None, center=None, target=None):
60    """DEPRECATED version of ``position_of_radec()``.
62    Problems:
64    * The ``distance`` parameter specifies no unit, contrary to Skyfield
65      best practices.  I have no idea what I was thinking.
67    * The default ``distance`` is far too small, since most objects for
68      which users specify an RA and declination are out on the celestial
69      sphere.  The hope was that users would see the length 1.0 and
70      think, “ah, yes, that’s obviously a fake placeholder value.”  But
71      it’s more likely that users will not even check the distance, or
72      maybe not even realize that a distance is involved.
74    """
75    return position_of_radec(ra_hours, dec_degrees, distance, epoch,
76                             t, center, target)
78class ICRF(object):
79    """An |xyz| position and velocity oriented to the ICRF axes.
81    The International Coordinate Reference Frame (ICRF) is a permanent
82    reference frame that is the replacement for J2000.  Their axes agree
83    to within 0.02 arcseconds.  It also supersedes older equinox-based
84    systems like B1900 and B1950.
86    Each instance of this class provides a ``.position`` vector and a
87    ``.velocity`` vector that specify |xyz| coordinates along the axes
88    of the ICRF.  A specific time ``.t`` might be specified or might be
89    ``None``.
91    """
92    center_barycentric = None
93    _observer_gcrs_au = None
94    _default_center = None
95    _ephemeris = None  # cached so we can compute how light is deflected
97    def __init__(self, position_au, velocity_au_per_d=None, t=None,
98                 center=None, target=None):
99        self.t = t
100        self.position = self.xyz = Distance(position_au)
101        if velocity_au_per_d is None:
102            velocity_au_per_d = full(self.position.au.shape, nan)
103        self.velocity = Velocity(velocity_au_per_d)
104        self.center = self._default_center if center is None else center
105        self.target = target
106        if center == 0:
107            self.center_barycentric = self
109    @classmethod
110    def from_radec(cls, ra_hours, dec_degrees,
111                   distance_au=_GIGAPARSEC_AU, epoch=None):
112        theta = _to_array(dec_degrees) / 360.0 * tau
113        phi = _to_array(ra_hours) / 24.0 * tau
114        position_au = from_spherical(distance_au, theta, phi)
115        if epoch is not None:
116            position_au = mxv(epoch.MT, position_au)
117        return cls(position_au)
119    @classmethod
120    def from_time_and_frame_vectors(cls, t, frame, distance, velocity):
121        """Constructor: build a position from two vectors in a reference frame.
123        * ``t`` — The :class:`~skyfield.timelib.Time` of the position.
124        * ``frame`` — A reference frame listed at `reference_frames`.
125        * ``distance`` — A `Distance` |xyz| vector in the given frame.
126        * ``velocity`` — A `Velocity` ẋ,ẏ,ż vector in the given frame.
128        """
129        r, v = distance.au, velocity.au_per_d
130        at = getattr(frame, '_dRdt_times_RT_at', None)
131        if at is not None:
132            V = at(t)
133            v = v - mxv(V, r)  # subtract instead of transposing
134        RT = _T(frame.rotation_at(t))
135        r = mxv(RT, r)
136        v = mxv(RT, v)
137        return cls(r, v, t)  # TODO: args for center and target?
139    def __repr__(self):
140        name = self.__class__.__name__
141        center = self.center
142        if name == 'Barycentric' and center == 0:
143            suffix = ' BCRS'
144        elif name == 'Apparent' and center == 399:
145            suffix = ' GCRS'
146        elif name != 'ICRF':
147            suffix = ' ICRS'
148        else:
149            suffix = ''
151        center = self.center
152        target = self.target
154        center_name = getattr(center, 'target_name', None)
155        if center_name is None:
156            center_name = str(center)
158        target_name = getattr(target, 'target_name', None)
159        if target_name is None:
160            target_name = str(target)
162        return '<{0}{1} position{2}{3}{4}{5}>'.format(
163            name,
164            suffix,
165            '' if (self.velocity is None) else ' and velocity',
166            '' if self.t is None else ' at date t',
167            '' if self.center is None else ' center={0}'.format(center_name),
168            '' if self.target is None else ' target={0}'.format(target_name),
169        )
171    def __sub__(self, body):
172        """Subtract two ICRF vectors to produce a third."""
173        p = self.position.au - body.position.au
174        if self.velocity is None or body.velocity is None:
175            v = None
176        else:
177            v = self.velocity.au_per_d - body.velocity.au_per_d
178        return build_position(p, v, self.t, body.target, self.target)
180    def __getitem__(self, i):
181        return type(self)(
182            self.position.au[:,i],
183            self.velocity.au_per_d[:,i],
184            self.t[i],
185            self.center,
186            self.target,
187        )
189    def __neg__(self):
190        return type(self)(
191            -self.position.au,
192            -self.velocity.au_per_d,
193            self.t,
194            self.target,
195            self.center,
196        )
198    def distance(self):
199        """Compute the distance from the origin to this position.
201        The return value is a :class:`~skyfield.units.Distance` that
202        prints itself out in astronomical units (au) but that also
203        offers attributes ``au``, ``km``, and ``m`` if you want to
204        access its magnitude as a number.
206        >>> v = ICRF([1, 1, 0])
207        >>> print(v.distance())
208        1.41421 au
210        """
211        return Distance(length_of(self.position.au))
213    def speed(self):
214        """Compute the magnitude of the velocity vector.
216        >>> v = ICRF([0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3])
217        >>> print(v.speed())
218        3.74166 au/day
220        """
221        return Velocity(length_of(self.velocity.au_per_d))
223    @reify
224    def light_time(self):
225        """Length of this vector in days of light travel time."""
226        # Note that this property is almost never called, since
227        # .light_time is set manually on the one kind of position
228        # (astrometric) that is ever likely to need it.  Alas: back in
229        # 2015, I didn't think to either hide this attribute, or have it
230        # include its units in its name!
231        return self.distance().m / C / DAY_S
233    def radec(self, epoch=None):
234        r"""Compute equatorial RA, declination, and distance.
236        When called without a parameter, this returns standard ICRF
237        right ascension and declination:
239        >>> from skyfield.api import load
240        >>> ts = load.timescale()
241        >>> t = ts.utc(2020, 5, 13, 10, 32)
242        >>> eph = load('de421.bsp')
243        >>> astrometric = eph['earth'].at(t).observe(eph['sun'])
244        >>> ra, dec, distance = astrometric.radec()
245        >>> print(ra, dec, sep='\n')
246        03h 21m 47.67s
247        +18deg 28' 55.3"
249        If you instead want the coordinates referenced to the dynamical
250        system defined by the Earth's true equator and equinox, provide
251        a specific epoch time.
253        >>> ra, dec, distance = astrometric.apparent().radec(epoch='date')
254        >>> print(ra, dec, sep='\n')
255        03h 22m 54.73s
256        +18deg 33' 04.5"
258        To get J2000.0 coordinates, simply pass ``ts.J2000``.
260        """
261        position_au = self.position.au
262        if epoch is not None:
263            if isinstance(epoch, Time):
264                pass
265            elif isinstance(epoch, float):
266                epoch = Time(None, tt=epoch)
267            elif epoch == 'date':
268                epoch = self.t
269            else:
270                raise ValueError('the epoch= must be a Time object,'
271                                 ' a floating point Terrestrial Time (TT),'
272                                 ' or the string "date" for epoch-of-date')
273            position_au = mxv(epoch.M, position_au)
274        r_au, dec, ra = to_spherical(position_au)
275        return (Angle(radians=ra, preference='hours'),
276                Angle(radians=dec, signed=True),
277                Distance(r_au))
279    def hadec(self):
280        """Compute hour angle, declination, and distance.
282        Returns a tuple of two :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle` objects
283        plus the :class:`~skyfield.units.Distance` to the target.  The
284        angles are the hour angle (±12 hours) east or west of your
285        meridian along the ITRS celestial equator, and the declination
286        (±90 degees) above or below it.  This only works for positions
287        whose center is a geographic location; otherwise, there is no
288        local meridian from which to measure the hour angle.
290        Because this declination is measured from the plane of the
291        Earth’s physical geographic equator, it will be slightly
292        different than the declination returned by ``radec()`` if you
293        have loaded a :ref:`polar motion` file.
295        The coordinates are not adjusted for atmospheric refraction near
296        the horizon.
298        """
299        R = framelib.itrs.rotation_at(self.t)
300        r = mxv(R, self.position.au)
301        au, dec, sublongtiude = to_spherical(r)
302        ha = self.center.longitude.radians - sublongtiude
303        ha += pi
304        ha %= tau
305        ha -= pi
306        return (Angle(radians=ha, preference='hours', signed=True),
307                Angle(radians=dec, signed=True),
308                Distance(au))
310    def separation_from(self, another_icrf):
311        """Return the angle between this position and another.
313        >>> from skyfield.api import load
314        >>> ts = load.timescale()
315        >>> t = ts.utc(2020, 4, 18)
316        >>> eph = load('de421.bsp')
317        >>> sun, venus, earth = eph['sun'], eph['venus'], eph['earth']
318        >>> e = earth.at(t)
319        >>> s = e.observe(sun)
320        >>> v = e.observe(venus)
321        >>> print(s.separation_from(v))
322        43deg 23' 23.1"
324        You can also compute separations across an array of positions.
326        >>> t = ts.utc(2020, 4, [18, 19, 20])
327        >>> e = earth.at(t)
328        >>> print(e.observe(sun).separation_from(e.observe(venus)))
329        3 values from 43deg 23' 23.1" to 42deg 49' 46.6"
331        """
332        u = self.position.au
333        v = another_icrf.position.au
335        # Allow an array of positions to be compared with a single other
336        # position.
337        difference = len(u.shape) - len(v.shape)
338        if difference:
339            if difference > 0:
340                v = reshape(v, v.shape + (1,) * difference)
341            else:
342                u = reshape(u, u.shape + (1,) * -difference)
344        return Angle(radians=angle_between(u, v))
346    # TODO: build a reference frame for the following two methods.
348    def cirs_xyz(self, epoch):
349        """Compute cartesian CIRS coordinates at a given epoch |xyz|.
351        Calculate coordinates in the Celestial Intermediate Reference System
352        (CIRS), a dynamical coordinate system referenced to the Celestial
353        Intermediate Origin (CIO). As this is a dynamical system it must be
354        calculated at a specific epoch.
355        """
356        if isinstance(epoch, Time):
357            pass
358        elif isinstance(epoch, float):
359            epoch = Time(None, tt=epoch)
360        elif epoch == 'date':
361            epoch = self.t
362        else:
363            raise ValueError('the epoch= must be a Time object,'
364                             ' a floating point Terrestrial Time (TT),'
365                             ' or the string "date" for epoch-of-date')
367        vector = mxv(epoch.C, self.position.au)
368        return Distance(vector)
370    def cirs_radec(self, epoch):
371        """Get spherical CIRS coordinates at a given epoch (ra, dec, distance).
373        Calculate coordinates in the Celestial Intermediate Reference System
374        (CIRS), a dynamical coordinate system referenced to the Celestial
375        Intermediate Origin (CIO). As this is a dynamical system it must be
376        calculated at a specific epoch.
377        """
378        r_au, dec, ra = to_spherical(self.cirs_xyz(epoch).au)
380        return (Angle(radians=ra, preference='hours'),
381                Angle(radians=dec, signed=True),
382                Distance(r_au))
384    # Deprecated methods, that have been replaced by `framelib.py` plus
385    # the "frame" methods in the next section.
387    def ecliptic_xyz(self, epoch=None):
388        if epoch is None:
389            return self.frame_xyz(framelib.ecliptic_J2000_frame)
390        return _Fake(self, epoch).frame_xyz(framelib.ecliptic_frame)
391    def ecliptic_velocity(self):
392        return self.frame_xyz_and_velocity(framelib.ecliptic_J2000_frame)[1]
393    def ecliptic_latlon(self, epoch=None):
394        if epoch is None:
395            return self.frame_latlon(framelib.ecliptic_J2000_frame)
396        return _Fake(self, epoch).frame_latlon(framelib.ecliptic_frame)
398    def galactic_xyz(self): return self.frame_xyz(framelib.galactic_frame)
399    def galactic_latlon(self): return self.frame_latlon(framelib.galactic_frame)
400    ecliptic_position = ecliptic_xyz  # old alias
401    galactic_position = galactic_xyz  # old alias
403    # New methods for converting to and from `framelib.py` reference frames.
405    def frame_xyz(self, frame):
406        """Return this position as an |xyz| vector in a reference frame.
408        Returns a :class:`~skyfield.units.Distance` object giving the
409        |xyz| of this position in the given ``frame``.  See
410        `reference_frames`.
412        """
413        return Distance(mxv(frame.rotation_at(self.t), self.position.au))
415    def frame_xyz_and_velocity(self, frame):
416        """Return |xyz| position and velocity vectors in a reference frame.
418        Returns two vectors in the given coordinate ``frame``: a
419        :class:`~skyfield.units.Distance` providing an |xyz| position
420        and a :class:`~skyfield.units.Velocity` giving (xdot,ydot,zdot)
421        velocity.  See `reference_frames`.
423        """
424        R = frame.rotation_at(self.t)
425        r, v = self.position.au, self.velocity.au_per_d
426        r = mxv(R, r)
427        v = mxv(R, v)
428        at = getattr(frame, '_dRdt_times_RT_at', None)
429        if at is not None:
430            V = at(self.t)
431            v += mxv(V, r)
432        return Distance(r), Velocity(v)
434    def frame_latlon(self, frame):
435        """Return longitude, latitude, and distance in the given frame.
437        Returns a 3-element tuple giving the latitude and longitude as
438        :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle` objects and the range to the
439        target as a :class:`~skyfield.units.Distance`.  See
440        `reference_frames`.
442        """
443        vector = mxv(frame.rotation_at(self.t), self.position.au)
444        d, lat, lon = to_spherical(vector)
445        return (Angle(radians=lat, signed=True),
446                Angle(radians=lon),
447                Distance(d))
449    def frame_latlon_and_rates(self, frame):
450        """Return a reference frame longitude, latitude, range, and rates.
452        Return a 6-element tuple of 3 coordinates and 3 rates-of-change
453        for this position in the given reference ``frame``:
455        * Latitude :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle` from +90° north to −90° south
456        * Longitude :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle` 0°–360° east
457        * Radial :class:`~skyfield.units.Distance`
458        * Latitude :class:`~skyfield.units.AngleRate`
459        * Longitude :class:`~skyfield.units.AngleRate`
460        * Radial :class:`~skyfield.units.Velocity`
462        If the reference frame is the ICRS, or is J2000, or otherwise
463        involves the celestial equator and pole, then the latitude and
464        longitude returned will measure what are more commonly called
465        “declination” and “right ascension”.  Note that right ascension
466        is usually expressed as hours (24 in a circle), rather than in
467        the degrees that this routine will return.
469        """
470        r, v = self.frame_xyz_and_velocity(frame)
471        r = r.au
472        v = v.au_per_d
473        d, lat, lon, d_rate, lat_rate, lon_rate = _to_spherical_and_rates(r, v)
474        return (Angle(radians=lat, signed=True),
475                Angle(radians=lon),
476                Distance(d),
477                AngleRate._from_radians_per_day(lat_rate),
478                AngleRate._from_radians_per_day(lon_rate),
479                Velocity(d_rate))
481    def to_skycoord(self, unit=None):
482        """Convert this distance to an AstroPy ``SkyCoord`` object."""
483        from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
484        from astropy.units import au
485        x, y, z = self.position.au
486        return SkyCoord(representation_type='cartesian', x=x, y=y, z=z, unit=au)
488    def is_sunlit(self, ephemeris):
489        """Return whether a position in Earth orbit is in sunlight.
491        Returns ``True`` or ``False``, or an array of such values, to
492        indicate whether this position is in sunlight or is blocked by
493        the Earth’s shadow.  It should work with positions produced
494        either by calling ``at()`` on a satellite object, or by calling
495        ``at()`` on the relative position ``sat - topos`` of a satellite
496        with respect to an Earth observer’s position.  See
497        :ref:`satellite-is-sunlit`.
499        """
500        if self.center == 399:
501            earth_m = - self.position.m
502        else:
503            gcrs_position = self._observer_gcrs_au
504            if gcrs_position is None:
505                raise ValueError('cannot tell whether this position is sunlit')
506            earth_m = - self.position.m - gcrs_position * AU_M
508        sun_m = (ephemeris['sun'] - ephemeris['earth']).at(self.t).position.m
509        near, far = intersect_line_and_sphere(sun_m + earth_m, earth_m, ERAD)
510        return nan_to_num(far) <= 0
512    def is_behind_earth(self):
513        """Return whether the Earth blocks the view of this object.
515        For a position centered on an Earth-orbiting satellite, return
516        whether the target is in eclipse behind the disc of the Earth.
517        See :ref:`is-behind-earth`.
519        """
520        observer_gcrs_au = self._observer_gcrs_au
521        if observer_gcrs_au is None:
522            raise ValueError('can only compute Earth occultation for'
523                             ' positions observed from an Earth satellite')
524        earth_m = - observer_gcrs_au * AU_M
525        vector_m = self.position.m
526        near, far = intersect_line_and_sphere(vector_m, earth_m, ERAD)
527        return nan_to_num(far) > 0
529    @reify
530    def _altaz_rotation(self):
531        # Return and cache (with @reify) the orientation of this
532        # observer, in case a single observer.at() position is used in
533        # several subsequent .observe().apparent().altaz() calls.
534        rotation_at = getattr(self.target, 'rotation_at', None)
535        if rotation_at is None:
536            raise ValueError(_altaz_message)
537        return rotation_at(self.t)
539    def from_altaz(self, alt=None, az=None, alt_degrees=None, az_degrees=None,
540                   distance=Distance(au=0.1)):
541        """Generate an Apparent position from an altitude and azimuth.
543        The altitude and azimuth can each be provided as an `Angle`
544        object, or else as a number of degrees provided as either a
545        float or a tuple of degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds::
547            alt=Angle(...), az=Angle(...)
548            alt_degrees=23.2289, az_degrees=142.1161
549            alt_degrees=(23, 13, 44.1), az_degrees=(142, 6, 58.1)
551        The distance should be a :class:`~skyfield.units.Distance`
552        object, if provided; otherwise a default of 0.1 au is used.
554        """
555        # TODO: should this method live on another class?
557        rotation_at = getattr(self.target, 'rotation_at', None)
558        if rotation_at is None:
559            raise ValueError(_altaz_message)
560        R = rotation_at(self.t)
562        alt = _interpret_angle('alt', alt, alt_degrees)
563        az = _interpret_angle('az', az, az_degrees)
564        r = distance.au
565        p = from_spherical(r, alt, az)
566        p = einsum('ji...,j...->i...', R, p)
567        return Apparent(p)
569# For compatibility with my original name for the class.  Not an
570# important enough change to warrant a deprecation error for users, so:
574class Geometric(ICRF):
575    """An |xyz| vector between two instantaneous position.
577    A geometric position is the difference between the Solar System
578    positions of two bodies at exactly the same instant.  It is *not*
579    corrected for the fact that, in real physics, it will take time for
580    light to travel from one position to the other.
582    Both the ``.position`` and ``.velocity`` are |xyz| vectors
583    oriented along the axes of the International Celestial Reference
584    System (ICRS), the modern replacement for J2000 coordinates.
586    """
587    def altaz(self, temperature_C=None, pressure_mbar='standard'):
588        """Compute (alt, az, distance) relative to the observer's horizon
590        The altitude returned is an :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle`
591        measured in degrees above the horizon, while the azimuth
592        :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle` measures east along the horizon
593        from geographic north (so 0 degrees means north, 90 is east, 180
594        is south, and 270 is west).
596        By default, Skyfield does not adjust the altitude for
597        atmospheric refraction.  If you want Skyfield to estimate how
598        high the atmosphere might lift the body's image, give the
599        argument ``temperature_C`` either the temperature in degrees
600        centigrade, or the string ``'standard'`` (in which case 10°C is
601        used).
603        When calculating refraction, Skyfield uses the observer’s
604        elevation above sea level to estimate the atmospheric pressure.
605        If you want to override that value, simply provide a number
606        through the ``pressure_mbar`` parameter.
608        """
609        return _to_altaz(self, temperature_C, pressure_mbar)
612class Barycentric(ICRF):
613    """An |xyz| position measured from the Solar System barycenter.
615    Skyfield generates a `Barycentric` position measured from the
616    gravitational center of the Solar System whenever you ask a body for
617    its location at a particular time:
619    >>> t = ts.utc(2003, 8, 29)
620    >>> mars.at(t)
621    <Barycentric BCRS position and velocity at date t center=0 target=499>
623    This class’s ``.position`` and ``.velocity`` are |xyz| vectors in
624    the Barycentric Celestial Reference System (BCRS), the modern
625    replacement for J2000 coordinates measured from the Solar System
626    Barycenter.
628    """
629    _default_center = 0
631    def observe(self, body):
632        """Compute the `Astrometric` position of a body from this location.
634        To compute the body's astrometric position, it is first asked
635        for its position at the time `t` of this position itself.  The
636        distance to the body is then divided by the speed of light to
637        find how long it takes its light to arrive.  Finally, the light
638        travel time is subtracted from `t` and the body is asked for a
639        series of increasingly exact positions to learn where it was
640        when it emitted the light that is now reaching this position.
642        >>> earth.at(t).observe(mars)
643        <Astrometric ICRS position and velocity at date t center=399 target=499>
645        """
646        p, v, t, light_time = body._observe_from_bcrs(self)
647        astrometric = Astrometric(p, v, t, self.target, body.target)
648        astrometric._ephemeris = self._ephemeris
649        astrometric.center_barycentric = self
650        astrometric.light_time = light_time
651        return astrometric
653# TODO: pre-create a Barycentric object representing the SSB, and make
654# it possible for it to observe() a planet.
656class Astrometric(ICRF):
657    """An astrometric |xyz| position relative to a particular observer.
659    The astrometric position of a body is its position relative to an
660    observer, adjusted for light-time delay.  It is the position of the
661    body back when it emitted (or reflected) the light that is now
662    reaching the observer's eye or telescope.  Astrometric positions are
663    usually generated in Skyfield by calling the `Barycentric` method
664    `observe()`, which performs the light-time correction.
666    Both the ``.position`` and ``.velocity`` are |xyz| vectors
667    oriented along the axes of the ICRF, the modern replacement for the
668    J2000 reference frame.
670    It is common to either call ``.radec()`` (with no argument) on an
671    astrometric position to generate an *astrometric place* right
672    ascension and declination with respect to the ICRF axes, or else to
673    call ``.apparent()`` to generate an :class:`Apparent` position.
675    """
676    def apparent(self):
677        """Compute an :class:`Apparent` position for this body.
679        This applies two effects to the position that arise from
680        relativity and shift slightly where the other body will appear
681        in the sky: the deflection that the image will experience if its
682        light passes close to large masses in the Solar System, and the
683        aberration of light caused by the observer's own velocity.
685        >>> earth.at(t).observe(mars).apparent()
686        <Apparent GCRS position and velocity at date t center=399 target=499>
688        These transforms convert the position from the BCRS reference
689        frame of the Solar System barycenter and to the reference frame
690        of the observer.  In the specific case of an Earth observer, the
691        output reference frame is the GCRS.
693        """
694        t = self.t
695        target_au = self.position.au.copy()
697        cb = self.center_barycentric
698        bcrs_position = cb.position.au
699        bcrs_velocity = cb.velocity.au_per_d
700        observer_gcrs_au = cb._observer_gcrs_au
702        # If a single observer position (3,) is observing an array of
703        # targets (3,n), then deflection and aberration will complain
704        # that "operands could not be broadcast together" unless we give
705        # the observer another dimension too.
706        if len(bcrs_position.shape) < len(target_au.shape):
707            shape = bcrs_position.shape + (1,)
708            bcrs_position = bcrs_position.reshape(shape)
709            bcrs_velocity = bcrs_velocity.reshape(shape)
710            if observer_gcrs_au is not None:
711                observer_gcrs_au = observer_gcrs_au.reshape(shape)
713        if observer_gcrs_au is None:
714            include_earth_deflection = array((False,))
715        else:
716            limb_angle, nadir_angle = compute_limb_angle(
717                target_au, observer_gcrs_au)
718            include_earth_deflection = nadir_angle >= 0.8
720        add_deflection(target_au, bcrs_position,
721                       self._ephemeris, t, include_earth_deflection)
723        add_aberration(target_au, bcrs_velocity, self.light_time)
725        v = self.velocity.au_per_d
726        if v is not None:
727            pass  # TODO: how to apply aberration and deflection to velocity?
729        apparent = Apparent(target_au, v, t, self.center, self.target)
730        apparent.center_barycentric = self.center_barycentric
731        apparent._observer_gcrs_au = observer_gcrs_au
732        return apparent
734class Apparent(ICRF):
735    """An apparent |xyz| position relative to a particular observer.
737    This class’s vectors provide the position and velocity of a body
738    relative to an observer, adjusted to predict where the body’s image
739    will really appear (hence "apparent") in the sky:
741    * Light-time delay, as already present in an `Astrometric` position.
743    * Deflection: gravity bends light, and thus the image of a distant
744      object, as the light passes massive objects like Jupiter, Saturn,
745      and the Sun.  For an observer on the Earth’s surface or in Earth
746      orbit, the slight deflection by the gravity of the Earth itself is
747      also included.
749    * Aberration: incoming light arrives slanted because of the
750      observer's motion through space.
752    These positions are usually produced in Skyfield by calling the
753    `apparent()` method of an `Astrometric` object.
755    Both the ``.position`` and ``.velocity`` are |xyz| vectors
756    oriented along the axes of the ICRF, the modern replacement for the
757    J2000 reference frame.  If the observer is at the geocenter, they
758    are more specifically GCRS coordinates.  Two common coordinates that
759    this vector can generate are:
761    * *Proper place:* call ``.radec()`` without arguments to compute
762      right ascension and declination with respect to the fixed axes of
763      the ICRF.
765    * *Apparent place,* the most popular option: call ``.radec('date')``
766      to generate right ascension and declination with respect to the
767      equator and equinox of date.
769    """
770    def altaz(self, temperature_C=None, pressure_mbar='standard'):
771        """Compute (alt, az, distance) relative to the observer's horizon
773        The altitude returned is an :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle`
774        measured in degrees above the horizon, while the azimuth
775        :class:`~skyfield.units.Angle` measures east along the horizon
776        from geographic north (so 0 degrees means north, 90 is east, 180
777        is south, and 270 is west).
779        By default, Skyfield does not adjust the altitude for
780        atmospheric refraction.  If you want Skyfield to estimate how
781        high the atmosphere might lift the body's image, give the
782        argument ``temperature_C`` either the temperature in degrees
783        centigrade, or the string ``'standard'`` (in which case 10°C is
784        used).
786        When calculating refraction, Skyfield uses the observer’s
787        elevation above sea level to estimate the atmospheric pressure.
788        If you want to override that value, simply provide a number
789        through the ``pressure_mbar`` parameter.
791        """
792        return _to_altaz(self, temperature_C, pressure_mbar)
795class Geocentric(ICRF):
796    """An |xyz| position measured from the center of the Earth.
798    A geocentric position is the difference between the position of the
799    Earth at a given instant and the position of a target body at the
800    same instant, without accounting for light-travel time or the effect
801    of relativity on the light itself.
803    Its ``.position`` and ``.velocity`` vectors have |xyz| axes that
804    are those of the Geocentric Celestial Reference System (GCRS), an
805    inertial system that is an update to J2000 and that does not rotate
806    with the Earth itself.
808    """
809    _default_center = 399
811    def itrf_xyz(self):
812        """Deprecated; instead, call ``.frame_xyz(itrs)``. \
813        See `reference_frames`."""
814        return self.frame_xyz(framelib.itrs)
816    def subpoint(self):
817        """Deprecated; instead, call either ``iers2010.subpoint(pos)`` or \
818        ``wgs84.subpoint(pos)``."""
819        from .toposlib import iers2010
820        return iers2010.subpoint(self)
822def _to_altaz(position, temperature_C, pressure_mbar):
823    """Compute (alt, az, distance) relative to the observer's horizon."""
824    cb = position.center_barycentric
825    if cb is not None:
826        R = cb._altaz_rotation
827    else:
828        rotation_at = getattr(position.center, 'rotation_at')
829        if rotation_at is not None:
830            R = rotation_at(position.t)
831        else:
832            raise ValueError(_altaz_message)
834    position_au = mxv(R, position.position.au)
835    r_au, alt, az = to_spherical(position_au)
837    if temperature_C is None:
838        alt = Angle(radians=alt)
839    else:
840        refract = getattr(position.center, 'refract', None)
841        if refract is None:
842            raise ValueError(_altaz_message)
843        alt = position.center.refract(
844            alt * RAD2DEG, temperature_C, pressure_mbar,
845        )
847    return alt, Angle(radians=az), Distance(r_au)
849_altaz_message = (
850    'to compute an altazimuth position, you must observe from a'
851    ' specific Earth location or from a position on another body'
852    ' loaded from a set of planetary constants'
855class _Fake(ICRF):  # support for deprecated frame rotation methods above
856    def __init__(self, original, epoch):
857        self.position = original.position
858        if isinstance(epoch, Time):
859            self.t = epoch
860        elif isinstance(epoch, float):
861            self.t = Time(None, tt=epoch)
862        elif epoch == 'date':
863            self.t = original.t
864        else:
865            raise ValueError('the epoch= must be a Time object,'
866                             ' a floating point Terrestrial Time (TT),'
867                             ' or the string "date" for epoch-of-date')
869def ITRF_to_GCRS(t, rITRF):  # Deprecated; for compatibility with old versions.
870    return mxv(_T(framelib.itrs.rotation_at(t)), rITRF)
872def ITRF_to_GCRS2(t, rITRF, vITRF, _high_accuracy=False):
873    position = array(rITRF)
874    velocity = array(vITRF)
876    # TODO: This is expensive, and should be extensively trimmed to only
877    # include the most important terms underlying GAST.  But it improves
878    # the precision by something like 1e5 times when compared to using
879    # the round number skyfield.constants.ANGVEL!
880    #
881    # See the test `test_velocity_in_ITRF_to_GCRS2()`.
882    #
883    if _high_accuracy:
884        _one_second = 1.0 / DAY_S
885        t_later = t.ts.tt_jd(t.whole, t.tt_fraction + _one_second)
886        angvel = (t_later.gast - t.gast) / 24.0 * tau
887    else:
888        angvel = ANGVEL
890    spin = rot_z(t.gast / 24.0 * tau)
891    R = mxm(t.MT, spin)
893    z = 0.0 * angvel
895    V = array((
896        (z,-DAY_S * angvel,z),
897        (DAY_S * angvel,z,z),
898        (z,z,z),
899    ))
901    velocity = velocity + mxv(V, position)
902    position = mxv(R, position)
903    velocity = mxv(R, velocity)
905    return position, velocity