1 /**************************************************************************/
2 /* Copyright Notice                                                       */
3 /*                                                                        */
4 /* For Scientific and Technical Information Only                          */
5 /* Copyright 2006 Los Alamos National Security, LLC All rights reserved   */
6 /*                                                                        */
7 /* For All Information Unless otherwise indicated, this information has   */
8 /* been authored by an employee or employees of the Los Alamos National   */
9 /* Security, LLC (LANS), operator of the Los Alamos National Laboratory   */
10 /* under Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 with the U.S. Department of       */
11 /* Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use, reproduce, and          */
12 /* distribute this information. The public may copy and use this          */
13 /* information without charge, provided that this Notice and any          */
14 /* statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the      */
15 /* Government nor LANS makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes */
16 /* any liability or responsibility for the use of this information.       */
17 /*                                                                        */
18 /* Author: Frank A. Ortega fao[at]lanl.gov                                */
19 /**************************************************************************/
21 #ifndef _GMVREADH_
22 #define _GMVREADH_
24 #ifndef RDATA_INIT
25 #define EXTERN extern
26 #else
27 #define EXTERN /**/
28 #endif
30 /*  Keyword types.  */
31 #define NODES       1
32 #define CELLS       2
33 #define FACES       3
34 #define VFACES      4
35 #define XFACES      5
36 #define MATERIAL    6
37 #define VELOCITY    7
38 #define VARIABLE    8
39 #define FLAGS       9
40 #define POLYGONS   10
41 #define TRACERS    11
42 #define PROBTIME   12
43 #define CYCLENO    13
44 #define NODEIDS    14
45 #define CELLIDS    15
46 #define SURFACE    16
47 #define SURFMATS   17
48 #define SURFVEL    18
49 #define SURFVARS   19
50 #define SURFFLAG   20
51 #define UNITS      21
52 #define VINFO      22
53 #define TRACEIDS   23
54 #define GROUPS     24
55 #define FACEIDS    25
56 #define SURFIDS    26
57 #define CELLPES    27
58 #define SUBVARS    28
59 #define GHOSTS     29
60 #define VECTORS    30
61 #define CODENAME   48
62 #define CODEVER    49
63 #define SIMDATE    50
64 #define GMVEND     51
65 #define INVALIDKEYWORD 52
66 #define GMVERROR 53
69 /*  Data types for Nodes:  */
70 #define UNSTRUCT  100
71 #define STRUCT 101
72 #define LOGICALLY_STRUCT 102
73 #define AMR 103
74 #define VFACES2D 104
75 #define VFACES3D 105
76 #define NODE_V   106
78 /*  Data types for Cells:  */
79 #define GENERAL 110
80 #define REGULAR 111
81 #define VFACE2D 112
82 #define VFACE3D 113
84 /*  Data types for vectors, variables, materials, flags, tracers, groups: */
85 #define NODE       200
86 #define CELL       201
87 #define FACE       202
88 #define SURF       203
89 #define XYZ        204
90 #define TRACERDATA 205
91 #define VEL        206
92 #define ENDKEYWORD 207
93 #define FROMFILE   208
96 EXTERN struct
97          {
98           int     keyword;    /*  See above for definitions.  */
99           int     datatype;   /*  See above for definitions.  */
100           char    name1[33];  /*  hex, tri, etc, flag name, field name.  */
101           long    num;        /*  nnodes, ncells, nsurf, ntracers.  */
102           long    num2;       /*  no. of faces, number of vertices.  */
104           long    ndoubledata1;
105           double  *doubledata1;
106           long    ndoubledata2;
107           double  *doubledata2;
108           long    ndoubledata3;
109           double  *doubledata3;
111           long    nlongdata1;
112           long    *longdata1;
113           long    nlongdata2;
114           long    *longdata2;
116           int     nchardata1;   /*  Number of 33 character string.  */
117           char    *chardata1;   /*  Array of 33 character strings.  */
118           int     nchardata2;   /*  Number of 33 character string.  */
119           char    *chardata2;   /*  Array of 33 character strings.  */
120          }
121      gmv_data;
124 EXTERN struct
125          {
126           long    nnodes;
127           long    ncells;
128           long    nfaces;
129           long    totfaces;
130           long    totverts;
131           int     intype;  /* CELLS, FACES, STRUCT, LOGICALLY_STRUCT, AMR. */
132           int     nxv;  /*  nxv, nyv, nzv for STRUCT,  */
133           int     nyv;  /*  LOGICALLY_STRUC and AMR.   */
134           int     nzv;
136           double  *x;  /*  Node x,y,zs, nnodes long.  */
137           double  *y;
138           double  *z;
140           long    *celltoface;   /*  Cell to face pointer, ncells+1 long. */
141           long    *cellfaces;    /*  Faces in cells, totfaces+1 long.  */
142           long    *facetoverts;  /*  Face to verts pointer, nfaces+1 long.*/
143           long    *faceverts;    /*  Verts per face, totverts long.  */
144           long    *facecell1;    /*  First cell face attaches to.  */
145           long    *facecell2;    /*  Second cell, nfaces long.  */
146           long    *vfacepe;      /*  Vface pe no.  */
147           long    *vfaceoppface;  /*  Vface opposite face no.  */
148           long    *vfaceoppfacepe;  /*  Vface opposite face pe no.  */
149           long    *cellnnode;    /*  No. of nodes per cell (regular cells).  */
150           long    *cellnodes;    /*  Node list per cell (regular cells).  */
151          }
152      gmv_meshdata;
154 /*  C, C++ prototypes.  */
156 int gmvread_checkfile(char *filnam);
158 int gmvread_open(char *filnam);
160 int gmvread_open_fromfileskip(char *filnam);
162 void gmvread_close(void);
164 void gmvread_data(void);
166 void gmvread_mesh(void);
168 void gmvread_printon();
170 void gmvread_printoff();
172 void struct2face(void);
174 void struct2vface(void);
176 #endif