2=head1 NAME
4Devscripts::Uscan::Config - uscan configuration object
6=head1 SYNOPSIS
8  use Devscripts::Uscan::Config;
9  my $config = Devscripts::Uscan::Config->new->parse;
13Uscan configuration object. It can scan configuration files
14(B</etc/devscripts.conf> and B<~/.devscripts>) and command line arguments.
18package Devscripts::Uscan::Config;
20use strict;
22use Devscripts::Uscan::Output;
23use Exporter 'import';
24use Moo;
26extends 'Devscripts::Config';
30use constant default_user_agent => "Debian uscan"
31  . ($main::uscan_version ? " $main::uscan_version" : '');
37# Options + default values
39has bare                     => (is => 'rw');
40has check_dirname_level      => (is => 'rw');
41has check_dirname_regex      => (is => 'rw');
42has compression              => (is => 'rw');
43has copyright_file           => (is => 'rw');
44has destdir                  => (is => 'rw');
45has download                 => (is => 'rw');
46has download_current_version => (is => 'rw');
47has download_debversion      => (is => 'rw');
48has download_version         => (is => 'rw');
49has exclusion                => (is => 'rw');
50has log                      => (is => 'rw');
51has orig                     => (is => 'rw');
52has package                  => (is => 'rw');
53has pasv                     => (is => 'rw');
54has http_header              => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
56# repack to .tar.$zsuffix if 1
57has repack     => (is => 'rw');
58has safe       => (is => 'rw');
59has signature  => (is => 'rw');
60has symlink    => (is => 'rw');
61has timeout    => (is => 'rw');
62has user_agent => (is => 'rw');
63has uversion   => (is => 'rw');
64has watchfile  => (is => 'rw');
66# II - Options
68use constant keys => [
69    # 2.1 - Simple parameters that can be set in ~/.devscripts and command line
70    [
71        'check-dirname-level=s', 'DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_LEVEL',
72        qr/^[012]$/,             1
73    ],
74    [
75        'check-dirname-regex=s', 'DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_REGEX',
76        undef,                   'PACKAGE(-.+)?'
77    ],
78    ['dehs!', 'USCAN_DEHS_OUTPUT', sub { $dehs = $_[1]; 1 }],
79    [
80        'destdir=s',
81        'USCAN_DESTDIR',
82        sub {
83            if (-d $_[1]) {
84                $_[0]->destdir($_[1]) if (-d $_[1]);
85                return 1;
86            }
87            return (0,
88                "The directory to store downloaded files(\$destdir): $_[1]");
89        },
90        '..'
91    ],
92    ['exclusion!', 'USCAN_EXCLUSION', 'bool',    1],
93    ['timeout=i',  'USCAN_TIMEOUT',   qr/^\d+$/, 20],
94    [
95        'user-agent|useragent=s',
96        'USCAN_USER_AGENT',
97        qr/\w/,
98        sub {
99            default_user_agent;
100        }
101    ],
102    ['repack', 'USCAN_REPACK', 'bool'],
103    # 2.2 - Simple command line args
104    ['bare', undef, 'bool', 0],
105    ['compression=s'],
106    ['copyright-file=s'],
107    ['download-current-version', undef, 'bool'],
108    ['download-version=s'],
109    ['download-debversion|dversion=s'],
110    ['log', undef, 'bool'],
111    ['package=s'],
112    ['uversion|upstream-version=s'],
113    ['watchfile=s'],
114    # 2.3 - More complex options
115    # http headers (#955268)
116    ['http-header=s', 'USCAN_HTTP_HEADER', undef, sub { {} }],
118    # "download" and its aliases
119    [
120        undef,
121        'USCAN_DOWNLOAD',
122        sub {
123            return (1, 'Bad USCAN_DOWNLOAD value, skipping')
124              unless ($_[1] =~ /^(?:yes|(no))$/i);
125            $_[0]->download(0) if $1;
126            return 1;
127        }
128    ],
129    [
130        'download|d+',
131        undef,
132        sub {
133            $_[1] =~ s/^yes$/1/i;
134            $_[1] =~ s/^no$/0/i;
135            return (0, "Wrong number of -d")
136              unless ($_[1] =~ /^[0123]$/);
137            $_[0]->download($_[1]);
138            return 1;
139        },
140        1
141    ],
142    [
143        'force-download',
144        undef,
145        sub {
146            $_[0]->download(2);
147        }
148    ],
149    ['no-download',        undef, sub { $_[0]->download(0); return 1; }],
150    ['overwrite-download', undef, sub { $_[0]->download(3) }],
152    # "pasv"
153    [
154        'pasv|passive',
155        'USCAN_PASV',
156        sub {
157            return $_[0]->pasv('default')
158              unless ($_[1] =~ /^(yes|0|1|no)$/);
159            $_[0]->pasv({
160                    yes => 1,
161                    1   => 1,
162                    no  => 0,
163                    0   => 0,
164                }->{$1});
165            return 1;
166        },
167        0
168    ],
170    # "safe" and "symlink" and their aliases
171    ['safe|report', 'USCAN_SAFE', 'bool', 0],
172    [
173        'report-status',
174        undef,
175        sub {
176            $_[0]->safe(1);
177            $verbose ||= 1;
178        }
179    ],
180    ['copy',   undef, sub { $_[0]->symlink('copy') }],
181    ['rename', undef, sub { $_[0]->symlink('rename') if ($_[1]); 1; }],
182    [
183        'symlink!',
184        'USCAN_SYMLINK',
185        sub {
186            $_[0]->symlink(
187                  $_[1] =~ /^(no|0|rename)$/   ? $1
188                : $_[1] =~ /^(yes|1|symlink)$/ ? 'symlink'
189                :                                'no'
190            );
191            return 1;
192        },
193        'symlink'
194    ],
195    # "signature" and its aliases
196    ['signature!',                   undef, 'bool', 1],
197    ['skipsignature|skip-signature', undef, sub { $_[0]->signature(-1) }],
198    # "verbose" and its aliases
199    ['debug',       undef, sub { $verbose = 2 }],
200    ['extra-debug', undef, sub { $verbose = 3 }],
201    ['no-verbose',  undef, sub { $verbose = 0; return 1; }],
202    [
203        'verbose|v+',
204        'USCAN_VERBOSE',
205        sub {
206            $verbose = ($_[1] =~ /^yes$/i ? 1 : $_[1] =~ /^(\d)$/ ? $1 : 0);
207            return 1;
208        }
209    ],
210    # Display version
211    [
212        'version',
213        undef,
214        sub {
215            if ($_[1]) { $_[0]->version; exit 0 }
216        }
217    ]];
219use constant rules => [
220    sub {
221        my $self = shift;
222        if ($self->package) {
223            $self->download(0)
224              unless ($self->download > 1);    # compatibility
225            return (0,
226"The --package option requires to set the --watchfile option, too."
227            ) unless defined $self->watchfile;
228        }
229        $self->download(0) if ($self->safe == 1 and $self->download == 1);
230        return 1;
231    },
232    # $signature: -1 = no downloading signature and no verifying signature,
233    #              0 = no downloading signature but verifying signature,
234    #              1 = downloading signature and verifying signature
235    sub {
236        my $self = shift;
237        $self->signature(-1)
238          if $self->download == 0;    # Change default 1 -> -1
239        return 1;
240    },
241    sub {
242        if (defined $_[0]->watchfile and @ARGV) {
243            return (0, "Can't have directory arguments if using --watchfile");
244        }
245        return 1;
246    },
249# help methods
250sub usage {
251    my ($self) = @_;
252    print <<"EOF";
253Usage: $progname [options] [dir ...]
254  Process watch files in all .../debian/ subdirs of those listed (or the
255  current directory if none listed) to check for upstream releases.
257    --no-conf, --noconf
258                   Don\'t read devscripts config files;
259                   must be the first option given
260    --no-verbose   Don\'t report verbose information.
261    --verbose, -v  Report verbose information.
262    --debug, -vv   Report verbose information including the downloaded
263                   web pages as processed to STDERR for debugging.
264    --extra-debug, -vvv  Report also remote content during "search" step
265    --dehs         Send DEHS style output (XML-type) to STDOUT, while
266                   send all other uscan output to STDERR.
267    --no-dehs      Use only traditional uscan output format (default)
268    --download, -d
269                   Download the new upstream release (default)
270    --force-download, -dd
271                   Download the new upstream release, even if up-to-date
272                   (may not overwrite the local file)
273    --overwrite-download, -ddd
274                   Download the new upstream release, even if up-to-date
275                  (may overwrite the local file)
276    --no-download, --nodownload
277                   Don\'t download and report information.
278                   Previously downloaded tarballs may be used.
279                   Change default to --skip-signature.
280    --signature    Download signature and verify (default)
281    --no-signature Don\'t download signature but verify if already downloaded.
282    --skip-signature
283                   Don\'t bother download signature nor verify it.
284    --safe, --report
285                   avoid running unsafe scripts by skipping both the repacking
286                   of the downloaded package and the updating of the new
287                   source tree.  Change default to --no-download and
288                   --skip-signature.
289    --report-status (= --safe --verbose)
290    --download-version VERSION
291                   Specify the version which the upstream release must
292                   match in order to be considered, rather than using the
293                   release with the highest version
294    --download-debversion VERSION
295                   Specify the Debian package version to download the
296                   corresponding upstream release version.  The
297                   dversionmangle and uversionmangle rules are
298                   considered.
299    --download-current-version
300                   Download the currently packaged version
301    --check-dirname-level N
302                   Check parent directory name?
303                   N=0   never check parent directory name
304                   N=1   only when $progname changes directory (default)
305                   N=2   always check parent directory name
306    --check-dirname-regex REGEX
307                   What constitutes a matching directory name; REGEX is
308                   a Perl regular expression; the string \`PACKAGE\' will
309                   be replaced by the package name; see manpage for details
310                   (default: 'PACKAGE(-.+)?')
311    --destdir      Path of directory to which to download.
312    --package PACKAGE
313                   Specify the package name rather than examining
314                   debian/changelog; must use --upstream-version and
315                   --watchfile with this option, no directory traversing
316                   will be performed, no actions (even downloading) will be
317                   carried out
318    --upstream-version VERSION
319                   Specify the current upstream version in use rather than
320                   parsing debian/changelog to determine this
321    --watchfile FILE
322                   Specify the watch file rather than using debian/watch;
323                   no directory traversing will be done in this case
324    --bare         Disable all site specific special case codes to perform URL
325                   redirections and page content alterations.
326    --no-exclusion Disable automatic exclusion of files mentioned in
327                   debian/copyright field Files-Excluded and Files-Excluded-*
328    --pasv         Use PASV mode for FTP connections
329    --no-pasv      Don\'t use PASV mode for FTP connections (default)
330    --no-symlink   Don\'t rename nor repack upstream tarball
331    --timeout N    Specifies how much time, in seconds, we give remote
332                   servers to respond (default 20 seconds)
333    --user-agent, --useragent
334                   Override the default user agent string
335    --log          Record md5sum changes of repackaging
336    --help         Show this message
337    --version      Show version information
339Options passed on to mk-origtargz:
340    --symlink      Create a correctly named symlink to downloaded file (default)
341    --rename       Rename instead of symlinking
342    --copy         Copy instead of symlinking
343    --repack       Repack downloaded archives to change compression
344    --compression [ gzip | bzip2 | lzma | xz ]
345                   When the upstream sources are repacked, use compression COMP
346                   for the resulting tarball (default: gzip)
347    --copyright-file FILE
348                   Remove files matching the patterns found in FILE
350Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files:
355sub version {
356    print <<"EOF";
357This is $progname, from the Debian devscripts package, version $main::uscan_version
358This code is copyright 1999-2006 by Julian Gilbey and 2018 by Xavier Guimard,
359all rights reserved.
360Original code by Christoph Lameter.
361This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
362You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the
363GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
369=head1 SEE ALSO
371L<uscan>, L<Devscripts::Config>
373=head1 AUTHOR
375B<uscan> was originally written by Christoph Lameter
376E<lt>clameter@debian.orgE<gt> (I believe), modified by Julian Gilbey
377E<lt>jdg@debian.orgE<gt>. HTTP support was added by Piotr Roszatycki
378E<lt>dexter@debian.orgE<gt>. B<uscan> was rewritten in Perl by Julian Gilbey.
379Xavier Guimard E<lt>yadd@debian.orgE<gt> rewrote uscan in object
380oriented Perl.
384Copyright 2002-2006 by Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>,
3852018 by Xavier Guimard <yadd@debian.org>
387This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
388it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
389the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
390(at your option) any later version.