1# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
2from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
4import os
5import re
6import logging
8from collections import defaultdict
10from powerline.lib.threaded import ThreadedSegment
11from powerline.lib.unicode import unicode
12from powerline.lint.markedjson.markedvalue import MarkedUnicode
13from powerline.lint.markedjson.error import DelayedEchoErr, Mark
14from powerline.lint.selfcheck import havemarks
15from powerline.lint.context import JStr, list_themes
16from powerline.lint.imp import WithPath, import_function, import_segment
17from powerline.lint.spec import Spec
18from powerline.lint.inspect import getconfigargspec
21list_sep = JStr(', ')
24generic_keys = set((
25	'exclude_modes', 'include_modes',
26	'exclude_function', 'include_function',
27	'width', 'align',
28	'name',
29	'draw_soft_divider', 'draw_hard_divider',
30	'priority',
31	'after', 'before',
32	'display'
34type_keys = {
35	'function': set(('function', 'args', 'draw_inner_divider')),
36	'string': set(('contents', 'type', 'highlight_groups', 'divider_highlight_group')),
37	'segment_list': set(('function', 'segments', 'args', 'type')),
39required_keys = {
40	'function': set(('function',)),
41	'string': set(()),
42	'segment_list': set(('function', 'segments',)),
44highlight_keys = set(('highlight_groups', 'name'))
47def get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext):
48	if '.' in function_name:
49		module, function_name = function_name.rpartition('.')[::2]
50	else:
51		module = context[0][1].get(
52			'default_module', MarkedUnicode('powerline.segments.' + ext, None))
53	return module, function_name
56def check_matcher_func(ext, match_name, data, context, echoerr):
57	havemarks(match_name)
58	import_paths = [os.path.expanduser(path) for path in context[0][1].get('common', {}).get('paths', [])]
60	match_module, separator, match_function = match_name.rpartition('.')
61	if not separator:
62		match_module = 'powerline.matchers.{0}'.format(ext)
63		match_function = match_name
64	with WithPath(import_paths):
65		try:
66			func = getattr(__import__(str(match_module), fromlist=[str(match_function)]), str(match_function))
67		except ImportError:
68			echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions',
69			        problem='failed to load module {0}'.format(match_module),
70			        problem_mark=match_name.mark)
71			return True, False, True
72		except AttributeError:
73			echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions',
74			        problem='failed to load matcher function {0}'.format(match_function),
75			        problem_mark=match_name.mark)
76			return True, False, True
78	if not callable(func):
79		echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions',
80		        problem='loaded “function” {0} is not callable'.format(match_function),
81		        problem_mark=match_name.mark)
82		return True, False, True
84	if hasattr(func, 'func_code') and hasattr(func.func_code, 'co_argcount'):
85		if func.func_code.co_argcount != 1:
86			echoerr(
87				context='Error while loading matcher functions',
88				problem=(
89					'function {0} accepts {1} arguments instead of 1. '
90					'Are you sure it is the proper function?'
91				).format(match_function, func.func_code.co_argcount),
92				problem_mark=match_name.mark
93			)
95	return True, False, False
98def check_ext(ext, data, context, echoerr):
99	havemarks(ext)
100	hadsomedirs = False
101	hadproblem = False
102	if ext not in data['lists']['exts']:
103		hadproblem = True
104		echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} extension configuration'.format(ext),
105		        context_mark=ext.mark,
106		        problem='extension configuration does not exist')
107	else:
108		for typ in ('themes', 'colorschemes'):
109			if ext not in data['configs'][typ] and not data['configs']['top_' + typ]:
110				hadproblem = True
111				echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} extension configuration'.format(ext),
112				        context_mark=ext.mark,
113				        problem='{0} configuration does not exist'.format(typ))
114			else:
115				hadsomedirs = True
116	return hadsomedirs, hadproblem
119def check_config(d, theme, data, context, echoerr):
120	if len(context) == 4:
121		ext = context[-2][0]
122	else:
123		# local_themes
124		ext = context[-3][0]
125	if ext not in data['lists']['exts']:
126		echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} extension configuration'.format(ext),
127		        context_mark=ext.mark,
128		        problem='extension configuration does not exist')
129		return True, False, True
130	if (
131		(ext not in data['configs'][d] or theme not in data['configs'][d][ext])
132		and theme not in data['configs']['top_' + d]
133	):
134		echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} from {1} extension configuration'.format(d[:-1], ext),
135		        problem='failed to find configuration file {0}/{1}/{2}.json'.format(d, ext, theme),
136		        problem_mark=theme.mark)
137		return True, False, True
138	return True, False, False
141def check_top_theme(theme, data, context, echoerr):
142	havemarks(theme)
143	if theme not in data['configs']['top_themes']:
144		echoerr(context='Error while checking extension configuration (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
145		        context_mark=context[-2][0].mark,
146		        problem='failed to find top theme {0}'.format(theme),
147		        problem_mark=theme.mark)
148		return True, False, True
149	return True, False, False
152def check_color(color, data, context, echoerr):
153	havemarks(color)
154	if (color not in data['colors_config'].get('colors', {})
155		and color not in data['colors_config'].get('gradients', {})):
156		echoerr(
157			context='Error while checking highlight group in colorscheme (key {key})'.format(
158				key=context.key),
159			problem='found unexistent color or gradient {0}'.format(color),
160			problem_mark=color.mark
161		)
162		return True, False, True
163	return True, False, False
166def check_translated_group_name(group, data, context, echoerr):
167	return check_group(group, data, context, echoerr)
170def check_group(group, data, context, echoerr):
171	havemarks(group)
172	if not isinstance(group, unicode):
173		return True, False, False
174	colorscheme = data['colorscheme']
175	ext = data['ext']
176	configs = None
177	if ext:
178		def listed_key(d, k):
179			try:
180				return [d[k]]
181			except KeyError:
182				return []
184		if colorscheme == '__main__':
185			colorscheme_names = set(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext])
186			colorscheme_names.update(data['top_colorscheme_configs'])
187			colorscheme_names.discard('__main__')
188			configs = [
189				(
190					name,
191					listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], name)
192					+ listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], '__main__')
193					+ listed_key(data['top_colorscheme_configs'], name)
194				)
195				for name in colorscheme_names
196			]
197		else:
198			configs = [
199				(
200					colorscheme,
201					listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], colorscheme)
202					+ listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], '__main__')
203					+ listed_key(data['top_colorscheme_configs'], colorscheme)
204				)
205			]
206	else:
207		try:
208			configs = [(colorscheme, [data['top_colorscheme_configs'][colorscheme]])]
209		except KeyError:
210			pass
211	hadproblem = False
212	for new_colorscheme, config_lst in configs:
213		not_found = []
214		new_data = data.copy()
215		new_data['colorscheme'] = new_colorscheme
216		for config in config_lst:
217			havemarks(config)
218			try:
219				group_data = config['groups'][group]
220			except KeyError:
221				not_found.append(config.mark.name)
222			else:
223				proceed, echo, chadproblem = check_group(
224					group_data,
225					new_data,
226					context,
227					echoerr,
228				)
229				if chadproblem:
230					hadproblem = True
231				if not proceed:
232					break
233		if not_found and len(not_found) == len(config_lst):
234			echoerr(
235				context='Error while checking group definition in colorscheme (key {key})'.format(
236					key=context.key),
237				problem='name {0} is not present anywhere in {1} {2} {3} colorschemes: {4}'.format(
238					group, len(not_found), ext, new_colorscheme, ', '.join(not_found)),
239				problem_mark=group.mark
240			)
241			hadproblem = True
242	return True, False, hadproblem
245def check_key_compatibility(segment, data, context, echoerr):
246	havemarks(segment)
247	segment_type = segment.get('type', MarkedUnicode('function', None))
248	havemarks(segment_type)
250	if segment_type not in type_keys:
251		echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
252		        problem='found segment with unknown type {0}'.format(segment_type),
253		        problem_mark=segment_type.mark)
254		return False, False, True
256	hadproblem = False
258	keys = set(segment)
259	if not ((keys - generic_keys) < type_keys[segment_type]):
260		unknown_keys = keys - generic_keys - type_keys[segment_type]
261		echoerr(
262			context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
263			context_mark=context[-1][1].mark,
264			problem='found keys not used with the current segment type: {0}'.format(
265				list_sep.join(unknown_keys)),
266			problem_mark=list(unknown_keys)[0].mark
267		)
268		hadproblem = True
270	if not (keys >= required_keys[segment_type]):
271		missing_keys = required_keys[segment_type] - keys
272		echoerr(
273			context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
274			context_mark=context[-1][1].mark,
275			problem='found missing required keys: {0}'.format(
276				list_sep.join(missing_keys))
277		)
278		hadproblem = True
280	if not (segment_type == 'function' or (keys & highlight_keys)):
281		echoerr(
282			context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
283			context_mark=context[-1][1].mark,
284			problem=(
285				'found missing keys required to determine highlight group. '
286				'Either highlight_groups or name key must be present'
287			)
288		)
289		hadproblem = True
291	return True, False, hadproblem
294def check_segment_module(module, data, context, echoerr):
295	havemarks(module)
296	with WithPath(data['import_paths']):
297		try:
298			__import__(str(module))
299		except ImportError as e:
300			if echoerr.logger.level >= logging.DEBUG:
301				echoerr.logger.exception(e)
302			echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
303			        problem='failed to import module {0}'.format(module),
304			        problem_mark=module.mark)
305			return True, False, True
306	return True, False, False
309def check_full_segment_data(segment, data, context, echoerr):
310	if 'name' not in segment and 'function' not in segment:
311		return True, False, False
313	ext = data['ext']
314	theme_segment_data = context[0][1].get('segment_data', {})
315	main_theme_name = data['main_config'].get('ext', {}).get(ext, {}).get('theme', None)
316	if not main_theme_name or data['theme'] == main_theme_name:
317		top_segment_data = {}
318	else:
319		top_segment_data = data['ext_theme_configs'].get(main_theme_name, {}).get('segment_data', {})
321	if segment.get('type', 'function') == 'function':
322		function_name = segment.get('function')
323		if function_name:
324			module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext)
325			names = [module + '.' + function_name, function_name]
326		else:
327			names = []
328	elif segment.get('name'):
329		names = [segment['name']]
330	else:
331		return True, False, False
333	segment_copy = segment.copy()
335	for key in ('before', 'after', 'args', 'contents'):
336		if key not in segment_copy:
337			for segment_data in [theme_segment_data, top_segment_data]:
338				for name in names:
339					try:
340						val = segment_data[name][key]
341						k = segment_data[name].keydict[key]
342						segment_copy[k] = val
343					except KeyError:
344						pass
346	return check_key_compatibility(segment_copy, data, context, echoerr)
349highlight_group_spec = Spec().ident().copy
350_highlight_group_spec = highlight_group_spec().context_message(
351	'Error while checking function documentation while checking theme (key {key})')
354def check_hl_group_name(hl_group, context_mark, context, echoerr):
355	'''Check highlight group name: it should match naming conventions
357	:param str hl_group:
358		Checked group.
359	:param Mark context_mark:
360		Context mark. May be ``None``.
361	:param Context context:
362		Current context.
363	:param func echoerr:
364		Function used for error reporting.
366	:return: ``False`` if check succeeded and ``True`` if it failed.
367	'''
368	return _highlight_group_spec.match(hl_group, context_mark=context_mark, context=context, echoerr=echoerr)[1]
371def check_segment_function(function_name, data, context, echoerr):
372	havemarks(function_name)
373	ext = data['ext']
374	module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext)
375	if context[-2][1].get('type', 'function') == 'function':
376		func = import_segment(function_name, data, context, echoerr, module=module)
378		if not func:
379			return True, False, True
381		hl_groups = []
382		divider_hl_group = None
384		hadproblem = False
386		if func.__doc__:
387			NO_H_G_USED_STR = 'No highlight groups are used (literal segment).'
388			H_G_USED_STR = 'Highlight groups used: '
389			LHGUS = len(H_G_USED_STR)
390			D_H_G_USED_STR = 'Divider highlight group used: '
391			LDHGUS = len(D_H_G_USED_STR)
392			pointer = 0
393			mark_name = '<{0} docstring>'.format(function_name)
394			for i, line in enumerate(func.__doc__.split('\n')):
395				if H_G_USED_STR in line:
396					idx = line.index(H_G_USED_STR) + LHGUS
397					if hl_groups is None:
398						idx -= LHGUS
399						mark = Mark(mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__, pointer + idx)
400						echoerr(
401							context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
402							context_mark=function_name.mark,
403							problem=(
404								'found highlight group definition in addition to sentence stating that '
405								'no highlight groups are used'
406							),
407							problem_mark=mark,
408						)
409						hadproblem = True
410						continue
411					hl_groups.append((
412						line[idx:],
413						(mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__),
414						pointer + idx
415					))
416				elif D_H_G_USED_STR in line:
417					idx = line.index(D_H_G_USED_STR) + LDHGUS + 2
418					mark = Mark(mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__, pointer + idx)
419					divider_hl_group = MarkedUnicode(line[idx:-3], mark)
420				elif NO_H_G_USED_STR in line:
421					idx = line.index(NO_H_G_USED_STR)
422					if hl_groups:
423						mark = Mark(mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__, pointer + idx)
424						echoerr(
425							context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
426							context_mark=function_name.mark,
427							problem=(
428								'found sentence stating that no highlight groups are used '
429								'in addition to highlight group definition'
430							),
431							problem_mark=mark,
432						)
433						hadproblem = True
434						continue
435					hl_groups = None
436				pointer += len(line) + len('\n')
438		if divider_hl_group:
439			r = hl_exists(divider_hl_group, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=True)
440			if r:
441				echoerr(
442					context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
443					context_mark=function_name.mark,
444					problem=(
445						'found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}\n'
446						'(Group name was obtained from function documentation.)'
447					).format(divider_hl_group, list_sep.join(r)),
448					problem_mark=divider_hl_group.mark,
449				)
450				hadproblem = True
451			if check_hl_group_name(divider_hl_group, function_name.mark, context, echoerr):
452				hadproblem = True
454		if hl_groups:
455			greg = re.compile(r'``([^`]+)``( \(gradient\))?')
456			parsed_hl_groups = []
457			for line, mark_args, pointer in hl_groups:
458				for s in line.split(', '):
459					required_pack = []
460					sub_pointer = pointer
461					for subs in s.split(' or '):
462						match = greg.match(subs)
463						try:
464							if not match:
465								continue
466							hl_group = MarkedUnicode(
467								match.group(1),
468								Mark(*mark_args, pointer=sub_pointer + match.start(1))
469							)
470							if check_hl_group_name(hl_group, function_name.mark, context, echoerr):
471								hadproblem = True
472							gradient = bool(match.group(2))
473							required_pack.append((hl_group, gradient))
474						finally:
475							sub_pointer += len(subs) + len(' or ')
476					parsed_hl_groups.append(required_pack)
477					pointer += len(s) + len(', ')
478			del hl_group, gradient
479			for required_pack in parsed_hl_groups:
480				rs = [
481					hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=('force' if gradient else False))
482					for hl_group, gradient in required_pack
483				]
484				if all(rs):
485					echoerr(
486						context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
487						problem=(
488							'found highlight groups list ({0}) with all groups not defined in some colorschemes\n'
489							'(Group names were taken from function documentation.)'
490						).format(list_sep.join((h[0] for h in required_pack))),
491						problem_mark=function_name.mark
492					)
493					for r, h in zip(rs, required_pack):
494						echoerr(
495							context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
496							problem='found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}'.format(
497								h[0], list_sep.join(r))
498						)
499					hadproblem = True
500		elif hl_groups is not None:
501			r = hl_exists(function_name, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=True)
502			if r:
503				echoerr(
504					context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
505					problem=(
506						'found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}\n'
507						'(If not specified otherwise in documentation, '
508						'highlight group for function segments\n'
509						'is the same as the function name.)'
510					).format(function_name, list_sep.join(r)),
511					problem_mark=function_name.mark
512				)
513				hadproblem = True
515		return True, False, hadproblem
516	elif context[-2][1].get('type') != 'segment_list':
517		if function_name not in context[0][1].get('segment_data', {}):
518			main_theme_name = data['main_config'].get('ext', {}).get(ext, {}).get('theme', None)
519			if data['theme'] == main_theme_name:
520				main_theme = {}
521			else:
522				main_theme = data['ext_theme_configs'].get(main_theme_name, {})
523			if (
524				function_name not in main_theme.get('segment_data', {})
525				and function_name not in data['ext_theme_configs'].get('__main__', {}).get('segment_data', {})
526				and not any(((function_name in theme.get('segment_data', {})) for theme in data['top_themes'].values()))
527			):
528				echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
529				        problem='found useless use of name key (such name is not present in theme/segment_data)',
530				        problem_mark=function_name.mark)
532	return True, False, False
535def hl_group_in_colorscheme(hl_group, cconfig, allow_gradients, data, context, echoerr):
536	havemarks(hl_group, cconfig)
537	if hl_group not in cconfig.get('groups', {}):
538		return False
539	elif not allow_gradients or allow_gradients == 'force':
540		group_config = cconfig['groups'][hl_group]
541		while isinstance(group_config, unicode):
542			try:
543				group_config = cconfig['groups'][group_config]
544			except KeyError:
545				# No such group. Error was already reported when checking
546				# colorschemes.
547				return True
548		havemarks(group_config)
549		hadgradient = False
550		for ckey in ('fg', 'bg'):
551			color = group_config.get(ckey)
552			if not color:
553				# No color. Error was already reported when checking
554				# colorschemes.
555				return True
556			havemarks(color)
557			# Gradients are only allowed for function segments. Note that
558			# whether *either* color or gradient exists should have been
559			# already checked
560			hascolor = color in data['colors_config'].get('colors', {})
561			hasgradient = color in data['colors_config'].get('gradients', {})
562			if hasgradient:
563				hadgradient = True
564			if allow_gradients is False and not hascolor and hasgradient:
565				echoerr(
566					context='Error while checking highlight group in theme (key {key})'.format(
567						key=context.key),
568					context_mark=hl_group.mark,
569					problem='group {0} is using gradient {1} instead of a color'.format(hl_group, color),
570					problem_mark=color.mark
571				)
572				return False
573		if allow_gradients == 'force' and not hadgradient:
574			echoerr(
575				context='Error while checking highlight group in theme (key {key})'.format(
576					key=context.key),
577				context_mark=hl_group.mark,
578				problem='group {0} should have at least one gradient color, but it has no'.format(hl_group),
579				problem_mark=group_config.mark
580			)
581			return False
582	return True
585def hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=False):
586	havemarks(hl_group)
587	ext = data['ext']
588	if ext not in data['colorscheme_configs']:
589		# No colorschemes. Error was already reported, no need to report it
590		# twice
591		return []
592	r = []
593	found = False
594	for colorscheme, cconfig in data['colorscheme_configs'][ext].items():
595		if hl_group_in_colorscheme(hl_group, cconfig, allow_gradients, data, context, echoerr):
596			found = True
597		else:
598			r.append(colorscheme)
599	if not found:
600		pass
601	return r
604def check_highlight_group(hl_group, data, context, echoerr):
605	havemarks(hl_group)
606	r = hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr)
607	if r:
608		echoerr(
609			context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
610			problem='found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}'.format(
611				hl_group, list_sep.join(r)),
612			problem_mark=hl_group.mark
613		)
614		return True, False, True
615	return True, False, False
618def check_highlight_groups(hl_groups, data, context, echoerr):
619	havemarks(hl_groups)
620	rs = [hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr) for hl_group in hl_groups]
621	if all(rs):
622		echoerr(
623			context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
624			problem='found highlight groups list ({0}) with all groups not defined in some colorschemes'.format(
625				list_sep.join((unicode(h) for h in hl_groups))),
626			problem_mark=hl_groups.mark
627		)
628		for r, hl_group in zip(rs, hl_groups):
629			echoerr(
630				context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
631				problem='found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}'.format(
632					hl_group, list_sep.join(r)),
633				problem_mark=hl_group.mark
634			)
635		return True, False, True
636	return True, False, False
639def check_segment_data_key(key, data, context, echoerr):
640	havemarks(key)
641	has_module_name = '.' in key
642	found = False
643	for ext, theme in list_themes(data, context):
644		for segments in theme.get('segments', {}).values():
645			for segment in segments:
646				if 'name' in segment:
647					if key == segment['name']:
648						found = True
649						break
650				else:
651					function_name = segment.get('function')
652					if function_name:
653						module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, ((None, theme),), ext)
654						if has_module_name:
655							full_name = module + '.' + function_name
656							if key == full_name:
657								found = True
658								break
659						else:
660							if key == function_name:
661								found = True
662								break
663			if found:
664				break
665		if found:
666			break
667	else:
668		if data['theme_type'] != 'top':
669			echoerr(context='Error while checking segment data',
670			        problem='found key {0} that cannot be associated with any segment'.format(key),
671			        problem_mark=key.mark)
672			return True, False, True
674	return True, False, False
677threaded_args_specs = {
678	'interval': Spec().cmp('gt', 0.0),
679	'update_first': Spec().type(bool),
680	'shutdown_event': Spec().error('Shutdown event must be set by powerline'),
684def check_args_variant(func, args, data, context, echoerr):
685	havemarks(args)
686	argspec = getconfigargspec(func)
687	present_args = set(args)
688	all_args = set(argspec.args)
689	required_args = set(argspec.args[:-len(argspec.defaults)])
691	hadproblem = False
693	if required_args - present_args:
694		echoerr(
695			context='Error while checking segment arguments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
696			context_mark=args.mark,
697			problem='some of the required keys are missing: {0}'.format(list_sep.join(required_args - present_args))
698		)
699		hadproblem = True
701	if not all_args >= present_args:
702		echoerr(context='Error while checking segment arguments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
703		        context_mark=args.mark,
704		        problem='found unknown keys: {0}'.format(list_sep.join(present_args - all_args)),
705		        problem_mark=next(iter(present_args - all_args)).mark)
706		hadproblem = True
708	if isinstance(func, ThreadedSegment):
709		for key in set(threaded_args_specs) & present_args:
710			proceed, khadproblem = threaded_args_specs[key].match(
711				args[key],
712				args.mark,
713				data,
714				context.enter_key(args, key),
715				echoerr
716			)
717			if khadproblem:
718				hadproblem = True
719			if not proceed:
720				return hadproblem
722	return hadproblem
725def check_args(get_functions, args, data, context, echoerr):
726	new_echoerr = DelayedEchoErr(echoerr)
727	count = 0
728	hadproblem = False
729	for func in get_functions(data, context, new_echoerr):
730		count += 1
731		shadproblem = check_args_variant(func, args, data, context, echoerr)
732		if shadproblem:
733			hadproblem = True
735	if not count:
736		hadproblem = True
737		if new_echoerr:
738			new_echoerr.echo_all()
739		else:
740			echoerr(context='Error while checking segment arguments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
741			        context_mark=context[-2][1].mark,
742			        problem='no suitable segments found')
744	return True, False, hadproblem
747def get_one_segment_function(data, context, echoerr):
748	ext = data['ext']
749	function_name = context[-2][1].get('function')
750	if function_name:
751		module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext)
752		func = import_segment(function_name, data, context, echoerr, module=module)
753		if func:
754			yield func
757common_names = defaultdict(set)
760def register_common_name(name, cmodule, cname):
761	s = cmodule + '.' + cname
762	cmodule_mark = Mark('<common name definition>', 1, 1, s, 1)
763	cname_mark = Mark('<common name definition>', 1, len(cmodule) + 1, s, len(cmodule) + 1)
764	common_names[name].add((MarkedUnicode(cmodule, cmodule_mark), MarkedUnicode(cname, cname_mark)))
767def get_all_possible_functions(data, context, echoerr):
768	name = context[-2][0]
769	module, name = name.rpartition('.')[::2]
770	if module:
771		func = import_segment(name, data, context, echoerr, module=module)
772		if func:
773			yield func
774	else:
775		if name in common_names:
776			for cmodule, cname in common_names[name]:
777				cfunc = import_segment(cname, data, context, echoerr, module=MarkedUnicode(cmodule, None))
778				if cfunc:
779					yield cfunc
780		for ext, theme_config in list_themes(data, context):
781			for segments in theme_config.get('segments', {}).values():
782				for segment in segments:
783					if segment.get('type', 'function') == 'function':
784						function_name = segment.get('function')
785						current_name = segment.get('name')
786						if function_name:
787							module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, ((None, theme_config),), ext)
788							if current_name == name or function_name == name:
789								func = import_segment(function_name, data, context, echoerr, module=module)
790								if func:
791									yield func
794def check_exinclude_function(name, data, context, echoerr):
795	ext = data['ext']
796	module, name = name.rpartition('.')[::2]
797	if not module:
798		module = MarkedUnicode('powerline.selectors.' + ext, None)
799	func = import_function('selector', name, data, context, echoerr, module=module)
800	if not func:
801		return True, False, True
802	return True, False, False
805def check_log_file_level(this_level, data, context, echoerr):
806	'''Check handler level specified in :ref:`log_file key <config-common-log>`
808	This level must be greater or equal to the level in :ref:`log_level key
809	<config-common-log_level>`.
810	'''
811	havemarks(this_level)
812	hadproblem = False
813	top_level = context[0][1].get('common', {}).get('log_level', 'WARNING')
814	top_level_str = top_level
815	top_level_mark = getattr(top_level, 'mark', None)
816	if (
817		not isinstance(top_level, unicode) or not hasattr(logging, top_level)
818		or not isinstance(this_level, unicode) or not hasattr(logging, this_level)
819	):
820		return True, False, hadproblem
821	top_level = getattr(logging, top_level)
822	this_level_str = this_level
823	this_level_mark = this_level.mark
824	this_level = getattr(logging, this_level)
825	if this_level < top_level:
826		echoerr(
827			context='Error while checking log level index (key {key})'.format(
828				key=context.key),
829			context_mark=this_level_mark,
830			problem='found level that is less critical then top level ({0} < {0})'.format(
831				this_level_str, top_level_str),
832			problem_mark=top_level_mark,
833		)
834		hadproblem = True
835	return True, False, hadproblem
838def check_logging_handler(handler_name, data, context, echoerr):
839	havemarks(handler_name)
840	import_paths = [os.path.expanduser(path) for path in context[0][1].get('common', {}).get('paths', [])]
842	handler_module, separator, handler_class = handler_name.rpartition('.')
843	if not separator:
844		handler_module = 'logging.handlers'
845		handler_class = handler_name
846	with WithPath(import_paths):
847		try:
848			handler = getattr(__import__(str(handler_module), fromlist=[str(handler_class)]), str(handler_class))
849		except ImportError:
850			echoerr(context='Error while loading logger class (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
851			        problem='failed to load module {0}'.format(handler_module),
852			        problem_mark=handler_name.mark)
853			return True, False, True
854		except AttributeError:
855			echoerr(context='Error while loading logger class (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
856			        problem='failed to load handler class {0}'.format(handler_class),
857			        problem_mark=handler_name.mark)
858			return True, False, True
860	if not issubclass(handler, logging.Handler):
861		echoerr(context='Error while loading logger class (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
862		        problem='loaded class {0} is not a logging.Handler subclass'.format(handler_class),
863		        problem_mark=handler_name.mark)
864		return True, False, True
866	return True, False, False