1# coding: utf-8
3This module defines the Robot BaseClass. Robots operates on multiple files and provide helper
4functions to plot the data e.g. convergence studies and to build pandas dataframes from the output files.
6import sys
7import os
8import inspect
9import itertools
10import numpy as np
12from collections import OrderedDict, deque
13from functools import wraps
14from monty.string import is_string, list_strings
15from monty.termcolor import cprint
16from abipy.core.mixins import NotebookWriter
17from abipy.tools.numtools import sort_and_groupby
18from abipy.tools import duck
19from abipy.tools.plotting import (plot_xy_with_hue, add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt,
20    rotate_ticklabels, set_visible)
23class Robot(NotebookWriter):
24    """
25    This is the base class from which all Robot subclasses should derive.
26    A Robot supports the `with` context manager:
28    Usage example:
30    .. code-block:: python
32        with Robot([("label1", "file1"), (label2, "file2")]) as robot:
33            # Do something with robot. files are automatically closed when we exit.
34            for label, abifile in self.items():
35                print(label)
36    """
37    # filepaths are relative to `start`. None for asbolute paths. This flag is set in trim_paths
38    start = None
40    # Used in iter_lineopt to generate matplotlib linestyles.
41    _LINE_COLORS = ["b", "r", "g", "m", "y", "k", "c"]
42    _LINE_STYLES = ["-", ":", "--", "-.",]
43    _LINE_WIDTHS = [2, ]
45    def __init__(self, *args):
46        """
47        Args:
48            args is a list of tuples (label, filepath)
49        """
50        self._abifiles, self._do_close = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
51        self._exceptions = deque(maxlen=100)
53        for label, abifile in args:
54            self.add_file(label, abifile)
56    @classmethod
57    def get_supported_extensions(self):
58        """List of strings with extensions supported by Robot subclasses."""
59        # This is needed to have all subclasses.
60        from abipy.abilab import Robot
61        return sorted([cls.EXT for cls in Robot.__subclasses__()])
63    @classmethod
64    def class_for_ext(cls, ext):
65        """Return the Robot subclass associated to the given extension."""
66        for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
67            if subcls.EXT in (ext, ext.upper()):
68                return subcls
70        # anaddb.nc does not follow the extension rule...
71        if ext.lower() == "anaddb":
72            from abipy.dfpt.anaddbnc import AnaddbNcRobot as subcls
73            return subcls
75        raise ValueError("Cannot find Robot subclass associated to extension %s\n" % ext +
76                         "The list of supported extensions (case insensitive) is:\n%s" %
77                         str(cls.get_supported_extensions()))
79    @classmethod
80    def from_dir(cls, top, walk=True, abspath=False):
81        """
82        This class method builds a robot by scanning all files located within directory `top`.
83        This method should be invoked with a concrete robot class, for example:
85            robot = GsrRobot.from_dir(".")
87        Args:
88            top (str): Root directory
89            walk: if True, directories inside `top` are included as well.
90            abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to `top`.
91        """
92        new = cls(*cls._open_files_in_dir(top, walk))
93        if not abspath: new.trim_paths(start=top)
94        return new
96    @classmethod
97    def from_dirs(cls, dirpaths, walk=True, abspath=False):
98        """
99        Similar to `from_dir` but accepts a list of directories instead of a single directory.
101        Args:
102            walk: if True, directories inside `top` are included as well.
103            abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to `top`.
104        """
105        items = []
106        for top in list_strings(dirpaths):
107            items.extend(cls._open_files_in_dir(top, walk))
108        new = cls(*items)
109        if not abspath: new.trim_paths(start=os.getcwd())
110        return new
112    @classmethod
113    def from_dir_glob(cls, pattern, walk=True, abspath=False):
114        """
115        This class method builds a robot by scanning all files located within the directories
116        matching `pattern` as implemented by glob.glob
117        This method should be invoked with a concrete robot class, for example:
119            robot = GsrRobot.from_dir_glob("flow_dir/w*/outdata/")
121        Args:
122            pattern: Pattern string
123            walk: if True, directories inside `top` are included as well.
124            abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to getcwd().
125        """
126        import glob
127        items = []
128        for top in filter(os.path.isdir, glob.iglob(pattern)):
129            items += cls._open_files_in_dir(top, walk=walk)
130        new = cls(*items)
131        if not abspath: new.trim_paths(start=os.getcwd())
132        return new
134    @classmethod
135    def _open_files_in_dir(cls, top, walk):
136        """Open files in directory tree starting from `top`. Return list of Abinit files."""
137        if not os.path.isdir(top):
138            raise ValueError("%s: no such directory" % str(top))
139        from abipy.abilab import abiopen
140        items = []
141        if walk:
142            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top):
143                filenames = sorted([f for f in filenames if cls.class_handles_filename(f)])
144                for f in filenames:
145                    abifile = abiopen(os.path.join(dirpath, f))
146                    if abifile is not None: items.append((abifile.filepath, abifile))
147        else:
148            filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(top) if cls.class_handles_filename(f)]
149            for f in filenames:
150                abifile = abiopen(os.path.join(top, f))
151                if abifile is not None: items.append((abifile.filepath, abifile))
153        return items
155    @classmethod
156    def class_handles_filename(cls, filename):
157        """True if robot class handles filename."""
158        # Special treatment of AnaddbNcRobot
159        if cls.EXT == "anaddb" and os.path.basename(filename).lower() == "anaddb.nc":
160            return True
162        return (filename.endswith("_" + cls.EXT + ".nc") or
163                filename.endswith("." + cls.EXT))  # This for .abo
165    @classmethod
166    def from_files(cls, filenames, labels=None, abspath=False):
167        """
168        Build a Robot from a list of `filenames`.
169        if labels is None, labels are automatically generated from absolute paths.
171        Args:
172            abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to `top`.
173        """
174        filenames = list_strings(filenames)
175        from abipy.abilab import abiopen
176        filenames = [f for f in filenames if cls.class_handles_filename(f)]
177        items = []
178        for i, f in enumerate(filenames):
179            try:
180                abifile = abiopen(f)
181            except Exception as exc:
182                cprint("Exception while opening file: `%s`" % str(f), "red")
183                cprint(exc, "red")
184                abifile = None
186            if abifile is not None:
187                label = abifile.filepath if labels is None else labels[i]
188                items.append((label, abifile))
190        new = cls(*items)
191        if labels is None and not abspath: new.trim_paths(start=None)
192        return new
194    @classmethod
195    def from_flow(cls, flow, outdirs="all", nids=None, ext=None, task_class=None):
196        """
197        Build a robot from a |Flow| object.
199        Args:
200            flow: |Flow| object
201            outdirs: String used to select/ignore the files in the output directory of flow, works and tasks
202                outdirs="work" selects only the outdir of the Works,
203                outdirs="flow+task" selects the outdir of the Flow and the outdirs of the tasks
204                outdirs="-work" excludes the outdir of the Works.
205                Cannot use ``+`` and ``-`` flags in the same string.
206                Default: `all` that is equivalent to "flow+work+task"
207            nids: List of node identifiers used to select particular nodes. Not used if None
208            ext: File extension associated to the robot. Mainly used if method is invoked with the BaseClass
209            task_class: Task class or string with the class name used to select the tasks in the flow.
210                None implies no filtering.
212        Usage example:
214        .. code-block:: python
216            with abilab.GsrRobot.from_flow(flow) as robot:
217                print(robot)
219            # That is equivalent to:
220            with Robot.from_flow(flow, ext="GSR") as robot:
221                print(robot)
223        Returns:
224            ``Robot`` subclass.
225        """
226        robot = cls() if ext is None else cls.class_for_ext(ext)()
227        all_opts = ("flow", "work", "task")
229        if outdirs == "all":
230            tokens = all_opts
231        elif "+" in outdirs:
232            assert "-" not in outdirs
233            tokens = outdirs.split("+")
234        elif "-" in outdirs:
235            assert "+" not in outdirs
236            tokens = [s for s in all if s not in outdirs.split("-")]
237        else:
238            tokens = list_strings(outdirs)
240        if not all(t in all_opts for t in tokens):
241            raise ValueError("Wrong outdirs string %s" % outdirs)
243        if "flow" in tokens:
244            robot.add_extfile_of_node(flow, nids=nids, task_class=task_class)
246        if "work" in tokens:
247            for work in flow:
248                robot.add_extfile_of_node(work, nids=nids, task_class=task_class)
250        if "task" in tokens:
251            for task in flow.iflat_tasks():
252                robot.add_extfile_of_node(task, nids=nids, task_class=task_class)
254        return robot
256    def add_extfile_of_node(self, node, nids=None, task_class=None):
257        """
258        Add the file produced by this node to the robot.
260        Args:
261            node: |Flow| or |Work| or |Task| object.
262            nids: List of node identifiers used to select particular nodes. Not used if None
263            task_class: Task class or string with class name used to select the tasks in the flow.
264                None implies no filtering.
265        """
266        if nids and node.node_id not in nids: return
267        filepath = node.outdir.has_abiext(self.EXT)
268        if not filepath:
269            # Look in run.abi directory.
270            filepath = node.wdir.has_abiext(self.EXT)
272        # This to ignore DDB.nc files (only text DDB are supported)
273        if filepath and filepath.endswith("_DDB.nc"):
274            return
276        if filepath:
277            try:
278                label = os.path.relpath(filepath)
279            except OSError:
280                # current working directory may not be defined!
281                label = filepath
283            # Filter by task_class (class or string with class name)
284            if task_class is not None and not node.isinstance(task_class):
285                return None
287            self.add_file(label, filepath)
289    def scan_dir(self, top, walk=True):
290        """
291        Scan directory tree starting from ``top``. Add files to the robot instance.
293        Args:
294            top (str): Root directory
295            walk: if True, directories inside ``top`` are included as well.
297        Return:
298            Number of files found.
299        """
300        count = 0
301        for filepath, abifile in self.__class__._open_files_in_dir(top, walk):
302            count += 1
303            self.add_file(filepath, abifile)
305        return count
307    def add_file(self, label, abifile, filter_abifile=None):
308        """
309        Add a file to the robot with the given label.
311        Args:
312            label: String used to identify the file (must be unique, ax exceptions is
313                raised if label is already present.
314            abifile: Specify the file to be added. Accepts strings (filepath) or abipy file-like objects.
315            filter_abifile: Function that receives an ``abifile`` object and returns
316                True if the file should be added to the plotter.
317        """
318        if is_string(abifile):
319            from abipy.abilab import abiopen
320            abifile = abiopen(abifile)
321            if filter_abifile is not None and not filter_abifile(abifile):
322                abifile.close()
323                return
325            # Open file here --> have to close it.
326            self._do_close[abifile.filepath] = True
328        if label in self._abifiles:
329            raise ValueError("label %s is already present!" % label)
331        self._abifiles[label] = abifile
333    #def pop_filepath(self, filepath):
334    #    """
335    #    Remove the file with the given `filepath` and close it.
336    #    """
337    #    if label, abifile in self._abifiles.items():
338    #        if abifile.filepath != filepath: continue
339    #        self._abifiles.pop(label)
340    #        if self._do_close.pop(abifile.filepath, False):
341    #            try:
342    #                abifile.close()
343    #            except Exception as exc:
344    #                print("Exception while closing: ", abifile.filepath)
345    #                print(exc)
347    def iter_lineopt(self):
348        """Generates matplotlib linestyles."""
349        for o in itertools.product( self._LINE_WIDTHS,  self._LINE_STYLES, self._LINE_COLORS):
350            yield {"linewidth": o[0], "linestyle": o[1], "color": o[2]}
352    @staticmethod
353    def ordered_intersection(list_1, list_2):
354        """Return ordered intersection of two lists. Items must be hashable."""
355        set_2 = frozenset(list_2)
356        return [x for x in list_1 if x in set_2]
358    #def _get_ointersection_i(self, iattrname):
359    #    if len(self.abifiles) == 0: return []
360    #    values = list(range(getattr(self.abifiles[0], iattrname)))
361    #    if len(self.abifiles) == 1: return values
362    #    for abifile in self.abifiles[1:]:
363    #        values = self.ordered_intersection(values, range(getattr(abifile, iattrname)))
364    #    return values
366    @staticmethod
367    def _to_relpaths(paths):
368        """Convert a list of absolute paths to relative paths."""
369        root = os.getcwd()
370        return [os.path.relpath(p, root) for p in paths]
372    def pop_label(self, label):
373        """
374        Remove file with the given ``label`` and close it.
375        """
376        if label in self._abifiles:
377            abifile = self._abifiles.pop(label)
378            if self._do_close.pop(abifile.filepath, False):
379                try:
380                    abifile.close()
381                except Exception as exc:
382                    print("Exception while closing: ", abifile.filepath)
383                    print(exc)
385    def change_labels(self, new_labels, dryrun=False):
386        """
387        Change labels of the files.
389        Args:
390            new_labels: List of strings (same length as self.abifiles)
391            dryrun: True to activate dryrun mode.
393        Return:
394            mapping new_label --> old_label.
395        """
396        if len(new_labels) != len(self):
397            raise ValueError("Robot has %d files while len(new_labels) = %d" % (len(new_labels), len(self)))
399        old_labels = list(self._abifiles.keys())
400        if not dryrun:
401            old_abifiles, self._abifiles = self._abifiles, OrderedDict()
402        new2old = OrderedDict()
403        for old, new in zip(old_labels, new_labels):
404            new2old[new] = old
405            if not dryrun:
406                self._abifiles[new] = old_abifiles[old]
407            else:
408                print("old [%s] --> new [%s]" % (old, new))
410        return new2old
412    def remap_labels(self, function, dryrun=False):
413        """
414        Change labels of the files by executing ``function``
416        Args:
417            function: Callable object e.g. lambda function. The output of function(abifile) is used as
418                new label. Note that the function shall not return duplicated labels when applied to self.abifiles.
419            dryrun: True to activate dryrun mode.
421        Return:
422            mapping new_label --> old_label.
423        """
424        new_labels = [function(afile) for afile in self.abifiles]
425        # Labels must be unique and hashable.
426        if len(set(new_labels)) != len(new_labels):
427            raise ValueError("Duplicated labels are not allowed. Change input function.\nnew_labels %s" % str(new_labels))
429        return self.change_labels(new_labels, dryrun=dryrun)
431    def trim_paths(self, start=None):
432        """
433        Replace absolute filepaths in the robot with relative paths wrt to ``start`` directory.
434        If start is None, os.getcwd() is used. Set ``self.start`` attribute, return ``self.start``.
435        """
436        self.start = os.getcwd() if start is None else start
437        old_paths = list(self._abifiles.keys())
438        old_new_paths = [(p, os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(p), start=self.start)) for p in old_paths]
440        old_abifiles = self._abifiles
441        self._abifiles = OrderedDict()
442        for old, new in old_new_paths:
443            self._abifiles[new] = old_abifiles[old]
445        return self.start
447    @property
448    def exceptions(self):
449        """List of exceptions."""
450        return self._exceptions
452    def __len__(self):
453        return len(self._abifiles)
455    #def __iter__(self):
456    #    return iter(self._abifiles)
458    #def __contains__(self, item):
459    #    return item in self._abifiles
461    def __getitem__(self, key):
462        # self[key]
463        return self._abifiles.__getitem__(key)
465    def __enter__(self):
466        return self
468    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
469        """Activated at the end of the with statement."""
470        self.close()
472    def keys(self):
473        return self._abifiles.keys()
475    def items(self):
476        return self._abifiles.items()
478    @property
479    def labels(self):
480        """
481        List of strings used to create labels in matplotlib figures when plotting results
482        taked from multiple files. By default, labels is initialized with the path of the files in the robot.
483        Use change_labels to change the list.
484        """
485        return list(self._abifiles.keys())
487    def get_label_files_str(self):
488        """Return string with [label, filepath]."""
489        from tabulate import tabulate
490        return tabulate([(label, abifile.relpath) for label, abifile in self.items()], headers=["Label", "Relpath"]) + "\n"
492    def show_files(self, stream=sys.stdout):
493        """Show label --> file path"""
494        stream.write(self.get_label_files_str())
496    def __repr__(self):
497        """Invoked by repr."""
498        return self.get_label_files_str()
500    def __str__(self):
501        """Invoked by str."""
502        return self.to_string()
504    def to_string(self, verbose=0):
505        """String representation."""
506        lines = ["%s with %d files in memory:\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self.abifiles))]
507        app = lines.append
508        for i, f in enumerate(self.abifiles):
509            app(f.to_string(verbose=verbose))
510            app("\n")
512        return "\n".join(lines)
514    def _repr_html_(self):
515        """Integration with jupyter_ notebooks."""
516        return '<ol start="0">\n{}\n</ol>'.format("\n".join("<li>%s</li>" % label for label, abifile in self.items()))
518    @property
519    def abifiles(self):
520        """List of netcdf files."""
521        return list(self._abifiles.values())
523    def has_different_structures(self, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):
524        """
525        Check if structures are equivalent,
526        return string with info about differences (if any).
527        """
528        if len(self) <= 1: return ""
529        formulas = set([af.structure.composition.formula for af in self.abifiles])
530        if len(formulas) != 1:
531            return "Found structures with different full formulas: %s" % str(formulas)
533        lines = []
534        s0 = self.abifiles[0].structure
535        for abifile in self.abifiles[1:]:
536            s1 = abifile.structure
537            if not np.allclose(s0.lattice.matrix, s1.lattice.matrix, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
538                lines.append("Structures have different lattice:")
539            if not np.allclose(s0.frac_coords, s1.frac_coords, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
540                lines.append("Structures have different atomic positions:")
542        return "\n".join(lines)
544    #def apply(self, func_or_string, args=(), **kwargs):
545    #    """
546    #    Applies function to all ``abifiles`` available in the robot.
548    #    Args:
549    #        func_or_string: If callable, the output of func_or_string(abifile, ...) is used.
550    #            If string, the output of getattr(abifile, func_or_string)(...)
551    #        args (tuple): Positional arguments to pass to function in addition to the array/series
552    #        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments will be passed as keywords to the function
554    #    Return: List of results
555    #    """
556    #    if callable(func_or_string):
557    #        return [func_or_string(abifile, *args, *kwargs) for abifile in self.abifiles]
558    #    else:
559    #        return [duck.getattrd(abifile, func_or_string)(*args, **kwargs) for abifile in self.abifiles]
561    def is_sortable(self, aname, raise_exc=False):
562        """
563        Return True if ``aname`` is an attribute of the netcdf file
564        If raise_exc is True, AttributeError with an explicit message is raised.
565        """
566        try:
567            obj = None
568            try:
569                # abiifile.foo.bar?
570                obj = duck.getattrd(self.abifiles[0], aname)
571            except AttributeError:
572                # abifile.params[aname] ?
573                if hasattr(self.abifiles[0], "params") and aname in self.abifiles[0].params:
574                    obj = self.abifiles[0].params[aname]
576            # Let's try to convert obj to scalar.
577            float(obj)
578            return True
580        except Exception:
581            if not raise_exc: return False
582            attrs = []
583            for key, obj in inspect.getmembers(self.abifiles[0]):
584                # Ignores anything starting with underscore
585                if key.startswith('_') or callable(obj) or hasattr(obj, "__len__"): continue
586                attrs.append(key)
588            # Add entries in params.
589            if hasattr(self.abifiles[0], "params") and hasattr(self.abifiles[0].params, "keys"):
590                attrs.extend(self.abifiles[0].params.keys())
592            raise AttributeError("""\
593`%s` object has no attribute `%s`. Choose among:
595    %s
597Note that this list is automatically generated.
598Not all entries are sortable (Please select number-like quantities)""" % (self.__class__.__name__, aname, str(attrs)))
600    def _sortby_labelfile_list(self, labelfile_list, func_or_string, reverse=False, unpack=False):
601        """
602        Return: list of (label, abifile, param) tuples where param is obtained via ``func_or_string``.
603            or labels, abifiles, params if ``unpack``
604        """
605        if not func_or_string:
606            # Catch None or empty
607            items = [(label, abifile, label) for (label, abifile) in labelfile_list]
608            if not unpack:
609                return items
610            else:
611                return [t[0] for t in items], [t[1] for t in items], [t[2] for t in items]
613        elif callable(func_or_string):
614            items = [(label, abifile, func_or_string(abifile)) for (label, abifile) in labelfile_list]
616        else:
617            # Assume string and attribute with the same name.
618            # try in abifile.params if not hasattrd(abifile, func_or_string)
619            self.is_sortable(func_or_string, raise_exc=True)
620            if duck.hasattrd(self.abifiles[0], func_or_string):
621                items = [(label, abifile, duck.getattrd(abifile, func_or_string)) for (label, abifile) in labelfile_list]
622            else:
623                items = [(label, abifile, abifile.params[func_or_string]) for (label, abifile) in labelfile_list]
625        items = sorted(items, key=lambda t: t[2], reverse=reverse)
626        if not unpack:
627            return items
628        else:
629            return [t[0] for t in items], [t[1] for t in items], [t[2] for t in items]
631    def sortby(self, func_or_string, reverse=False, unpack=False):
632        """
633        Sort files in the robot by ``func_or_string``.
635        Args:
636            func_or_string: Either None, string, callable defining the quantity to be used for sorting.
637                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
638                If callable, the output of func_or_string(abifile) is used.
639                If None, no sorting is performed.
640            reverse: If set to True, then the list elements are sorted as if each comparison were reversed.
641            unpack: Return (labels, abifiles, params) if True
643        Return: list of (label, abifile, param) tuples where param is obtained via ``func_or_string``.
644            or labels, abifiles, params if ``unpack``
645        """
646        labelfile_list = list(self.items())
647        return self._sortby_labelfile_list(labelfile_list, func_or_string, reverse=reverse, unpack=unpack)
649    def group_and_sortby(self, hue, func_or_string):
650        """
651        Group files by ``hue`` and, inside each group` sort items by ``func_or_string``.
653        Args:
654            hue: Variable that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn on separate lines.
655                Accepts callable or string
656                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
657                Dot notation is also supported e.g. hue="structure.formula" --> abifile.structure.formula
658                If callable, the output of hue(abifile) is used.
659            func_or_string: Either None, string, callable defining the quantity to be used for sorting.
660                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
661                If callable, the output of func_or_string(abifile) is used.
662                If None, no sorting is performed.
664        Return: List of :class:`HueGroup` instance.
665        """
666        # Group by hue.
667        # This is the section in which we support: callable, abifile.attr.name syntax or abifile.params["key"]
668        items = list(self.items())
670        if callable(hue):
671            key = lambda t: hue(t[1])
672        else:
673            # Assume string.
674            if duck.hasattrd(self.abifiles[0], hue):
675                key = lambda t: duck.getattrd(t[1], hue)
676            else:
677                # Try in abifile.params
678                if hasattr(self.abifiles[0], "params") and hue in self.abifiles[0].params:
679                    key = lambda t: t[1].params[hue]
680                else:
681                    raise TypeError("""\
682Cannot interpret hue argument of type `%s` and value `%s`.
683Expecting callable or attribute name or key in abifile.params""" % (type(hue), str(hue)))
685        groups = []
686        for hvalue, labelfile_list in sort_and_groupby(items, key=key):
687            # Use func_or_string to sort each group
688            labels, abifiles, xvalues = self._sortby_labelfile_list(labelfile_list, func_or_string, unpack=True)
689            groups.append(HueGroup(hvalue, xvalues, abifiles, labels))
691        return groups
693    def close(self):
694        """
695        Close all files that have been opened by the Robot.
696        """
697        for abifile in self.abifiles:
698            if self._do_close.pop(abifile.filepath, False):
699                try:
700                    abifile.close()
701                except Exception as exc:
702                    print("Exception while closing: ", abifile.filepath)
703                    print(exc)
705    #@classmethod
706    #def open(cls, obj, nids=None, **kwargs):
707    #    """
708    #    Flexible constructor. obj can be a :class:`Flow` or a string with the directory containing the Flow.
709    #    `nids` is an optional list of :class:`Node` identifiers used to filter the set of :class:`Task` in the Flow.
710    #    """
711    #    has_dirpath = False
712    #    if is_string(obj):
713    #        try:
714    #            from abipy.flowtk import Flow
715    #            obj = Flow.pickle_load(obj)
716    #        except:
717    #            has_dirpath = True
719    #    if not has_dirpath:
720    #        # We have a Flow. smeth is the name of the Task method used to open the file.
721    #        items = []
722    #        smeth = "open_" + cls.EXT.lower()
723    #        for task in obj.iflat_tasks(nids=nids): #, status=obj.S_OK):
724    #            open_method = getattr(task, smeth, None)
725    #            if open_method is None: continue
726    #            abifile = open_method()
727    #            if abifile is not None: items.append((task.pos_str, abifile))
728    #        return cls(*items)
730    #    else:
731    #        # directory --> search for files with the appropriate extension and open it with abiopen.
732    #        if nids is not None: raise ValueError("nids cannot be used when obj is a directory.")
733    #        return cls.from_dir(obj)
735    #def get_attributes(self, attr_name, obj=None, retdict=False):
736    #    od = OrderedDict()
737    #    for label, abifile in self.items():
738    #        obj = abifile if obj is None else getattr(abifile, obj)
739    #        od[label] = getattr(obj, attr_name)
740    #    if retdict:
741    #        return od
742    #    else:
743    #        return list(od.values())
745    def _exec_funcs(self, funcs, arg):
746        """
747        Execute list of callable functions. Each function receives arg as argument.
748        """
749        if not isinstance(funcs, (list, tuple)): funcs = [funcs]
750        d = {}
751        for func in funcs:
752            try:
753                key, value = func(arg)
754                d[key] = value
755            except Exception as exc:
756                cprint("Exception: %s" % str(exc), "red")
757                self._exceptions.append(str(exc))
758        return d
760    @staticmethod
761    def sortby_label(sortby, param):
762        """Return the label to be used when files are sorted with ``sortby``."""
763        return "%s %s" % (sortby, param) if not (callable(sortby) or sortby is None) else str(param)
765    def get_structure_dataframes(self, abspath=False, filter_abifile=None, **kwargs):
766        """
767        Wrap dataframes_from_structures function.
769        Args:
770            abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to getcwd().
771            filter_abifile: Function that receives an ``abifile`` object and returns
772                True if the file should be added to the plotter.
773        """
774        from abipy.core.structure import dataframes_from_structures
775        if "index" not in kwargs:
776            index = list(self._abifiles.keys())
777            if not abspath: index = self._to_relpaths(index)
778            kwargs["index"] = index
780        abifiles = self.abifiles if filter_abifile is not None else list(filter(filter_abifile, self.abifiles))
781        return dataframes_from_structures(struct_objects=abifiles, **kwargs)
783    def get_lattice_dataframe(self, **kwargs):
784        """Return |pandas-DataFrame| with lattice parameters."""
785        dfs = self.get_structure_dataframes(**kwargs)
786        return dfs.lattice
788    def get_coords_dataframe(self, **kwargs):
789        """Return |pandas-DataFrame| with atomic positions."""
790        dfs = self.get_structure_dataframes(**kwargs)
791        return dfs.coords
793    def get_params_dataframe(self, abspath=False):
794        """
795        Return |pandas-DataFrame| with the most important parameters.
796        that are usually subject to convergence studies.
798        Args:
799            abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to `top`.
800        """
801        rows, row_names = [], []
802        for label, abifile in self.items():
803            if not hasattr(abifile, "params"):
804                import warnings
805                warnings.warn("%s does not have `params` attribute" % type(abifile))
806                break
807            rows.append(abifile.params)
808            row_names.append(label)
810        row_names = row_names if abspath else self._to_relpaths(row_names)
811        import pandas as pd
812        return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=row_names, columns=list(rows[0].keys()))
814    ##############################################
815    # Helper functions to plot pandas dataframes #
816    ##############################################
818    @staticmethod
819    @wraps(plot_xy_with_hue)
820    def plot_xy_with_hue(*args, **kwargs):
821        return plot_xy_with_hue(*args, **kwargs)
823    @staticmethod
824    def _get_label(func_or_string):
825        """
826        Return label associated to ``func_or_string``.
827        If callable, docstring __doc__ is used.
828        """
829        if func_or_string is None:
830            return ""
831        elif callable(func_or_string):
832            if getattr(func_or_string, "__doc__", ""):
833                return func_or_string.__doc__.strip()
834            else:
835                return func_or_string.__name__
836        else:
837            return str(func_or_string)
839    @add_fig_kwargs
840    def plot_convergence(self, item, sortby=None, hue=None, ax=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
841        """
842        Plot the convergence of ``item`` wrt the ``sortby`` parameter.
843        Values can optionally be grouped by ``hue``.
845        Args:
846            item: Define the quantity to plot. Accepts callable or string
847                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and `getattr` is invoked.
848                Dot notation is also supported e.g. hue="structure.formula" --> abifile.structure.formula
849                If callable, the output of item(abifile) is used.
850            sortby: Define the convergence parameter, sort files and produce plot labels.
851                Can be None, string or function. If None, no sorting is performed.
852                If string and not empty it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute
853                with the same name and `getattr` is invoked.
854                If callable, the output of sortby(abifile) is used.
855            hue: Variable that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn on separate lines.
856                Accepts callable or string
857                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
858                If callable, the output of hue(abifile) is used.
859            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
860            fontsize: legend and label fontsize.
861            kwargs: keyword arguments passed to matplotlib plot method.
863        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
865        Example:
867             robot.plot_convergence("energy")
869             robot.plot_convergence("energy", sortby="nkpt")
871             robot.plot_convergence("pressure", sortby="nkpt", hue="tsmear")
872        """
873        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
874        if "marker" not in kwargs:
875            kwargs["marker"] = "o"
877        def get_yvalues(abifiles):
878            if callable(item):
879                return [float(item(a)) for a in abifiles]
880            else:
881                return [float(getattr(a, item)) for a in abifiles]
883        if hue is None:
884            labels, abifiles, params = self.sortby(sortby, unpack=True)
885            yvals = get_yvalues(abifiles)
886            #print("params", params, "\nyvals", yvals)
887            ax.plot(params, yvals, **kwargs)
888        else:
889            groups = self.group_and_sortby(hue, sortby)
890            for g in groups:
891                yvals = get_yvalues(g.abifiles)
892                label = "%s: %s" % (self._get_label(hue), g.hvalue)
893                ax.plot(g.xvalues, yvals, label=label, **kwargs)
895        ax.grid(True)
896        ax.set_xlabel("%s" % self._get_label(sortby))
897        if sortby is None: rotate_ticklabels(ax, 15)
898        ax.set_ylabel("%s" % self._get_label(item))
900        if hue is not None:
901            ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
903        return fig
905    @add_fig_kwargs
906    def plot_convergence_items(self, items, sortby=None, hue=None, fontsize=6, **kwargs):
907        """
908        Plot the convergence of a list of ``items`` wrt to the ``sortby`` parameter.
909        Values can optionally be grouped by ``hue``.
911        Args:
912            items: List of attributes (or callables) to be analyzed.
913            sortby: Define the convergence parameter, sort files and produce plot labels.
914                Can be None, string or function. If None, no sorting is performed.
915                If string and not empty it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute
916                with the same name and `getattr` is invoked.
917                If callable, the output of sortby(abifile) is used.
918            hue: Variable that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn on separate lines.
919                Accepts callable or string
920                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
921                Dot notation is also supported e.g. hue="structure.formula" --> abifile.structure.formula
922                If callable, the output of hue(abifile) is used.
923            fontsize: legend and label fontsize.
924            kwargs: keyword arguments are passed to ax.plot
926        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
927        """
928        # Note: in principle one could call plot_convergence inside a loop but
929        # this one is faster as sorting is done only once.
931        # Build grid plot.
932        nrows, ncols = len(items), 1
933        ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
934                                                sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
935        ax_list = ax_list.ravel()
937        # Sort and group files if hue.
938        if hue is None:
939            labels, ncfiles, params = self.sortby(sortby, unpack=True)
940        else:
941            groups = self.group_and_sortby(hue, sortby)
943        marker = kwargs.pop("marker", "o")
944        for i, (ax, item) in enumerate(zip(ax_list, items)):
945            if hue is None:
946                # Extract data.
947                if callable(item):
948                    yvals = [float(item(gsr)) for gsr in self.abifiles]
949                else:
950                    yvals = [duck.getattrd(gsr, item) for gsr in self.abifiles]
952                if not is_string(params[0]):
953                    ax.plot(params, yvals, marker=marker, **kwargs)
954                else:
955                    # Must handle list of strings in a different way.
956                    xn = range(len(params))
957                    ax.plot(xn, yvals, marker=marker, **kwargs)
958                    ax.set_xticks(xn)
959                    ax.set_xticklabels(params, fontsize=fontsize)
960            else:
961                for g in groups:
962                    # Extract data.
963                    if callable(item):
964                        yvals = [float(item(gsr)) for gsr in g.abifiles]
965                    else:
966                        yvals = [duck.getattrd(gsr, item) for gsr in g.abifiles]
967                    label = "%s: %s" % (self._get_label(hue), g.hvalue)
968                    ax.plot(g.xvalues, yvals, label=label, marker=marker, **kwargs)
970            ax.grid(True)
971            ax.set_ylabel(self._get_label(item))
972            if i == len(items) - 1:
973                ax.set_xlabel("%s" % self._get_label(sortby))
974                if sortby is None: rotate_ticklabels(ax, 15)
975            if i == 0 and hue is not None:
976                ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
978        return fig
980    @add_fig_kwargs
981    def plot_lattice_convergence(self, what_list=None, sortby=None, hue=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
982        """
983        Plot the convergence of the lattice parameters (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma).
984        wrt the``sortby`` parameter. Values can optionally be grouped by ``hue``.
986        Args:
987            what_list: List of strings with the quantities to plot e.g. ["a", "alpha", "beta"].
988                None means all.
989            item: Define the quantity to plot. Accepts callable or string
990                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute
991                with the same name and `getattr` is invoked.
992                If callable, the output of item(abifile) is used.
993            sortby: Define the convergence parameter, sort files and produce plot labels.
994                Can be None, string or function.
995                If None, no sorting is performed.
996                If string and not empty it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute
997                with the same name and `getattr` is invoked.
998                If callable, the output of sortby(abifile) is used.
999            hue: Variable that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn on separate lines.
1000                Accepts callable or string
1001                If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
1002                Dot notation is also supported e.g. hue="structure.formula" --> abifile.structure.formula
1003                If callable, the output of hue(abifile) is used.
1004            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
1005            fontsize: legend and label fontsize.
1007        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
1009        Example:
1011             robot.plot_lattice_convergence()
1013             robot.plot_lattice_convergence(sortby="nkpt")
1015             robot.plot_lattice_convergence(sortby="nkpt", hue="tsmear")
1016        """
1017        if not self.abifiles: return None
1019        # The majority of AbiPy files have a structure object
1020        # whereas Hist.nc defines final_structure. Use geattr and key to extract structure object.
1021        key = "structure"
1022        if not hasattr(self.abifiles[0], "structure"):
1023            if hasattr(self.abifiles[0], "final_structure"):
1024                key = "final_structure"
1025            else:
1026                raise TypeError("Don't know how to extract structure from %s" % type(self.abifiles[0]))
1028        # Define callbacks. docstrings will be used as ylabels.
1029        def a(afile):
1030            "a (Ang)"
1031            return getattr(afile, key).lattice.a
1032        def b(afile):
1033            "b (Ang)"
1034            return getattr(afile, key).lattice.b
1035        def c(afile):
1036            "c (Ang)"
1037            return getattr(afile, key).lattice.c
1038        def volume(afile):
1039            r"$V$"
1040            return getattr(afile, key).lattice.volume
1041        def alpha(afile):
1042            r"$\alpha$"
1043            return getattr(afile, key).lattice.alpha
1044        def beta(afile):
1045            r"$\beta$"
1046            return getattr(afile, key).lattice.beta
1047        def gamma(afile):
1048            r"$\gamma$"
1049            return getattr(afile, key).lattice.gamma
1051        items = [a, b, c, volume, alpha, beta, gamma]
1052        if what_list is not None:
1053            locs = locals()
1054            items = [locs[what] for what in list_strings(what_list)]
1056        # Build plot grid.
1057        nrows, ncols = len(items), 1
1058        ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
1059                                                sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
1061        marker = kwargs.pop("marker", "o")
1062        for i, (ax, item) in enumerate(zip(ax_list.ravel(), items)):
1063            self.plot_convergence(item, sortby=sortby, hue=hue, ax=ax, fontsize=fontsize,
1064                                  marker=marker, show=False)
1065            if i != 0:
1066                set_visible(ax, False, "legend")
1067            if i != len(items) - 1:
1068                set_visible(ax, False, "xlabel")
1070        return fig
1072    def get_baserobot_code_cells(self, title=None):
1073        """
1074        Return list of jupyter_ cells with calls to methods provided by the base class.
1075        """
1076        # Try not pollute namespace with lots of variables.
1077        nbformat, nbv = self.get_nbformat_nbv()
1078        title = "## Code to compare multiple Structure objects" if title is None else str(title)
1079        return [
1080            nbv.new_markdown_cell(title),
1081            nbv.new_code_cell("robot.get_lattice_dataframe()"),
1082            nbv.new_code_cell("""# robot.plot_lattice_convergence(sortby="nkpt", hue="tsmear")"""),
1083            nbv.new_code_cell("#robot.get_coords_dataframe()"),
1084        ]
1087class HueGroup(object):
1088    """
1089    This small object is used by ``group_and_sortby`` to store information abouth the group.
1090    """
1092    def __init__(self, hvalue, xvalues, abifiles, labels):
1093        """
1094        Args:
1095            hvalue: Hue value.
1096            xvalues: abifiles are sorted by ``func_or_string`` and these are the values
1097                associated to ``abifiles``.
1098            abifiles: List of file with this hue value.
1099            labels: List of labels associated to ``abifiles``.
1100        """
1101        self.hvalue = hvalue
1102        self.abifiles = abifiles
1103        self.labels = labels
1104        self.xvalues = xvalues
1105        assert len(abifiles) == len(labels)
1106        assert len(abifiles) == len(xvalues)
1108    def __len__(self):
1109        return len(self.abifiles)
1111    def __iter__(self):
1112        """Iterate over (label, abifile, xvalue)."""
1113        return zip(self.labels, self.abifiles, self.xvalues)
1115    #@lazy_property
1116    #def pretty_hvalue(self):
1117    #    """Return pretty string with hvalue."""
1118    #    if duck.is_intlike(self.hvalue):
1119    #        return "%d" % self.havalue
1120    #    else:
1121    #        try:
1122    #            return "%.3f" % self.hvalue
1123    #        except:
1124    #            return str(self.hvalue)