1# coding: utf-8
2# Copyright (c) 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
3# This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl or Apache License 2.0 as shown at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. You may choose either license.
5from __future__ import absolute_import
6import json
7import logging
8import platform
10import circuitbreaker
11import pytz
12import random
13import os
14import re
15import string
16import uuid
17# This was added to address thread safety issues with datetime.strptime
18# See https://bugs.python.org/issue7980.
19import _strptime  # noqa: F401
20from datetime import date, datetime
21from timeit import default_timer as timer
22from ._vendor import requests, six, urllib3
23from dateutil.parser import parse
24from dateutil import tz
26import functools
27from six.moves.http_client import HTTPResponse
29from . import constants, exceptions, regions, retry
30from .auth import signers
31from .config import get_config_value_or_default, validate_config
32from .request import Request
33from .response import Response
34from .circuit_breaker import CircuitBreakerStrategy, NoCircuitBreakerStrategy
35from circuitbreaker import CircuitBreaker, CircuitBreakerMonitor
36from .version import __version__
37from .util import NONE_SENTINEL, Sentinel, extract_service_endpoint
38missing = Sentinel("Missing")
41USER_INFO = "Oracle-PythonSDK/{}".format(__version__)
43DICT_VALUE_TYPE_REGEX = re.compile('dict\(str, (.+?)\)$')  # noqa: W605
44LIST_ITEM_TYPE_REGEX = re.compile('list\[(.+?)\]$')  # noqa: W605
46# Expect header is enabled by default
47enable_expect_header = True
48expect_header_env_var = os.environ.get('OCI_PYSDK_USING_EXPECT_HEADER', True)
49if isinstance(expect_header_env_var, six.string_types) and expect_header_env_var.lower() == "false":
50    enable_expect_header = False
53def merge_type_mappings(*dictionaries):
54    merged = {}
55    for dictionary in dictionaries:
56        merged.update(dictionary)
57    return merged
60def build_user_agent(extra=""):
61    agent = "{} (python {}; {}-{}) {}".format(
62        USER_INFO,
63        platform.python_version(),
64        platform.machine(),
65        platform.system(),
66        (extra or "")
67    )
68    agent = agent.strip()
70        agent += " {}".format(APPEND_USER_AGENT)
71    return agent
74def utc_now():
75    return " " + str(datetime.utcnow()) + ": "
78def is_http_log_enabled(is_enabled):
79    if is_enabled:
80        six.moves.http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
81    else:
82        six.moves.http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0
85def _sanitize_headers_for_requests(headers):
86    # Requests does not accept int or float values headers
87    # Convert int, float and bool to string
88    # Bools are automatically handled with this as bool is a subclass of int
89    for header_name, header_value in six.iteritems(headers):
90        if isinstance(header_value, six.integer_types) or isinstance(header_value, float):
91            headers[header_name] = str(header_value)
92    return headers
98# Default timeout value(second)
102# The keys here correspond to the Swagger collection format values described here: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/describing-parameters/
103# and the values represent delimiters we'll use between values of the collection when placing those values in the query string.
105# Note that the 'multi' type has no delimiter since in the query string we'll want to repeat the same query string param key but
106# with different values each time (e.g. myKey=val1&myKey=val2), whereas for the other types we will only pass in a single
107# key=value in the query string, where the "value" is the members of the collecction with a given delimiter.
109    'multi': None,
110    'csv': ',',
111    'tsv': '\t',
112    'ssv': ' ',
113    'pipes': '|'
117def _read_all_headers(fp):
118    current = None
119    while current != b'\r\n':
120        current = fp.readline()
123def _to_bytes(input_buffer):
124    bytes_buffer = []
125    for chunk in input_buffer:
126        if isinstance(chunk, six.text_type):
127            bytes_buffer.append(chunk.encode('utf-8'))
128        else:
129            bytes_buffer.append(chunk)
130    msg = b"\r\n".join(bytes_buffer)
131    return msg
134def _is_100_continue(line):
135    parts = line.split(None, 2)
136    return (
137        len(parts) >= 3 and parts[0].startswith(b'HTTP/') and
138        parts[1] == b'100')
141class OCIHTTPResponse(HTTPResponse):
143    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
144        self._status_tuple = kwargs.pop('status_tuple')
145        HTTPResponse.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
147    def _read_status(self):
148        if self._status_tuple is not None:
149            status_tuple = self._status_tuple
150            self._status_tuple = None
151            return status_tuple
152        else:
153            return HTTPResponse._read_status(self)
156class OCIConnection(urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection):
157    """ HTTPConnection with 100 Continue support. """
159    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
160        super(OCIConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
161        self._original_response_cls = self.response_class
162        self._response_received = False
163        self._using_expect_header = False
164        self.logger = logging.getLogger("{}.{}".format(__name__, id(self)))
166    def _send_request(self, method, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs):
167        self._response_received = False
168        if headers.get('expect', '') == '100-continue':
169            if self.debuglevel > 0:
170                print('Using Expect header...')
171            self._using_expect_header = True
172        else:
173            if self.debuglevel > 0:
174                print('Not using Expect header...')
175            self._using_expect_header = False
176            self.response_class = self._original_response_cls
177        rval = super(OCIConnection, self)._send_request(
178            method, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs)
179        self._expect_header_set = False
180        return rval
182    def _send_output(self, message_body=None, *args, **kwargs):
183        self._buffer.extend((b"", b""))
184        msg = _to_bytes(self._buffer)
185        del self._buffer[:]
187        if not self._using_expect_header:
188            if isinstance(message_body, bytes):
189                msg += message_body
190                message_body = None
192        self.send(msg)
194        if self._using_expect_header:
195            if self.debuglevel > 0:
196                print('Waiting 3 seconds for 100-continue response...')
197            if urllib3.util.wait_for_read(self.sock, 3):
198                self._handle_expect_response(message_body)
199                return
201        if message_body is not None:
202            if self.debuglevel > 0:
203                print('Timeout waiting for 100-continue response, sending message body...')
204            self.send(message_body)
206    def _handle_expect_response(self, message_body):
207        fp = self.sock.makefile('rb', 0)
208        try:
209            line = fp.readline()
210            parts = line.split(None, 2)
211            if self.debuglevel > 0:
212                print(line)
213            if _is_100_continue(line):
214                if self.debuglevel > 0:
215                    print('Received 100-continue response, sending message body...')
216                _read_all_headers(fp)
217                self._send_message_body(message_body)
218            elif len(parts) == 3 and parts[0].startswith(b'HTTP/'):
219                if self.debuglevel > 0:
220                    print('Received non-100-continue response, abort request...')
221                status_tuple = (parts[0].decode('ascii'),
222                                int(parts[1]), parts[2].decode('ascii'))
223                response_class = functools.partial(
224                    OCIHTTPResponse, status_tuple=status_tuple)
225                self.response_class = response_class
226                self._response_received = True
227        finally:
228            fp.close()
230    def _send_message_body(self, message_body):
231        if message_body is not None:
232            self.send(message_body)
234    def send(self, str):
235        if self._response_received:
236            return
237        return super(OCIConnection, self).send(str)
240class OCIConnectionPool(urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool):
241    ConnectionCls = OCIConnection
242    """ HTTPConnectionPool with 100 Continue support. """
245# Replace the HTTPS connection pool with OCIConnectionPool once the env var `OCI_PYSDK_USING_EXPECT_HEADER` is not set
246# to "FALSE"
247if enable_expect_header:
248    urllib3.poolmanager.pool_classes_by_scheme["https"] = OCIConnectionPool
251class BaseClient(object):
252    primitive_type_map = {
253        'int': int,
254        'float': float,
255        'str': six.u,
256        'bool': bool,
257        'date': date,
258        'datetime': datetime,
259        "object": object
260    }
262    def __init__(self, service, config, signer, type_mapping, **kwargs):
263        validate_config(config, signer=signer)
264        self.signer = signer
266        # Default to true (is a regional client) if there is nothing explicitly set. Regional
267        # clients allow us to call set_region and that'll also set the endpoint. For non-regional
268        # clients we require an endpoint
269        self.regional_client = kwargs.get('regional_client', True)
271        self._endpoint = None
272        self._base_path = kwargs.get('base_path')
273        self.service_endpoint_template = kwargs.get('service_endpoint_template')
274        self.endpoint_service_name = kwargs.get('endpoint_service_name')
276        if self.regional_client:
277            if kwargs.get('service_endpoint'):
278                self.endpoint = kwargs.get('service_endpoint')
279            else:
280                region_to_use = None
281                if 'region' in config and config['region']:
282                    region_to_use = config.get('region')
283                elif hasattr(signer, 'region'):
284                    region_to_use = signer.region
286                self.endpoint = regions.endpoint_for(
287                    service,
288                    service_endpoint_template=self.service_endpoint_template,
289                    region=region_to_use,
290                    endpoint=config.get('endpoint'),
291                    endpoint_service_name=self.endpoint_service_name)
292        else:
293            if not kwargs.get('service_endpoint'):
294                raise exceptions.MissingEndpointForNonRegionalServiceClientError('An endpoint must be provided for a non-regional service client')
295            self.endpoint = kwargs.get('service_endpoint')
297        self.service = service
298        self.complex_type_mappings = type_mapping
299        self.type_mappings = merge_type_mappings(self.primitive_type_map, type_mapping)
300        self.session = requests.Session()
302        # If the user doesn't specify timeout explicitly we would use default timeout.
303        self.timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') if 'timeout' in kwargs else (DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT)
305        self.user_agent = build_user_agent(get_config_value_or_default(config, "additional_user_agent"))
307        self.logger = logging.getLogger("{}.{}".format(__name__, id(self)))
308        self.logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
309        if get_config_value_or_default(config, "log_requests"):
310            self.logger.disabled = False
311            self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
312            is_http_log_enabled(True)
313        else:
314            self.logger.disabled = True
315            is_http_log_enabled(False)
317        self.skip_deserialization = kwargs.get('skip_deserialization')
319        # Circuit Breaker at client level
320        self.circuit_breaker_strategy = kwargs.get('circuit_breaker_strategy')
321        self.circuit_breaker_name = None
322        # Log if Circuit Breaker Strategy is not enabled or if using Default Circuit breaker Strategy
323        if self.circuit_breaker_strategy is None or isinstance(self.circuit_breaker_strategy, NoCircuitBreakerStrategy):
324            self.logger.debug('No circuit breaker strategy enabled!')
325        else:
326            # Enable Circuit breaker if a valid circuit breaker strategy is available
327            if not isinstance(self.circuit_breaker_strategy, CircuitBreakerStrategy):
328                raise TypeError('Invalid Circuit Breaker Strategy!')
329            self.circuit_breaker_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) if self.circuit_breaker_strategy.name is None else self.circuit_breaker_strategy.name
330            # Re-use Circuit breaker if sharing a Circuit Breaker Strategy.
331            circuit_breaker = CircuitBreakerMonitor.get(self.circuit_breaker_name)
332            if circuit_breaker is None:
333                circuit_breaker = CircuitBreaker(
334                    failure_threshold=self.circuit_breaker_strategy.failure_threshold,
335                    recovery_timeout=self.circuit_breaker_strategy.recovery_timeout,
336                    expected_exception=self.circuit_breaker_strategy.expected_exception,
337                    name=self.circuit_breaker_name
338                )
339            # Equivalent to decorating the request function with Circuit Breaker
340            self.request = circuit_breaker(self.request)
341        self.logger.debug('Endpoint: {}'.format(self._endpoint))
343    @property
344    def endpoint(self):
345        return self._endpoint
347    @endpoint.setter
348    def endpoint(self, endpoint):
349        if self._base_path == '/':
350            # If it's just the root path then use the endpoint as-is
351            self._endpoint = endpoint
352        elif self._base_path and not (endpoint.endswith(self._base_path) or endpoint.endswith('{}/'.format(self._base_path))):
353            # Account for formats like https://iaas.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/20160918 and
354            # https://iaas.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/20160918/ as they should both be fine
355            self._endpoint = '{}{}'.format(endpoint, self._base_path)
356        else:
357            self._endpoint = endpoint
359    def get_endpoint(self):
360        return extract_service_endpoint(self._endpoint)
362    def set_region(self, region):
363        if self.regional_client:
364            self.endpoint = regions.endpoint_for(self.service, service_endpoint_template=self.service_endpoint_template, region=region, endpoint_service_name=self.endpoint_service_name)
365        else:
366            raise TypeError('Setting the region is not allowed for non-regional service clients. You must instead set the endpoint')
368    def call_api(self, resource_path, method,
369                 path_params=None,
370                 query_params=None,
371                 header_params=None,
372                 body=None,
373                 response_type=None,
374                 enforce_content_headers=True):
375        """
376        Makes the HTTP request and return the deserialized data.
378        :param resource_path: Path to the resource (e.g. /instance)
379        :param method: HTTP method
380        :param path_params: (optional) Path parameters in the url.
381        :param query_params: (optional) Query parameters in the url.
382        :param header_params: (optional) Request header params.
383        :param body: (optional) Request body.
384        :param response_type: (optional) Response data type.
385        :param enforce_content_headers: (optional) Whether content headers should be added for
386            PUT and POST requests when not present.  Defaults to True.
387        :return: A Response object, or throw in the case of an error.
389        """
391        if header_params:
392            # Remove expect header if user has disabled it, or if the operation is not PUT, POST or PATCH
393            if not enable_expect_header or method.lower() not in ["put", "post", "patch"]:
394                map_lowercase_header_params_keys_to_actual_keys = {k.lower(): k for k in header_params}
395                if "expect" in map_lowercase_header_params_keys_to_actual_keys:
396                    header_params.pop(map_lowercase_header_params_keys_to_actual_keys.get("expect"), None)
398            header_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(header_params)
400        header_params = header_params or {}
402        # All the headers have been prepared for serialization at this point
403        header_params = _sanitize_headers_for_requests(header_params)
405        header_params[constants.HEADER_CLIENT_INFO] = USER_INFO
406        header_params[constants.HEADER_USER_AGENT] = self.user_agent
408        if header_params.get(constants.HEADER_REQUEST_ID, missing) is missing:
409            header_params[constants.HEADER_REQUEST_ID] = self.build_request_id()
411        # This allows for testing with "fake" database resources.
412        opc_host_serial = os.environ.get('OCI_DB_OPC_HOST_SERIAL')
413        if opc_host_serial:
414            header_params['opc-host-serial'] = opc_host_serial
416        if path_params:
417            path_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(path_params)
418            for k, v in path_params.items():
419                replacement = six.moves.urllib.parse.quote(str(self.to_path_value(v)))
420                resource_path = resource_path.\
421                    replace('{' + k + '}', replacement)
423        if query_params:
424            query_params = self.process_query_params(query_params)
426        if body is not None and header_params.get('content-type') == 'application/json':
427            body = self.sanitize_for_serialization(body)
428            body = json.dumps(body)
430        url = self.endpoint + resource_path
432        request = Request(
433            method=method,
434            url=url,
435            query_params=query_params,
436            header_params=header_params,
437            body=body,
438            response_type=response_type,
439            enforce_content_headers=enforce_content_headers
440        )
442        if isinstance(self.signer, signers.InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner) or \
443                isinstance(self.signer, signers.ResourcePrincipalsFederationSigner) or \
444                isinstance(self.signer, signers.EphemeralResourcePrincipalSigner):
445            call_attempts = 0
446            while call_attempts < 2:
447                try:
448                    return self.request(request)
449                except exceptions.ServiceError as e:
450                    call_attempts += 1
451                    if e.status == 401 and call_attempts < 2:
452                        self.signer.refresh_security_token()
453                    else:
454                        raise
455        else:
456            start = timer()
457            response = self.request(request)
458            end = timer()
459            self.logger.debug('time elapsed for request: {}'.format(str(end - start)))
460            return response
462    def generate_collection_format_param(self, param_value, collection_format_type):
463        if param_value is missing:
464            return missing
466        if collection_format_type not in VALID_COLLECTION_FORMAT_TYPES:
467            raise ValueError('Invalid collection format type {}. Valid types are: {}'.format(collection_format_type, list(VALID_COLLECTION_FORMAT_TYPES.keys())))
469        if collection_format_type == 'multi':
470            return param_value
471        else:
472            return VALID_COLLECTION_FORMAT_TYPES[collection_format_type].join(param_value)
474    def process_query_params(self, query_params):
475        query_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(query_params)
477        processed_query_params = {}
478        for k, v in query_params.items():
479            # First divide our query params into ones where the param value is "simple" (not a dict or list), a list or a dict. Since we're
480            # executing after sanitize_for_serialization has been called it's dicts, lists or primitives all the way down.
481            #
482            # The params where the value is a dict are, for example, tags we need to handle differently for inclusion
483            # in the query string.
484            #
485            # The params where the value is a list are multivalued parameters in the query string.
486            #
487            # An example query_params is:
488            #
489            #   {
490            #       "stuff": "things",
491            #       "collectionFormat": ["val1", "val2", "val3"]
492            #       "dictTags": { "tag1": ["val1", "val2", "val3"], "tag2": ["val1"] },
493            #       "dictTagsExists": { "tag3": True, "tag4": True }
494            #   }
495            #
496            # And we can categorize the params as:
497            #
498            #   Simple: "stuff":"things"
499            #   List: "collectionFormat": ["val1", "val2", "val3"]
500            #   Dict: "dictTags": { "tag1": ["val1", "val2", "val3"], "tag2": ["val1"] }, "dictTagsExists": { "tag3": True, "tag4": True }
501            if isinstance(v, bool):
502                # Python capitalizes boolean values in the query parameters.
503                processed_query_params[k] = 'true' if v else 'false'
504            elif not isinstance(v, dict) and not isinstance(v, list):
505                processed_query_params[k] = self.to_path_value(v)
506            elif isinstance(v, list):
507                # The requests library supports lists to represent multivalued params natively
508                # (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/api/#requests.Session.params) so we just have to assign
509                # the list to the key (where the key is the query string param key)
510                processed_query_params[k] = v
511            else:
512                # If we are here then we either have:
513                #
514                #   1) a dict where the value is an array. The requests library supports lists to represent multivalued params
515                #      natively (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/api/#requests.Session.params) so we just have to
516                #      manipulate things into the right key. In the case of something like:
517                #
518                #           "dictTags": { "tag1": ["val1", "val2", "val3"], "tag2": ["val1"] }
519                #
520                #      What we want is to end up with:
521                #
522                #           "dictTags.tag1": ["val1", "val2", "val3"], "dictTags.tag2": ["val1"]
523                #
524                #   2) a dict where the value is not an array and in this case we just explode out the content. For example if we have:
525                #
526                #           "dictTagsExists": { "tag3": True, "tag4": True }
527                #
528                #       What we'll end up with is:
529                #
530                #           "dictTagsExists.tag3": True, "dictTagsExists.tag4": True
531                for inner_key, inner_val in v.items():
532                    processed_query_params['{}.{}'.format(k, inner_key)] = inner_val
534        return processed_query_params
536    def request(self, request):
537        self.logger.info(utc_now() + "Request: %s %s" % (str(request.method), request.url))
539        initial_circuit_breaker_state = None
540        if self.circuit_breaker_name:
541            initial_circuit_breaker_state = CircuitBreakerMonitor.get(self.circuit_breaker_name).state
542            if initial_circuit_breaker_state != circuitbreaker.STATE_CLOSED:
543                self.logger.debug("Circuit Breaker State is {}!".format(initial_circuit_breaker_state))
545        signer = self.signer
546        if not request.enforce_content_headers:
547            signer = signer.without_content_headers
549        stream = False
550        if request.response_type == STREAM_RESPONSE_TYPE:
551            stream = True
553        try:
554            start = timer()
555            response = self.session.request(
556                request.method,
557                request.url,
558                auth=signer,
559                params=request.query_params,
560                headers=request.header_params,
561                data=request.body,
562                stream=stream,
563                timeout=self.timeout)
564            end = timer()
565            if request.header_params[constants.HEADER_REQUEST_ID]:
566                self.logger.debug(utc_now() + 'time elapsed for request {}: {}'.format(request.header_params[constants.HEADER_REQUEST_ID], str(end - start)))
567            if response and hasattr(response, 'elapsed'):
568                self.logger.debug(utc_now() + "time elapsed in response: " + str(response.elapsed))
569        except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout as e:
570            raise exceptions.ConnectTimeout(e)
571        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
572            raise exceptions.RequestException(e)
574        response_type = request.response_type
575        self.logger.debug(utc_now() + "Response status: %s" % str(response.status_code))
577        # Raise Service Error or Transient Service Error
578        if not 200 <= response.status_code <= 299:
579            service_code, message = self.get_deserialized_service_code_and_message(response)
580            if isinstance(self.circuit_breaker_strategy, CircuitBreakerStrategy) and self.circuit_breaker_strategy.is_transient_error(response.status_code, service_code):
581                new_circuit_breaker_state = CircuitBreakerMonitor.get(self.circuit_breaker_name).state
582                if initial_circuit_breaker_state != new_circuit_breaker_state:
583                    self.logger.warning("Circuit Breaker state changed from {} to {}".format(initial_circuit_breaker_state, new_circuit_breaker_state))
584                self.raise_transient_service_error(request, response, service_code, message)
585            else:
586                self.raise_service_error(request, response, service_code, message)
588        if stream:
589            # Don't unpack a streaming response body
590            deserialized_data = response
591        elif response_type == BYTES_RESPONSE_TYPE:
592            # Don't deserialize data responses.
593            deserialized_data = response.content
594        elif response_type:
595            deserialized_data = self.deserialize_response_data(response.content, response_type)
596        else:
597            deserialized_data = None
599        resp = Response(response.status_code, response.headers, deserialized_data, request)
600        self.logger.debug(utc_now() + "Response returned")
601        return resp
603    # Builds the client info string to be sent with each request.
604    def build_request_id(self):
605        return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '').upper()
607    def add_opc_retry_token_if_needed(self, header_params, retry_token_length=30):
608        if 'opc-retry-token' not in header_params:
609            header_params['opc-retry-token'] = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(retry_token_length))
611    @staticmethod
612    def add_opc_client_retries_header(header_params):
613        if 'opc-client-retries' not in header_params:
614            header_params['opc-client-retries'] = "true"
616    def to_path_value(self, obj):
617        """
618        Takes value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
619        the path, by url-encoding.
621        :param obj: object or string value.
623        :return string: quoted value.
624        """
625        if type(obj) == list:
626            return ','.join(obj)
627        else:
628            return str(obj)
630    def sanitize_for_serialization(self, obj, declared_type=None, field_name=None):
631        """
632        Builds a JSON POST object.
634        If obj is str, int, float, bool, None, return directly.
635        If obj is datetime.datetime, datetime.date
636            convert to string in iso8601 format.
637        If obj is list, sanitize each element in the list.
638        If obj is dict, return the dict.
639        If obj is swagger model, return the properties dict.
641        :param obj: The data to serialize.
642        :return: The serialized form of data.
643        """
644        types = (six.string_types, six.integer_types, float, bool, type(None))
646        declared_swagger_type_to_acceptable_python_types = {
647            'str': six.string_types,
648            'bool': bool,
649            'int': (float, six.integer_types),
650            'float': (float, six.integer_types)
651        }
653        # if there is a declared type for this obj, then validate that obj is of that type. None types (either None or the NONE_SENTINEL) are not validated but
654        # instead passed through
655        if declared_type and not self.is_none_or_none_sentinel(obj):
656            if declared_type.startswith('dict(') and not isinstance(obj, dict):
657                self.raise_type_error_serializing_model(field_name, obj, declared_type)
658            elif declared_type.startswith('list[') and not (isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple)):
659                self.raise_type_error_serializing_model(field_name, obj, declared_type)
660            elif declared_type in self.complex_type_mappings:
661                # if its supposed to be one of our models, it can either be an instance of that model OR a dict
662                if not isinstance(obj, dict) and not isinstance(obj, self.complex_type_mappings[declared_type]):
663                    self.raise_type_error_serializing_model(field_name, obj, declared_type)
664            elif declared_type in declared_swagger_type_to_acceptable_python_types and not isinstance(obj, declared_swagger_type_to_acceptable_python_types[declared_type]):
665                # if its a primitive with corresponding acceptable python types, validate that obj is an instance of one of those acceptable types
666                self.raise_type_error_serializing_model(field_name, obj, declared_type)
668        if isinstance(obj, types):
669            return obj
670        elif obj is NONE_SENTINEL:
671            return None
672        elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
673            return [self.sanitize_for_serialization(
674                sub_obj,
675                self.extract_list_item_type_from_swagger_type(declared_type) if declared_type else None,
676                field_name + '[*]' if field_name else None)
677                for sub_obj in obj]
678        elif isinstance(obj, datetime):
679            if not obj.tzinfo:
680                obj = pytz.utc.localize(obj)
681            return obj.astimezone(pytz.utc).isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z')
682        elif isinstance(obj, date):
683            return obj.isoformat()
684        else:
685            if isinstance(obj, dict):
686                obj_dict = obj
688                keys_to_types_and_field_name = None
690                # if there is a declared type, then we can use that to validate the types of values in the dict
691                if declared_type:
692                    dict_value_type = self.extract_dict_value_type_from_swagger_type(declared_type)
693                    keys_to_types_and_field_name = {k: (dict_value_type, k) for k in obj_dict}
694            else:
695                # at this point we are assuming it is one of our models with swagger_types so explicitly throw if its not to give a better error
696                if not hasattr(obj, 'swagger_types'):
697                    raise TypeError('Not able to serialize data: {} of type: {} in field: {}'.format(str(obj), type(obj).__name__, field_name))
699                obj_dict = {obj.attribute_map[attr]: getattr(obj, attr)
700                            for attr, _ in obj.swagger_types.items()
701                            if getattr(obj, attr) is not None}
703                keys_to_types_and_field_name = {obj.attribute_map[attr]: (swagger_type, attr) for attr, swagger_type in six.iteritems(obj.swagger_types)}
705            sanitized_dict = {}
706            for key, val in six.iteritems(obj_dict):
707                value_declared_type = None
708                inner_field_name = key
709                if keys_to_types_and_field_name:
710                    value_declared_type = keys_to_types_and_field_name[key][0]
711                    inner_field_name = keys_to_types_and_field_name[key][1]
713                inner_field_name = '{}.{}'.format(field_name, inner_field_name) if field_name else inner_field_name
714                sanitized_dict[key] = self.sanitize_for_serialization(val, value_declared_type, inner_field_name)
716            return sanitized_dict
718    def is_none_or_none_sentinel(self, obj):
719        return (obj is None) or (obj is NONE_SENTINEL)
721    def raise_type_error_serializing_model(self, field_name, obj, declared_type):
722        raise TypeError('Field {} with value {} was expected to be of type {} but was of type {}'.format(field_name, str(obj), declared_type, type(obj).__name__))
724    def extract_dict_value_type_from_swagger_type(self, swagger_type):
725        m = DICT_VALUE_TYPE_REGEX.search(swagger_type)
727        result = None
728        if m:
729            result = m.group(1)
731        return result
733    def extract_list_item_type_from_swagger_type(self, swagger_type):
734        m = LIST_ITEM_TYPE_REGEX.search(swagger_type)
736        result = None
737        if m:
738            result = m.group(1)
740        return result
742    def raise_service_error(self, request, response, service_code, message):
743        raise exceptions.ServiceError(
744            response.status_code,
745            service_code,
746            response.headers,
747            message,
748            original_request=request)
750    def raise_transient_service_error(self, request, response, service_code, message):
751        raise exceptions.TransientServiceError(
752            response.status_code,
753            service_code,
754            response.headers,
755            message,
756            original_request=request)
758    def get_deserialized_service_code_and_message(self, response):
759        deserialized_data = self.deserialize_response_data(response.content, 'object')
760        service_code = None
761        message = None
763        if isinstance(deserialized_data, dict):
764            service_code = deserialized_data.get('code')
765            message = deserialized_data.get('message')
766        else:
767            # Deserialized data should be a string if we couldn't deserialize into a dict (i.e. it failed
768            # json.loads()). There could still be error information of value to the customer, so instead
769            # of black holing the message, just put it in the error
770            message = deserialized_data
772        return service_code, message
774    def deserialize_response_data(self, response_data, response_type):
775        """
776        Deserializes response into an object.
778        :param response_data: object to be deserialized.
779        :param response_type: class literal for
780            deserialized object, or string of class name.
782        :return: deserialized object.
783        """
784        # response.content is always bytes
785        response_data = response_data.decode('utf8')
787        try:
788            json_response = json.loads(response_data)
789            # Load everything as JSON and then verify that the object returned
790            # is a string (six.text_type) if the response type is a string.
791            # This is matches the previous behavior, which happens to strip
792            # the embedded quotes in the get_namespace response.
793            # There is the potential that an API will declare that it returns
794            # a string and the string will be a valid JSON Object. In that case
795            # we do not update the response_data with the json_response.
796            # If we do later steps will fail because they are expecting the
797            # response_data to be a string.
798            if response_type != "str" or type(json_response) == six.text_type:
799                response_data = json_response
800        except ValueError:
801            pass
803        if self.skip_deserialization:
804            return response_data
805        else:
806            start = timer()
807            res = self.__deserialize(response_data, response_type)
808            end = timer()
809            self.logger.debug(utc_now() + 'python SDK time elapsed for deserializing: {}'.format(str(end - start)))
810            return res
812    def __deserialize(self, data, cls):
813        """
814        Deserialize a dict, list, or str into an object.
816        :param data: dict, list or str
817        :param cls: string of class name
819        :return: object.
820        """
821        if data is None:
822            return None
824        if cls.startswith('list['):
825            sub_kls = re.match('list\[(.*)\]', cls).group(1)  # noqa: W605
826            return [self.__deserialize(sub_data, sub_kls)
827                    for sub_data in data]
829        if cls.startswith('dict('):
830            sub_kls = re.match('dict\(([^,]*), (.*)\)', cls).group(2)  # noqa: W605
831            return {k: self.__deserialize(v, sub_kls)
832                    for k, v in data.items()}
834        # Enums are not present in type mappings, and they are strings, so we need to call  __deserialize_primitive()
835        if cls in self.type_mappings:
836            cls = self.type_mappings[cls]
837        else:
838            return self.__deserialize_primitive(data, cls)
840        if hasattr(cls, 'get_subtype'):
841            # Use the discriminator value to get the correct subtype.
842            cls = cls.get_subtype(data)  # get_subtype returns a str
843            cls = self.type_mappings[cls]
845        if cls in [int, float, six.u, bool]:
846            return self.__deserialize_primitive(data, cls)
847        elif cls == object:
848            return data
849        elif cls == date:
850            return self.__deserialize_date(data)
851        elif cls == datetime:
852            return self.__deserialize_datetime(data)
853        else:
854            return self.__deserialize_model(data, cls)
856    def __deserialize_primitive(self, data, cls):
857        """
858        Deserializes string to primitive type.
860        :param data: str.
861        :param cls: class literal.
863        :return: int, float, str, bool.
864        """
865        try:
866            value = cls(data)
867        except UnicodeEncodeError:
868            value = six.u(data)
869        except TypeError:
870            value = data
871        return value
873    def __deserialize_date(self, string):
874        """
875        Deserializes string to date.
877        :param string: str.
878        :return: date.
879        """
880        try:
881            return parse(string).date()
882        except ImportError:
883            return string
884        except ValueError:
885            raise Exception("Failed to parse `{0}` into a date object".format(string))
887    def __deserialize_datetime(self, string):
888        """
889        Deserializes string to datetime.
891        The string should be in iso8601 datetime format.
893        :param string: str.
894        :return: datetime.
895        """
896        try:
897            # If this parser creates a date without raising an exception
898            # then the time zone is utc and needs to be set.
899            naivedatetime = datetime.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
900            awaredatetime = naivedatetime.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
901            return awaredatetime
903        except ValueError:
904            try:
905                return parse(string)
906            except ImportError:
907                return string
908            except ValueError:
909                raise Exception("Failed to parse `{0}` into a datetime object".format(string))
910        except ImportError:
911            return string
913    def __deserialize_model(self, data, cls):
914        """
915        Deserializes list or dict to model.
917        :param data: dict, list.
918        :param cls: class literal.
919        :return: model object.
920        """
921        instance = cls()
923        for attr, attr_type in instance.swagger_types.items():
924            property = instance.attribute_map[attr]
925            if property in data:
926                value = data[property]
927                setattr(instance, attr, self.__deserialize(value, attr_type))
929        return instance
931    @staticmethod
932    def get_preferred_retry_strategy(operation_retry_strategy, client_retry_strategy):
933        """
934        Gets the preferred Retry Strategy for the client
935        :param operation_retry_strategy: (optional) Operation level Retry Strategy
936        :param client_retry_strategy: (optional) Client level Retry Strategy
937        :return: Preferred Retry Strategy.
938        """
939        retry_strategy = None
940        if operation_retry_strategy:
941            retry_strategy = operation_retry_strategy
942        elif client_retry_strategy:
943            retry_strategy = client_retry_strategy
944        elif retry.GLOBAL_RETRY_STRATEGY:
945            retry_strategy = retry.GLOBAL_RETRY_STRATEGY
946        return retry_strategy