1 // {{{ MIT License
3 // Copyright 2017 Roland Kaminski
5 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
6 // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
7 // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
8 // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
9 // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10 // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
13 // all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23 // }}}
25 //! @file clingo.h
26 //! Single header containing the whole clingo API.
27 //!
28 //! @author Roland Kaminski
30 //! @mainpage Clingo C API
31 //! This API provides functions to ground and solve logic programs.
32 //!
33 //! The documentation is structured into different modules.
34 //! To get an overview, checkout the [Modules](modules.html) page.
35 //! To get started, take a look at the documentation of the @ref Control module.
36 //!
37 //! The source code of clingo is available on [github.com/potassco/clingo](https://github.com/potassco/clingo).
38 //!
39 //! For information about the syntax and semantics of the clingo language,
40 //! take a look the [Potassco Guide](https://github.com/potassco/guide/releases/).
41 //!
42 //! @note Each module comes with an example highlighting key functionality.
43 //! The example should be studied along with the module documentation.
45 #ifndef CLINGO_H
46 #define CLINGO_H
48 #ifdef __cplusplus
49 extern "C" {
50 #endif
52 #include <stddef.h>
53 #include <stdint.h>
54 #include <stdbool.h>
56 #if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
57 #   define CLINGO_WIN
58 #endif
62 #else
63 #   ifdef CLINGO_WIN
64 #       ifdef CLINGO_BUILD_LIBRARY
65 #           define CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __declspec (dllexport)
66 #       else
67 #           define CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __declspec (dllimport)
68 #       endif
70 #   else
71 #       if __GNUC__ >= 4
72 #           define CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT  __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
73 #           define CLINGO_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
74 #       else
75 #           define CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT
76 #           define CLINGO_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
77 #       endif
78 #   endif
79 #endif
81 #if defined __GNUC__
82 #define CLINGO_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
83 #elif defined _MSC_VER
84 #define CLINGO_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
85 #else
87 #endif
89 // {{{1 basic types and error/warning handling
91 //! @example version.c
92 //! The example shows how to get version information.
93 //!
94 //! ## Output ##
95 //!
96 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
97 //! $ ./version
98 //! Hello, this is clingo version...
99 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
100 //!
101 //! ## Code ##
103 //! @defgroup BasicTypes Basic Data Types and Functions
104 //! Data types and functions used throughout all modules and version information.
105 //!
106 //! For an example, see @ref version.c.
108 //! @addtogroup BasicTypes
109 //! @{
111 //! Major version number.
113 //! Minor version number.
115 //! Revision number.
117 //! String representation of version.
118 #define CLINGO_VERSION "5.5.1"
120 //! Signed integer type used for aspif and solver literals.
121 typedef int32_t clingo_literal_t;
122 //! Unsigned integer type used for aspif atoms.
123 typedef uint32_t clingo_atom_t;
124 //! Unsigned integer type used in various places.
125 typedef uint32_t clingo_id_t;
126 //! Signed integer type for weights in sum aggregates and minimize constraints.
127 typedef int32_t clingo_weight_t;
128 //! A Literal with an associated weight.
129 typedef struct clingo_weighted_literal {
130     clingo_literal_t literal;
131     clingo_weight_t weight;
132 } clingo_weighted_literal_t;
135 //! Enumeration of error codes.
136 //!
137 //! @note Errors can only be recovered from if explicitly mentioned; most
138 //! functions do not provide strong exception guarantees.  This means that in
139 //! case of errors associated objects cannot be used further.  If such an
140 //! object has a free function, this function can and should still be called.
141 enum clingo_error_e {
142     clingo_error_success   = 0, //!< successful API calls
143     clingo_error_runtime   = 1, //!< errors only detectable at runtime like invalid input
144     clingo_error_logic     = 2, //!< wrong usage of the clingo API
145     clingo_error_bad_alloc = 3, //!< memory could not be allocated
146     clingo_error_unknown   = 4  //!< errors unrelated to clingo
147 };
148 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_error_e.
149 typedef int clingo_error_t;
150 //! Convert error code into string.
151 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT char const *clingo_error_string(clingo_error_t code);
152 //! Get the last error code set by a clingo API call.
153 //! @note Each thread has its own local error code.
154 //! @return error code
155 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT clingo_error_t clingo_error_code();
156 //! Get the last error message set if an API call fails.
157 //! @note Each thread has its own local error message.
158 //! @return error message or NULL
159 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT char const *clingo_error_message();
160 //! Set a custom error code and message in the active thread.
161 //! @param[in] code the error code
162 //! @param[in] message the error message
163 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_set_error(clingo_error_t code, char const *message);
165 //! Enumeration of warning codes.
166 enum clingo_warning_e {
167     clingo_warning_operation_undefined = 0, //!< undefined arithmetic operation or weight of aggregate
168     clingo_warning_runtime_error       = 1, //!< to report multiple errors; a corresponding runtime error is raised later
169     clingo_warning_atom_undefined      = 2, //!< undefined atom in program
170     clingo_warning_file_included       = 3, //!< same file included multiple times
171     clingo_warning_variable_unbounded  = 4, //!< CSP variable with unbounded domain
172     clingo_warning_global_variable     = 5, //!< global variable in tuple of aggregate element
173     clingo_warning_other               = 6, //!< other kinds of warnings
174 };
175 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_warning_e.
176 typedef int clingo_warning_t;
177 //! Convert warning code into string.
178 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT char const *clingo_warning_string(clingo_warning_t code);
179 //! Callback to intercept warning messages.
180 //!
181 //! @param[in] code associated warning code
182 //! @param[in] message warning message
183 //! @param[in] data user data for callback
184 //!
185 //! @see clingo_control_new()
186 //! @see clingo_parse_term()
187 //! @see clingo_parse_program()
188 typedef void (*clingo_logger_t)(clingo_warning_t code, char const *message, void *data);
190 //! Obtain the clingo version.
191 //!
192 //! @param[out] major major version number
193 //! @param[out] minor minor version number
194 //! @param[out] revision revision number
195 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_version(int *major, int *minor, int *revision);
197 //! Represents three-valued truth values.
198 enum clingo_truth_value_e {
199     clingo_truth_value_free  = 0, //!< no truth value
200     clingo_truth_value_true  = 1, //!< true
201     clingo_truth_value_false = 2  //!< false
202 };
203 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_truth_value_e.
204 typedef int clingo_truth_value_t;
206 //! Represents a source code location marking its beginnig and end.
207 //!
208 //! @note Not all locations refer to physical files.
209 //! By convention, such locations use a name put in angular brackets as filename.
210 //! The string members of a location object are internalized and valid for the duration of the process.
211 typedef struct clingo_location {
212     char const *begin_file; //!< the file where the location begins
213     char const *end_file;   //!< the file where the location ends
214     size_t begin_line;      //!< the line where the location begins
215     size_t end_line;        //!< the line where the location ends
216     size_t begin_column;    //!< the column where the location begins
217     size_t end_column;      //!< the column where the location ends
218 } clingo_location_t;
220 //! @}
222 // {{{1 signature and symbols
224 //! @example symbol.c
225 //! The example shows how to create and inspect symbols.
226 //!
227 //! ## Output ##
228 //!
229 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
230 //! $ ./symbol 0
231 //! the hash of 42 is 281474976710698
232 //! the hash of x is 562949963481760
233 //! the hash of x(42,x) is 1407374893613792
234 //! 42 is equal to 42
235 //! 42 is not equal to x
236 //! 42 is less than x
237 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
238 //!
239 //! ## Code ##
241 //! @defgroup Symbols Symbols
242 //! Working with (evaluated) ground terms and related functions.
243 //!
244 //! @note All functions in this module are thread-safe.
245 //!
246 //! For an example, see @ref symbol.c.
248 //! @addtogroup Symbols
249 //! @{
251 //! Represents a predicate signature.
252 //!
253 //! Signatures have a name and an arity, and can be positive or negative (to
254 //! represent classical negation).
255 typedef uint64_t clingo_signature_t;
257 //! @name Signature Functions
258 //! @{
260 //! Create a new signature.
261 //!
262 //! @param[in] name name of the signature
263 //! @param[in] arity arity of the signature
264 //! @param[in] positive false if the signature has a classical negation sign
265 //! @param[out] signature the resulting signature
266 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
267 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
268 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_signature_create(char const *name, uint32_t arity, bool positive, clingo_signature_t *signature);
269 //! Get the name of a signature.
270 //!
271 //! @note
272 //! The string is internalized and valid for the duration of the process.
273 //!
274 //! @param[in] signature the target signature
275 //! @return the name of the signature
276 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT char const *clingo_signature_name(clingo_signature_t signature);
277 //! Get the arity of a signature.
278 //!
279 //! @param[in] signature the target signature
280 //! @return the arity of the signature
281 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT uint32_t clingo_signature_arity(clingo_signature_t signature);
282 //! Whether the signature is positive (is not classically negated).
283 //!
284 //! @param[in] signature the target signature
285 //! @return whether the signature has no sign
286 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_signature_is_positive(clingo_signature_t signature);
287 //! Whether the signature is negative (is classically negated).
288 //!
289 //! @param[in] signature the target signature
290 //! @return whether the signature has a sign
291 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_signature_is_negative(clingo_signature_t signature);
292 //! Check if two signatures are equal.
293 //!
294 //! @param[in] a first signature
295 //! @param[in] b second signature
296 //! @return whether a == b
297 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_signature_is_equal_to(clingo_signature_t a, clingo_signature_t b);
298 //! Check if a signature is less than another signature.
299 //!
300 //! Signatures are compared first by sign (unsigned < signed), then by arity,
301 //! then by name.
302 //!
303 //! @param[in] a first signature
304 //! @param[in] b second signature
305 //! @return whether a < b
306 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_signature_is_less_than(clingo_signature_t a, clingo_signature_t b);
307 //! Calculate a hash code of a signature.
308 //!
309 //! @param[in] signature the target signature
310 //! @return the hash code of the signature
311 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT size_t clingo_signature_hash(clingo_signature_t signature);
313 //! @}
315 //! Enumeration of available symbol types.
316 enum clingo_symbol_type_e {
317     clingo_symbol_type_infimum  = 0, //!< the <tt>\#inf</tt> symbol
318     clingo_symbol_type_number   = 1, //!< a numeric symbol, e.g., `1`
319     clingo_symbol_type_string   = 4, //!< a string symbol, e.g., `"a"`
320     clingo_symbol_type_function = 5, //!< a numeric symbol, e.g., `c`, `(1, "a")`, or `f(1,"a")`
321     clingo_symbol_type_supremum = 7  //!< the <tt>\#sup</tt> symbol
322 };
323 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_symbol_type.
324 typedef int clingo_symbol_type_t;
326 //! Represents a symbol.
327 //!
328 //! This includes numbers, strings, functions (including constants when
329 //! arguments are empty and tuples when the name is empty), <tt>\#inf</tt> and <tt>\#sup</tt>.
330 typedef uint64_t clingo_symbol_t;
332 //! @name Symbol Construction Functions
333 //! @{
335 //! Construct a symbol representing a number.
336 //!
337 //! @param[in] number the number
338 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
339 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_symbol_create_number(int number, clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
340 //! Construct a symbol representing \#sup.
341 //!
342 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
343 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_symbol_create_supremum(clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
344 //! Construct a symbol representing <tt>\#inf</tt>.
345 //!
346 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
347 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_symbol_create_infimum(clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
348 //! Construct a symbol representing a string.
349 //!
350 //! @param[in] string the string
351 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
352 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
353 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
354 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_create_string(char const *string, clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
355 //! Construct a symbol representing an id.
356 //!
357 //! @note This is just a shortcut for clingo_symbol_create_function() with
358 //! empty arguments.
359 //!
360 //! @param[in] name the name
361 //! @param[in] positive whether the symbol has a classical negation sign
362 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
363 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
364 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
365 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_create_id(char const *name, bool positive, clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
366 //! Construct a symbol representing a function or tuple.
367 //!
368 //! @note To create tuples, the empty string has to be used as name.
369 //!
370 //! @param[in] name the name of the function
371 //! @param[in] arguments the arguments of the function
372 //! @param[in] arguments_size the number of arguments
373 //! @param[in] positive whether the symbol has a classical negation sign
374 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
375 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
376 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
377 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_create_function(char const *name, clingo_symbol_t const *arguments, size_t arguments_size, bool positive, clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
379 //! @}
381 //! @name Symbol Inspection Functions
382 //! @{
384 //! Get the number of a symbol.
385 //!
386 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
387 //! @param[out] number the resulting number
388 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
389 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_number
390 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_number(clingo_symbol_t symbol, int *number);
391 //! Get the name of a symbol.
392 //!
393 //! @note
394 //! The string is internalized and valid for the duration of the process.
395 //!
396 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
397 //! @param[out] name the resulting name
398 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
399 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
400 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_name(clingo_symbol_t symbol, char const **name);
401 //! Get the string of a symbol.
402 //!
403 //! @note
404 //! The string is internalized and valid for the duration of the process.
405 //!
406 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
407 //! @param[out] string the resulting string
408 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
409 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_string
410 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_string(clingo_symbol_t symbol, char const **string);
411 //! Check if a function is positive (does not have a sign).
412 //!
413 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
414 //! @param[out] positive the result
415 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
416 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
417 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_is_positive(clingo_symbol_t symbol, bool *positive);
418 //! Check if a function is negative (has a sign).
419 //!
420 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
421 //! @param[out] negative the result
422 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
423 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
424 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_is_negative(clingo_symbol_t symbol, bool *negative);
425 //! Get the arguments of a symbol.
426 //!
427 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
428 //! @param[out] arguments the resulting arguments
429 //! @param[out] arguments_size the number of arguments
430 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
431 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
432 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_arguments(clingo_symbol_t symbol, clingo_symbol_t const **arguments, size_t *arguments_size);
433 //! Get the type of a symbol.
434 //!
435 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
436 //! @return the type of the symbol
437 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT clingo_symbol_type_t clingo_symbol_type(clingo_symbol_t symbol);
438 //! Get the size of the string representation of a symbol (including the terminating 0).
439 //!
440 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
441 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
442 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
443 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
444 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_to_string_size(clingo_symbol_t symbol, size_t *size);
445 //! Get the string representation of a symbol.
446 //!
447 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
448 //! @param[out] string the resulting string
449 //! @param[in] size the size of the string
450 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
451 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
452 //!
453 //! @see clingo_symbol_to_string_size()
454 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_to_string(clingo_symbol_t symbol, char *string, size_t size);
456 //! @}
458 //! @name Symbol Comparison Functions
459 //! @{
461 //! Check if two symbols are equal.
462 //!
463 //! @param[in] a first symbol
464 //! @param[in] b second symbol
465 //! @return whether a == b
466 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_is_equal_to(clingo_symbol_t a, clingo_symbol_t b);
467 //! Check if a symbol is less than another symbol.
468 //!
469 //! Symbols are first compared by type.  If the types are equal, the values are
470 //! compared (where strings are compared using strcmp).  Functions are first
471 //! compared by signature and then lexicographically by arguments.
472 //!
473 //! @param[in] a first symbol
474 //! @param[in] b second symbol
475 //! @return whether a < b
476 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_is_less_than(clingo_symbol_t a, clingo_symbol_t b);
477 //! Calculate a hash code of a symbol.
478 //!
479 //! @param[in] symbol the target symbol
480 //! @return the hash code of the symbol
481 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT size_t clingo_symbol_hash(clingo_symbol_t symbol);
483 //! @}
485 //! Internalize a string.
486 //!
487 //! This functions takes a string as input and returns an equal unique string
488 //! that is (at the moment) not freed until the program is closed.
489 //!
490 //! @param[in] string the string to internalize
491 //! @param[out] result the internalized string
492 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
493 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
494 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_add_string(char const *string, char const **result);
495 //! Parse a term in string form.
496 //!
497 //! The result of this function is a symbol. The input term can contain
498 //! unevaluated functions, which are evaluated during parsing.
499 //!
500 //! @param[in] string the string to parse
501 //! @param[in] logger optional logger to report warnings during parsing
502 //! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger
503 //! @param[in] message_limit maximum number of times to call the logger
504 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
505 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
506 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
507 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails
508 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_parse_term(char const *string, clingo_logger_t logger, void *logger_data, unsigned message_limit, clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
510 //! @}
512 // {{{1 symbolic atoms
514 //! @example symbolic-atoms.c
515 //! The example shows how to iterate over symbolic atoms.
516 //!
517 //! ## Output ##
518 //!
519 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
520 //! ./symbolic-atoms 0
521 //! Symbolic atoms:
522 //!   b
523 //!   c, external
524 //!   a, fact
525 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
526 //!
527 //! ## Code ##
529 //! @defgroup SymbolicAtoms Symbolic Atom Inspection
530 //! Inspection of atoms occurring in ground logic programs.
531 //!
532 //! For an example, see @ref symbolic-atoms.c.
533 //! @ingroup Control
535 //! @addtogroup SymbolicAtoms
536 //! @{
538 //! Object to inspect symbolic atoms in a program---the relevant Herbrand base
539 //! gringo uses to instantiate programs.
540 //!
541 //! @see clingo_control_symbolic_atoms()
542 typedef struct clingo_symbolic_atoms clingo_symbolic_atoms_t;
543 //! Object to iterate over symbolic atoms.
544 //!
545 //! Such an iterator either points to a symbolic atom within a sequence of
546 //! symbolic atoms or to the end of the sequence.
547 //!
548 //! @note Iterators are valid as long as the underlying sequence is not modified.
549 //! Operations that can change this sequence are ::clingo_control_ground(),
550 //! ::clingo_control_cleanup(), and functions that modify the underlying
551 //! non-ground program.
552 typedef uint64_t clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t;
553 //! Get the number of different atoms occurring in a logic program.
554 //!
555 //! @param[in] atoms the target
556 //! @param[out] size the number of atoms
557 //! @return whether the call was successful
558 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_size(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, size_t *size);
559 //! Get a forward iterator to the beginning of the sequence of all symbolic
560 //! atoms optionally restricted to a given signature.
561 //!
562 //! @param[in] atoms the target
563 //! @param[in] signature optional signature
564 //! @param[out] iterator the resulting iterator
565 //! @return whether the call was successful
566 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_begin(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_signature_t const *signature, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t *iterator);
567 //! Iterator pointing to the end of the sequence of symbolic atoms.
568 //!
569 //! @param[in] atoms the target
570 //! @param[out] iterator the resulting iterator
571 //! @return whether the call was successful
572 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_end(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t *iterator);
573 //! Find a symbolic atom given its symbolic representation.
574 //!
575 //! @param[in] atoms the target
576 //! @param[in] symbol the symbol to lookup
577 //! @param[out] iterator iterator pointing to the symbolic atom or to the end
578 //! of the sequence if no corresponding atom is found
579 //! @return whether the call was successful
580 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_find(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbol_t symbol, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t *iterator);
581 //! Check if two iterators point to the same element (or end of the sequence).
582 //!
583 //! @param[in] atoms the target
584 //! @param[in] a the first iterator
585 //! @param[in] b the second iterator
586 //! @param[out] equal whether the two iterators are equal
587 //! @return whether the call was successful
588 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_iterator_is_equal_to(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t a, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t b, bool *equal);
589 //! Get the symbolic representation of an atom.
590 //!
591 //! @param[in] atoms the target
592 //! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom
593 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
594 //! @return whether the call was successful
595 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_symbol(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t iterator, clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
596 //! Check whether an atom is a fact.
597 //!
598 //! @note This does not determine if an atom is a cautious consequence. The
599 //! grounding or solving component's simplifications can only detect this in
600 //! some cases.
601 //!
602 //! @param[in] atoms the target
603 //! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom
604 //! @param[out] fact whether the atom is a fact
605 //! @return whether the call was successful
606 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_is_fact(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t iterator, bool *fact);
607 //! Check whether an atom is external.
608 //!
609 //! An atom is external if it has been defined using an external directive and
610 //! has not been released or defined by a rule.
611 //!
612 //! @param[in] atoms the target
613 //! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom
614 //! @param[out] external whether the atom is a external
615 //! @return whether the call was successful
616 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_is_external(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t iterator, bool *external);
617 //! Returns the (numeric) aspif literal corresponding to the given symbolic atom.
618 //!
619 //! Such a literal can be mapped to a solver literal (see the \ref Propagator
620 //! module) or be used in rules in aspif format (see the \ref ProgramBuilder
621 //! module).
622 //!
623 //! @param[in] atoms the target
624 //! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom
625 //! @param[out] literal the associated literal
626 //! @return whether the call was successful
627 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_literal(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t iterator, clingo_literal_t *literal);
628 //! Get the number of different predicate signatures used in the program.
629 //!
630 //! @param[in] atoms the target
631 //! @param[out] size the number of signatures
632 //! @return whether the call was successful
633 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_signatures_size(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, size_t *size);
634 //! Get the predicate signatures occurring in a logic program.
635 //!
636 //! @param[in] atoms the target
637 //! @param[out] signatures the resulting signatures
638 //! @param[in] size the number of signatures
639 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
640 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
641 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small
642 //!
643 //! @see clingo_symbolic_atoms_signatures_size()
644 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_signatures(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_signature_t *signatures, size_t size);
645 //! Get an iterator to the next element in the sequence of symbolic atoms.
646 //!
647 //! @param[in] atoms the target
648 //! @param[in] iterator the current iterator
649 //! @param[out] next the succeeding iterator
650 //! @return whether the call was successful
651 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_next(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t iterator, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t *next);
652 //! Check whether the given iterator points to some element with the sequence
653 //! of symbolic atoms or to the end of the sequence.
654 //!
655 //! @param[in] atoms the target
656 //! @param[in] iterator the iterator
657 //! @param[out] valid whether the iterator points to some element within the
658 //! sequence
659 //! @return whether the call was successful
660 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbolic_atoms_is_valid(clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_symbolic_atom_iterator_t iterator, bool *valid);
662 //! Callback function to inject symbols.
663 //!
664 //! @param symbols array of symbols
665 //! @param symbols_size size of the symbol array
666 //! @param data user data of the callback
667 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
668 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
669 //! @see ::clingo_ground_callback_t
670 typedef bool (*clingo_symbol_callback_t) (clingo_symbol_t const *symbols, size_t symbols_size, void *data);
671 //! @}
673 // {{{1 theory atoms
675 //! @example theory-atoms.c
676 //! The example shows how to inspect and use theory atoms.
677 //!
678 //! @verbatim@endverbatim
679 //!
680 //! This is a very simple example that uses the @link ProgramBuilder backend@endlink to let theory atoms affect answer sets.
681 //! In general, the backend can be used to implement a custom theory by translating it to a logic program.
682 //! On the other hand, a @link Propagator propagator@endlink can be used to implement a custom theory without adding any constraints in advance.
683 //! Or both approaches can be combined.
684 //!
685 //! ## Output ##
686 //!
687 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
688 //! ./theory-atoms 0
689 //! number of grounded theory atoms: 2
690 //! theory atom b/1 has a guard: true
691 //! Model: y
692 //! Model: x y
693 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
694 //!
695 //! ## Code ##
697 //! @defgroup TheoryAtoms Theory Atom Inspection
698 //! Inspection of theory atoms occurring in ground logic programs.
699 //! @ingroup Control
700 //!
701 //! During grounding, theory atoms get consecutive numbers starting with zero.
702 //! The total number of theory atoms can be obtained using clingo_theory_atoms_size().
703 //!
704 //! @attention
705 //! All structural information about theory atoms, elements, and terms is reset after @link clingo_control_solve() solving@endlink.
706 //! If afterward fresh theory atoms are @link clingo_control_ground() grounded@endlink, previously used ids are reused.
707 //!
708 //! For an example, see @ref theory-atoms.c.
710 //! @addtogroup TheoryAtoms
711 //! @{
713 //! Enumeration of theory term types.
714 enum clingo_theory_term_type_e {
715     clingo_theory_term_type_tuple    = 0, //!< a tuple term, e.g., `(1,2,3)`
716     clingo_theory_term_type_list     = 1, //!< a list term, e.g., `[1,2,3]`
717     clingo_theory_term_type_set      = 2, //!< a set term, e.g., `{1,2,3}`
718     clingo_theory_term_type_function = 3, //!< a function term, e.g., `f(1,2,3)`
719     clingo_theory_term_type_number   = 4, //!< a number term, e.g., `42`
720     clingo_theory_term_type_symbol   = 5  //!< a symbol term, e.g., `c`
721 };
722 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_theory_term_type_e.
723 typedef int clingo_theory_term_type_t;
725 //! Container that stores theory atoms, elements, and terms (see @ref clingo_control_theory_atoms()).
726 typedef struct clingo_theory_atoms clingo_theory_atoms_t;
728 //! @name Theory Term Inspection
729 //! @{
731 //! Get the type of the given theory term.
732 //!
733 //! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored
734 //! @param[in] term id of the term
735 //! @param[out] type the resulting type
736 //! @return whether the call was successful
737 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_term_type(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t term, clingo_theory_term_type_t *type);
738 //! Get the number of the given numeric theory term.
739 //!
740 //! @pre The term must be of type ::clingo_theory_term_type_number.
741 //! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored
742 //! @param[in] term id of the term
743 //! @param[out] number the resulting number
744 //! @return whether the call was successful
745 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_term_number(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t term, int *number);
746 //! Get the name of the given constant or function theory term.
747 //!
748 //! @note
749 //! The lifetime of the string is tied to the current solve step.
750 //!
751 //! @pre The term must be of type ::clingo_theory_term_type_function or ::clingo_theory_term_type_symbol.
752 //! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored
753 //! @param[in] term id of the term
754 //! @param[out] name the resulting name
755 //! @return whether the call was successful
756 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_term_name(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t term, char const **name);
757 //! Get the arguments of the given function theory term.
758 //!
759 //! @pre The term must be of type ::clingo_theory_term_type_function.
760 //! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored
761 //! @param[in] term id of the term
762 //! @param[out] arguments the resulting arguments in form of an array of term ids
763 //! @param[out] size the number of arguments
764 //! @return whether the call was successful
765 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_term_arguments(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t term, clingo_id_t const **arguments, size_t *size);
766 //! Get the size of the string representation of the given theory term (including the terminating 0).
767 //!
768 //! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored
769 //! @param[in] term id of the term
770 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
771 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
772 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
773 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_term_to_string_size(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t term, size_t *size);
774 //! Get the string representation of the given theory term.
775 //!
776 //! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored
777 //! @param[in] term id of the term
778 //! @param[out] string the resulting string
779 //! @param[in] size the size of the string
780 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
781 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small
782 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
783 //!
784 //! @see clingo_theory_atoms_term_to_string_size()
785 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_term_to_string(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t term, char *string, size_t size);
786 //! @}
788 //! @name Theory Element Inspection
789 //! @{
791 //! Get the tuple (array of theory terms) of the given theory element.
792 //!
793 //! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored
794 //! @param[in] element id of the element
795 //! @param[out] tuple the resulting array of term ids
796 //! @param[out] size the number of term ids
797 //! @return whether the call was successful
798 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_element_tuple(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t element, clingo_id_t const **tuple, size_t *size);
799 //! Get the condition (array of aspif literals) of the given theory element.
800 //!
801 //! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored
802 //! @param[in] element id of the element
803 //! @param[out] condition the resulting array of aspif literals
804 //! @param[out] size the number of term literals
805 //! @return whether the call was successful
806 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t element, clingo_literal_t const **condition, size_t *size);
807 //! Get the id of the condition of the given theory element.
808 //!
809 //! @note
810 //! This id can be mapped to a solver literal using clingo_propagate_init_solver_literal().
811 //! This id is not (necessarily) an aspif literal;
812 //! to get aspif literals use clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition().
813 //!
814 //! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored
815 //! @param[in] element id of the element
816 //! @param[out] condition the resulting condition id
817 //! @return whether the call was successful
818 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition_id(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t element, clingo_literal_t *condition);
819 //! Get the size of the string representation of the given theory element (including the terminating 0).
820 //!
821 //! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored
822 //! @param[in] element id of the element
823 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
824 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
825 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
826 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_element_to_string_size(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t element, size_t *size);
827 //! Get the string representation of the given theory element.
828 //!
829 //! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored
830 //! @param[in] element id of the element
831 //! @param[out] string the resulting string
832 //! @param[in] size the size of the string
833 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
834 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small
835 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
836 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_element_to_string(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t element, char *string, size_t size);
837 //! @}
839 //! @name Theory Atom Inspection
840 //! @{
842 //! Get the total number of theory atoms.
843 //!
844 //! @param[in] atoms the target
845 //! @param[out] size the resulting number
846 //! @return whether the call was successful
847 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_size(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, size_t *size);
848 //! Get the theory term associated with the theory atom.
849 //!
850 //! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored
851 //! @param[in] atom id of the atom
852 //! @param[out] term the resulting term id
853 //! @return whether the call was successful
854 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_atom_term(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t atom, clingo_id_t *term);
855 //! Get the theory elements associated with the theory atom.
856 //!
857 //! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored
858 //! @param[in] atom id of the atom
859 //! @param[out] elements the resulting array of elements
860 //! @param[out] size the number of elements
861 //! @return whether the call was successful
862 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_atom_elements(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t atom, clingo_id_t const **elements, size_t *size);
863 //! Whether the theory atom has a guard.
864 //!
865 //! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored
866 //! @param[in] atom id of the atom
867 //! @param[out] has_guard whether the theory atom has a guard
868 //! @return whether the call was successful
869 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_atom_has_guard(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t atom, bool *has_guard);
870 //! Get the guard consisting of a theory operator and a theory term of the given theory atom.
871 //!
872 //! @note
873 //! The lifetime of the string is tied to the current solve step.
874 //!
875 //! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored
876 //! @param[in] atom id of the atom
877 //! @param[out] connective the resulting theory operator
878 //! @param[out] term the resulting term
879 //! @return whether the call was successful
880 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_atom_guard(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t atom, char const **connective, clingo_id_t *term);
881 //! Get the aspif literal associated with the given theory atom.
882 //!
883 //! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored
884 //! @param[in] atom id of the atom
885 //! @param[out] literal the resulting literal
886 //! @return whether the call was successful
887 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_atom_literal(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t atom, clingo_literal_t *literal);
888 //! Get the size of the string representation of the given theory atom (including the terminating 0).
889 //!
890 //! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored
891 //! @param[in] atom id of the element
892 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
893 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
894 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
895 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_atom_to_string_size(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t atom, size_t *size);
896 //! Get the string representation of the given theory atom.
897 //!
898 //! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored
899 //! @param[in] atom id of the element
900 //! @param[out] string the resulting string
901 //! @param[in] size the size of the string
902 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
903 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small
904 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
905 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_theory_atoms_atom_to_string(clingo_theory_atoms_t const *atoms, clingo_id_t atom, char *string, size_t size);
906 //! @}
908 //! @}
910 // {{{1 propagator
912 //! @example propagator.c
913 //! The example shows how to write a simple propagator for the pigeon hole problem. For
914 //! a detailed description of what is implemented here and some background, take a look at the following paper:
915 //!
916 //! https://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/wv/publications/#DBLP:conf/iclp/GebserKKOSW16x
917 //!
918 //! ## Output ##
919 //!
920 //! The output is empty because the pigeon hole problem is unsatisfiable.
921 //!
922 //! ## Code ##
924 //! @defgroup Propagator Theory Propagation
925 //! Extend the search with propagators for arbitrary theories.
926 //!
927 //! For an example, see @ref propagator.c.
928 //! @ingroup Control
930 //! @addtogroup Propagator
931 //! @{
933 //! Represents a (partial) assignment of a particular solver.
934 //!
935 //! An assignment assigns truth values to a set of literals.
936 //! A literal is assigned to either @link clingo_assignment_truth_value() true or false, or is unassigned@endlink.
937 //! Furthermore, each assigned literal is associated with a @link clingo_assignment_level() decision level@endlink.
938 //! There is exactly one @link clingo_assignment_decision() decision literal@endlink for each decision level greater than zero.
939 //! Assignments to all other literals on the same level are consequences implied by the current and possibly previous decisions.
940 //! Assignments on level zero are immediate consequences of the current program.
941 //! Decision levels are consecutive numbers starting with zero up to and including the @link clingo_assignment_decision_level() current decision level@endlink.
942 typedef struct clingo_assignment clingo_assignment_t;
944 //! @name Assignment Functions
945 //! @{
947 //! Get the current decision level.
948 //!
949 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
950 //! @return the decision level
951 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT uint32_t clingo_assignment_decision_level(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment);
952 //! Get the current root level.
953 //!
954 //! Decisions levels smaller or equal to the root level are not backtracked during solving.
955 //!
956 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
957 //! @return the decision level
958 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT uint32_t clingo_assignment_root_level(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment);
959 //! Check if the given assignment is conflicting.
960 //!
961 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
962 //! @return whether the assignment is conflicting
963 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_has_conflict(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment);
964 //! Check if the given literal is part of a (partial) assignment.
965 //!
966 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
967 //! @param[in] literal the literal
968 //! @return whether the literal is valid
969 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_has_literal(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, clingo_literal_t literal);
970 //! Determine the decision level of a given literal.
971 //!
972 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
973 //! @param[in] literal the literal
974 //! @param[out] level the resulting level
975 //! @return whether the call was successful
976 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_level(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, clingo_literal_t literal, uint32_t *level);
977 //! Determine the decision literal given a decision level.
978 //!
979 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
980 //! @param[in] level the level
981 //! @param[out] literal the resulting literal
982 //! @return whether the call was successful
983 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_decision(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, uint32_t level, clingo_literal_t *literal);
984 //! Check if a literal has a fixed truth value.
985 //!
986 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
987 //! @param[in] literal the literal
988 //! @param[out] is_fixed whether the literal is fixed
989 //! @return whether the call was successful
990 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_is_fixed(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, clingo_literal_t literal, bool *is_fixed);
991 //! Check if a literal is true.
992 //!
993 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
994 //! @param[in] literal the literal
995 //! @param[out] is_true whether the literal is true
996 //! @return whether the call was successful
997 //! @see clingo_assignment_truth_value()
998 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_is_true(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, clingo_literal_t literal, bool *is_true);
999 //! Check if a literal has a fixed truth value.
1000 //!
1001 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
1002 //! @param[in] literal the literal
1003 //! @param[out] is_false whether the literal is false
1004 //! @return whether the call was successful
1005 //! @see clingo_assignment_truth_value()
1006 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_is_false(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, clingo_literal_t literal, bool *is_false);
1007 //! Determine the truth value of a given literal.
1008 //!
1009 //! @param[in] assignment the target assignment
1010 //! @param[in] literal the literal
1011 //! @param[out] value the resulting truth value
1012 //! @return whether the call was successful
1013 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_truth_value(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, clingo_literal_t literal, clingo_truth_value_t *value);
1014 //! The number of (positive) literals in the assignment.
1015 //!
1016 //! @param[in] assignment the target
1017 //! @return the number of literals
1018 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT size_t clingo_assignment_size(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment);
1019 //! The (positive) literal at the given offset in the assignment.
1020 //!
1021 //! @param[in] assignment the target
1022 //! @param[in] offset the offset of the literal
1023 //! @param[out] literal the literal
1024 //! @return whether the call was successful
1025 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_at(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, size_t offset, clingo_literal_t *literal);
1026 //! Check if the assignment is total, i.e. there are no free literal.
1027 //!
1028 //! @param[in] assignment the target
1029 //! @return wheather the assignment is total
1030 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_is_total(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment);
1031 //! Returns the number of literals in the trail, i.e., the number of assigned literals.
1032 //!
1033 //! @param[in] assignment the target
1034 //! @param[out] size the number of literals in the trail
1035 //! @return whether the call was successful
1036 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_trail_size(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, uint32_t *size);
1037 //! Returns the offset of the decision literal with the given decision level in
1038 //! the trail.
1039 //!
1040 //! @note Literals in the trail are ordered by decision levels, where the first
1041 //! literal with a larger level than the previous literals is a decision; the
1042 //! following literals with same level are implied by this decision literal.
1043 //! Each decision level up to and including the current decision level has a
1044 //! valid offset in the trail.
1045 //!
1046 //! @param[in] assignment the target
1047 //! @param[in] level the decision level
1048 //! @param[out] offset the offset of the decision literal
1049 //! @return whether the call was successful
1050 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_trail_begin(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, uint32_t level, uint32_t *offset);
1051 //! Returns the offset following the last literal with the given decision level.
1052 //!
1053 //! @note This function is the counter part to clingo_assignment_trail_begin().
1054 //!
1055 //! @param[in] assignment the target
1056 //! @param[in] level the decision level
1057 //! @param[out] offset the offset
1058 //! @return whether the call was successful
1059 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_trail_end(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, uint32_t level, uint32_t *offset);
1060 //! Returns the literal at the given position in the trail.
1061 //!
1062 //! @param[in] assignment the target
1063 //! @param[in] offset the offset of the literal
1064 //! @param[out] literal the literal
1065 //! @return whether the call was successful
1066 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_assignment_trail_at(clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, uint32_t offset, clingo_literal_t *literal);
1068 //! @}
1070 //! Supported check modes for propagators.
1071 //!
1072 //! Note that total checks are subject to the lock when a model is found.
1073 //! This means that information from previously found models can be used to discard assignments in check calls.
1074 enum clingo_propagator_check_mode_e {
1075     clingo_propagator_check_mode_none     = 0, //!< do not call @ref ::clingo_propagator::check() at all
1076     clingo_propagator_check_mode_total    = 1, //!< call @ref ::clingo_propagator::check() on total assignments
1077     clingo_propagator_check_mode_fixpoint = 2, //!< call @ref ::clingo_propagator::check() on propagation fixpoints
1078     clingo_propagator_check_mode_both     = 3, //!< call @ref ::clingo_propagator::check() on propagation fixpoints and total assignments
1079 };
1080 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_propagator_check_mode_e.
1081 typedef int clingo_propagator_check_mode_t;
1083 //! Enumeration of weight_constraint_types.
1084 enum clingo_weight_constraint_type_e {
1085     clingo_weight_constraint_type_implication_left  = -1, //!< the weight constraint implies the literal
1086     clingo_weight_constraint_type_implication_right =  1, //!< the literal implies the weight constraint
1087     clingo_weight_constraint_type_equivalence       =  0, //!< the weight constraint is equivalent to the literal
1088 };
1089 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_weight_constraint_type_e.
1090 typedef int clingo_weight_constraint_type_t;
1092 //! Object to initialize a user-defined propagator before each solving step.
1093 //!
1094 //! Each @link SymbolicAtoms symbolic@endlink or @link TheoryAtoms theory atom@endlink is uniquely associated with an aspif atom in form of a positive integer (@ref ::clingo_literal_t).
1095 //! Aspif literals additionally are signed to represent default negation.
1096 //! Furthermore, there are non-zero integer solver literals (also represented using @ref ::clingo_literal_t).
1097 //! There is a surjective mapping from program atoms to solver literals.
1098 //!
1099 //! All methods called during propagation use solver literals whereas clingo_symbolic_atoms_literal() and clingo_theory_atoms_atom_literal() return program literals.
1100 //! The function clingo_propagate_init_solver_literal() can be used to map program literals or @link clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition_id() condition ids@endlink to solver literals.
1101 typedef struct clingo_propagate_init clingo_propagate_init_t;
1103 //! @name Initialization Functions
1104 //! @{
1106 //! Map the given program literal or condition id to its solver literal.
1107 //!
1108 //! @param[in] init the target
1109 //! @param[in] aspif_literal the aspif literal to map
1110 //! @param[out] solver_literal the resulting solver literal
1111 //! @return whether the call was successful
1112 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_solver_literal(clingo_propagate_init_t const *init, clingo_literal_t aspif_literal, clingo_literal_t *solver_literal);
1113 //! Add a watch for the solver literal in the given phase.
1114 //!
1115 //! @param[in] init the target
1116 //! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal
1117 //! @return whether the call was successful
1118 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_add_watch(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t solver_literal);
1119 //! Add a watch for the solver literal in the given phase to the given solver thread.
1120 //!
1121 //! @param[in] init the target
1122 //! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal
1123 //! @param[in] thread_id the id of the solver thread
1124 //! @return whether the call was successful
1125 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_add_watch_to_thread(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t solver_literal, clingo_id_t thread_id);
1126 //! Remove the watch for the solver literal in the given phase.
1127 //!
1128 //! @param[in] init the target
1129 //! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal
1130 //! @return whether the call was successful
1131 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_remove_watch(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t solver_literal);
1132 //! Remove the watch for the solver literal in the given phase from the given solver thread.
1133 //!
1134 //! @param[in] init the target
1135 //! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal
1136 //! @param[in] thread_id the id of the solver thread
1137 //! @return whether the call was successful
1138 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_remove_watch_from_thread(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t solver_literal, uint32_t thread_id);
1139 //! Freeze the given solver literal.
1140 //!
1141 //! Any solver literal that is not frozen is subject to simplification and might be removed in a preprocessing step after propagator initialization.
1142 //! A propagator should freeze all literals over which it might add clauses during propagation.
1143 //! Note that any watched literal is automatically frozen and that it does not matter which phase of the literal is frozen.
1144 //!
1145 //! @param[in] init the target
1146 //! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal
1147 //! @return whether the call was successful
1148 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_freeze_literal(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t solver_literal);
1149 //! Get an object to inspect the symbolic atoms.
1150 //!
1151 //! @param[in] init the target
1152 //! @param[out] atoms the resulting object
1153 //! @return whether the call was successful
1154 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_symbolic_atoms(clingo_propagate_init_t const *init, clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const **atoms);
1155 //! Get an object to inspect the theory atoms.
1156 //!
1157 //! @param[in] init the target
1158 //! @param[out] atoms the resulting object
1159 //! @return whether the call was successful
1160 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_theory_atoms(clingo_propagate_init_t const *init, clingo_theory_atoms_t const **atoms);
1161 //! Get the number of threads used in subsequent solving.
1162 //!
1163 //! @param[in] init the target
1164 //! @return the number of threads
1165 //! @see clingo_propagate_control_thread_id()
1166 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT int clingo_propagate_init_number_of_threads(clingo_propagate_init_t const *init);
1167 //! Configure when to call the check method of the propagator.
1168 //!
1169 //! @param[in] init the target
1170 //! @param[in] mode bitmask when to call the propagator
1171 //! @see @ref ::clingo_propagator::check()
1172 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_propagate_init_set_check_mode(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_propagator_check_mode_t mode);
1173 //! Get the current check mode of the propagator.
1174 //!
1175 //! @param[in] init the target
1176 //! @return bitmask when to call the propagator
1177 //! @see clingo_propagate_init_set_check_mode()
1178 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT clingo_propagator_check_mode_t clingo_propagate_init_get_check_mode(clingo_propagate_init_t const *init);
1179 //! Get the top level assignment solver.
1180 //!
1181 //! @param[in] init the target
1182 //! @return the assignment
1183 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT clingo_assignment_t const *clingo_propagate_init_assignment(clingo_propagate_init_t const *init);
1184 //! Add a literal to the solver.
1185 //!
1186 //! To be able to use the variable in clauses during propagation or add watches to it, it has to be frozen.
1187 //! Otherwise, it might be removed during preprocessing.
1188 //!
1189 //! @attention If varibales were added, subsequent calls to functions adding constraints or ::clingo_propagate_init_propagate() are expensive.
1190 //! It is best to add varables in batches.
1191 //!
1192 //! @param[in] init the target
1193 //! @param[in] freeze whether to freeze the literal
1194 //! @param[out] result the added literal
1195 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1196 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1197 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_add_literal(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, bool freeze, clingo_literal_t *result);
1198 //! Add the given clause to the solver.
1199 //!
1200 //! @attention No further calls on the init object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false.
1201 //!
1202 //! @param[in] init the target
1203 //! @param[in] clause the clause to add
1204 //! @param[in] size the size of the clause
1205 //! @param[out] result result indicating whether the problem became unsatisfiable
1206 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1207 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1208 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_add_clause(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t const *clause, size_t size, bool *result);
1209 //! Add the given weight constraint to the solver.
1210 //!
1211 //! This function adds a constraint of form `literal <=> { lit=weight | (lit, weight) in literals } >= bound` to the solver.
1212 //! Depending on the type the `<=>` connective can be either a left implication, right implication, or equivalence.
1213 //!
1214 //! @attention No further calls on the init object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false.
1215 //!
1216 //! @param[in] init the target
1217 //! @param[in] literal the literal of the constraint
1218 //! @param[in] literals the weighted literals
1219 //! @param[in] size the number of weighted literals
1220 //! @param[in] bound the bound of the constraint
1221 //! @param[in] type the type of the weight constraint
1222 //! @param[in] compare_equal if true compare equal instead of less than equal
1223 //! @param[out] result result indicating whether the problem became unsatisfiable
1224 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1225 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1226 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_add_weight_constraint(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t literal, clingo_weighted_literal_t const *literals, size_t size, clingo_weight_t bound, clingo_weight_constraint_type_t type, bool compare_equal, bool *result);
1227 //! Add the given literal to minimize to the solver.
1228 //!
1229 //! This corresponds to a weak constraint of form `:~ literal. [weight@priority]`.
1230 //!
1231 //! @param[in] init the target
1232 //! @param[in] literal the literal to minimize
1233 //! @param[in] weight the weight of the literal
1234 //! @param[in] priority the priority of the literal
1235 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1236 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1237 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_add_minimize(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, clingo_literal_t literal, clingo_weight_t weight, clingo_weight_t priority);
1238 //! Propagates consequences of the underlying problem excluding registered propagators.
1239 //!
1240 //! @note The function has no effect if SAT-preprocessing is enabled.
1241 //! @attention No further calls on the init object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false.
1242 //!
1243 //! @param[in] init the target
1244 //! @param[out] result result indicating whether the problem became unsatisfiable
1245 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1246 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1247 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_init_propagate(clingo_propagate_init_t *init, bool *result);
1249 //! @}
1251 //! Enumeration of clause types determining the lifetime of a clause.
1252 //!
1253 //! Clauses in the solver are either cleaned up based on a configurable deletion policy or at the end of a solving step.
1254 //! The values of this enumeration determine if a clause is subject to one of the above deletion strategies.
1255 enum clingo_clause_type_e {
1256     clingo_clause_type_learnt          = 0, //!< clause is subject to the solvers deletion policy
1257     clingo_clause_type_static          = 1, //!< clause is not subject to the solvers deletion policy
1258     clingo_clause_type_volatile        = 2, //!< like ::clingo_clause_type_learnt but the clause is deleted after a solving step
1259     clingo_clause_type_volatile_static = 3  //!< like ::clingo_clause_type_static but the clause is deleted after a solving step
1260 };
1261 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_clause_type_e.
1262 typedef int clingo_clause_type_t;
1264 //! This object can be used to add clauses and propagate literals while solving.
1265 typedef struct clingo_propagate_control clingo_propagate_control_t;
1267 //! @name Propagation Functions
1268 //! @{
1270 //! Get the id of the underlying solver thread.
1271 //!
1272 //! Thread ids are consecutive numbers starting with zero.
1273 //!
1274 //! @param[in] control the target
1275 //! @return the thread id
1276 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT clingo_id_t clingo_propagate_control_thread_id(clingo_propagate_control_t const *control);
1277 //! Get the assignment associated with the underlying solver.
1278 //!
1279 //! @param[in] control the target
1280 //! @return the assignment
1281 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT clingo_assignment_t const *clingo_propagate_control_assignment(clingo_propagate_control_t const *control);
1282 //! Adds a new volatile literal to the underlying solver thread.
1283 //!
1284 //! @attention The literal is only valid within the current solving step and solver thread.
1285 //! All volatile literals and clauses involving a volatile literal are deleted after the current search.
1286 //!
1287 //! @param[in] control the target
1288 //! @param[out] result the (positive) solver literal
1289 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1290 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1291 //! - ::clingo_error_logic if the assignment is conflicting
1292 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_control_add_literal(clingo_propagate_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t *result);
1293 //! Add a watch for the solver literal in the given phase.
1294 //!
1295 //! @note Unlike @ref clingo_propagate_init_add_watch() this does not add a watch to all solver threads but just the current one.
1296 //!
1297 //! @param[in] control the target
1298 //! @param[in] literal the literal to watch
1299 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1300 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1301 //! - ::clingo_error_logic if the literal is invalid
1302 //! @see clingo_propagate_control_remove_watch()
1303 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_control_add_watch(clingo_propagate_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t literal);
1304 //! Check whether a literal is watched in the current solver thread.
1305 //!
1306 //! @param[in] control the target
1307 //! @param[in] literal the literal to check
1308 //!
1309 //! @return whether the literal is watched
1310 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_control_has_watch(clingo_propagate_control_t const *control, clingo_literal_t literal);
1311 //! Removes the watch (if any) for the given solver literal.
1312 //!
1313 //! @note Similar to @ref clingo_propagate_init_add_watch() this just removes the watch in the current solver thread.
1314 //!
1315 //! @param[in] control the target
1316 //! @param[in] literal the literal to remove
1317 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_propagate_control_remove_watch(clingo_propagate_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t literal);
1318 //! Add the given clause to the solver.
1319 //!
1320 //! This method sets its result to false if the current propagation must be stopped for the solver to backtrack.
1321 //!
1322 //! @attention No further calls on the control object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false.
1323 //!
1324 //! @param[in] control the target
1325 //! @param[in] clause the clause to add
1326 //! @param[in] size the size of the clause
1327 //! @param[in] type the clause type determining its lifetime
1328 //! @param[out] result result indicating whether propagation has to be stopped
1329 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1330 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1331 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_control_add_clause(clingo_propagate_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t const *clause, size_t size, clingo_clause_type_t type, bool *result);
1332 //! Propagate implied literals (resulting from added clauses).
1333 //!
1334 //! This method sets its result to false if the current propagation must be stopped for the solver to backtrack.
1335 //!
1336 //! @attention No further calls on the control object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false.
1337 //!
1338 //! @param[in] control the target
1339 //! @param[out] result result indicating whether propagation has to be stopped
1340 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1341 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1342 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_propagate_control_propagate(clingo_propagate_control_t *control, bool *result);
1344 //! @}
1346 //! Typedef for @ref ::clingo_propagator::init().
1347 typedef bool (*clingo_propagator_init_callback_t) (clingo_propagate_init_t *, void *);
1349 //! Typedef for @ref ::clingo_propagator::propagate().
1350 typedef bool (*clingo_propagator_propagate_callback_t) (clingo_propagate_control_t *, clingo_literal_t const *, size_t, void *);
1352 //! Typedef for @ref ::clingo_propagator::undo().
1353 typedef void (*clingo_propagator_undo_callback_t) (clingo_propagate_control_t const *, clingo_literal_t const *, size_t, void *);
1355 //! Typedef for @ref ::clingo_propagator::check().
1356 typedef bool (*clingo_propagator_check_callback_t) (clingo_propagate_control_t *, void *);
1358 //! An instance of this struct has to be registered with a solver to implement a custom propagator.
1359 //!
1360 //! Not all callbacks have to be implemented and can be set to NULL if not needed.
1361 //! @see Propagator
1362 typedef struct clingo_propagator {
1363     //! This function is called once before each solving step.
1364     //! It is used to map relevant program literals to solver literals, add watches for solver literals, and initialize the data structures used during propagation.
1365     //!
1366     //! @note This is the last point to access symbolic and theory atoms.
1367     //! Once the search has started, they are no longer accessible.
1368     //!
1369     //! @param[in] init initizialization object
1370     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
1371     //! @return whether the call was successful
1372     //! @see ::clingo_propagator_init_callback_t
1373     bool (*init) (clingo_propagate_init_t *init, void *data);
1374     //! Can be used to propagate solver literals given a @link clingo_assignment_t partial assignment@endlink.
1375     //!
1376     //! Called during propagation with a non-empty array of @link clingo_propagate_init_add_watch() watched solver literals@endlink
1377     //! that have been assigned to true since the last call to either propagate, undo, (or the start of the search) - the change set.
1378     //! Only watched solver literals are contained in the change set.
1379     //! Each literal in the change set is true w.r.t. the current @link clingo_assignment_t assignment@endlink.
1380     //! @ref clingo_propagate_control_add_clause() can be used to add clauses.
1381     //! If a clause is unit resulting, it can be propagated using @ref clingo_propagate_control_propagate().
1382     //! If the result of either of the two methods is false, the propagate function must return immediately.
1383     //!
1384     //! The following snippet shows how to use the methods to add clauses and propagate consequences within the callback.
1385     //! The important point is to return true (true to indicate there was no error) if the result of either of the methods is false.
1386     //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
1387     //! bool result;
1388     //! clingo_literal_t clause[] = { ... };
1389     //!
1390     //! // add a clause
1391     //! if (!clingo_propagate_control_add_clause(control, clause, clingo_clause_type_learnt, &result) { return false; }
1392     //! if (!result) { return true; }
1393     //! // propagate its consequences
1394     //! if (!clingo_propagate_control_propagate(control, &result) { return false; }
1395     //! if (!result) { return true; }
1396     //!
1397     //! // add further clauses and propagate them
1398     //! ...
1399     //!
1400     //! return true;
1401     //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1402     //!
1403     //! @note
1404     //! This function can be called from different solving threads.
1405     //! Each thread has its own assignment and id, which can be obtained using @ref clingo_propagate_control_thread_id().
1406     //!
1407     //! @param[in] control control object for the target solver
1408     //! @param[in] changes the change set
1409     //! @param[in] size the size of the change set
1410     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
1411     //! @return whether the call was successful
1412     //! @see ::clingo_propagator_propagate_callback_t
1413     bool (*propagate) (clingo_propagate_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t const *changes, size_t size, void *data);
1414     //! Called whenever a solver undoes assignments to watched solver literals.
1415     //!
1416     //! This callback is meant to update assignment dependent state in the propagator.
1417     //!
1418     //! @note No clauses must be propagated in this callback and no errors should be set.
1419     //!
1420     //! @param[in] control control object for the target solver
1421     //! @param[in] changes the change set
1422     //! @param[in] size the size of the change set
1423     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
1424     //! @return whether the call was successful
1425     //! @see ::clingo_propagator_undo_callback_t
1426     void (*undo) (clingo_propagate_control_t const *control, clingo_literal_t const *changes, size_t size, void *data);
1427     //! This function is similar to @ref clingo_propagate_control_propagate() but is called without a change set on propagation fixpoints.
1428     //!
1429     //! When exactly this function is called, can be configured using the @ref clingo_propagate_init_set_check_mode() function.
1430     //!
1431     //! @note This function is called even if no watches have been added.
1432     //!
1433     //! @param[in] control control object for the target solver
1434     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
1435     //! @return whether the call was successful
1436     //! @see ::clingo_propagator_check_callback_t
1437     bool (*check) (clingo_propagate_control_t *control, void *data);
1438     //! This function allows a propagator to implement domain-specific heuristics.
1439     //!
1440     //! It is called whenever propagation reaches a fixed point and
1441     //! should return a free solver literal that is to be assigned true.
1442     //! In case multiple propagators are registered,
1443     //! this function can return 0 to let a propagator registered later make a decision.
1444     //! If all propagators return 0, then the fallback literal is
1445     //!
1446     //! @param[in] thread_id the solver's thread id
1447     //! @param[in] assignment the assignment of the solver
1448     //! @param[in] fallback the literal choosen by the solver's heuristic
1449     //! @param[out] decision the literal to make true
1450     //! @return whether the call was successful
1451     bool (*decide) (clingo_id_t thread_id, clingo_assignment_t const *assignment, clingo_literal_t fallback, void *data, clingo_literal_t *decision);
1452 } clingo_propagator_t;
1454 //! @}
1456 // {{{1 backend
1458 //! @example backend.c
1459 //! The example shows how to used the backend to extend a grounded program.
1460 //!
1461 //! ## Output ##
1462 //!
1463 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
1464 //! ./backend 0
1465 //! Model: a b
1466 //! Model: a b c
1467 //! Model:
1468 //! Model: a
1469 //! Model: b
1470 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
1471 //!
1472 //! ## Code ##
1474 //! @defgroup ProgramBuilder Program Building
1475 //! Add non-ground program representations (ASTs) to logic programs or extend the ground (aspif) program.
1476 //! @ingroup Control
1477 //!
1478 //! For an example about ground logic programs, see @ref backend.c.
1479 //! For an example about non-ground logic programs, see @ref ast.c and the @ref AST module.
1481 //! @addtogroup ProgramBuilder
1482 //! @{
1484 //! Enumeration of different heuristic modifiers.
1485 //! @ingroup ProgramInspection
1486 enum clingo_heuristic_type_e {
1487     clingo_heuristic_type_level  = 0, //!< set the level of an atom
1488     clingo_heuristic_type_sign   = 1, //!< configure which sign to chose for an atom
1489     clingo_heuristic_type_factor = 2, //!< modify VSIDS factor of an atom
1490     clingo_heuristic_type_init   = 3, //!< modify the initial VSIDS score of an atom
1491     clingo_heuristic_type_true   = 4, //!< set the level of an atom and choose a positive sign
1492     clingo_heuristic_type_false  = 5  //!< set the level of an atom and choose a negative sign
1493 };
1494 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_heuristic_type_e.
1495 //! @ingroup ProgramInspection
1496 typedef int clingo_heuristic_type_t;
1498 //! Enumeration of different external statements.
1499 //! @ingroup ProgramInspection
1500 enum clingo_external_type_e {
1501     clingo_external_type_free    = 0, //!< allow an external to be assigned freely
1502     clingo_external_type_true    = 1, //!< assign an external to true
1503     clingo_external_type_false   = 2, //!< assign an external to false
1504     clingo_external_type_release = 3, //!< no longer treat an atom as external
1505 };
1506 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_external_type_e.
1507 //! @ingroup ProgramInspection
1508 typedef int clingo_external_type_t;
1510 //! Handle to the backend to add directives in aspif format.
1511 typedef struct clingo_backend clingo_backend_t;
1513 //! Prepare the backend for usage.
1514 //!
1515 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1516 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1517 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1518 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
1519 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_begin(clingo_backend_t *backend);
1520 //! Finalize the backend after using it.
1521 //!
1522 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1523 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1524 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1525 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
1526 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_end(clingo_backend_t *backend);
1527 //! Add a rule to the program.
1528 //!
1529 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1530 //! @param[in] choice determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction
1531 //! @param[in] head the head atoms
1532 //! @param[in] head_size the number of atoms in the head
1533 //! @param[in] body the body literals
1534 //! @param[in] body_size the number of literals in the body
1535 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1536 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1537 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_rule(clingo_backend_t *backend, bool choice, clingo_atom_t const *head, size_t head_size, clingo_literal_t const *body, size_t body_size);
1538 //! Add a weight rule to the program.
1539 //!
1540 //! @attention All weights and the lower bound must be positive.
1541 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1542 //! @param[in] choice determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction
1543 //! @param[in] head the head atoms
1544 //! @param[in] head_size the number of atoms in the head
1545 //! @param[in] lower_bound the lower bound of the weight rule
1546 //! @param[in] body the weighted body literals
1547 //! @param[in] body_size the number of weighted literals in the body
1548 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1549 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1550 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_weight_rule(clingo_backend_t *backend, bool choice, clingo_atom_t const *head, size_t head_size, clingo_weight_t lower_bound, clingo_weighted_literal_t const *body, size_t body_size);
1551 //! Add a minimize constraint (or weak constraint) to the program.
1552 //!
1553 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1554 //! @param[in] priority the priority of the constraint
1555 //! @param[in] literals the weighted literals whose sum to minimize
1556 //! @param[in] size the number of weighted literals
1557 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1558 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1559 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_minimize(clingo_backend_t *backend, clingo_weight_t priority, clingo_weighted_literal_t const* literals, size_t size);
1560 //! Add a projection directive.
1561 //!
1562 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1563 //! @param[in] atoms the atoms to project on
1564 //! @param[in] size the number of atoms
1565 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1566 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1567 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_project(clingo_backend_t *backend, clingo_atom_t const *atoms, size_t size);
1568 //! Add an external statement.
1569 //!
1570 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1571 //! @param[in] atom the external atom
1572 //! @param[in] type the type of the external statement
1573 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1574 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1575 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_external(clingo_backend_t *backend, clingo_atom_t atom, clingo_external_type_t type);
1576 //! Add an assumption directive.
1577 //!
1578 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1579 //! @param[in] literals the literals to assume (positive literals are true and negative literals false for the next solve call)
1580 //! @param[in] size the number of atoms
1581 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1582 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1583 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_assume(clingo_backend_t *backend, clingo_literal_t const *literals, size_t size);
1584 //! Add an heuristic directive.
1585 //!
1586 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1587 //! @param[in] atom the target atom
1588 //! @param[in] type the type of the heuristic modification
1589 //! @param[in] bias the heuristic bias
1590 //! @param[in] priority the heuristic priority
1591 //! @param[in] condition the condition under which to apply the heuristic modification
1592 //! @param[in] size the number of atoms in the condition
1593 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1594 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1595 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_heuristic(clingo_backend_t *backend, clingo_atom_t atom, clingo_heuristic_type_t type, int bias, unsigned priority, clingo_literal_t const *condition, size_t size);
1596 //! Add an edge directive.
1597 //!
1598 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1599 //! @param[in] node_u the start vertex of the edge
1600 //! @param[in] node_v the end vertex of the edge
1601 //! @param[in] condition the condition under which the edge is part of the graph
1602 //! @param[in] size the number of atoms in the condition
1603 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
1604 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
1605 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_acyc_edge(clingo_backend_t *backend, int node_u, int node_v, clingo_literal_t const *condition, size_t size);
1606 //! Get a fresh atom to be used in aspif directives.
1607 //!
1608 //! @param[in] backend the target backend
1609 //! @param[in] symbol optional symbol to associate the atom with
1610 //! @param[out] atom the resulting atom
1611 //! @return whether the call was successful
1612 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_backend_add_atom(clingo_backend_t *backend, clingo_symbol_t *symbol, clingo_atom_t *atom);
1614 //! @}
1616 // {{{1 configuration
1618 //! @example configuration.c
1619 //! The example shows how to configure the solver.
1620 //!
1621 //! @note It is also possible to loop over all configuration entries.
1622 //! This can be done in a similar fashion as in the @ref statistics.c example.
1623 //! But note that, unlike with statistics entries, a configuration entry can have more than one type.
1624 //!
1625 //! ## Output ##
1626 //!
1627 //! ~~~~~~~~
1628 //! ./configuration
1629 //! Model: a
1630 //! Model: b
1631 //! ~~~~~~~~
1632 //!
1633 //! ## Code ##
1635 //! @defgroup Configuration Solver Configuration
1636 //! Configuration of search and enumeration algorithms.
1637 //!
1638 //! Entries in a configuration are organized hierarchically.
1639 //! Subentries are either accessed by name for map entries or by offset for array entries.
1640 //! Value entries have a string value that can be inspected or modified.
1641 //!
1642 //! For an example, see @ref configuration.c.
1643 //! @ingroup Control
1645 //! @addtogroup Configuration
1646 //! @{
1648 //! Enumeration for entries of the configuration.
1649 enum clingo_configuration_type_e {
1650     clingo_configuration_type_value = 1, //!< the entry is a (string) value
1651     clingo_configuration_type_array = 2, //!< the entry is an array
1652     clingo_configuration_type_map   = 4  //!< the entry is a map
1653 };
1654 //! Bitset for values of type ::clingo_configuration_type_e.
1655 typedef unsigned clingo_configuration_type_bitset_t;
1657 //! Handle for to the solver configuration.
1658 typedef struct clingo_configuration clingo_configuration_t;
1660 //! Get the root key of the configuration.
1661 //!
1662 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1663 //! @param[out] key the root key
1664 //! @return whether the call was successful
1665 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_root(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t *key);
1666 //! Get the type of a key.
1667 //!
1668 //! @note The type is bitset, an entry can have multiple (but at least one) type.
1669 //!
1670 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1671 //! @param[in] key the key
1672 //! @param[out] type the resulting type
1673 //! @return whether the call was successful
1674 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_type(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, clingo_configuration_type_bitset_t *type);
1675 //! Get the description of an entry.
1676 //!
1677 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1678 //! @param[in] key the key
1679 //! @param[out] description the description
1680 //! @return whether the call was successful
1681 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_description(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, char const **description);
1683 //! @name Functions to access arrays
1684 //! @{
1686 //! Get the size of an array entry.
1687 //!
1688 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_array.
1689 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1690 //! @param[in] key the key
1691 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
1692 //! @return whether the call was successful
1693 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_array_size(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, size_t *size);
1694 //! Get the subkey at the given offset of an array entry.
1695 //!
1696 //! @note Some array entries, like fore example the solver configuration, can be accessed past there actual size to add subentries.
1697 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_array.
1698 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1699 //! @param[in] key the key
1700 //! @param[in] offset the offset in the array
1701 //! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey
1702 //! @return whether the call was successful
1703 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_array_at(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, size_t offset, clingo_id_t *subkey);
1704 //! @}
1706 //! @name Functions to access maps
1707 //! @{
1709 //! Get the number of subkeys of a map entry.
1710 //!
1711 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map.
1712 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1713 //! @param[in] key the key
1714 //! @param[out] size the resulting number
1715 //! @return whether the call was successful
1716 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_map_size(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, size_t* size);
1717 //! Query whether the map has a key.
1718 //!
1719 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map.
1720 //! @note Multiple levels can be looked up by concatenating keys with a period.
1721 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1722 //! @param[in] key the key
1723 //! @param[in] name the name to lookup the subkey
1724 //! @param[out] result whether the key is in the map
1725 //! @return whether the call was successful
1726 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_map_has_subkey(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, char const *name, bool *result);
1727 //! Get the name associated with the offset-th subkey.
1728 //!
1729 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map.
1730 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1731 //! @param[in] key the key
1732 //! @param[in] offset the offset of the name
1733 //! @param[out] name the resulting name
1734 //! @return whether the call was successful
1735 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_map_subkey_name(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, size_t offset, char const **name);
1736 //! Lookup a subkey under the given name.
1737 //!
1738 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map.
1739 //! @note Multiple levels can be looked up by concatenating keys with a period.
1740 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1741 //! @param[in] key the key
1742 //! @param[in] name the name to lookup the subkey
1743 //! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey
1744 //! @return whether the call was successful
1745 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_map_at(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, char const *name, clingo_id_t* subkey);
1746 //! @}
1748 //! @name Functions to access values
1749 //! @{
1751 //! Check whether a entry has a value.
1752 //!
1753 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value.
1754 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1755 //! @param[in] key the key
1756 //! @param[out] assigned whether the entry has a value
1757 //! @return whether the call was successful
1758 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_value_is_assigned(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, bool *assigned);
1759 //! Get the size of the string value of the given entry.
1760 //!
1761 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value.
1762 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1763 //! @param[in] key the key
1764 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
1765 //! @return whether the call was successful
1766 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_value_get_size(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, size_t *size);
1767 //! Get the string value of the given entry.
1768 //!
1769 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value.
1770 //! @pre The given size must be larger or equal to size of the value.
1771 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1772 //! @param[in] key the key
1773 //! @param[out] value the resulting string value
1774 //! @param[in] size the size of the given char array
1775 //! @return whether the call was successful
1776 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_value_get(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, char *value, size_t size);
1777 //! Set the value of an entry.
1778 //!
1779 //! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value.
1780 //! @param[in] configuration the target configuration
1781 //! @param[in] key the key
1782 //! @param[in] value the value to set
1783 //! @return whether the call was successful
1784 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_value_set(clingo_configuration_t *configuration, clingo_id_t key, char const *value);
1785 //! @}
1787 //! @}
1789 // {{{1 statistics
1791 //! @example statistics.c
1792 //! The example shows how to inspect statistics.
1793 //!
1794 //! ## Output ##
1795 //!
1796 //! ~~~~~~~~
1797 //! ./statistics 0
1798 //! Model: a
1799 //! Model: b
1800 //! problem:
1801 //!   lp:
1802 //!     atoms:
1803 //!       2
1804 //!     atoms_aux:
1805 //!       0
1806 //!     ...
1807 //! solving:
1808 //!   ...
1809 //! summary:
1810 //!   ...
1811 //! accu:
1812 //!   times:
1813 //!     ...
1814 //!   models:
1815 //!     ...
1816 //!   solving:
1817 //!     ...
1818 //! ~~~~~~~~
1819 //!
1820 //! ## Code ##
1822 //! @defgroup Statistics Statistics
1823 //! Inspect search and problem statistics.
1824 //!
1825 //! @ingroup Control
1826 //! For an example, see @ref statistics.c.
1828 //! @addtogroup Statistics
1829 //! @{
1831 //! Enumeration for entries of the statistics.
1832 enum clingo_statistics_type_e {
1833     clingo_statistics_type_empty = 0, //!< the entry is invalid (has neither of the types below)
1834     clingo_statistics_type_value = 1, //!< the entry is a (double) value
1835     clingo_statistics_type_array = 2, //!< the entry is an array
1836     clingo_statistics_type_map   = 3  //!< the entry is a map
1837 };
1838 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_statistics_type.
1839 typedef int clingo_statistics_type_t;
1841 //! Handle for the solver statistics.
1842 typedef struct clingo_statistic clingo_statistics_t;
1844 //! Get the root key of the statistics.
1845 //!
1846 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1847 //! @param[out] key the root key
1848 //! @return whether the call was successful
1849 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_root(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t *key);
1850 //! Get the type of a key.
1851 //!
1852 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1853 //! @param[in] key the key
1854 //! @param[out] type the resulting type
1855 //! @return whether the call was successful
1856 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_type(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, clingo_statistics_type_t *type);
1858 //! @name Functions to access arrays
1859 //! @{
1861 //! Get the size of an array entry.
1862 //!
1863 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_array.
1864 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1865 //! @param[in] key the key
1866 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
1867 //! @return whether the call was successful
1868 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_array_size(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, size_t *size);
1869 //! Get the subkey at the given offset of an array entry.
1870 //!
1871 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_array.
1872 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1873 //! @param[in] key the key
1874 //! @param[in] offset the offset in the array
1875 //! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey
1876 //! @return whether the call was successful
1877 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_array_at(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, size_t offset, uint64_t *subkey);
1878 //! Create the subkey at the end of an array entry.
1879 //!
1880 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_array.
1881 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1882 //! @param[in] key the key
1883 //! @param[in] type the type of the new subkey
1884 //! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey
1885 //! @return whether the call was successful
1886 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_array_push(clingo_statistics_t *statistics, uint64_t key, clingo_statistics_type_t type, uint64_t *subkey);
1887 //! @}
1889 //! @name Functions to access maps
1890 //! @{
1892 //! Get the number of subkeys of a map entry.
1893 //!
1894 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map.
1895 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1896 //! @param[in] key the key
1897 //! @param[out] size the resulting number
1898 //! @return whether the call was successful
1899 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_map_size(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, size_t *size);
1900 //! Test if the given map contains a specific subkey.
1901 //!
1902 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map.
1903 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1904 //! @param[in] key the key
1905 //! @param[in] name name of the subkey
1906 //! @param[out] result true if the map has a subkey with the given name
1907 //! @return whether the call was successful
1908 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_map_has_subkey(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, char const *name, bool* result);
1909 //! Get the name associated with the offset-th subkey.
1910 //!
1911 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map.
1912 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1913 //! @param[in] key the key
1914 //! @param[in] offset the offset of the name
1915 //! @param[out] name the resulting name
1916 //! @return whether the call was successful
1917 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_map_subkey_name(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, size_t offset, char const **name);
1918 //! Lookup a subkey under the given name.
1919 //!
1920 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map.
1921 //! @note Multiple levels can be looked up by concatenating keys with a period.
1922 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1923 //! @param[in] key the key
1924 //! @param[in] name the name to lookup the subkey
1925 //! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey
1926 //! @return whether the call was successful
1927 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_map_at(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, char const *name, uint64_t *subkey);
1928 //! Add a subkey with the given name.
1929 //!
1930 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map.
1931 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1932 //! @param[in] key the key
1933 //! @param[in] name the name of the new subkey
1934 //! @param[in] type the type of the new subkey
1935 //! @param[out] subkey the index of the resulting subkey
1936 //! @return whether the call was successful
1937 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_map_add_subkey(clingo_statistics_t *statistics, uint64_t key, char const *name, clingo_statistics_type_t type, uint64_t *subkey);
1938 //! @}
1940 //! @name Functions to inspect and change values
1941 //! @{
1943 //! Get the value of the given entry.
1944 //!
1945 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_value.
1946 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1947 //! @param[in] key the key
1948 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
1949 //! @return whether the call was successful
1950 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_value_get(clingo_statistics_t const *statistics, uint64_t key, double *value);
1951 //! Set the value of the given entry.
1952 //!
1953 //! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_value.
1954 //! @param[in] statistics the target statistics
1955 //! @param[in] key the key
1956 //! @param[out] value the new value
1957 //! @return whether the call was successful
1958 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_statistics_value_set(clingo_statistics_t *statistics, uint64_t key, double value);
1959 //! @}
1961 //! @}
1963 // {{{1 model and solve control
1965 //! @example model.c
1966 //! The example shows how to inspect a model.
1967 //!
1968 //! ## Output ##
1969 //!
1970 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
1971 //! $ ./model 0
1972 //! Stable model:
1973 //!   shown: c
1974 //!   atoms: b
1975 //!   terms: c
1976 //!  ~atoms: a
1977 //! Stable model:
1978 //!   shown: a
1979 //!   atoms: a
1980 //!   terms:
1981 //!  ~atoms: b
1982 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
1983 //!
1984 //! ## Code ##
1986 //! @defgroup Model Model Inspection
1987 //! Inspection of models and a high-level interface to add constraints during solving.
1988 //!
1989 //! For an example, see @ref model.c.
1990 //! @ingroup Control
1992 //! @addtogroup Model
1993 //! @{
1995 //! Object to add clauses during search.
1996 typedef struct clingo_solve_control clingo_solve_control_t;
1998 //! Object representing a model.
1999 typedef struct clingo_model clingo_model_t;
2001 //! Enumeration for the different model types.
2002 enum clingo_model_type_e {
2003     clingo_model_type_stable_model          = 0, //!< The model represents a stable model.
2004     clingo_model_type_brave_consequences    = 1, //!< The model represents a set of brave consequences.
2005     clingo_model_type_cautious_consequences = 2  //!< The model represents a set of cautious consequences.
2006 };
2007 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_model_type_e.
2008 typedef int clingo_model_type_t;
2010 //! Enumeration of bit flags to select symbols in models.
2011 enum clingo_show_type_e {
2012     clingo_show_type_csp        = 1,  //!< Select CSP assignments.
2013     clingo_show_type_shown      = 2,  //!< Select shown atoms and terms.
2014     clingo_show_type_atoms      = 4,  //!< Select all atoms.
2015     clingo_show_type_terms      = 8,  //!< Select all terms.
2016     clingo_show_type_theory     = 16, //!< Select symbols added by theory.
2017     clingo_show_type_all        = 31, //!< Select everything.
2018     clingo_show_type_complement = 32  //!< Select false instead of true atoms (::clingo_show_type_atoms) or terms (::clingo_show_type_terms).
2019 };
2020 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_show_type_e.
2021 typedef unsigned clingo_show_type_bitset_t;
2023 //! @name Functions for Inspecting Models
2024 //! @{
2026 //! Get the type of the model.
2027 //!
2028 //! @param[in] model the target
2029 //! @param[out] type the type of the model
2030 //! @return whether the call was successful
2031 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_type(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_model_type_t *type);
2032 //! Get the running number of the model.
2033 //!
2034 //! @param[in] model the target
2035 //! @param[out] number the number of the model
2036 //! @return whether the call was successful
2037 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_number(clingo_model_t const *model, uint64_t *number);
2038 //! Get the number of symbols of the selected types in the model.
2039 //!
2040 //! @param[in] model the target
2041 //! @param[in] show which symbols to select
2042 //! @param[out] size the number symbols
2043 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2044 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2045 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_symbols_size(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_show_type_bitset_t show, size_t *size);
2046 //! Get the symbols of the selected types in the model.
2047 //!
2048 //! @note CSP assignments are represented using functions with name "$"
2049 //! where the first argument is the name of the CSP variable and the second one its
2050 //! value.
2051 //!
2052 //! @param[in] model the target
2053 //! @param[in] show which symbols to select
2054 //! @param[out] symbols the resulting symbols
2055 //! @param[in] size the number of selected symbols
2056 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2057 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2058 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small
2059 //!
2060 //! @see clingo_model_symbols_size()
2061 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_symbols(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_show_type_bitset_t show, clingo_symbol_t *symbols, size_t size);
2062 //! Constant time lookup to test whether an atom is in a model.
2063 //!
2064 //! @param[in] model the target
2065 //! @param[in] atom the atom to lookup
2066 //! @param[out] contained whether the atom is contained
2067 //! @return whether the call was successful
2068 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_contains(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_symbol_t atom, bool *contained);
2069 //! Check if a program literal is true in a model.
2070 //!
2071 //! @param[in] model the target
2072 //! @param[in] literal the literal to lookup
2073 //! @param[out] result whether the literal is true
2074 //! @return whether the call was successful
2075 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_is_true(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_literal_t literal, bool *result);
2076 //! Get the number of cost values of a model.
2077 //!
2078 //! @param[in] model the target
2079 //! @param[out] size the number of costs
2080 //! @return whether the call was successful
2081 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_cost_size(clingo_model_t const *model, size_t *size);
2082 //! Get the cost vector of a model.
2083 //!
2084 //! @param[in] model the target
2085 //! @param[out] costs the resulting costs
2086 //! @param[in] size the number of costs
2087 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2088 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2089 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small
2090 //!
2091 //! @see clingo_model_cost_size()
2092 //! @see clingo_model_optimality_proven()
2093 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_cost(clingo_model_t const *model, int64_t *costs, size_t size);
2094 //! Whether the optimality of a model has been proven.
2095 //!
2096 //! @param[in] model the target
2097 //! @param[out] proven whether the optimality has been proven
2098 //! @return whether the call was successful
2099 //!
2100 //! @see clingo_model_cost()
2101 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_optimality_proven(clingo_model_t const *model, bool *proven);
2102 //! Get the id of the solver thread that found the model.
2103 //!
2104 //! @param[in] model the target
2105 //! @param[out] id the resulting thread id
2106 //! @return whether the call was successful
2107 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_thread_id(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_id_t *id);
2108 //! Add symbols to the model.
2109 //!
2110 //! These symbols will appear in clingo's output, which means that this
2111 //! function is only meaningful if there is an underlying clingo application.
2112 //! Only models passed to the ::clingo_solve_event_callback_t are extendable.
2113 //!
2114 //! @param[in] model the target
2115 //! @param[in] symbols the symbols to add
2116 //! @param[in] size the number of symbols to add
2117 //! @return whether the call was successful
2118 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_extend(clingo_model_t *model, clingo_symbol_t const *symbols, size_t size);
2119 //! @}
2121 //! @name Functions for Adding Clauses
2122 //! @{
2124 //! Get the associated solve control object of a model.
2125 //!
2126 //! This object allows for adding clauses during model enumeration.
2127 //! @param[in] model the target
2128 //! @param[out] control the resulting solve control object
2129 //! @return whether the call was successful
2130 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_context(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_solve_control_t **control);
2131 //! Get an object to inspect the symbolic atoms.
2132 //!
2133 //! @param[in] control the target
2134 //! @param[out] atoms the resulting object
2135 //! @return whether the call was successful
2136 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_control_symbolic_atoms(clingo_solve_control_t const *control, clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const **atoms);
2137 //! Add a clause that applies to the current solving step during model
2138 //! enumeration.
2139 //!
2140 //! @note The @ref Propagator module provides a more sophisticated
2141 //! interface to add clauses - even on partial assignments.
2142 //!
2143 //! @param[in] control the target
2144 //! @param[in] clause array of literals representing the clause
2145 //! @param[in] size the size of the literal array
2146 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2147 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2148 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if adding the clause fails
2149 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_control_add_clause(clingo_solve_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t const *clause, size_t size);
2150 //! @}
2152 //! @}
2154 // {{{1 solve result
2156 // NOTE: documented in Control Module
2157 enum clingo_solve_result_e {
2158     clingo_solve_result_satisfiable   = 1,
2159     clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable = 2,
2160     clingo_solve_result_exhausted     = 4,
2161     clingo_solve_result_interrupted   = 8
2162 };
2163 typedef unsigned clingo_solve_result_bitset_t;
2165 // {{{1 solve handle
2167 //! @example solve-async.c
2168 //! The example shows how to solve in the background.
2169 //!
2170 //! ## Output (approximately) ##
2171 //!
2172 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
2173 //! ./solve-async 0
2174 //! pi = 3.
2175 //! 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944
2176 //! 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647
2177 //! 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559
2178 //! 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165
2179 //! 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273
2180 //! 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360
2181 //! 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953
2182 //! 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724
2183 //! 8912279381 8301194912 ...
2184 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
2185 //!
2186 //! ## Code ##
2188 //! @defgroup SolveHandle Solving
2189 //! Interact with a running search.
2190 //!
2191 //! A ::clingo_solve_handle_t objects can be used for both synchronous and asynchronous search,
2192 //! as well as iteratively receiving models and solve results.
2193 //!
2194 //! For an example showing how to solve asynchronously, see @ref solve-async.c.
2195 //! @ingroup Control
2197 //! @addtogroup SolveHandle
2198 //! @{
2200 //! Enumeration of solve modes.
2201 enum clingo_solve_mode_e {
2202     clingo_solve_mode_async = 1, //!< Enable non-blocking search.
2203     clingo_solve_mode_yield = 2, //!< Yield models in calls to clingo_solve_handle_model.
2204 };
2205 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_solve_mode_e.
2206 typedef unsigned clingo_solve_mode_bitset_t;
2208 //! Enumeration of solve events.
2209 enum clingo_solve_event_type_e {
2210     clingo_solve_event_type_model      = 0, //!< Issued if a model is found.
2211     clingo_solve_event_type_unsat      = 1, //!< Issued if an optimization problem is found unsatisfiable.
2212     clingo_solve_event_type_statistics = 2, //!< Issued when the statistics can be updated.
2213     clingo_solve_event_type_finish     = 3, //!< Issued if the search has completed.
2214 };
2215 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_solve_event_type_e.
2216 typedef unsigned clingo_solve_event_type_t;
2218 //! Callback function called during search to notify when the search is finished or a model is ready.
2219 //!
2220 //! If a (non-recoverable) clingo API function fails in this callback, it must return false.
2221 //! In case of errors not related to clingo, set error code ::clingo_error_unknown and return false to stop solving with an error.
2222 //!
2223 //! The event is either a pointer to a model, a pointer to an int64_t* and a size_t, a pointer to two statistics objects (per step and accumulated statistics), or a solve result.
2224 //! @attention If the search is finished, the model is NULL.
2225 //!
2226 //! @param[in] event the current event.
2227 //! @param[in] data user data of the callback
2228 //! @param[out] goon can be set to false to stop solving
2229 //! @return whether the call was successful
2230 //!
2231 //! @see clingo_control_solve()
2232 typedef bool (*clingo_solve_event_callback_t) (clingo_solve_event_type_t type, void *event, void *data, bool *goon);
2234 //! Search handle to a solve call.
2235 //!
2236 //! @see clingo_control_solve()
2237 typedef struct clingo_solve_handle clingo_solve_handle_t;
2239 //! Get the next solve result.
2240 //!
2241 //! Blocks until the result is ready.
2242 //! When yielding partial solve results can be obtained, i.e.,
2243 //! when a model is ready, the result will be satisfiable but neither the search exhausted nor the optimality proven.
2244 //!
2245 //! @param[in] handle the target
2246 //! @param[out] result the solve result
2247 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2248 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2249 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
2250 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_get(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle, clingo_solve_result_bitset_t *result);
2251 //! Wait for the specified amount of time to check if the next result is ready.
2252 //!
2253 //! If the time is set to zero, this function can be used to poll if the search is still active.
2254 //! If the time is negative, the function blocks until the search is finished.
2255 //!
2256 //! @param[in] handle the target
2257 //! @param[in] timeout the maximum time to wait
2258 //! @param[out] result whether the search has finished
2259 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_solve_handle_wait(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle, double timeout, bool *result);
2260 //! Get the next model (or zero if there are no more models).
2261 //!
2262 //! @param[in] handle the target
2263 //! @param[out] model the model (it is NULL if there are no more models)
2264 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2265 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2266 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
2267 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_model(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle, clingo_model_t const **model);
2268 //! When a problem is unsatisfiable, get a subset of the assumptions that made the problem unsatisfiable.
2269 //!
2270 //! If the program is not unsatisfiable, core is set to NULL and size to zero.
2271 //!
2272 //! @param[in] handle the target
2273 //! @param[out] core pointer where to store the core
2274 //! @param[out] size size of the given array
2275 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2276 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2277 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_core(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle, clingo_literal_t const **core, size_t *size);
2278 //! Discards the last model and starts the search for the next one.
2279 //!
2280 //! If the search has been started asynchronously, this function continues the search in the background.
2281 //!
2282 //! @note This function does not block.
2283 //!
2284 //! @param[in] handle the target
2285 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2286 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2287 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
2288 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_resume(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle);
2289 //! Stop the running search and block until done.
2290 //!
2291 //! @param[in] handle the target
2292 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2293 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2294 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
2295 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_cancel(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle);
2296 //! Stops the running search and releases the handle.
2297 //!
2298 //! Blocks until the search is stopped (as if an implicit cancel was called before the handle is released).
2299 //!
2300 //! @param[in] handle the target
2301 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2302 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2303 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
2304 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_close(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle);
2306 //! @}
2307 // {{{1 ast
2309 //! @example ast.c
2310 //! The example shows how to rewrite a non-ground logic program.
2311 //!
2312 //! ## Output ##
2313 //!
2314 //! ~~~~~~~~
2315 //! ./ast 0
2316 //! Solving with enable = false...
2317 //! Model:
2318 //! Solving with enable = true...
2319 //! Model: enable a
2320 //! Model: enable b
2321 //! Solving with enable = false...
2322 //! Model:
2323 //! ~~~~~~~~
2324 //!
2325 //! ## Code ##
2327 //! @defgroup AST Abstract Syntax Trees
2328 //! Functions and data structures to work with program ASTs.
2330 //! @addtogroup AST
2331 //! @{
2333 //! Enumeration of theory sequence types.
2334 enum clingo_ast_theory_sequence_type_e {
2335     clingo_ast_theory_sequence_type_tuple, //!< Theory tuples "(t1,...,tn)".
2336     clingo_ast_theory_sequence_type_list,  //!< Theory lists "[t1,...,tn]".
2337     clingo_ast_theory_sequence_type_set    //!< Theory sets "{t1,...,tn}".
2338 };
2339 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_theory_sequence_type_e.
2340 typedef int clingo_ast_theory_sequence_type_t;
2342 //! Enumeration of comparison relations.
2343 enum clingo_ast_comparison_operator_e {
2344     clingo_ast_comparison_operator_greater_than  = 0, //!< Operator ">".
2345     clingo_ast_comparison_operator_less_than     = 1, //!< Operator "<".
2346     clingo_ast_comparison_operator_less_equal    = 2, //!< Operator "<=".
2347     clingo_ast_comparison_operator_greater_equal = 3, //!< Operator ">=".
2348     clingo_ast_comparison_operator_not_equal     = 4, //!< Operator "!=".
2349     clingo_ast_comparison_operator_equal         = 5  //!< Operator "==".
2350 };
2351 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_comparison_operator_e.
2352 typedef int clingo_ast_comparison_operator_t;
2354 //! Enumeration of signs.
2355 enum clingo_ast_sign_e {
2356     clingo_ast_sign_no_sign         = 0, //!< For positive literals.
2357     clingo_ast_sign_negation        = 1, //!< For negative literals (prefix "not").
2358     clingo_ast_sign_double_negation = 2  //!< For double negated literals (prefix "not not").
2359 };
2360 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_sign_t.
2361 typedef int clingo_ast_sign_t;
2363 //! Enumeration of unary operators.
2364 enum clingo_ast_unary_operator_e {
2365     clingo_ast_unary_operator_minus    = 0, //!< Operator "-".
2366     clingo_ast_unary_operator_negation = 1, //!< Operator "~".
2367     clingo_ast_unary_operator_absolute = 2  //!< Operator "|.|".
2368 };
2369 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_unary_operator_e.
2370 typedef int clingo_ast_unary_operator_t;
2372 //! Enumeration of binary operators.
2373 enum clingo_ast_binary_operator_e {
2374     clingo_ast_binary_operator_xor            = 0, //!< Operator "^".
2375     clingo_ast_binary_operator_or             = 1, //!< Operator "?".
2376     clingo_ast_binary_operator_and            = 2, //!< Operator "&".
2377     clingo_ast_binary_operator_plus           = 3, //!< Operator "+".
2378     clingo_ast_binary_operator_minus          = 4, //!< Operator "-".
2379     clingo_ast_binary_operator_multiplication = 5, //!< Operator "*".
2380     clingo_ast_binary_operator_division       = 6, //!< Operator "/".
2381     clingo_ast_binary_operator_modulo         = 7, //!< Operator "\".
2382     clingo_ast_binary_operator_power          = 8  //!< Operator "**".
2383 };
2384 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_binary_operator_e.
2385 typedef int clingo_ast_binary_operator_t;
2387 //! Enumeration of aggregate functions.
2388 enum clingo_ast_aggregate_function_e {
2389     clingo_ast_aggregate_function_count = 0, //!< Operator "^".
2390     clingo_ast_aggregate_function_sum   = 1, //!< Operator "?".
2391     clingo_ast_aggregate_function_sump  = 2, //!< Operator "&".
2392     clingo_ast_aggregate_function_min   = 3, //!< Operator "+".
2393     clingo_ast_aggregate_function_max   = 4  //!< Operator "-".
2394 };
2395 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_aggregate_function_e.
2396 typedef int clingo_ast_aggregate_function_t;
2398 //! Enumeration of theory operators.
2399 enum clingo_ast_theory_operator_type_e {
2400      clingo_ast_theory_operator_type_unary        = 0, //!< An unary theory operator.
2401      clingo_ast_theory_operator_type_binary_left  = 1, //!< A left associative binary operator.
2402      clingo_ast_theory_operator_type_binary_right = 2  //!< A right associative binary operator.
2403 };
2404 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_theory_operator_type_e.
2405 typedef int clingo_ast_theory_operator_type_t;
2407 //! Enumeration of the theory atom types.
2408 enum clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_e {
2409     clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_head      = 0, //!< For theory atoms that can appear in the head.
2410     clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_body      = 1, //!< For theory atoms that can appear in the body.
2411     clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_any       = 2, //!< For theory atoms that can appear in both head and body.
2412     clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_directive = 3  //!< For theory atoms that must not have a body.
2413 };
2414 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_e.
2415 typedef int clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_t;
2417 //! Enumeration of AST types.
2418 enum clingo_ast_type_e {
2419     // terms
2420     clingo_ast_type_id,
2421     clingo_ast_type_variable,
2422     clingo_ast_type_symbolic_term,
2423     clingo_ast_type_unary_operation,
2424     clingo_ast_type_binary_operation,
2425     clingo_ast_type_interval,
2426     clingo_ast_type_function,
2427     clingo_ast_type_pool,
2428     // csp terms
2429     clingo_ast_type_csp_product,
2430     clingo_ast_type_csp_sum,
2431     clingo_ast_type_csp_guard,
2432     // simple atoms
2433     clingo_ast_type_boolean_constant,
2434     clingo_ast_type_symbolic_atom,
2435     clingo_ast_type_comparison,
2436     clingo_ast_type_csp_literal,
2437     // aggregates
2438     clingo_ast_type_aggregate_guard,
2439     clingo_ast_type_conditional_literal,
2440     clingo_ast_type_aggregate,
2441     clingo_ast_type_body_aggregate_element,
2442     clingo_ast_type_body_aggregate,
2443     clingo_ast_type_head_aggregate_element,
2444     clingo_ast_type_head_aggregate,
2445     clingo_ast_type_disjunction,
2446     clingo_ast_type_disjoint_element,
2447     clingo_ast_type_disjoint,
2448     // theory atoms
2449     clingo_ast_type_theory_sequence,
2450     clingo_ast_type_theory_function,
2451     clingo_ast_type_theory_unparsed_term_element,
2452     clingo_ast_type_theory_unparsed_term,
2453     clingo_ast_type_theory_guard,
2454     clingo_ast_type_theory_atom_element,
2455     clingo_ast_type_theory_atom,
2456     // literals
2457     clingo_ast_type_literal,
2458     // theory definition
2459     clingo_ast_type_theory_operator_definition,
2460     clingo_ast_type_theory_term_definition,
2461     clingo_ast_type_theory_guard_definition,
2462     clingo_ast_type_theory_atom_definition,
2463     // statements
2464     clingo_ast_type_rule,
2465     clingo_ast_type_definition,
2466     clingo_ast_type_show_signature,
2467     clingo_ast_type_show_term,
2468     clingo_ast_type_minimize,
2469     clingo_ast_type_script,
2470     clingo_ast_type_program,
2471     clingo_ast_type_external,
2472     clingo_ast_type_edge,
2473     clingo_ast_type_heuristic,
2474     clingo_ast_type_project_atom,
2475     clingo_ast_type_project_signature,
2476     clingo_ast_type_defined,
2477     clingo_ast_type_theory_definition
2478 };
2479 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_type_e.
2480 typedef int clingo_ast_type_t;
2482 //! Enumeration of attributes types used by the AST.
2483 enum clingo_ast_attribute_type_e {
2484     clingo_ast_attribute_type_number       = 0, //!< For an attribute of type "int".
2485     clingo_ast_attribute_type_symbol       = 1, //!< For an attribute of type "clingo_ast_symbol_t".
2486     clingo_ast_attribute_type_location     = 2, //!< For an attribute of type "clingo_location_t".
2487     clingo_ast_attribute_type_string       = 3, //!< For an attribute of type "char const *".
2488     clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast          = 4, //!< For an attribute of type "clingo_ast_t *".
2489     clingo_ast_attribute_type_optional_ast = 5, //!< For an attribute of type "clingo_ast_t *" that can be NULL.
2490     clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array = 6, //!< For an attribute of type "char const **".
2491     clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array    = 7, //!< For an attribute of type "clingo_ast_t **".
2492 };
2493 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_attribute_type.
2494 typedef int clingo_ast_attribute_type_t;
2496 //! Enumeration of attributes used by the AST.
2497 enum clingo_ast_attribute_e {
2498     clingo_ast_attribute_argument,
2499     clingo_ast_attribute_arguments,
2500     clingo_ast_attribute_arity,
2501     clingo_ast_attribute_atom,
2502     clingo_ast_attribute_atoms,
2503     clingo_ast_attribute_atom_type,
2504     clingo_ast_attribute_bias,
2505     clingo_ast_attribute_body,
2506     clingo_ast_attribute_code,
2507     clingo_ast_attribute_coefficient,
2508     clingo_ast_attribute_comparison,
2509     clingo_ast_attribute_condition,
2510     clingo_ast_attribute_csp,
2511     clingo_ast_attribute_elements,
2512     clingo_ast_attribute_external,
2513     clingo_ast_attribute_external_type,
2514     clingo_ast_attribute_function,
2515     clingo_ast_attribute_guard,
2516     clingo_ast_attribute_guards,
2517     clingo_ast_attribute_head,
2518     clingo_ast_attribute_is_default,
2519     clingo_ast_attribute_left,
2520     clingo_ast_attribute_left_guard,
2521     clingo_ast_attribute_literal,
2522     clingo_ast_attribute_location,
2523     clingo_ast_attribute_modifier,
2524     clingo_ast_attribute_name,
2525     clingo_ast_attribute_node_u,
2526     clingo_ast_attribute_node_v,
2527     clingo_ast_attribute_operator_name,
2528     clingo_ast_attribute_operator_type,
2529     clingo_ast_attribute_operators,
2530     clingo_ast_attribute_parameters,
2531     clingo_ast_attribute_positive,
2532     clingo_ast_attribute_priority,
2533     clingo_ast_attribute_right,
2534     clingo_ast_attribute_right_guard,
2535     clingo_ast_attribute_sequence_type,
2536     clingo_ast_attribute_sign,
2537     clingo_ast_attribute_symbol,
2538     clingo_ast_attribute_term,
2539     clingo_ast_attribute_terms,
2540     clingo_ast_attribute_value,
2541     clingo_ast_attribute_variable,
2542     clingo_ast_attribute_weight,
2543 };
2544 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_attribute_e.
2545 typedef int clingo_ast_attribute_t;
2547 //! Struct to map attributes to their string representation.
2548 typedef struct clingo_ast_attribute_names {
2549     char const * const * names;
2550     size_t size;
2551 } clingo_ast_attribute_names_t;
2553 //! A map from attributes to their string representation.
2554 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT extern clingo_ast_attribute_names_t g_clingo_ast_attribute_names;
2556 //! Struct to define an argument that consists of a name and a type.
2557 typedef struct clingo_ast_argument {
2558     clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute;
2559     clingo_ast_attribute_type_t type;
2560 } clingo_ast_argument_t;
2562 //! A lists of required attributes to construct an AST.
2563 typedef struct clingo_ast_constructor {
2564     char const *name;
2565     clingo_ast_argument_t const *arguments;
2566     size_t size;
2567 } clingo_ast_constructor_t;
2569 //! Struct to map AST types to lists of required attributes to construct ASTs.
2570 typedef struct clingo_ast_constructors {
2571     clingo_ast_constructor_t const *constructors;
2572     size_t size;
2573 } clingo_ast_constructors_t;
2575 //! A map from AST types to their constructors.
2576 //!
2577 //! @note The idea of this variable is to provide enough information to auto-generate code for language bindings.
2578 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT extern clingo_ast_constructors_t g_clingo_ast_constructors;
2580 //! This struct provides a view to nodes in the AST.
2581 typedef struct clingo_ast clingo_ast_t;
2583 //! @name Functions to construct ASTs
2584 //! @{
2586 //! Construct an AST of the given type.
2587 //!
2588 //! @note The arguments corresponding to the given type can be inspected using "g_clingo_ast_constructors.constructors[type]".
2589 //!
2590 //! @param[in] type the type of AST to construct
2591 //! @param[out] ast the resulting AST
2592 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2593 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2594 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if one of the arguments is incompatible with the type
2595 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_build(clingo_ast_type_t type, clingo_ast_t **ast, ...);
2597 //! @}
2599 //! @name Functions to manage life time of ASTs
2600 //! @{
2602 //! Increment the reference count of an AST node.
2603 //!
2604 //! @note All functions that return AST nodes already increment the reference count.
2605 //! The reference count of callback arguments is not incremented.
2606 //!
2607 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2608 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_ast_acquire(clingo_ast_t *ast);
2609 //! Decrement the reference count of an AST node.
2610 //!
2611 //! @note The node is deleted if the reference count reaches zero.
2612 //!
2613 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2614 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_ast_release(clingo_ast_t *ast);
2616 //! @}
2618 //! @name Functions to copy ASTs
2619 //! @{
2621 //! Create a shallow copy of an AST node.
2622 //!
2623 //! @param[in] ast the AST to copy
2624 //! @param[out] copy the resulting AST
2625 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2626 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2627 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_copy(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_t **copy);
2628 //! Create a deep copy of an AST node.
2629 //!
2630 //! @param[in] ast the AST to copy
2631 //! @param[out] copy the resulting AST
2632 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2633 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2634 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_deep_copy(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_t **copy);
2636 //! @}
2638 //! @name Functions to compare ASTs
2639 //! @{
2641 //! Less than compare two AST nodes.
2642 //!
2643 //! @param[in] a the left-hand-side AST
2644 //! @param[in] b the right-hand-side AST
2645 //! @return the result of the comparison
2646 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_less_than(clingo_ast_t *a, clingo_ast_t *b);
2647 //! Equality compare two AST nodes.
2648 //!
2649 //! @param[in] a the left-hand-side AST
2650 //! @param[in] b the right-hand-side AST
2651 //! @return the result of the comparison
2652 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_equal(clingo_ast_t *a, clingo_ast_t *b);
2653 //! Compute a hash for an AST node.
2654 //!
2655 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2656 //! @return the resulting hash code
2657 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT size_t clingo_ast_hash(clingo_ast_t *ast);
2659 //! @}
2661 //! @name Functions to get convert ASTs to strings
2662 //! @{
2664 //! Get the size of the string representation of an AST node.
2665 //!
2666 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2667 //! @param[out] size the size of the string representation
2668 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2669 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2670 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_to_string_size(clingo_ast_t *ast, size_t *size);
2671 //! Get the string representation of an AST node.
2672 //!
2673 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2674 //! @param[out] string the string representation
2675 //! @param[out] size the size of the string representation
2676 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2677 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2678 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_to_string(clingo_ast_t *ast, char *string, size_t size);
2680 //! @}
2682 //! @name Functions to inspect ASTs
2683 //! @{
2685 //! Get the type of an AST node.
2686 //!
2687 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2688 //! @param[out] type the resulting type
2689 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2690 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2691 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_get_type(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_type_t *type);
2692 //! Check if an AST has the given attribute.
2693 //!
2694 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2695 //! @param[in] attribute the attribute to check
2696 //! @param[out] has_attribute the result
2697 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2698 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2699 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_has_attribute(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, bool *has_attribute);
2700 //! Get the type of the given AST.
2701 //!
2702 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2703 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2704 //! @param[out] type the resulting type
2705 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2706 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2707 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_type(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_ast_attribute_type_t *type);
2709 //! @}
2711 //! @name Functions to get/set numeric attributes of ASTs
2712 //! @{
2714 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_number".
2715 //!
2716 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2717 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2718 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2719 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2720 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2721 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_number(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, int *value);
2722 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_number".
2723 //!
2724 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2725 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2726 //! @param[in] value the value
2727 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2728 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2729 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_number(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, int value);
2731 //! @}
2733 //! @name Functions to get/set symbolic attributes of ASTs
2734 //! @{
2736 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_symbol".
2737 //!
2738 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2739 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2740 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2741 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2742 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2743 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_symbol(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_symbol_t *value);
2744 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_symbol".
2745 //!
2746 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2747 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2748 //! @param[in] value the value
2749 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2750 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2751 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_symbol(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_symbol_t value);
2753 //! @}
2755 //! @name Functions to get/set location attributes of ASTs
2756 //! @{
2758 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_location".
2759 //!
2760 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2761 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2762 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2763 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2764 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2765 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_location(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_location_t *value);
2766 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_location".
2767 //!
2768 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2769 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2770 //! @param[in] value the value
2771 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2772 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2773 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_location(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_location_t const *value);
2775 //! @}
2777 //! @name Functions to get/set string attributes of ASTs
2778 //! @{
2780 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_string".
2781 //!
2782 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2783 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2784 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2785 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2786 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2787 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_string(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, char const **value);
2788 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_string".
2789 //!
2790 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2791 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2792 //! @param[in] value the value
2793 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2794 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2795 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_string(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, char const *value);
2797 //! @}
2799 //! @name Functions to get/set AST attributes of ASTs
2800 //! @{
2802 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast".
2803 //!
2804 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2805 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2806 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2807 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2808 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2809 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_ast(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_ast_t **value);
2810 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast".
2811 //!
2812 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2813 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2814 //! @param[in] value the value
2815 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2816 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2817 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_ast(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_ast_t *value);
2819 //! @}
2821 //! @name Functions to get/set optional AST attributes of ASTs
2822 //! @{
2824 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_optional_ast".
2825 //!
2826 //! @note The value might be "NULL".
2827 //!
2828 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2829 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2830 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2831 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2832 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2833 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_optional_ast(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_ast_t **value);
2834 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_optional_ast".
2835 //!
2836 //! @note The value might be "NULL".
2837 //!
2838 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2839 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2840 //! @param[in] value the value
2841 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2842 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2843 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_optional_ast(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, clingo_ast_t *value);
2845 //! @}
2847 //! @name Functions to get/set string array attributes of ASTs
2848 //! @{
2850 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array" at the given index.
2851 //!
2852 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2853 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2854 //! @param[in] index the target index
2855 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2856 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2857 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2858 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_string_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index, char const **value);
2859 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array" at the given index.
2860 //!
2861 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2862 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2863 //! @param[in] index the target index
2864 //! @param[in] value the value
2865 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2866 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2867 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2868 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_string_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index, char const *value);
2869 //! Remove an element from an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array" at the given index.
2870 //!
2871 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2872 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2873 //! @param[in] index the target index
2874 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2875 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2876 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_delete_string_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index);
2877 //! Get the size of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array".
2878 //!
2879 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2880 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2881 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
2882 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2883 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2884 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_size_string_array(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t *size);
2885 //! Insert a value into an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array" at the given index.
2886 //!
2887 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2888 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2889 //! @param[in] index the target index
2890 //! @param[in] value the value
2891 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2892 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2893 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2894 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_insert_string_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index, char const *value);
2896 //! @}
2898 //! @name Functions to get/set AST array attributes of ASTs
2899 //! @{
2901 //! Get the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array" at the given index.
2902 //!
2903 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2904 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2905 //! @param[in] index the target index
2906 //! @param[out] value the resulting value
2907 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2908 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2909 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_get_ast_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index, clingo_ast_t **value);
2910 //! Set the value of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array" at the given index.
2911 //!
2912 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2913 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2914 //! @param[in] index the target index
2915 //! @param[in] value the value
2916 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2917 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2918 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2919 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_set_ast_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index, clingo_ast_t *value);
2920 //! Remove an element from an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array" at the given index.
2921 //!
2922 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2923 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2924 //! @param[in] index the target index
2925 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2926 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2927 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_delete_ast_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index);
2928 //! Get the size of an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array".
2929 //!
2930 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2931 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2932 //! @param[out] size the resulting size
2933 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2934 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2935 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_size_ast_array(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t *size);
2936 //! Insert a value into an attribute of type "clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array" at the given index.
2937 //!
2938 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
2939 //! @param[in] attribute the target attribute
2940 //! @param[in] index the target index
2941 //! @param[in] value the value
2942 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2943 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime
2944 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2945 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_attribute_insert_ast_at(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_attribute_t attribute, size_t index, clingo_ast_t *value);
2947 //! @}
2949 //! @name Functions to construct ASTs from strings
2950 //! @{
2952 //! Callback function to intercept AST nodes.
2953 //!
2954 //! @param[in] ast the AST
2955 //! @param[in] data a user data pointer
2956 //! @return whether the call was successful
2957 typedef bool (*clingo_ast_callback_t) (clingo_ast_t *ast, void *data);
2958 //! Parse the given program and return an abstract syntax tree for each statement via a callback.
2959 //!
2960 //! @param[in] program the program in gringo syntax
2961 //! @param[in] callback the callback reporting statements
2962 //! @param[in] callback_data user data for the callback
2963 //! @param[in] logger callback to report messages during parsing
2964 //! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger
2965 //! @param[in] message_limit the maximum number of times the logger is called
2966 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2967 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails
2968 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2969 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_parse_string(char const *program, clingo_ast_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, clingo_logger_t logger, void *logger_data, unsigned message_limit);
2970 //! Parse the programs in the given list of files and return an abstract syntax tree for each statement via a callback.
2971 //!
2972 //! The function follows clingo's handling of files on the command line.
2973 //! Filename "-" is treated as "STDIN" and if an empty list is given, then the parser will read from "STDIN".
2974 //!
2975 //! @param[in] files the beginning of the file name array
2976 //! @param[in] size the number of file names
2977 //! @param[in] callback the callback reporting statements
2978 //! @param[in] callback_data user data for the callback
2979 //! @param[in] logger callback to report messages during parsing
2980 //! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger
2981 //! @param[in] message_limit the maximum number of times the logger is called
2982 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
2983 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails
2984 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
2985 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_parse_files(char const * const *files, size_t size, clingo_ast_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, clingo_logger_t logger, void *logger_data, unsigned message_limit);
2987 //! @}
2989 //! Object to build non-ground programs.
2990 typedef struct clingo_program_builder clingo_program_builder_t;
2992 //! @name Functions to add ASTs to logic programs
2993 //! @{
2995 //! Begin building a program.
2996 //!
2997 //! @param[in] builder the target program builder
2998 //! @return whether the call was successful
2999 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_program_builder_begin(clingo_program_builder_t *builder);
3000 //! End building a program.
3001 //!
3002 //! @param[in] builder the target program builder
3003 //! @return whether the call was successful
3004 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_program_builder_end(clingo_program_builder_t *builder);
3005 //! Adds a statement to the program.
3006 //!
3007 //! @attention @ref clingo_program_builder_begin() must be called before adding statements and @ref clingo_program_builder_end() must be called after all statements have been added.
3008 //! @param[in] builder the target program builder
3009 //! @param[in] ast the AST node to add
3010 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3011 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime for statements of invalid form or AST nodes that do not represent statements
3012 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3013 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_program_builder_add(clingo_program_builder_t *builder, clingo_ast_t *ast);
3015 //! @}
3017 //! @name Functions to unpool ASts
3018 //! @{
3020 //! Enum to configure unpooling.
3021 enum clingo_ast_unpool_type_e {
3022     clingo_ast_unpool_type_condition = 1, //!< To only unpool conditions of conditional literals.
3023     clingo_ast_unpool_type_other = 2,     //!< To unpool everything except conditions of conditional literals.
3024     clingo_ast_unpool_type_all = 3,       //!< To unpool everything.
3025 };
3026 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_ast_unpool_type_e.
3027 typedef int clingo_ast_unpool_type_bitset_t;
3029 //! Unpool the given AST.
3030 //!
3031 //! @param[in] ast the target AST
3032 //! @param[in] unpool_type what to unpool
3033 //! @param[in] callback the callback to report ASTs
3034 //! @param[in] callback_data user data for the callback
3035 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3036 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3037 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_ast_unpool(clingo_ast_t *ast, clingo_ast_unpool_type_bitset_t unpool_type, clingo_ast_callback_t callback, void *callback_data);
3039 //! @}
3041 //! @}
3043 // {{{1 ground program observer
3045 //! @defgroup ProgramInspection Program Inspection
3046 //! Functions and data structures to inspect programs.
3047 //! @ingroup Control
3049 //! @addtogroup ProgramInspection
3050 //! @{
3052 //! An instance of this struct has to be registered with a solver to observe ground directives as they are passed to the solver.
3053 //!
3054 //! @note This interface is closely modeled after the aspif format.
3055 //! For more information please refer to the specification of the aspif format.
3056 //!
3057 //! Not all callbacks have to be implemented and can be set to NULL if not needed.
3058 //! If one of the callbacks in the struct fails, grounding is stopped.
3059 //! If a non-recoverable clingo API call fails, a callback must return false.
3060 //! Otherwise ::clingo_error_unknown should be set and false returned.
3061 //!
3062 //! @see clingo_control_register_observer()
3063 typedef struct clingo_ground_program_observer {
3064     //! Called once in the beginning.
3065     //!
3066     //! If the incremental flag is true, there can be multiple calls to @ref clingo_control_solve().
3067     //!
3068     //! @param[in] incremental whether the program is incremental
3069     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3070     //! @return whether the call was successful
3071     bool (*init_program)(bool incremental, void *data);
3072     //! Marks the beginning of a block of directives passed to the solver.
3073     //!
3074     //! @see @ref end_step
3075     //!
3076     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3077     //! @return whether the call was successful
3078     bool (*begin_step)(void *data);
3079     //! Marks the end of a block of directives passed to the solver.
3080     //!
3081     //! This function is called before solving starts.
3082     //!
3083     //! @see @ref begin_step
3084     //!
3085     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3086     //! @return whether the call was successful
3087     bool (*end_step)(void *data);
3089     //! Observe rules passed to the solver.
3090     //!
3091     //! @param[in] choice determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction
3092     //! @param[in] head the head atoms
3093     //! @param[in] head_size the number of atoms in the head
3094     //! @param[in] body the body literals
3095     //! @param[in] body_size the number of literals in the body
3096     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3097     //! @return whether the call was successful
3098     bool (*rule)(bool choice, clingo_atom_t const *head, size_t head_size, clingo_literal_t const *body, size_t body_size, void *data);
3099     //! Observe weight rules passed to the solver.
3100     //!
3101     //! @param[in] choice determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction
3102     //! @param[in] head the head atoms
3103     //! @param[in] head_size the number of atoms in the head
3104     //! @param[in] lower_bound the lower bound of the weight rule
3105     //! @param[in] body the weighted body literals
3106     //! @param[in] body_size the number of weighted literals in the body
3107     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3108     //! @return whether the call was successful
3109     bool (*weight_rule)(bool choice, clingo_atom_t const *head, size_t head_size, clingo_weight_t lower_bound, clingo_weighted_literal_t const *body, size_t body_size, void *data);
3110     //! Observe minimize constraints (or weak constraints) passed to the solver.
3111     //!
3112     //! @param[in] priority the priority of the constraint
3113     //! @param[in] literals the weighted literals whose sum to minimize
3114     //! @param[in] size the number of weighted literals
3115     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3116     //! @return whether the call was successful
3117     bool (*minimize)(clingo_weight_t priority, clingo_weighted_literal_t const* literals, size_t size, void *data);
3118     //! Observe projection directives passed to the solver.
3119     //!
3120     //! @param[in] atoms the atoms to project on
3121     //! @param[in] size the number of atoms
3122     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3123     //! @return whether the call was successful
3124     bool (*project)(clingo_atom_t const *atoms, size_t size, void *data);
3125     //! Observe shown atoms passed to the solver.
3126     //! \note Facts do not have an associated aspif atom.
3127     //! The value of the atom is set to zero.
3128     //!
3129     //! @param[in] symbol the symbolic representation of the atom
3130     //! @param[in] atom the aspif atom (0 for facts)
3131     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3132     //! @return whether the call was successful
3133     bool (*output_atom)(clingo_symbol_t symbol, clingo_atom_t atom, void *data);
3134     //! Observe shown terms passed to the solver.
3135     //!
3136     //! @param[in] symbol the symbolic representation of the term
3137     //! @param[in] condition the literals of the condition
3138     //! @param[in] size the size of the condition
3139     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3140     //! @return whether the call was successful
3141     bool (*output_term)(clingo_symbol_t symbol, clingo_literal_t const *condition, size_t size, void *data);
3142     //! Observe shown csp variables passed to the solver.
3143     //!
3144     //! @param[in] symbol the symbolic representation of the variable
3145     //! @param[in] value the value of the variable
3146     //! @param[in] condition the literals of the condition
3147     //! @param[in] size the size of the condition
3148     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3149     //! @return whether the call was successful
3150     bool (*output_csp)(clingo_symbol_t symbol, int value, clingo_literal_t const *condition, size_t size, void *data);
3151     //! Observe external statements passed to the solver.
3152     //!
3153     //! @param[in] atom the external atom
3154     //! @param[in] type the type of the external statement
3155     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3156     //! @return whether the call was successful
3157     bool (*external)(clingo_atom_t atom, clingo_external_type_t type, void *data);
3158     //! Observe assumption directives passed to the solver.
3159     //!
3160     //! @param[in] literals the literals to assume (positive literals are true and negative literals false for the next solve call)
3161     //! @param[in] size the number of atoms
3162     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3163     //! @return whether the call was successful
3164     bool (*assume)(clingo_literal_t const *literals, size_t size, void *data);
3165     //! Observe heuristic directives passed to the solver.
3166     //!
3167     //! @param[in] atom the target atom
3168     //! @param[in] type the type of the heuristic modification
3169     //! @param[in] bias the heuristic bias
3170     //! @param[in] priority the heuristic priority
3171     //! @param[in] condition the condition under which to apply the heuristic modification
3172     //! @param[in] size the number of atoms in the condition
3173     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3174     //! @return whether the call was successful
3175     bool (*heuristic)(clingo_atom_t atom, clingo_heuristic_type_t type, int bias, unsigned priority, clingo_literal_t const *condition, size_t size, void *data);
3176     //! Observe edge directives passed to the solver.
3177     //!
3178     //! @param[in] node_u the start vertex of the edge
3179     //! @param[in] node_v the end vertex of the edge
3180     //! @param[in] condition the condition under which the edge is part of the graph
3181     //! @param[in] size the number of atoms in the condition
3182     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3183     //! @return whether the call was successful
3184     bool (*acyc_edge)(int node_u, int node_v, clingo_literal_t const *condition, size_t size, void *data);
3186     //! Observe numeric theory terms.
3187     //!
3188     //! @param[in] term_id the id of the term
3189     //! @param[in] number the value of the term
3190     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3191     //! @return whether the call was successful
3192     bool (*theory_term_number)(clingo_id_t term_id, int number, void *data);
3193     //! Observe string theory terms.
3194     //!
3195     //! @param[in] term_id the id of the term
3196     //! @param[in] name the value of the term
3197     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3198     //! @return whether the call was successful
3199     bool (*theory_term_string)(clingo_id_t term_id, char const *name, void *data);
3200     //! Observe compound theory terms.
3201     //!
3202     //! The name_id_or_type gives the type of the compound term:
3203     //! - if it is -1, then it is a tuple
3204     //! - if it is -2, then it is a set
3205     //! - if it is -3, then it is a list
3206     //! - otherwise, it is a function and name_id_or_type refers to the id of the name (in form of a string term)
3207     //!
3208     //! @param[in] term_id the id of the term
3209     //! @param[in] name_id_or_type the name or type of the term
3210     //! @param[in] arguments the arguments of the term
3211     //! @param[in] size the number of arguments
3212     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3213     //! @return whether the call was successful
3214     bool (*theory_term_compound)(clingo_id_t term_id, int name_id_or_type, clingo_id_t const *arguments, size_t size, void *data);
3215     //! Observe theory elements.
3216     //!
3217     //! @param element_id the id of the element
3218     //! @param terms the term tuple of the element
3219     //! @param terms_size the number of terms in the tuple
3220     //! @param condition the condition of the elemnt
3221     //! @param condition_size the number of literals in the condition
3222     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3223     //! @return whether the call was successful
3224     bool (*theory_element)(clingo_id_t element_id, clingo_id_t const *terms, size_t terms_size, clingo_literal_t const *condition, size_t condition_size, void *data);
3225     //! Observe theory atoms without guard.
3226     //!
3227     //! @param[in] atom_id_or_zero the id of the atom or zero for directives
3228     //! @param[in] term_id the term associated with the atom
3229     //! @param[in] elements the elements of the atom
3230     //! @param[in] size the number of elements
3231     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3232     //! @return whether the call was successful
3233     bool (*theory_atom)(clingo_id_t atom_id_or_zero, clingo_id_t term_id, clingo_id_t const *elements, size_t size, void *data);
3234     //! Observe theory atoms with guard.
3235     //!
3236     //! @param[in] atom_id_or_zero the id of the atom or zero for directives
3237     //! @param[in] term_id the term associated with the atom
3238     //! @param[in] elements the elements of the atom
3239     //! @param[in] size the number of elements
3240     //! @param[in] operator_id the id of the operator (a string term)
3241     //! @param[in] right_hand_side_id the id of the term on the right hand side of the atom
3242     //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3243     //! @return whether the call was successful
3244     bool (*theory_atom_with_guard)(clingo_id_t atom_id_or_zero, clingo_id_t term_id, clingo_id_t const *elements, size_t size, clingo_id_t operator_id, clingo_id_t right_hand_side_id, void *data);
3245 } clingo_ground_program_observer_t;
3247 //! @}
3249 // {{{1 control
3251 //! @example control.c
3252 //! The example shows how to ground and solve a simple logic program, and print
3253 //! its answer sets.
3254 //!
3255 //! ## Output ##
3256 //!
3257 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
3258 //! ./control 0
3259 //! Model: a
3260 //! Model: b
3261 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
3262 //!
3263 //! ## Code ##
3265 //! @defgroup Control Grounding and Solving
3266 //! Functions to control the grounding and solving process.
3267 //!
3268 //! For an example, see @ref control.c.
3270 //! @addtogroup Control
3271 //! @{
3273 //! @enum clingo_solve_result_e
3274 //! Enumeration of bit masks for solve call results.
3275 //!
3276 //! @note Neither ::clingo_solve_result_satisfiable nor
3277 //! ::clingo_solve_result_exhausted is set if the search is interrupted and no
3278 //! model was found.
3279 //!
3280 //! @var clingo_solve_result::clingo_solve_result_satisfiable
3281 //! The last solve call found a solution.
3282 //! @var clingo_solve_result::clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable
3283 //! The last solve call did not find a solution.
3284 //! @var clingo_solve_result::clingo_solve_result_exhausted
3285 //! The last solve call completely exhausted the search space.
3286 //! @var clingo_solve_result::clingo_solve_result_interrupted
3287 //! The last solve call was interrupted.
3288 //!
3289 //! @see clingo_control_interrupt()
3291 //! @typedef clingo_solve_result_bitset_t
3292 //! Corresponding type to ::clingo_solve_result_e.
3294 //! Struct used to specify the program parts that have to be grounded.
3295 //!
3296 //! Programs may be structured into parts, which can be grounded independently with ::clingo_control_ground.
3297 //! Program parts are mainly interesting for incremental grounding and multi-shot solving.
3298 //! For single-shot solving, program parts are not needed.
3299 //!
3300 //! @note Parts of a logic program without an explicit <tt>\#program</tt>
3301 //! specification are by default put into a program called `base` without
3302 //! arguments.
3303 //!
3304 //! @see clingo_control_ground()
3305 typedef struct clingo_part {
3306     char const *name;              //!< name of the program part
3307     clingo_symbol_t const *params; //!< array of parameters
3308     size_t size;                   //!< number of parameters
3309 } clingo_part_t;
3311 //! Callback function to implement external functions.
3312 //!
3313 //! If an external function of form <tt>\@name(parameters)</tt> occurs in a logic program,
3314 //! then this function is called with its location, name, parameters, and a callback to inject symbols as arguments.
3315 //! The callback can be called multiple times; all symbols passed are injected.
3316 //!
3317 //! If a (non-recoverable) clingo API function fails in this callback, for example, the symbol callback, the callback must return false.
3318 //! In case of errors not related to clingo, this function can set error ::clingo_error_unknown and return false to stop grounding with an error.
3319 //!
3320 //! @param[in] location location from which the external function was called
3321 //! @param[in] name name of the called external function
3322 //! @param[in] arguments arguments of the called external function
3323 //! @param[in] arguments_size number of arguments
3324 //! @param[in] data user data of the callback
3325 //! @param[in] symbol_callback function to inject symbols
3326 //! @param[in] symbol_callback_data user data for the symbol callback
3327 //!            (must be passed untouched)
3328 //! @return whether the call was successful
3329 //! @see clingo_control_ground()
3330 //!
3331 //! The following example implements the external function <tt>\@f()</tt> returning 42.
3332 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
3333 //! bool
3334 //! ground_callback(clingo_location_t const *location,
3335 //!                 char const *name,
3336 //!                 clingo_symbol_t const *arguments,
3337 //!                 size_t arguments_size,
3338 //!                 void *data,
3339 //!                 clingo_symbol_callback_t symbol_callback,
3340 //!                 void *symbol_callback_data) {
3341 //!   if (strcmp(name, "f") == 0 && arguments_size == 0) {
3342 //!     clingo_symbol_t sym;
3343 //!     clingo_symbol_create_number(42, &sym);
3344 //!     return symbol_callback(&sym, 1, symbol_callback_data);
3345 //!   }
3346 //!   clingo_set_error(clingo_error_runtime, "function not found");
3347 //!   return false;
3348 //! }
3349 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3350 typedef bool (*clingo_ground_callback_t) (clingo_location_t const *location, char const *name, clingo_symbol_t const *arguments, size_t arguments_size, void *data, clingo_symbol_callback_t symbol_callback, void *symbol_callback_data);
3352 //! Control object holding grounding and solving state.
3353 typedef struct clingo_control clingo_control_t;
3355 //! Create a new control object.
3356 //!
3357 //! A control object has to be freed using clingo_control_free().
3358 //!
3359 //! @note Only gringo options (without <code>\-\-output</code>) and clasp's options are supported as arguments,
3360 //! except basic options such as <code>\-\-help</code>.
3361 //! Furthermore, a control object is blocked while a search call is active;
3362 //! you must not call any member function during search.
3363 //!
3364 //! If the logger is NULL, messages are printed to stderr.
3365 //!
3366 //! @param[in] arguments C string array of command line arguments
3367 //! @param[in] arguments_size size of the arguments array
3368 //! @param[in] logger callback functions for warnings and info messages
3369 //! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger callback
3370 //! @param[in] message_limit maximum number of times the logger callback is called
3371 //! @param[out] control resulting control object
3372 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3373 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3374 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if argument parsing fails
3375 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_new(char const *const * arguments, size_t arguments_size, clingo_logger_t logger, void *logger_data, unsigned message_limit, clingo_control_t **control);
3377 //! Free a control object created with clingo_control_new().
3378 //! @param[in] control the target
3379 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_control_free(clingo_control_t *control);
3381 //! @name Grounding Functions
3382 //! @{
3384 //! Extend the logic program with a program in a file.
3385 //!
3386 //! @param[in] control the target
3387 //! @param[in] file path to the file
3388 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3389 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3390 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing or checking fails
3391 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_load(clingo_control_t *control, char const *file);
3393 //! Extend the logic program with the given non-ground logic program in string form.
3394 //!
3395 //! This function puts the given program into a block of form: <tt>\#program name(parameters).</tt>
3396 //!
3397 //! After extending the logic program, the corresponding program parts are typically grounded with ::clingo_control_ground.
3398 //!
3399 //! @param[in] control the target
3400 //! @param[in] name name of the program block
3401 //! @param[in] parameters string array of parameters of the program block
3402 //! @param[in] parameters_size number of parameters
3403 //! @param[in] program string representation of the program
3404 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3405 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3406 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails
3407 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_add(clingo_control_t *control, char const *name, char const * const * parameters, size_t parameters_size, char const *program);
3409 //! Ground the selected @link ::clingo_part parts @endlink of the current (non-ground) logic program.
3410 //!
3411 //! After grounding, logic programs can be solved with ::clingo_control_solve().
3412 //!
3413 //! @note Parts of a logic program without an explicit <tt>\#program</tt>
3414 //! specification are by default put into a program called `base` without
3415 //! arguments.
3416 //!
3417 //! @param[in] control the target
3418 //! @param[in] parts array of parts to ground
3419 //! @param[in] parts_size size of the parts array
3420 //! @param[in] ground_callback callback to implement external functions
3421 //! @param[in] ground_callback_data user data for ground_callback
3422 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3423 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3424 //! - error code of ground callback
3425 //!
3426 //! @see clingo_part
3427 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_ground(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_part_t const *parts, size_t parts_size, clingo_ground_callback_t ground_callback, void *ground_callback_data);
3429 //! @}
3431 //! @name Solving Functions
3432 //! @{
3434 //! Solve the currently @link ::clingo_control_ground grounded @endlink logic program enumerating its models.
3435 //!
3436 //! See the @ref SolveHandle module for more information.
3437 //!
3438 //! @param[in] control the target
3439 //! @param[in] mode configures the search mode
3440 //! @param[in] assumptions array of assumptions to solve under
3441 //! @param[in] assumptions_size number of assumptions
3442 //! @param[in] notify the event handler to register
3443 //! @param[in] data the user data for the event handler
3444 //! @param[out] handle handle to the current search to enumerate models
3445 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3446 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3447 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving could not be started
3448 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_solve(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_solve_mode_bitset_t mode, clingo_literal_t const *assumptions, size_t assumptions_size, clingo_solve_event_callback_t notify, void *data, clingo_solve_handle_t **handle);
3449 //! Clean up the domains of the grounding component using the solving
3450 //! component's top level assignment.
3451 //!
3452 //! This function removes atoms from domains that are false and marks atoms as
3453 //! facts that are true.  With multi-shot solving, this can result in smaller
3454 //! groundings because less rules have to be instantiated and more
3455 //! simplifications can be applied.
3456 //!
3457 //! @note It is typically not necessary to call this function manually because
3458 //! automatic cleanups at the right time are enabled by default.
3459 //
3460 //! @param[in] control the target
3461 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3462 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3463 //!
3464 //! @see clingo_control_get_enable_cleanup()
3465 //! @see clingo_control_set_enable_cleanup()
3466 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_cleanup(clingo_control_t *control);
3467 //! Assign a truth value to an external atom.
3468 //!
3469 //! If a negative literal is passed, the corresponding atom is assigned the
3470 //! inverted truth value.
3471 //!
3472 //! If the atom does not exist or is not external, this is a noop.
3473 //!
3474 //! @param[in] control the target
3475 //! @param[in] literal literal to assign
3476 //! @param[in] value the truth value
3477 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3478 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3479 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_assign_external(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t literal, clingo_truth_value_t value);
3480 //! Release an external atom.
3481 //!
3482 //! If a negative literal is passed, the corresponding atom is released.
3483 //!
3484 //! After this call, an external atom is no longer external and subject to
3485 //! program simplifications.  If the atom does not exist or is not external,
3486 //! this is a noop.
3487 //!
3488 //! @param[in] control the target
3489 //! @param[in] literal literal to release
3490 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3491 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3492 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_release_external(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_literal_t literal);
3493 //! Register a custom propagator with the control object.
3494 //!
3495 //! If the sequential flag is set to true, the propagator is called
3496 //! sequentially when solving with multiple threads.
3497 //!
3498 //! See the @ref Propagator module for more information.
3499 //!
3500 //! @param[in] control the target
3501 //! @param[in] propagator the propagator
3502 //! @param[in] data user data passed to the propagator functions
3503 //! @param[in] sequential whether the propagator should be called sequentially
3504 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3505 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3506 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_register_propagator(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_propagator_t const *propagator, void *data, bool sequential);
3507 //! Check if the solver has determined that the internal program representation is conflicting.
3508 //!
3509 //! If this function returns true, solve calls will return immediately with an unsatisfiable solve result.
3510 //! Note that conflicts first have to be detected, e.g. -
3511 //! initial unit propagation results in an empty clause,
3512 //! or later if an empty clause is resolved during solving.
3513 //! Hence, the function might return false even if the problem is unsatisfiable.
3514 //!
3515 //! @param[in] control the target
3516 //! @return whether the program representation is conflicting
3517 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_is_conflicting(clingo_control_t const *control);
3519 //! Get a statistics object to inspect solver statistics.
3520 //!
3521 //! Statistics are updated after a solve call.
3522 //!
3523 //! See the @ref Statistics module for more information.
3524 //!
3525 //! @attention
3526 //! The level of detail of the statistics depends on the stats option
3527 //! (which can be set using @ref Configuration module or passed as an option when @link clingo_control_new creating the control object@endlink).
3528 //! The default level zero only provides basic statistics,
3529 //! level one provides extended and accumulated statistics,
3530 //! and level two provides per-thread statistics.
3531 //! Furthermore, the statistics object is best accessed right after solving.
3532 //! Otherwise, not all of its entries have valid values.
3533 //!
3534 //! @param[in] control the target
3535 //! @param[out] statistics the statistics object
3536 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3537 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3538 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_statistics(clingo_control_t const *control, clingo_statistics_t const **statistics);
3539 //! Interrupt the active solve call (or the following solve call right at the beginning).
3540 //!
3541 //! @param[in] control the target
3542 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_control_interrupt(clingo_control_t *control);
3543 //! Get low-level access to clasp.
3544 //!
3545 //! @attention
3546 //! This function is intended for experimental use only and not part of the stable API.
3547 //!
3548 //! This function may return a <code>nullptr</code>.
3549 //! Otherwise, the returned pointer can be casted to a ClaspFacade pointer.
3550 //!
3551 //! @param[in] control the target
3552 //! @param[out] clasp pointer to the ClaspFacade object (may be <code>nullptr</code>)
3553 //! @return whether the call was successful
3554 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_clasp_facade(clingo_control_t *control, void **clasp);
3556 //! @}
3558 //! @name Configuration Functions
3559 //! @{
3561 //! Get a configuration object to change the solver configuration.
3562 //!
3563 //! See the @ref Configuration module for more information.
3564 //!
3565 //! @param[in] control the target
3566 //! @param[out] configuration the configuration object
3567 //! @return whether the call was successful
3568 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_configuration(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_configuration_t **configuration);
3570 //! Configure how learnt constraints are handled during enumeration.
3571 //!
3572 //! If the enumeration assumption is enabled, then all information learnt from
3573 //! the solver's various enumeration modes is removed after a solve call. This
3574 //! includes enumeration of cautious or brave consequences, enumeration of
3575 //! answer sets with or without projection, or finding optimal models, as well
3576 //! as clauses added with clingo_solve_control_add_clause().
3577 //!
3578 //! @attention For practical purposes, this option is only interesting for single-shot solving
3579 //! or before the last solve call to squeeze out a tiny bit of performance.
3580 //! Initially, the enumeration assumption is enabled.
3581 //!
3582 //! @param[in] control the target
3583 //! @param[in] enable whether to enable the assumption
3584 //! @return whether the call was successful
3585 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_set_enable_enumeration_assumption(clingo_control_t *control, bool enable);
3586 //! Check whether the enumeration assumption is enabled.
3587 //!
3588 //! See ::clingo_control_set_enable_enumeration_assumption().
3589 //! @param[in] control the target
3590 //! @return whether using the enumeration assumption is enabled
3591 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_get_enable_enumeration_assumption(clingo_control_t *control);
3593 //! Enable automatic cleanup after solving.
3594 //!
3595 //! @note Cleanup is enabled by default.
3596 //!
3597 //! @param[in] control the target
3598 //! @param[in] enable whether to enable cleanups
3599 //! @return whether the call was successful
3600 //!
3601 //! @see clingo_control_cleanup()
3602 //! @see clingo_control_get_enable_cleanup()
3603 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_set_enable_cleanup(clingo_control_t *control, bool enable);
3604 //! Check whether automatic cleanup is enabled.
3605 //!
3606 //! See ::clingo_control_set_enable_cleanup().
3607 //!
3608 //! @param[in] control the target
3609 //!
3610 //! @see clingo_control_cleanup()
3611 //! @see clingo_control_set_enable_cleanup()
3612 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_get_enable_cleanup(clingo_control_t *control);
3614 //! @}
3616 //! @name Program Inspection Functions
3617 //! @{
3619 //! Return the symbol for a constant definition of form: <tt>\#const name = symbol</tt>.
3620 //!
3621 //! @param[in] control the target
3622 //! @param[in] name the name of the constant
3623 //! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
3624 //! @return whether the call was successful
3625 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_get_const(clingo_control_t const *control, char const *name, clingo_symbol_t *symbol);
3626 //! Check if there is a constant definition for the given constant.
3627 //!
3628 //! @param[in] control the target
3629 //! @param[in] name the name of the constant
3630 //! @param[out] exists whether a matching constant definition exists
3631 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3632 //! - ::clingo_error_runtime if constant definition does not exist
3633 //!
3634 //! @see clingo_control_get_const()
3635 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_has_const(clingo_control_t const *control, char const *name, bool *exists);
3636 //! Get an object to inspect symbolic atoms (the relevant Herbrand base) used
3637 //! for grounding.
3638 //!
3639 //! See the @ref SymbolicAtoms module for more information.
3640 //!
3641 //! @param[in] control the target
3642 //! @param[out] atoms the symbolic atoms object
3643 //! @return whether the call was successful
3644 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_symbolic_atoms(clingo_control_t const *control, clingo_symbolic_atoms_t const **atoms);
3645 //! Get an object to inspect theory atoms that occur in the grounding.
3646 //!
3647 //! See the @ref TheoryAtoms module for more information.
3648 //!
3649 //! @param[in] control the target
3650 //! @param[out] atoms the theory atoms object
3651 //! @return whether the call was successful
3652 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_theory_atoms(clingo_control_t const *control, clingo_theory_atoms_t const **atoms);
3653 //! Register a program observer with the control object.
3654 //!
3655 //! @param[in] control the target
3656 //! @param[in] observer the observer to register
3657 //! @param[in] replace just pass the grounding to the observer but not the solver
3658 //! @param[in] data user data passed to the observer functions
3659 //! @return whether the call was successful
3660 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_register_observer(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_ground_program_observer_t const *observer, bool replace, void *data);
3661 //! @}
3663 //! @name Program Modification Functions
3664 //! @{
3666 //! Get an object to add ground directives to the program.
3667 //!
3668 //! See the @ref ProgramBuilder module for more information.
3669 //!
3670 //! @param[in] control the target
3671 //! @param[out] backend the backend object
3672 //! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes:
3673 //! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
3674 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_backend(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_backend_t **backend);
3675 //! Get an object to add non-ground directives to the program.
3676 //!
3677 //! See the @ref ProgramBuilder module for more information.
3678 //!
3679 //! @param[in] control the target
3680 //! @param[out] builder the program builder object
3681 //! @return whether the call was successful
3682 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_program_builder(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_program_builder_t **builder);
3683 //! @}
3685 //! @}
3687 // {{{1 extending clingo
3689 //! @example application.c
3690 //! The example shows how to extend the clingo application.
3691 //!
3692 //! It behaves like a normal normal clingo but adds one option to override the default program part to ground.
3693 //! ## Example calls ##
3694 //!
3695 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
3696 //! $ cat example.lp
3697 //! b.
3698 //! #program test.
3699 //! t.
3700 //!
3701 //! $ ./application --program test example.lp
3702 //! example version 1.0.0
3703 //! Reading from example.lp
3704 //! Solving...
3705 //! Answer: 1
3706 //! t
3708 //!
3709 //! Models       : 1+
3710 //! Calls        : 1
3711 //! Time         : 0.004s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
3712 //! CPU Time     : 0.004s
3713 //! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
3714 //!
3715 //! ## Code ##
3717 //! @defgroup ExtendingClingo Extending Clingo
3718 //! Functions to customize clingo's main function.
3719 //!
3720 //! This module allows for customizing the clingo application.
3721 //! For example, this can be used to register custom propagators and command line options with clingo.
3722 //!
3723 //! Warning: This part of the API is not yet finalized and might change in the future.
3725 //! @addtogroup ExtendingClingo
3726 //! @{
3728 //! Object to add command-line options.
3729 typedef struct clingo_options clingo_options_t;
3731 //! Callback to customize clingo main function.
3732 //!
3733 //! @param[in] control corresponding control object
3734 //! @param[in] files files passed via command line arguments
3735 //! @param[in] size number of files
3736 //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3737 //!
3738 //! @return whether the call was successful
3739 typedef bool (*clingo_main_function_t) (clingo_control_t *control, char const *const * files, size_t size, void *data);
3741 //! Callback to print a model in default format.
3742 //!
3743 //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3744 //!
3745 //! @return whether the call was successful
3746 typedef bool (*clingo_default_model_printer_t) (void *data);
3748 //! Callback to customize model printing.
3749 //!
3750 //! @param[in] model the model
3751 //! @param[in] printer the default model printer
3752 //! @param[in] printer_data user data for the printer
3753 //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3754 //!
3755 //! @return whether the call was successful
3756 typedef bool (*clingo_model_printer_t) (clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_default_model_printer_t printer, void *printer_data, void *data);
3758 //! This struct contains a set of functions to customize the clingo application.
3759 typedef struct clingo_application {
3760     char const *(*program_name) (void *data);                        //!< callback to obtain program name
3761     char const *(*version) (void *data);                             //!< callback to obtain version information
3762     unsigned (*message_limit) (void *data);                          //!< callback to obtain message limit
3763     clingo_main_function_t main;                                     //!< callback to override clingo's main function
3764     clingo_logger_t logger;                                          //!< callback to override default logger
3765     clingo_model_printer_t printer;                                  //!< callback to override default model printing
3766     bool (*register_options)(clingo_options_t *options, void *data); //!< callback to register options
3767     bool (*validate_options)(void *data);                            //!< callback validate options
3768 } clingo_application_t;
3770 //! Add an option that is processed with a custom parser.
3771 //!
3772 //! Note that the parser also has to take care of storing the semantic value of
3773 //! the option somewhere.
3774 //!
3775 //! Parameter option specifies the name(s) of the option.
3776 //! For example, "ping,p" adds the short option "-p" and its long form "--ping".
3777 //! It is also possible to associate an option with a help level by adding ",@l" to the option specification.
3778 //! Options with a level greater than zero are only shown if the argument to help is greater or equal to l.
3779 //!
3780 //! @param[in] options object to register the option with
3781 //! @param[in] group options are grouped into sections as given by this string
3782 //! @param[in] option specifies the command line option
3783 //! @param[in] description the description of the option
3784 //! @param[in] parse callback to parse the value of the option
3785 //! @param[in] data user data for the callback
3786 //! @param[in] multi whether the option can appear multiple times on the command-line
3787 //! @param[in] argument optional string to change the value name in the generated help output
3788 //! @return whether the call was successful
3789 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_options_add(clingo_options_t *options, char const *group, char const *option, char const *description, bool (*parse) (char const *value, void *data), void *data, bool multi, char const *argument);
3790 //! Add an option that is a simple flag.
3791 //!
3792 //! This function is similar to @ref clingo_options_add() but simpler because it only supports flags, which do not have values.
3793 //! If a flag is passed via the command-line the parameter target is set to true.
3794 //!
3795 //! @param[in] options object to register the option with
3796 //! @param[in] group options are grouped into sections as given by this string
3797 //! @param[in] option specifies the command line option
3798 //! @param[in] description the description of the option
3799 //! @param[in] target boolean set to true if the flag is given on the command-line
3800 //! @return whether the call was successful
3801 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_options_add_flag(clingo_options_t *options, char const *group, char const *option, char const *description, bool *target);
3803 //! Run clingo with a customized main function (similar to python and lua embedding).
3804 //!
3805 //! @param[in] application struct with callbacks to override default clingo functionality
3806 //! @param[in] arguments command line arguments
3807 //! @param[in] size number of arguments
3808 //! @param[in] data user data to pass to callbacks in application
3809 //! @return exit code to return from main function
3810 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT int clingo_main(clingo_application_t *application, char const *const * arguments, size_t size, void *data);
3812 //! Custom scripting language to run functions during grounding.
3813 typedef struct clingo_script {
3814     //! Evaluate the given source code.
3815     //! @param[in] location the location in the logic program of the source code
3816     //! @param[in] code the code to evaluate
3817     //! @param[in] data user data as given when registering the script
3818     //! @return whether the function call was successful
3819     bool (*execute) (clingo_location_t const *location, char const *code, void *data);
3820     //! Call the function with the given name and arguments.
3821     //! @param[in] location the location in the logic program of the function call
3822     //! @param[in] name the name of the function
3823     //! @param[in] arguments the arguments to the function
3824     //! @param[in] arguments_size the number of arguments
3825     //! @param[in] symbol_callback callback to return a pool of symbols
3826     //! @param[in] symbol_callback_data user data for the symbol callback
3827     //! @param[in] data user data as given when registering the script
3828     //! @return whether the function call was successful
3829     bool (*call) (clingo_location_t const *location, char const *name, clingo_symbol_t const *arguments, size_t arguments_size, clingo_symbol_callback_t symbol_callback, void *symbol_callback_data, void *data);
3830     //! Check if the given function is callable.
3831     //! @param[in] name the name of the function
3832     //! @param[out] result whether the function is callable
3833     //! @param[in] data user data as given when registering the script
3834     //! @return whether the function call was successful
3835     bool (*callable) (char const * name, bool *result, void *data);
3836     //! Run the main function.
3837     //! @param[in] control the control object to pass to the main function
3838     //! @param[in] data user data as given when registering the script
3839     //! @return whether the function call was successful
3840     bool (*main) (clingo_control_t *control, void *data);
3841     //! This function is called once when the script is deleted.
3842     //! @param[in] data user data as given when registering the script
3843     void (*free) (void *data);
3844     char const *version;
3845 } clingo_script_t;
3847 //! Add a custom scripting language to clingo.
3848 //!
3849 //! @param[in] name the name of the scripting language
3850 //! @param[in] script struct with functions implementing the language
3851 //! @param[in] data user data to pass to callbacks in the script
3852 //! @return whether the call was successful
3853 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_register_script(char const *name, clingo_script_t const *script, void *data);
3854 //! Get the version of the registered scripting language.
3855 //!
3856 //! @param[in] name the name of the scripting language
3857 //! @return the version
3858 CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT char const *clingo_script_version(char const *name);
3860 //! @}
3862 // }}}1
3864 #ifdef __cplusplus
3865 }
3866 #endif
3868 #endif