1 // OpenSTA, Static Timing Analyzer
2 // Copyright (c) 2020, Parallax Software, Inc.
3 //
4 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 #pragma once
19 #include <mutex>
21 #include "DisallowCopyAssign.hh"
22 #include "StringUtil.hh"
23 #include "StringSet.hh"
24 #include "Map.hh"
25 #include "HashSet.hh"
26 #include "UnorderedMap.hh"
27 #include "MinMax.hh"
28 #include "StaState.hh"
29 #include "NetworkClass.hh"
30 #include "LibertyClass.hh"
31 #include "GraphClass.hh"
32 #include "SdcClass.hh"
33 #include "RiseFallValues.hh"
34 #include "Clock.hh"
35 #include "DataCheck.hh"
36 #include "CycleAccting.hh"
38 namespace sta {
40 class OperatingConditions;
41 class PortExtCap;
42 class ClockGatingCheck;
43 class InputDriveCell;
44 class DisabledPorts;
45 class GraphLoop;
46 class DeratingFactors;
47 class DeratingFactorsGlobal;
48 class DeratingFactorsNet;
49 class DeratingFactorsCell;
50 class PatternMatch;
51 class FindNetCaps;
52 class ClkHpinDisable;
53 class FindClkHpinDisables;
54 class Corner;
55 class ClockGroupIterator;
56 class GroupPathIterator;
57 class ClockPinIterator;
58 class ClockIterator;
60 typedef std::pair<const Pin*, const Clock*> PinClockPair;
62 class ClockInsertionPinClkLess
63 {
64 public:
65   bool operator()(const ClockInsertion *insert1,
66 		  const ClockInsertion *insert2) const;
67 };
69 class ClockLatencyPinClkLess
70 {
71 public:
72   bool operator()(const ClockLatency *latency1,
73 		  const ClockLatency *latency2) const;
74 };
76 // This is symmetric with respect to the clocks
77 // in the pair so Pair(clk1, clk2) is the same
78 // as Pair(clk2, clk1).
79 class ClockPairLess
80 {
81 public:
82   bool operator()(const ClockPair &pair1,
83 		  const ClockPair &pair2) const;
84 };
86 class PinClockPairLess
87 {
88 public:
89   PinClockPairLess(const Network *network);
90   bool operator()(const PinClockPair &pin_clk1,
91 		  const PinClockPair &pin_clk2) const;
93 protected:
94   const Network *network_;
95 };
97 class ClkHpinDisableLess
98 {
99 public:
100   bool operator()(const ClkHpinDisable *disable1,
101 		  const ClkHpinDisable *disable2) const;
102 };
104 typedef Map<const char*,Clock*, CharPtrLess> ClockNameMap;
105 typedef UnorderedMap<const Pin*, ClockSet*> ClockPinMap;
106 typedef Set<InputDelay*> InputDelaySet;
107 typedef Map<const Pin*,InputDelaySet*> InputDelaysPinMap;
108 typedef Set<OutputDelay*> OutputDelaySet;
109 typedef Map<const Pin*,OutputDelaySet*> OutputDelaysPinMap;
110 // Use HashSet so no read lock is required.
111 typedef HashSet<CycleAccting*, CycleAcctingHash, CycleAcctingEqual> CycleAcctingSet;
112 typedef Set<Instance*> InstanceSet;
113 typedef UnorderedMap<const Pin*,ExceptionPathSet*> PinExceptionsMap;
114 typedef Map<const Clock*,ExceptionPathSet*> ClockExceptionsMap;
115 typedef Map<const Instance*,ExceptionPathSet*> InstanceExceptionsMap;
116 typedef Map<const Net*,ExceptionPathSet*> NetExceptionsMap;
117 typedef UnorderedMap<const EdgePins*,ExceptionPathSet*,
118 		     PinPairHash, PinPairEqual> EdgeExceptionsMap;
119 typedef Vector<ExceptionThru*> ExceptionThruSeq;
120 typedef Map<const Port*,InputDrive*> InputDriveMap;
121 typedef Map<int, ExceptionPathSet*, std::less<int> > ExceptionPathPtHash;
122 typedef Set<ClockLatency*, ClockLatencyPinClkLess> ClockLatencies;
123 typedef Map<const Pin*, ClockUncertainties*> PinClockUncertaintyMap;
124 typedef Set<InterClockUncertainty*,
125 	    InterClockUncertaintyLess> InterClockUncertaintySet;
126 typedef Map<const Clock*, ClockGatingCheck*> ClockGatingCheckMap;
127 typedef Map<const Instance*, ClockGatingCheck*> InstanceClockGatingCheckMap;
128 typedef Map<const Pin*, ClockGatingCheck*> PinClockGatingCheckMap;
129 typedef Set<ClockInsertion*, ClockInsertionPinClkLess> ClockInsertions;
130 typedef Map<const Pin*, float> PinLatchBorrowLimitMap;
131 typedef Map<const Instance*, float> InstLatchBorrowLimitMap;
132 typedef Map<const Clock*, float> ClockLatchBorrowLimitMap;
133 typedef Set<DataCheck*, DataCheckLess> DataCheckSet;
134 typedef Map<const Pin*, DataCheckSet*> DataChecksMap;
135 typedef Map<Port*, PortExtCap*> PortExtCapMap;
136 typedef Map<Net*, MinMaxFloatValues> NetResistanceMap;
137 typedef Map<Port*, MinMaxFloatValues> PortSlewLimitMap;
138 typedef Map<const Pin*, MinMaxFloatValues> PinSlewLimitMap;
139 typedef Map<Cell*, MinMaxFloatValues> CellSlewLimitMap;
140 typedef Map<Cell*, MinMaxFloatValues> CellCapLimitMap;
141 typedef Map<Port*, MinMaxFloatValues> PortCapLimitMap;
142 typedef Map<Pin*, MinMaxFloatValues> PinCapLimitMap;
143 typedef Map<Port*, MinMaxFloatValues> PortFanoutLimitMap;
144 typedef Map<Cell*, MinMaxFloatValues> CellFanoutLimitMap;
145 typedef Map<Net*, MinMaxFloatValues> NetWireCapMap;
146 typedef Map<Pin*, MinMaxFloatValues*> PinWireCapMap;
147 typedef Map<Instance*, Pvt*> InstancePvtMap;
148 typedef Map<Edge*, ClockLatency*> EdgeClockLatencyMap;
149 typedef Map<const Pin*, RiseFallValues*> PinMinPulseWidthMap;
150 typedef Map<const Clock*, RiseFallValues*> ClockMinPulseWidthMap;
151 typedef Map<const Instance*, RiseFallValues*> InstMinPulseWidthMap;
152 typedef Map<const Net*, DeratingFactorsNet*> NetDeratingFactorsMap;
153 typedef Map<const Instance*, DeratingFactorsCell*> InstDeratingFactorsMap;
154 typedef Map<const LibertyCell*, DeratingFactorsCell*> CellDeratingFactorsMap;
155 typedef Set<ClockGroups*> ClockGroupsSet;
156 typedef Map<const Clock*, ClockGroupsSet*> ClockGroupsClkMap;
157 typedef Map<const char*, ClockGroups*, CharPtrLess> ClockGroupsNameMap;
158 typedef Map<PinClockPair, ClockSense, PinClockPairLess> ClockSenseMap;
159 typedef Set<ClkHpinDisable*, ClkHpinDisableLess> ClkHpinDisables;
160 typedef Set<GroupPath*> GroupPathSet;
161 typedef Map<const char*, GroupPathSet*, CharPtrLess> GroupPathMap;
162 typedef Set<ClockPair, ClockPairLess> ClockPairSet;
164 void
165 findLeafLoadPins(Pin *pin,
166 		 const Network *network,
167 		 PinSet *leaf_pins);
168 void
169 findLeafDriverPins(Pin *pin,
170 		   const Network *network,
171 		   PinSet *leaf_pins);
173 class Sdc : public StaState
174 {
175 public:
176   explicit Sdc(StaState *sta);
177   ~Sdc();
178   // Note that Search may reference a Filter exception removed by clear().
179   void clear();
180   // Return true if pin is referenced by any constraint.
181   bool isConstrained(const Pin *pin) const;
182   // Return true if inst is referenced by any constraint.
183   // Does NOT include references by pins connected to the instance.
184   bool isConstrained(const Instance *inst) const;
185   // Return true if net is referenced by any constraint.
186   // Does NOT include references by pins connected to the net.
187   bool isConstrained(const Net *net) const;
188   // Build data structures for search.
189   void searchPreamble();
190   void deleteNetBefore(Net *net);
192   // SWIG sdc interface.
analysisType()193   AnalysisType analysisType() { return analysis_type_; }
194   void setAnalysisType(AnalysisType analysis_type);
195   void setOperatingConditions(OperatingConditions *op_cond,
196 			      const MinMaxAll *min_max);
197   void setOperatingConditions(OperatingConditions *op_cond,
198 			      const MinMax *min_max);
199   void setTimingDerate(TimingDerateType type,
200 		       PathClkOrData clk_data,
201 		       const RiseFallBoth *rf,
202 		       const EarlyLate *early_late,
203 		       float derate);
204   // Delay type is always net for net derating.
205   void setTimingDerate(const Net *net,
206 		       PathClkOrData clk_data,
207 		       const RiseFallBoth *rf,
208 		       const EarlyLate *early_late,
209 		       float derate);
210   void setTimingDerate(const Instance *inst,
211 		       TimingDerateType type,
212 		       PathClkOrData clk_data,
213 		       const RiseFallBoth *rf,
214 		       const EarlyLate *early_late,
215 		       float derate);
216   void setTimingDerate(const LibertyCell *cell,
217 		       TimingDerateType type,
218 		       PathClkOrData clk_data,
219 		       const RiseFallBoth *rf,
220 		       const EarlyLate *early_late,
221 		       float derate);
222   float timingDerateInstance(const Pin *pin,
223 			     TimingDerateType type,
224 			     PathClkOrData clk_data,
225 			     const RiseFall *rf,
226 			     const EarlyLate *early_late) const;
227   float timingDerateNet(const Pin *pin,
228 			PathClkOrData clk_data,
229 			const RiseFall *rf,
230 			const EarlyLate *early_late) const;
231   void unsetTimingDerate();
232   void setInputSlew(Port *port, const RiseFallBoth *rf,
233 		    const MinMaxAll *min_max, float slew);
234   // Set the rise/fall drive resistance on design port.
235   void setDriveResistance(Port *port,
236 			  const RiseFallBoth *rf,
237 			  const MinMaxAll *min_max,
238 			  float res);
239   // Set the drive on design port using external cell timing arcs of
240   // cell driven by from_slews between from_port and to_port.
241   void setDriveCell(LibertyLibrary *library,
242 		    LibertyCell *cell,
243 		    Port *port,
244 		    LibertyPort *from_port,
245 		    float *from_slews,
246 		    LibertyPort *to_port,
247 		    const RiseFallBoth *rf,
248 		    const MinMaxAll *min_max);
249   void setLatchBorrowLimit(Pin *pin,
250 			   float limit);
251   void setLatchBorrowLimit(Instance *inst,
252 			   float limit);
253   void setLatchBorrowLimit(Clock *clk,
254 			   float limit);
255   // Return the latch borrow limit respecting precidence if multiple
256   // limits apply.
257   void latchBorrowLimit(Pin *data_pin,
258 			Pin *enable_pin,
259 			Clock *clk,
260 			// Return values.
261 			float &limit,
262 			bool &exists);
263   void setMinPulseWidth(const RiseFallBoth *rf,
264 			float min_width);
265   void setMinPulseWidth(const Pin *pin,
266 			const RiseFallBoth *rf,
267 			float min_width);
268   void setMinPulseWidth(const Instance *inst,
269 			const RiseFallBoth *rf,
270 			float min_width);
271   void setMinPulseWidth(const Clock *clk,
272 			const RiseFallBoth *rf,
273 			float min_width);
274   // Return min pulse with respecting precidence.
275   void minPulseWidth(const Pin *pin,
276 		     const Clock *clk,
277 		     const RiseFall *hi_low,
278 		     float &min_width,
279 		     bool &exists) const;
280   void setSlewLimit(Clock *clk,
281 		    const RiseFallBoth *rf,
282 		    const PathClkOrData clk_data,
283 		    const MinMax *min_max,
284 		    float slew);
285   bool haveClkSlewLimits() const;
286   void slewLimit(Clock *clk,
287 		 const RiseFall *rf,
288 		 const PathClkOrData clk_data,
289 		 const MinMax *min_max,
290 		 float &slew,
291 		 bool &exists);
292   void slewLimit(Port *port,
293 		 const MinMax *min_max,
294 		 float &slew,
295 		 bool &exists);
296   void setSlewLimit(Port *port,
297 		    const MinMax *min_max,
298 		    float slew);
299   void slewLimit(Cell *cell,
300 		 const MinMax *min_max,
301 		 float &slew,
302 		 bool &exists);
303   void setSlewLimit(Cell *cell,
304 		    const MinMax *min_max,
305 		    float slew);
306   void capacitanceLimit(Port *port,
307 			const MinMax *min_max,
308 			float &cap,
309 			bool &exists);
310   void capacitanceLimit(Pin *pin,
311 			const MinMax *min_max,
312 			float &cap,
313 			bool &exists);
314   void capacitanceLimit(Cell *cell,
315 			const MinMax *min_max,
316 			float &cap,
317 			bool &exists);
318   void setCapacitanceLimit(Port *port,
319 			   const MinMax *min_max,
320 			   float cap);
321   void setCapacitanceLimit(Pin *pin,
322 			   const MinMax *min_max,
323 			   float cap);
324   void setCapacitanceLimit(Cell *cell,
325 			   const MinMax *min_max,
326 			   float cap);
327   void fanoutLimit(Port *port,
328 		   const MinMax *min_max,
329 		   float &fanout,
330 		   bool &exists);
331   void setFanoutLimit(Port *port,
332 		      const MinMax *min_max,
333 		      float fanout);
334   void fanoutLimit(Cell *cell,
335 		   const MinMax *min_max,
336 		   float &fanout,
337 		   bool &exists);
338   void setFanoutLimit(Cell *cell,
339 		      const MinMax *min_max,
340 		      float fanout);
341   void setMaxArea(float area);
342   float maxArea() const;
343   virtual Clock *makeClock(const char *name,
344 			   PinSet *pins,
345 			   bool add_to_pins,
346 			   float period,
347 			   FloatSeq *waveform,
348 			   const char *comment);
349   // edges size must be 3.
350   virtual Clock *makeGeneratedClock(const char *name,
351 				    PinSet *pins,
352 				    bool add_to_pins,
353 				    Pin *src_pin,
354 				    Clock *master_clk,
355 				    Pin *pll_out,
356 				    Pin *pll_fdbk,
357 				    int divide_by,
358 				    int multiply_by,
359 				    float duty_cycle,
360 				    bool invert,
361 				    bool combinational,
362 				    IntSeq *edges,
363 				    FloatSeq *edge_shifts,
364 				    const char *comment);
365   // Invalidate all generated clock waveforms.
366   void invalidateGeneratedClks() const;
367   virtual void removeClock(Clock *clk);
368   virtual void clockDeletePin(Clock *clk,
369 			      Pin *pin);
370   // Clock used for inputs without defined arrivals.
371   ClockEdge *defaultArrivalClockEdge() const;
defaultArrivalClock() const372   Clock *defaultArrivalClock() const { return default_arrival_clk_; }
373   // Propagated (non-ideal) clocks.
374   void setPropagatedClock(Clock *clk);
375   void removePropagatedClock(Clock *clk);
376   void setPropagatedClock(Pin *pin);
377   void removePropagatedClock(Pin *pin);
378   bool isPropagatedClock(const Pin *pin);
379   void setClockSlew(Clock *clk,
380 		    const RiseFallBoth *rf,
381 		    const MinMaxAll *min_max,
382 		    float slew);
383   void removeClockSlew(Clock *clk);
384   // Latency can be on a clk, pin, or clk/pin combination.
385   void setClockLatency(Clock *clk,
386 		       Pin *pin,
387 		       const RiseFallBoth *rf,
388 		       const MinMaxAll *min_max,
389 		       float delay);
390   void removeClockLatency(const Clock *clk,
391 			  const Pin *pin);
392   ClockLatency *clockLatency(Edge *edge) const;
393   bool hasClockLatency(const Pin *pin) const;
394   void clockLatency(Edge *edge,
395 		    const RiseFall *rf,
396 		    const MinMax *min_max,
397 		    // Return values.
398 		    float &latency,
399 		    bool &exists) const;
clockLatencies()400   ClockLatencies *clockLatencies() { return &clk_latencies_; }
clockLatencies() const401   const ClockLatencies *clockLatencies() const { return &clk_latencies_; }
402   // Clock latency on pin with respect to clk.
403   // This does NOT check for latency on clk (without pin).
404   void clockLatency(const Clock *clk,
405 		    const Pin *pin,
406 		    const RiseFall *rf,
407 		    const MinMax *min_max,
408 		    // Return values.
409 		    float &latency,
410 		    bool &exists) const;
411   void clockLatency(const Clock *clk,
412 		    const RiseFall *rf,
413 		    const MinMax *min_max,
414 		    // Return values.
415 		    float &latency,
416 		    bool &exists) const;
417   float clockLatency(const Clock *clk,
418 		     const RiseFall *rf,
419 		     const MinMax *min_max) const;
420   // Clock insertion delay (set_clk_latency -source).
421   // Insertion delay can be on a clk, pin, or clk/pin combination.
422   void setClockInsertion(const Clock *clk,
423 			 const Pin *pin,
424 			 const RiseFallBoth *rf,
425 			 const MinMaxAll *min_max,
426 			 const EarlyLateAll *early_late,
427 			 float delay);
428   void setClockInsertion(const Clock *clk, const Pin *pin,
429 			 const RiseFall *rf,
430 			 const MinMax *min_max,
431 			 const EarlyLate *early_late,
432 			 float delay);
433   void removeClockInsertion(const Clock *clk,
434 			    const Pin *pin);
435   bool hasClockInsertion(const Pin *pin) const;
436   float clockInsertion(const Clock *clk,
437 		       const RiseFall *rf,
438 		       const MinMax *min_max,
439 		       const EarlyLate *early_late) const;
440   // Respects precedence of pin/clk and set_input_delay on clk pin.
441   void clockInsertion(const Clock *clk,
442 		      const Pin *pin,
443 		      const RiseFall *rf,
444 		      const MinMax *min_max,
445 		      const EarlyLate *early_late,
446 		      // Return values.
447 		      float &insertion,
448 		      bool &exists) const;
clockInsertions()449   ClockInsertions *clockInsertions() { return clk_insertions_; }
450   // Clock uncertainty.
451   virtual void setClockUncertainty(Pin *pin,
452 				   const SetupHoldAll *setup_hold,
453 				   float uncertainty);
454   virtual void removeClockUncertainty(Pin *pin,
455 				      const SetupHoldAll *setup_hold);
456   virtual void setClockUncertainty(Clock *from_clk,
457 				   const RiseFallBoth *from_rf,
458 				   Clock *to_clk,
459 				   const RiseFallBoth *to_rf,
460 				   const SetupHoldAll *setup_hold,
461 				   float uncertainty);
462   virtual void removeClockUncertainty(Clock *from_clk,
463 				      const RiseFallBoth *from_rf,
464 				      Clock *to_clk,
465 				      const RiseFallBoth *to_rf,
466 				      const SetupHoldAll *setup_hold);
467   ClockGroups *makeClockGroups(const char *name,
468 			       bool logically_exclusive,
469 			       bool physically_exclusive,
470 			       bool asynchronous,
471 			       bool allow_paths,
472 			       const char *comment);
473   void makeClockGroup(ClockGroups *clk_groups,
474 		      ClockSet *clks);
475   void removeClockGroups(const char *name);
476   // nullptr name removes all.
477   void removeClockGroupsLogicallyExclusive(const char *name);
478   void removeClockGroupsPhysicallyExclusive(const char *name);
479   void removeClockGroupsAsynchronous(const char *name);
480   bool sameClockGroup(const Clock *clk1,
481 		      const Clock *clk2);
482  // Clocks explicitly excluded by set_clock_group.
483   bool sameClockGroupExplicit(const Clock *clk1,
484 			      const Clock *clk2);
485   ClockGroupIterator *clockGroupIterator();
486   void setClockSense(PinSet *pins,
487 		     ClockSet *clks,
488 		     ClockSense sense);
489   bool clkStopPropagation(const Pin *pin,
490 			  const Clock *clk) const;
491   bool clkStopPropagation(const Clock *clk,
492 			  const Pin *from_pin,
493 			  const RiseFall *from_rf,
494 			  const Pin *to_pin,
495 			  const RiseFall *to_rf) const;
496   void setClockGatingCheck(const RiseFallBoth *rf,
497 			   const SetupHold *setup_hold,
498 			   float margin);
499   void setClockGatingCheck(Instance *inst,
500 			   const RiseFallBoth *rf,
501 			   const SetupHold *setup_hold,
502 			   float margin,
503 			   LogicValue active_value);
504   void setClockGatingCheck(Clock *clk,
505 			   const RiseFallBoth *rf,
506 			   const SetupHold *setup_hold,
507 			   float margin);
508   void setClockGatingCheck(const Pin *pin,
509 			   const RiseFallBoth *rf,
510 			   const SetupHold *setup_hold,
511 			   float margin,
512 			   LogicValue active_value);
513   void setDataCheck(Pin *from,
514 		    const RiseFallBoth *from_rf,
515 		    Pin *to,
516 		    const RiseFallBoth *to_rf,
517 		    Clock *clk,
518 		    const SetupHoldAll *setup_hold,
519 		    float margin);
520   void removeDataCheck(Pin *from,
521 		       const RiseFallBoth *from_rf,
522 		       Pin *to,
523 		       const RiseFallBoth *to_rf,
524 		       Clock *clk,
525 		       const SetupHoldAll *setup_hold);
526   DataCheckSet *dataChecksFrom(const Pin *from) const;
527   DataCheckSet *dataChecksTo(const Pin *to) const;
528   void setInputDelay(Pin *pin,
529 		     const RiseFallBoth *rf,
530 		     Clock *clk,
531 		     const RiseFall *clk_rf,
532 		     Pin *ref_pin,
533 		     bool source_latency_included,
534 		     bool network_latency_included,
535 		     const MinMaxAll *min_max,
536 		     bool add, float delay);
537   void removeInputDelay(Pin *pin,
538 			RiseFallBoth *rf,
539 			Clock *clk,
540 			RiseFall *clk_rf,
541 			MinMaxAll *min_max);
542   void setOutputDelay(Pin *pin,
543 		      const RiseFallBoth *rf,
544 		      Clock *clk,
545 		      const RiseFall *clk_tr,
546 		      Pin *ref_pin,
547 		      bool source_latency_included,
548 		      bool network_latency_included,
549 		      const MinMaxAll *min_max,
550 		      bool add, float delay);
551   void removeOutputDelay(Pin *pin,
552 			 RiseFallBoth *rf,
553 			 Clock *clk,
554 			 RiseFall *clk_rf,
555 			 MinMaxAll *min_max);
556   // Set port external pin load (set_load -pin_load port).
557   void setPortExtPinCap(Port *port,
558 			const RiseFall *rf,
559 			const MinMax *min_max,
560 			float cap);
561   // Set port external wire load (set_load -wire port).
562   void setPortExtWireCap(Port *port,
563 			 bool subtract_pin_cap,
564 			 const RiseFall *rf,
565 			 const Corner *corner,
566 			 const MinMax *min_max,
567 			 float cap);
568   // Remove all "set_load" and "set_fanout_load" annotations.
569   void removeLoadCaps();
570   // Remove all "set_load net" annotations.
571   void removeNetLoadCaps();
572   void setNetWireCap(Net *net,
573 		     bool subtract_pin_cap,
574 		     const Corner *corner,
575 		     const MinMax *min_max,
576 		     float cap);
577   bool hasNetWireCap(Net *net) const;
578   // True if driver pin net has wire capacitance.
579   bool drvrPinHasWireCap(const Pin *pin);
580   // Net wire capacitance (set_load -wire net).
581   void drvrPinWireCap(const Pin *drvr_pin,
582 		      const Corner *corner,
583 		      const MinMax *min_max,
584 		      // Return values.
585 		      float &cap,
586 		      bool &exists) const;
587   // Pin capacitance derated by operating conditions and instance pvt.
588   float pinCapacitance(const Pin *pin,
589 		       const RiseFall *rf,
590 		       const OperatingConditions *op_cond,
591 		       const Corner *corner,
592 		       const MinMax *min_max);
593   void setResistance(Net *net,
594 		     const MinMaxAll *min_max,
595 		     float res);
596   void resistance(Net *net,
597 		  const MinMax *min_max,
598 		  float &res,
599 		  bool &exists);
netResistances()600   NetResistanceMap *netResistances() { return &net_res_map_; }
601   void setPortExtFanout(Port *port,
602 			const MinMax *min_max,
603 			int fanout);
604   // set_disable_timing cell [-from] [-to]
605   // Disable all edges thru cell if from/to are null.
606   // Bus and bundle ports are NOT supported.
607   void disable(LibertyCell *cell,
608 	       LibertyPort *from,
609 	       LibertyPort *to);
610   void removeDisable(LibertyCell *cell,
611 		     LibertyPort *from,
612 		     LibertyPort *to);
613   // set_disable_timing liberty port.
614   // Bus and bundle ports are NOT supported.
615   void disable(LibertyPort *port);
616   void removeDisable(LibertyPort *port);
617   // set_disable_timing port (top level instance port).
618   // Bus and bundle ports are NOT supported.
619   void disable(Port *port);
620   void removeDisable(Port *port);
621   // set_disable_timing instance [-from] [-to].
622   // Disable all edges thru instance if from/to are null.
623   // Bus and bundle ports are NOT supported.
624   void disable(Instance *inst,
625 	       LibertyPort *from,
626 	       LibertyPort *to);
627   void removeDisable(Instance *inst,
628 		     LibertyPort *from,
629 		     LibertyPort *to);
630   // set_disable_timing pin
631   void disable(Pin *pin);
632   void removeDisable(Pin *pin);
633   // set_disable_timing [get_timing_arc -of_objects instance]]
634   void disable(Edge *edge);
635   void removeDisable(Edge *edge);
636   // set_disable_timing [get_timing_arc -of_objects lib_cell]]
637   void disable(TimingArcSet *arc_set);
638   void removeDisable(TimingArcSet *arc_set);
639   // Disable a wire edge.  From/to pins musts be on the same net.
640   // There is no SDC equivalent to this.
641   void disable(Pin *from, Pin *to);
642   void removeDisable(Pin *from, Pin *to);
643   bool isDisabled(const Pin *pin) const;
644   // Edge disabled by hierarchical pin disable or instance/cell port pair.
645   // Disables do NOT apply to timing checks.
646   // inst can be either the from_pin or to_pin instance because it
647   // is only referenced when they are the same (non-wire edge).
648   bool isDisabled(const Instance *inst,
649 		  const Pin *from_pin,
650 		  const Pin *to_pin,
651 		  const TimingRole *role) const;
652   bool isDisabled(Edge *edge);
653   bool isDisabled(TimingArcSet *arc_set) const;
654   DisabledCellPortsMap *disabledCellPorts();
655   DisabledInstancePortsMap *disabledInstancePorts();
disabledPins()656   PinSet *disabledPins() { return &disabled_pins_; }
disabledPorts()657   PortSet *disabledPorts() { return &disabled_ports_; }
disabledLibPorts()658   LibertyPortSet *disabledLibPorts() { return &disabled_lib_ports_; }
disabledEdges()659   EdgeSet *disabledEdges() { return &disabled_edges_; }
660   void disableClockGatingCheck(Instance *inst);
661   void disableClockGatingCheck(Pin *pin);
662   void removeDisableClockGatingCheck(Instance *inst);
663   void removeDisableClockGatingCheck(Pin *pin);
664   bool isDisableClockGatingCheck(const Pin *pin);
665   bool isDisableClockGatingCheck(const Instance *inst);
666   // set_LogicValue::zero, set_LogicValue::one, set_logic_dc
667   void setLogicValue(Pin *pin,
668 		     LogicValue value);
669   // set_case_analysis
670   void setCaseAnalysis(Pin *pin,
671 		       LogicValue value);
672   void removeCaseAnalysis(Pin *pin);
673   void logicValue(const Pin *pin,
674 		  LogicValue &value,
675 		  bool &exists);
676   void caseLogicValue(const Pin *pin, LogicValue &value, bool &exists);
677   // Pin has set_case_analysis or set_logic constant value.
678   bool hasLogicValue(const Pin *pin);
679   // The from/thrus/to arguments passed into the following functions
680   // that make exceptions are owned by the constraints once they are
681   // passed in.  The constraint internals may change or delete them do
682   // to exception merging.
683   void makeFalsePath(ExceptionFrom *from,
684 		     ExceptionThruSeq *thrus,
685 		     ExceptionTo *to,
686 		     const MinMaxAll *min_max,
687 		     const char *comment);
688   // Loop paths are false paths used to disable paths around
689   // combinational loops when dynamic loop breaking is enabled.
690   void makeLoopExceptions();
691   void makeLoopExceptions(GraphLoop *loop);
692   void makeMulticyclePath(ExceptionFrom *from,
693 			  ExceptionThruSeq *thrus,
694 			  ExceptionTo *to,
695 			  const MinMaxAll *min_max,
696 			  bool use_end_clk,
697 			  int path_multiplier,
698 			  const char *comment);
699   void makePathDelay(ExceptionFrom *from,
700 		     ExceptionThruSeq *thrus,
701 		     ExceptionTo *to,
702 		     const MinMax *min_max,
703 		     bool ignore_clk_latency,
704 		     float delay,
705 		     const char *comment);
pathDelaysWithoutTo() const706   bool pathDelaysWithoutTo() const { return path_delays_without_to_; }
707   // Delete matching false/multicycle/path_delay exceptions.
708   // Caller owns from, thrus, to exception points (and must delete them).
709   void resetPath(ExceptionFrom *from,
710 		 ExceptionThruSeq *thrus,
711 		 ExceptionTo *to,
712 		 const MinMaxAll *min_max);
713   void makeGroupPath(const char *name,
714 		     bool is_default,
715 		     ExceptionFrom *from,
716 		     ExceptionThruSeq *thrus,
717 		     ExceptionTo *to,
718 		     const char *comment);
719   GroupPathIterator *groupPathIterator();
720   bool isGroupPathName(const char *group_name);
721   void addException(ExceptionPath *exception);
722   // The pin/clk/instance/net set arguments passed into the following
723   // functions that make exception from/thru/to's are owned by the
724   // constraints once they are passed in.
725   ExceptionFrom *makeExceptionFrom(PinSet *from_pins,
726 				   ClockSet *from_clks,
727 				   InstanceSet *from_insts,
728 				   const RiseFallBoth *from_rf);
729   // Make an exception -through specification.
730   ExceptionThru *makeExceptionThru(PinSet *pins,
731 				   NetSet *nets,
732 				   InstanceSet *insts,
733 				   const RiseFallBoth *rf);
734   bool exceptionToInvalid(const Pin *pin);
735   // Make an exception -to specification.
736   ExceptionTo *makeExceptionTo(PinSet *pins,
737 			       ClockSet *clks,
738 			       InstanceSet *insts,
739 			       const RiseFallBoth *rf,
740 			       const RiseFallBoth *end_rf);
741   FilterPath *makeFilterPath(ExceptionFrom *from,
742 			     ExceptionThruSeq *thrus,
743 			     ExceptionTo *to);
744   Clock *findClock(const char *name) const;
745   virtual void findClocksMatching(PatternMatch *pattern,
746 				  ClockSeq *clks) const;
747   // Wireload set by set_wire_load_model or default library default_wire_load.
748   Wireload *wireloadDefaulted(const MinMax *min_max);
749   Wireload *wireload(const MinMax *min_max);
750   void setWireload(Wireload *wireload,
751 		   const MinMaxAll *min_max);
752   WireloadMode wireloadMode();
753   void setWireloadMode(WireloadMode mode);
754   const WireloadSelection *wireloadSelection(const MinMax *min_max);
755   void setWireloadSelection(WireloadSelection *selection,
756 			    const MinMaxAll *min_max);
757   // Common reconvergent clock pessimism.
758   // TCL variable sta_crpr_enabled.
759   bool crprEnabled() const;
760   void setCrprEnabled(bool enabled);
761   // TCL variable sta_crpr_mode.
762   CrprMode crprMode() const;
763   void setCrprMode(CrprMode mode);
764   // True when analysis type is on chip variation and crpr is enabled.
765   bool crprActive() const;
766   // TCL variable sta_propagate_gated_clock_enable.
767   // Propagate gated clock enable arrivals.
768   bool propagateGatedClockEnable() const;
769   void setPropagateGatedClockEnable(bool enable);
770   // TCL variable sta_preset_clear_arcs_enabled.
771   // Enable search through preset/clear arcs.
772   bool presetClrArcsEnabled() const;
773   void setPresetClrArcsEnabled(bool enable);
774   // TCL variable sta_cond_default_arcs_enabled.
775   // Enable/disable default arcs when conditional arcs exist.
776   bool condDefaultArcsEnabled() const;
777   void setCondDefaultArcsEnabled(bool enabled);
778   bool isDisabledCondDefault(Edge *edge) const;
779   // TCL variable sta_internal_bidirect_instance_paths_enabled.
780   // Enable/disable timing from bidirect pins back into the instance.
781   bool bidirectInstPathsEnabled() const;
782   void setBidirectInstPathsEnabled(bool enabled);
783   // TCL variable sta_bidirect_net_paths_enabled.
784   // Enable/disable timing from bidirect driver pins to their own loads.
785   bool bidirectNetPathsEnabled() const;
786   void setBidirectNetPathsEnabled(bool enabled);
787   // TCL variable sta_recovery_removal_checks_enabled.
788   bool recoveryRemovalChecksEnabled() const;
789   void setRecoveryRemovalChecksEnabled(bool enabled);
790   // TCL variable sta_gated_clock_checks_enabled.
791   bool gatedClkChecksEnabled() const;
792   void setGatedClkChecksEnabled(bool enabled);
793   // TCL variable sta_dynamic_loop_breaking.
794   bool dynamicLoopBreaking() const;
795   void setDynamicLoopBreaking(bool enable);
796   // TCL variable sta_propagate_all_clocks.
797   bool propagateAllClocks() const;
798   void setPropagateAllClocks(bool prop);
799   // TCL var sta_clock_through_tristate_enabled.
800   bool clkThruTristateEnabled() const;
801   void setClkThruTristateEnabled(bool enable);
802   // TCL variable sta_input_port_default_clock.
803   bool useDefaultArrivalClock();
804   void setUseDefaultArrivalClock(bool enable);
806   // STA interface.
807   InputDelaySet *refPinInputDelays(const Pin *ref_pin) const;
logicValues()808   LogicValueMap *logicValues() { return &logic_value_map_; }
caseLogicValues()809   LogicValueMap *caseLogicValues() { return &case_value_map_; }
810   // Returns nullptr if set_operating_conditions has not been called.
811   OperatingConditions *operatingConditions(const MinMax *min_max);
812   // Instance specific process/voltage/temperature.
813   Pvt *pvt(Instance *inst, const MinMax *min_max) const;
814   // Pvt may be shared among multiple instances.
815   void setPvt(Instance *inst,
816 	      const MinMaxAll *min_max,
817 	      Pvt *pvt);
818   InputDrive *findInputDrive(Port *port);
819   // True if pin is defined as a clock source (pin may be hierarchical).
820   bool isClock(const Pin *pin) const;
821   // True if pin is a clock source vertex.
822   bool isLeafPinClock(const Pin *pin) const;
823   // True if pin is a non-generated clock source vertex.
824   bool isLeafPinNonGeneratedClock(const Pin *pin) const;
825   // Find the clocks defined for pin.
826   ClockSet *findClocks(const Pin *pin) const;
827   ClockSet *findLeafPinClocks(const Pin *pin) const;
828   void sortedClocks(ClockSeq &clks);
clocks()829   ClockSeq *clocks() { return &clocks_; }
clks()830   ClockSeq &clks() { return clocks_; }
831   bool clkDisabledByHpinThru(const Clock *clk,
832 			     const Pin *from_pin,
833 			     const Pin *to_pin);
834   void clkHpinDisablesInvalid();
835   ClockUncertainties *clockUncertainties(const Pin *pin);
836   void clockUncertainty(const Pin *pin,
837 			const SetupHold *setup_hold,
838 			float &uncertainty,
839 			bool &exists);
840   // Inter-clock uncertainty.
841   void clockUncertainty(const Clock *src_clk,
842 			const RiseFall *src_rf,
843 			const Clock *tgt_clk,
844 			const RiseFall *tgt_rf,
845 			const SetupHold *setup_hold,
846 			float &uncertainty, bool &exists);
847   void clockGatingMarginEnablePin(const Pin *enable_pin,
848 				  const RiseFall *enable_rf,
849 				  const SetupHold *setup_hold,
850 				  bool &exists, float &margin);
851   void clockGatingMarginInstance(Instance *inst,
852 				 const RiseFall *enable_rf,
853 				 const SetupHold *setup_hold,
854 				 bool &exists, float &margin);
855   void clockGatingMarginClkPin(const Pin *clk_pin,
856 			       const RiseFall *enable_rf,
857 			       const SetupHold *setup_hold,
858 			       bool &exists, float &margin);
859   void clockGatingMarginClk(const Clock *clk,
860 			    const RiseFall *enable_rf,
861 			    const SetupHold *setup_hold,
862 			    bool &exists, float &margin);
863   void clockGatingMargin(const RiseFall *enable_rf,
864 			 const SetupHold *setup_hold,
865 			 bool &exists, float &margin);
866   // Gated clock active (non-controlling) logic value.
867   LogicValue clockGatingActiveValue(const Pin *clk_pin,
868 				    const Pin *enable_pin);
869   // Find the cycle accounting info for paths that start at src clock
870   // edge and end at target clock edge.
871   CycleAccting *cycleAccting(const ClockEdge *src,
872 			     const ClockEdge *tgt);
873   // Report clock to clock relationships that exceed max_cycle_count.
874   void reportClkToClkMaxCycleWarnings();
inputDelays() const876   const InputDelaySet &inputDelays() const { return input_delays_; }
877   // Pin -> input delays.
inputDelayPinMap() const878   const InputDelaysPinMap &inputDelayPinMap() const { return input_delay_pin_map_; }
879   // Input delays on leaf_pin.
880   InputDelaySet *inputDelaysLeafPin(const Pin *leaf_pin);
881   bool hasInputDelay(const Pin *leaf_pin) const;
882   // Pin is internal (not top level port) and has an input arrival.
883   bool isInputDelayInternal(const Pin *pin) const;
outputDelays() const885   const OutputDelaySet &outputDelays() const { return output_delays_; }
886   // Pin -> output delays.
outputDelayPinMap() const887   const OutputDelaysPinMap &outputDelayPinMap() const { return output_delay_pin_map_; }
888   // Output delays on leaf_pin.
889   OutputDelaySet *outputDelaysLeafPin(const Pin *leaf_pin);
890   bool hasOutputDelay(const Pin *leaf_pin) const;
892   PortExtCap *portExtCap(Port *port) const;
893   bool hasPortExtCap(Port *port) const;
894   void portExtCap(Port *port,
895 		  const RiseFall *rf,
896 		  const MinMax *min_max,
897 		  // Return values.
898 		  float &pin_cap,
899 		  bool &has_pin_cap,
900 		  float &wire_cap,
901 		  bool &has_wire_cap,
902 		  int &fanout,
903 		  bool &has_fanout) const;
904   float portExtCap(Port *port,
905 		   const RiseFall *rf,
906 		   const MinMax *min_max) const;
907   // Connected total capacitance.
908   //  pin_cap  = pin capacitance + port external pin
909   //  wire_cap = port external wire capacitance + net wire capacitance
910   void connectedCap(const Pin *pin,
911 		    const RiseFall *rf,
912 		    const OperatingConditions *op_cond,
913 		    const Corner *corner,
914 		    const MinMax *min_max,
915 		    float &pin_cap,
916 		    float &wire_cap,
917 		    float &fanout,
918 		    bool &has_set_load) const;
919   void portExtFanout(Port *port,
920 		     const MinMax *min_max,
921 		     // Return values.
922 		     int &fanout,
923 		     bool &exists);
924   int portExtFanout(Port *port,
925 		    const MinMax *min_max);
926   // Return true if search should proceed from pin/clk (no false paths
927   // start at pin/clk).  When thru is true, consider -thru exceptions
928   // that start at pin/net/instance also).  Transition tr applies to
929   // pin, not clk.
930   bool exceptionFromStates(const Pin *pin,
931 			   const RiseFall *rf,
932 			   const Clock *clk,
933 			   const RiseFall *clk_rf,
934 			   const MinMax *min_max,
935 			   ExceptionStateSet *&states) const;
936   bool exceptionFromStates(const Pin *pin,
937 			   const RiseFall *rf,
938 			   const Clock *clk,
939 			   const RiseFall *clk_rf,
940 			   const MinMax *min_max,
941 			   bool include_filter,
942 			   ExceptionStateSet *&states) const;
943   void exceptionFromClkStates(const Pin *pin,
944 			      const RiseFall *rf,
945 			      const Clock *clk,
946 			      const RiseFall *clk_rf,
947 			      const MinMax *min_max,
948 			      ExceptionStateSet *&states) const;
949   void filterRegQStates(const Pin *to_pin,
950 			const RiseFall *to_rf,
951 			const MinMax *min_max,
952 			ExceptionStateSet *&states) const;
953   // Return hierarchical -thru exceptions that start between
954   // from_pin and to_pin.
955   void exceptionThruStates(const Pin *from_pin,
956 			   const Pin *to_pin,
957 			   const RiseFall *to_rf,
958 			   const MinMax *min_max,
959 			   ExceptionStateSet *&states) const;
960   // Find the highest priority exception with first exception pt at
961   // pin/clk end.
962   void exceptionTo(ExceptionPathType type,
963 		   const Pin *pin,
964 		   const RiseFall *rf,
965 		   const ClockEdge *clk_edge,
966 		   const MinMax *min_max,
967 		   bool match_min_max_exactly,
968 		   // Return values.
969 		   ExceptionPath *&hi_priority_exception,
970 		   int &hi_priority) const;
971   virtual bool exceptionMatchesTo(ExceptionPath *exception,
972 				  const Pin *pin,
973 				  const RiseFall *rf,
974 				  const ClockEdge *clk_edge,
975 				  const MinMax *min_max,
976 				  bool match_min_max_exactly,
977 				  bool require_to_pin) const;
978   bool isCompleteTo(ExceptionState *state,
979 		    const Pin *pin,
980 		    const RiseFall *rf,
981 		    const ClockEdge *clk_edge,
982 		    const MinMax *min_max,
983 		    bool match_min_max_exactly,
984 		    bool require_to_pin) const;
985   bool isPathDelayInternalStartpoint(const Pin *pin) const;
986   PinSet *pathDelayInternalStartpoints() const;
987   bool isPathDelayInternalEndpoint(const Pin *pin) const;
exceptions()988   ExceptionPathSet *exceptions() { return &exceptions_; }
989   void deleteExceptions();
990   void deleteException(ExceptionPath *exception);
991   void recordException(ExceptionPath *exception);
992   void unrecordException(ExceptionPath *exception);
993   void annotateGraph();
994   void removeGraphAnnotations();
996   // Network edit before/after methods.
997   void disconnectPinBefore(Pin *pin);
998   void connectPinAfter(Pin *pin);
999   void clkHpinDisablesChanged(Pin *pin);
1000   void makeClkHpinDisable(Clock *clk,
1001 			  Pin *drvr,
1002 			  Pin *load);
1003   void ensureClkHpinDisables();
1004   bool bidirectDrvrSlewFromLoad(const Pin *pin) const;
1006 protected:
1007   void initVariables();
1008   void clearCycleAcctings();
1009   void removeLibertyAnnotations();
1010   void deleteExceptionMap(PinExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1011   void deleteExceptionMap(InstanceExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1012   void deleteExceptionMap(NetExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1013   void deleteExceptionMap(ClockExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1014   void deleteExceptionMap(EdgeExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1015   void deleteExceptionsReferencing(Clock *clk);
1016   void deleteClkPinMappings(Clock *clk);
1017   void deleteExceptionPtHashMapSets(ExceptionPathPtHash &map);
1018   void makeClkPinMappings(Clock *clk);
1019   virtual void deletePinClocks(Clock *defining_clk,
1020 			       PinSet *pins);
1021   void makeDefaultArrivalClock();
1022   InputDrive *ensureInputDrive(Port *port);
1023   PortExtCap *ensurePortExtPinCap(Port *port);
1024   ExceptionPath *findMergeMatch(ExceptionPath *exception);
1025   void addException1(ExceptionPath *exception);
1026   void addException2(ExceptionPath *exception);
1027   void recordPathDelayInternalStartpoints(ExceptionPath *exception);
1028   void unrecordPathDelayInternalStartpoints(ExceptionFrom *from);
1029   bool pathDelayFrom(const Pin *pin);
1030   virtual void recordPathDelayInternalEndpoints(ExceptionPath *exception);
1031   virtual void unrecordPathDelayInternalEndpoints(ExceptionPath *exception);
1032   bool pathDelayTo(const Pin *pin);
1033   bool hasLibertyChecks(const Pin *pin);
1034   void deleteMatchingExceptions(ExceptionPath *exception);
1035   void findMatchingExceptions(ExceptionPath *exception,
1036 			      ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1037   void checkForThruHpins(ExceptionPath *exception);
1038   void findMatchingExceptionsFirstFrom(ExceptionPath *exception,
1039 				       ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1040   void findMatchingExceptionsFirstThru(ExceptionPath *exception,
1041 				       ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1042   void findMatchingExceptionsFirstTo(ExceptionPath *exception,
1043 				     ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1044   void findMatchingExceptionsClks(ExceptionPath *exception,
1045 				  ClockSet *clks,
1046 				  ClockExceptionsMap *exception_map,
1047 				  ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1048   void findMatchingExceptionsPins(ExceptionPath *exception,
1049 				  PinSet *pins,
1050 				  PinExceptionsMap *exception_map,
1051 				  ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1052   void findMatchingExceptionsInsts(ExceptionPath *exception,
1053 				   InstanceSet *insts,
1054 				   InstanceExceptionsMap *exception_map,
1055 				   ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1056   void findMatchingExceptions(ExceptionPath *exception,
1057 			      ExceptionPathSet *potential_matches,
1058 			      ExceptionPathSet &matches);
1059   void expandExceptionExcluding(ExceptionPath *exception,
1060 				ExceptionPath *excluding,
1061 				ExceptionPathSet &expanded_matches);
1062   void recordException1(ExceptionPath *exception);
1063   void recordExceptionFirstPts(ExceptionPath *exception);
1064   void recordExceptionFirstFrom(ExceptionPath *exception);
1065   void recordExceptionFirstThru(ExceptionPath *exception);
1066   void recordExceptionFirstTo(ExceptionPath *exception);
1067   void recordExceptionClks(ExceptionPath *exception,
1068 			   ClockSet *clks,
1069 			   ClockExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1070   void recordExceptionInsts(ExceptionPath *exception,
1071 			    InstanceSet *insts,
1072 			    InstanceExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1073   void recordExceptionPins(ExceptionPath *exception,
1074 			   PinSet *pins,
1075 			   PinExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1076   void recordExceptionNets(ExceptionPath *exception,
1077 			   NetSet *nets,
1078 			   NetExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1079   void recordExceptionHpin(ExceptionPath *exception,
1080 			   Pin *pin,
1081 			   PinExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1082   void recordExceptionEdges(ExceptionPath *exception,
1083 			    EdgePinsSet *edges,
1084 			    EdgeExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1085   void recordMergeHash(ExceptionPath *exception, ExceptionPt *missing_pt);
1086   void recordMergeHashes(ExceptionPath *exception);
1087   void unrecordExceptionFirstPts(ExceptionPath *exception);
1088   void unrecordExceptionClks(ExceptionPath *exception,
1089 			     ClockSet *clks,
1090 			     ClockExceptionsMap *exception_map);
1091   void unrecordExceptionPins(ExceptionPath *exception,
1092 			     PinSet *pins,
1093 			     PinExceptionsMap *exception_map);
1094   void unrecordExceptionInsts(ExceptionPath *exception,
1095 			      InstanceSet *insts,
1096 			      InstanceExceptionsMap *exception_map);
1097   void unrecordExceptionEdges(ExceptionPath *exception,
1098 			      EdgePinsSet *edges,
1099 			      EdgeExceptionsMap *exception_map);
1100   void unrecordExceptionNets(ExceptionPath *exception,
1101 			     NetSet *nets,
1102 			     NetExceptionsMap *exception_map);
1103   void unrecordExceptionHpin(ExceptionPath *exception,
1104 			     Pin *pin,
1105 			     PinExceptionsMap *&exception_map);
1106   void unrecordMergeHashes(ExceptionPath *exception);
1107   void unrecordMergeHash(ExceptionPath *exception,
1108 			 ExceptionPt *missing_pt);
1109   void mergeException(ExceptionPath *exception);
1110   void expandException(ExceptionPath *exception,
1111 		       ExceptionPathSet &expansions);
1112   bool exceptionFromStates(const ExceptionPathSet *exceptions,
1113 			   const Pin *pin,
1114 			   const RiseFall *rf,
1115 			   const MinMax *min_max,
1116 			   bool include_filter,
1117 			   ExceptionStateSet *&states) const;
1118   void exceptionThruStates(const ExceptionPathSet *exceptions,
1119 			   const RiseFall *to_rf,
1120 			   const MinMax *min_max,
1121 			   // Return value.
1122 			   ExceptionStateSet *&states) const;
1123   void exceptionTo(const ExceptionPathSet *to_exceptions,
1124 		   ExceptionPathType type,
1125 		   const Pin *pin,
1126 		   const RiseFall *rf,
1127 		   const ClockEdge *clk_edge,
1128 		   const MinMax *min_max,
1129 		   bool match_min_max_exactly,
1130 		   // Return values.
1131 		   ExceptionPath *&hi_priority_exception,
1132 		   int &hi_priority) const;
1133   void exceptionTo(ExceptionPath *exception,
1134 		   ExceptionPathType type,
1135 		   const Pin *pin,
1136 		   const RiseFall *rf,
1137 		   const ClockEdge *clk_edge,
1138 		   const MinMax *min_max,
1139 		   bool match_min_max_exactly,
1140 		   // Return values.
1141 		   ExceptionPath *&hi_priority_exception,
1142 		   int &hi_priority) const;
1143   void makeLoopPath(ExceptionThruSeq *thrus);
1144   void makeLoopException(Pin *loop_input_pin,
1145 			 Pin *loop_pin,
1146 			 Pin *loop_prev_pin);
1147   void makeLoopExceptionThru(Pin *pin,
1148 			     ExceptionThruSeq *thrus);
1149   void deleteLoopExceptions();
1150   void deleteConstraints();
1151   InputDelay *findInputDelay(const Pin *pin,
1152 			     ClockEdge *clk_edge,
1153 			     Pin *ref_pin);
1154   InputDelay *makeInputDelay(Pin *pin,
1155 			     ClockEdge *clk_edge,
1156 			     Pin *ref_pin);
1157   void deleteInputDelays(Pin *pin,
1158 			 InputDelay *except);
1159   void deleteInputDelaysReferencing(Clock *clk);
1160   void deleteInputDelay(InputDelay *input_delay);
1161   OutputDelay *findOutputDelay(const Pin *pin,
1162 			       ClockEdge *clk_edge,
1163 			       Pin *ref_pin);
1164   OutputDelay *makeOutputDelay(Pin *pin,
1165 			       ClockEdge *clk_edge,
1166 			       Pin *ref_pin);
1167   void deleteOutputDelays(Pin *pin, OutputDelay *except);
1168   void deleteOutputDelaysReferencing(Clock *clk);
1169   void deleteOutputDelay(OutputDelay *output_delay);
1170   void deleteInstancePvts();
1171   void deleteClockInsertion(ClockInsertion *insertion);
1172   void deleteClockInsertionsReferencing(Clock *clk);
1173   void deleteInterClockUncertainty(InterClockUncertainty *uncertainties);
1174   void deleteInterClockUncertaintiesReferencing(Clock *clk);
1175   void deleteLatchBorrowLimitsReferencing(Clock *clk);
1176   void deleteMinPulseWidthReferencing(Clock *clk);
1177   void deleteMasterClkRefs(Clock *clk);
1178   // Liberty library to look for defaults.
1179   LibertyLibrary *defaultLibertyLibrary();
1180   void annotateGraphConstrainOutputs();
1181   void annotateDisables();
1182   void annotateGraphDisabled(const Pin *pin);
1183   void setEdgeDisabledInstPorts(DisabledInstancePorts *disabled_inst);
1184   void setEdgeDisabledInstFrom(Pin *from_pin,
1185 			       bool disable_checks);
1186   void setEdgeDisabledInstPorts(DisabledPorts *disabled_port,
1187 				Instance *inst);
1188   void deleteClockLatenciesReferencing(Clock *clk);
1189   void deleteClockLatency(ClockLatency *latency);
1190   void deleteDeratingFactors();
1191   void annotateGraphOutputDelays();
1192   void annotateGraphDataChecks();
1193   void annotateGraphConstrained(const PinSet *pins);
1194   void annotateGraphConstrained(const InstanceSet *insts);
1195   void annotateGraphConstrained(const Instance *inst);
1196   void annotateGraphConstrained(const Pin *pin);
1197   void annotateHierClkLatency();
1198   void annotateHierClkLatency(const Pin *hpin,
1199 			      ClockLatency *latency);
1200   void initInstancePvtMaps();
1201   void pinCaps(const Pin *pin,
1202 	       const RiseFall *rf,
1203 	       const OperatingConditions *op_cond,
1204 	       const Corner *corner,
1205 	       const MinMax *min_max,
1206 	       float &pin_cap,
1207 	       float &wire_cap,
1208 	       float &fanout,
1209 	       bool &has_ext_cap) const;
1210   void netCaps(const Pin *drvr_pin,
1211 	       const RiseFall *rf,
1212 	       const OperatingConditions *op_cond,
1213 	       const Corner *corner,
1214 	       const MinMax *min_max,
1215 	       // Return values.
1216 	       float &pin_cap,
1217 	       float &wire_cap,
1218 	       float &fanout,
1219 	       bool &has_set_load) const;
1220   // connectedCap pin_cap.
1221   float connectedPinCap(const Pin *pin,
1222 			const RiseFall *rf,
1223 			const OperatingConditions *op_cond,
1224 			const Corner *corner,
1225 			const MinMax *min_max);
1226   float portCapacitance(Instance *inst, LibertyPort *port,
1227 			const RiseFall *rf,
1228 			const OperatingConditions *op_cond,
1229 			const Corner *corner,
1230 			const MinMax *min_max) const;
1231   void removeClockGroups(ClockGroups *groups);
1232   void ensureClkGroupExclusions();
1233   void makeClkGroupExclusions(ClockGroups *clk_groups);
1234   void makeClkGroupExclusions1(ClockGroupSet *groups);
1235   void makeClkGroupExclusions(ClockGroupSet *groups);
1236   void makeClkGroupSame(ClockGroup *group);
1237   void clearClkGroupExclusions();
1238   char *makeClockGroupsName();
1239   void setClockSense(const Pin *pin,
1240 		     const Clock *clk,
1241 		     ClockSense sense);
1242   bool clkStopSense(const Pin *to_pin,
1243 		    const Clock *clk,
1244 		    const RiseFall *from_rf,
1245 		    const RiseFall *to_rf) const;
1246   void disconnectPinBefore(Pin *pin,
1247 			   ExceptionPathSet *exceptions);
1248   void clockGroupsDeleteClkRefs(Clock *clk);
1249   void clearGroupPathMap();
1251   AnalysisType analysis_type_;
1252   OperatingConditions *operating_conditions_[MinMax::index_count];
1253   InstancePvtMap *instance_pvt_maps_[MinMax::index_count];
1254   DeratingFactorsGlobal *derating_factors_;
1255   NetDeratingFactorsMap *net_derating_factors_;
1256   InstDeratingFactorsMap *inst_derating_factors_;
1257   CellDeratingFactorsMap *cell_derating_factors_;
1258   // Clock sequence retains clock definition order.
1259   // This is important for getting consistent regression results,
1260   // which iterating over the name map can't provide.
1261   ClockSeq clocks_;
1262   // Clocks are assigned an index.
1263   int clk_index_;
1264   // Default clock used for unclocked input arrivals.
1265   Clock *default_arrival_clk_;
1266   bool use_default_arrival_clock_;
1267   ClockNameMap clock_name_map_;
1268   ClockPinMap clock_pin_map_;
1269   // Clocks on hierarchical pins are indexed by the load pins.
1270   ClockPinMap clock_leaf_pin_map_;
1271   ClkHpinDisables clk_hpin_disables_;
1272   bool clk_hpin_disables_valid_;
1273   PinSet propagated_clk_pins_;
1274   ClockLatencies clk_latencies_;
1275   ClockInsertions *clk_insertions_;
1276   PinClockUncertaintyMap pin_clk_uncertainty_map_;
1277   InterClockUncertaintySet inter_clk_uncertainties_;
1278   // clk_groups name -> clk_groups
1279   ClockGroupsNameMap clk_groups_name_map_;
1280   // clk to clk paths excluded by clock groups.
1281   ClockPairSet *clk_group_exclusions_;
1282   // clks in the same set_clock_group set.
1283   ClockPairSet *clk_group_same_;
1284   ClockSenseMap clk_sense_map_;
1285   ClockGatingCheck *clk_gating_check_;
1286   ClockGatingCheckMap clk_gating_check_map_;
1287   InstanceClockGatingCheckMap inst_clk_gating_check_map_;
1288   PinClockGatingCheckMap pin_clk_gating_check_map_;
1289   CycleAcctingSet cycle_acctings_;
1290   std::mutex cycle_acctings_lock_;
1291   DataChecksMap data_checks_from_map_;
1292   DataChecksMap data_checks_to_map_;
1294   InputDelaySet input_delays_;
1295   InputDelaysPinMap input_delay_pin_map_;
1296   int input_delay_index_;
1297   InputDelaysPinMap input_delay_ref_pin_map_;
1298   // Input delays on hierarchical pins are indexed by the load pins.
1299   InputDelaysPinMap input_delay_leaf_pin_map_;
1300   InputDelaysPinMap input_delay_internal_pin_map_;
1302   OutputDelaySet output_delays_;
1303   OutputDelaysPinMap output_delay_pin_map_;
1304   OutputDelaysPinMap output_delay_ref_pin_map_;
1305   // Output delays on hierarchical pins are indexed by the load pins.
1306   OutputDelaysPinMap output_delay_leaf_pin_map_;
1308   PortSlewLimitMap port_slew_limit_map_;
1309   CellSlewLimitMap cell_slew_limit_map_;
1310   bool have_clk_slew_limits_;
1311   CellCapLimitMap cell_cap_limit_map_;
1312   PortCapLimitMap port_cap_limit_map_;
1313   PinCapLimitMap pin_cap_limit_map_;
1314   PortFanoutLimitMap port_fanout_limit_map_;
1315   CellFanoutLimitMap cell_fanout_limit_map_;
1316   // External parasitics on top level ports.
1317   //  set_load port
1318   //  set_fanout_load port
1319   // Indexed by corner_index.
1320   PortExtCapMap *port_cap_map_;
1321   // set_load net
1322   // Indexed by corner_index.
1323   NetWireCapMap *net_wire_cap_map_;
1324   // Indexed by corner_index.
1325   PinWireCapMap *drvr_pin_wire_cap_map_;
1326   NetResistanceMap net_res_map_;
1327   PinSet disabled_pins_;
1328   PortSet disabled_ports_;
1329   LibertyPortSet disabled_lib_ports_;
1330   PinPairSet disabled_wire_edges_;
1331   EdgeSet disabled_edges_;
1332   DisabledCellPortsMap disabled_cell_ports_;
1333   DisabledInstancePortsMap disabled_inst_ports_;
1334   InstanceSet disabled_clk_gating_checks_inst_;
1335   PinSet disabled_clk_gating_checks_pin_;
1336   ExceptionPathSet exceptions_;
1338   bool have_thru_hpin_exceptions_;
1339   // First pin/clock/instance/net/edge exception point to exception set map.
1340   PinExceptionsMap *first_from_pin_exceptions_;
1341   ClockExceptionsMap *first_from_clk_exceptions_;
1342   InstanceExceptionsMap *first_from_inst_exceptions_;
1343   PinExceptionsMap *first_thru_pin_exceptions_;
1344   InstanceExceptionsMap *first_thru_inst_exceptions_;
1345   // Nets that have exception -thru nets.
1346   NetExceptionsMap *first_thru_net_exceptions_;
1347   PinExceptionsMap *first_to_pin_exceptions_;
1348   ClockExceptionsMap *first_to_clk_exceptions_;
1349   InstanceExceptionsMap *first_to_inst_exceptions_;
1350   // Edges that traverse hierarchical exception pins.
1351   EdgeExceptionsMap *first_thru_edge_exceptions_;
1353   // Exception hash with one missing from/thru/to point, used for merging.
1354   ExceptionPathPtHash exception_merge_hash_;
1355   // Path delay -from pin internal startpoints.
1356   PinSet *path_delay_internal_startpoints_;
1357   // Path delay -to pin internal endpoints.
1358   PinSet *path_delay_internal_endpoints_;
1359   // There is a path delay exception without a -to.
1360   bool path_delays_without_to_;
1361   // Group path exception names.
1362   GroupPathMap group_path_map_;
1363   InputDriveMap input_drive_map_;
1364   // set_LogicValue::one/zero/dc
1365   LogicValueMap logic_value_map_;
1366   // set_case_analysis
1367   LogicValueMap case_value_map_;
1368   PinLatchBorrowLimitMap pin_latch_borrow_limit_map_;
1369   InstLatchBorrowLimitMap inst_latch_borrow_limit_map_;
1370   ClockLatchBorrowLimitMap clk_latch_borrow_limit_map_;
1371   RiseFallValues min_pulse_width_;
1372   PinMinPulseWidthMap pin_min_pulse_width_map_;
1373   InstMinPulseWidthMap inst_min_pulse_width_map_;
1374   ClockMinPulseWidthMap clk_min_pulse_width_map_;
1375   float max_area_;
1376   Wireload *wireload_[MinMax::index_count];
1377   WireloadMode wireload_mode_;
1378   WireloadSelection *wireload_selection_[MinMax::index_count];
1379   bool crpr_enabled_;
1380   CrprMode crpr_mode_;
1381   bool pocv_enabled_;
1382   bool propagate_gated_clock_enable_;
1383   bool preset_clr_arcs_enabled_;
1384   bool cond_default_arcs_enabled_;
1385   bool bidirect_net_paths_enabled_;
1386   bool bidirect_inst_paths_enabled_;
1387   bool recovery_removal_checks_enabled_;
1388   bool gated_clk_checks_enabled_;
1389   bool clk_thru_tristate_enabled_;
1390   bool dynamic_loop_breaking_;
1391   bool propagate_all_clks_;
1393   // Annotations on graph objects that are stored in constraints
1394   // rather on the graph itself.
1395   EdgeClockLatencyMap edge_clk_latency_;
1397 private:
1400   friend class WriteSdc;
1401   friend class FindNetCaps;
1402   friend class ClockGroupIterator;
1403   friend class GroupPathIterator;
1404 };
1406 class ClockIterator : public ClockSeq::Iterator
1407 {
1408 public:
1409   ClockIterator(Sdc *sdc);
1411 private:
1412   ClockIterator(ClockSeq &clocks);
1413   friend class Sdc;
1414   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ClockIterator);
1415 };
1417 class ClockGroupIterator : public ClockGroupsNameMap::Iterator
1418 {
1419 public:
1420   ClockGroupIterator(Sdc *sdc);
1422 private:
1423   ClockGroupIterator(ClockGroupsNameMap &clk_groups_name_map);
1425   friend class Sdc;
1426   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ClockGroupIterator);
1427 };
1429 class GroupPathIterator : public GroupPathMap::Iterator
1430 {
1431 public:
1432   GroupPathIterator(Sdc *sdc);
1434 private:
1435   GroupPathIterator(GroupPathMap &group_path_map);
1437   friend class Sdc;
1438   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GroupPathIterator);
1439 };
1441 } // namespace