1;# $Id$
3;#  Copyright (c) 1990-2006, Raphael Manfredi
5;#  You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
6;#  as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
7;#  You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
8;#  that same Artistic License; a copy of which may be found at the root
9;#  of the source tree for mailagent 3.0.
11;# $Log: cmdserv.pl,v $
12;# Revision  1999/07/12  13:50:49  ram
13;# patch66: factorized servshell handling in function
15;# Revision  1998/07/28  17:02:15  ram
16;# patch62: shell used is now customized by the "servshell" variable
18;# Revision  1998/03/31  15:20:35  ram
19;# patch59: changed "set" to dump variables when not given any argument
21;# Revision  1997/02/20  11:43:12  ram
22;# patch55: made 'perl -cw' clean
24;# Revision  1996/12/24  14:50:16  ram
25;# patch45: all power-sensitive actions can now be logged separately
26;# patch45: launch sendmail only when session is done to avoid timeouts
27;# patch45: perform security checks on all server commands
29;# Revision  1995/08/07  16:18:26  ram
30;# patch37: fixed symbol table lookups for perl5 support
32;# Revision  1994/10/04  17:49:52  ram
33;# patch17: now uses the email config parameter to send messages to user
34;# patch17: ensures envelope is not an hostile address before processing
35;# patch17: the process routine now returns a failure/success condition
37;# Revision 3.0  1993/11/29  13:48:37  ram
38;# Baseline for mailagent 3.0 netwide release.
41;# The command server is configured by a 'command' file, which lists the
42;# available commands, their type and their locations. The command file has
43;# the following format:
45;#   <cmd_name> <type> <hide> <collect> <path> <extra>
47;#  - cmd_name: the name of the command recognized by the server.
48;#  - type: the type of command: shell, perl, var, flag, help or end.
49;#  - hide: argument to hide in transcript (password usually).
50;#  - collect: whether the command collects data following in mail message. Set
51;#    to '-' means no, otherwise 'yes' means collecting is needed.
52;#  - path: the location of the executable for shell commands (may be left out
53;#    by specifying '-', in which case the command will be searched for in the
54;#    path), the file where the command is implemented for perl commands, and
55;#    the directory where help files are located for help, one file per command.
56;#  - extra: either some options for shell commands or the name of the function
57;#    within the perl file.
59;# Each command has an environment set up (part of the process environment for
60;# shell commands, part of perl cmdenv package for other commands processed
61;# by perl). This basic environment consists of:
62;#  - jobnum: the job number of the current mailagent.
63;#  - cmd: the command line as written in the message.
64;#  - name: the command name.
65;#  - log: what was logged in transcript (some args possibly concealed)
66;#  - pack: packing mode for file sending.
67;#  - path: destination for the command (where to send file / notification).
68;#  - auth: set to true if valid envelope found (can "authenticate" sender).
69;#  - uid: address of the sender of the message (where to send transcript).
70;#  - user: user's e-mail, equivalent to UNIX euid here (initially uid).
71;#  - trace: true when command trace wanted in transcript (shell commands).
72;#  - powers: a colon separated list of privileges the user has.
73;#  - errors: number of errors so far
74;#  - requests: number of requests processed so far
75;#  - eof: the end of file for collection mode
76;#  - collect: true when collecting a file
77;#  - disabled: a list of commands disabled (comma separated)
78;#  - trusted: true when server in trust mode (where powers may be gainned)
79;#  - debug: true in debug mode
80;#  - approve: approve password for 'approve' commands, empty if no approve
82;# All convenience variables normally defined for the PERL command are also
83;# made part of the command environment.
85;# For perl commands, collected data is available in the @buffer environment.
86;# Shell commands can see those collected data by reading stdin.
88;# TODO:
89;# Commands may be batched for later processing, in the batch queue. Each job
90;# is recorded in a 'cm' file, the environment of the command itself is written
91;# at the top, ending with a blank line and followed by the actual command to
92;# be exectuted (i.e. the internal representation of 'cmd').
95# Command server
98package cmdserv;
100$loaded = 0;			# Set to true when loading done
102# Initialize builtin server commands
103sub init {
104	%Builtin = (					# Builtins and their implemetation routine
105		'addauth',	'run_addauth',	# Append to power clearance file
106		'approve',	'run_approve',	# Record password for forthcoming command
107		'delpower',	'run_delpower',	# Delete power from system
108		'getauth',	'run_getauth',	# Get power clearance file
109		'newpower',	'run_newpower',	# Add a new power to the system
110		'passwd',	'run_passwd',	# Change power password, alternate syntax
111		'password',	'run_password',	# Set new password for power
112		'power',	'run_power',	# Ask for new power
113		'powers',	'run_powers',	# A list of powers, along with clearances
114		'release',	'run_release',	# Abandon power
115		'remauth',	'run_remauth',	# Remove people from clearance file
116		'set',		'run_set',		# Set internal variables
117		'setauth',	'run_setauth',	# Set power clearance file
118		'user',		'run_user',		# Commands on behalf of new user
119	);
120	%Conceal = (					# Words to be hidden in transcript
121		'power',	'2',			# Protect power password
122		'password',	'2',			# Second argument is password
123		'passwd',	'2,3',			# Both old and new passwords are concealed
124		'newpower',	'2',			# Power password
125		'delpower',	'2,3',			# Power password and security
126		'getauth',	'2',			# Power password if no system clearance
127		'setauth',	'2',			# Power password
128		'addauth',	'2',			# Power password
129		'remauth',	'2',			# Power passowrd
130		'approve',	'1',			# Approve passoword
131	);
132	%Collect = (					# Commands collecting more data from mail
133		'newpower',	1,				# Takes list of allowed addresses
134		'setauth',	1,				# Takes new list of allowed addresses
135		'addauth',	1,				# Allowed addresses to be added
136		'remauth',	1,				# List of addresses to be deleted
137	);
138	%Set = (						# Internal variables which may be set
139		'debug',	'flag',			# Debugging mode
140		'eof',		'var',			# End of file marker (default is EOF)
141		'pack',		'var',			# Packing mode for file sending
142		'path',		'var',			# Destination address for file sending
143		'trace',	'flag',			# The trace flag
144	);
147# Load command file into memory, setting %Command, %Type, %Path and %Extra
148# arrays, all indexed by a command name.
149sub load {
150	$loaded = 1;					# Do not come here more than once
151	&init;							# Initialize builtins
152	return unless -s $cf'comserver;	# Empty or non-existent file
153	return unless &'file_secure($cf'comserver, 'server command');
154	unless (open(COMMAND, $cf'comserver)) {
155		&'add_log("ERROR cannot open $cf'comserver: $!") if $'loglvl;
156		&'add_log("WARNING server commands not loaded") if $'loglvl > 5;
157		return;
158	}
160	local($_);
161	local($cmd, $type, $hide, $collect, $path, @extra);
162	local(%known_type) = (
163		'perl',		1,				# Perl script loaded dynamically
164		'shell',	1,				# Program to run via fork/exec
165		'help',		1,				# Help, send back files from dir
166		'end',		1,				# End processing of requests
167		'flag',		1,				# A variable flag
168		'var',		1,				# An ascii variable
169	);
170	local(%set_type) = (
171		'flag',		1,				# Denotes a flag variable
172		'var',		1,				# Denotes an ascii variable
173	);
175	while (<COMMAND>) {
176		next if /^\s*#/;			# Skip comments
177		next if /^\s*$/;			# Skip blank lines
178		($cmd, $type, $hide, $collect, $path, @extra) = split(' ');
179		$path =~ s/~/$cf'home/;		# Perform ~ substitution
181		# Perl commands whose function name is not defined will bear the same
182		# name as the command itself. If no path was specified, use the value
183		# of the servdir configuration parameter from ~/.mailagent and assume
184		# each command is stored in a cmd or cmd.pl file. Same for shell
185		# commands, expected in a cmd or cmd.sh file. However, if the shell
186		# command is not found there, it will be located at run-time using the
187		# PATH variable.
188		@extra = ($cmd) if $type eq 'perl' && @extra == 0;
189		if ($type eq 'perl' || $type eq 'shell') {
190			if ($path eq '-') {
191				$path = "$cf'servdir/$cmd";
192				$path = "$cf'servdir/$cmd.pl" if $type eq 'perl' && !-e $path;
193				$path = "$cf'servdir/$cmd.sh" if $type eq 'shell' && !-e $path;
194				$path = '-' if $type eq 'shell' && !-e $path;
195			} elsif ($path !~ m|^/|) {
196				$path = "$cf'servdir/$path";
197			}
198		}
200		# If path is specified, make sure it is valid
201		if ($path ne '-' && !(-e $path && (-r _ || -x _))) {
202			local($home) = $cf'home;
203			$home =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;		# Escape possible metacharacters (+)
204			$path =~ s/^$home/~/;
205			&'add_log("ERROR command '$cmd' bound to invalid path $path")
206				if $'loglvl > 1;
207			next;					# Ignore invalid command
208		}
210		# Verify command type
211		unless ($known_type{$type}) {
212			&'add_log("ERROR command '$cmd' has unknown type $type")
213				if $'loglvl > 1;
214			next;					# Skip to next command
215		}
217		# If command is a variable, record it in the %Set array. Since all
218		# variables are proceseed separately from commands, it is perfectly
219		# legal to have both a command and a variable bearing the same name.
220		if ($set_type{$type}) {
221			$Set{$cmd} = $type;		# Record variable as being of given type
222			next;
223		}
225		# Load command into internal data structures
226		$Command{$cmd}++;			# Record known command
227		$Type{$cmd} = $type;
228		$Path{$cmd} = $path;
229		$Extra{$cmd} = join(' ', @extra);
230		$Conceal{$cmd} = $hide if $hide ne '-';
231		$Collect{$cmd}++ if $collect =~ /^y/i;
232	}
233	close COMMAND;
236# Process server commands held in the body, either by batching them or by
237# executing them right away. A transcript is sent to the sender.
238# Requires a previous call to 'setuid'.
239sub process {
240	local(*body) = @_;				# Mail body
241	local($_);						# Current line processed
242	local($metoo);					# Send blind carbon copy to me too?
244	&load unless $loaded;			# Load commands unless already done
245	$cmdenv'jobnum = $'jobnum;		# Propagate job number
246	$metoo = $cf'email if $cf'scriptcc =~ /^on/i;
248	# Make sure sender address is not hostile
249	unless (&addr'valid($cmdenv'uid)) {
250		&add_log("ERROR $cmdenv'uid is an hostile sender address")
251			if $'loglvl > 1;
252		return 1;	# Failed, will discard whole mail message then
253	}
255	# Set up a mailer pipe to send the transcript back to the sender
256	#
257	# We used to do a simple:
258	#	open(MAILER, "|$cf'sendmail $cf'mailopt $cmdenv'uid $metoo")
259	# here but this had a nasty side effect with smart mailers: a
260	# lengthy command could cause a timeout, breaking the pipe and leading
261	# to a failure.
262	#
263	# Intead, we just create a temporary file somewhere, and immediately
264	# unlink it. Keeping the fd preciously lets us manipulate this temporary
265	# file with the insurance that it will not leave any trace should we
266	# fail abruptly.
268	unless (open(MAILER, "+>$cf'tmpdir/serv.mail$$")) {
269		&'add_log("ERROR cannot create temporary mail transcript: $!")
270			if $'loglvl > 1;
271	}
273	# We may fork and have to close one end of the MAILER pipe, so make sure
274	# no unflushed data ever remain...
275	select((select(MAILER), $| = 1)[0]);
277	# Build up initial header. Be sure to add a junk precedence, since we do
278	# not want to get any bounces.
279	# For some reason, perl 4.0 PL36 fails with the here document construct
280	# when using dataloading.
281	print MAILER
282"To: $cmdenv'uid
283Subject: Mailagent session transcript
284Precedence: junk
287    ---- Mailagent session transcript for $cmdenv'uid ----
290	# Start message processing. Stop as soon as an ending command is reached,
291	# or when more than 'maxerrors' errors have been detected. Also stop
292	# processing when a signature is reached (introduced by '--').
294	foreach (@body) {
295		if ($cmdenv'collect) {			# Collecting data for command
296			if ($_ eq $cmdenv'eof) {	# Reached end of "file"
297				$cmdenv'collect = 0;	# Stop collection
298				&execute;				# Execute command
299				undef @cmdenv'buffer;	# Free memory
300			} else {
301				push(@cmdenv'buffer, $_);
302			}
303			next;
304		}
305		if ($cmdenv'errors > $cf'maxerrors && !&root) {
306			&finish('too many errors');
307			last;
308		}
309		if ($cmdenv'requests > $cf'maxcmds && !&root) {
310			&finish('too many requests');
311			last;
312		}
313		next if /^\s*$/;			# Skip blank lines
314		print MAILER "\n";			# Separate each command
315		s/^\s*//;					# Strip leading spaces
316		&cmdenv'set_cmd($_);		# Set command environment
317		$cmdenv'approve = '';		# Clear approve password
318		&user_prompt;				# Copy line to transcript
319		if (/^--\s*$/) {			# Signature reached
320			&finish('.signature');
321			last;
322		}
323		if ($Disabled{$cmdenv'name}) {		# Skip disabled commands
324			$cmdenv'errors++;
325			print MAILER "Disabled command.\n";
326			print MAILER "FAILED.\n";
327			&'add_log("DISABLED $cmdenv'log") if $'loglvl > 1;
328			next;
329		}
330		unless (defined $Builtin{$cmdenv'name}) {
331			unless (defined $Command{$cmdenv'name}) {
332				$cmdenv'errors++;
333				print MAILER "Unknown command.\n";
334				print MAILER "FAILED.\n";
335				&'add_log("UNKNOWN $cmdenv'log") if $'loglvl > 1;
336				next;
337			}
338			if ($Type{$cmdenv'name} eq 'end') {	# Ending request?
339				&finish("user's request");		# Yes, end processing then
340				last;
341			}
342		}
343		if (defined $Collect{$cmdenv'name}) {
344			$cmdenv'collect = 1;		# Start collect mode
345			next;						# Grab things in @cmdenv'buffer
346		}
347		&execute;				# Execute command, report in transcript
348	}
350	# If we are still in collecting mode, then the EOF marker was not found
351	if ($cmdenv'collect) {
352		&'add_log("ERROR did not reach eof mark '$cmdenv'eof'")
353			if $'loglvl > 1;
354		&'add_log("FAILED $cmdenv'log") if $'loglvl > 1;
355		print MAILER "Could not find eof marker '$cmdenv'eof'.\n";
356		print MAILER "FAILED.\n";
357	}
359	print MAILER <<EOM;
361    ---- End of mailagent session transcript ----
364	# We used to simply close MAILER at this point, but it is now a fd on
365	# a temporary file. We're going to rewind in and copy it onto the SENDMAIL
366	# real mailer descriptor.
368	unless (open(SENDMAIL, "|$cf'sendmail $cf'mailopt $cmdenv'uid $metoo")) {
369		&'add_log("ERROR cannot start $cf'sendmail to mail transcript: $!")
370			if $'loglvl > 1;
371		unless (open(SENDMAIL, ">> $cf'emergdir/serv-msg.$$")) {
372			&'add_log("ERROR can't even dump into $cf'emergdir/serv-msg.$$: $!")
373				if $'loglvl > 1;
374			# Last chance, print on STDOUT
375			open(SENDMAIL, '>&STDOUT');
376			&'add_log("NOTICE dumping server transcript on stdout")
377				if $'loglvl > 6;
378			print STDOUT "*** dumping server transcript: ***\n";
379		}
380	}
382	unless (seek(MAILER, 0, 0)) {
383		&'add_log("ERROR cannot seek back to start of transcript: $!")
384			if $'loglvl > 1;
385	}
387	local($l);
388	while (defined ($l = <MAILER>)) {
389		print SENDMAIL $l;
390	}
391	close MAILER;			# Bye bye temporary file
393	unless (close SENDMAIL) {
394		&'add_log("ERROR cannot mail transcript to $cmdenv'uid")
395			if $'loglvl > 1;
396	}
397	0;	# Success
401# Command execution
404# Execute command recorded in the cmdenv environment. For each type of command,
405# the routine 'exec_type' is called and returns 0 if ok. Builtins are dealt
406# separately by calling the corresponding perl function.
407sub execute {
408	$cmdenv'requests++;				# One more request
409	local($log) = $cmdenv'log;		# Save log, since it could be modified
410	local($failed) = &dispatch;		# Dispatch command
411	if ($failed) {
412		&'add_log("FAILED $log") if $'loglvl > 1;
413		$cmdenv'errors++;
414		print MAILER "FAILED.\n";
415	} else {
416		&'add_log("OK $log") if $'loglvl > 2;
417		print MAILER "OK.\n";
418	}
421# Dispatch command held in $cmdenv'name and return failure status (0 means ok).
422sub dispatch {
423	local($failed) = 0;
424	&'add_log("XEQ ($cmdenv'name) as $cmdenv'user") if $'loglvl > 10;
425	if (defined $Builtin{$cmdenv'name}) {	# Deal separately with builtins
426		eval "\$failed = &$Builtin{$cmdenv'name}";	# Call builtin function
427		if (chop($@)) {
428			print MAILER "Perl failure: $@\n";
429			$@ .= "\n";		# Restore final char for &'eval_error call
430			&'eval_error;	# Log error
431			$@ = '';		# Clear evel error condition
432			$failed++;		# Make sure failure is recorded
433		}
434	} else {
435		# Command may be unknwon if called from 'user <email> command' or
436		# from an 'approve <password> comamnd' type of invocation.
437		if (defined $Type{$cmdenv'name}) {
438			eval "\$failed = &exec_$Type{$cmdenv'name}";
439		} else {
440			print MAILER "Unknown command.\n";
441			$cmdenv'errors++;
442			$failed++;
443		}
444	}
445	$failed;		# Report failure status
448# Shell command
449sub exec_shell {
450	# Check for unsecure characters in shell command
451	if ($cmdenv'cmd =~ /([=\$^&*([{}`\\|;><?])/ && !&root) {
452		$cmdenv'errors++;
453		print MAILER "Unsecure character '$1' in command line.\n";
454		return 1;		# Failed
455	}
457	# Initialize input script (if command operates in 'collect' mode)
458	local($error) = 0;		# Error flag
459	local($input) = '';		# Input file, when collecting
460	if (defined $Collect{$cmdenv'name}) {
461		$input = "$cf'tmpdir/input.cmd$$";
462		unless (open(INPUT, ">$input")) {
463			&'add_log("ERROR cannot create $input: $!") if $'loglvl;
464			$error++;
465		} else {
466			foreach $collected (@cmdenv'buffer) {
467				(print INPUT $collected, "\n") || $error++;
468				&'add_log("SYSERR write: $!") if $error && $'loglvl;
469				last if $error;
470			}
471			close(INPUT) || $error++;
472			&'add_log("SYSERR close: $!") if $error == 1 && $'loglvl;
473		}
474		if ($error) {
475			print MAILER "Cannot create input file ($!).\n";
476			&'add_log("ERROR cannot initialize input file") if $'loglvl;
477			unlink $input;
478			return 1;		# Failed
479		}
480	}
482	# Ensure the command we're about to execute is secure
483	local(@argv) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
484	$argv[0] = $Path{$cmdenv'name} if defined $Path{$cmdenv'name};
485	local($cmd) = &'locate_program($argv[0]);
486	unless ($cmd =~ m|/|) {
487		&'add_log("ERROR cannot locate $cmd") if $'loglvl;
488		unlink $input if $input;
489		print MAILER "Unable to locate command.\n";
490		return 1;			# Failed
491	}
492	unless (&'exec_secure($cmd, 'server command')) {
493		&'add_log("ERROR unsecure command $cmd") if $'loglvl;
494		unlink $input if $input;
495		print MAILER "Unable to locate command.\n";	# Don't tell them the truth!
496		return 1;			# Failed
497	}
499	# Create shell command file, whose purpose is to set up the environment
500	# properly and do the appropriate file descriptors manipulations, which
501	# is easier to do at the shell level, and cannot fully be done in perl 4.0
502	# (see dup2 hack below).
503	$cmdfile = "$cf'tmpdir/mess.cmd$$";
504	unless (open(CMD, ">$cmdfile")) {
505		&'add_log("ERROR cannot create $cmdfile: $!") if $'loglvl;
506		print MAILER "Cannot create file comamnd file ($!).\n";
507		unlink $input if $input;
508		return 1;		# Failed
509	}
511	# Initialize command environment
512	local($key, $val);		# Key/value from perl's symbol table
513	local($value);
514	# Loop over perl's symbol table for the cmdenv package
515	eval "*_cmdenv = *::cmdenv::" if $] > 5;	# Perl 5 support
516	while (($key, $val) = each %_cmdenv) {
517		local(*entry) = $val;		# Get definitaions of current slot
518		&'add_log("considering variable $key") if $'loglvl > 15;
519		next unless defined $entry;	# No variable slot
520		next if $key !~ /^[a-z]\w+$/i;		# Skip invalid names for shell
521		($value = $entry) =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;	# Keep simple quotes
522		(print CMD "$key='$value' export $key\n") || $error++;
523		&'add_log("env set $key='$value'") if $'loglvl > 15;
524	}
525	# Now add command invocation and input redirection. Standard input will be
526	# the collect buffer, if any, and file descriptor #3 is a path to the
527	# session transcript.
528	local($redirect);
529	local($extra) = $Extra{$cmdenv'name};
530	$redirect = "<$input" if $input;
531	(print CMD "cd $cf'home\n") || $error++;	# Make sure we start from home
532	(print CMD "exec 3>&2 2>&1\n") || $error++;	# See dup2 hack below
533	(print CMD "$argv[0] $extra @argv[1..$#argv] $redirect\n") || $error++;
534	close(CMD) || $error++;
535	close CMD;
536	if ($error) {
537		&'add_log("ERROR cannot initialize $cmdfile: $!") if $'loglvl;
538		unlink $cmdfile;
539		unlink $input if $input;
540		print MAILER "Cannot initialize command file ($!).\n";
541		return 1;			# Failed
542	}
544	&include($cmdfile, 'command', '<<< ') if $cmdenv'debug;
546	# Set up trace file
547	$trace = "$cf'tmpdir/trace.cmd$$";
548	unless (open(TRACE, ">$trace")) {
549		&'add_log("ERROR cannot create $trace: $!") if $'loglvl;
550		unlink $cmdfile;
551		unlink $input if $input;
552		print MAILER "Cannot create trace file ($!).\n";
553		return 1;			# Failed
554	}
556	# Now fork a child which will redirect stdout and stderr onto the trace
557	# file and exec the command file.
559	local($pid) = fork;			# We fork here
560	unless (defined $pid) {		# Apparently, we could not fork...
561		&'add_log("SYSERR fork: $!") if $'loglvl;
562		close TRACE;
563		unlink $cmdfile, $trace;
564		unlink $input if $input;
565		print MAILER "Cannot fork ($!).\n";
566		return 1;			# Failed
567	}
569	# Child process runs the command
570	if ($pid == 0) {				# Child process
571		# Perform a dup2(MAILER, 3) to allow file descriptor #3 to be a way
572		# for the shell script to reach the session transcript. Since perl
573		# insists on closing all file descriptors >2 ($^F) during the exec, we
574		# remap the current STDERR to MAILER temporarily. That way, it will
575		# be transmitted to the child, which is a shell script doing an
576		# 'exec 3>&2 2>&1', meaning the file #3 is the original MAILER and
577		# stdout and stderr for the script go to the same trace file, as
578		# intiallly attached to stdout.
579		#
580		open(STDOUT, '>&TRACE');	# Redirect stdout to the trace file
581		open(STDERR, '>&MAILER');	# Temporarily mapped to the MAILER file
582		close(STDIN);				# Make sure there is no input
584		# For HPUX-10.x, grrr... have to use /bin/ksh otherwise that silly
585		# posix shell closes all the file descriptors greater than 2, defeating
586		# all our cute setting here...
588		local($shell) = &servshell;
590		# Using a sub-block ensures exec() is followed by nothing
591		# and makes mailagent "perl -cw" clean, whatever that means ;-)
592		{ exec "$shell $cmdfile" }	# Don't let perl use sh -c
594		&'add_log("SYSERR exec: $!") if $'loglvl;
595		&'add_log("ERROR cannot exec $shell $cmdfile") if $'loglvl;
596		print MAILER "Cannot exec command file ($!).\n";
597		exit(9);
598	}
600	close TRACE;		# Only child uses it
601	wait;				# Wait for child
602	unlink $cmdfile;	# Has been used and abused...
603	unlink $input if $input;
605	if ($?) {			# Child exited with non-zero status
606		local($status) = $? >> 8;
607		&'add_log("ERROR child exited with status $status") if $'loglvl > 1;
608		print MAILER "Command returned a non-zero status ($status).\n";
609		$error = 1;
610	}
611	&include($trace, 'trace', '<<< ') if $error || $cmdenv'trace;
612	unlink $trace;
613	$error;				# Failure status
616# Perl command
617sub exec_perl {
618	local($name) = $cmdenv'name;		# Command name
619	local($fn) = $Extra{$name};			# Perl function to execute
620	$fn = $name unless $fn;				# If none specified, use command name
621	unless (&dynload'load('cmdenv', $Path{$name}, $fn)) {
622		&'add_log("ERROR cannot load script for command $name") if $'loglvl;
623		print MAILER "Cannot load $name command.\n";
624		return 1;		# Failed
625	}
626	# Place in the cmdenv package context and call the function, propagating
627	# the error status (1 for failure). Arguments are pre-split on space,
628	# simply for convenience, but the command is free to parse the 'cmd'
629	# variable itself.
630	package cmdenv;
631	local(*MAILER) = *cmdserv'MAILER;	# Propagate file descriptor
632	local($fn) = $cmdserv'fn;			# Propagate function name
633	local(@argv) = split(' ', $cmd);
634	shift(@argv);						# Remove command name
635	local($res) = eval('&$fn(@argv)');	# Call function, get status
636	if (chop $@) {
637		&'add_log("ERROR in perl $name: $@") if $'loglvl;
638		print MAILER "Perl error: $@\n";
639		$res = 1;
640	}
641	$res;		# Propagate error status
644# Help command. Start by looking in the user's help directory, then in
645# the public mailagent help directory. Users may disable help for a
646# command by making an empty file in their own help dir.
647sub exec_help {
648	local(@topic) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
649	local($topic) = $topic[1];	# Help topic wanted
650	local($help);				# Help file
651	unless ($topic) {			# General builin help
652		# Doesn't work with a here document form... (perl 4.0 PL36)
653		print MAILER
654"Following is a list of the known commands. Some additional help is available
655on a command basis by using 'help <command>', unless the command name is
656followed by a '*' character in which case no further help may be obtained.
657Commands collecting input until an EOF mark are flagged with a trailing '='.
660		local(@cmds);			# List of known commands
661		local($star);			# Does command have a help file?
662		local($plus);			# Does command require additional input?
663		local($online) = 0;		# Number of commands currently printed on line
664		local($print);			# String printed for each command
665		local($fieldlen) = 18;	# Amount of space dedicated to each command
666		push(@cmds, keys(%Builtin), keys(%Command));
667		foreach $cmd (sort @cmds) {
668			$help = "$cf'helpdir/$cmd";
669			$help = "$'privlib/help/$cmd" unless -e $help;
670			$star = -s $help ? '' : '*';
671			$plus = defined($Collect{$cmd}) ? '=' : '';
672			# We print 4 commands on a single line
673			$print = $cmd . $plus . $star;
674			print MAILER $print, ' ' x ($fieldlen - length($print));
675			if ($online++ == 3) {
676				$online = 0;
677				print MAILER "\n";
678			}
679		}
680		print MAILER "\n" if $online;	# Pending line not completed yet
681		print MAILER "\nEnd of command list.\n";
682		return 0;	# Ok
683	}
684	$help = "$cf'helpdir/$topic";
685	$help = "$'privlib/help/$cmd" unless -e $help;
686	unless (-s $help) {
687		print MAILER "Help for '$topic' is not available.\n";
688		return 0;	# Not a failure
689	}
690	&include($help, "$topic help", '');	# Include file and propagate status
694# Builtins
697# Approve command in advance by specifying a password. The syntax is:
698#    approve <password> [command]
699# and the password is simply recorded in the command environment. Then parsing
700# of the command is resumed.
701# NOTE: cannot approve a command which collects input (yet).
702sub run_approve {
703	local($x, $password, @command) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
704	$cmdenv'approve = $password;			# Save approve password
705	&cmdenv'set_cmd(join(' ', @command));	# Set command environment
706	&dispatch;			# Execute command and propagate status
709# Ask for new power. The syntax is:
710#    power <name> <password>
711# Normally, 'root' does not need to request for any other powers, less give
712# any password. However, for simplicity and uniformity, we simply grant it
713# with no checks.
714sub run_power {
715	local($x, $name, $password) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
716	if (!$cmdenv'trusted) {		# Server has to be running in trusted mode
717		&power'add_log("WARNING cannot gain power '$name': not in trusted mode")
718			if $'loglvl > 5;
719	} elsif (&root || &power'grant($name, $password, $cmdenv'uid)) {
720		&power'add_log("granted power '$name' to $cmdenv'uid") if $'loglvl > 2;
721		&cmdenv'addpower($name);
722		return 0;		# Ok
723	}
724	print MAILER "Permission denied.\n";
725	1;		# Failed
728# Release power. The syntax is:
729#    release <name>
730# If the 'root' power is released, other powers obtained while root or before
731# are kept. That way, it makes sense to ask for powers as root when the
732# password for some power has been changed. It is wise to release a power once
733# it is not needed anymore, since it may prevent mistakes.
734sub run_release {
735	local($x, $name) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
736	&cmdenv'rempower($name);
737	0;		# Always ok
740# List all powers with their clearances. The syntax is:
741#    powers <regexp>
742# and the 'system' power is needed to get the list. The root power or security
743# power is needed to get the root or security information. If no arguments are
744# specified, all the non-privileged powers (if you do not have root or security
745# clearance) are listed. If arguments are given, they are taken as regular
746# expression filters (perl way).
747sub run_powers {
748	local($x, @regexp) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
749	unless (&cmdenv'haspower('system') || &cmdenv'haspower('security')) {
750		print MAILER "Permission denied.\n";
751		return 1;
752	}
753	unless (open(PASSWD, $cf'passwd)) {
754		&power'add_log("ERROR cannot open password file $cf'passwd: $!")
755			if $'loglvl;
756		print MAILER "Cannot open password file ($!).\n";
757		return 1;
758	}
759	print MAILER "List of currently defined powers:\n";
760	local($_);
761	local($power);			# Current power analyzed
762	local($matched);		# Did power match the regular expression?
763	while (<PASSWD>) {
764		($power) = split(/:/);
765		# If any of the following regular expressions is incorrect, a die will
766		# be generated and caught by the enclosing eval.
767		$matched = @regexp ? 0 : 1;
768		foreach $regexp (@regexp) {
769			eval '$power =~ /$regexp/ && ++$matched;';
770			if (chop($@)) {
771				print MAILER "Perl failure: $@\n";
772				$@ = '';
773				close PASSWD;
774				return 1;
775			}
776			last if $matched;
777		}
778		next unless $matched;
779		print MAILER "\nPower: $power\n";
780		if (
781			($power eq 'root' || $power eq 'security') &&
782			!&cmdenv'haspower($power)
783		) {
784			print MAILER "(Cannot list clearance file: permission denied.)\n";
785			next;
786		}
787		&include(&power'authfile($power), "$power clearance");
788	}
789	close PASSWD;
790	0;
793# Set new power password. The syntax is:
794#    password <name> <new>
795# To change a power password, you need to get the corresponding power or be
796# system, hence showing you know the password for that power or have greater
797# privileges. To change the 'root' and 'security' passwords, you need the
798# corresponding security clearance.
799sub run_password {
800	local($x, $name, $new) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
801	local($required) = $name;
802	$required = 'system' unless &cmdenv'haspower($name);
803	$required = $name if $name eq 'root' || $name eq 'security';
804	unless (&cmdenv'haspower($required)) {
805		print MAILER "Permission denied (not enough power).\n";
806		&power'add_log("ERROR $cmdenv'uid tried a password change for '$name'")
807			if $'loglvl > 1;
808		return 1;
809	}
810	return &change_password($name, $new);
813# Set new power password. The syntax is:
814#    passwd <name> <old> <new>
815# You do not need to have the corresponding power to change the password since
816# the old password is requested. This is a short for the sequence:
817#    power <name> <old>
818#    password <name> <new>
819#    release <name>
820# excepted that even root has to give the correct old password if this form
821# is used.
822sub run_passwd {
823	local($x, $name, $old, $new) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
824	unless (&power'authorized($name, $cmdenv'uid)) {
825		&power'add_log("ERROR $cmdenv'uid tried a password change for '$name'")
826			if $'loglvl > 1;
827		print MAILER "Permission denied (lacks authorization).\n";
828		return 1;
829	}
830	unless (&power'valid($name, $old)) {
831		&power'add_log("ERROR $cmdenv'uid gave wrong old password for '$name'")
832			if $'loglvl > 1;
833		print MAILER "Permission denied (invalid pasword).\n";
834		return 1;
835	}
836	return &change_password($name, $new);
839# Change password for power 'name' to be $new.
840# All security checks have been performed at this point, so we may indeed
841# attempt the change. Note that this subroutine is common for the two
842# passwd and password commands.
843# Returns 0 if OK, 1 on error.
844sub change_password {
845	local($name, $new) = @_;
846	if (0 == &power'set_passwd($name, $new)) {
847		&power'add_log("user $cmdenv'uid changed password for power '$name'")
848			if $'loglvl > 2;
849		return 0;
850	}
851	&power'add_log("ERROR user $cmdenv'uid failed change password for '$name'")
852		if $'loglvl > 1;
853	print MAILER "Could not change password, sorry.\n";
854	1;
857# Change user ID, i.e. e-mail address. The syntax is:
858#    user [<email> [command]]
859# and is used to execute some commands on behalf of another user. If a command
860# is specified, it is immediately executed with the new identity, which only
861# lasts for that time. Otherwise, the remaining commands are executed with that
862# new ID. If no email is specified, the original sender ID is restored.
863# All the powers are lost when a user command is executed, but this is only
864# temporary when the command is specified on the same line.
865sub run_user {
866	local($x, $user, @command) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
867	local(%powers);
868	local($powers);
869	if (0 == @command && $cmdenv'powers ne '') {
870		print MAILER "Wiping out current powers ($cmdenv'powers).\n";
871		&cmdenv'wipe_powers;
872	}
873	if (0 != @command && $cmdenv'powers ne '') {
874		%powers = %cmdenv'powers;
875		$powers = $cmdenv'powers;
876		print MAILER "Current powers temporarily lost ($cmdenv'powers).\n";
877		&cmdenv'wipe_powers;
878	}
879	unless ($user) {			# Reverting to original sender ID
880		$cmdenv'user = $cmdenv'uid;
881		print MAILER "Back to original identity ($cmdenv'uid).\n";
882		return 0;
883	}
884	if (0 == @command) {
885		$cmdenv'user = $user;
886		print MAILER "New user identity: $cmdenv'user.\n";
887		return 0;
888	}
890	&cmdenv'set_cmd(join(' ', @command));	# Set command environment
891	local($failed) = &dispatch;				# Execute command
893	if (%powers) {
894		$cmdenv'powers = $powers;
895		%cmdenv'powers = %powers;
896		print MAILER "Restored powers ($powers).\n";
897	}
899	$failed;		# Propagate failure status
902# Add a new power to the system. The syntax is:
903#    newpower <name> <password> [alias]
904# followed by a list of approved names who may request that power. The 'system'
905# power is required to add a new power. An alias should be specified if the
906# name is longer than 12 characters. The 'security' power is required to create
907# the root power, and root power is needed to create 'security'.
908sub run_newpower {
909	local($x, $name, $password, $alias) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
910	if (
911		($name eq 'root' && !&cmdenv'haspower('security')) ||
912		($name eq 'security' && !&cmdenv'haspower('root')) ||
913		!&cmdenv'haspower('system')
914	) {
915		print MAILER "Permission denied.\n";
916		return 1;
917	}
918	&newpower($name, $password, $alias);
921# Actually add the new power to the system, WITHOUT any security checks. It
922# is up to the called to ensure the user has correct permissions. Return 0
923# if ok and 1 on error.
924# The clearance list is taken from @cmdenv'buffer.
925sub newpower {
926	local($name, $password, $alias) = @_;
927	local($power) = &power'getpwent($name);
928	if (defined $power) {
929		print MAILER "Power '$name' already exists.\n";
930		return 1;
931	}
932	if (length($name) > 12 && !defined($alias)) {
933		# Compute a suitable alias name, which never appears externally anyway
934		# so it's not really important to use cryptic ones. First, reduce the
935		# power name to 10 characters.
936		$alias = $name;
937		$alias =~ tr/aeiouy//d;
938		$alias = substr($alias, 0, 6) . substr($alias, -6);
939		if (&power'used_alias($alias)) {
940			$alias = substr($alias, 0, 10);
941			local($tag) = 'AA';
942			local($try) = 100;
943			local($attempt);
944			while ($try--) {
945				$attempt = "$alias$tag";
946				last unless &power'used_alias($attempt);
947				$tag++;
948			}
949			$alias = $attempt;
950			if (&power'used_alias($alias)) {
951				print MAILER "Cannot auto-select any unused alias.\n";
952				return 1;	# Failed
953			}
954		}
955		print MAILER "(Selecting alias '$alias' for this power.)\n";
956	}
957	# Make sure alias is not too long. Don't try to shorten any user-specified
958	# alias if they took care of giving one instead of letting mailagent
959	# pick one up...
960	if (defined($alias) && length($alias) > 12) {
961		print MAILER "Alias name too long (12 characters max).\n";
962		return 1;
963	}
964	if (defined($alias) && &power'used_alias($alias)) {
965		print MAILER "Alias '$alias' is already in use.\n";
966		return 1;
967	}
968	if (defined($alias) && !&power'add_alias($name, $alias)) {
969		print MAILER "Cannot add alias, sorry.\n";
970		return 1;
971	}
972	unless (&power'set_auth($name, *cmdenv'buffer)) {
973		print MAILER "Cannot set authentication file, sorry.\n";
974		return 1;
975	}
976	if (-1 == &power'setpwent($name, "<$password>", '')) {
977		print MAILER "Cannot add power, sorry.\n";
978		return 1;
979	}
980	if (-1 == &power'set_passwd($name, $password)) {
981		print MAILER "Warning: could not insert password.\n";
982	}
983	&power'add_log("NEW power '$name' created by $cmdenv'uid") if $'loglvl > 2;
984	0;
987# Delete a power from the system. The syntax is:
988#    delpower <name> <password> [<security>]
989# deletes a power and its associated user list. The 'system' power is required
990# to delete most powers except 'root' and 'security'. The 'security' power may
991# only be deleted by security and the root power may only be deleted when the
992# security password is also specified.
993sub run_delpower {
994	local($x, $name, $password, $security) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
995	if (
996		($name eq 'security' && !&cmdenv'haspower($name)) ||
997		($name eq 'root' && !&power'valid('security', $security)) ||
998		!&cmdenv'haspower('system')
999	) {
1000		print MAILER "Permission denied (not enough power).\n";
1001		return 1;
1002	}
1003	unless (&root) {
1004		unless (&power'valid($name, $password)) {
1005			print MAILER "Permission denied (invalid password).\n";
1006			return 1;
1007		}
1008	}
1009	&delpower($name);
1012# Actually delete a power from the system, WITHOUT any security checks. It
1013# is up to the called to ensure the user has correct permissions. Return 0
1014# if ok and 1 on error.
1015sub delpower {
1016	local($name) = @_;
1017	local($power) = &power'getpwent($name);
1018	if (!defined $power) {
1019		print MAILER "Power '$name' does not exist.\n";
1020		return 1;
1021	}
1022	local($auth) = &power'authfile($name);
1023	if ($auth ne '/dev/null' && !unlink($auth)) {
1024		&'add_log("SYSERR unlink: $!") if $'loglvl;
1025		&'add_log("ERROR could not remove clearance file $auth") if $'loglvl;
1026		print MAILER "Warning: could not remove clearance file.\n";
1027	}
1028	unless (&power'del_alias($name)) {
1029		print MAILER "Warning: could not remove power alias.\n";
1030	}
1031	if (0 != &power'rempwent($name)) {
1032		print MAILER "Failed (cannot remove password entry).\n";
1033		return 1;
1034	}
1035	&power'add_log("DELETED power '$name' by $cmdenv'uid") if $'loglvl > 2;
1036	0;
1039# Replace current clearance file. The syntax is:
1040#    setauth <name> <password>
1041# and requires no special power if the password is given or if the power is
1042# already detained. Otherwise, the system power is needed. For 'root' and
1043# 'security' clearances, the corresponding power is needed as well.
1044sub run_setauth {
1045	local($x, $name, $password) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
1046	local($required) = $name;
1047	$required = 'system' unless &cmdenv'haspower($name);
1048	$required = $name if $name eq 'root' || $name eq 'security';
1049	unless (&cmdenv'haspower($required)) {
1050		unless (&power'valid($name, $password)) {
1051			print MAILER "Permission denied.\n";
1052			return 1;
1053		}
1054	}
1055	unless (&power'set_auth($name, *cmdenv'buffer)) {
1056		print MAILER "Cannot set authentication file, sorry.\n";
1057		return 1;
1058	}
1059	0;
1062# Add users to clearance file. The syntax is:
1063#    addauth <name> <password>
1064# and requires no special power if the password is given or if the power is
1065# already detained. Otherwise, the system power is needed. For 'root' and
1066# 'security' clearances, the corresponding power is needed as well.
1067sub run_addauth {
1068	local($x, $name, $password) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
1069	local($required) = $name;
1070	$required = 'system' unless &cmdenv'haspower($name);
1071	$required = $name if $name eq 'root' || $name eq 'security';
1072	unless (&cmdenv'haspower($required)) {
1073		unless (&power'valid($name, $password)) {
1074			print MAILER "Permission denied.\n";
1075			return 1;
1076		}
1077	}
1078	unless (&power'add_auth($name, *cmdenv'buffer)) {
1079		print MAILER "Cannot add to authentication file, sorry.\n";
1080		return 1;
1081	}
1082	0;
1085# Remove users from clearance file. The syntax is:
1086#   remauth <name> <password>
1087# and requires no special power if the password is given or if the power is
1088# already detained. Otherwise, the system power is needed. For 'root' and
1089# 'security' clearances, the corresponding power is needed as well.
1090sub run_remauth {
1091	local($x, $name, $password) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
1092	local($required) = $name;
1093	$required = 'system' unless &cmdenv'haspower($name);
1094	$required = $name if $name eq 'root' || $name eq 'security';
1095	unless (&cmdenv'haspower($required)) {
1096		unless (&power'valid($name, $password)) {
1097			print MAILER "Permission denied.\n";
1098			return 1;
1099		}
1100	}
1101	unless (&power'rem_auth($name, *cmdenv'buffer)) {
1102		print MAILER "Cannot remove from authentication file, sorry.\n";
1103		return 1;
1104	}
1105	0;
1108# Get current clearance file. The syntax is:
1109#    getauth <name> <password>
1110# and requires no special power if the password is given or if the power is
1111# already detained. Otherwise, the system power is needed for all powers,
1112# and for 'root' or 'security', the corresponding power is required.
1113sub run_getauth {
1114	local($x, $name, $password) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
1115	local($required) = $name;
1116	$required = 'system' unless &cmdenv'haspower($name);
1117	$required = $name if $name eq 'root' || $name eq 'security';
1118	unless (&cmdenv'haspower($required)) {
1119		unless (&power'valid($name, $password)) {
1120			print MAILER "Permission denied.\n";
1121			return 1;
1122		}
1123	}
1124	local($file) = &power'authfile($name);
1125	&include($file, "$name clearance", '');	# Include file, propagate status
1128# Set internal variable. The syntax is:
1129#    set <variable> <value>
1130# and the corresponding variable from cmdenv package is set.
1131# If <variable> is missing, dump all the known variables.
1132sub run_set {
1133	local($x, $var, @args) = split(' ', $cmdenv'cmd);
1134	if ($var eq '') {				# Dump defined variables
1135		local($type, $val);
1136		foreach $name (keys %Set) {
1137			$type = $Set{$name};	# Variable type 'flag' or 'var'
1138			$val = eval "defined(\$cmdenv'$name) ? \$cmdenv'$name : undef";
1139			next unless defined $val;
1140			$val = $val ? 'true' : 'false' if $type eq 'flag';
1141			$val = "'$val'" if $type ne 'flag';
1142			print MAILER "$name=$val\n";
1143		}
1144		return 0;
1145	}
1146	unless (defined $Set{$var}) {
1147		print MAILER "Unknown or read-only variable '$var'.\n";
1148		return 1;		# Failed
1149	}
1150	local($type) = $Set{$var};		# The variable type
1151	local($_);						# Value to assign to variable
1152	local($val);					# Final assigned value
1153	if ($type eq 'flag') {
1154		$_ = $args[0];
1155		if ($_ eq '' || /on/i || /yes/i || /true/i) {
1156			$val = 1;
1157		} else {
1158			$val = 0;
1159		}
1160	} else {
1161		$val = join(' ', @args);
1162	}
1163	eval "\$cmdenv'$var = \$val";	# Set variable in cmdenv package
1164	0;
1168# Utilities
1171# Emit the user prompt in transcript, then copy current line
1172sub user_prompt {
1173	if (&root) {
1174		print MAILER "####> ";			# Command with no restrictions at all
1175	} elsif ($cmdenv'powers ne '') {
1176		print MAILER "====> ";			# Command with local privileges
1177	} elsif ($cmdenv'user ne $cmdenv'uid) {
1178		print MAILER "~~~~> ";			# Command on behalf of another user
1179	} else {
1180		print MAILER "----> ";			# Command from and for current user
1181	}
1182	print MAILER "$cmdenv'log\n";
1185# Include file in transcript, returning 1 on failure and 0 on success
1186# If the third parameter is given, then it is used as leading marks, and
1187# the enclosing digest lines are omitted.
1188sub include {
1189	local($file, $description, $marks) = @_;
1190	unless (open(FILE, $file)) {
1191		&'add_log("ERROR cannot open $file: $!") if $'loglvl;
1192		print MAILER "Cannot open $description file ($!).\n";
1193		return 1;
1194	}
1195	local($_);
1196	print MAILER "   --- Beginning of file ($description) ---\n"
1197		unless defined $marks;
1198	while (<FILE>) {
1199		(print MAILER) unless defined $marks;
1200		(print MAILER $marks, $_) if defined $marks;
1201	}
1202	close FILE;
1203	print MAILER "   --- End of file ($description) ---\n"
1204		unless defined $marks;
1205	0;		# Success
1208# Signals end of processing
1209sub finish {
1210	local($why) = @_;
1211	print MAILER "End of processing ($why)\n";
1212	&'add_log("END ($why)") if $'loglvl > 6;
1215# Check whether user has root powers or not.
1216sub root {
1217	&cmdenv'haspower('root');
1221# Server modes
1224# Allow server to run in trusted mode (where powers may be gained).
1225sub trusted {
1226	if ($cmdenv'auth) {			# Valid envelope in mail header
1227		$cmdenv'trusted = 1;	# Allowed to gain powers
1228	} else {
1229		&'add_log("WARNING unable to switch into trusted mode")
1230			if $'loglvl > 5;
1231	}
1234# Disable a list of commands, and only those commands.
1235sub disable {
1236	local($cmds) = @_;		# List of disabled commands
1237	undef %Disabled;		# Reset disabled commands, start with fresh set
1238	foreach $cmd (split(/[\s,]+/, $cmds)) {
1239		$Disabled{$cmd}++;
1240	}
1241	$cmdenv'disabled = join(',', sort keys %Disabled);	# No duplicates
1244# Get shell to run our commands
1245sub servshell {
1246	local($shell) = defined($cf'servshell) ? $cf'servshell : 'sh';
1247	$shell = &'locate_program($shell);
1248	if (defined($cf'servshell) && !-x($shell)) {
1249		&'add_log("WARNING invalid configured servshell $shell, using sh")
1250			if $'loglvl > 2;
1251		$shell = 'sh';
1252	}
1253	$shell;
1257# Environment for server commands
1260package cmdenv;
1262# Set user identification (e-mail address) within cmdenv package
1263sub inituid {
1264	# Convenience variables are part of the basic environment for all the
1265	# server commands. This includes the $envelope variable, which is the
1266	# user who has issued the request (real uid).
1267	&hook'initvar('cmdenv');
1268	$auth = 1;				# Assume valid envelope
1269	$uid = (&'parse_address($envelope))[0];
1270	if ($uid eq '') {		# No valid envelope
1271		&'add_log("NOTICE no valid mail envelope") if $'loglvl > 6;
1272		$uid = (&'parse_address($sender))[0];
1273		$auth = 0;			# Will not be able to run in trusted mode
1274	}
1275	$user = $uid;			# Until further notice, euid = ruid
1276	$path = $uid;			# And files are sent to the one who requested them
1277	undef %powers;			# Reset power table
1278	$powers = '';			# The linear version of powers
1279	$errors = 0;			# Number of failed requests so far
1280	$requests = 0;			# Total number of requests processed so far
1281	$eof = 'EOF';			# End of file indicator in collection mode
1282	$collect = 0;			# Not in collection mode
1283	$trace = 0;				# Not in trace mode
1284	$trusted = 0;			# Not in trusted mode
1287# Set command parameters
1288sub set_cmd {
1289	($cmd) = @_;
1290	($name) = $cmd =~ /^([\w-]+)/;	# Get command name
1291	$name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;			# Cannonicalize to lower case
1293	# Passwords in commands may need to be concealed
1294	if (defined $cmdserv'Conceal{$name}) {
1295		local(@argv) = split(' ', $cmd);
1296		local(@pos) = split(/,/, $cmdserv'Conceal{$name});
1297		foreach $pos (@pos) {
1298			$argv[$pos] = '********' if defined $argv[$pos];
1299		}
1300		$log = join(' ', @argv);
1301	} else {
1302		$log = $cmd;
1303	}
1306# Add a new power to the list once the user has been authenticated.
1307sub addpower {
1308	local($newpower) = @_;
1309	$powers{$newpower}++;
1310	$powers = join(':', keys %powers);
1313# Remove power from the list.
1314sub rempower {
1315	local($oldpower) = @_;
1316	delete $powers{$oldpower};
1317	$powers = join(':', keys %powers);
1320# Wipe out all the powers
1321sub wipe_powers {
1322	undef %powers;
1323	$powers = '';
1326# Check whether user has a given power... Note that 'root' has all powers
1327# but 'security'.
1328sub haspower {
1329	local($wanted) = @_;
1330	$wanted eq 'security' ?
1331		defined($powers{$wanted}) :
1332		(defined($powers{'root'}) || defined($powers{$wanted}));
1335package main;