1from functools import partial
2from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional
4from tartiflette.coercers.arguments import coerce_arguments
5from tartiflette.utils.callables import (
6    is_valid_async_generator,
7    is_valid_coroutine,
10__all__ = ("compute_directive_nodes",)
13def get_callables(implementation: Any) -> Dict[str, Callable]:
14    """
15    Computes a dictionary of all attribute name that starts with `on_` and are
16    linked to a callable.
17    :param implementation: the implementation to parse
18    :type implementation: Any
19    :return: a dictionary of attribute name and callable
20    :rtype: Dict[str, Callable]
21    """
22    return {
23        key: getattr(implementation, key)
24        for key in dir(implementation)
25        if key.startswith("on_")
26        and (
27            is_valid_coroutine(getattr(implementation, key))
28            or is_valid_async_generator(getattr(implementation, key))
29        )
30    }
33def transform_directive(
34    directive: "GraphQLDirective", arguments_coercer: Callable
35) -> Dict[str, Any]:
36    """
37    Transforms a directive definition into a dictionary of available callables
38    hooks and with default arguments.
39    :param directive: the directive definition to transform
40    :param arguments_coercer: callable to use to coerce directive arguments
41    :type directive: GraphQLDirective
42    :type arguments_coercer: Callable
43    :return: the transformed directive definition
44    :rtype: Dict[str, Any]
45    """
46    return {
47        "callables": get_callables(directive.implementation),
48        "arguments_coercer": arguments_coercer,
49    }
52def compute_directive_nodes(
53    schema: "GraphQLSchema",
54    directive_nodes: List["DirectiveNode"],
55    variable_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
56) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
57    """
58    Computes a list of AST directive node into a list of pre-computed
59    directives.
60    :param schema: the GraphQLSchema instance linked to the engine
61    :param directive_nodes: list of AST directive node to compute
62    :param variable_values: the variables provided in the GraphQL request
63    :type schema: GraphQLSchema
64    :type directive_nodes: List[DirectiveNode]
65    :type variable_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
66    :return: list of pre-computed directives
67    :rtype: List[Dict[str, Any]]
68    """
69    if not directive_nodes:
70        return []
72    computed_directives = []
73    for directive_node in directive_nodes:
74        directive_definition = schema.find_directive(directive_node.name.value)
75        computed_directives.append(
76            transform_directive(
77                directive_definition,
78                arguments_coercer=partial(
79                    coerce_arguments,
80                    argument_definitions=directive_definition.arguments,
81                    node=directive_node,
82                    variable_values=variable_values or {},
83                    coercer=directive_definition.arguments_coercer,
84                ),
85            )
86        )
87    return computed_directives