1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001  Ross Combs (rocombs@cs.nmsu.edu)
3  * Copyright (C) 2000,2001  Marco Ziech (mmz@gmx.net)
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
18  */
26 #  include <sys/time.h>
27 #  include <time.h>
28 # else
29 #   if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
30 #    include <sys/time.h>
31 #   else
32 #    include <time.h>
33 #   endif
34 # endif
35 # include "game.h"
36 # include "common/queue.h"
37 # include "channel.h"
38 # include "account.h"
39 # include "quota.h"
40 # include "character.h"
41 # include "versioncheck.h"
42 # include "anongame.h"
43 # include "realm.h"
44 # include "common/tag.h"
45 # include "common/elist.h"
46 # include "common/packet.h"
47 # include "common/rcm.h"
48 #else
49 # define JUST_NEED_TYPES
51 #  include <sys/time.h>
52 #  include <time.h>
53 # else
54 #   if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
55 #    include <sys/time.h>
56 #   else
57 #    include <time.h>
58 #   endif
59 # endif
60 # include "game.h"
61 # include "common/queue.h"
62 # include "channel.h"
63 # include "account.h"
64 # include "quota.h"
65 # include "character.h"
66 # include "versioncheck.h"
67 # include "anongame.h"
68 # include "realm.h"
69 # include "common/tag.h"
70 # include "common/elist.h"
71 # include "common/packet.h"
72 # include "common/rcm.h"
73 # undef JUST_NEED_TYPES
74 #endif
76 #endif
80 typedef enum
81 {
82     conn_class_init,
83     conn_class_bnet,
84     conn_class_file,
85     conn_class_bot,
86     conn_class_telnet,
87     conn_class_irc,     /* Internet Relay Chat */
88     conn_class_wol,     /* Westwood Online */
89     conn_class_d2cs_bnetd,
90     conn_class_w3route,
91     conn_class_none
92 } t_conn_class;
94 typedef enum
95 {
96     conn_state_empty,
97     conn_state_initial,
98     conn_state_connected,
99     conn_state_loggedin,
100     conn_state_destroy,
101     conn_state_bot_username,
102     conn_state_bot_password,
103     conn_state_untrusted,
104     conn_state_pending_raw
105 } t_conn_state;
108 typedef enum
109 {
110   conn_flags_welcomed		= 0x01,
111   conn_flags_udpok		= 0x02,
112   conn_flags_joingamewhisper	= 0x04,
113   conn_flags_leavegamewhisper	= 0x08,
114   conn_flags_echoback		= 0x10
116 } t_conn_flags;
118 #endif
120 typedef struct connection
122 {
123     struct {
124 	int			tcp_sock;
125 	unsigned int		tcp_addr;
126 	unsigned short		tcp_port;
127 	int			udp_sock;
128 	unsigned int		udp_addr;
129 	unsigned short		udp_port;
130 	unsigned int		local_addr;
131 	unsigned short		local_port;
132 	unsigned int		real_local_addr;
133 	unsigned short		real_local_port;
134 	int			fdw_idx;
135     } socket; /* IP and socket specific data */
136     struct {
137 	t_conn_class		class;
138 	t_conn_state		state;
139 	unsigned int		sessionkey;
140 	unsigned int		sessionnum;
141 	unsigned int		secret; /* random number... never sent over net unencrypted */
142 	unsigned int		flags;
143 	unsigned int		latency;
144 	t_account *		account;
145 	struct {
146 	    t_tag			archtag;
147 	    t_tag			gamelang;
148 	    t_clienttag			clienttag;
149 	    char const *		clientver;
150 	    unsigned long		versionid; /* AKA bnversion */
151 	    unsigned long		gameversion;
152 	    unsigned long		checksum;
153 	    char const *		country;
154 	    int				tzbias;
155 	    char const *		host;
156 	    char const *		user;
157 	    char const *		clientexe;
158 	    char const *		owner;
159 	    char const *		cdkey;
160 	    t_versioncheck *		versioncheck; /* equation and MPQ file used to validate game checksum */
161 	} client; /* client program specific data */
162 	struct {
163 	    t_queue *		outqueue;  /* packets waiting to be sent */
164 	    unsigned int	outsize;   /* amount sent from the current output packet */
165 	    unsigned int	outsizep;
166 	    t_packet *		inqueue;   /* packet waiting to be processed */
167 	    unsigned int	insize;    /* amount received into the current input packet */
168 	} queues; /* network queues and related data */
169 	struct {
170 	    t_channel *		channel;
171 	    char const *	tmpOP_channel;
172 	    char const *	tmpVOICE_channel;
173 	    char const *	away;
174 	    char const * 	dnd;
175 	    t_account * *	ignore_list;
176 	    unsigned int	ignore_count;
177 	    t_quota		quota;
178 	    time_t		last_message;
179 	    char const *	lastsender; /* last person to whisper to this connection */
180 	    struct {
181 		char const *		ircline; /* line cache for IRC connections */
182 		unsigned int		ircping; /* value of last ping */
183 		char const *		ircpass; /* hashed password for PASS authentication */
184 	    } irc; /* irc chat specific data */
185 	} chat; /* chat and messages specific data */
186 	t_game *		game;
187 	const char *		loggeduser;   /* username as logged in or given (not taken from account) */
188 	struct connection *	bound; /* matching Diablo II auth connection */
189 	t_elist			timers; /* cached list of timers for cleaning */
190 	/* FIXME: this d2/w3 specific data could be unified into an union */
191 	struct {
192 	    t_realm *			realm;
193 	    t_rcm_regref		realm_regref;
194 	    t_character *		character;
195 	    char const *		realminfo;
196 	    char const *		charname;
197 	} d2;
198 	struct {
199 	    char const *		w3_playerinfo; /* ADDED BY UNDYING SOULZZ 4/7/02 */
200 	    time_t			anongame_search_starttime;
201    /* [zap-zero] 20020527 - matching w3route connection for game connection /
202     matching game connection for w3route connection */
203    /* FIXME: this "optimization" is so confusing leading to many possible bugs */
204 	    struct connection *	routeconn;
205 	    t_anongame *	anongame;
206 	} w3;
207 	struct {
208 	    int ingame;				        /* Are we in a game channel? */
210 	    int codepage;
211 	    int locale;
212 	    int gameType;
214 	    char const * apgar;			    /* WOL User Password (encrypted) */
216 	    char const * gameOptions;		/* Game Options */
217 	} wol;
218 	int			cr_time;
219 	/* Pass fail count for bruteforce protection */
220 	unsigned int		passfail_count;
221 	/* connection flag substituting some other values */
222 	t_conn_flags		cflags;
223    } protocol;
224 }
225 #endif
226 t_connection;
227 #endif
230 /*****/
231 #ifndef JUST_NEED_TYPES
235 #define JUST_NEED_TYPES
236 #include "common/packet.h"
237 #include "common/queue.h"
238 #include "channel.h"
239 #include "game.h"
240 #include "account.h"
241 #include "common/list.h"
242 #include "character.h"
243 #include "versioncheck.h"
244 #include "timer.h"
245 #include "anongame.h"
246 # include "realm.h"
247 #include "message.h"
248 #include "common/tag.h"
249 #include "common/fdwatch.h"
250 #undef JUST_NEED_TYPES
255 extern t_anongame * conn_create_anongame(t_connection * c);
256 extern void conn_destroy_anongame(t_connection * c);
258 extern t_anongame * conn_get_anongame(t_connection *c);
261 extern void conn_shutdown(t_connection * c, time_t now, t_timer_data foo);
262 extern void conn_test_latency(t_connection * c, time_t now, t_timer_data delta);
263 extern char const * conn_class_get_str(t_conn_class class) ;
264 extern char const * conn_state_get_str(t_conn_state state) ;
266 extern t_connection * conn_create(int tsock, int usock, unsigned int real_local_addr, unsigned short real_local_port, unsigned int local_addr, unsigned short local_port, unsigned int addr, unsigned short port) ;
267 extern void conn_destroy(t_connection * c, t_elem ** elem, int conn_or_dead_list);
268 extern int conn_match(t_connection const * c, char const * user);
269 extern t_conn_class conn_get_class(t_connection const * c) ;
270 extern void conn_set_class(t_connection * c, t_conn_class class);
271 extern t_conn_state conn_get_state(t_connection const * c) ;
272 extern void conn_set_state(t_connection * c, t_conn_state state);
273 extern unsigned int conn_get_sessionkey(t_connection const * c) ;
274 extern unsigned int conn_get_sessionnum(t_connection const * c) ;
275 extern unsigned int conn_get_secret(t_connection const * c) ;
276 extern unsigned int conn_get_addr(t_connection const * c) ;
277 extern unsigned short conn_get_port(t_connection const * c) ;
278 extern unsigned int conn_get_local_addr(t_connection const * c);
279 extern unsigned short conn_get_local_port(t_connection const * c) ;
280 extern unsigned int conn_get_real_local_addr(t_connection const * c) ;
281 extern unsigned short conn_get_real_local_port(t_connection const * c) ;
282 extern unsigned int conn_get_game_addr(t_connection const * c) ;
283 extern int conn_set_game_addr(t_connection * c, unsigned int game_addr);
284 extern unsigned short conn_get_game_port(t_connection const * c) ;
285 extern int conn_set_game_port(t_connection * c, unsigned short game_port);
286 extern void conn_set_host(t_connection * c, char const * host);
287 extern void conn_set_user(t_connection * c, char const * user);
288 extern const char * conn_get_user(t_connection const * c);
289 extern void conn_set_owner(t_connection * c, char const * owner);
290 extern const char * conn_get_owner(t_connection const * c);
291 extern void conn_set_cdkey(t_connection * c, char const * cdkey);
292 extern char const * conn_get_clientexe(t_connection const * c) ;
293 extern void conn_set_clientexe(t_connection * c, char const * clientexe);
294 extern t_tag		conn_get_archtag(t_connection const * c) ;
295 extern void		conn_set_archtag(t_connection * c, t_tag archtag);
296 extern t_tag		conn_get_gamelang(t_connection const * c) ;
297 extern void		conn_set_gamelang(t_connection * c, t_tag gamelang);
298 extern t_clienttag	conn_get_clienttag(t_connection const * c) ;
299 extern t_clienttag	conn_get_fake_clienttag(t_connection const * c) ;
300 extern void conn_set_clienttag(t_connection * c, t_clienttag clienttag);
301 extern unsigned long conn_get_versionid(t_connection const * c) ;
302 extern int conn_set_versionid(t_connection * c, unsigned long versionid);
303 extern unsigned long conn_get_gameversion(t_connection const * c) ;
304 extern int conn_set_gameversion(t_connection * c, unsigned long gameversion);
305 extern unsigned long conn_get_checksum(t_connection const * c) ;
306 extern int conn_set_checksum(t_connection * c, unsigned long checksum);
307 extern char const * conn_get_clientver(t_connection const * c) ;
308 extern void conn_set_clientver(t_connection * c, char const * clientver);
309 extern int conn_get_tzbias(t_connection const * c) ;
310 extern void conn_set_tzbias(t_connection * c, int tzbias);
311 extern int conn_set_loggeduser(t_connection * c, char const * username);
312 extern char const * conn_get_loggeduser(t_connection const * c);
313 extern unsigned int conn_get_flags(t_connection const * c) ;
314 extern int conn_set_flags(t_connection * c, unsigned int flags);
315 extern void conn_add_flags(t_connection * c, unsigned int flags);
316 extern void conn_del_flags(t_connection * c, unsigned int flags);
317 extern unsigned int conn_get_latency(t_connection const * c) ;
318 extern void conn_set_latency(t_connection * c, unsigned int ms);
319 extern char const * conn_get_awaystr(t_connection const * c) ;
320 extern int conn_set_awaystr(t_connection * c, char const * away);
321 extern char const * conn_get_dndstr(t_connection const * c) ;
322 extern int conn_set_dndstr(t_connection * c, char const * dnd);
323 extern int conn_add_ignore(t_connection * c, t_account * account);
324 extern int conn_del_ignore(t_connection * c, t_account const * account);
325 extern int conn_add_watch(t_connection * c, t_account * account, t_clienttag clienttag);
326 extern int conn_del_watch(t_connection * c, t_account * account, t_clienttag clienttag);
327 extern t_channel * conn_get_channel(t_connection const * c) ;
328 extern int conn_set_channel_var(t_connection * c, t_channel * channel);
329 extern int conn_set_channel(t_connection * c, char const * channelname);
330 extern t_game * conn_get_game(t_connection const * c) ;
331 extern int conn_set_game(t_connection * c, char const * gamename, char const * gamepass, char const * gameinfo, t_game_type type, int version);
332 extern unsigned int conn_get_tcpaddr(t_connection * c) ;
333 extern t_packet * conn_get_in_queue(t_connection * c) ;
334 extern void conn_put_in_queue(t_connection * c, t_packet *packet) ;
335 extern unsigned int conn_get_in_size(t_connection const * c) ;
336 extern void conn_set_in_size(t_connection * c, unsigned int size);
337 extern unsigned int conn_get_out_size(t_connection const * c) ;
338 extern void conn_set_out_size(t_connection * c, unsigned int size);
339 extern int conn_push_outqueue(t_connection * c, t_packet * packet);
340 extern t_packet * conn_peek_outqueue(t_connection * c);
341 extern t_packet * conn_pull_outqueue(t_connection * c);
342 extern int conn_check_ignoring(t_connection const * c, char const * me) ;
343 extern t_account * conn_get_account(t_connection const * c) ;
344 extern void conn_login(t_connection * c, t_account * account, const char *loggeduser);
345 extern int conn_get_socket(t_connection const * c) ;
346 extern int conn_get_game_socket(t_connection const * c) ;
347 extern int conn_set_game_socket(t_connection * c, int usock);
348 extern char const * conn_get_username_real(t_connection const * c, char const * fn, unsigned int ln);
349 #define conn_get_username(C) conn_get_username_real(C,__FILE__,__LINE__)
350 extern char const * conn_get_chatname(t_connection const * c);
351 extern int conn_unget_chatname(t_connection const * c, char const * name);
352 extern char const * conn_get_chatcharname(t_connection const * c, t_connection const * dst);
353 extern int conn_unget_chatcharname(t_connection const * c, char const * name);
354 extern t_message_class conn_get_message_class(t_connection const * c, t_connection const * dst);
355 extern unsigned int conn_get_userid(t_connection const * c);
356 extern char const * conn_get_playerinfo(t_connection const * c);
357 extern int conn_set_playerinfo(t_connection const * c, char const * playerinfo);
358 extern char const * conn_get_realminfo(t_connection const * c);
359 extern int conn_set_realminfo(t_connection * c, char const * realminfo);
360 extern char const * conn_get_charname(t_connection const * c);
361 extern int conn_set_charname(t_connection * c, char const * charname);
362 extern int conn_set_idletime(t_connection * c);
363 extern unsigned int conn_get_idletime(t_connection const * c) ;
364 extern t_realm * conn_get_realm(t_connection const * c);
365 extern int conn_set_realm(t_connection * c, t_realm * realm);
366 extern int conn_set_character(t_connection * c, t_character * ch);
367 extern int conn_bind(t_connection * c1, t_connection * c2);
368 extern void conn_set_country(t_connection * c, char const * country);
369 extern char const * conn_get_country(t_connection const * c);
370 extern int conn_quota_exceeded(t_connection * c, char const * message);
371 extern int conn_set_lastsender(t_connection * c, char const * sender);
372 extern char const * conn_get_lastsender(t_connection const * c);
373 extern t_versioncheck * conn_get_versioncheck(t_connection * c) ;
374 extern int conn_set_versioncheck(t_connection * c, t_versioncheck * versioncheck);
375 extern int conn_get_echoback(t_connection * c) ;
376 extern void conn_set_echoback(t_connection * c, int echoback);
377 extern int conn_set_ircline(t_connection * c, char const * line);
378 extern char const * conn_get_ircline(t_connection const * c);
379 extern int conn_set_ircpass(t_connection * c, char const * pass);
380 extern char const * conn_get_ircpass(t_connection const * c);
381 extern int conn_set_ircping(t_connection * c, unsigned int ping);
382 extern unsigned int conn_get_ircping(t_connection const * c);
383 extern int conn_set_udpok(t_connection * c);
384 extern int conn_get_welcomed(t_connection const * c) ;
385 extern void conn_set_welcomed(t_connection * c, int welcomed);
387 extern int conn_set_w3_playerinfo( t_connection * c, char const * w3_playerinfo );
388 extern const char * conn_get_w3_playerinfo( t_connection * c );
390 extern int conn_get_crtime(t_connection *c);
392 extern int conn_set_w3_loginreq(t_connection * c, char const * loginreq);
393 extern char const * conn_get_w3_loginreq(t_connection * c);
395 extern int conn_set_routeconn(t_connection * c, t_connection * rc);
396 extern t_connection * conn_get_routeconn(t_connection const * c);
397 extern int connlist_create(void);
398 extern void connlist_reap(void);
399 extern int connlist_destroy(void);
400 extern t_list * connlist(void) ;
401 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_sessionkey(unsigned int sessionkey);
402 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_socket(int socket);
403 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_sessionnum(unsigned int sessionnum);
404 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_name(char const * name, t_realm * realm); /* any chat name format */
405 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_accountname(char const * username);
406 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_charname(char const * charname, char const * realmname);
407 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_account(t_account * account);
408 extern t_connection * connlist_find_connection_by_uid(unsigned int uid);
409 extern int connlist_get_length(void) ;
410 extern unsigned int connlist_login_get_length(void) ;
411 extern int connlist_total_logins(void) ;
412 extern int conn_set_joingamewhisper_ack(t_connection * c, unsigned int value);
413 extern int conn_get_joingamewhisper_ack(t_connection * c);
414 extern int conn_set_leavegamewhisper_ack(t_connection * c, unsigned int value);
415 extern int conn_get_leavegamewhisper_ack(t_connection * c);
416 extern int conn_set_anongame_search_starttime(t_connection * c, time_t t);
417 extern time_t conn_get_anongame_search_starttime(t_connection * c);
419 extern int conn_get_user_count_by_clienttag(t_clienttag ct);
421 extern unsigned int connlist_count_connections(unsigned int addr);
423 extern int conn_update_w3_playerinfo(t_connection * c);
425 extern int conn_get_passfail_count(t_connection * c);
426 extern int conn_set_passfail_count(t_connection * c, unsigned int failcount);
427 extern int conn_increment_passfail_count (t_connection * c);
429 extern int conn_set_tmpOP_channel(t_connection * c, char const * tmpOP_channel);
430 extern char const * conn_get_tmpOP_channel(t_connection * c);
431 extern int conn_set_tmpVOICE_channel(t_connection * c, char const * tmpVOICE_channel);
432 extern char const * conn_get_tmpVOICE_channel(t_connection * c);
433 extern t_elist *conn_get_timer(t_connection * c);
434 extern int conn_add_fdwatch(t_connection *c, fdwatch_handler handle);
436 /**
437 *  Westwood Online Extensions
438 */
439 extern int conn_get_wol(t_connection * c);
441 extern void conn_wol_set_ingame(t_connection * c, int wol_ingame);
442 extern int conn_wol_get_ingame(t_connection * c);
444 extern void conn_wol_set_apgar(t_connection * c, char const * apgar);
445 extern char const * conn_wol_get_apgar(t_connection * c);
447 extern void conn_wol_set_codepage(t_connection * c, int codepage);
448 extern int conn_wol_get_codepage(t_connection * c);
450 extern void conn_wol_set_locale(t_connection * c, int locale);
451 extern int conn_wol_get_locale(t_connection * c);
453 extern void conn_wol_set_game_type(t_connection * c, int gameType);
454 extern int conn_wol_get_game_type(t_connection * c);
456 extern void conn_wol_set_game_options(t_connection * c, char const * gameOptions);
457 extern char const * conn_wol_get_game_options(t_connection * c);
459 #endif
460 #endif