1 #include "extractor/restriction_graph.hpp"
2 #include "util/node_based_graph.hpp"
3 #include "util/timing_util.hpp"
4 #include <util/for_each_pair.hpp>
6 #include <boost/assign.hpp>
7 #include <boost/range/algorithm/copy.hpp>
9 namespace osrm
10 {
11 namespace extractor
12 {
14 namespace restriction_graph_details
15 {
insertEdge(RestrictionGraph & rg,const RestrictionID id,const RestrictionEdge & edge)17 void insertEdge(RestrictionGraph &rg, const RestrictionID id, const RestrictionEdge &edge)
18 {
19     const auto range = rg.GetEdges(id);
20     auto &node = rg.nodes[id];
21     if (node.edges_begin_idx + range.size() != rg.edges.size())
22     {
23         // Most nodes will only have one edge, so this copy will be infrequent
24         node.edges_begin_idx = rg.edges.size();
25         std::copy(range.begin(), range.end(), std::back_inserter(rg.edges));
26     }
27     rg.edges.push_back(edge);
28     node.num_edges += 1;
29 }
insertRestriction(RestrictionGraph & rg,const RestrictionID id,const TurnRestriction * restriction)31 void insertRestriction(RestrictionGraph &rg,
32                        const RestrictionID id,
33                        const TurnRestriction *restriction)
34 {
35     const auto range = rg.GetRestrictions(id);
36     auto &node = rg.nodes[id];
37     if (node.restrictions_begin_idx + range.size() != rg.restrictions.size())
38     {
39         // Most nodes will only have zero or one restriction, so this copy will be infrequent
40         node.restrictions_begin_idx = rg.restrictions.size();
41         std::copy(range.begin(), range.end(), std::back_inserter(rg.restrictions));
42     }
43     rg.restrictions.push_back(restriction);
44     node.num_restrictions += 1;
45 }
getOrInsertStartNode(RestrictionGraph & rg,NodeID from,NodeID to)47 RestrictionID getOrInsertStartNode(RestrictionGraph &rg, NodeID from, NodeID to)
48 {
49     auto start_edge = std::make_pair(from, to);
50     auto start_node_idx_itr = rg.start_edge_to_node.find(start_edge);
51     if (start_node_idx_itr == rg.start_edge_to_node.end())
52     {
53         // First time we have seen a restriction start from this edge.
54         auto start_node_idx = rg.nodes.size();
55         rg.nodes.push_back(RestrictionNode{rg.restrictions.size(), 0, rg.edges.size(), 0});
56         start_node_idx_itr = rg.start_edge_to_node.insert({start_edge, start_node_idx}).first;
57     }
58     return start_node_idx_itr->second;
59 }
insertViaNode(RestrictionGraph & rg,NodeID from,NodeID to)61 RestrictionID insertViaNode(RestrictionGraph &rg, NodeID from, NodeID to)
62 {
63     auto new_via_node_idx = rg.nodes.size();
64     rg.nodes.push_back(RestrictionNode{rg.restrictions.size(), 0, rg.edges.size(), 0});
65     rg.via_edge_to_node.insert({{from, to}, new_via_node_idx});
66     return new_via_node_idx;
67 }
69 // pathBuilder builds the prefix tree structure that is used to first insert turn restrictions
70 // into the graph.
71 struct pathBuilder
72 {
73     RestrictionGraph &rg;
74     RestrictionID cur_node;
pathBuilderosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::pathBuilder76     pathBuilder(RestrictionGraph &rg_) : rg(rg_) { cur_node = SPECIAL_RESTRICTIONID; }
nameosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::pathBuilder78     static std::string name() { return "path builder"; };
startosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::pathBuilder80     void start(NodeID from, NodeID to) { cur_node = getOrInsertStartNode(rg, from, to); }
nextosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::pathBuilder82     void next(NodeID from, NodeID to)
83     {
84         const auto &edge_range = rg.GetEdges(cur_node);
85         auto edge_to_itr = std::find_if(edge_range.begin(),
86                                         edge_range.end(),
87                                         [&](const auto &edge) { return edge.node_based_to == to; });
88         if (edge_to_itr != edge_range.end())
89         {
90             cur_node = edge_to_itr->target;
91             return;
92         }
94         // This is a new restriction path we have not seen before.
95         // Add a new via node and edge to the tree.
96         auto new_via_node_idx = insertViaNode(rg, from, to);
97         insertEdge(rg, cur_node, RestrictionEdge{to, new_via_node_idx, false});
99         cur_node = new_via_node_idx;
100     }
endosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::pathBuilder102     void end(const TurnRestriction &restriction) { insertRestriction(rg, cur_node, &restriction); }
103 };
105 // transferBuilder adds the transfer edges between overlapping restriction paths. It does this
106 // by tracking paths in the graph that can be equal to a suffix of a restriction path, and
107 // attempting to connect the them with a new edge.
108 struct transferBuilder
109 {
110     RestrictionGraph &rg;
111     std::vector<RestrictionID> suffix_nodes;
112     RestrictionID cur_node;
transferBuilderosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::transferBuilder114     transferBuilder(RestrictionGraph &rg_) : rg(rg_) { cur_node = SPECIAL_RESTRICTIONID; }
nameosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::transferBuilder116     static std::string name() { return "transfer builder"; };
startosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::transferBuilder118     void start(NodeID from, NodeID to) { cur_node = getOrInsertStartNode(rg, from, to); }
next_suffixesosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::transferBuilder120     void next_suffixes(NodeID from, NodeID to)
121     {
122         // Update the suffix paths to include those that also have this edge
123         auto new_suffix_it = suffix_nodes.begin();
124         for (const auto &suffix_node : suffix_nodes)
125         {
126             const auto &edges = rg.GetEdges(suffix_node);
127             const auto edge_it = std::find_if(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [&to](const auto &edge) {
128                 return edge.node_based_to == to && !edge.is_transfer;
129             });
130             if (edge_it != edges.end())
131             {
132                 *(new_suffix_it++) = edge_it->target;
133             }
134         }
135         suffix_nodes.erase(new_suffix_it, suffix_nodes.end());
137         // Add a start node if it is a trivial suffix
138         auto start_way_it = rg.start_edge_to_node.find({from, to});
139         if (start_way_it != rg.start_edge_to_node.end())
140         {
141             suffix_nodes.push_back({start_way_it->second});
142         }
143     }
145     // For each edge on path, if there is an edge in the suffix path not on the current
146     // path, add as a transfer.
add_suffix_transferosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::transferBuilder147     void add_suffix_transfer(const RestrictionID &suffix_node)
148     {
149         for (const auto &suffix_edge : rg.GetEdges(suffix_node))
150         {
151             if (suffix_edge.is_transfer)
152                 continue;
154             // Check there are no unconditional restrictions at the current node that would prevent
155             // the transfer
156             const auto &restrictions = rg.GetRestrictions(cur_node);
157             const auto is_restricted =
158                 std::any_of(restrictions.begin(), restrictions.end(), [&](const auto &restriction) {
159                     return restriction->IsTurnRestricted(suffix_edge.node_based_to) &&
160                            restriction->IsUnconditional();
161                 });
162             if (is_restricted)
163                 continue;
165             const auto &edges = rg.GetEdges(cur_node);
166             // Check that the suffix edge is not a next edge along the current path.
167             const auto can_transfer = std::none_of(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [&](auto &edge) {
168                 return edge.node_based_to == suffix_edge.node_based_to;
169             });
170             if (can_transfer)
171             {
172                 insertEdge(rg,
173                            cur_node,
174                            RestrictionEdge{suffix_edge.node_based_to, suffix_edge.target, true});
175             }
176         }
177     };
nextosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::transferBuilder179     void next(NodeID from, NodeID to)
180     {
181         const auto &edges = rg.GetEdges(cur_node);
182         auto next_edge_itr = std::find_if(
183             edges.begin(), edges.end(), [&](const auto edge) { return edge.node_based_to == to; });
185         // We know this edge exists
186         cur_node = next_edge_itr->target;
188         this->next_suffixes(from, to);
190         std::for_each(suffix_nodes.begin(), suffix_nodes.end(), [&](const auto &suffix_node) {
191             this->add_suffix_transfer(suffix_node);
192         });
194         for (const auto &suffix_node : suffix_nodes)
195         {
196             // Also add any restrictions from suffix paths to the current node in the
197             // restriction graph.
198             for (const auto &restriction : rg.GetRestrictions(suffix_node))
199             {
200                 insertRestriction(rg, cur_node, restriction);
201             }
202         }
203     }
endosrm::extractor::restriction_graph_details::transferBuilder205     void end(const TurnRestriction & /*unused*/) {}
206 };
208 template <typename builder_type>
buildGraph(RestrictionGraph & rg,const std::vector<TurnRestriction> & restrictions)209 void buildGraph(RestrictionGraph &rg, const std::vector<TurnRestriction> &restrictions)
210 {
211     const auto run_builder = [&](const auto &restriction) {
212         builder_type builder(rg);
214         builder.start(restriction.From(), restriction.FirstVia());
215         if (restriction.Type() == RestrictionType::WAY_RESTRICTION)
216         {
217             const auto &way_restriction = restriction.AsWayRestriction();
218             util::for_each_pair(way_restriction.via.begin(),
219                                 way_restriction.via.end(),
220                                 [&](NodeID from, NodeID to) { builder.next(from, to); });
221         }
222         builder.end(restriction);
223     };
225     std::for_each(restrictions.begin(), restrictions.end(), run_builder);
226 }
227 } // namespace restriction_graph_details
constructRestrictionGraph(const std::vector<TurnRestriction> & turn_restrictions)229 RestrictionGraph constructRestrictionGraph(const std::vector<TurnRestriction> &turn_restrictions)
230 {
231     util::UnbufferedLog log;
232     log << "Constructing restriction graph on " << turn_restrictions.size() << " restrictions...";
233     TIMER_START(construct_restriction_graph);
235     namespace rgd = restriction_graph_details;
236     RestrictionGraph rg;
237     rgd::buildGraph<rgd::pathBuilder>(rg, turn_restrictions);
238     rgd::buildGraph<rgd::transferBuilder>(rg, turn_restrictions);
240     // Reorder nodes so that via nodes are at the front. This makes it easier to represent the
241     // bijection between restriction graph via nodes and edge-based graph duplicate nodes.
242     std::vector<bool> is_via_node(rg.nodes.size(), false);
243     for (const auto &entry : rg.via_edge_to_node)
244     {
245         is_via_node[entry.second] = true;
246     }
247     std::vector<RestrictionID> ordering(rg.nodes.size());
248     std::iota(ordering.begin(), ordering.end(), 0);
249     std::partition(ordering.begin(), ordering.end(), [&](const auto i) { return is_via_node[i]; });
250     // Start renumbering
251     const auto permutation = util::orderingToPermutation(ordering);
252     util::inplacePermutation(rg.nodes.begin(), rg.nodes.end(), permutation);
253     std::for_each(rg.edges.begin(), rg.edges.end(), [&](auto &edge) {
254         edge.target = permutation[edge.target];
255     });
256     rg.num_via_nodes = std::count(is_via_node.begin(), is_via_node.end(), true);
257     for (auto &entry : rg.via_edge_to_node)
258     {
259         entry.second = permutation[entry.second];
260     }
261     for (auto &entry : rg.start_edge_to_node)
262     {
263         entry.second = permutation[entry.second];
264     }
266     TIMER_STOP(construct_restriction_graph);
267     log << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(construct_restriction_graph) << "s";
269     return rg;
270 }
GetRestrictions(RestrictionID id) const272 RestrictionGraph::RestrictionRange RestrictionGraph::GetRestrictions(RestrictionID id) const
273 {
274     const auto &node = nodes[id];
275     return boost::make_iterator_range(restrictions.begin() + node.restrictions_begin_idx,
276                                       restrictions.begin() + node.restrictions_begin_idx +
277                                           node.num_restrictions);
278 }
GetEdges(RestrictionID id) const280 RestrictionGraph::EdgeRange RestrictionGraph::GetEdges(RestrictionID id) const
281 {
282     const auto &node = nodes[id];
283     return boost::make_iterator_range(edges.begin() + node.edges_begin_idx,
284                                       edges.begin() + node.edges_begin_idx + node.num_edges);
285 }
287 } // namespace extractor
288 } // namespace osrm