1 /*
2  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3  * $Revision: 1.5 $
4  * $Date: 2007/10/26 21:51:29 $
5  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
6  * Programmer: Radu Serban @ LLNL
7  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
8  * Copyright (c) 2006, The Regents of the University of California.
9  * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
10  * All rights reserved.
11  * For details, see the LICENSE file.
12  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
13  * Implementation header file for the main CPODES integrator.
14  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
15  */
17 #ifndef _CPODES_IMPL_H
18 #define _CPODES_IMPL_H
20 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
21 extern "C" {
22 #endif
24 #include <cpodes/cpodes.h>
26 /*
27  * =================================================================
28  *   M A I N    I N T E G R A T O R    M E M O R Y    B L O C K
29  * =================================================================
30  */
32 /* Basic LMM constants */
34 #define ADAMS_Q_MAX 12     /* max value of q for ADAMS        */
35 #define BDF_Q_MAX    5     /* max value of q for BDF          */
36 #define Q_MAX  ADAMS_Q_MAX /* max value of q for either LMM   */
37 #define L_MAX  (Q_MAX+1)   /* max value of L for either LMM   */
38 #define NUM_TESTS    5     /* number of error test quantities */
40 /*
41  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
42  * Types : struct CPodeMemRec, CPodeMem
43  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
44  * The type CPodeMem is type pointer to struct CPodeMemRec.
45  * This structure contains fields to keep track of problem state.
46  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
47  */
49 typedef struct CPodeMemRec {
51   realtype cp_uround;    /* machine unit roundoff */
53   /*--------------------------
54     Problem Specification Data
55     --------------------------*/
57   int cp_ode_type;             /* ODE type: ode = CP_IMPL or CP_EXPL          */
58   CPResFn cp_fi;               /* F(t,y'(t),y(t)) = 0                         */
59   CPRhsFn cp_fe;               /* y' = f(t,y(t))                              */
60   void *cp_f_data;             /* user pointer passed to f                    */
62   int cp_lmm_type;             /* lmm_type = CP_ADAMS or CP_BDF               */
63   int cp_nls_type;             /* nls_type = CP_FUNCTIONAL or CP_NEWTON       */
64   int cp_tol_type;             /* tol_type = CP_SS or CP_SV or CP_WF          */
66   realtype cp_reltol;          /* relative tolerance                          */
67   realtype cp_Sabstol;         /* scalar absolute tolerance                   */
68   N_Vector cp_Vabstol;         /* vector absolute tolerance                   */
69   CPEwtFn cp_efun;             /* function to set ewt                         */
70   void *cp_e_data;             /* user pointer passed to efun                 */
72   /*-----------------------
73     Nordsieck History Array
74     -----------------------*/
76   /*
77    * Nordsieck array, of size N x (q+1).
78    * zn[j] is a vector of length N (j=0,...,q)
79    * zn[j] = [1/factorial(j)] * h^j * (jth derivative of the interpolating polynomial)
80    */
82   N_Vector cp_zn[L_MAX];
84   /*------------------------------------------------
85     Other vectors of same length as the state vector
86     ------------------------------------------------*/
88   N_Vector cp_ewt;             /* error weight vector.                        */
89   N_Vector cp_y;               /* work space for y vector (= yout)            */
90   N_Vector cp_yp;              /* work space for yp vector (= ypout)          */
91   N_Vector cp_acor;            /* accumulated correction acor = y_n(m)-y_n(0) */
92   N_Vector cp_tempv;           /* temporary storage vector                    */
93   N_Vector cp_ftemp;           /* temporary storage vector                    */
95   /*---------
96     Step Data
97     ---------*/
99   int cp_q;                    /* current order                               */
100   int cp_qprime;               /* order to be used on the next step           */
101   int cp_next_q;               /* order to be used on the next step           */
102   int cp_qwait;                /* no. of steps to wait before a change in q   */
103   int cp_L;                    /* L = q + 1                                   */
105   realtype cp_hin;             /* initial step size                           */
106   realtype cp_h;               /* current step size                           */
107   realtype cp_hprime;          /* step size to be used on the next step       */
108   realtype cp_next_h;          /* step size to be used on the next step       */
109   realtype cp_eta;             /* eta = hprime / h                            */
110   realtype cp_hscale;          /* value of h used in zn                       */
111   realtype cp_tn;              /* current internal value of t                 */
112   realtype cp_tretlast;        /* value of tret last returned by CPode        */
114   realtype cp_tau[L_MAX+1];    /* array of previous q+1 successful step sizes */
115   realtype cp_tq[NUM_TESTS+1]; /* array of test quantities                    */
116   realtype cp_l[L_MAX];        /* coefficients of Lambda(x) (degree q poly)   */
117   realtype cp_p[L_MAX];        /* coefficients of Phi(x) (degree q poly)      */
119   realtype cp_rl1;             /* the scalar 1/l[1]                           */
120   realtype cp_gamma;           /* gamma = h * rl1                             */
121   realtype cp_gammap;          /* gamma at the last setup call                */
122   realtype cp_gamrat;          /* gamma / gammap                              */
124   realtype cp_crate;           /* estimated corrector convergence rate        */
125   realtype cp_acnrm;           /* ||acor||_wrms                               */
126   realtype cp_nlscoef;         /* coeficient in nonlinear convergence test    */
127   int  cp_mnewt;               /* Newton iteration counter                    */
129   /*---------------
130     Projection Data
131     ---------------*/
133   int cp_proj_type;            /* user vs. internal projection algorithm      */
134   booleantype cp_proj_enabled; /* is projection enabled?                      */
135   booleantype cp_applyProj;    /* was projection performed at current step?   */
137   long int cp_proj_freq;       /* projection frequency                        */
138   long int cp_nstlprj;         /* step number of last projection              */
140   int cp_proj_norm;            /* type of projection norm (L2 or WRMS)        */
141   int cp_cnstr_type;           /* type of constraints (lin. or nonlin.)       */
142   CPCnstrFn cp_cfun;           /* 0  = c(t,y(t))                              */
143   void *cp_c_data;             /* user pointer passed to cfun                 */
145   CPProjFn cp_pfun;            /* function to perform projection              */
146   void *cp_p_data;             /* user pointer passed to pfun                 */
148   realtype cp_prjcoef;         /* coefficient in projection convergence test  */
150   N_Vector cp_acorP;           /* projection correction (length N)            */
151   N_Vector cp_errP;            /* projected error estimate (length N)         */
152   N_Vector cp_yC;              /* saved corrected state (length N)            */
154   long int cp_lsetupP_freq;    /* frequency of cnstr. Jacobian evaluation     */
155   long int cp_nstlsetP;        /* step number of last lsetupP call            */
157   realtype cp_crateP;          /* estimated conv. rate in nonlin. projection  */
158   int cp_maxcorP;              /* maximum number of nonlin. proj. iterations  */
160   booleantype cp_project_err;  /* should we project the error estimate?       */
162   booleantype cp_test_cnstr;   /* test constraint norm before projection?     */
163   N_Vector cp_ctol;            /* vector of constraint "absolute tolerances"  */
165   N_Vector cp_ctemp;           /* temporary vectors (length M)                */
166   N_Vector cp_tempvP1;
167   N_Vector cp_tempvP2;
169   booleantype cp_first_proj;   /* is this the first time we project?          */
171   long int cp_nproj;           /* number of projection steps performed        */
172   long int cp_nprf;            /* number of projection failures               */
173   long int cp_nce;             /* number of calls to cfun                     */
174   long int cp_nsetupsP;        /* number of calls to lsetupP                  */
175   int cp_maxnpf;               /* maximum number of projection failures       */
177   /*-----------------------
178     Quadrature Related Data
179     -----------------------*/
181   booleantype cp_quadr;        /* are we integrating quadratures?             */
183   CPQuadFn cp_qfun;            /* function defining the integrand             */
184   void *cp_q_data;             /* user pointer passed to fQ                   */
185   int cp_tol_typeQ;            /* tol_typeQ = CP_SS or CP_SV                  */
186   booleantype cp_errconQ;      /* are quadratures included in error test?     */
188   realtype cp_reltolQ;         /* relative tolerance for quadratures          */
189   realtype cp_SabstolQ;        /* scalar absolute tolerance for quadratures   */
190   N_Vector cp_VabstolQ;        /* vector absolute tolerance for quadratures   */
192   N_Vector cp_znQ[L_MAX];      /* Nordsieck arrays for sensitivities          */
193   N_Vector cp_ewtQ;            /* error weight vector for quadratures         */
194   N_Vector cp_yQ;              /* Unlike y, yQ is not allocated by the user   */
195   N_Vector cp_acorQ;           /* acorQ = yQ_n(m) - yQ_n(0)                   */
196   N_Vector cp_tempvQ;          /* temporary storage vector (~ tempv)          */
198   realtype cp_acnrmQ;          /* acnrmQ = ||acorQ||_WRMS                     */
200   long int cp_lrw1Q;           /* no. of realtype words in 1 N_Vector yQ      */
201   long int cp_liw1Q;           /* no. of integer words in 1 N_Vector yQ       */
203   int cp_qmax_allocQ;          /* qmax used when allocating quad. memory      */
205   booleantype cp_VabstolQMallocDone;  /* did we allocate memory for abstolQ?  */
206   booleantype cp_quadMallocDone;      /* was quadrature memory allocated?     */
208   long int cp_nqe;             /* number of calls to qfun                     */
209   long int cp_netfQ;           /* number of quadr. error test failures        */
211   /*-----------------
212     Tstop information
213     -----------------*/
215   booleantype cp_tstopset;
216   booleantype cp_istop;
217   realtype cp_tstop;
219   /*------
220     Limits
221     ------*/
223   int cp_qmax;          /* q <= qmax                                          */
224   long int cp_mxstep;   /* maximum number of internal steps for one user call */
225   int cp_maxcor;        /* maximum number of corrector iterations for the     */
226   /* solution of the nonlinear equation                 */
227   int cp_mxhnil;        /* maximum number of warning messages issued to the   */
228   /* user that t + h == t for the next internal step    */
229   int cp_maxnef;        /* maximum number of error test failures              */
230   int cp_maxncf;        /* maximum number of nonlinear convergence failures   */
232   realtype cp_hmin;     /* |h| >= hmin                                        */
233   realtype cp_hmax_inv; /* |h| <= 1/hmax_inv                                  */
234   realtype cp_etamax;   /* eta <= etamax                                      */
236   /*--------
237     Counters
238     --------*/
240   long int cp_nst;             /* number of internal steps taken              */
241   long int cp_nfe;             /* number of f calls                           */
242   long int cp_ncfn;            /* number of corrector convergence failures    */
243   long int cp_netf;            /* number of error test failures               */
244   long int cp_nni;             /* number of nonlinear iterations performed    */
245   long int cp_nsetups;         /* number of calls to lsetup                   */
246   int cp_nhnil;                /* number of messages saying that t+h==t       */
248   realtype cp_etaqm1;          /* ratio of new to old h for order q-1         */
249   realtype cp_etaq;            /* ratio of new to old h for order q           */
250   realtype cp_etaqp1;          /* ratio of new to old h for order q+1         */
252   /*----------------------------
253     Space requirements for CPODES
254     ----------------------------*/
256   long int cp_lrw1;            /* no. of realtype words in 1 state N_Vector   */
257   long int cp_liw1;            /* no. of integer words in 1 state N_Vector    */
258   long int cp_lrw2;            /* no. of realtype words in 1 cnstr. N_Vector  */
259   long int cp_liw2;            /* no. of integer words in 1 cnstr. N_Vector   */
260   long int cp_lrw;             /* no. of realtype words in CPODES work vectors*/
261   long int cp_liw;             /* no. of integer words in CPODES work vectors */
263   /*---------------------------------------
264     Implicit Integration Linear Solver Data
265     ---------------------------------------*/
267   /* Linear Solver functions to be called */
268   int (*cp_linit)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem);
269   int (*cp_lsetup)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem, int convfail,
270                    N_Vector yP, N_Vector ypP, N_Vector fctP,
271                    booleantype *jcurPtr,
272                    N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
273   int (*cp_lsolve)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector weight,
274                    N_Vector yC, N_Vector ypC, N_Vector fctC);
275   void (*cp_lfree)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem);
277   /* Linear Solver specific memory */
278   void *cp_lmem;
280   /* Does lsetup do anything? */
281   booleantype cp_lsetup_exists;
283   /*-----------------------------
284     Projection Linear Solver Data
285     -----------------------------*/
287   /* Linear Solver functions to be called */
288   int (*cp_linitP)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem);
289   int (*cp_lsetupP)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem,
290                     N_Vector y, N_Vector cy,
291                     N_Vector c_tmp1, N_Vector c_tmp2, N_Vector s_tmp1);
292   int (*cp_lsolveP)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector x,
293                     N_Vector y, N_Vector cy,
294                     N_Vector c_tmp1, N_Vector s_tmp1);
295   void (*cp_lmultP)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem, N_Vector x, N_Vector Gx);
296   void (*cp_lfreeP)(struct CPodeMemRec *cp_mem);
298   /* Linear Solver specific memory */
299   void *cp_lmemP;
301   /* Does lsetupP do anything? */
302   booleantype cp_lsetupP_exists;
304   /*------------
305     Saved Values
306     ------------*/
308   int cp_qu;                    /* last successful q value used               */
309   long int cp_nstlset;          /* step number of last lsetup call            */
310   realtype cp_h0u;              /* actual initial stepsize                    */
311   realtype cp_hu;               /* last successful h value used               */
312   realtype cp_saved_tq5;        /* saved value of tq[5]                       */
313   booleantype cp_jcur;          /* Is Jacobian info current?                  */
314   realtype cp_tolsf;            /* tolerance scale factor                     */
315   int cp_qmax_alloc;            /* value of qmax used when allocating memory  */
316   int cp_indx_acor;             /* index of the zn vector where acor is saved */
318   booleantype cp_MallocDone;
319   booleantype cp_VabstolMallocDone;
320   booleantype cp_projMallocDone;
321   booleantype cp_rootMallocDone;
324   /*-------------------------------------------
325     Error handler function and error output file
326     -------------------------------------------*/
328   CPErrHandlerFn cp_ehfun;     /* Error messages are handled by ehfun         */
329   void *cp_eh_data;            /* user pointer passed to ehfun                */
330   FILE *cp_errfp;              /* CPODES error messages are sent to errfp     */
332   /*-------------------------
333     Stability Limit Detection
334     -------------------------*/
336   booleantype cp_sldeton;      /* Is Stability Limit Detection on?            */
337   realtype cp_ssdat[6][4];     /* scaled data array for STALD                 */
338   int cp_nscon;                /* counter for STALD method                    */
339   long int cp_nor;             /* counter for number of order reductions      */
341   /*----------------
342     Rootfinding Data
343     ----------------*/
345   booleantype cp_doRootfinding;/* Is rootfinding enabled?                     */
346   CPRootFn cp_gfun;            /* Function g for roots sought                 */
347   int cp_nrtfn;                /* number of components of g                   */
348   void *cp_g_data;             /* pointer to user data for g                  */
349   booleantype *cp_gactive;     /* flags for active/inactive g functions       */
350   int *cp_iroots;              /* array for root information                  */
351   int *cp_rootdir;             /* array specifying direction of zero-crossing */
353   realtype cp_tlo;             /* nearest endpoint of interval in root search */
354   realtype cp_thi;             /* farthest endpoint of interval in root search*/
355   realtype cp_trout;           /* t value returned by rootfinding routine     */
356   realtype *cp_glo;            /* saved array of g values at t = tlo          */
357   realtype *cp_ghi;            /* saved array of g values at t = thi          */
358   realtype *cp_grout;          /* array of g values at t = trout              */
359   realtype cp_toutc;           /* copy of tout (if NORMAL mode)               */
360   int cp_taskc;                /* copy of parameter task                      */
361   int cp_irfnd;                /* flag showing whether last step had a root   */
362   long int cp_nge;             /* counter for g evaluations                   */
364   /*------------------------------
365     Consistent IC calculation data
366     ------------------------------*/
368   realtype cp_icprj_convcoef;
369   realtype cp_icprj_normtol;
370   int cp_icprj_maxrcvr;
371   int cp_icprj_maxiter;
372   N_Vector cp_yy0;
373   N_Vector cp_yp0;
375 } *CPodeMem;
377 /*
378  * =================================================================
379  *     I N T E R F A C E   T O    L I N E A R   S O L V E R S
380  *       F O R   I M P L I C I T    I N T E G R A T I O N
381  * =================================================================
382  */
384 /*
385  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
386  * int (*cp_linit)(CPodeMem cp_mem);
387  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
388  * The purpose of cp_linit is to complete initializations for a
389  * specific linear solver, such as counters and statistics.
390  * An LInitFn should return 0 if it has successfully initialized the
391  * CPODES linear solver and a negative value otherwise.
392  * If an error does occur, an appropriate message should be sent to
393  * the error handler function.
394  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
395  */
397 /*
398  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
399  * int (*cp_lsetup)(CPodeMem cp_mem, int convfail,
400  *                  N_Vector yP, N_Vector ypP, N_Vector fctP,
401  *                  booleantype *jcurPtr,
402  *                  N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
403  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
404  * The job of cp_lsetup is to prepare the linear solver for subsequent
405  * calls to cp_lsolve. It may recompute Jacobian-related data is it
406  * deems necessary. Its parameters are as follows:
407  *
408  * cp_mem   - problem memory pointer of type CPodeMem. See the
409  *            typedef earlier in this file.
410  *
411  * convfail - a flag to indicate any problem that occurred during
412  *            the solution of the nonlinear equation on the
413  *            current time step for which the linear solver is
414  *            being used. This flag can be used to help decide
415  *            whether the Jacobian data kept by a CPODES linear
416  *            solver needs to be updated or not.
417  *            Its possible values are documented below.
418  *
419  *    NOTE: convfail is UNDEFINED for implicit-form ODE
420  *
421  * yP       - the predicted y vector for the current CPODES
422  *            internal step (i.e. zn[0])
423  *
424  * ypP      - the predicted y' vector for the current CPODES
425  *            internal step (i.e. h*zn[1] for CP_IMPL)
426  *
427  *    NOTE: ypP = NULL for explicit-form ODE
428  *
429  * fctP     - f(yP) or F(tn, yP, ypP).
430  *
431  * jcurPtr  - a pointer to a boolean to be filled in by cp_lsetup.
432  *            The function should set *jcurPtr=TRUE if its Jacobian
433  *            data is current after the call and should set
434  *            *jcurPtr=FALSE if its Jacobian data is not current.
435  *            Note: If cp_lsetup calls for re-evaluation of
436  *            Jacobian data (based on convfail and CPODES state
437  *            data), it should return *jcurPtr=TRUE always;
438  *            otherwise an infinite loop can result.
439  *
440  *    NOTE: jcurPtr is IGNORED for implicit-form ODE
441  *
442  * tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 - temporary N_Vectors provided for use by cp_lsetup.
443  *
444  * The cp_lsetup routine should return 0 if successful, a positive
445  * value for a recoverable error, and a negative value for an
446  * unrecoverable error.
447  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
448  */
450 /*
451  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
452  * int (*cp_lsolve)(CPodeMem cp_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector weight,
453  *                  N_Vector yC, N_Vector ypC, N_Vector fctC);
454  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
455  * cp_lsolve must solve the linear equation P x = b, where
456  *   Explicit-form ODE:
457  *         P is some approximation to (I - gamma * df/dy)
458  *         and the RHS vector b is input.
459  *   Implicit-form ODE:
460  *         P is some approximation to (dF/dy' + gamma * dF/dy)
461  *         and b is the current residual.
462  * Its arguments are as follows:
463  *
464  * cp_mem   - problem memory pointer of type CPodeMem. See the big
465  *            typedef earlier in this file.
466  *
467  * b        - on input the right-hand side of the linear system
468  *            to be solved. On output, the solution.
469  *
470  * weight   - te current weights in the WRMS norm.
471  *
472  * yC       - the solver's current approximation to y(tn)
473  *
474  * ypC      - the solver's current approximation to y'(tn)
475  *
476  *    NOTE: ypC = NULL for explicit-form ODE
477  *
478  * fctC     - f(tn, yC) or F(tn, yC, ypc).
479  *
480  * The solution is to be returned in the vector b.
481  * The cp_lsolve function should return a positive value for a
482  * recoverable error and a negative value for an unrecoverable error.
483  * Success is indicated by a 0 return value.
484  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
485  */
487 /*
488  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
489  * void (*cp_lfree)(CPodeMem cp_mem);
490  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
491  * cp_lfree should free up any memory allocated by the linear
492  * solver. This routine is called once a problem has been
493  * completed and the linear solver is no longer needed.
494  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
495  */
497 /*
498  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
499  * Communication between CPODES and a CPODES Linear Solver
500  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
501  * convfail is passed as an input to cp_lsetup. When dealing with
502  * an ODE in explicit form, this can be used to test whether the Jacobian
503  * must be reevakluated or whether it is enough to use the up-to-date gamma
504  * value.
505  *
506  * convfail can be one of:
507  *
508  * CP_NO_FAILURES : Either this is the first cp_setup call for this
509  *                  step, or the local error test failed on the
510  *                  previous attempt at this step (but the Newton
511  *                  iteration converged).
512  *
513  * CP_FAIL_BAD_J  : This value is passed to cp_lsetup if
514  *
515  *                  (a) The previous Newton corrector iteration
516  *                      did not converge and the linear solver's
517  *                      setup routine indicated that its Jacobian-
518  *                      related data is not current
519  *                                   or
520  *                  (b) During the previous Newton corrector
521  *                      iteration, the linear solver's solve routine
522  *                      failed in a recoverable manner and the
523  *                      linear solver's setup routine indicated that
524  *                      its Jacobian-related data is not current.
525  *
526  * CP_FAIL_OTHER  : During the current internal step try, the
527  *                  previous Newton iteration failed to converge
528  *                  even though the linear solver was using current
529  *                  Jacobian-related data.
530  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
531  */
534 /*
535  * =================================================================
536  *     I N T E R F A C E   T O    L I N E A R   S O L V E R S
537  *                 F O R    P R O J E C T I O N
538  * =================================================================
539  */
541 /*
542  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
543  * int (*cp_linitP)(CPodeMem cp_mem);
544  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
545  * The purpose of cp_linitP is to complete initializations for a
546  * specific linear solver, such as counters and statistics.
547  * An linit function should return 0 if it has successfully
548  * initialized the CPODES linear solver and a negative value otherwise.
549  * If an error does occur, an appropriate message should be sent to
550  * the error handler function.
551  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
552  */
554 /*
555  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
556  * int (*cp_lsetupP)(CPodeMem cp_mem,
557  *                   N_Vector y, N_Vector cy,
558  *                   N_Vector c_tmp1, N_Vector c_tmp2, N_Vector s_tmp1);
559  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
560  * The job of cp_lsetupP is to prepare the linear solver for subsequent
561  * calls to cp_lsolveP. It may recompute Jacobian-related data if it
562  * deems necessary. Its parameters are as follows:
563  *
564  * cp_mem   - problem memory pointer of type CPodeMem. See the
565  *            typedef earlier in this file.
566  *
567  * y        - the corrected y vector for the current CPODES
568  *            internal step (i.e. zn[0])
569  *
570  * cy      - c(tn, y)
571  *
572  * c_tmp1, c_tmp2 - temporary N_Vectors (of same length as c) provided
573  *                  for use by cp_lsetupP.
574  * s_tmp1         - temporary N_Vectors (of same length as y) provided
575  *                  for use by cp_lsetupP.
576  *
577  * The cp_lsetupP routine should return 0 if successful, a positive
578  * value for a recoverable error, and a negative value for an
579  * unrecoverable error.
580  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
581  */
583 /*
584  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
585  * int (*cp_lsolveP)(CPodeMem cp_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector x,
586  *                   N_Vector y, N_Vector cy,
587  *                   N_Vector c_tmp1, N_Vector s_tmp1);
588  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
589  * cp_lsolveP must solve the linear equation:
590  *
591  *
592  *   Explicit-form ODE:
593  *         P is some approximation to (I - gamma * df/dy)
594  *         and the RHS vector b is input.
595  *   Implicit-form ODE:
596  *         P is some approximation to (dF/dy' + gamma * dF/dy)
597  *         and b is the current residual.
598  * Its arguments are as follows:
599  *
600  * cp_mem   - problem memory pointer of type CPodeMem. See the big
601  *            typedef earlier in this file.
602  *
603  * b        - on input the right-hand side of the linear system
604  *            to be solved. On output, the solution.
605  *
606  * weight   - te current weights in the WRMS norm.
607  *
608  * yC       - the solver's current approximation to y(tn)
609  *
610  * ypC      - the solver's current approximation to y'(tn)
611  *
612  *    NOTE: ypC = NULL for explicit-form ODE
613  *
614  * fctC     - f(tn, yC) or F(tn, yC, ypc).
615  *
616  * The solution is to be returned in the vector b.
617  * The cp_lsolve function should return a positive value for a
618  * recoverable error and a negative value for an unrecoverable error.
619  * Success is indicated by a 0 return value.
620  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
621  */
623 /*
624  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
625  * void (*cp_lmultP)(CPodeMem cp_mem, N_Vector x, N_Vector Gx);
626  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
627  * cp_lmultP should compute the Jacobian - vector product, for a
628  * given vector x and return the result in Gx.
629  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
630  */
632 /*
633  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
634  * void (*cp_lfreeP)(CPodeMem cp_mem);
635  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
636  * cp_lfreeP should free up any memory allocated by the linear
637  * solver. This routine is called once a problem has been
638  * completed and the linear solver is no longer needed.
639  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
640  */
642 /*
643  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
644  * Communication between CPODES and a CPODES Linear Solver
645  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
646  * convfail is passed as an input to cp_lsetup. When dealing with
647  * an ODE in explicit form, this can be used to test whether the Jacobian
648  * must be reevakluated or whether it is enough to use the up-to-date gamma
649  * value.
650  *
651  * convfail can be one of:
652  *
653  * CP_NO_FAILURES : Either this is the first cp_setup call for this
654  *                  step, or the local error test failed on the
655  *                  previous attempt at this step (but the Newton
656  *                  iteration converged).
657  *
658  * CP_FAIL_BAD_J  : This value is passed to cp_lsetup if
659  *
660  *                  (a) The previous Newton corrector iteration
661  *                      did not converge and the linear solver's
662  *                      setup routine indicated that its Jacobian-
663  *                      related data is not current
664  *                                   or
665  *                  (b) During the previous Newton corrector
666  *                      iteration, the linear solver's solve routine
667  *                      failed in a recoverable manner and the
668  *                      linear solver's setup routine indicated that
669  *                      its Jacobian-related data is not current.
670  *
671  * CP_FAIL_OTHER  : During the current internal step try, the
672  *                  previous Newton iteration failed to converge
673  *                  even though the linear solver was using current
674  *                  Jacobian-related data.
675  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
676  */
679 #define CP_NO_FAILURES 0
680 #define CP_FAIL_BAD_J  1
681 #define CP_FAIL_OTHER  2
684 #ifdef __cplusplus
685 }
686 #endif
688 #endif