1 #include <libguile.h>
2 #include "scripting/scheme-identifiers.h"
3 #include "scripting/scheme-callbacks.h"
4 #include "core/view.h"
6 #ifdef DEVELOPER
7 static FILE *DEV_fp;
8 #define DEV_CODE  gint idx = lookup_command_from_name(Denemo.map, name+strlen(DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX));\
9   gchar *tooltip =  (idx<0)? "To be documented":(gchar*)lookup_tooltip_from_idx(Denemo.map, idx);\
10   if(!DEV_fp) DEV_fp = fopen("functions.xml", "w");
11 #endif
13 void
install_scm_function(gint nbargs,gchar * tooltip,gchar * name,gpointer callback)14 install_scm_function (gint nbargs, gchar* tooltip, gchar * name, gpointer callback)
15 {
16 #ifdef DEVELOPER
17   DEV_CODE;
18   if (DEV_fp)
19     fprintf (DEV_fp, "<listitem>%s %i parameter: %s </listitem>\n", name, nbargs, tooltip);
20 #endif
21   switch(nbargs){
22     case 0:
23       scm_c_define_gsubr (name, 0, 1, 0, callback);
24       break;
25     case 1:
26       scm_c_define_gsubr (name, 1, 1, 0, callback);
27       break;
28     case 2:
29       scm_c_define_gsubr (name, 2, 0, 0, callback);
30       break;
31     default:
32       scm_c_define_gsubr (name, 0, nbargs, 0, callback);
33       break;
34   }
36   gchar* helpname = g_strconcat("Help-", name, NULL);
37   define_scheme_variable(helpname, tooltip, "Value is the help string of the variable");
38   g_free(helpname);
39 }
41 #undef DEV_CODE
43 void
create_scheme_identfiers(void)44 create_scheme_identfiers (void)
45 {
47   /* test with
48      (d-EditMode)
49      (d-2)
50      (d-PutNoteName "cis''")
51    */
53   /* create scheme functions d-<name> for all the menuitem callbacks of <name> that are not check/radio items
54      The scheme functions are defined to take one optional parameter which by denemo convention will be a String type,
55      not necessarily null terminated, which is then passed as a GString * to the callback routines (with the first parameter, the GtkAction*, passed as NULL.
56    */
57 #include "generated/scheme.h"
58   init_denemo_notenames ();
60   install_scm_function (0, "Hides all the menus", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "HideMenus", scheme_hide_menus);
61   install_scm_function (0, "Hides Score buttons or shows them if passed #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "HideButtons", scheme_hide_buttons);
62   install_scm_function (0, "Removes Score buttons", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DestroyButtons", scheme_destroy_buttons);
63   install_scm_function (0, "Hides the Denemo.project or shows it if passed #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "HideWindow", scheme_hide_window);
65   install_scm_function (1, "Takes the the name of a scripted command. Runs the script stored for that command. Scripts which invoke other scripted commands use this (implicitly?) ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ScriptCallback", scheme_script_callback);
67   install_scm_function (1, "create a dialog with the options (null separated string) & return the one chosen, of #f if the user cancels, takes optional title", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetOption", scheme_get_option);
68   /* test with (display (d-GetOption "this\0and\0that\0")) */
69   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the text on the clipboard", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetTextSelection", scheme_get_text_selection);
70   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the padding that has been set by dragging in the Print view window", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPadding", scheme_get_padding);
71   install_scm_function (0, "Deprecated - gets an integer from the user via a dialog", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetRelativeFontSize", scheme_get_relative_font_size);
72   /* install the scheme functions for calling extra Denemo functions created for the scripting interface */
73   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a command name. called by a script if it requires initialization the initialization script is expected to be in init.scm in the menupath of the command passed in.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InitializeScript", scheme_initialize_script);
74   install_scm_function (1, " pass in a path (from below menus) to a command script. Loads the command from .denemo or system if it can be found. It is used at startup in .denemo files like ReadingNoteNames.denemo which executes (d-LoadCommand \"MainMenu/Educational/ReadingNoteNames\") to ensure that the command it needs is in the command set.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "LoadCommand", scheme_load_command);
76   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a string, a menu path (from below menus). It executes the command for that menu item. Returns #f for no menu item.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ActivateMenuItem", scheme_activate_menu_item);
79   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the directory holding the user's preferences", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "LocateDotDenemo", scheme_locate_dotdenemo);
80   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the name of the type of object at the cursor, or None if none. If not passed #f returns Appending if cursor is in appending after an object.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetType", scheme_get_type);
81   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the lilypond typesetting text for object at the cursor or #f if the object has not yet been typeset", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetLilyPond", scheme_get_lilypond);
83   install_scm_function (0, "Returns a string numerator/denominator for a tuplet open object or #f if cursor not on a tuplet open", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetTuplet", scheme_get_tuplet);
84   install_scm_function (0, "Set passed string as numerator/denominator for a tuplet open at cursor", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetTuplet", scheme_set_tuplet);
86   install_scm_function (0, "Set passed 24 bit number as RGB color of background.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetBackground", scheme_set_background);
88   install_scm_function (2, "Takes a staff number m and a object number n. Returns the type of object at the (m, n)th position on the Denemo Clipboard or #f if none.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetClipObjType", scheme_get_clip_obj_type);
89   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a staff number m, Returns the number of objects in the mth staff on the Denemo Clipboard or #f if none.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetClipObjects", scheme_get_clip_objects);
92   install_scm_function (2, "Takes a staff number m and a object number n. Inserts the (m, n)th Denemo Object from Denemo Clipboard into the staff at the cursor position", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutClipObj", scheme_put_clip_obj);
93   install_scm_function (0, "Clears the Denemo Music Clipboard", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ClearClipboard", scheme_clear_clipboard);
94   install_scm_function (0, "Gives the number of staffs in the Denemo Music Clipboard", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetStaffsInClipboard", scheme_get_staffs_in_clipboard);
96   install_scm_function (0, "Gives the number of measures in the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMeasuresInStaff", scheme_get_measures_in_staff);
97   install_scm_function (0, "Lessens the display height for the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ShortenStaffHeight", scheme_shorten_staff_height);
98   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the number of lines for the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetLinesInStaff", scheme_set_lines_in_staff);
99   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the highest note playable for the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetStaffRangeHi", scheme_set_staff_range_hi);
100   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the lowest note playable for the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetStaffRangeLo", scheme_set_staff_range_lo);
101   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the range of notes playable for the current staff from the chord at the cursor.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetStaffRange", scheme_set_staff_range);
102   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the display color for the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetColorOfStaff", scheme_set_color_of_staff);
103   install_scm_function (0, "Gives the number of staffs in the current movement", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetStaffsInMovement", scheme_get_staffs_in_movement);
105   install_scm_function (0, "Makes the current staff a voice belonging to the staff above", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "StaffToVoice", scheme_staff_to_voice);
107   install_scm_function (0, "Makes the current voice a independent staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "VoiceToStaff", scheme_voice_to_staff);
108   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #f if the current staff is not a voice else true", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsVoice", scheme_is_voice);
110   install_scm_function (0, "Adjusts the horizontal (x-) positioning of notes etc after paste", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AdjustXes", scheme_adjust_xes);
112   install_scm_function (0, "Turn highlighting of cursor off/on returning #t, or given a boolean parameter sets the highlighting returning the previous value", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "HighlightCursor", scheme_highlight_cursor);
114   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is an object at the cursor which has any printing behavior it may have overridden", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNonprinting", scheme_get_nonprinting);
116   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the Non Printing attribute of a chord (or note/rest) at the cursor. For a rest this makes a non printing rest, for a note it makes it ia pure rhythm (which will not print, but can be assigned pitch, e.g. via a MIDI keyboard. Pass in #f to unset the attribute", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetNonprinting", scheme_set_nonprinting);
118   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a grace note/chord at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsGrace", scheme_is_grace);
119   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a tied note/chord at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsTied", scheme_is_tied);
121   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a chord with slur starting at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsSlurStart", scheme_is_slur_start);
123   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a chord with slur ending at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsSlurEnd", scheme_is_slur_end);
125   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a chord with crescendo starting at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsCrescStart", scheme_is_cresc_start);
126   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a chord with crescendo ending at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsCrescEnd", scheme_is_cresc_end);
128   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a chord with diminuendo starting at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsDimStart", scheme_is_dim_start);
129   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a chord with diminuendo ending at cursor, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsDimEnd", scheme_is_dim_end);
133   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if the cursor is in the selection area, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsInSelection", scheme_is_in_selection);
134   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if there is a selection, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "HasSelection", scheme_has_selection);
136   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if the cursor is in the appending position, else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IsAppending", scheme_is_appending);
138   install_scm_function (0, "Shifts the cursor up or down by the integer amount passed in", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ShiftCursor", scheme_shift_cursor);
141   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the movement number counting from 1", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMovement", scheme_get_movement);
142   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the LilyPond identifier for the current voice", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetVoiceIdentifier", scheme_get_voice_identifier);
143   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the staff/voice number counting from 1", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetStaff", scheme_get_staff);
144   install_scm_function (0, "With parameter #t or #f makes the staff hidden/visible in the display, returns the hidden status. Typesetting is unaffected", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "StaffHidden", scheme_staff_hidden);
145   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the measure number counting from 1", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMeasure", scheme_get_measure);
146   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the display width of the object at the cursor to the value passed (in pixels)", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetObjectDisplayWidth", scheme_set_object_display_width);
147   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the cursor horizontal position in current measure.\n 1 = first position in measure, n+1 is appending position where n is the number of objects in current measure", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetHorizontalPosition", scheme_get_horizontal_position);
149   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the note name for the line or space where the cursor is", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCursorNote", scheme_get_cursor_note);
150   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the note name and octave in LilyPond notation for the line or space where the cursor is", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCursorNoteWithOctave", scheme_get_cursor_note_with_octave);
153   install_scm_function (0, "Prints out information about the object at the cursor", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DebugObject", scheme_debug_object);
154   install_scm_function (0, "Displays information about the object at the cursor position.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DisplayObject", scheme_display_object);
155   install_scm_function (0, "Prints out the cumulative time spent editing this score.\nThe time counts any period between starting to edit and saving to disk\nThe time is accumulated over different editing sessions.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetEditingTime", scheme_get_editing_time);
156   install_scm_function (0, "Remove the user's customized buttons and other scheme startup stuff created by the user in actions/denemo.scm", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DestroySchemeInit", scheme_destroy_scheme_init);
158   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the name of the (highest) note in any chord at the cursor position, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteName", scheme_get_note_name);
159   install_scm_function (0, "Insert a rest at the cursor in the prevailing duration, or if given a integer, in that duration, setting the prevailing duration. If MIDI in is active, the cursor stays on the rest after inserting it, else it moves right.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InsertRest", scheme_insert_rest);
160   install_scm_function (0, "Insert rests at the cursor to the value of the one whole measure in the key signature and return the number of rests inserted", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutWholeMeasureRests", scheme_put_whole_measure_rests);
161   install_scm_function (0, "Takes optional integer parameter n = 1..., returns LilyPond representation of the nth note of the chord at the cursor counting from the lowest, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNote", scheme_get_note);
162   install_scm_function (0, "Takes optional integer parameter n = 1..., returns LilyPond representation of the nth note of the chord at the cursor counting from the highest, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteFromTop", scheme_get_note_from_top);
163   install_scm_function (0, "Takes optional integer parameter n = 1..., returns MIDI key for the nth note of the chord at the cursor counting from the highest, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteFromTopAsMidi", scheme_get_note_from_top_as_midi);
164   install_scm_function (0, "Returns a space separated string of LilyPond notes for the chord at the cursor position or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNotes", scheme_get_notes);
165   install_scm_function (0, "Returns LilyPond note at the cursor position or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteAtCursor", scheme_get_note_at_cursor);
166   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the number of dots on the note at the cursor, or #f if no note", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetDots", scheme_get_dots);
167   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the base duration of the note at the cursor number=0, 1, 2 for whole half quarter note etc, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteBaseDuration", scheme_get_note_base_duration);
168   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the duration in LilyPond syntax of the note at the cursor, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteDuration", scheme_get_note_duration);
170   install_scm_function (1, "Takes an integer, Sets the number of ticks (PPQN) for the object at the cursor, returns #f if none; if the object is a chord it is set undotted", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetDurationInTicks", scheme_set_duration_in_ticks);
171   install_scm_function (1, "Takes an index, returns the time in seconds, time signature and tempo in seconds per quarter note of the index'th MIDI tempo event in the recorded MIDI stream.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetRecordedMidiTempo", scheme_get_recorded_midi_tempo);
172   install_scm_function (1, "Takes an track number 1,2 ..., makes that MIDI track of the loaded MIDI stream the current recorded track.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetImportedMidiTrack", scheme_get_imported_midi_track);
173   install_scm_function (0, "Delete the current imported/recorded MIDI track fails if playing, returning #f.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DeleteImportedMidi", scheme_delete_imported_midi);
174   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the MIDI track number of the current imported track.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCurrentMidiTrack", scheme_get_current_midi_track);
175   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the number of MIDI tracks of the loaded/recorded MIDI.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetImportedMidiTracks", scheme_get_imported_midi_tracks);
176   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the duration in seconds of the recorded MIDI track or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetRecordedMidiDuration", scheme_get_recorded_midi_duration);
178   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the number of ticks (PPQN) for the object at the cursor, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetDurationInTicks", scheme_get_duration_in_ticks);
179   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the number of ticks (PPQN) for the chord without dots or tuplet effects at the cursor, or #f if not a chord. The value is -ve for special durations (i.e. non-standard notes)", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetBaseDurationInTicks", scheme_get_base_duration_in_ticks);
181   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the tick count (PPQN) for the end of the object at the cursor, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetEndTick", scheme_get_end_tick);
182   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the tick count (PPQN) for the start of the object at the cursor, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetStartTick", scheme_get_start_tick);
184   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the measure number at cursor position.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMeasureNumber", scheme_get_measure_number);
185   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the value set on the current measure by which the measure numbers in the Denemo Displayed should be offset from this point on.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMeasureNumberOffset", scheme_get_measure_number_offset);
186   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a value to set on the current measure. The measure numbers in the Denemo Display will be offset from this point on by this amount. No effect on the typesetting.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetMeasureNumberOffset", scheme_set_measure_number_offset);
189   install_scm_function (0, "Takes LilyPond note name string. Moves the cursor to the line or space", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CursorToNote", scheme_cursor_to_note);
190   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a number 1 ... n. Moves the cursor to the nth note from the bottom of the chord at the cursor, returning #f if it fails.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CursorToNthNoteHeight", scheme_cursor_to_nth_note_height);
191   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor up to the next higher note of the chord at the cursor, returning #f if it fails.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CursorToNextNoteHeight", scheme_cursor_to_next_note_height);
193   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the prevailing key signature at the cursor", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPrevailingKeysig", scheme_get_prevailing_keysig);
194   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the prevailing time signature at the cursor", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPrevailingTimesig", scheme_get_prevailing_timesig);
195   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the prevailing clef at the cursor. Note that non-builtin clefs like drum are not handled yet.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPrevailingClef", scheme_get_prevailing_clef);
197   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the LilyPond typesetting syntax for prevailing clef at the cursor.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPrevailingClefAsLilyPond", scheme_get_prevailing_clef_as_lilypond);
198   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the LilyPond typesetting syntax for prevailing key signature at the cursor.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPrevailingKeysigAsLilyPond", scheme_get_prevailing_keysig_as_lilypond);
199   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the LilyPond typesetting syntax for prevailing time signature at the cursor.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPrevailingTimesigAsLilyPond", scheme_get_prevailing_timesig_as_lilypond);
202   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the prevailing duration, ie duration which will be used for the next inserted note, with a parameter 0 ... 8 sets the prevailing duration.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPrevailingDuration", scheme_get_prevailing_duration);
204   //more work needed, see above install_scm_function (0, "Sets the prevailing keysignature at the cursor to the string of 7 steps passed. Each step can be -1, 0 or 1",DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"SetPrevailingKeysig", scheme_set_prevailing_keysig);
206   install_scm_function (0, "Makes the initial keysig sharper/flatter", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IncrementInitialKeysig", scheme_increment_initial_keysig);
207   install_scm_function (0, "Makes the keysig sharper/flatter, affects keysig change when cursor is on one or appending after one, otherwise affects initial keysig", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IncrementKeysig", scheme_increment_keysig);
208   install_scm_function (0, "Appends a new movement without copying staff structure.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AddMovement", scheme_add_movement);
212   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a string of LilyPond note names. Replaces the notes of the chord at the cursor with these notes, preserving other attributes", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ChangeChordNotes", scheme_change_chord_notes);
213   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a LilyPond note name, and changes the note at the cursor to that note", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutNoteName", scheme_put_note_name);
214   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a LilyPond note name, changes the note at the cursor to have the accidental passed in either LilyPond string or integer -2..+2. Returns #f if cursor is not on a note position.  ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetAccidental", scheme_set_accidental);
216   install_scm_function (0, "Inserts a rest at the cursor; either passed in duration or if none passed the prevailing duration.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutRest", scheme_put_rest);
217   install_scm_function (0, "Inserts a note at the cursor; either passed in duration or if none passed the prevailing duration.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutNote", scheme_put_note);
221   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a LilyPond note name, and adds that note to the chord", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InsertNoteInChord", scheme_insert_note_in_chord);
224   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the note at the cursor by the number of diatonic steps passed in", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DiatonicShift", scheme_diatonic_shift);
225   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor to the right returning #t if this was possible", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextObject", scheme_next_object);
226   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor to the left returning #t if the cursor moved", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevObject", scheme_prev_object);
227   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor to the next object in the current measure, returning #f if there were no more objects to the left in the current measure", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextObjectInMeasure", scheme_next_object_in_measure);
228   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor to the previous object in the current measure, returning #f if the cursor was on the first object", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevObjectInMeasure", scheme_prev_object_in_measure);
229   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor to the next object in the selection. Returns #t if the cursor moved", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextSelectedObject", scheme_next_selected_object);
230   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor to the previous object in the selection. Returns #t if the cursor moved", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevSelectedObject", scheme_prev_selected_object);
231   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the the next object of type CHORD in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextChord", scheme_next_chord);
232   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the the previous object of type CHORD in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevChord", scheme_prev_chord);
234   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the the next object of type CHORD in the current measure. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextChordInMeasure", scheme_next_chord_in_measure);
235   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the the previous object of type CHORD in the current measure. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevChordInMeasure", scheme_prev_chord_in_measure);
238   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the next object of type CHORD which is not a rest in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextNote", scheme_next_note);
239   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the previous object of type CHORD which is not a rest in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevNote", scheme_prev_note);
240   install_scm_function (0, "Creates a music Snippet comprising the object at the cursor Returns #f if not possible, otherwise an identifier for that snippet", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CreateSnippetFromObject", scheme_create_snippet_from_object);
242   install_scm_function (0, "Selects music Snippet from passed id Returns #f if not possible", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectSnippet", scheme_select_snippet);
244   install_scm_function (1, "Inserts music Snippet from passed id Returns #f if not possible, a second boolean parameter determines if the snippet becomes selected. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InsertSnippet", scheme_insert_snippet);
248   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the next object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextStandaloneDirective", scheme_next_standalone_directive);
249   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor the previous object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevStandaloneDirective", scheme_prev_standalone_directive);
250   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor within the current measure to the next object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextStandaloneDirectiveInMeasure", scheme_next_standalone_directive_in_measure);
251   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the cursor within the current measure to the previous object that is a Denemo Directive in the current staff. Returns #f if the cursor did not move", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrevStandaloneDirectiveInMeasure", scheme_prev_standalone_directive_in_measure);
254   install_scm_function (0, "Enforces the treatment of the note at the cursor as a chord in LilyPond", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Chordize", scheme_chordize);
255   install_scm_function (0, "Takes xml representation of a preference and adds it to the Denemo preferences", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetPrefs", scheme_set_prefs);
257   install_scm_function (0, "Takes string name of a boolean-valued preference and returns the current value. Non-existent prefs return #f, ensure that the preference name is correct before using.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetBooleanPref", scheme_get_boolean_pref);
258   install_scm_function (0, "Takes string name of an int-valued preference and returns the current value. Non-existent prefs return #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetIntPref", scheme_get_int_pref);
259   install_scm_function (0, "Takes string name of a string-valued preference and returns the current value. Non-existent prefs return #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetStringPref", scheme_get_string_pref);
261   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a script as a string, which will be stored. All the callbacks are called when the musical score is closed", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AttachQuitCallback", scheme_attach_quit_callback);
262   install_scm_function (0, "Removes a callback from the current musical score", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DetachQuitCallback", scheme_detach_quit_callback);
263   install_scm_function (0, "Returns DENEMO_INPUTMIDI, DENEMO_INPUTKEYBOARD, DENEMO_INPUTAUDIO depending on the source of input to Denemo.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetInputSource", scheme_get_input_source);
264   install_scm_function (0, "Pops up a menu given by the list of pairs in the argument. Each pair should be a label string and an expression, the expression for the chosen label is returned. Alternatively the label string can be replaced by a pair of strings, label . tooltip. The third syntax is just a list of string labels, the chosen string is returned.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PopupMenu", scheme_popup_menu);
265   install_scm_function (1, "Pops up a dialog of check buttons given by the list of pairs in the argument and optional title argument. Each pair should be a label string and a boolean, the list is returned with booleans as chosen or #f returned of camce;;ed.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CheckBoxes", scheme_check_boxes);
266   install_scm_function (0, "Returns a list of the target type and grob (if a directive). Target is set by clicking on the typeset version of the score at a link that LilyPond has inserted.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetTargetInfo", scheme_get_target_info);
267   install_scm_function (0, "Interactively sets a target (a click on a LilyPond link in the printview window) from the user ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNewTarget", scheme_get_new_target);
268   install_scm_function (0, "Interactively sets a point in the printview window from the user", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNewPoint", scheme_get_new_point);
269   install_scm_function (0, "Interactively sets a reference point (a click on a point in the printview window) from the user showing a cross hairs prompt ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetReferencePoint", scheme_get_reference_point);
270   install_scm_function (0, "Interactively gets an offset from the user in the print view window. The offset is from the last clicked object in the print view window. Returns pair of numbers x is positive to the right, y is positive upwards.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetOffset", scheme_get_offset);
271   install_scm_function (0, "Interactively sets a control point for a curve in the print view window. Takes one parameter the number 1-4 of the control point to set.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetControlPoint", scheme_get_control_point);
272   install_scm_function (0, "Interactively gets a curve from the user in the print view window. Returns a list of pairs of numbers, the control points of the curve.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCurve", scheme_get_curve);
273   install_scm_function (0, "Interactively gets two positions from the user in the print view window. Returns pair of pairs numbers.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPositions", scheme_get_positions);
275   install_scm_function (4, "Takes 4 parameters and makes http transaction with www.denemo.org", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "HTTP", scheme_http);
277   install_scm_function (4, "Move to given Movement, voice measure and object position. Takes 4 parameters integers starting from 1, use #f for no change. Returns #f if it fails", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GoToPosition", scheme_goto_position);
280   install_scm_function (5, "Takes a palette name, label, tooltip and script", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CreatePaletteButton", scheme_create_palette_button);
281   install_scm_function (4, "Takes a palette name, boolean, and limit", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetPaletteShape", scheme_set_palette_shape);
282   install_scm_function (1, "Hides/Un-hides a palette. Pass a palette name (or #t to choose a palette) with second parameter #f hides the palette otherwise show.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ShowPalettes", scheme_show_palettes);
283   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the current palette name. The palette status is not changed - it may be hidden. Pass a palette name to become the current palette or pass #t to choose a palette as the current palette.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectPalette", scheme_select_palette);
284   install_scm_function (0, "Allows the user to type a label to activate a palette button.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ActivatePaletteButton", scheme_activate_palette_button);
287   install_scm_function (4, "Takes up to three strings, title, prompt and initial value. Shows these to the user and returns the user's string. Fourth parameter makes the dialog not block waiting for input", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetUserInput", scheme_get_user_input);
288   install_scm_function (4, "Takes up to three strings, title, prompt and initial value. Shows these to the user with a text editor for the user to return a string. Buttons are present to insert snippets which are bracketed with section characters. Fourth parameter makes the dialog not block waiting for input. Returns a pair comprising the user's text and formatted LilyPond syntax.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetUserInputWithSnippets", scheme_get_user_input_with_snippets);
289   install_scm_function (0, "Allows the user to select a font returns a string describing the font. Takes an optional title.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectFont", scheme_select_font);
290   install_scm_function (0, "Allows the user to select a color returns a list of r g b values between 0-255.\nTakes an optional title.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectColor", scheme_select_color);
291   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a message as a string. Pops up the message for the user to take note of as a warning", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "WarningDialog", scheme_warningdialog);
292   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a message as a string amd a script. Pops up the message for the user to take note of as a informative message, runs the script when dismissed.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InfoWithHook", scheme_info_with_hook);
293   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a message as a string and boolean noblock parameter. Pops up the message for the user to take note of as a informative message, blocks if noblock is #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InfoDialog", scheme_infodialog);
294   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a message as a string. Pops up the message inside of a pulsing progressbar", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ProgressBar", scheme_progressbar);
295   install_scm_function (0, "If running, Stops the ProgressBar.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ProgressBarStop", scheme_progressbar_stop);
296   install_scm_function (0, "Typesets the score. Takes a script which will be called when Refresh is performed on the typeset window.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "TypesetForScript", scheme_typeset_for_script);
297   install_scm_function (0, "Prints from the PDF file generated by TypesetForScript.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PrintTypesetPDF", scheme_print_typeset_pdf);
298   install_scm_function (2, "Displays the SVG file generated by LilyPond for playback. Takes a scale and a boolean (true if only the current part is to be typeset)", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DisplayTypesetSvg", scheme_display_typeset_svg);
299   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #t if continuous typsetting is in operation else #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ContinuousTypesetting", scheme_continous_typsetting);
302   install_scm_function (0, "Intercepts the next keypress and returns a string containing the character. Returns #f if keyboard interception was not possible.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetChar", scheme_get_char);
303   install_scm_function (0, "Intercepts the next keypress and returns a string containing the name of the keypress (the shortcut name). Returns #f if keyboard interception was not possible.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetKeypress", scheme_get_keypress);
304   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the last keypress that successfully invoked a command ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCommandKeypress", scheme_get_command_keypress);
306   install_scm_function (0, "Intercepts the next keypress and returns the name of the command invoked, before invoking the command. Returns #f if the keypress is not a shortcut for any command", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCommand", scheme_get_command);
307   install_scm_function (0, "Intercepts the next keyboard shortcut and returns the name of the command invoked, before invoking the command. Returns #f if the keypress(es) are not a shortcut for any command", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCommandFromUser", scheme_get_command_from_user);
308   install_scm_function (0, "Locks the standalone directive at the cursor so that it runs its delete action when deleted. The tag should be the name of a command that responds to the delete parameter.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "LockDirective", scheme_lock_directive);
310   install_scm_function (2, "Sets an \"action script\" on the directive of the given tag", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetDirectiveTagActionScript", scheme_set_action_script_for_tag);
311   install_scm_function (1, "Inserts a Denemo Directive of the given tag, even if one already exists at the cursor, a pixel width can be passed as well", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutStandaloneDirective", scheme_put_standalone_directive);
312   install_scm_function (1, "Changes the tag of the Denemo Directive at the cursor", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DirectiveChangeTag", scheme_directive_change_tag);
313   install_scm_function (0, "Choose a Denemo Directive at the cursor. Returns the tag or, if the directive is on a chord, a pair whose first element is the tag and second a boolean, true if the directive is on the note at the cursor, false if it is on the chord.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ChooseTagAtCursor", scheme_choose_tag_at_cursor);
315 #define INSTALL_GET_TAG(what)\
316   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a optional tag. Returns that tag if a "#what" directive exists at the cursor, else returns the tag of the first such directive at the cursor, or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveGetForTag"  "-" #what, scheme_##what##_directive_get_tag);
317   INSTALL_GET_TAG (object);
318   INSTALL_GET_TAG (standalone);
319   INSTALL_GET_TAG (chord);
320   INSTALL_GET_TAG (note);
321   INSTALL_GET_TAG (staff);
322   INSTALL_GET_TAG (voice);
323   INSTALL_GET_TAG (score);
324   INSTALL_GET_TAG (clef);
325   INSTALL_GET_TAG (timesig);
326   INSTALL_GET_TAG (tuplet);
327   INSTALL_GET_TAG (stemdirective);
328   INSTALL_GET_TAG (keysig);
329   INSTALL_GET_TAG (scoreheader);
330   INSTALL_GET_TAG (header);
331   INSTALL_GET_TAG (paper);
332   INSTALL_GET_TAG (layout);
333   INSTALL_GET_TAG (movementcontrol);
334 #undef INSTALL_GET_TAG
336 #define INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG(what)\
337   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth "#what" directive if it exists else returns #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveGetNthTag"  "-" #what, scheme_##what##_directive_get_nth_tag);
338   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (chord);
339   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (note);
340   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (staff);
341   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (voice);
342   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (score);
343   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (clef);
344   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (timesig);
345   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (tuplet);
346   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (stemdirective);
347   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (keysig);
348   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (scoreheader);
349   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (header);
350   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (paper);
351   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (layout);
352   INSTALL_GET_NTH_TAG (movementcontrol);
354 #define INSTALL_PRIORITIZE_TAG(what)\
355   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a tag. The "#what" directive with that tag if it exists becomes the first to be processed; else returns #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectivePrioritizeTag"  "-" #what, scheme_##what##_directive_prioritize_tag);
364   INSTALL_PRIORITIZE_TAG (stemdirective);
366   INSTALL_PRIORITIZE_TAG (scoreheader);
370   INSTALL_PRIORITIZE_TAG (movementcontrol);
373   install_scm_function (0, "Offers a list of Score-wide or Movement-wide directives for editing\n", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"EditSystemDirective", scheme_edit_system_directive);
374   install_scm_function (2, "Takes a directive type and a tag, displays the text editor for that directive (if any).\n", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DisplayDirectiveTextEditor", scheme_display_directive_text_editor);
375   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a number n. Returns the tag of the nth note directive if it exists at the cursor height else returns #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveGetNthTagStrictNote", scheme_directive_get_nth_tag_strict_note);
376   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a tag and returns #t if a note directive exists with that tag at the cursor height, with no argument returns the first tag on the note at cursor height, else returns #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveGetForTagStrictNote", scheme_directive_get_for_tag_strict_note);
380 #define INSTALL_EDIT(what)\
381   install_scm_function (1, "Deletes a "#what" directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not deleted", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveDelete"  "-" #what, scheme_delete_##what##_directive); \
382   install_scm_function (1, "Activates a "#what" directive widget of the passed in tag. Returns #f if not a button", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveActivate"  "-" #what, scheme_activate_##what##_directive); \
383   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a tag. Lets the user edit (by running the editscript named by the tag) a "#what" directive of the passed in tag. Returns #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveTextEdit"  "-" #what, scheme_text_edit_##what##_directive);
384   INSTALL_EDIT (note);
385   INSTALL_EDIT (chord);
386   INSTALL_EDIT (staff);
387   INSTALL_EDIT (voice);
388   INSTALL_EDIT (score);
389   install_scm_function (0, "Start a low-level edit of the standalone directive at the cursor", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DirectiveTextEdit-standalone", scheme_text_edit_standalone_directive);
391   install_scm_function (1, NULL, DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DirectiveDelete-object", scheme_delete_object_directive);
394 #define INSTALL_PUT(what, field)\
395  install_scm_function (2, "Writes the " #field" field (a string) of the " #what" directive with the passed int tag. Creates the directive of the given type and tag if it does not exist.",DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectivePut" "-" #what "-" #field, scheme_##what##_directive_put_##field);
397 #define INSTALL_GET(what, field)\
398  install_scm_function (1, "Gets the value of the " #field" field (a string) of the " #what" directive with the passed tag.",DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"DirectiveGet" "-" #what "-" #field, scheme_##what##_directive_get_##field);
400   INSTALL_GET (object, minpixels);
401   INSTALL_PUT (object, minpixels);
403   //block to repeat for new  directive fields
405   INSTALL_GET (standalone, minpixels);
406   INSTALL_GET (chord, minpixels);
407   INSTALL_GET (note, minpixels);
408   INSTALL_GET (staff, minpixels);
409   INSTALL_GET (voice, minpixels);
410   INSTALL_GET (score, minpixels);
411   INSTALL_GET (clef, minpixels);
412   INSTALL_GET (timesig, minpixels);
413   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, minpixels);
414   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, minpixels);
415   INSTALL_GET (keysig, minpixels);
417   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, minpixels);
418   INSTALL_GET (header, minpixels);
419   INSTALL_GET (paper, minpixels);
420   INSTALL_GET (layout, minpixels);
421   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, minpixels);
423   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, minpixels);
424   INSTALL_PUT (chord, minpixels);
425   INSTALL_PUT (note, minpixels);
426   INSTALL_PUT (staff, minpixels);
427   INSTALL_PUT (voice, minpixels);
428   INSTALL_PUT (score, minpixels);
429   INSTALL_PUT (clef, minpixels);
430   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, minpixels);
431   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, minpixels);
432   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, minpixels);
433   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, minpixels);
436   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, minpixels);
437   INSTALL_PUT (header, minpixels);
438   INSTALL_PUT (paper, minpixels);
439   INSTALL_PUT (layout, minpixels);
440   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, minpixels);
442   //end block to repeat for new  directive fields
443   INSTALL_GET (standalone, data);
444   INSTALL_GET (chord, data);
445   INSTALL_GET (note, data);
446   INSTALL_GET (staff, data);
447   INSTALL_GET (voice, data);
448   INSTALL_GET (score, data);
449   INSTALL_GET (clef, data);
450   INSTALL_GET (timesig, data);
451   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, data);
452   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, data);
453   INSTALL_GET (keysig, data);
455   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, data);
456   INSTALL_GET (header, data);
457   INSTALL_GET (paper, data);
458   INSTALL_GET (layout, data);
459   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, data);
461   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, data);
462   INSTALL_PUT (chord, data);
463   INSTALL_PUT (note, data);
464   INSTALL_PUT (staff, data);
465   INSTALL_PUT (voice, data);
466   INSTALL_PUT (score, data);
467   INSTALL_PUT (clef, data);
468   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, data);
469   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, data);
470   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, data);
471   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, data);
474   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, data);
475   INSTALL_PUT (header, data);
476   INSTALL_PUT (paper, data);
477   INSTALL_PUT (layout, data);
478   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, data);
480   INSTALL_GET (standalone, grob);
481   INSTALL_GET (chord, grob);
482   INSTALL_GET (note, grob);
483   INSTALL_GET (staff, grob);
484   INSTALL_GET (voice, grob);
485   INSTALL_GET (score, grob);
486   INSTALL_GET (clef, grob);
487   INSTALL_GET (timesig, grob);
488   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, grob);
489   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, grob);
490   INSTALL_GET (keysig, grob);
491   INSTALL_GET (standalone, grob);
493   // INSTALL_GET(scoreheader, grob);
494   // INSTALL_GET(header, grob);
495   // INSTALL_GET(paper, grob);
496   // INSTALL_GET(layout, grob);
497   // INSTALL_GET(movementcontrol, grob);
499   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, grob);
500   INSTALL_PUT (chord, grob);
501   INSTALL_PUT (note, grob);
502   //INSTALL_PUT(staff, grob);
503   //INSTALL_PUT(voice, grob);
504   INSTALL_PUT (score, grob);
505   INSTALL_PUT (clef, grob);
506   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, grob);
507   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, grob);
508   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, grob);
509   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, grob);
512   // INSTALL_PUT(scoreheader, grob);
513   // INSTALL_PUT(header, grob);
514   // INSTALL_PUT(paper, grob);
515   // INSTALL_PUT(layout, grob);
516   // INSTALL_PUT(movementcontrol, grob);
517   //end of grob
523   INSTALL_GET (standalone, midibytes);
524   INSTALL_GET (chord, midibytes);
525   INSTALL_GET (note, midibytes);
526   INSTALL_GET (staff, midibytes);
527   INSTALL_GET (voice, midibytes);
528   INSTALL_GET (score, midibytes);
529   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, midibytes);
530   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, midibytes);
531   INSTALL_PUT (chord, midibytes);
532   INSTALL_PUT (note, midibytes);
533   INSTALL_PUT (staff, midibytes);
534   INSTALL_PUT (voice, midibytes);
535   INSTALL_PUT (score, midibytes);
536   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, midibytes);
542   INSTALL_GET (standalone, override);
543   INSTALL_GET (chord, override);
544   INSTALL_GET (note, override);
545   INSTALL_GET (staff, override);
546   INSTALL_GET (voice, override);
547   INSTALL_GET (score, override);
549   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, override);
550   INSTALL_PUT (chord, override);
551   INSTALL_PUT (note, override);
552   INSTALL_PUT (staff, override);
553   INSTALL_PUT (voice, override);
554   INSTALL_PUT (score, override);
557   //graphic
558   INSTALL_PUT (note, graphic);
559   //INSTALL_GET(note, graphic);
561   INSTALL_PUT (chord, graphic);
562   //INSTALL_GET(chord, graphic);
564   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, graphic);
565   //INSTALL_GET(standalone, graphic);
568   INSTALL_PUT (staff, graphic);
569   INSTALL_PUT (voice, graphic);
571   INSTALL_PUT (score, graphic);
572   //graphic
576   INSTALL_PUT (chord, display);
577   INSTALL_PUT (chord, prefix);
578   INSTALL_PUT (chord, postfix);
580   INSTALL_GET (chord, display);
581   INSTALL_GET (chord, prefix);
582   INSTALL_GET (chord, postfix);
585   INSTALL_PUT (note, display);
586   INSTALL_PUT (note, prefix);
587   INSTALL_PUT (note, postfix);
589   INSTALL_GET (note, display);
590   INSTALL_GET (note, prefix);
591   INSTALL_GET (note, postfix);
593   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, display);
594   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, prefix);
595   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, postfix);
597   INSTALL_GET (standalone, display);
598   INSTALL_GET (standalone, prefix);
599   INSTALL_GET (standalone, postfix);
602   INSTALL_PUT (staff, display);
603   INSTALL_PUT (staff, prefix);
604   INSTALL_PUT (staff, postfix);
606   INSTALL_GET (staff, display);
607   INSTALL_GET (staff, prefix);
608   INSTALL_GET (staff, postfix);
610   INSTALL_PUT (voice, display);
611   INSTALL_PUT (voice, prefix);
612   INSTALL_PUT (voice, postfix);
614   INSTALL_GET (voice, display);
615   INSTALL_GET (voice, prefix);
616   INSTALL_GET (voice, postfix);
618   INSTALL_PUT (score, display);
619   INSTALL_PUT (score, prefix);
620   INSTALL_PUT (score, postfix);
622   INSTALL_GET (score, display);
623   INSTALL_GET (score, prefix);
624   INSTALL_GET (score, postfix);
627   INSTALL_GET (score, width);
628   INSTALL_GET (score, height);
632   INSTALL_GET (score, x);
633   INSTALL_GET (score, gx);
634   INSTALL_GET (score, tx);
635   INSTALL_PUT (score, x);
636   INSTALL_PUT (score, gx);
637   INSTALL_PUT (score, tx);
639   INSTALL_GET (score, y);
640   INSTALL_GET (score, gy);
641   INSTALL_GET (score, ty);
642   INSTALL_PUT (score, y);
643   INSTALL_PUT (score, gy);
644   INSTALL_PUT (score, ty);
649   INSTALL_PUT (note, x);
650   INSTALL_GET (note, x);
651   INSTALL_PUT (chord, x);
652   INSTALL_GET (chord, x);
653   INSTALL_PUT (note, y);
654   INSTALL_GET (note, y);
655   INSTALL_PUT (chord, y);
656   INSTALL_GET (chord, y);
658   INSTALL_PUT (note, tx);
659   INSTALL_GET (note, tx);
660   INSTALL_PUT (chord, tx);
661   INSTALL_GET (chord, tx);
662   INSTALL_PUT (note, ty);
663   INSTALL_GET (note, ty);
664   INSTALL_PUT (chord, ty);
665   INSTALL_GET (chord, ty);
669   INSTALL_PUT (note, gx);
670   INSTALL_GET (note, gx);
671   INSTALL_PUT (chord, gx);
672   INSTALL_GET (chord, gx);
673   INSTALL_PUT (note, gy);
674   INSTALL_GET (note, gy);
675   INSTALL_PUT (chord, gy);
676   INSTALL_GET (chord, gy);
679   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, x);
680   INSTALL_GET (standalone, x);
681   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, y);
682   INSTALL_GET (standalone, y);
684   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, tx);
685   INSTALL_GET (standalone, tx);
686   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, ty);
687   INSTALL_GET (standalone, ty);
689   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, gx);
690   INSTALL_GET (standalone, gx);
691   INSTALL_PUT (standalone, gy);
692   INSTALL_GET (standalone, gy);
697   INSTALL_GET (note, width);
698   INSTALL_GET (chord, width);
699   INSTALL_GET (standalone, width);
700   INSTALL_GET (note, height);
701   INSTALL_GET (chord, height);
702   INSTALL_GET (standalone, height);
706   //block to copy for new type of directive
707   INSTALL_PUT (clef, display);
708   INSTALL_PUT (clef, prefix);
709   INSTALL_PUT (clef, postfix);
710   INSTALL_PUT (clef, graphic);
713   INSTALL_GET (clef, display);
714   INSTALL_GET (clef, prefix);
715   INSTALL_GET (clef, postfix);
717   INSTALL_PUT (clef, x);
718   INSTALL_PUT (clef, y);
719   INSTALL_PUT (clef, tx);
720   INSTALL_PUT (clef, ty);
721   INSTALL_PUT (clef, gx);
722   INSTALL_PUT (clef, gy);
723   INSTALL_PUT (clef, override);
724   INSTALL_GET (clef, x);
725   INSTALL_GET (clef, y);
726   INSTALL_GET (clef, tx);
727   INSTALL_GET (clef, ty);
728   INSTALL_GET (clef, gx);
729   INSTALL_GET (clef, gy);
730   INSTALL_GET (clef, override);
731   INSTALL_GET (clef, width);
732   INSTALL_GET (clef, height);
733   INSTALL_EDIT (clef);
734   // end of block to copy for new type of directive
736   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, display);
737   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, prefix);
738   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, postfix);
739   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, graphic);
742   INSTALL_GET (timesig, display);
743   INSTALL_GET (timesig, prefix);
744   INSTALL_GET (timesig, postfix);
746   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, x);
747   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, y);
748   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, tx);
749   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, ty);
750   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, gx);
751   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, gy);
752   INSTALL_PUT (timesig, override);
753   INSTALL_GET (timesig, x);
754   INSTALL_GET (timesig, y);
755   INSTALL_GET (timesig, tx);
756   INSTALL_GET (timesig, ty);
757   INSTALL_GET (timesig, gx);
758   INSTALL_GET (timesig, gy);
759   INSTALL_GET (timesig, override);
760   INSTALL_GET (timesig, width);
761   INSTALL_GET (timesig, height);
762   INSTALL_EDIT (timesig);
764   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, display);
765   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, prefix);
766   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, postfix);
767   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, graphic);
770   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, display);
771   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, prefix);
772   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, postfix);
774   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, x);
775   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, y);
776   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, tx);
777   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, ty);
778   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, gx);
779   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, gy);
780   INSTALL_PUT (tuplet, override);
781   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, x);
782   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, y);
783   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, tx);
784   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, ty);
785   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, gx);
786   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, gy);
787   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, override);
788   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, width);
789   INSTALL_GET (tuplet, height);
790   INSTALL_EDIT (tuplet);
792   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, display);
793   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, prefix);
794   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, postfix);
795   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, graphic);
798   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, display);
799   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, prefix);
800   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, postfix);
802   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, x);
803   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, y);
804   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, tx);
805   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, ty);
806   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, gx);
807   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, gy);
808   INSTALL_PUT (stemdirective, override);
809   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, x);
810   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, y);
811   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, tx);
812   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, ty);
813   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, gx);
814   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, gy);
815   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, override);
816   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, width);
817   INSTALL_GET (stemdirective, height);
818   INSTALL_EDIT (stemdirective);
820   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, display);
821   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, prefix);
822   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, postfix);
823   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, graphic);
826   INSTALL_GET (keysig, display);
827   INSTALL_GET (keysig, prefix);
828   INSTALL_GET (keysig, postfix);
830   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, x);
831   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, y);
832   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, tx);
833   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, ty);
834   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, gx);
835   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, gy);
836   INSTALL_PUT (keysig, override);
837   INSTALL_GET (keysig, x);
838   INSTALL_GET (keysig, y);
839   INSTALL_GET (keysig, tx);
840   INSTALL_GET (keysig, ty);
841   INSTALL_GET (keysig, gx);
842   INSTALL_GET (keysig, gy);
843   INSTALL_GET (keysig, override);
844   INSTALL_GET (keysig, width);
845   INSTALL_GET (keysig, height);
846   INSTALL_EDIT (keysig);
849   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, display);
850   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, prefix);
851   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, postfix);
852   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, graphic);
855   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, display);
856   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, prefix);
857   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, postfix);
859   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, x);
860   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, y);
861   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, tx);
862   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, ty);
863   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, gx);
864   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, gy);
865   INSTALL_PUT (scoreheader, override);
866   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, x);
867   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, y);
868   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, tx);
869   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, ty);
870   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, gx);
871   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, gy);
872   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, override);
873   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, width);
874   INSTALL_GET (scoreheader, height);
875   INSTALL_EDIT (scoreheader);
878   INSTALL_PUT (header, display);
879   INSTALL_PUT (header, prefix);
880   INSTALL_PUT (header, postfix);
881   INSTALL_PUT (header, graphic);
884   INSTALL_GET (header, display);
885   INSTALL_GET (header, prefix);
886   INSTALL_GET (header, postfix);
888   INSTALL_PUT (header, x);
889   INSTALL_PUT (header, y);
890   INSTALL_PUT (header, tx);
891   INSTALL_PUT (header, ty);
892   INSTALL_PUT (header, gx);
893   INSTALL_PUT (header, gy);
894   INSTALL_PUT (header, override);
895   INSTALL_GET (header, x);
896   INSTALL_GET (header, y);
897   INSTALL_GET (header, tx);
898   INSTALL_GET (header, ty);
899   INSTALL_GET (header, gx);
900   INSTALL_GET (header, gy);
901   INSTALL_GET (header, override);
902   INSTALL_GET (header, width);
903   INSTALL_GET (header, height);
904   INSTALL_EDIT (header);
907   INSTALL_PUT (paper, display);
908   INSTALL_PUT (paper, prefix);
909   INSTALL_PUT (paper, postfix);
910   INSTALL_PUT (paper, graphic);
913   INSTALL_GET (paper, display);
914   INSTALL_GET (paper, prefix);
915   INSTALL_GET (paper, postfix);
917   INSTALL_PUT (paper, x);
918   INSTALL_PUT (paper, y);
919   INSTALL_PUT (paper, tx);
920   INSTALL_PUT (paper, ty);
921   INSTALL_PUT (paper, gx);
922   INSTALL_PUT (paper, gy);
923   INSTALL_PUT (paper, override);
924   INSTALL_GET (paper, x);
925   INSTALL_GET (paper, y);
926   INSTALL_GET (paper, tx);
927   INSTALL_GET (paper, ty);
928   INSTALL_GET (paper, gx);
929   INSTALL_GET (paper, gy);
930   INSTALL_GET (paper, override);
931   INSTALL_GET (paper, width);
932   INSTALL_GET (paper, height);
933   INSTALL_EDIT (paper);
936   INSTALL_PUT (layout, display);
937   INSTALL_PUT (layout, prefix);
938   INSTALL_PUT (layout, postfix);
939   INSTALL_PUT (layout, graphic);
942   INSTALL_GET (layout, display);
943   INSTALL_GET (layout, prefix);
944   INSTALL_GET (layout, postfix);
946   INSTALL_PUT (layout, x);
947   INSTALL_PUT (layout, y);
948   INSTALL_PUT (layout, tx);
949   INSTALL_PUT (layout, ty);
950   INSTALL_PUT (layout, gx);
951   INSTALL_PUT (layout, gy);
952   INSTALL_PUT (layout, override);
953   INSTALL_GET (layout, x);
954   INSTALL_GET (layout, y);
955   INSTALL_GET (layout, tx);
956   INSTALL_GET (layout, ty);
957   INSTALL_GET (layout, gx);
958   INSTALL_GET (layout, gy);
959   INSTALL_GET (layout, override);
960   INSTALL_GET (layout, width);
961   INSTALL_GET (layout, height);
962   INSTALL_EDIT (layout);
964   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, display);
965   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, prefix);
966   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, postfix);
967   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, graphic);
970   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, display);
971   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, prefix);
972   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, postfix);
974   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, x);
975   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, y);
976   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, tx);
977   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, ty);
978   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, gx);
979   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, gy);
980   INSTALL_PUT (movementcontrol, override);
981   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, x);
982   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, y);
983   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, tx);
984   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, ty);
985   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, gx);
986   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, gy);
987   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, override);
988   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, width);
989   INSTALL_GET (movementcontrol, height);
990   INSTALL_EDIT (movementcontrol);
993 #undef INSTALL_EDIT
995 #undef INSTALL_PUT
996 #undef INSTALL_GET
997 #undef GETFUNC_DEF
998 #undef PUTFUNC_DEF
1000 #undef INT_PUTFUNC_DEF
1001 #undef INT_GETFUNC_DEF
1007   /* test with (display (d-DirectivePut-note-display "LHfinger" "test")) after attaching a LH finger directive */
1008   /* test with (display (d-DirectivePut-note-minpixels "LHfinger" 80)) after attaching a LH finger directive */
1009   /* test with (display (d-DirectiveGet-note-minpixels "LHfinger")) after attaching a LH finger directive */
1011   /* test with (display (d-DirectiveGet-note-display "LHfinger")) after attaching a LH finger directive */
1012   install_scm_function (1, "The passed string is placed on the system clipboard", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutTextClipboard", scheme_put_text_clipboard);
1014   install_scm_function (0, "Asks the user for a user name which is returned", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetUserName", scheme_get_username);
1015   install_scm_function (0, "Asks the user for a password which is returned", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetPassword", scheme_get_password);
1017   install_scm_function (0, "Returns an integer value, a set of bitfields representing the keyboard state, e.g. GDK_SHIFT_MASK etc", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetKeyboardState", scheme_get_keyboard_state);
1018   install_scm_function (0, "Routes the MIDI in to MIDI out if it is not intercepted by d-GetMidi", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetMidiThru", scheme_set_midi_thru);
1020   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the ticks of the next event on the recorded MIDI track -ve if it is a NOTEOFF or #f if none. Advances to the next note.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetRecordedMidiOnTick", scheme_get_recorded_midi_on_tick);
1022   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the LilyPond representation of the passed MIDI key number, using the current enharmonic set.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteForMidiKey", scheme_get_note_for_midi_key);
1026   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the ticks of the next event on the recorded MIDI track -ve if it is a NOTEOFF or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetRecordedMidiNote", scheme_get_recorded_midi_note);
1028   install_scm_function (0, "Rewinds the recorded MIDI track returns #f if no MIDI track recorded", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "RewindRecordedMidi", scheme_rewind_recorded_midi);
1030   install_scm_function (0, "Intercepts a MIDI event and returns it as a 4 byte number", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMidi", scheme_get_midi);
1032   install_scm_function (0, "Takes one bool parameter - MIDI events will be captured/not captured depending on the value passed in, returns previous value.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetMidiCapture", scheme_set_midi_capture);
1035   install_scm_function (0, "Switches to playalong playback. When playing or recording playback will not advance beyond the cursor position unless then mouse is moved or the next note is played in via MIDI in.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "TogglePlayAlong", scheme_toggle_playalong);
1036   install_scm_function (0, "Switches to mouse conducting playback. Playback will not advance beyond the cursor position unless then mouse is moved in the drawing area.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ToggleConduct", scheme_toggle_conduct);
1038   install_scm_function (1, "Starts playback and synchronously records from MIDI in. any script passed in is run at the end of the recording. The recording will play back with future play until deleted. The recording is not saved with the score - convert to notation first,", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MidiRecord", scheme_midi_record);
1039   install_scm_function (0, "Computes durationss for recorded/imported MIDI notes based on tempo and timing of note off from previous note off or start.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ComputeMidiNoteDurations", scheme_compute_midi_note_durations);
1041   install_scm_function (0, "Gets the marked recorded midi note as LilyPond", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMarkedMidiNote", scheme_get_marked_midi_note);
1042   install_scm_function (0, "Gets the time in seconds of marked recorded midi note or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMarkedMidiNoteSeconds", scheme_get_marked_midi_note_seconds);
1043   install_scm_function (1, "Advances the marked recorded midi note can take an integer for number of steps to advance, or #f to clear the mark. Returns #f if no more marks.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AdvanceMarkedMidi", scheme_advance_marked_midi);
1044   install_scm_function (0, "Inserts the marked recorded or imported MIDI note using the duration guessed from the note length. Returns #f if nothing marked.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InsertMarkedMidiNote", scheme_insert_marked_midi_note);
1046   install_scm_function (0, "Generates the MIDI timings for the music of the current movement. Returns TRUE if the MIDI was re-computed else FALSE (call was unnecessary).", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CreateTimebase", scheme_create_timebase);
1050   install_scm_function (1, "Takes and int as MIDI data and simulates a midi event, avoiding capturing of midi by scripts. Value 0 is special and is received by scripts.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutMidi", scheme_put_midi);
1051   install_scm_function (1, "Takes and int as MIDI data and sends it directly to the MIDI out backend", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "OutputMidi", scheme_output_midi);
1054   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a string of space-separated bytes. The $ char stands for the current channel. Sends the passed bytes to the MIDI out", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "OutputMidiBytes", scheme_output_midi_bytes);
1055   install_scm_function (1, "Deprecated - takes an integer which is decomposed into a MIDI note played for 100ms", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PlayMidiKey", scheme_play_midikey);
1056   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a midi note key and plays it with next rhythm effect", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PendingMidi", scheme_pending_midi);
1057   install_scm_function (4, "Takes midi key number, volume 0-255, duration in ms and channel 0-15 and plays the note on midi out.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PlayMidiNote", scheme_play_midi_note);
1059   install_scm_function (1, "Takes duration and executable scheme script. Executes the passed scheme code after the passed duration milliseconds", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "OneShotTimer", scheme_one_shot_timer);
1060   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a duration and scheme script, starts a timer that tries to execute the script after every duration ms. It returns a timer id which must be passed back to destroy the timer", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Timer", scheme_timer);
1061   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a timer id and destroys the timer", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "KillTimer", scheme_kill_timer);
1063   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #f if the current staff has no figures (or will not print out figured bass. See d-ShowFiguredBass)", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "HasFigures", scheme_has_figures);
1065   install_scm_function (2, "Returns a string for the bass figure for the two MIDI keys passed in", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "BassFigure", scheme_bass_figure);
1068   install_scm_function (0, "returns #t if the passed list of MIDI keys fails the pitch spellcheck", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SpellCheckMidiChord", scheme_spell_check_midi_chord);
1070   install_scm_function (0, "Gets the MIDI key number for the note-position where the cursor is", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCursorNoteAsMidi", scheme_get_cursor_note_as_midi);
1071   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the MIDI key number for the note at the cursor, or 0 if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetNoteAsMidi", scheme_get_note_as_midi);
1072   install_scm_function (0, "Re-draws the Denemo display, which can have side effects on the data, updates status bar ... ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "RefreshDisplay", scheme_refresh_display);
1073   install_scm_function (0, "Computes cached values (normally done while drawing)", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "RefreshCache", scheme_refresh_cache);
1074   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the status of the current musical score to saved, or unsaved if passed #f", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetSaved", scheme_set_saved);
1075   install_scm_function (0, "Gets the saved status of the current musical score", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetSaved", scheme_get_saved);
1076   install_scm_function (0, "Sets/Gets the changecount of the current musical score", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Changecount", scheme_changecount);
1077   install_scm_function (0, "Returns #f if mark is not set", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MarkStatus", scheme_mark_status);
1078   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a command name and returns the tooltip or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetHelp", scheme_get_help);
1080   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a file name, loads keybindings from actions/menus returns #f if it fails", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "LoadKeybindings", scheme_load_keybindings);
1082   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a file name, saves keybindings from actions/menus returns #f if it fails", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SaveKeybindings", scheme_save_keybindings);
1084   install_scm_function (0, "Clears all keybindings returns #t", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ClearKeybindings", scheme_clear_keybindings);
1086   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a file name for xml format commandset, loads commands, returns #f if it fails", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "LoadCommandset", scheme_load_commandset);
1088   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a double or string and scales the display; return #f for invalid value else the value set. With no parameter returns the current value. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Zoom", scheme_zoom);
1090   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a double or string and scales the tempo; returns the tempo set. With no parameter returns the current master tempo ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MasterTempo", scheme_master_tempo);
1092   install_scm_function (0, "Takes an integer or string number of beats (quarter notes) per minute as the tempo for the current movement; returns the tempo set ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MovementTempo", scheme_movement_tempo);
1095   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a double or string and scales the volume; returns the volume set ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MasterVolume", scheme_master_volume);
1096   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a double 0-1 and sets the staff master volume for the current staff, returns the value.\nWith no parameter returns the current value or zero if staff is muted.\nPass #f to mute the current staff and #t to unmute, leaving master volume unchanged.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "StaffMasterVolume", scheme_staff_master_volume);
1098   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a integer sets the enharmonic range to use 0 = E-flat to G-sharp ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetEnharmonicPosition", scheme_set_enharmonic_position);
1101   install_scm_function (0, "Return a string of tuning bytes (offsets from 64) for MIDI tuning message", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMidiTuning", scheme_get_midi_tuning);
1102   install_scm_function (0, "Return name of flattest degree of current temperament", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetFlattest", scheme_get_flattest);
1104   install_scm_function (0, "Return name of sharpest degree of current temperament", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetSharpest", scheme_get_sharpest);
1105   install_scm_function (0, "Return name of current temperament", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetTemperament", scheme_get_temperament);
1107   install_scm_function (0, "Rewind the MIDI generated for the current movement. Given a time in seconds it tries to rewind to there.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "RewindMidi", scheme_rewind_midi);
1108   install_scm_function (0, "Takes an interval, returns a pair, a list of the next note-on events that occur within that interval and the time of these events.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextMidiNotes", scheme_next_midi_notes);
1110   install_scm_function (0, "Restart midi play, cancelling any pause", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "RestartPlay", scheme_restart_play);
1111   install_scm_function (0, "Return a number, the midi time in seconds for the start of the object at the cursor; return #f if none ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMidiOnTime", scheme_get_midi_on_time);
1112   install_scm_function (0, "Return a number, the midi time in seconds for the end of the object at the cursor; return #f if none ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMidiOffTime", scheme_get_midi_off_time);
1113   install_scm_function (0, "Set the MIDI in controller to listening mode. All signals are directed straight to the output. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MidiInListening", scheme_midi_in_listening);
1114   install_scm_function (0, "Set the MIDI in controller to checking mode. The cursor will advance and the note sounded only if it is the (lowest) note at the cursor. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MidiInChecking", scheme_midi_in_checking);
1115   install_scm_function (0, "Set the MIDI in controller to append/edit mode. The MIDI key sounded will be inserted in score, or appended if in appending position. MIDI signals can be filtered by scheme scripts in this mode. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "MidiInAppendEdit", scheme_midi_in_append_edit);
1117   install_scm_function (2, "Set start and/or end time for playback to the passed numbers/strings in seconds. Use #t if a value is not to be changed. Returns #f for bad parameters ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetPlaybackInterval", scheme_set_playback_interval);
1119   install_scm_function (0, "Adjust start time for playback by passed number of seconds. Returns #f for bad parameter ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AdjustPlaybackStart", scheme_adjust_playback_start);
1121   install_scm_function (0, "Adjust end time for playback by passed number of seconds. Returns #f for bad parameter ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AdjustPlaybackEnd", scheme_adjust_playback_end);
1122 #ifdef _WITH_X11_
1123   install_scm_function (1, "Takes a parameter #t or #f and optional position: Get a screenshot from the user and append or insert it in a list (one per measure) either applying across the staffs or to the current staff.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "UserScreenshot", scheme_user_screenshot);
1124   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a parameter #t or #f: Delete a screenshot for the current measure, either across staffs or for current staff.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DeleteScreenshot", scheme_delete_screenshot);
1125 #endif /*_WITH_X11_*/
1126   install_scm_function (0, "Pushes the Denemo clipboard (cut/copy buffer) onto a stack; Use d-PopClipboard to retrieve it.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PushClipboard", scheme_push_clipboard);
1128   install_scm_function (0, "Pops the Denemo clipboard (cut/copy buffer) from a stack created by d-PushClipboard. Returns #f if nothing on stack, else #t.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PopClipboard", scheme_pop_clipboard);
1130   install_scm_function (0, "Deletes all objects in the selection Returns #f if no selection else #t.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DeleteSelection", scheme_delete_selection);
1132   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the selection to be used for a thumbnail. Returns #f if no selection or selection not in first movement else #t.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetThumbnailSelection", scheme_set_thumbnail_selection);
1134   install_scm_function (1, "Creates a thumbnail for the current score. With no argument it waits for the thumbnail to complete, freezing any display. With #t it generates the thumbnail asynchrously. It does not report on completion.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CreateThumbnail", scheme_create_thumbnail);
1136   install_scm_function (0, "Exits Denemo without saving history, prefs etc.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Exit", scheme_exit);
1138   install_scm_function (0, "Snapshots the current movement putting it in the undo queue returns #f if no snapshot was taken because of a guard", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "TakeSnapshot", scheme_take_snapshot);
1140   install_scm_function (0, "Creates the default layout.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectDefaultLayout", scheme_select_default_layout);
1141   install_scm_function (1, "Creates a custom layout from the currently selected (standard). Uses the passed name for the new layout. Returns #f if nothing happened.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CreateLayout", scheme_create_layout);
1142   install_scm_function (1, "Deletes a custom layout of the passed name. Returns #f if no layout with passed name.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DeleteLayout", scheme_delete_layout);
1143   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the id of the currently selected score layout (see View->Score Layout). Returns #f if no layout is selected.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetLayoutId", scheme_get_layout_id);
1144   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the id of a score layout for typesetting the part for the current staff. Returns #f if not a primary voice.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetCurrentStaffLayoutId", scheme_get_current_staff_layout_id);
1145   install_scm_function (0, "Selects the score layout with the passed id. Returns #f if there is no such layout.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectLayoutId", scheme_select_layout_id);
1146   install_scm_function (0, "Generates LilyPond layout for the current part (ie staffs with the name of the staff with the cursor), all movements and staffs with that staff name are generated.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "LilyPondForPart", scheme_lilypond_for_part);
1147   install_scm_function (0, "Typesets the current part (ie the staff with the cursor), all movements and staffs with that staff name are typeset.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "TypesetPart", scheme_typeset_part);
1148   install_scm_function (0, "Converts the current score layout to editable LilyPond text. After this the score layout is only affected by editing the LilyPond syntax.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ReduceLayoutToLilyPond", scheme_reduce_layout_to_lilypond);
1149   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the name of the currently selected score layout (see View->Score Layout). Returns #f if no layout is selected.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetLayoutName", scheme_get_layout_name);
1150   install_scm_function (0, "Selects the next score layout. If the current layout is the last, returns #f otherwise #t.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectNextLayout", scheme_select_next_layout);
1151   install_scm_function (0, "Selects the first score layout.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectFirstLayout", scheme_select_first_layout);
1152   install_scm_function (0, "Selects the next custom score layout. If the current layout is the last, returns #f otherwise #t.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectNextCustomLayout", scheme_select_next_custom_layout);
1153   install_scm_function (0, "Selects the first custom score layout.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SelectFirstCustomLayout", scheme_select_first_custom_layout);
1154   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the full path to the currently opened Denemo score or #f if it does not have a disk file yet.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetFilename", scheme_get_filename);
1156   install_scm_function (1, "Returns the directory component of the passed filename.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PathFromFilename", scheme_path_from_filename);
1157   install_scm_function (1, "Returns the #t if file passed in exists.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "FileExists", scheme_file_exists);
1158   install_scm_function (1, "Returns the filename component of the passed path.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "FilenameFromPath", scheme_filename_from_path);
1159   install_scm_function (3, "Gives dialog to choose a file. Takes a title, start directory and list of extensions. Returns a string or #f if user cancesl", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ChooseFile", scheme_choose_file);
1161   install_scm_function (0, "Follows a link to a source file of form string \"filename:x:y:page\". It opens the file and places a marker there. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "OpenSource", scheme_open_source);
1162   install_scm_function (3, "Takes an optional filename and optional new name. Opens an encapsulated postscript file for editing. Returns the filename (without extension) if successful.\nStarts the graphics editor on the passed in filename or one from a dialog.\nThe returned .eps file may not exist when this procedure returns, an editor is open on it. With no filename parameter allows the user to choose,\ncopying to the project directory or the users graphics templates (if a new name is given)", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "EditGraphics", scheme_edit_graphics);
1163   install_scm_function (0, "Opens a PDF file previously generated by Denemo which has proof reading annotations. The notes in the file can be clicked on to locate the music in the Denemo display", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "OpenProofReadFile", scheme_open_proofread_file);
1165   install_scm_function (0, "Converts the recorded audio to user chosen audio file.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "ExportRecordedAudio", scheme_export_recorded_audio);
1166   install_scm_function (0, "Opens a source file for transcribing from. Links to this source file can be placed by shift-clicking on its contents", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "OpenSourceFile", scheme_open_source_file);
1168   install_scm_function (0, "Opens a source audio file for transcribing from. Returns the number of seconds of audio successfully opened or #f if failed. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "OpenSourceAudioFile", scheme_open_source_audio_file);
1169   install_scm_function (0, "Closes a source audio attached to the current movement.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CloseSourceAudio", scheme_close_source_audio);
1171   install_scm_function (0, "Plays audio allowing timings to be entered via keypresses if passed #t as parameter. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "StartAudioPlay", scheme_start_audio_play);
1172   install_scm_function (0, "Stops audio playback", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "StopAudioPlay", scheme_stop_audio_play);
1173   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a number of seconds to be used as lead-in for audio. If negative clips that much from the start of the audio. ", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetAudioLeadIn", scheme_set_audio_lead_in);
1174   install_scm_function (0, "returns #f if audio is not playing else #t", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AudioIsPlaying", scheme_audio_is_playing);
1176   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the next in the list of timings registered by the user during audio play.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NextAudioTiming", scheme_next_audio_timing);
1182   install_scm_function (0, "Stop collecting undo information. Call DecreaseGuard when finished. Returns #f if already guarded, #t if this call is stopping the undo collection", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "IncreaseGuard", scheme_increase_guard);
1184   install_scm_function (0, "Drop one guard against collecting undo information. Returns #t if there are no more guards \n(undo information will be collected) \nor #f if there are still guards in place.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "DecreaseGuard", scheme_decrease_guard);
1186   install_scm_function (0, "Undoes the actions performed by the script so far, starts another undo stage for the subsequent actions of the script. Note this command has the same name as the built-in Undo command, to override it when called from a script. Returns #t", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Undo" /*sic */ , scheme_undo);
1187   install_scm_function (0, "Creates a new tab. Note this command has the same name as the built-in NewWindow command, to override it when called from a script. Returns #t", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "NewWindow" /*sic */ , scheme_new_window);
1189   install_scm_function (0, "Undo normally undoes all the actions performed by a script. This puts a stage at the point in a script where it is called, so that a user-invoked undo will stop at this point, continuing when a further undo is invoked. Returns #t", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "StageForUndo", scheme_stage_for_undo);
1191   install_scm_function (0, "return a string giving the latest step available for Undo", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetLastChange", scheme_get_last_change);
1193   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a command name and returns the menu path to that command or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMenuPath", scheme_get_menu_path);
1194   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a string and returns a string representing an MD5 checksum for the passed string.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetChecksum", scheme_get_checksum);
1195   install_scm_function (0, "Sets the newbie status to the passed value", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SetNewbie", scheme_set_newbie);
1196   install_scm_function (0, "Gets the current verse of the current staff or #f if none, with an integer parameter, gets the nth verse", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetVerse", scheme_get_verse);
1197   install_scm_function (0, "Gets the number of lyric syllables in the current staff up to the cursor position.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SyllableCount", scheme_syllable_count);
1198   install_scm_function (0, "Moves the lyric cursor to match the current Denemo Cursor position (offset by an optional integer parameter), switching the keyboard input to the lyrics pane", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "SynchronizeLyricCursor", scheme_synchronize_lyric_cursor);
1199   install_scm_function (1, "Inserts passed text at the lyric cursor in the lyrics pane, returns #f if no verse at cursor", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InsertTextInVerse", scheme_insert_text_in_verse);
1200   install_scm_function (0, "Puts the passed string as the current verse of the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "PutVerse", scheme_put_verse);
1201   install_scm_function (0, "Appends the passed string to the current verse of the current staff", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AppendToVerse", scheme_append_to_verse);
1204   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a command name and returns and id for it or #f if no command of that name exists", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetId", scheme_get_id);
1206   install_scm_function (2, "Takes a command name or command id and binding name and sets that binding on that command returns the command id that previously had the binding or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "AddKeybinding", scheme_add_keybinding);
1208   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a command name and returns the label for the menu item that executes the command or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetLabel", scheme_get_label);
1209   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a non-built-in command name and returns position in the menu system for he command or #f if none", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetMenuPosition", scheme_get_menu_position);
1212   install_scm_function (0, "Returns the installed LilyPond version", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "GetLilyVersion", scheme_get_lily_version);
1213   install_scm_function (0, "Returns a boolean if the installed version of LilyPond is greater than or equal to the passed in version string", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "CheckLilyVersion", scheme_check_lily_version);
1217   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a string putting it on the scheme-controlled status bar as a list of active filters", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "InputFilterNames", scheme_input_filter_names);
1219   install_scm_function (0, "Takes a string putting the scheme controlled status bar; with no argument it hides this  status bar", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "WriteStatus", scheme_write_status);
1221   install_scm_function (1, "Display a debug message", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Debug", scheme_log_debug);
1222   install_scm_function (1, "Display an info message", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Info", scheme_log_info);
1223   install_scm_function (1, "Display a regular message", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Message", scheme_log_message);
1224   install_scm_function (1, "Display a warning message", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Warning", scheme_log_warning);
1225   install_scm_function (1, "Display a critical message", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Critical", scheme_log_critical);
1226   install_scm_function (1, "Display an error message and abort", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX "Error", scheme_log_error);
1228 }