1 #ifndef __CS_SLES_H__
2 #define __CS_SLES_H__
4 /*============================================================================
5  * Sparse Linear Equation Solver driver
6  *============================================================================*/
8 /*
9   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
11   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
16   version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
20   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
21   details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
24   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
25   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26 */
28 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  *  Local headers
32  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include "cs_base.h"
35 #include "cs_log.h"
36 #include "cs_halo_perio.h"
37 #include "cs_matrix.h"
38 #include "cs_matrix.h"
40 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 /*============================================================================
45  * Macro definitions
46  *============================================================================*/
48 /*============================================================================
49  * Type definitions
50  *============================================================================*/
52 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53  * Convergence status
54  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56 typedef enum {
64 } cs_sles_convergence_state_t;
66 /* General linear solver context (opaque) */
68 typedef struct _cs_sles_t  cs_sles_t;
70 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
71  * Function pointer for pre-resolution setup of a linear system solvers's
72  * context.
73  *
74  * This setup may include building a multigrid hierarchy, or a preconditioner.
75  *
76  * Use of this type of function is optional: the context is expected to
77  * maintain state, so that if a cs_sles_solve_t function is called before a
78  * cs_sles_setup_t function, the latter will be called automatically.
79  *
80  * parameters:
81  *   context   <-> pointer to solver context
82  *   name      <-- pointer to name of linear system
83  *   a         <-- matrix
84  *   verbosity <-- associated verbosity
85  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
87 typedef void
88 (cs_sles_setup_t) (void               *context,
89                    const char         *name,
90                    const cs_matrix_t  *a,
91                    int                 verbosity);
93 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
94  * Function pointer for resolution of a linear system.
95  *
96  * If the associated cs_sles_setup_t function has not been called before
97  * this function, it will be called automatically.
98  *
99  * The solution context setup by this call (or that of the matching setup
100  * function) will be maintained until the matching cs_sles_free_t function
101  * is called.
102  *
103  * The matrix is not expected to change between successive calls, although
104  * the right hand side may. If the matrix changes, the associated
105  * cs_sles_setup_t or cs_sles_free_t function must be called between
106  * solves.
107  *
108  * The system is considered to have converged when
109  * residue/r_norm <= precision, residue being the L2 norm of a.vx-rhs.
110  *
111  * parameters:
112  *   context       <-> pointer to solver context
113  *   name          <-- pointer to name of linear system
114  *   a             <-- matrix
115  *   verbosity     <-- associated verbosity
116  *   precision     <-- solver precision
117  *   r_norm        <-- residue normalization
118  *   n_iter        --> number of "equivalent" iterations
119  *   residue       --> residue
120  *   rhs           <-- right hand side
121  *   vx            <-- system solution
122  *   aux_size      <-- number of elements in aux_vectors
123  *   aux_vectors   <-- optional working area (internal allocation if NULL)
124  *
125  * returns:
126  *   convergence status
127  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
129 typedef cs_sles_convergence_state_t
130 (cs_sles_solve_t) (void                *context,
131                    const char          *name,
132                    const cs_matrix_t   *a,
133                    int                  verbosity,
134                    double               precision,
135                    double               r_norm,
136                    int                 *n_iter,
137                    double              *residue,
138                    const cs_real_t     *rhs,
139                    cs_real_t           *vx,
140                    size_t               aux_size,
141                    void                *aux_vectors);
143 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
144  * Function pointer for freeing of a linear system's context data.
145  *
146  * Note that this function should free resolution-related data, such as
147  * multigrid hierarchy, preconditioning, and any other temporary arrays or
148  * objects required for resolution, but should not free the whole context,
149  * as info used for logging (especially performance data) should be
150  * maintained.
151  *
152  * parameters:
153  *   context <-> pointer to solver context
154  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
156 typedef void
157 (cs_sles_free_t) (void  *context);
159 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
160  * Function pointer for logging of linear solver setup,
161  * history and performance data.
162  *
163  * This function will be called for each solver when cs_sles_finalize()
164  * is called.
165  *
166  * parameters:
167  *   context  <-- pointer to solver context
168  *   log_type <-- log type
169  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
171 typedef void
172 (cs_sles_log_t) (const void  *context,
173                  cs_log_t     log_type);
175 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
176  * Function pointer for creation of a solver context based on the copy
177  * of another.
178  *
179  * The new context copies the settings of the copied context, but not
180  * its setup data and logged info, such as performance data.
181  *
182  * This type of function is optional, but enables associating different
183  * solvers to related systems (to differentiate logging) while using
184  * the same settings by default.
185  *
186  * parameters:
187  *   context  <-- source context
188  *
189  * returns:
190  *   pointer to newly created context
191  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
193 typedef void *
194 (cs_sles_copy_t) (const void  *context);
196 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
197  * Function pointer for destruction of a linear system solver context.
198  *
199  * This function should free all context data, and will be called for each
200  * system when cs_sles_finalize() is called.
201  *
202  * parameters:
203  *   context <-> pointer to solver context
204  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
206 typedef void
207 (cs_sles_destroy_t) (void  **context);
209 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
210  * Function pointer for handling of non-convegence when solving
211  * a linear system.
212  *
213  * Such a function is optional, and may be used for a variety of purposes,
214  * such as logging, postprocessing, re-trying with different parameters,
215  * aborting the run, or any combination thereof.
216  *
217  * An error handler may be associated with a given solver using
218  * cs_sles_set_error_handler(), in which case it will be called whenever
219  * convergence fails.
220  *
221  * parameters:
222  *   sles          <-> pointer to solver object
223  *   state         <-- convergence status
224  *   a             <-- matrix
225  *   rhs           <-- Right hand side
226  *   vx            <-- System solution
227  *
228  * returns:
229  *   true if solve should be re-executed, false otherwise
230  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
232 typedef bool
233 (cs_sles_error_handler_t) (cs_sles_t                    *sles,
234                            cs_sles_convergence_state_t   state,
235                            const cs_matrix_t            *a,
236                            const cs_real_t              *rhs,
237                            cs_real_t                    *vx);
239 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
240  * Function pointer for the default definition of a sparse
241  * linear equation solver
242  *
243  * The function may be associated using cs_sles_set_default_define(), so
244  * that it may provide a definition that will be used when
245  * cs_sles_setup() or cs_sles_solve() is used for a system for which
246  * no matching call to cs_sles_define() has been done.
247  *
248  * The function should call cs_sles_define() with arguments f_id
249  * and name, and appropriately chosen function pointers.
250  *
251  * A pointer to the matrix of the system to be solved is also provided,
252  * so that the corresponding information may be used to better choose
253  * defaults.
254  *
255  * parameters:
256  *   f_id          <-- associated field id, or < 0
257  *   name          <-- associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
258  *   a             <-- Matrix
259  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
261 typedef void
262 (cs_sles_define_t) (int                 f_id,
263                     const char         *name,
264                     const cs_matrix_t  *a);
266 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
267  * Function pointer for the default definition of a sparse
268  * linear equation solver's verbosity
269  *
270  * The function may be associated using cs_sles_set_default_verbosity(), so
271  * that it may provide a definition that will be used when
272  * cs_sles_default_verbosity() is called.
273  *
274  * parameters:
275  *   f_id <-- associated field id, or < 0
276  *   name <-- associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
277  *
278  * returns:
279  *   default verbosity value
280  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
282 typedef int
283 (cs_sles_verbosity_t) (int          f_id,
284                        const char  *name);
286 /*============================================================================
287  *  Global variables
288  *============================================================================*/
290 /*=============================================================================
291  * Public function prototypes for Fortran API
292  *============================================================================*/
294 /*=============================================================================
295  * Public function prototypes
296  *============================================================================*/
298 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
299  * \brief Initialize sparse linear equation solver API.
300  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
302 void
303 cs_sles_initialize(void);
305 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
306  * \brief Finalize sparse linear equation solver API.
307  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
309 void
310 cs_sles_finalize(void);
312 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
313 /*!
314  * \brief Log sparse linear equation solver info
315  *
316  * \param[in]  log_type  log type (CS_LOG_SETUP or CS_LOG_PERFORMANCE)
317  */
318 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
320 void
321 cs_sles_log(cs_log_t  log_type);
323 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
324 /*!
325  * \brief Return pointer to linear system object, based on matching field id or
326  *        system name.
327  *
328  * If this system did not previously exist, NULL is returned.
329  *
330  * \param[in]  f_id  associated field id, or < 0
331  * \param[in]  name  associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
332  *
333  * \return  pointer to associated linear system object, or NULL
334  */
335 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
337 cs_sles_t *
338 cs_sles_find(int          f_id,
339              const char  *name);
341 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
342 /*!
343  * \brief Return pointer to linear system object, based on matching field id or
344  *        system name.
345  *
346  * If this system did not previously exist, it is created and added to
347  * to the list of "known" systems. In this case, it will be usable
348  * only if cs_sles_define() is called for the same field id and name
349  * (in which case calling the present function is redundant), or if
350  * cs_sles_set_sefault_define() has been previously used to define
351  * the default solver policy.
352  *
353  * \param[in]  f_id  associated field id, or < 0
354  * \param[in]  name  associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
355  *
356  * \return  pointer to associated linear system object, or NULL
357  */
358 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
360 cs_sles_t *
361 cs_sles_find_or_add(int          f_id,
362                     const char  *name);
364 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
365 /*!
366  * \brief Temporarily replace field id with name for matching calls
367  * to \ref cs_sles_setup, \ref cs_sles_solve, \ref cs_sles_free, and other
368  * operations involving access through a field id.
369  *
370  * \deprecated This function is provided to allow some peculiar
371  * calling sequences, in which \ref cs_equation_iterative_solve_scalar
372  * is called with a nonzero \c ivar value, but specific solver options must
373  * still be set.
374  * In the future, a more consistent mechanism (using a zero \c ivar
375  * value or designing a cleaner method to handle those exceptional cases)
376  * is preferred. As such, only a stack depth of 1 is allowed.
377  *
378  * \param[in]  f_id  associated field id, or < 0
379  * \param[in]  name  associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
380  */
381 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
383 void
384 cs_sles_push(int          f_id,
385              const char  *name);
387 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
388 /*!
389  * \brief Restore behavior temporarily modified by \ref cs_sles_push.
390  *
391  * \deprecated This function matches \ref cs_sles_push, which is deprecated.
392  *
393  * \param[in]  f_id  associated field id, or < 0
394  */
395 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
397 void
398 cs_sles_pop(int  f_id);
400 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
401 /*!
402  * \brief Define sparse linear equation solver for a given field or
403  *        equation name.
404  *
405  * If this system did not previously exist, it is added to the list of
406  * "known" systems.
407  *
408  * The context pointer is used to point to a structure adapted to the function
409  * pointers given here, and combined with those functions, allows using
410  * both built-in, external, or user-defined solvers.
411  *
412  * It is recommended the context type name provided here directly relate
413  * to the associated structure type (for example, "cs_sles_it_t" or
414  * "cs_multigrid_t").
415  *
416  * \param[in]       f_id          associated field id, or < 0
417  * \param[in]       name          associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
418  * \param[in, out]  context       pointer to solver context management
419  *                                structure (cs_sles subsystem becomes owner)
420  * \param[in]       type_name     context structure or object type name
421  * \param[in]       setup_func    pointer to system setup function
422  * \param[in]       solve_func    pointer to system solution function (also
423  *                                calls setup_func if not done yet or free_func
424  *                                called since last solve)
425  * \param[in]       free_func     pointer function freeing system setup
426  * \param[in]       log_func      pointer to system info logging function
427                                   (optional, but recommended)
428  * \param[in]       copy_func     pointer to settings copy function (optional)
429  * \param[in]       destroy_func  pointer to function destroying solver context
430  *                                (called with \ref cs_sles_finalize or with a
431  *                                new call to this function for the same system)
432  *
433  * \return  pointer to associated linear system object
434  */
435 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
437 cs_sles_t *
438 cs_sles_define(int                 f_id,
439                const char         *name,
440                void               *context,
441                const char         *type_name,
442                cs_sles_setup_t    *setup_func,
443                cs_sles_solve_t    *solve_func,
444                cs_sles_free_t     *free_func,
445                cs_sles_log_t      *log_func,
446                cs_sles_copy_t     *copy_func,
447                cs_sles_destroy_t  *destroy_func);
449 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
450 /*!
451  * \brief Set the verbosity for a given linear equation solver.
452  *
453  * This verbosity will be used by cs_sles_setup and cs_sles_solve.
454  *
455  * By default, the verbosity is set to 0, or the value returned by the
456  * function set with cs_sles_set_default_define().
457  *
458  * \param[in, out]  sles       pointer to solver object
459  * \param[in]       verbosity  verbosity level
460  */
461 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
463 void
464 cs_sles_set_verbosity(cs_sles_t  *sles,
465                       int         verbosity);
467 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
468 /*!
469  * \brief Get the verbosity for a given linear equation solver.
470  *
471  * This verbosity will be used by cs_sles_setup and cs_sles_solve.
472  *
473  * \param[in, out]  sles       pointer to solver object
474  *
475  * \return  verbosity level
476  */
477 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
479 int
480 cs_sles_get_verbosity(cs_sles_t  *sles);
482 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
483 /*!
484  * \brief Activate postprocessing output for a given linear equation solver.
485  *
486  * This allows the output of the residual at the end of each solution
487  * series, using a single postprocessing writer.
488  * By default, no output is activated.
489  *
490  * \param[in, out]  sles       pointer to solver object
491  * \param[in]       writer_id  id of the writer
492  */
493 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
495 void
496 cs_sles_set_post_output(cs_sles_t  *sles,
497                         int         writer_id);
499 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
500 /*!
501  * \brief Return the id of the associated writer if postprocessing output
502  *        is active for a given linear equation solver.
503  *
504  * \param[in]  sles  pointer to solver object
505  *
506  * \return  id od associated writer, or 0
507  */
508 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
510 int
511 cs_sles_get_post_output(cs_sles_t  *sles);
513 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
514 /*!
515  * \brief Return type name of solver context.
516  *
517  * The returned string is intended to help determine which type is associated
518  * with the void * pointer returned by \ref cs_sles_get_context for a given
519  * solver definition, so as to be able to call additional specific functions
520  * beyond the generic functions assigned to a cs_sles_t object.
521  *
522  * If no type_name string was associated to the solver upon its definition by
523  * \ref cs_sles_define, or it has not been defined yet, the string returned
524  * is "<undefined>". It is recommended the type name provided
525  * \ref cs_sles_define directly relate to the associated structure type
526  * (for example, "cs_sles_it_t" or "cs_multigrid_t").
527  *
528  * \param[in]  sles  pointer to solver object
529  *
530  * \return  pointer to linear system solver specific type name
531  */
532 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
534 const char *
535 cs_sles_get_type(cs_sles_t  *sles);
537 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
538 /*!
539  * \brief Return pointer to solver context structure pointer.
540  *
541  * The context structure depends on the type of solver used, which may in
542  * turn be determined by the string returned by cs_sles_get_type().
543  * If may be used by appropriate functions specific to that type.
544  *
545  * \param[in]  sles  pointer to solver object
546  *
547  * \return  pointer to solver-specific linear system info and context
548  */
549 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
551 void *
552 cs_sles_get_context(cs_sles_t  *sles);
554 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
555 /*!
556  * \brief Return field id associated with a given sparse linear equation solver.
557  *
558  * \param[in]  sles  pointer to solver object
559  *
560  * \return  associated field id (or -1 if defined by name)
561  */
562 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
564 int
565 cs_sles_get_f_id(const cs_sles_t  *sles);
567 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
568 /*!
569  * \brief Return name associated with a given sparse linear equation solver.
570  *
571  * This is simply a utility function which will return its name argument
572  * if f_id < 0, and the associated field's name or label otherwise.
573  *
574  * \param[in]  sles  pointer to solver object
575  *
576  * \return  pointer to associated linear system object name
577  */
578 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
580 const char *
581 cs_sles_get_name(const cs_sles_t  *sles);
583 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
584 /*!
585  * \brief Setup sparse linear equation solver.
586  *
587  * Use of this function is optional: if a \ref cs_sles_solve is called
588  * for the same system before this function is called, the latter will be
589  * called automatically.
590  *
591  * If no options were previously provided for the matching system,
592  * default options will be used.
593  *
594  * \param[in, out]  sles  pointer to solver object
595  * \param[in]       a     matrix
596  */
597 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
599 void
600 cs_sles_setup(cs_sles_t          *sles,
601               const cs_matrix_t  *a);
603 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
604 /*!
605  * \brief General sparse linear system resolution.
606  *
607  * If no options were previously provided for the matching system,
608  * default options will be used.
609  *
610  * Note that if \ref cs_sles_setup was previously called for this
611  * system, and \ref cs_sles_free has not been called since, the matrix
612  * provided should be the same. The optional separation between the
613  * two stages is intended to allow amortizing the cost of setup
614  * over multiple solutions.
615  *
616  * The system is considered to have converged when
617  * residue/r_norm <= precision, residue being the L2 norm of a.vx-rhs.
618  *
619  * \param[in, out]  sles           pointer to solver object
620  * \param[in]       a              matrix
621  * \param[in]       precision      solver precision
622  * \param[in]       r_norm         residue normalization
623  * \param[out]      n_iter         number of "equivalent" iterations
624  * \param[out]      residue        residue
625  * \param[in]       rhs            right hand side
626  * \param[in, out]  vx             system solution
627  * \param[in]       aux_size       size of aux_vectors (in bytes)
628  * \param           aux_vectors    optional working area
629  *                                 (internal allocation if NULL)
630  *
631  * \return  convergence state
632  */
633 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
635 cs_sles_convergence_state_t
636 cs_sles_solve(cs_sles_t           *sles,
637               const cs_matrix_t   *a,
638               double               precision,
639               double               r_norm,
640               int                 *n_iter,
641               double              *residue,
642               const cs_real_t     *rhs,
643               cs_real_t           *vx,
644               size_t               aux_size,
645               void                *aux_vectors);
647 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
648 /*!
649  * \brief Free sparse linear equation solver setup.
650  *
651  * This function frees resolution-related data, such as multigrid hierarchy,
652  * preconditioning, and any other temporary arrays or objects required for
653  * resolution, but maintains context information such as that used for
654  * logging (especially performance data).
655  *
656  * \param[in, out]  sles  pointer to solver object
657  */
658 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
660 void
661 cs_sles_free(cs_sles_t  *sles);
663 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
664 /*!
665  * \brief Copy the definition of a sparse linear equation solver to another.
666  *
667  * The intended use of this function is to allow associating different
668  * solvers to related systems, so as to differentiate logging, while using
669  * the same settings by default.
670  *
671  * If the source solver does not provide a \ref cs_sles_copy_t function,
672  * No modification is done to the solver. If the copy function is available,
673  * the context is copied, as are the matching function pointers.
674  *
675  * If previous settings have been defined and used, they are saved as
676  * per \ref cs_sles_define.
677  *
678  * \param[in, out]  dest  pointer to destination solver object
679  * \param[in]       src   pointer to source solver object
680  *
681  * \return  0 in case of success, 1 in case of failure
682  */
683 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
685 int
686 cs_sles_copy(cs_sles_t        *dest,
687              const cs_sles_t  *src);
689 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
690 /*!
691  * \brief Associate a convergence error handler to a given sparse linear
692  *        equation solver.
693  *
694  * The error will be called whenever convergence fails. To dissassociate
695  * the error handler, this function may be called with \p handler = NULL.
696  *
697  * The association will only be successful if the matching solver
698  * has already been defined.
699  *
700  * \param[in, out]  sles                pointer to solver object
701  * \param[in]       error_handler_func  pointer to convergence error
702  *                                      handler function
703  */
704 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
706 void
707 cs_sles_set_error_handler(cs_sles_t                *sles,
708                           cs_sles_error_handler_t  *error_handler_func);
710 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
711 /*!
712  * \brief Return pointer to default sparse linear solver definition function.
713  *
714  * The associated function will be used to provide a definition when
715  * \ref cs_sles_setup or \ref cs_sles_solve is used for a system for which no
716  * matching call to \ref cs_sles_define has been done.
717  *
718  * \return  define_func pointer to default definition function
719  */
720 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
722 cs_sles_define_t  *
723 cs_sles_get_default_define(void);
725 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
726 /*!
727  * \brief Set default sparse linear solver definition function.
728  *
729  * The provided function will be used to provide a definition when
730  * \ref cs_sles_setup or \ref cs_sles_solve is used for a system for which no
731  * matching call to \ref cs_sles_define has been done.
732  *
733  * \param[in]  define_func pointer to default definition function
734  */
735 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
737 void
738 cs_sles_set_default_define(cs_sles_define_t  *define_func);
740 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
741 /*!
742  * \brief Set default verbosity definition function.
743  *
744  * The provided function will be used to define the verbosity when
745  * \ref cs_sles_find_or_add is called.
746  *
747  * \param[in]  verbosity_func pointer to default verbosity function
748  */
749 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
751 void
752 cs_sles_set_default_verbosity(cs_sles_verbosity_t  *verbosity_func);
754 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
755 /*!
756  * \brief Output default post-processing data for failed system convergence.
757  *
758  * \param[in]       name           variable name
759  * \param[in]       mesh_id        id of error output mesh, or 0 if none
760  * \param[in]       a              linear equation matrix
761  * \param[in]       rhs            right hand side
762  * \param[in, out]  vx             current system solution
763  */
764 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
766 void
767 cs_sles_post_error_output_def(const char          *name,
768                               int                  mesh_id,
769                               const cs_matrix_t   *a,
770                               const cs_real_t     *rhs,
771                               cs_real_t           *vx);
773 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
774 /*!
775  * \brief Output post-processing variable related to system convergence.
776  *
777  * \param[in]       name             variable name
778  * \param[in]       mesh_id          id of error output mesh, or 0 if none
779  * \param[in]       location_id      mesh location id (cells or vertices)
780  * \param[in]       writer_id        id of specified associated writer, or
781  *                                   \ref CS_POST_WRITER_ALL_ASSOCIATED for all
782  * \param[in]       diag_block_size  block size for diagonal
783  * \param[in, out]  var              variable values
784  */
785 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
787 void
788 cs_sles_post_output_var(const char      *name,
789                         int              mesh_id,
790                         int              location_id,
791                         int              writer_id,
792                         int              diag_block_size,
793                         cs_real_t        var[]);
795 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
796 /*!
797  * \brief Return base name associated to a field id, name couple.
798  *
799  * This is simply a utility function which will return its name argument
800  * if f_id < 0, and the associated field's name or label otherwise.
801  *
802  * \param[in]  f_id  associated field id, or < 0
803  * \param[in]  name  associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
804  *
805  * \return  pointer to associated linear system object, or NULL
806  */
807 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
809 const char *
810 cs_sles_base_name(int          f_id,
811                   const char  *name);
813 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
814 /*!
815  * \brief Return name associated to a field id, name couple.
816  *
817  * \param[in]  f_id  associated field id, or < 0
818  * \param[in]  name  associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
819  *
820  * \return  pointer to name associated to the field id, name couple
821  */
822 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
824 const char *
825 cs_sles_name(int          f_id,
826              const char  *name);
828 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
832 #endif /* __CS_SLES_H__ */