1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file term_util.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Mathias Preiner
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief term utilities class
13  **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include <unordered_set>
23 #include "expr/attribute.h"
24 #include "theory/quantifiers/quant_util.h"
25 #include "theory/type_enumerator.h"
27 namespace CVC4 {
28 namespace theory {
30 // attribute for "contains instantiation constants from"
31 struct InstConstantAttributeId {};
32 typedef expr::Attribute<InstConstantAttributeId, Node> InstConstantAttribute;
34 struct BoundVarAttributeId {};
35 typedef expr::Attribute<BoundVarAttributeId, Node> BoundVarAttribute;
37 struct InstVarNumAttributeId {};
38 typedef expr::Attribute<InstVarNumAttributeId, uint64_t> InstVarNumAttribute;
40 struct TermDepthAttributeId {};
41 typedef expr::Attribute<TermDepthAttributeId, uint64_t> TermDepthAttribute;
43 struct ContainsUConstAttributeId {};
44 typedef expr::Attribute<ContainsUConstAttributeId, uint64_t> ContainsUConstAttribute;
46 //for bounded integers
47 struct BoundIntLitAttributeId {};
48 typedef expr::Attribute<BoundIntLitAttributeId, uint64_t> BoundIntLitAttribute;
50 //for quantifier instantiation level
51 struct QuantInstLevelAttributeId {};
52 typedef expr::Attribute<QuantInstLevelAttributeId, uint64_t> QuantInstLevelAttribute;
54 //rewrite-rule priority
55 struct RrPriorityAttributeId {};
56 typedef expr::Attribute<RrPriorityAttributeId, uint64_t> RrPriorityAttribute;
58 /** Attribute true for quantifiers that do not need to be partially instantiated */
59 struct LtePartialInstAttributeId {};
60 typedef expr::Attribute< LtePartialInstAttributeId, bool > LtePartialInstAttribute;
62 // attribute for associating a synthesis function with a first order variable
63 struct SygusSynthGrammarAttributeId {};
64 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusSynthGrammarAttributeId, Node>
65     SygusSynthGrammarAttribute;
67 // attribute for associating a variable list with a synth fun
68 struct SygusSynthFunVarListAttributeId {};
69 typedef expr::Attribute<SygusSynthFunVarListAttributeId, Node> SygusSynthFunVarListAttribute;
71 //attribute for fun-def abstraction type
72 struct AbsTypeFunDefAttributeId {};
73 typedef expr::Attribute<AbsTypeFunDefAttributeId, bool> AbsTypeFunDefAttribute;
75 /** Attribute for id number */
76 struct QuantIdNumAttributeId {};
77 typedef expr::Attribute< QuantIdNumAttributeId, uint64_t > QuantIdNumAttribute;
79 /** Attribute to mark Skolems as virtual terms */
80 struct VirtualTermSkolemAttributeId {};
81 typedef expr::Attribute< VirtualTermSkolemAttributeId, bool > VirtualTermSkolemAttribute;
83 class QuantifiersEngine;
85 namespace inst{
86   class Trigger;
87   class HigherOrderTrigger;
88 }
90 namespace quantifiers {
92 class TermDatabase;
93 class Instantiate;
95 // TODO : #1216 split this class, most of the functions in this class should be dispersed to where they are used.
96 class TermUtil : public QuantifiersUtil
97 {
98   // TODO : remove these
99   friend class ::CVC4::theory::QuantifiersEngine;
100   friend class Instantiate;
102  private:
103   /** reference to the quantifiers engine */
104   QuantifiersEngine* d_quantEngine;
105 public:
106   TermUtil(QuantifiersEngine * qe);
107   ~TermUtil();
108   /** boolean terms */
109   Node d_true;
110   Node d_false;
111   /** constants */
112   Node d_zero;
113   Node d_one;
115   /** reset */
reset(Theory::Effort e)116   bool reset(Theory::Effort e) override { return true; }
117   /** register quantifier */
118   void registerQuantifier(Node q) override;
119   /** identify */
identify()120   std::string identify() const override { return "TermUtil"; }
121   // for inst constant
122  private:
123   /** map from universal quantifiers to the list of variables */
124   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_vars;
125   std::map< Node, std::map< Node, unsigned > > d_var_num;
126   /** map from universal quantifiers to their inst constant body */
127   std::map< Node, Node > d_inst_const_body;
128   /** map from universal quantifiers to their counterexample literals */
129   std::map< Node, Node > d_ce_lit;
130   /** instantiation constants to universal quantifiers */
131   std::map< Node, Node > d_inst_constants_map;
132 public:
133   /** map from universal quantifiers to the list of instantiation constants */
134   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_inst_constants;
135   /** get variable number */
getVariableNum(Node q,Node v)136   unsigned getVariableNum( Node q, Node v ) { return d_var_num[q][v]; }
137   /** get the i^th instantiation constant of q */
138   Node getInstantiationConstant( Node q, int i ) const;
139   /** get number of instantiation constants for q */
140   unsigned getNumInstantiationConstants( Node q ) const;
141   /** get the ce body q[e/x] */
142   Node getInstConstantBody( Node q );
143   /** get counterexample literal (for cbqi) */
144   Node getCounterexampleLiteral( Node q );
145   /** returns node n with bound vars of q replaced by instantiation constants of q
146       node n : is the future pattern
147       node q : is the quantifier containing which bind the variable
148       return a pattern where the variable are replaced by variable for
149       instantiation.
150    */
151   Node substituteBoundVariablesToInstConstants(Node n, Node q);
152   /** substitute { instantiation constants of q -> bound variables of q } in n
153    */
154   Node substituteInstConstantsToBoundVariables(Node n, Node q);
155   /** substitute { variables of q -> terms } in n */
156   Node substituteBoundVariables(Node n, Node q, std::vector<Node>& terms);
157   /** substitute { instantiation constants of q -> terms } in n */
158   Node substituteInstConstants(Node n, Node q, std::vector<Node>& terms);
160   static Node getInstConstAttr( Node n );
161   static bool hasInstConstAttr( Node n );
162   static Node getBoundVarAttr( Node n );
163   static bool hasBoundVarAttr( Node n );
165 private:
166   /** get bound vars */
167   static void getBoundVars2( Node n, std::vector< Node >& vars, std::map< Node, bool >& visited );
168   /** get bound vars */
169   static Node getRemoveQuantifiers2( Node n, std::map< Node, Node >& visited );
170 public:
171   //get the bound variables in this node
172   static void getBoundVars( Node n, std::vector< Node >& vars );
173   //remove quantifiers
174   static Node getRemoveQuantifiers( Node n );
175   //quantified simplify (treat free variables in n as quantified and run rewriter)
176   static Node getQuantSimplify( Node n );
178  private:
179   /** adds the set of nodes of kind k in n to vars */
180   static void computeVarContainsInternal(Node n,
181                                          Kind k,
182                                          std::vector<Node>& vars);
184  public:
185   /** adds the set of nodes of kind INST_CONSTANT in n to ics */
186   static void computeInstConstContains(Node n, std::vector<Node>& ics);
187   /** adds the set of nodes of kind BOUND_VARIABLE in n to vars */
188   static void computeVarContains(Node n, std::vector<Node>& vars);
189   /** adds the set of (top-level) nodes of kind FORALL in n to quants */
190   static void computeQuantContains(Node n, std::vector<Node>& quants);
191   /**
192    * Adds the set of nodes of kind INST_CONSTANT in n that belong to quantified
193    * formula q to vars.
194    */
195   static void computeInstConstContainsForQuant(Node q,
196                                                Node n,
197                                                std::vector<Node>& vars);
199 //for virtual term substitution
200 private:
201   Node d_vts_delta;
202   std::map< TypeNode, Node > d_vts_inf;
203   Node d_vts_delta_free;
204   std::map< TypeNode, Node > d_vts_inf_free;
205   /** get vts infinity index */
206   Node getVtsInfinityIndex( int i, bool isFree = false, bool create = true  );
207   /** substitute vts free terms */
208   Node substituteVtsFreeTerms( Node n );
209 public:
210   /** get vts delta */
211   Node getVtsDelta( bool isFree = false, bool create = true );
212   /** get vts infinity */
213   Node getVtsInfinity( TypeNode tn, bool isFree = false, bool create = true );
214   /** get all vts terms */
215   void getVtsTerms( std::vector< Node >& t, bool isFree = false, bool create = true, bool inc_delta = true );
216   /** rewrite delta */
217   Node rewriteVtsSymbols( Node n );
218   /** simple check for contains term */
219   bool containsVtsTerm( Node n, bool isFree = false );
220   /** simple check for contains term */
221   bool containsVtsTerm( std::vector< Node >& n, bool isFree = false );
222   /** simple check for contains term */
223   bool containsVtsInfinity( Node n, bool isFree = false );
224   /** ensure type */
225   static Node ensureType( Node n, TypeNode tn );
227 //general utilities
228   // TODO #1216 : promote these?
229  private:
230   //helper for contains term
231   static bool containsTerms2( Node n, std::vector< Node >& t, std::map< Node, bool >& visited );
232   /** cache for getTypeValue */
233   std::unordered_map<TypeNode,
234                      std::unordered_map<int, Node>,
235                      TypeNodeHashFunction>
236       d_type_value;
237   /** cache for getTypeMaxValue */
238   std::unordered_map<TypeNode, Node, TypeNodeHashFunction> d_type_max_value;
239   /** cache for getTypeValueOffset */
240   std::unordered_map<TypeNode,
241                      std::unordered_map<Node,
242                                         std::unordered_map<int, Node>,
243                                         NodeHashFunction>,
244                      TypeNodeHashFunction>
245       d_type_value_offset;
246   /** cache for status of getTypeValueOffset*/
247   std::unordered_map<TypeNode,
248                      std::unordered_map<Node,
249                                         std::unordered_map<int, int>,
250                                         NodeHashFunction>,
251                      TypeNodeHashFunction>
252       d_type_value_offset_status;
254  public:
255   /** simple check for contains term, true if contains at least one term in t */
256   static bool containsTerms( Node n, std::vector< Node >& t );
257   /** contains uninterpreted constant */
258   static bool containsUninterpretedConstant( Node n );
259   /** get the term depth of n */
260   static int getTermDepth( Node n );
261   /** simple negate */
262   static Node simpleNegate( Node n );
263   /** is the kind k a negation kind?
264    *
265    * A kind k is a negation kind if <k>( <k>( n ) ) = n.
266    */
267   static bool isNegate(Kind k);
268   /**
269    * Make negated term, returns the negation of n wrt Kind notk, eliminating
270    * double negation if applicable, e.g. mkNegate( ~, ~x ) ---> x.
271    */
272   static Node mkNegate(Kind notk, Node n);
273   /** is k associative?
274    *
275    * If flag reqNAry is true, then we additionally require that k is an
276    * n-ary operator.
277    */
278   static bool isAssoc(Kind k, bool reqNAry = false);
279   /** is k commutative?
280    *
281    * If flag reqNAry is true, then we additionally require that k is an
282    * n-ary operator.
283    */
284   static bool isComm(Kind k, bool reqNAry = false);
286   /** is k non-additive?
287    * Returns true if
288    *   <k>( <k>( T1, x, T2 ), x ) =
289    *   <k>( T1, x, T2 )
290    * always holds, where T1 and T2 are vectors.
291    */
292   static bool isNonAdditive( Kind k );
293   /** is k a bool connective? */
294   static bool isBoolConnective( Kind k );
295   /** is n a bool connective term? */
296   static bool isBoolConnectiveTerm( TNode n );
298   /** is the kind k antisymmetric?
299    * If so, return true and store its inverse kind in dk.
300    */
301   static bool isAntisymmetric(Kind k, Kind& dk);
303   /** has offset arg
304    * Returns true if there is a Kind ok and offset
305    * such that
306    *   <ik>( ... t_{arg-1}, n, t_{arg+1}... ) =
307    *   <ok>( ... t_{arg-1}, n+offset, t_{arg+1}...)
308    * always holds.
309    * If so, this function returns true and stores
310    * offset and ok in the respective fields.
311    */
312   static bool hasOffsetArg(Kind ik, int arg, int& offset, Kind& ok);
314   /** is idempotent arg
315    * Returns true if
316    *   <k>( ... t_{arg-1}, n, t_{arg+1}...) =
317    *   <k>( ... t_{arg-1}, t_{arg+1}...)
318    * always holds.
319    */
320   bool isIdempotentArg(Node n, Kind ik, int arg);
322   /** is singular arg
323    * Returns true if
324    *   <k>( ... t_{arg-1}, n, t_{arg+1}...) = ret
325    * always holds for some constant ret, which is returned by this function.
326    */
327   Node isSingularArg(Node n, Kind ik, unsigned arg);
329   /** get type value
330    * This gets the Node that represents value val for Type tn
331    * This is used to get simple values, e.g. -1,0,1,
332    * in a uniform way per type.
333    */
334   Node getTypeValue(TypeNode tn, int val);
336   /** get type value offset
337    * Returns the value of ( val + getTypeValue( tn, offset ) ),
338    * where + is the additive operator for the type.
339    * Stores the status (0: success, -1: failure) in status.
340    */
341   Node getTypeValueOffset(TypeNode tn, Node val, int offset, int& status);
343   /** get the "max" value for type tn
344    * For example,
345    *   the max value for Bool is true,
346    *   the max value for BitVector is 1..1.
347    */
348   Node getTypeMaxValue(TypeNode tn);
350   /** make value, static version of get value */
351   static Node mkTypeValue(TypeNode tn, int val);
352   /** make value offset, static version of get value offset */
353   static Node mkTypeValueOffset(TypeNode tn, Node val, int offset, int& status);
354   /** make max value, static version of get max value */
355   static Node mkTypeMaxValue(TypeNode tn);
356   /**
357    * Make const, returns pol ? mkTypeValue(tn,0) : mkTypeMaxValue(tn).
358    * In other words, this returns either the minimum element of tn if pol is
359    * true, and the maximum element in pol is false. The type tn should have
360    * minimum and maximum elements, for example tn is Bool or BitVector.
361    */
362   static Node mkTypeConst(TypeNode tn, bool pol);
364   // for higher-order
365  private:
366   /** dummy predicate that states terms should be considered first-class members of equality engine */
367   std::map< TypeNode, Node > d_ho_type_match_pred;
368 public:
369   /** get higher-order type match predicate
370    * This predicate is used to force certain functions f of type tn to appear as first-class representatives in the
371    * quantifier-free UF solver. For a typical use case, we call getHoTypeMatchPredicate which returns a fresh
372    * predicate P of type (tn -> Bool). Then, we add P( f ) as a lemma.
373    * TODO: we may eliminate this depending on how github issue #1115 is resolved.
374    */
375   Node getHoTypeMatchPredicate( TypeNode tn );
376 };/* class TermUtil */
378 }/* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */
379 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
380 }/* CVC4 namespace */