2%%% File    : yaws_appmod_dav.erl
3%%% Created : 11 Nov 2012
4%%% Purpose : WebDav module, RFC4918 class 1, 2, 3 compliant
6%%%           To use, add the following configuration:
8%%%               <server>
9%%%                   ...
10%%%                   dav = true
11%%%               </server>
13%%%           This configuration is short for:
15%%%               runmod = yaws_runmod_lock
16%%%               ...
17%%%               <server>
18%%%                   ...
19%%%                   appmods = </, yaws_appmod_dav>
20%%%               <server>
22%%% Todo    : 1) Add header handling (most of the time not used by DAV
23%%%              clients):
24%%%              If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match,
25%%%              If-Range, If-Unmodified-Since, TE
26%%%           2) POST on collections
31%% for appmod:
34%% for replacement xmerl_xml:
36-import(xmerl_lib, [markup/3, empty_tag/2, export_text/1]).
40-define(DEBUG(X), io:format(X)).
41-define(DEBUG(X,Y), io:format(X,Y)).
43-define(DEBUG(X), true).
44-define(DEBUG(X,Y), true).
55out(A) ->
56    try
57        h_litmus(A),
58        %% handle the request
59        R = A#arg.req,
60        Method = R#http_request.method,
61        H = A#arg.headers,
62        C = if
63                H#headers.user_agent == undefined -> standard;
64                true ->
65                    Ms = string:str(H#headers.user_agent,"Microsoft"),
66                    if
67                        Ms > 0 -> microsoft;
68                        true -> standard
69                    end
70            end,
71        put(compatibility,C),
72        handle(Method,A)
73    catch
74        {Status,Precondition} ->
75            Response1 = [{'D:error', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],
76                          [{Precondition,[],[]}]}],
77            status(Status,{xml,Response1});
78        Status ->
79            status(Status);
80        _Error:{noproc,{gen_server,call,[yaws_runmod_lock|_Whatever]}} ->
81            Msg = "Lock server not started. See documentation.~n",
82            error_logger:error_msg(Msg),
83            Response = [{'D:error',[{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],[Msg]}],
84            status(500,{xml,Response});
85        ?MAKE_ST(_Error:Reason,ST,
86                 begin
87                     error_logger:info_msg("unexpected error: ~p~n~p~n",
88                                           [Reason, ST]),
89                     Response = [{'D:error',[{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],[Reason]}],
90                     status(500,{xml,Response})
91                 end)
92    end.
95%% handle methods
97handle('OPTIONS',A) ->
98    ?DEBUG("OPTIONS"),
99    R = davresource0(A),
100    F = R#resource.info,
101    T = case F#file_info.type of
102            directory -> "httpd/unix-directory";
103            _ ->
104              Name = R#resource.name,
105              Ext = filename:extension(Name),
106              Ext1 = case Ext of
107                         [] -> "";
108                         _ -> tl(Ext)
109                     end,
110              {_Kind,Mimetype} = mime_types:t(Ext1),
111              Mimetype
112        end,
113    Headers = [{header,{"Allow",
114                        "GET, POST, OPTIONS, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, "
115                        "PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, LOCK, UNLOCK, "
116                        "MKCOL, MOVE, COPY"}}],
117    status(200,[{header,{"Content-Type",T}}|Headers],[]);
118handle('HEAD',A) ->
119    ?DEBUG("HEAD ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
120    Path = davpath(A),
121    case file:read_file_info(Path) of
122        {ok, F} when (F#file_info.type == regular) ->
123            E = yaws:make_etag(F),
124            Name = A#arg.server_path,
125            Ext = filename:extension(Name),
126            Ext1 = case Ext of
127                       [] -> "";
128                       _ -> tl(Ext)
129                   end,
130            {_Kind,T} = mime_types:t(Ext1),
131            status(200,[{header,{"Etag",E}},{header,{"Content-Type",T}}]);
132        {ok, F} when (F#file_info.type == directory) ->
133            status(200,[{header,{"Content-Type","httpd/unix-directory"}}]);
134        _ -> throw(404)
135    end;
136handle('GET',A) ->
137    ?DEBUG("GET ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
138    Name = A#arg.server_path,
139    Path = A#arg.fullpath,
140    Pid = self(),
141    SC=get(sc),
142    PPS = SC#sconf.partial_post_size,
143    case file:read_file_info(Path) of
144        {ok,F} when F#file_info.type==directory ->
145            {ok,Dir} = file:list_dir(Path),
146            Listing = lists:foldl(
147                        fun(Fname,L) ->
148                            {ok,Finfo} = file:read_file_info(
149                                           filename:join(Path,Fname)),
150                            Ftype = case Finfo#file_info.type of
151                                        directory -> "Coll:";
152                                        _         -> "     "
153                                    end,
154                            Fsize = integer_to_list(Finfo#file_info.size),
155                            Ftime = yaws:local_time_as_gmt_string(
156                                      Finfo#file_info.mtime),
157                            Entry = io_lib:format("~s ~-20s ~10s  ~s~n",
158                                                  [Ftype,Fname,Fsize,Ftime]),
159                            L++Entry
160                        end,"",lists:sort(Dir)),
161            Response = {ehtml,[
162                {html,[],[
163                    {head,[],[
164                        {title,[],Name}]
165                    },
166                    {body,[],[
167                        {h2,[],"Index of "++Name},
168                        {pre,[],Listing}]
169                    }]
170                }]
171            },
172            status(200,Response);
173        {ok,F} ->
174            Size = integer_to_list(F#file_info.size),
175            Ext = filename:extension(Name),
176            Ext1 = case Ext of
177                       [] -> "";
178                       _ -> tl(Ext)
179                   end,
180            {_Kind,Mimetype} = mime_types:t(Ext1),
181            H = [{header,{"Content-Length",Size}}],
182            {ok,Fd} = file:open(Path,[read,binary]),
183            case file:read(Fd,PPS) of
184                {ok,Data} when size(Data)<PPS ->
185                    ?DEBUG("only chunk~n"),
186                    status(200,H,{content,Mimetype,Data});
187                {ok,Data} ->
188                    ?DEBUG("first chunk~n"),
189                    spawn(fun() -> deliver_rest(Pid,Fd) end),
190                    status(200,H,{streamcontent,Mimetype,Data});
191                eof ->
192                    status(200,{content,"application/octet-stream",<<>>});
193                {error,Reason} ->
194                    Response = [{'D:error',[{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],[Reason]}],
195                    status(500,{xml,Response})
196            end;
197        {error,enoent} ->
198            status(404);
199        _Other ->
200            status(500)
201    end;
202handle('POST',A) ->
203    ?DEBUG("POST ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
204    _Path = davpath(A),
205    %% TODO POST for collections: RFC5995
206    status(501);
207handle("LOCK",A) ->
208    %% TODO Multi resource lock (lock on collection) returns 207
209    %%      (multi-status) when failing
210    ?DEBUG("LOCK ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
211    Name = A#arg.server_path,
212    Path = davpath(A),
213    %% check if file/collection exists and create if not so
214    %% RFC4918 - 9.10.4
215    {Status,R} = case file:read_file_info(Path) of
216            {ok, F} when (F#file_info.type == directory) or
217                         (F#file_info.type == regular) ->
218                {200,#resource{ name = Name, info = F}};
219            {error,enoent} ->
220                case string:right(A#arg.server_path,1) of
221                    "/" ->
222                        ok = file:make_dir(Path);
223                    _ ->
224                        ok = file:write_file(Path,"")
225                end,
226                {ok, F} = file:read_file_info(Path),
227                {201,#resource{ name = Name, info = F}};
228            {error,_} -> throw(409)
229        end,
230    Req = binary_to_list(A#arg.clidata),
231    L = parse_lockinfo(Req),
232    %%Id = h_locktoken(A),
233    Timeout = h_timeout(A),
234    Depth = h_depth(A),
235    Id = h_if_refresh(A,Path),
236    case yaws_runmod_lock:lock(Path,L#lock{path=Path,id=Id,timeout=Timeout,
237                                           depth=Depth}) of
238        {ok,Id1} ->
239            {200,Result} = prop_get({'DAV:',lockdiscovery},A,R),
240            Response = [{'D:prop', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}], [Result]}],
241            status(Status,[{header,
242                            {"Lock-Token","<opaquelocktoken:"++Id1++">"}}],
243                   {xml,Response});
244        {error,locked} ->
245            status(423);
246        _ ->
247            throw(501)
248    end;
249handle("UNLOCK",A) ->
250    ?DEBUG("UNLOCK ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
251    Path = davpath(A),
252    Id = h_locktoken(A),
253    %%?DEBUG(" Id=~p",[Id]),
254    case yaws_runmod_lock:unlock(Path,Id) of
255        ok -> status(204);
256        not_found ->
257            Response = [{'D:error', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],
258                         [{'lock-token-matches-request-uri',[],[]}]}],
259            status(409,{xml,Response})
260    end;
261handle('DELETE',A) ->
262    ?DEBUG("DELETE ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
263    Path = davpath(A),
264    h_if(A,Path),
265    R = davresource0(A),
266    %% use internal locking to be safe
267    case yaws_runmod_lock:lock(R#resource.name,
268                               #lock{depth=infinity,scope=exclusive}) of
269        {ok,Id} ->
270            F = filename:join(A#arg.docroot,["./",R#resource.name]),
271            fs_rmrf(F),
272            yaws_runmod_lock:unlock(R#resource.name,Id),
273            status(200);
274        _ -> throw(423)
275    end;
276handle('PUT',A) when A#arg.state == undefined ->
277    ?DEBUG("PUT ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
278    Path = davpath(A),
279    h_if(A,Path),
280    case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
281        true ->
282            throw(405);
283        false ->
284            TmpName = temp_name(Path),
285            X = file:open(TmpName, [raw,write]),
286            case X  of
287                {ok, Fd} ->
288                    State = #upload{fd=Fd, filename=Path, tempname=TmpName},
289                    case A#arg.clidata of
290                        {partial,Bin} ->
291                            file:write(Fd,Bin),
292                            {get_more,<<>>,State};
293                        Bin ->
294                            file:write(Fd,Bin),
295                            file:close(Fd),
296                            case file:rename(TmpName, Path) of
297                                ok -> status(201);
298                                _ -> status(409)
299                            end
300                    end;
301                {error,eexist} ->
302                    throw(405);
303                {error,enoent} -> throw(409);
304                {error,eisdir} -> throw(409);
305                {error,enospace} -> throw(507);
306                _ -> status(500)
307            end
308    end;
309handle('PUT',A) ->
310    State = A#arg.state,
311    Fd = State#upload.fd,
312    case A#arg.clidata of
313        {partial,Bin} ->
314            file:write(Fd,Bin),
315            {get_more,<<>>,State};
316        Bin ->
317            file:write(Fd,Bin),
318            file:close(Fd),
319            FName = State#upload.filename,
320            TmpName = State#upload.tempname,
321            case file:rename(TmpName, FName) of
322                ok -> status(201);
323                _ -> status(409) % TODO delete temp file here?
324            end
325    end;
326handle("MKCOL",A) ->
327    ?DEBUG("MKCOL ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
328    Path = davpath(A),
329    if
330        %% RFC2518, 8.3.1
331        size(A#arg.clidata) > 0 -> throw(415);
332        true -> ok
333    end,
334    h_if(A,Path),
335    file_do(make_dir,[Path]),
336    status(201);
337handle("COPY",A) ->
338    ?DEBUG("COPY ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
339    From = A#arg.fullpath,
340    Dest = h_destination(A),
341    To = case {string:right(Dest,1),string:right(Dest,1)} of
342             {"/",_} -> Dest;
343             {_,"/"} -> filename:join(Dest,filename:basename(From));
344             _ -> Dest
345         end,
346    DoOverwrite = h_overwrite(A),
347    ToExists = exists(To),
348    if
349        DoOverwrite == false, ToExists == true ->
350            status(412);
351        true  ->
352            if ToExists == true ->
353                    h_if(A,To),
354                    fs_rmrf(To),
355                    fs_cp(From,To),
356                    status(204);
357               true ->
358                    fs_cp(From,To),
359                    status(201)
360                    %%status(201,[{'Location',To}],[])
361            end
362    end;
363handle("MOVE",A) ->
364    ?DEBUG("MOVE ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
365    From = davpath(A),
366    h_if(A,From),
367    Dest = h_destination(A),
368    To = case {string:right(Dest,1),string:right(Dest,1)} of
369             {"/",_} -> Dest;
370             {_,"/"} -> filename:join(Dest,filename:basename(From));
371             _ -> Dest
372         end,
373    DoOverwrite = h_overwrite(A),
374    ToExists = exists(To),
375    if
376        DoOverwrite == false, ToExists == true ->
377            status(412);
378        true  ->
379            if
380                ToExists == true ->
381                    h_if(A,To),
382                    fs_rmrf(To);
383                true ->
384                    ok
385            end,
386            case file:rename(From, To) of
387                ok when ToExists == true ->
388                    status(204);
389                ok ->
390                    status(201);
391                _ ->
392                    try
393                        fs_cp(From, To),
394                        fs_rmrf(From),
395                        status(201)
396                    catch
397                        throw:Status ->
398                            ?DEBUG(" move from ~p to ~p failed: ~p\n",
399                                   [From, To, Status]),
400                            Response = [{'D:error', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],
401                                         [Status]}],
402                            status(Status,{xml,Response})
403                    end
404            end
405    end;
406handle("PROPFIND",A) ->
407    ?DEBUG("PROPFIND ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
408    Req = binary_to_list(A#arg.clidata),
409    Props = parse_propfind(Req),
410    R = davresource0(A),
411    case h_depth(A) of
412        0 ->
413            Response = {'D:response', [], propfind_response(Props,A,R)},
414            MultiStatus = [{'D:multistatus', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}], [Response]}],
415            status(207,{xml,MultiStatus});
416        1 ->
417            R1 = davresource1(A),
418            Response = {'D:response', [], propfind_response(Props,A,R)},
419            Responses = [{'D:response', [],
420                          propfind_response(Props,A,Rx)} || Rx <- R1],
421            MultiStatus = [{'D:multistatus', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],
422                            [Response|Responses]}],
423            status(207,{xml,MultiStatus});
424        infinity ->
425            Response = [{'D:error', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}],
426                         [{'propfind-finite-depth',[],[]}]}],
427            status(403,{xml,Response})
428    end;
429handle("PROPPATCH",A) ->
430    ?DEBUG("PROPPATCH ~p",[A#arg.server_path]),
431    Path = davpath(A),
432    h_if(A,Path),
433    Req = binary_to_list(A#arg.clidata),
434    R = davresource0(A),
435    Update = parse_proppatch(Req),
436    Response = {'D:response',[],proppatch_response(Update,A,R)},
437    MultiStatus = [{'D:multistatus', [{'xmlns:D',"DAV:"}], [Response]}],
438    status(207,{xml,MultiStatus});
439handle(_Other,_A) ->
440    status(405).
443%% --------------------------------------------------------
444%% File functions
447%% deliver chunked data
448deliver_rest(Pid,Fd) ->
449    case file:read(Fd,10240) of
450        {ok, Data} ->
451            yaws_api:stream_chunk_deliver(Pid,Data),
452            deliver_rest(Pid,Fd);
453        eof ->
454            yaws_api:stream_chunk_end(Pid),
455            file:close(Fd);
456        {error,Reason} ->
457            exit(Reason)
458    end.
460%% do a recoverable/catchable file function
461file_do(Func,Params) ->
462    Result = erlang:apply(file,Func,Params),
463    case Result of
464        ok -> ok;
465        {ok,X} -> {ok,X};
466        {ok,X1,X2} -> {ok,X1,X2};
467        eof -> eof;
468        {error,eexist} -> throw(405);
469        {error,enoent} -> throw(409);
470        {error,eisdir} -> throw(409);
471        {error,enospace} -> throw(507);
472        _Error -> ?DEBUG("file function returned ~p~n",[_Error]),throw(500)
473    end.
475%% recursive remove, equivalent of rm -rf
476fs_rmrf(Path) ->
477    {ok, F} = file_do(read_file_info,[Path]),
478    case F#file_info.type of
479        directory ->
480            {ok, Dir} = file_do(list_dir,[Path]),
481            [ fs_rmrf(filename:join(Path,File)) || File <- Dir ],
482            ok = file:del_dir(Path);
483            %%file_do(del_dir,[Path]);
484        _ ->
485            ok = file:delete(Path)
486            %%file_do(delete,[Path])
487    end.
489%% recursive copy, equivalent of cp
490fs_cp(From,To) ->
491    %% All checks on existence of the destination have to be done before
492    %% so destination should not exist
493    {ok, F} = file:read_file_info(From),
494    case F#file_info.type of
495        directory ->
496            file_do(make_dir,[To]),
497            {ok, Dir} = file:list_dir(From),
498            [ fs_cp(filename:join(From,File),filename:join(To,File)) ||
499                File <- Dir ];
500        _ ->
501            file_do(copy,[From,To])
502    end.
504%% check existence
505exists(Path) ->
506    case file:read_file_info(Path) of
507        {ok, _} -> true;
508        _ -> false
509    end.
511%% generate a temporary filename as a dotted file with a timestamp
512temp_name(F) ->
513    {A,B,C} = yaws:get_time_tuple(),
514    Path = filename:dirname(F),
515    File = filename:basename(F),
516    T0 = io_lib:format("~s/.~s.~p-~p-~p",[Path,File,A,B,C]),
517    lists:flatten(T0).
519%% --------------------------------------------------------
520%% Property functions
523%% propfind response
524propfind_response(Props,A,R) ->
525    Url = yaws_api:url_encode(R#resource.name),
526    case Props of
527        [allprop] ->
528            AllProp = [ prop_get(N,A,R) || N <- allprops(R) ],
529            AllSorted = prop_sort(AllProp),
530            {200, Results} = lists:keyfind(200,1,AllSorted),
531            [{'D:href', [], [Url]},
532             {'D:propstat', [], [
533                {'D:prop', [], Results},{status, [],["HTTP/1.1 200 OK"]}
534            ]}];
535        [propname] ->
536            Results = [ case NS of
537                        'DAV:' -> {list_to_atom("D:"++atom_to_list(P)),[],[]};
538                        _ -> {P,[{'xmlns',NS}],[]}
539                        end
540                      || {NS,P} <-allprops(R) ],
541            [{'D:href', [], [Url]},
542             {'D:propstat', [], [
543                {'D:prop', [], Results},{status, [],["HTTP/1.1 200 OK"]}
544            ]}];
545        PropsRequested ->
546            Results = [ prop_get(N,A,R) || {N,_} <- PropsRequested ],
547            ResultsSorted = prop_sort(Results),
548            [{'D:href', [], [Url]}|
549             [{'D:propstat', [], [
550                {'D:prop', [], PropsFound},prop_status(Status)
551             ]} || {Status,PropsFound} <- ResultsSorted ]
552            ]
553    end.
555%% proppatch response/
556proppatch_response(Update,A,R) ->
557    Url = yaws_api:url_encode(R#resource.name),
558    Results = proppatch_response(Update,A,R,[]),
559    ResultsSorted = prop_sort(lists:flatten(Results)),
560    [{'D:href', [], [Url]}|
561     [{'D:propstat', [], [
562        {'D:prop', [], PropsFound},prop_status(Status)
563     ]} || {Status,PropsFound} <- ResultsSorted ]
564    ].
565proppatch_response([H|T],A,R,Results) ->
566    Result = case H of
567                 {set,Props} -> [ prop_set(P,A,R,V) || {P,V} <- Props];
568                 {remove,Props} -> [ prop_remove(P,A,R) || {P,_V} <- Props]
569             end,
570    proppatch_response(T,A,R,[Result|Results]);
571proppatch_response([],_A,_R,Results) ->
572    Results.
574prop_sort(L) -> prop_sort(L,[]).
575prop_sort([H|T],R) ->
576    {Status,Prop} = H,
577    R1 = case lists:keyfind(Status,1,R) of
578        {Status, Props} -> lists:keystore(Status,1,R,{Status,[Prop|Props]});
579        false -> lists:keystore(Status,1,R,{Status,[Prop]})
580    end,
581    prop_sort(T,R1);
582prop_sort([],R) -> R.
585prop_status(Status) ->
586    {'D:status',[],["HTTP/1.1 " ++ integer_to_list(Status) ++ " " ++
587                        yaws_api:code_to_phrase(Status)]}.
590%% Available props include namespace
591%% Available props can differ per resource
592%% For proposed Microsoft extensions see: draft-hopmann-collection-props-00.txt
594allprops(R) ->
595    F = R#resource.info,
596    C = get(compatibility),
597    %% default property set
598    P1 = [
599          {'http://yaws.hyber.org/',access},    % sample Yaws extension
600          {'DAV:',creationdate},
601          %%{'DAV:',getcontentlanguage},        % not supported in GET
602                                                % so omitted here as well
603          {'DAV:',getcontentlength},
604          {'DAV:',getcontenttype},
605          {'DAV:',getetag},
606          {'DAV:',getlastmodified},
607          {'DAV:',lockdiscovery}, % class 2 compliancy
608          %%{'DAV:','quota-avialable-bytes'}    % RFC4331
609                                         %{'DAV:','quota-used-bytes'} % RFC4331
610          {'DAV:',resourcetype},
611          {'DAV:',supportedlock} % class 2 compliancy
612         ],
613    %% properties depending on file type
614    P2 = case F#file_info.type of
615             directory when C==windows ->
616                 [
617                   {'DAV:',childcount} % Microsoft extension
618                 ];
619             %% The executable property is only shown for regular files
620             regular ->
621                 [
622                  {'http://apache.org/dav/props/',executable} % Apache extension
623                 ];
624             _ -> [
625                  ]
626         end,
627    %% compatibility properties
628    P3 = case C of
629             microsoft -> [
630                           %%{'DAV:',iscollection},
631                           {'DAV:',isfolder},
632                           {'DAV:',ishidden}
633                           %%{'DAV:',isreadonly},
634                           %%{'DAV:',isroot},
635                           %%{'DAV:',name},
636                          ];
637             _ -> [
638                   {'DAV:',displayname}
639                  ]
640         end,
641    P1++P2++P3.
643prop_get({'http://yaws.hyber.org/',access},_A,R) ->
644    F = R#resource.info,
645    A = F#file_info.access,
646    P = {access, [{xmlns,'http://yaws.hyber.org/'}], [atom_to_list(A)]},
647    {200, P};
648prop_get({'DAV:',childcount},A,_R) ->
649    Path=davpath(A),
650    L = case file:list_dir(Path) of
651            {ok, Files} -> length(Files);
652            _ -> 0
653        end,
654    P = {'D:childcount', [], [integer_to_list(L)]},
655    {200, P};
656prop_get({'DAV:',creationdate},_A,R) ->
657    F = R#resource.info,
658    D = F#file_info.ctime,
659    T = yaws:local_time_as_gmt_string(D),
660    P = {'D:creationdate', [], [lists:flatten(T)]},
661    {200, P};
662prop_get({'DAV:',displayname},_A,R) ->
663    case get(compatibility) of
664        microsoft ->
665            {404,{'D:displayname',[],[]}};
666        _ ->
667            Name = filename:basename(R#resource.name),
668            Xml = #xmlText{type=cdata,value=Name},
669            P = {'D:displayname', [], [Xml]},
670            {200, P}
671    end;
672prop_get({'http://apache.org/dav/props/',executable},_A,R) ->
673    F = R#resource.info,
674    case F#file_info.type of
675        directory -> {404,{executable,
676                           [{'xmlns',"http://apache.org/dav/props/"}], []}};
677        _ ->
678            %% TODO check on extension for Windows?
679            X = case F of
680                    #file_info{mode=Mode} when Mode band 8#111 =/= 0 -> "T";
681                    _ -> "F"
682                end,
683            {200, {executable, [{'xmlns',"http://apache.org/dav/props/"}], X}}
684    end;
685prop_get({'DAV:',getcontentlanguage},_A,_R) ->
686    P = {'D:getcontentlanguage', [], []},
687    {200, P};
688prop_get({'DAV:',getcontentlength},_A,R) ->
689    F = R#resource.info,
690    P = {'D:getcontentlength', [], [integer_to_list(F#file_info.size)]},
691    {200, P};
692prop_get({'DAV:',getcontenttype},_A,R) ->
693    F = R#resource.info,
694    Mediatype = case F#file_info.type of
695          directory ->
696              "httpd/unix-directory";
697              %%"text/html";
698              %% this should represent the mediatype of a GET on a collection
699          _ ->
700              Name = R#resource.name,
701              Ext = filename:extension(Name),
702              Ext1 = case Ext of
703                         [] -> "";
704                         _ -> tl(Ext)
705                     end,
706              {_Kind,Mimetype} = mime_types:t(Ext1),
707              Mimetype
708        end,
709    P = {'D:getcontenttype', [], [Mediatype]},
710    {200, P};
711prop_get({'DAV:',getetag},_A,R) ->
712    F = R#resource.info,
713    E = yaws:make_etag(F),
714    P = {'D:getetag', [], [E]},
715    {200, P};
716prop_get({'DAV:',getlastmodified},_A,R) ->
717    F = R#resource.info,
718    D = F#file_info.mtime,
719    T = yaws:local_time_as_gmt_string(D),
720    X = lists:flatten(T),
721    C = get(compatibility),
722    P = case C of
723            microsoft ->
724                {'getlastmodified',
725                 [{'xmlns:b',
726                   "urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/"},
727                  {'b:dt',"dateTime.rfc1123"}],[X]};
728            _ -> {'D:getlastmodified',[],[X]}
729        end,
730    {200, P};
731prop_get({'DAV:',isfolder},_A,R) ->
732    F = R#resource.info,
733    D = case F#file_info.type of
734            directory -> "1";
735            _ -> "0"
736        end,
737    P = {'D:isfolder', [], [D]},
738    {200, P};
739prop_get({'DAV:',ishidden},_A,R) ->
740    N = filename:basename(R#resource.name),
741    H = case N of
742            "."++_Rest -> "1"; % dotted file
743            _ -> "0"
744        end,
745    P = {'D:ishidden', [], [H]},
746    {200, P};
747prop_get({'DAV:',resourcetype},_A,R) ->
748    F = R#resource.info,
749    P = case F#file_info.type of
750            directory -> {'D:resourcetype', [], [{'D:collection',[],[]}]};
751            _ -> {'D:resourcetype', [], []}
752        end,
753    {200, P};
754prop_get({'DAV:',lockdiscovery},A,_R) ->
755    Path = davpath(A),
756    Locks = yaws_runmod_lock:discover(Path),
757    case Locks of
758        [] ->
759            {404,{'D:lockdiscovery',[],[]}};
760        _ ->
761            ActiveLocks =
762                [{'D:activelock',[],
763                  [{'D:lockscope',[],[prop_get_format(scope,Lock#lock.scope)]},
764                   {'D:locktype',[],[prop_get_format(type,Lock#lock.type)]},
765                   {'D:depth',[],[prop_get_format(depth,Lock#lock.depth)]},
766                   {'D:owner',[],[prop_get_format(owner,Lock#lock.owner)]},
767                   {'D:timeout',[],[prop_get_format(timeout,Lock#lock.timeout)]},
768                   {'D:locktoken',[],[prop_get_format(locktoken,Lock#lock.id)]},
769                   {'D:lockroot',[],[prop_get_format(lockroot,Lock#lock.path)]}
770                  ]}
771                 || Lock <- Locks ],
772            {200, {'D:lockdiscovery',[],ActiveLocks}}
773    end;
774prop_get({'DAV:',supportedlock},_A,_R) ->
775    P = {'D:supportedlock',[],[
776            {'D:lockentry',[],[
777                {'D:lockscope',[],[{'D:exclusive',[],[]}]},
778                {'D:locktype',[],[{'D:write',[],[]}]}
779            ]},
780            {'D:lockentry',[],[
781                {'D:lockscope',[],[{'D:shared',[],[]}]},
782                {'D:locktype',[],[{'D:write',[],[]}]}
783            ]}
784        ]},
785    {200, P};
786prop_get({'',_P},_A,_R) ->
787    throw(400);
788prop_get({NS,P},_A,_R) ->
789    {404,{P,[{'xmlns',NS}],[]}}.
792prop_set({'DAV:',creationdate},A,_R,V) ->
793    Path=davpath(A),
794    P = {'D:creationdate', [], []},
795    case file:read_file_info(Path) of
796        {ok,F0} ->
797            T = yaws:stringdate_to_datetime(V),
798            F1 = F0#file_info{ctime=T},
799            case file:write_file_info(Path,F1) of
800                ok ->
801                    {200, P};
802                {error,_} ->
803                    {409, P}
804            end;
805        {error,_} ->
806            {409, P}
807    end;
808prop_set({'DAV:',getlastmodified},A,_R,V) ->
809    Path=davpath(A),
810    P = {'D:getlastmodified', [], []},
811    case file:read_file_info(Path) of
812        {ok,F0} ->
813            T = yaws:stringdate_to_datetime(V),
814            F1 = F0#file_info{mtime=T},
815            case file:write_file_info(Path,F1) of
816                ok ->
817                    {200, P};
818                {error,_} ->
819                    {409, P}
820            end;
821        {error,_} ->
822            {409, P}
823    end;
824%%prop_set({'http://apache.org/dav/props/',executable},_A,R,_V) ->
825%%   {501,{P,[{'xmlns',NS}],[]}}; % Not yet implemented
826prop_set({'DAV:',getetag},_A,_R,_V) ->
827    {403,{'D:getetag',[],[{'cannot-modify-protected-property',[],[]}]}};
828prop_set({'DAV:',lockdiscovery},_A,_R,_V) ->
829    {403,{'D:lockdiscovery',[],[{'cannot-modify-protected-property',[],[]}]}};
830prop_set({'DAV:',resourcetype},_A,_R,_V) ->
831    {403,{'D:resourcetype',[],[{'cannot-modify-protected-property',[],[]}]}};
832prop_set({NS,P},_A,_R,_V) ->
833    {404,{P,[{'xmlns',NS}],[]}}.
836prop_remove({P,NS},_A,_R) ->
837    {403,{P,[{'xmlns',NS}],[]}}.
840prop_get_format(type,write) ->
841    {'D:write',[],[]};
842prop_get_format(scope,exclusive) ->
843    {'D:exclusive',[],[]};
844prop_get_format(scope,_) ->
845    {'D:shared',[],[]};
846prop_get_format(depth,infinity) ->
847    "infinity";
848prop_get_format(depth,Depth) ->
849    integer_to_list(Depth);
850prop_get_format(timeout,Timeout) ->
851    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Second-~p",[Timeout]));
852prop_get_format(locktoken,Id) ->
853    {'D:href',[],["opaquelocktoken:"++Id]};
854prop_get_format(lockroot,Ref) ->
855    {'D:href',[],[Ref]};
856prop_get_format(owner,Owner) ->
857    Owner;
858prop_get_format(_Something,_) ->
859    ?DEBUG(" did not expect ~p here ~n",[_Something]),
860    throw(500).
863%% --------------------------------------------------------
864%% Resource mapping
867davname(A) ->
868    A#arg.server_path.
870davpath(A) ->
871    filename:join(A#arg.docroot,["./",A#arg.server_path]).
873%% davresource0/1 - get resources with depth 0
874davresource0(A) ->
875    Name = davname(A),
876    Path = davpath(A),
877    case file:read_file_info(Path) of
878        {ok, F} when (F#file_info.type == directory) or
879                     (F#file_info.type == regular) ->
880            #resource{ name = Name, info = F};
881        {error,_} -> throw(404)
882    end.
883%% davresource1/1 - get additional resources for depth 1
884davresource1(A) ->
885    Coll = davname(A),
886    Path = davpath(A),
887    case file:read_file_info(Path) of
888        {ok, Dir} when Dir#file_info.type == directory ->
889            {ok, L} = file:list_dir(Path),
890            davresource1(A,Path,Coll,L,[]);
891        {ok, _Else} ->
892            []
893    end.
894davresource1(_A,_Path,_Coll,[],Result) ->
895    Result;
896davresource1(_A,Path,Coll,[Name|Rest],Result) ->
897    File = filename:join(Path,Name),
898    Ref = filename:join(Coll,Name),
899    {ok, Info} = file:read_file_info(File),
900    if
901        (Info#file_info.type == regular) or
902        (Info#file_info.type == directory) ->
903            Resource = #resource {name = Ref, info = Info},
904            davresource1(_A,Path,Coll,Rest,[Resource|Result]);
905        true ->
906            davresource1(_A,Path,Coll,Rest,Result)
907    end.
910%% --------------------------------------------------------
911%% Parse additional HTTP headers
914h_litmus(A) ->
915    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
916    case lists:keysearch("X-Litmus", 3, Hs) of
917        {value, {_,_,"X-Litmus",_,_Test}} ->
918            ?DEBUG("~s - ",[_Test]);
919        _ ->
920            ok
921    end.
923h_depth(A) ->
924    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
925    case lists:keysearch("Depth", 3, Hs) of
926        {value, {_,_,"Depth",_,Depth}} ->
927            h_depth_interpret(Depth);
928        _ ->
929            infinity
930    end.
931h_depth_interpret("infinity") -> infinity;
932h_depth_interpret("1") -> 1;
933h_depth_interpret(_) -> 0.
935h_destination(A) ->
936    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
937    case lists:keysearch("Destination", 3, Hs) of
938        {value, {http_header,_,_,_,Dest}} ->
939            Url = yaws_api:parse_url(Dest),
940            {Path,_} = yaws_api:url_decode_q_split(Url#url.path),
941            ?DEBUG(" TO ~p",[Path]),
942            filename:join(A#arg.docroot,["./",Path]);
943        _ ->
944            throw(501)
945    end.
947h_overwrite(A) ->
948    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
949    case lists:keysearch("Overwrite", 3, Hs) of
950        {value, {http_header, _ , _, _, "T"}} ->
951            true;
952        _ ->
953            false
954    end.
956h_timeout(A) ->
957    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
958    case lists:keysearch("Timeout", 3, Hs) of
959        {value, {_,_,"Timeout",_,T}} ->
960            case T of
961                "Second-"++TimeoutVal ->
962                    Val = case catch list_to_integer(TimeoutVal) of
963                              I when is_integer(I) -> I;
964                              _ -> ?LOCK_LIFETIME
965                          end,
966                    erlang:min(Val,?LOCK_LIFETIME);
967                _ -> ?LOCK_LIFETIME
968            end;
969        _ ->
970            ?LOCK_LIFETIME
971    end.
973h_locktoken(A) ->
974    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
975    C = get(compatibility),
976    case lists:keysearch("Lock-Token", 3, Hs) of
977        {value, {_,_,"Lock-Token",_,URL}} ->
978            case URL of
979                %%"<opaquelocktoken:"++Token -> string:left(Token,36);
980                "<opaquelocktoken:"++Token ->
981                    T = parse_locktoken(Token),
982                    check_locktoken_format(T),
983                    T;
984                "opaquelocktoken:"++Token when C==microsoft -> Token;
985                _ -> URL
986            end;
987        _ ->
988            undefined
989    end.
990parse_locktoken([]) ->
991    [];
992parse_locktoken([H|_T]) when H==62 ->
993    [];
994parse_locktoken([H|T]) ->
995    [H|parse_locktoken(T)].
997check_locktoken_format("DAV:no-lock") ->
998    ok;
999check_locktoken_format(Token) when length(Token)==36 ->
1000    ok;
1001check_locktoken_format(_Token) ->
1002    throw(423).
1004%%h_if_match(A,Path) ->
1005%%    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
1006%%    case lists:keysearch("If-Match", 3, Hs) of
1007%%        {value, {_,_,"If-Match",_,Tag}} ->
1008%%            F = file:read_file_info(Path),
1009%%            case yaws:make_etag(F) of
1010%%                Tag -> ok;
1011%%                _ -> throw(412)
1012%%            end;
1013%%        _ ->
1014%%            ok
1015%%    end.
1017h_if_refresh(A,Path) ->
1018    ?DEBUG(" If(~p)",[Path]),
1019    _Locks = yaws_runmod_lock:discover(Path),
1020    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
1021    case lists:keysearch("If", 3, Hs) of
1022        {value, {_,_,"If",_,If}} ->
1023            List = if_parse(If,untagged),
1024            %%?DEBUG(" ~p",[List]),
1025            case List of
1026                [{_Resource,[{true,state,Locktoken}]}] -> Locktoken;
1027                _ -> throw(412)
1028            end;
1029        _ ->
1030            undefined
1031    end.
1033h_if(A,Path) ->
1034    ?DEBUG(" If(~p)",[Path]),
1035    Locks = yaws_runmod_lock:discover(Path),
1036    Hs = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
1037    {_L,I} = case lists:keysearch("If", 3, Hs) of
1038            {value, {_,_,"If",_,If}} ->
1039                List = if_parse(If,untagged),
1040                Value = if_eval(A,Locks,List),
1041                {List,Value};
1042            _ ->
1043                {[],undefined}
1044        end,
1045    ?DEBUG(" -> ~p (~p)",[I,length(Locks)]),
1046    ?DEBUG(" If-header ~p (~p) evaluated to ~p~n",[_L,length(Locks),I]),
1047    case I of
1048        undefined when length(Locks)>0 -> throw(423);
1049        %%false when length(Locks)>0 -> throw(412);
1050        false -> throw(412);
1051        _ -> ok
1052    end.
1054if_parse([],_Resource) ->
1055    [];
1056if_parse(Line,Resource) when hd(Line)==32 ->
1057    if_parse(tl(Line),Resource);
1058if_parse(Line,untagged) when hd(Line)==60 -> % <
1059    {Url,Rest} = if_parse_token(tl(Line),""),
1060    if_parse(Rest,Url);
1061if_parse(Line,Resource) when hd(Line)==40 -> % (
1062    {Condition,Rest} = if_parse_condition(tl(Line),[],true),
1063    [{Resource,Condition}|if_parse(Rest,untagged)].
1065if_parse_condition(Line,List,_Bool) when hd(Line)==41 -> % )
1066    {List,tl(Line)};
1067if_parse_condition(Line,List,Bool) when hd(Line)==32 -> % whitespace
1068    if_parse_condition(tl(Line),List,Bool);
1069if_parse_condition("Not"++Line,List,_Bool) -> % negate
1070    if_parse_condition(tl(Line),List,false);
1071if_parse_condition(Line,List,Bool) when hd(Line)==60 -> % <
1072    {Token,Rest} = if_parse_token(tl(Line),""),
1073    if_parse_condition(Rest,[{Bool,state,Token}|List],true);
1074if_parse_condition(Line,List,Bool) when hd(Line)==91 -> % [
1075    {Etag,Rest} = if_parse_etag(tl(Line),""),
1076    if_parse_condition(Rest,[{Bool,etag,Etag}|List],true).
1078if_parse_token(Line,Buffer) when hd(Line)==62 -> % >
1079    Uri = lists:reverse(Buffer),
1080    Token1 = case Uri of
1081                 "opaquelocktoken:"++Token ->
1082                    check_locktoken_format(Token),
1083                    Token;
1084                 _ -> Uri
1085             end,
1086    {Token1,tl(Line)};
1087if_parse_token([H|T],Buffer) ->
1088    if_parse_token(T,[H|Buffer]).
1090if_parse_etag(Line,Buffer) when hd(Line)==93 -> % ]
1091    {lists:reverse(Buffer),tl(Line)};
1092if_parse_etag([H|T],Buffer) ->
1093    if_parse_etag(T,[H|Buffer]).
1095%% if_eval(A,RequestPath,Conditions)
1096if_eval(_A,_Locks,[]) ->
1097    false;
1098if_eval(A,Locks,[{Resource,AndList}|More]) ->
1099    Target = case Resource of
1100                 untagged -> davpath(A);
1101                 _ ->
1102                    Url = yaws_api:parse_url(Resource),
1103                    filename:join(A#arg.docroot,["./",Url#url.path])
1104             end,
1105    if_eval_condition(AndList,A,Target,Locks) orelse if_eval(A,Locks,More).
1107if_eval_condition(AndList,A,Target,Locks) ->
1108    if_eval_condition(AndList,true,false,A,Target,Locks).
1110if_eval_condition([],Result,Valid,_A,_Target,_Locks) ->
1111    Result and Valid;
1112if_eval_condition([{false,Kind,Ref}|T],Result,Valid,A,Target,Locks) ->
1113    not if_eval_condition([{true,Kind,Ref}|T],Result,Valid,A,Target,Locks);
1114if_eval_condition([{true,state,Ref}|T],_Result,_Valid,A,Target,Locks) ->
1115    Result1 = if_eval_locktoken(Target,Ref,Locks),
1116    Valid1 = true,
1117    Result1 andalso if_eval_condition(T,Result1,Valid1,A,Target,Locks);
1118if_eval_condition([{true,etag,Ref}|T],_Result,Valid,A,Target,Locks) ->
1119    {ok, F} = file:read_file_info(filename:join(A#arg.docroot,Target)),
1120    E = yaws:make_etag(F),
1121    Result1 = (E==Ref),
1122    Valid1 = Valid,
1123    Result1 andalso if_eval_condition(T,Result1,Valid1,A,Target,Locks).
1125%% if_eval_locktoken(Target,Token,Locktokens) -> true|false
1126if_eval_locktoken(_Target,_Token,[]) ->
1127    false;
1128%%if_eval_locktoken(_Target,"DAV:no-lock",[]) ->
1129%%    true;
1130if_eval_locktoken(Target,Token,[H|T]) ->
1131    ((H#lock.path == Target) and (H#lock.id == Token))
1132        orelse if_eval_locktoken(Target,Token,T).
1135%% --------------------------------------------------------
1136%% Parsing of XML elements (RFC4918)
1138%% activelock
1139-define(IS_ALLPROP(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',allprop}} = X).
1140%% collection
1141%% depth
1142%% error
1143-define(IS_EXCLUSIVE(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',exclusive}} = X).
1144-define(IS_HREF(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',href}} = X).
1145%% include % TODO: add this tag
1146%% location
1147%% lockentry
1148-define(IS_LOCKINFO(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',lockinfo}} = X).
1149%% lockroot
1150-define(IS_LOCKSCOPE(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',lockscope}} = X).
1151%% locktoken
1152-define(IS_LOCKTYPE(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',locktype}} = X).
1153%% multistatus
1154-define(IS_OWNER(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',owner}} = X).
1155-define(IS_PROP(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',prop}} = X).
1157        #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',propertyupdate}} = X).
1158-define(IS_PROPFIND(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',propfind}} = X).
1159-define(IS_PROPNAME(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',propname}} = X).
1160%% propstat
1161-define(IS_REMOVE(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',remove}} = X).
1162%% response
1163%% responsedescription
1164-define(IS_SET(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',set}} = X).
1165-define(IS_SHARED(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',shared}} = X).
1166%% status
1167%% timeout
1168-define(IS_WRITE(X), #xmlElement{expanded_name = {'DAV:',write}} = X).
1170-define(CONTENT(X), X#xmlElement.content).
1172%% Parameter is always list
1173parse_propfind([]) -> [allprop]; % RFC4918: no body then allprop, is [] no body?
1174parse_propfind(L) ->
1175    case catch xmerl_scan:string(L, [{namespace_conformant, true}]) of
1176        {?IS_PROPFIND(X),_} ->
1177            parse_propfind(?CONTENT(X),[]);
1178        _Z ->
1179            throw(400)
1180    end.
1181parse_propfind([?IS_PROPNAME(_H)|_T], _R) ->
1182    [propname];
1183parse_propfind([?IS_ALLPROP(_H)|_T], _R) ->
1184    [allprop];
1185parse_propfind([?IS_PROP(H)|_T], _R) when length(?CONTENT(H))==0 ->
1186    [allprop]; % NetDrive uses empty <prop> element instead of <allprop>
1187parse_propfind([?IS_PROP(H)|T], _R) ->
1188    Props = parse_prop(?CONTENT(H)),
1189    parse_propfind(T, Props);
1190parse_propfind([_H|T], R) ->
1191    parse_propfind(T, R);
1192parse_propfind([], R) ->
1193    R.
1195parse_proppatch(L) ->
1196    case catch xmerl_scan:string(L, [{namespace_conformant, true}]) of
1197        {?IS_PROPERTYUPDATE(X),_} ->
1198            parse_proppatch(?CONTENT(X),[]);
1199        _Z ->
1200            throw(400)
1201    end.
1202parse_proppatch([?IS_SET(H)|T],R) ->
1203    Props = parse_setremove(?CONTENT(H)),
1204    parse_proppatch(T,[{set,Props}|R]);
1205parse_proppatch([?IS_REMOVE(H)|T],R) ->
1206    Props = parse_setremove(?CONTENT(H)),
1207    parse_proppatch(T,[{remove,Props}|R]);
1208parse_proppatch([_H|T], R) ->
1209    parse_proppatch(T, R);
1210parse_proppatch([],R) ->
1211    lists:reverse(R). % MUST proces in document order
1213parse_setremove([?IS_PROP(X)]) ->
1214    parse_prop(?CONTENT(X)).
1216parse_prop(L) ->
1217    parse_prop(L, []).
1219parse_prop([H|T],L) ->
1220    case H of
1221        H when is_record(H,xmlElement) ->
1222            %% check on supported namespaces:
1223            %% - http://www.w3.org/TR/RC-xml-names#dt-prefix
1224            %% - although strict, not very forgiving towards clients
1225            %%NS = H#xmlElement.namespace,
1226            %%case NS#xmlNamespace.default of
1227            %%    "" ->
1228            %%        throw(400);
1229            %%    _ -> ok
1230            %%end,
1231            Value = case H#xmlElement.content of
1232                        [C] when is_record(C,xmlText) -> C#xmlText.value;
1233                        _ -> ""
1234                    end,
1235            parse_prop(T,[{H#xmlElement.expanded_name,Value}|L]);
1236        _ ->
1237            parse_prop(T,L)
1238    end;
1239parse_prop([], L) ->
1240    L.
1242parse_lockinfo([]) ->
1243    #lock{};
1244parse_lockinfo(L) ->
1245    case catch xmerl_scan:string(L, [{namespace_conformant, true}]) of
1246        {?IS_LOCKINFO(X),_} ->
1247            parse_lockinfo(?CONTENT(X),#lock{});
1248        _Z ->
1249            throw(400)
1250    end.
1251parse_lockinfo([?IS_LOCKSCOPE(H)|T], D) ->
1252    X = parse_lockscope(?CONTENT(H)),
1253    parse_lockinfo(T,D#lock{scope=X});
1254parse_lockinfo([?IS_LOCKTYPE(H)|T], D) ->
1255    X = parse_locktype(?CONTENT(H)),
1256    parse_lockinfo(T,D#lock{type=X});
1257parse_lockinfo([?IS_OWNER(H)|T], D) ->
1258    X = parse_owner(?CONTENT(H)),
1259    parse_lockinfo(T,D#lock{owner=X});
1260parse_lockinfo([_H|T],D) ->
1261    parse_lockinfo(T,D); % skip spaces and comments, etc.
1262parse_lockinfo([], D) ->
1263    D.
1265parse_lockscope([?IS_EXCLUSIVE(_H)|_T]) ->
1266    exclusive;
1267parse_lockscope([?IS_SHARED(_H)|_T]) ->
1268    shared;
1269parse_lockscope(_X) ->
1270    throw(400).
1272parse_locktype([?IS_WRITE(_H)|_T]) ->
1273    write;
1274parse_locktype(_) ->
1275    throw(400).
1277parse_owner(X) ->
1278    Xml = xmerl:export_simple_content(X,xmerl_xml),
1279    lists:flatten(Xml).
1281%% --------------------------------------------------------
1282%% Status output
1285status(Status) ->
1286    status(Status,[],[]).
1287status(Status,Response) ->
1288    status(Status,[],Response).
1289status(Status,Headers,{xml,Response}) ->
1290    Xml = xml_expand(Response),
1291    status(Status,Headers,{content, "application/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"", Xml});
1292status(Status,Headers,Response) ->
1293    ?DEBUG(" -> ~p~n",[Status]),
1294    H = case get(compatibility) of
1295            microsoft -> [{header,{"MS-Author-Via","DAV"}}|Headers];
1296            _ -> Headers
1297        end,
1298    [{status, Status},{header,{"DAV","1, 2, 3"}}|H] ++ [Response].
1300xml_expand(L) ->
1301    xml_expand(L, "utf-8").
1302xml_expand(L, Cset) ->
1303    Prolog = ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"",Cset,"\" ?>"],
1304    %%Xml = xmerl:export_simple(L,xmerl_xml,[{prolog,Prolog}]),
1305    %% MS requires \r\n at end of every XML response
1306    case get(compatibility) of
1307        microsoft ->
1308            [Prolog,yaws_appmod_dav:export(L),"\r\n"];
1309        _ ->
1310            [Prolog,yaws_appmod_dav:export(L)]
1311    end.
1313%% --------------------------------------------------------
1314%% XML output (xmlerl_xml does not support CDATA)
1317export([]) ->
1318    [];
1319export([#xmlComment{}|T]) -> % for now I skip comments
1320    export(T);
1321export([#xmlText{type=text, value=Text}|T]) ->
1322    [export_text(Text),export(T)];
1323export([#xmlText{type=cdata, value=Text}|T]) ->
1324    ["<![CDATA[",Text,"]]>",export(T)];
1325export([#xmlElement{name=Name,attributes=Attrs,content=Content}|T]) ->
1326    export([{Name,Attrs,Content}|T]);
1327export([{Name,Attrs,Content}|T]) when is_atom(Name)->
1328    Tag = atom_to_list(Name),
1329    export([{Tag,Attrs,Content}|T]);
1330export([{Tag,Attrs,[]}|T]) when is_list(Tag)->
1331    ["<",Tag,export_attrs(Attrs)," />",export(T)];
1332export([{Tag,Attrs,Content}|T]) when is_list(Tag)->
1333    ["<",Tag,export_attrs(Attrs),">",
1334     export_content(Content),"</",Tag,">",export(T)].
1336export_content([]) ->
1337    "";
1338export_content([H|T]) when is_tuple(H) -> % tuples are XML records
1339    export([H|T]);
1340export_content([H]) when is_number(H) ->
1341    integer_to_list(H);
1342export_content([H]) when is_atom(H) ->
1343    atom_to_list(H);
1344export_content(L) ->
1345    L.
1347export_attrs([]) ->
1348    [];
1349export_attrs([{Name,Value}|T]) ->
1350    [" ",export_id(Name),"=\"",export_id(Value),"\"",export_attrs(T)];
1351export_attrs([Attr|T]) ->
1352    [" \"",export_id(Attr),"\"",export_attrs(T)].
1354export_id(Id) when is_atom(Id) ->
1355    atom_to_list(Id);
1356export_id(Id) when is_number(Id) ->
1357    integer_to_list(Id);
1358export_id(Id) when is_list(Id) ->
1359    Id.