1 //===-- Executor.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 //                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // Class to perform actual execution, hides implementation details from external
11 // interpreter.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
15 #ifndef KLEE_EXECUTOR_H
16 #define KLEE_EXECUTOR_H
18 #include "ExecutionState.h"
19 #include "UserSearcher.h"
21 #include "klee/ADT/RNG.h"
22 #include "klee/Core/Interpreter.h"
23 #include "klee/Expr/ArrayCache.h"
24 #include "klee/Expr/ArrayExprOptimizer.h"
25 #include "klee/Module/Cell.h"
26 #include "klee/Module/KInstruction.h"
27 #include "klee/Module/KModule.h"
28 #include "klee/System/Time.h"
30 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
31 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
33 #include <map>
34 #include <memory>
35 #include <set>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <vector>
39 struct KTest;
41 namespace llvm {
42   class BasicBlock;
43   class BranchInst;
44   class CallInst;
45   class LandingPadInst;
46   class Constant;
47   class ConstantExpr;
48   class Function;
49   class GlobalValue;
50   class Instruction;
51   class LLVMContext;
52   class DataLayout;
53   class Twine;
54   class Value;
55 }
57 namespace klee {
58   class Array;
59   struct Cell;
60   class ExecutionState;
61   class ExternalDispatcher;
62   class Expr;
63   class InstructionInfoTable;
64   struct KFunction;
65   struct KInstruction;
66   class KInstIterator;
67   class KModule;
68   class MemoryManager;
69   class MemoryObject;
70   class ObjectState;
71   class PTree;
72   class Searcher;
73   class SeedInfo;
74   class SpecialFunctionHandler;
75   struct StackFrame;
76   class StatsTracker;
77   class TimingSolver;
78   class TreeStreamWriter;
79   class MergeHandler;
80   class MergingSearcher;
81   template<class T> class ref;
85   /// \todo Add a context object to keep track of data only live
86   /// during an instruction step. Should contain addedStates,
87   /// removedStates, and haltExecution, among others.
89 class Executor : public Interpreter {
90   friend class OwningSearcher;
91   friend class WeightedRandomSearcher;
92   friend class SpecialFunctionHandler;
93   friend class StatsTracker;
94   friend class MergeHandler;
95   friend klee::Searcher *klee::constructUserSearcher(Executor &executor);
97 public:
98   typedef std::pair<ExecutionState*,ExecutionState*> StatePair;
100   enum TerminateReason {
101     Abort,
102     Assert,
103     BadVectorAccess,
104     Exec,
105     External,
106     Free,
107     Model,
108     Overflow,
109     Ptr,
110     ReadOnly,
111     ReportError,
112     User,
113     UncaughtException,
114     UnexpectedException,
115     Unhandled,
116   };
118   /// The random number generator.
119   RNG theRNG;
121 private:
122   static const char *TerminateReasonNames[];
124   std::unique_ptr<KModule> kmodule;
125   InterpreterHandler *interpreterHandler;
126   Searcher *searcher;
128   ExternalDispatcher *externalDispatcher;
129   TimingSolver *solver;
130   MemoryManager *memory;
131   std::set<ExecutionState*, ExecutionStateIDCompare> states;
132   StatsTracker *statsTracker;
133   TreeStreamWriter *pathWriter, *symPathWriter;
134   SpecialFunctionHandler *specialFunctionHandler;
135   TimerGroup timers;
136   std::unique_ptr<PTree> processTree;
138   /// Used to track states that have been added during the current
139   /// instructions step.
140   /// \invariant \ref addedStates is a subset of \ref states.
141   /// \invariant \ref addedStates and \ref removedStates are disjoint.
142   std::vector<ExecutionState *> addedStates;
143   /// Used to track states that have been removed during the current
144   /// instructions step.
145   /// \invariant \ref removedStates is a subset of \ref states.
146   /// \invariant \ref addedStates and \ref removedStates are disjoint.
147   std::vector<ExecutionState *> removedStates;
149   /// When non-empty the Executor is running in "seed" mode. The
150   /// states in this map will be executed in an arbitrary order
151   /// (outside the normal search interface) until they terminate. When
152   /// the states reach a symbolic branch then either direction that
153   /// satisfies one or more seeds will be added to this map. What
154   /// happens with other states (that don't satisfy the seeds) depends
155   /// on as-yet-to-be-determined flags.
156   std::map<ExecutionState*, std::vector<SeedInfo> > seedMap;
158   /// Map of globals to their representative memory object.
159   std::map<const llvm::GlobalValue*, MemoryObject*> globalObjects;
161   /// Map of globals to their bound address. This also includes
162   /// globals that have no representative object (i.e. functions).
163   std::map<const llvm::GlobalValue*, ref<ConstantExpr> > globalAddresses;
165   /// The set of legal function addresses, used to validate function
166   /// pointers. We use the actual Function* address as the function address.
167   std::set<uint64_t> legalFunctions;
169   /// When non-null the bindings that will be used for calls to
170   /// klee_make_symbolic in order replay.
171   const struct KTest *replayKTest;
173   /// When non-null a list of branch decisions to be used for replay.
174   const std::vector<bool> *replayPath;
176   /// The index into the current \ref replayKTest or \ref replayPath
177   /// object.
178   unsigned replayPosition;
180   /// When non-null a list of "seed" inputs which will be used to
181   /// drive execution.
182   const std::vector<struct KTest *> *usingSeeds;
184   /// Disables forking, instead a random path is chosen. Enabled as
185   /// needed to control memory usage. \see fork()
186   bool atMemoryLimit;
188   /// Disables forking, set by client. \see setInhibitForking()
189   bool inhibitForking;
191   /// Signals the executor to halt execution at the next instruction
192   /// step.
193   bool haltExecution;
195   /// Whether implied-value concretization is enabled. Currently
196   /// false, it is buggy (it needs to validate its writes).
197   bool ivcEnabled;
199   /// The maximum time to allow for a single core solver query.
200   /// (e.g. for a single STP query)
201   time::Span coreSolverTimeout;
203   /// Maximum time to allow for a single instruction.
204   time::Span maxInstructionTime;
206   /// Assumes ownership of the created array objects
207   ArrayCache arrayCache;
209   /// File to print executed instructions to
210   std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_ostream> debugInstFile;
212   // @brief Buffer used by logBuffer
213   std::string debugBufferString;
215   // @brief buffer to store logs before flushing to file
216   llvm::raw_string_ostream debugLogBuffer;
218   /// Optimizes expressions
219   ExprOptimizer optimizer;
221   /// Points to the merging searcher of the searcher chain,
222   /// `nullptr` if merging is disabled
223   MergingSearcher *mergingSearcher = nullptr;
225   /// Typeids used during exception handling
226   std::vector<ref<Expr>> eh_typeids;
228   /// Return the typeid corresponding to a certain `type_info`
229   ref<ConstantExpr> getEhTypeidFor(ref<Expr> type_info);
231   llvm::Function* getTargetFunction(llvm::Value *calledVal,
232                                     ExecutionState &state);
234   void executeInstruction(ExecutionState &state, KInstruction *ki);
236   void run(ExecutionState &initialState);
238   // Given a concrete object in our [klee's] address space, add it to
239   // objects checked code can reference.
240   MemoryObject *addExternalObject(ExecutionState &state, void *addr,
241                                   unsigned size, bool isReadOnly);
243   void initializeGlobalAlias(const llvm::Constant *c);
244   void initializeGlobalObject(ExecutionState &state, ObjectState *os,
245 			      const llvm::Constant *c,
246 			      unsigned offset);
247   void initializeGlobals(ExecutionState &state);
248   void allocateGlobalObjects(ExecutionState &state);
249   void initializeGlobalAliases();
250   void initializeGlobalObjects(ExecutionState &state);
252   void stepInstruction(ExecutionState &state);
253   void updateStates(ExecutionState *current);
254   void transferToBasicBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *dst,
255 			    llvm::BasicBlock *src,
256 			    ExecutionState &state);
258   void callExternalFunction(ExecutionState &state,
259                             KInstruction *target,
260                             llvm::Function *function,
261                             std::vector< ref<Expr> > &arguments);
263   ObjectState *bindObjectInState(ExecutionState &state, const MemoryObject *mo,
264                                  bool isLocal, const Array *array = 0);
266   /// Resolve a pointer to the memory objects it could point to the
267   /// start of, forking execution when necessary and generating errors
268   /// for pointers to invalid locations (either out of bounds or
269   /// address inside the middle of objects).
270   ///
271   /// \param results[out] A list of ((MemoryObject,ObjectState),
272   /// state) pairs for each object the given address can point to the
273   /// beginning of.
274   typedef std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<const MemoryObject*, const ObjectState*>,
275                                  ExecutionState*> > ExactResolutionList;
276   void resolveExact(ExecutionState &state,
277                     ref<Expr> p,
278                     ExactResolutionList &results,
279                     const std::string &name);
281   /// Allocate and bind a new object in a particular state. NOTE: This
282   /// function may fork.
283   ///
284   /// \param isLocal Flag to indicate if the object should be
285   /// automatically deallocated on function return (this also makes it
286   /// illegal to free directly).
287   ///
288   /// \param target Value at which to bind the base address of the new
289   /// object.
290   ///
291   /// \param reallocFrom If non-zero and the allocation succeeds,
292   /// initialize the new object from the given one and unbind it when
293   /// done (realloc semantics). The initialized bytes will be the
294   /// minimum of the size of the old and new objects, with remaining
295   /// bytes initialized as specified by zeroMemory.
296   ///
297   /// \param allocationAlignment If non-zero, the given alignment is
298   /// used. Otherwise, the alignment is deduced via
299   /// Executor::getAllocationAlignment
300   void executeAlloc(ExecutionState &state,
301                     ref<Expr> size,
302                     bool isLocal,
303                     KInstruction *target,
304                     bool zeroMemory=false,
305                     const ObjectState *reallocFrom=0,
306                     size_t allocationAlignment=0);
308   /// Free the given address with checking for errors. If target is
309   /// given it will be bound to 0 in the resulting states (this is a
310   /// convenience for realloc). Note that this function can cause the
311   /// state to fork and that \ref state cannot be safely accessed
312   /// afterwards.
313   void executeFree(ExecutionState &state,
314                    ref<Expr> address,
315                    KInstruction *target = 0);
317   /// Serialize a landingpad instruction so it can be handled by the
318   /// libcxxabi-runtime
319   MemoryObject *serializeLandingpad(ExecutionState &state,
320                                     const llvm::LandingPadInst &lpi,
321                                     bool &stateTerminated);
323   /// Unwind the given state until it hits a landingpad. This is used
324   /// for exception handling.
325   void unwindToNextLandingpad(ExecutionState &state);
327   void executeCall(ExecutionState &state,
328                    KInstruction *ki,
329                    llvm::Function *f,
330                    std::vector< ref<Expr> > &arguments);
332   // do address resolution / object binding / out of bounds checking
333   // and perform the operation
334   void executeMemoryOperation(ExecutionState &state,
335                               bool isWrite,
336                               ref<Expr> address,
337                               ref<Expr> value /* undef if read */,
338                               KInstruction *target /* undef if write */);
340   void executeMakeSymbolic(ExecutionState &state, const MemoryObject *mo,
341                            const std::string &name);
343   /// Create a new state where each input condition has been added as
344   /// a constraint and return the results. The input state is included
345   /// as one of the results. Note that the output vector may included
346   /// NULL pointers for states which were unable to be created.
347   void branch(ExecutionState &state,
348               const std::vector< ref<Expr> > &conditions,
349               std::vector<ExecutionState*> &result);
351   // Fork current and return states in which condition holds / does
352   // not hold, respectively. One of the states is necessarily the
353   // current state, and one of the states may be null.
354   StatePair fork(ExecutionState &current, ref<Expr> condition, bool isInternal);
356   /// Add the given (boolean) condition as a constraint on state. This
357   /// function is a wrapper around the state's addConstraint function
358   /// which also manages propagation of implied values,
359   /// validity checks, and seed patching.
360   void addConstraint(ExecutionState &state, ref<Expr> condition);
362   // Called on [for now] concrete reads, replaces constant with a symbolic
363   // Used for testing.
364   ref<Expr> replaceReadWithSymbolic(ExecutionState &state, ref<Expr> e);
366   const Cell& eval(KInstruction *ki, unsigned index,
367                    ExecutionState &state) const;
getArgumentCell(ExecutionState & state,KFunction * kf,unsigned index)369   Cell& getArgumentCell(ExecutionState &state,
370                         KFunction *kf,
371                         unsigned index) {
372     return state.stack.back().locals[kf->getArgRegister(index)];
373   }
getDestCell(ExecutionState & state,KInstruction * target)375   Cell& getDestCell(ExecutionState &state,
376                     KInstruction *target) {
377     return state.stack.back().locals[target->dest];
378   }
380   void bindLocal(KInstruction *target,
381                  ExecutionState &state,
382                  ref<Expr> value);
383   void bindArgument(KFunction *kf,
384                     unsigned index,
385                     ExecutionState &state,
386                     ref<Expr> value);
388   /// Evaluates an LLVM constant expression.  The optional argument ki
389   /// is the instruction where this constant was encountered, or NULL
390   /// if not applicable/unavailable.
391   ref<klee::ConstantExpr> evalConstantExpr(const llvm::ConstantExpr *c,
392 					   const KInstruction *ki = NULL);
394   /// Evaluates an LLVM constant.  The optional argument ki is the
395   /// instruction where this constant was encountered, or NULL if
396   /// not applicable/unavailable.
397   ref<klee::ConstantExpr> evalConstant(const llvm::Constant *c,
398 				       const KInstruction *ki = NULL);
400   /// Return a unique constant value for the given expression in the
401   /// given state, if it has one (i.e. it provably only has a single
402   /// value). Otherwise return the original expression.
403   ref<Expr> toUnique(const ExecutionState &state, ref<Expr> &e);
405   /// Return a constant value for the given expression, forcing it to
406   /// be constant in the given state by adding a constraint if
407   /// necessary. Note that this function breaks completeness and
408   /// should generally be avoided.
409   ///
410   /// \param purpose An identify string to printed in case of concretization.
411   ref<klee::ConstantExpr> toConstant(ExecutionState &state, ref<Expr> e,
412                                      const char *purpose);
414   /// Bind a constant value for e to the given target. NOTE: This
415   /// function may fork state if the state has multiple seeds.
416   void executeGetValue(ExecutionState &state, ref<Expr> e, KInstruction *target);
418   /// Get textual information regarding a memory address.
419   std::string getAddressInfo(ExecutionState &state, ref<Expr> address) const;
421   // Determines the \param lastInstruction of the \param state which is not KLEE
422   // internal and returns its InstructionInfo
423   const InstructionInfo & getLastNonKleeInternalInstruction(const ExecutionState &state,
424       llvm::Instruction** lastInstruction);
426   bool shouldExitOn(enum TerminateReason termReason);
428   // remove state from queue and delete
429   void terminateState(ExecutionState &state);
430   // call exit handler and terminate state
431   void terminateStateEarly(ExecutionState &state, const llvm::Twine &message);
432   // call exit handler and terminate state
433   void terminateStateOnExit(ExecutionState &state);
434   // call error handler and terminate state
435   void terminateStateOnError(ExecutionState &state, const llvm::Twine &message,
436                              enum TerminateReason termReason,
437                              const char *suffix = NULL,
438                              const llvm::Twine &longMessage = "");
440   // call error handler and terminate state, for execution errors
441   // (things that should not be possible, like illegal instruction or
442   // unlowered instrinsic, or are unsupported, like inline assembly)
443   void terminateStateOnExecError(ExecutionState &state,
444                                  const llvm::Twine &message,
445                                  const llvm::Twine &info="") {
446     terminateStateOnError(state, message, Exec, NULL, info);
447   }
449   /// bindModuleConstants - Initialize the module constant table.
450   void bindModuleConstants();
452   template <typename SqType, typename TypeIt>
453   void computeOffsetsSeqTy(KGEPInstruction *kgepi,
454                            ref<ConstantExpr> &constantOffset, uint64_t index,
455                            const TypeIt it);
457   template <typename TypeIt>
458   void computeOffsets(KGEPInstruction *kgepi, TypeIt ib, TypeIt ie);
460   /// bindInstructionConstants - Initialize any necessary per instruction
461   /// constant values.
462   void bindInstructionConstants(KInstruction *KI);
464   void doImpliedValueConcretization(ExecutionState &state,
465                                     ref<Expr> e,
466                                     ref<ConstantExpr> value);
468   /// check memory usage and terminate states when over threshold of -max-memory + 100MB
469   /// \return true if below threshold, false otherwise (states were terminated)
470   bool checkMemoryUsage();
472   /// check if branching/forking is allowed
473   bool branchingPermitted(const ExecutionState &state) const;
475   void printDebugInstructions(ExecutionState &state);
476   void doDumpStates();
478   /// Only for debug purposes; enable via debugger or klee-control
479   void dumpStates();
480   void dumpPTree();
482 public:
483   Executor(llvm::LLVMContext &ctx, const InterpreterOptions &opts,
484       InterpreterHandler *ie);
485   virtual ~Executor();
getHandler()487   const InterpreterHandler& getHandler() {
488     return *interpreterHandler;
489   }
setPathWriter(TreeStreamWriter * tsw)491   void setPathWriter(TreeStreamWriter *tsw) override { pathWriter = tsw; }
setSymbolicPathWriter(TreeStreamWriter * tsw)493   void setSymbolicPathWriter(TreeStreamWriter *tsw) override {
494     symPathWriter = tsw;
495   }
setReplayKTest(const struct KTest * out)497   void setReplayKTest(const struct KTest *out) override {
498     assert(!replayPath && "cannot replay both buffer and path");
499     replayKTest = out;
500     replayPosition = 0;
501   }
setReplayPath(const std::vector<bool> * path)503   void setReplayPath(const std::vector<bool> *path) override {
504     assert(!replayKTest && "cannot replay both buffer and path");
505     replayPath = path;
506     replayPosition = 0;
507   }
509   llvm::Module *setModule(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>> &modules,
510                           const ModuleOptions &opts) override;
useSeeds(const std::vector<struct KTest * > * seeds)512   void useSeeds(const std::vector<struct KTest *> *seeds) override {
513     usingSeeds = seeds;
514   }
516   void runFunctionAsMain(llvm::Function *f, int argc, char **argv,
517                          char **envp) override;
519   /*** Runtime options ***/
setHaltExecution(bool value)521   void setHaltExecution(bool value) override { haltExecution = value; }
setInhibitForking(bool value)523   void setInhibitForking(bool value) override { inhibitForking = value; }
525   void prepareForEarlyExit() override;
527   /*** State accessor methods ***/
529   unsigned getPathStreamID(const ExecutionState &state) override;
531   unsigned getSymbolicPathStreamID(const ExecutionState &state) override;
533   void getConstraintLog(const ExecutionState &state, std::string &res,
534                         Interpreter::LogType logFormat =
535                             Interpreter::STP) override;
537   bool getSymbolicSolution(
538       const ExecutionState &state,
539       std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<unsigned char>>> &res)
540       override;
542   void getCoveredLines(const ExecutionState &state,
543                        std::map<const std::string *, std::set<unsigned>> &res)
544       override;
546   Expr::Width getWidthForLLVMType(llvm::Type *type) const;
547   size_t getAllocationAlignment(const llvm::Value *allocSite) const;
549   /// Returns the errno location in memory of the state
550   int *getErrnoLocation(const ExecutionState &state) const;
getMergingSearcher()552   MergingSearcher *getMergingSearcher() const { return mergingSearcher; };
setMergingSearcher(MergingSearcher * ms)553   void setMergingSearcher(MergingSearcher *ms) { mergingSearcher = ms; };
554 };
556 } // End klee namespace
558 #endif /* KLEE_EXECUTOR_H */