1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3Create pauli spin matrices and other quantum mechanical operators
4for collections of single-spin particles.
5Manipulate quantum states and simulate quantum computer circuits.
7from __future__ import print_function
8import sys
9import numpy as np
10import copy
11import itertools
13__version__ = '2.3.2'
14if sys.version_info.major == 3:
15    unicode = str
17i = 1j
18debug = False
19sign = lambda a: '+' if a>0 else '-' if a<0 else '+'
20check = 1
22base_reprs = {
23    'ud':{'up':'u','down':'d'},
24    '01':{'up':'0','down':'1'},
25    'arrow':{'up':u'\u2191','down':u'\u2193'}
28base_repr = base_reprs['ud']
30def set_base_repr(arg):
31    '''Set the printout of the base representation:
33    :param str arg: 'ud', '01', or 'arrow'
35    These will cause state vector bases to be printed out as,
36    for example
38    - `arg = 'ud'` results in :math:`\\Ket{u}`, :math:`\\Ket{ud}`, etc.
39    - `arg = '01'` results in :math:`\\Ket{0}`, :math:`\\Ket{01}`, etc.
40    - `arg = 'arrow'` results in :math:`\\Ket{\\uparrow}`, :math:`\\Ket{\\uparrow\\downarrow}`, etc.
42    '''
43    global base_repr
44    base_repr = base_reprs[arg]
45    state.bases = {1:['|%s>'%base_repr[x] for x in ['up','down']]}
46    state.base_reprs = arg
48class state(object):
49    '''Quantum state
51    A quantum state has the property of being either a bra or a ket vector.
52    States `a` and `b` can
54    - Inner product: `a.H*b` = :math:`\\Braket{a | b}`
55    - Kronecker product: (expand the number of particles in the state) `a**b` = :math:`\\Ket{a} \\otimes \\Ket{b} = \\Ket{ab}`
56    - Hermetion transpose: (convert bra to ket and vice-versa) `a.H` does either
57      :math:`\\Ket{a} \\rightarrow \\Bra{a}` or :math:`\\Bra{a} \\rightarrow \\Ket{a}`
58    - Normalize: `a.N` = :math:`\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\Braket{a|a}}} \\Ket{a}`
59    - Access the wave function as a column vector: `a.phi` = :math:`[\\Braket{a|e_i}]` where :math:`\\Ket{e_i}` are the basis vectors
61    '''
63    bases = {1:['|%s>'%base_repr[x] for x in ['up','down']]}
64    base_reprs = 'ud'
66    def __init__(self,s, bra_flag = False):
67        '''initialize with either a basis ket, or a wave function
68        '''
69        assert isinstance(s,(str,unicode,np.matrix,list))
70        if isinstance(s,list):
71            s = np.matrix(s)
72        if isinstance(s,np.matrix):
73            if s.dtype not in (float,complex):
74                s = s.astype(float)
75            self.n = n = s.size
76            self.phi = np.matrix( np.ravel(s).reshape((n,1)) )
77            self.n_particles = n_particles = int(np.log2(n))
78        elif isinstance(s,(str,unicode)):
79            self.n_particles = n_particles = len(s.lstrip('|').rstrip('>'))
81        if n_particles not in self.bases:
82            self.basis = create_basis(n_particles)
83            self.bases[n_particles]=self.basis
84        else:
85            self.basis = self.bases[n_particles]
87        if isinstance(s,(str,unicode)):
88            if s.startswith('<') or s.endswith('|'):
89                raise Exception('%s not a ket'%s)
90            if not s.startswith('|'):
91                s = '|'+s
92            if not s.endswith('>'):
93                s = s+'>'
94            assert s in self.basis, '%s not in basis'%s
95            k = self.basis.index(s)
96            self.name = s
97            self.n = len(self.basis)
98            self.phi = np.matrix([0.]*self.n).T # the wave function
99            self.phi[k] = 1.
101        self.bra = False
102        self.kind = 'ket'
104        if bra_flag:
105            self._bra()
107    def _bra(self):
108        '''convert ket to bra
109        '''
110        if self.bra:
111            return
112        self.phi = self.phi.H
113        if hasattr(self,'name') and self.name in self.basis:
114            self.name = '<'+self.name[1:-1]+'|'
115        self.basis = ['<'+s[1:-1]+'|' for s in self.basis]
116        self.bra = True
117        self.kind = 'bra'
118        return self
120    def _ket(self):
121        '''convert bra to ket
122        '''
123        if not self.bra:
124            return
125        self.phi = self.phi.H
126        if hasattr(self,'name') and self.name in self.basis:
127            self.name = '|'+self.name[1:-1]+'>'
128        self.basis = ['|'+s[1:-1]+'>' for s in self.basis]
129        self.bra = False
130        self.kind = 'ket'
131        return self
133    def __unicode__(self):
134        phi = self.phi
135        first_one = True
136        s = '0'
137        print_options = np.get_printoptions()
138        prec = print_options['precision']
139        if print_options['suppress']:
140            coef_format = '%%0.%df '%prec
141        else:
142            coef_format = '%%0.%dg '%prec
143        real_coef_format = coef_format
144        imag_coef_format = '%si'%coef_format
145        complex_coef_format = '( %s%%s %s )'%(real_coef_format,imag_coef_format)
146        sign_real_coef_format = '%%s %s'%real_coef_format
147        sign_imag_coef_format = '%si'%sign_real_coef_format
148        sign_complex_coef_format = '+ %s'%complex_coef_format
150        for k in range(self.n):
151            phi_k = phi.item(k)
152            if phi_k != 0:
154                if first_one:
155                    s = ''
156                    if isinstance(phi_k,(float,int)):
157                        if phi_k == 1:
158                            coef = ''
159                        elif phi_k == -1:
160                            coef = '- '
161                        else:
162                            coef = real_coef_format%phi_k #'%g '%phi_k
163                    else: # complex
164                        if phi_k.imag == 0:
165                            if phi_k.real == 1:
166                                coef = ''
167                            elif phi_k.real == -1:
168                                coef = '- '
169                            else:
170                                coef = real_coef_format%phi_k.real #'%g '%phi_k.real
171                        elif phi_k.real == 0:
172                            if phi_k.imag == 1:
173                                coef = ' i '
174                            elif phi_k.imag == -1:
175                                coef = ' - i '
176                            else:
177                                coef = imag_coef_format%phi_k.imag #'%g i '%phi_k.imag
178                        else:
179                            #coef = '( %g %s %g i )'%(phi_k.real,sign(phi_k.imag),abs(phi_k.imag))
180                            coef = complex_coef_format%(phi_k.real,sign(phi_k.imag),abs(phi_k.imag))
181                    first_one = False
183                else:
184                    if isinstance(phi_k,(float,int)):
185                        if phi_k == 1:
186                            coef = '+ '
187                        elif phi_k == -1:
188                            coef = '- '
189                        else:
190                            #coef = '%s %g '%(sign(phi_k),abs(phi_k))
191                            coef = sign_real_coef_format%(sign(phi_k),abs(phi_k))
192                    else: # complex
193                        if phi_k.imag == 0:
194                            if phi_k.real == 1:
195                                coef = ' + '
196                            elif phi_k.real == -1:
197                                coef = ' - '
198                            else:
199                                #coef = '%s %g '%(sign(phi_k.real),abs(phi_k.real))
200                                coef = sign_real_coef_format%(sign(phi_k.real),abs(phi_k.real))
201                        elif phi_k.real == 0:
202                            if phi_k.imag == 1:
203                                coef = ' + i '
204                            elif phi_k.imag == -1:
205                                coef = ' - i '
206                            else:
207                                #coef = '%s %g i '%(sign(phi_k.imag),abs(phi_k.imag))
208                                coef = sign_imag_coef_format%(sign(phi_k.imag),abs(phi_k.imag))
209                        else:
210                            #coef = '+ ( %g %s %g i )'%(phi_k.real,sign(phi_k.imag),abs(phi_k.imag))
211                            coef = sign_complex_coef_format%(phi_k.real,sign(phi_k.imag),abs(phi_k.imag))
213                s += '%s%s '%(coef, self.basis[k])
214        return s
216    def __repr__(self):
217        if sys.version_info.major == 2:
218            return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8')
219        elif sys.version_info.major == 3:
220            return str(self.__unicode__())
222    def __add__(self,another):
223        """|a> + |b>
224        """
225        assert isinstance(another,self.__class__)
226        assert self.bra == another.bra
227        return self.__class__(self.phi + another.phi, bra_flag = self.bra)
229    def __sub__(self,another):
230        """|a> - |b>
231        """
232        assert isinstance(another,self.__class__)
233        assert self.bra == another.bra
234        return self.__class__(self.phi - another.phi)
236    def __mul__(self,another):
237        """
238        inner product: <a|b>
239        operation on bra: <a|A
240        scalar product: <a| alpha or <a| alpha
241        outer product: |a><b|
242        """
243        if debug: print ('state.__mul__')
244        assert isinstance(another,(int,float,complex,self.__class__,operator,str))
245        if isinstance(another,self.__class__): # either inner or outer product
246            if self.bra: # <a|b>
247                assert not another.bra,'cannot multiply two bras'
248                r = (self.phi*another.phi).item(0)
249                if isinstance(r,complex):
250                    if r.imag == 0:
251                        r = r.real
252                return r
253            else: # |a><b|
254                assert another.bra,'cannot multiply two kets'
255                return operator(self.phi*another.phi)
256        elif isinstance(another,operator): #  <a|A
257            assert self.bra
258            phi = (self.phi * another.op).T
259            return bra(phi)
260        elif isinstance(another,str): # '<a|'*A
261            another = self.__class__(another)
262            return self*another
263        elif isinstance(another,(int,float,complex)):
264            if self.bra:
265                r = bra(self.phi*another) #  <a| alpha
266            else:
267                r = ket(self.phi*another) #  |a> alpha
268            return r
270    def __rmul__(self,num):
271        """scalar product alpha |a> or alpha <a|
272        """
273        if debug: print ('state_base.__rmul__')
274        assert isinstance(num,(int,float,complex))
275        if self.bra:
276            r = bra(self.phi*num) #  <a| alpha
277        else:
278            r = ket(self.phi*num) #  |a> alpha
279        return r
281    def __div__(self,other):
282        """scalar product |a> / alpha
283        If both arguments are states, this is a test of "divides", returning (True/False,byfactor)
284        """
285        if isinstance(other,state): # check if one state is a multiple of another
286            return self.divides(other)
287        assert isinstance(other,(int,float,complex))
288        r = self.copy()
289        r.phi = self.phi/other
290        return r
292    def divides(self,other):
293        assert isinstance(other,state)
294        a = self.phi.flat
295        b = other.phi.flat
296        q = None
297        l = []
298        for aa,bb in zip(a,b):
299            if aa == 0 and bb == 0:
300                l.append(True)
301            elif bb == 0:
302                l.append(False)
303            else:
304                f = aa/bb
305                if q is None:
306                    q = f
307                l.append(q == f)
308        r = np.array(l).all()
309        if r:
310            return(r,q)
311        else:
312            return(r,None)
314    def __truediv__(self,num):
315        """scalar product |a> / alpha
316        """
317        assert isinstance(num,(int,float,complex))
318        if self.bra:
319            r = bra(self.phi/num) #  <a| alpha
320        else:
321            r = ket(self.phi/num) #  |a> alpha
322        return r
324    def __neg__(self):
325        return (-1)*self #   - |a>
327    @property
328    def H(self):
329        '''Hermetian conjugate
330        '''
331        if self.bra:
332            return self.copy()._ket()
333        return self.copy()._bra()
335    @property
336    def N(self):
337        '''Normalized
338        '''
339        return self.normalized()
341    # def __getattr__(self,dot_op):
342    #     '''Unitary operators:
343    #     x.H - Hermetian Transpose
344    #     x.N - Normalize
345    #     '''
346    #     if dot_op == 'H':
347    #         if self.bra:
348    #             return self.copy()._ket()
349    #         return self.copy()._bra()
350    #     if dot_op == 'N':
351    #         return self.normalized()
352    #     else:
353    #         raise AttributeError(self.__repr__(),' object has no attribute ',dot_op)
355    def __pow__(self,other):
356        '''kroneker product
357        '''
358        return self.kron(other)
360    def __eq__(self,other):
361        assert isinstance(other,self.__class__)
362        assert self.bra == other.bra
363        return (self.phi == other.phi).all()
365    def copy(self):
366        return copy.deepcopy(self)
368    def normalize(self):
369        """normalizes the wave function
370        """
371        if self.bra:
372            norm = (self.phi*self.phi.H).item(0)
373        else:
374            norm = (self.phi.H*self.phi).item(0)
375        self.phi /= np.sqrt(norm)
377    def normalized(self):
378        """returns the normalized version
379        """
380        if self.bra:
381            norm = (self.phi*self.phi.H).item(0)
382        else:
383            norm = (self.phi.H*self.phi).item(0)
384        return self/np.sqrt(norm)
386    def density(self):
387        """generate the density matrix
388        :math:`\\rho = \\ket{s}\\bra{s}`
389        """
390        return (self*self.H).op
392    def _index(self):
393        '''makes an index from string representations of basis states to
394        interger offset within the state vector
395        '''
396        s1 = ['u','d']
397        s = copy.copy(s1)
398        for k in range(self.n_particles-1):
399            s = [x+y for x,y in list(itertools.product(s,s1))]
401        d = dict(zip(s,range(self.n)))
402        return d
404    def density1(self,particle_no=None):
405        '''generate the density matrix for one
406        of the particles, `particle_no`
407        Particle numbers are 0...n_particles-1
408        '''
409        if particle_no == None: # old style call
410            return (self.density1(0),self.density1(1))
411        assert particle_no < self.n_particles
412        d = self._index()
413        p = particle_no
414        pstr = '_'
415        rho = self.density()
416        s1 = ['u','d']
417        keys = sorted(d.keys())[::-1] # 'uuu','uud',...
418        f = set([key[:p]+pstr+key[p+1:] for key in keys]) # 'u_u','u_d'...
419        ind_keys_u,ind_keys_d = [[ff.replace(pstr,s) for ff in f] for s in s1] # [['uuu','uud'...],['udu','udd'...]]
420        rho_p = np.matrix(np.zeros((2,2)))
421        for z in zip(ind_keys_u,ind_keys_d):
422            ind2x2 = [[(z0,z1) for z0 in z] for z1 in z] # [[('dud', 'dud'), ('ddd', 'dud')], [('dud', 'ddd'), ('ddd', 'ddd')]]
423            for i in range(2):
424                for j in range(2):
425                    ii,jj = ind2x2[i][j]
426                    rho_p[i,j] += rho[ d[ii],d[jj] ]
427        return rho_p
429    def correlation(self):
430        '''compute the :math:`n_{particles}\\times n_{particles}` correlation matrix
431        '''
432        n_particles = self.n_particles
433        u = ket([1,0])
434        d = ket([0,1])
435        Sz = u*u.H - d*d.H
436        S0 = u*u.H + d*d.H # operator(np.identity(2))
437        c = np.zeros((n_particles, n_particles))
438        A = []
439        for p1 in range(n_particles):
440            Ap = (Sz if p1==0 else S0)
441            for p2 in range(1,n_particles):
442                Ap = Ap**(Sz if p2==p1 else S0)
443            A.append(Ap)
444        for i in range(n_particles):
445            for j in range(n_particles):
446                c[i,j] = (A[i]*self).H*(A[j]*self)
447        return c
449    def prob(self,A,s):
450        """determine the probability of this state being in
451        state s after the measurement A
453        :param operator A:
454        :param state s:
456        :return: `a.prob(A,s) = a.H*A*s =` :math:`\\Braket{a | A | s}`
458        """
459        return np.abs(s.H*A*self)**2
461    def kron(self,another):
462        assert isinstance(another,self.__class__)
463        assert self.bra == another.bra
464        r = state([0.]*self.n*another.n,self.bra)
465        r.phi = np.kron(self.phi,another.phi)
466        return r
468    def entangled(self):
469        '''determine if a 2-particle pure state is entangled.
470        This works only for n=2 particle states.
472        :return: True or False
474        '''
475        assert self.n_particles == 2
476        S = entropy(ptrace(self.density(),[0]))
477        if np.isclose(S,0.):
478            return False
479        else:
480            return True
482class operator(object):
483    '''
484    Quantum operator
486    Operators can
488    - Multiply :class:`state`, `A*s` = :math:`A \\Ket{s}`
489    - Multiply each other, `A*B` = :math:`A\\times B`
490    - Kronecker-product `A**B` = :math:`A\\otimes B`.
492    Also
494    - `A.H` is the Hermetian transpose: :math:`A^H`
495    - `A.N` is normalization, so that :math:`\\lvert det(\\bar A) \\rvert = 1`
497    :param numpy.ndmatrix A: Initialize with a square, Hermetian matrix `A`
498    '''
499    ops = ['s0','sx','sy','sz']
500    '''a list of operators that can be specified by a string argumant to :class:`operator`'''
502    sig_0 = np.matrix([[1,0],[0,1]])
503    sig_x = np.matrix([[0,1],[1,0]])
504    sig_y = np.matrix([[0,-i],[i,0]])
505    sig_z = np.matrix([[1,0],[0,-1]])
506    op_mats = [sig_0,sig_x,sig_y,sig_z]
508    @property
509    def matrix(self):
510        '''returns the matrix representation of the operator
511        '''
512        return self.op
514    def __init__(self, A):
515        '''initialize given a square, Hermetian matrix A
516        '''
517        if debug: print ('operator.__init__')
518        if not isinstance(A,(str,np.matrix)):
519            A = np.matrix(A)
520        assert isinstance(A,(str,np.matrix))
521        if isinstance(A,str):
522            assert A in self.ops
523            self.name = A
524            k = self.ops.index(A)
525            self.op = A = self.__class__.op_mats[k]
526        n,m = A.shape
527        assert n == m
528        self.op = A
529        n_particles = int(np.log2(n))
530        self.basis = create_basis(n_particles)
531        w,v = np.linalg.eig(A)
532        self.eigenstates = [v[:,k] for k in range(n)]
533        self.observables = list(w)
535    def __repr__(self):
536        return str(self.op)
538    def __mul__(self,another):
539        """
540        multiplication on the left: operator*another
541        scalar multiplication: A*alpha
542        operation on ket: A |a>
543        operator x operator: A*B
544        operator x matrix: A*sig
545        operator x string (basis state ket): A*'|u>'
546        """
547        if debug: print ('%r.__mul__(%r)'%(self.__class__,type(another)))
548        assert isinstance(another,(str,state,self.__class__,np.matrix,int,float,complex))
549        if isinstance(another,(int,float,complex)): # alpha A
550            return self.__class__(self.op*another)
551        elif isinstance(another,state): # A |a>
552            assert not another.bra
553            return state(self.op*another.phi)
554        elif isinstance(another,self.__class__):  # A*B
555            return self.__class__(self.op*another.op)
556        elif isinstance(another,np.matrix): # assume this operator*density_matrix
557            return self.__class__(self.op*another)
558        elif isinstance(another,str): # convert the string to a basis state
559            return self*ket(another)
561    def __rmul__(self,another):
562        """
563        multiplication on the right: another*operator
564        scalar multiply : A*alpha
565        by bra: <a| A
566        by matrix: sig*A
567        by string (basis state bra): '<a|'*A
568        """
569        if debug: print ('%r.__rmul__(%r)'%(self.__class__,type(another)))
570        assert isinstance(another,(str,state,np.matrix,int,float,complex))
571        if isinstance(another,(int,float,complex)):
572            return self.__class__(self.op*another) #  A*alpha
573        elif isinstance(another,state):
574            return bra(another.phi*self.op) # <a| A
575        elif isinstance(another,np.matrix):
576            return self.__class__(another*self.op) # sig*A
577        elif isinstance(another,str):
578            return bra(another)*self # convert the string to a basis state
580    def __add__(self,another):
581        """ A+B
582        """
583        assert isinstance(another,self.__class__)
584        return self.__class__(self.op+another.op) # A + B
586    def __sub__(self,another):
587        """ A-B
588        """
589        assert isinstance(another,self.__class__)
590        return self.__class__(self.op-another.op) #  A - B
592    def __div__(self,num):
593        """
594        divide by a scalar A/alpha
595        """
596        assert isinstance(num,(int,float,complex))
597        return self.__class__(self.op/num)
599    def __truediv__(self,num):
600        """
601        divide by a scalar A/alpha
602        """
603        assert isinstance(num,(int,float,complex))
604        return self.__class__(self.op/num)
606    def __neg__(self): # -A
607        """
608        scalar negation -A
609        """
610        return (-1)*self
612    def __eq__(self,other):
613        assert isinstance(other,self.__class__)
614        return (self.op == other.op).all()
616    def __pow__(self,other):
617        return self.kron(other)
619    @property
620    def H(self):
621        '''Hermetian conjugate'''
622        r = self.copy()
623        r.op = self.op.conj().T
624        return r
626    @property
627    def N(self):
628        '''Normalized'''
629        return self.normalized()
631    # def __getattr__(self,dot_op):
632    #     '''Unitary operator:
633    #     A.N - Normalize to make unitary
634    #     '''
635    #     if dot_op == 'H':
636    #         r = self.copy()
637    #         r.op = self.op.conj().T
638    #         return r
639    #     if dot_op == 'N':
640    #         return self.normalized()
641    #     else:
642    #         raise AttributeError(self.__repr__(),' object has no attribute ',dot_op)
644    def copy(self):
645        return copy.deepcopy(self)
647    def kron(self,other):
648        assert isinstance(other,self.__class__)
649        return self.__class__(np.kron(self.op,other.op))
651    def normalized(self):
652        '''return the normalized version of the operator
653        such that :math:`\\lvert det(\\bar A) \\rvert = 1`.
654        '''
655        norm = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.linalg.det(self.matrix)))
656        if np.isclose(norm,0.):
657            raise Error('operator is close to singular, cannot normalize')
658        return self/norm
660    def measure(self,s):
661        '''produce the measurement using operator as an observable.
662        This produces a single number equal to one of the eigenvalues :math:`\\lambda_i`
663        of `A` according to a probability distribution
664        :math:`P({\\lambda_i}) = \\Braket{ \\Phi_i | s }^2` and
665        collapses the wave function to the eigenstate :math:`\\Ket{\\Phi_i}`.
667        Returns the tuple (observed value, collaped state) = :math:`(\\lambda_i, \\Ket{ \\Phi_i })`.
669        :param state s:
670        '''
671        s = ket(s)
672        n = s.n
673        assert n == self.op.shape[0]
674        E = np.block(self.eigenstates)
675        c = np.array(E.H*s.phi)
676        c = [c.item(k) for k in range(n)]
677        P = [np.abs(x)**2 for x in c]
678        k = np.random.choice( range(n), p=P)
679        lam = self.observables[k]
680        #print('lam = %r'%lam)
681        k_set = np.where(np.isclose(self.observables,lam*np.ones(n)))[0] # repeated eigenvalues
682        #print('k_set = %r'%k_set)
683        ss = ket([0]*n)
684        for k in k_set:
685            #print('c[k] = %r'%c[k])
686            ss += c[k]*ket(self.eigenstates[k])
687        ss.normalize()
688        return(lam,ss)
690    def average(self,s):
691        '''calculate the average value of the observable for a given pure state, :math:`\\Ket{s}`
692        or, for (in general) a mixed state, given the density matrix :math:`\\rho`
694        .. math::
696            \\Braket{A} = \\Braket{s | A | s}\ or \ \\Braket{A} = \\rm{tr}\\left(\\rho A\\right)
698        :param s: either the :class:`state` or the :class:`ndarray` density matrix
700        '''
701        if isinstance(s,state):
702            return bra(s)*self*ket(s)
703        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray):
704            rho = np.matrix(s)
705            return (rho*self.matrix).trace().item(0)
707    def eig(self):
708        '''calcluate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the operator.
709        Returns (list of eigenvalues, list of eigenvectors) =
710        :math:`([\\lambda_1,\\lambda_2,\\dots],[\\Ket{\\Phi_1},\\Ket{\\Phi_2},\\dots])`
712        Depricated 5/2/18 - now precomputed for all operators
713        and available as properties `observables` and `eigenstates`
714        '''
715        ev,evec = np.linalg.eig(self.matrix)
716        evec = [ket(x) for x in evec.T]
717        return ev,evec
719def ket(s):
720    """generate a state vector given the state as a string or a wave function
721    or generate the ket version of a bra vector
723    :param s: specifier. If `s` is a:
725    - :class:`str`: generate one of the basis states (e.g. `u`, `d`, `uu`, `ud`, `uud`, etc.)
726    - :class:`numpy.ndarray`: generate state from the wave function vector
727    - :class:`state`: convert the state (bra or ket) to a ket
729    :return: :math:`\\ket{s}`
730    :rtype: :class:`state`
732    """
733    assert isinstance(s,(str,unicode,np.matrix,list,state))
734    if isinstance(s,(str,unicode)):
735        if s.startswith('<') and s.endswith('|'):
736            s = '|'+s[1:-1]+'>' # turn it into a ket string
737        return state(s)
738    elif isinstance(s,(np.matrix,list)):
739        return state(s)
740    elif isinstance(s,state):
741        if not s.bra:
742            return s
743        return s.copy()._ket()
744    raise Exception('%r is not a valid state'%s)
746def bra(s):
747    """generate a state vector given the state as a string or wave function
748    or generate the bra version of a ket vector
750    :param s: specifier. If `s` is a:
752    - :class:`str`: generate one of the basis states (e.g. `u`, `d`, `uu`, `ud`, `uud`, etc.) as a bra
753    - :class:`numpy.ndarray`: generate state from the wave function vector
754    - :class:`state`: convert the state (bra or ket) to a bra
756    :return: :math:`\\bra{s}`
757    :rtype: :class:`state`
759    """
760    assert isinstance(s,(str,np.matrix,list,state))
761    if isinstance(s,str):
762        s = ket(s)
763        return bra(s)
764    elif isinstance(s,(np.matrix,list)):
765        return bra( ket(s) )
766    elif isinstance(s,state):
767        if s.bra:
768            return s
769        return s.copy()._bra()
770    else:
771        raise Exception('% is not a valid state'%s)
773def create_basis(n):
774    '''create a basis set for n particles
775    '''
776    #s1 = ['u','d']
777    s1 = [base_repr['up'],base_repr['down']]
778    s = copy.copy(s1)
779    for k in range(n-1):
780        s = [x+y for x,y in list(itertools.product(s,s1))]
781    s = ['|'+x+'>' for x in s]
782    return s
784def density(p,s):
785    '''Create the mixed state density matrix, :math:`\\rho` given
786    a set of probabilities and a list of pure states.
788    .. math::
790        \\rho = \\sum_i p_i \\Ket{s_i} \\bra{s_i}
792    :param list p: the list of probabilities :math:`p_i`
793    :param list s: the list of pure states :math:`\\bra{s_i}`
795    The probabilities must all be between zero and one and sum to one.
797    :rtype: :class:`numpy.matrix`
799    '''
800    p = np.array(p)
801    assert ((p>=0) &(p<=1)).all()
802    assert np.isclose(p.sum(),1.0)
803    assert len(p) == len(s)
804    rho = 0
805    for p_i,psi_i in zip(p,s):
806        rho += p_i*psi_i.density()
807    return rho
809def entropy(rho,frac=False,decohere=False):
810    """Calculate the Von Neumann entropy given the density matrix.
812    .. math::
814        S = -\\rm{tr}\\left(\\rho\, \\log(\\rho)\\right)
816    where :math:`\\rho` is the density matrix.
818    :param numpy.matrix rho: the density matrix
819    :param bool frac: If `frac=True`, return :math:`S/S_{max}` where :math:`S_{max} = \\log(n)` the maximum entropy.
820    :param bool decohere: If decohere=True then assume decoherent population (off-diagonal elements of :math:`\\rho` set equal to zero)
822    :return: entropy, :math:`S`
823    :rtype: float
825    """
826    if decohere:
827        w = np.diag(rho)
828    else:
829        w,v = np.linalg.eig(rho)
830    n = w.size
831    S = 0
832    for k in range(n):
833        if w[k] > 0 and not np.isclose(w[k],1.0):
834            S -= w[k]*np.log(w[k])
835    if frac:
836        S_max = np.log(float(n))
837        return S/S_max
838    else:
839        return S
841def set_printoptions(**karg):
842    '''feed print options to numpy.
843    help(numpy.set_printoptions) for more info
844    Typical use case:
846    .. code-block python
847        >>> set_printoptions(precisionn=3,suppress=True)
849    to set the print precision to 3 digits after the decimal point and
850    suppress scientific notation
851    '''
852    np.set_printoptions(**karg)
854def _mosh(s1,s2,ps):
855    '''mosh string 1 with string 2 putting string 2 characters in posisions ps
856    '''
857    n = len(s1) + len(s2)
858    psk = [ x for x in range(n) if x not in ps ]
859    s = np.array(['']*n)
860    s[ps] = list(s2)
861    s[psk] = list(s1)
862    return ''.join(list(s))
864def ptrace(rho,ps):
865    '''**Partial Trace**: generate the density matrix with specified particles traced out.
867    :param np.matrix rho: the multi-particle density matrix
868    :param list ps: list of particles to trace out; given by number 0,1...n_particles-1
870    If the list is empty, return the full density matrix.
871    If the list has all the particles, then returns the trace of the full density matrix (always = 1)
872    The list must have unique particle numbers which are all < n_particles
874    :rtype: :class:`numpy.matrix`
876    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_trace
877    '''
878    if len(ps) == 0: return s
879    n_particles = int(np.log2(rho.shape[0]))
880    n = n_particles
881    assert np.array([x < n for x in ps]).all(),'all elements of ps %r must be < number of particles %r'%(ps,[x < n for x in ps])
882    assert np.unique(ps).size == len(ps),'elements of ps must be unique: %r'%ps
883    ps = sorted(ps)
884    nr = 2**len(ps)
885    nk = 2**(n - len(ps))
886    n = 2**n
887    if nk == 1: return 1.
888    d,dr,dk = [state([1]*x)._index() for x in [n,nr,nk]]
889    di,dri,dki = [sorted(x.keys(),reverse=True) for x in [d,dr,dk]]
890    Ms = [ [[ (_mosh(x,z,ps),_mosh(y,z,ps)) for x in dki] for y in dki] for z in dri]
891    Msv =  [[[rho[ d[x], d[y] ] for (x,y) in row ] for row in mat ] for mat in Ms ]
892    den = np.sum( [ np.array(x) for x in Msv], axis=0 )
893    return np.matrix(den)
895def Cab(rho):
896    '''calculate the 'concurrence' of a two particle system.
897    ref: Coffman, V., Kundu, J., & Wootters, W. K. (2000).
898    Distributed Entanglement. Physical Review A, 61(5), 5–9.
899    http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.61.052306
901    :param np.matrix rho:
903    Presently this only calculates on a two particle system (4x4 density matrix)
904    '''
905    assert rho.shape == (4,4)
906    sy = operator('sy')
907    rho_tilde = ((sy**sy)*(rho.conj())*(sy**sy)).op
908    lam = np.linalg.eig(rho*rho_tilde)[0].real
909    lam = np.clip(lam,0,np.inf)
910    lam = np.sqrt(np.sort(lam))[::-1]
911    cab = np.max([lam[0]-lam[1]-lam[2]-lam[3],0])
912    return cab
914#============ Quantum Gates =============
915from scipy.linalg import sqrtm,block_diag
916from numpy import diag,matrix
918class gate(operator):
919    '''Quantum gate, a subclass of :class:`operator`
921    Generate a gate with a constructor call:
923        g = **gate** (*name*)
925    where name is one of the names in the list `gate.gates`. These include 'Hadamard','NOT',  etc.
926    One can also force any operator to be a gate if the name is one of the pre-defined operators
927    (given in the `operator.ops` list), or with:
929        g = **gate** (*matrix* | *operator*, [name = *name*])
931    Some gates, `'Rz'` and `'XX'` need an argument, the angle :math:`\\phi`. These are
932    created by passing `phi` as the second argument:
934        g = **gate** (*name*, phi = *phi*)
936    '''
937    gates = ['H','Hadamard','X','Y','Z','Rz','NOT','sNOT','cNOT','S','SWAP','sSWAP','cSWAP','ccNOT','XX']
938    '''A list of the predefined gates that can be specified by string argument to :class:`gate`'''
940    url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_logic_gate'
941    '''wikipedia reference'''
943    # def __new__(cls,arg,**kwargs):
944    #     if debug: print('gate.__new__')
945    #     if isinstance(arg,operator):
946    #         self = super(gate,cls).__new__(cls)
947    #         self.__init__(arg)
948    #         return self
949    #     if not isinstance(arg,str): # i.e. matrix or list
950    #         self = super(gate,cls).__new__(cls)
951    #         self.__init__(arg)
952    #         return self
953    #     else:
954    #         self = super(gate,cls).__new__(cls)
955    #         self.__init__(arg)
956    #     return(self)
958    def __init__(self,arg1, **kwargs):
959        if debug: print('gate.__init__')
960        if isinstance(arg1,operator):
961            self.op = arg1.op
962            name = ''
963            if hasattr(arg1,'name'):
964                name = arg1.name
965            self.name = '%s gate'%name
966            self.meta = kwargs
967            return
968        if not isinstance(arg1,str): # matrix or list
969            super(self.__class__,self).__init__(arg1)
970            name = ''
971            if hasattr(self,'name'):
972                name = self.name
973            self.name = '%s gate'%name
974            self.meta = kwargs
975            return
977        name = arg1
978        if name in operator.ops:
979            super(self.__class__,self).__init__(name)
980            self.name = '%s gate'%name
981            self.meta = kwargs
982            return
984        if name in ['H','Hadamard']:
985            self.op = (sx+sz).N.matrix
986            self.name = 'Hadamard (H) gate'
987        elif name in ['X','NOT']:
988            self.op = sx.matrix
989            self.name = 'NOT (X) gate'
990        elif name == 'Y':
991            self.op = sy.matrix
992            self.name = 'Y gate'
993        elif name == 'Z':
994            self.op = sz.matrix
995            self.name = 'Z gate'
996        elif name == 'Rz':
997            assert 'phi' in kwargs
998            phi = kwargs['phi']
999            i = 1j
1000            if (isinstance(phi,str) and phi == 'inf') or (phi == np.inf):
1001                phi = np.inf
1002                self.op = matrix(diag([1.,0]))
1003            else:
1004                self.op = matrix(diag([1,np.exp(i*phi)]))
1005            self.name = 'Rz (phi = %0.3f radians)'%phi
1006        elif name == 'XX':
1007            assert 'phi' in kwargs
1008            phi = kwargs['phi']
1009            self.name = 'Ising (XX) gate (phi = %0.3f radians)'%phi
1010            R = gate('Rz',phi=phi)
1011            X = gate('X')
1012            I = np.eye(2)
1013            i = 1j
1014            self.op = matrix(np.block([[    I      , -i*(X*R).op ],
1015                                       [-i*(R*X).op,     I       ]] ))/np.sqrt(2.)
1016        elif name in ['S','SWAP']:
1017            self.op = matrix([[1,0,0,0],
1018                              [0,0,1,0],
1019                              [0,1,0,0],
1020                              [0,0,0,1]])
1021            self.name = 'SWAP (S) gate'
1023        self.meta = kwargs
1025    def __repr__(self):
1026        s = '%s\n'%self.name
1027        return s + super(self.__class__,self).__repr__()
1029    def copy(self):
1030        """make a copy of the gate
1031        """
1032        new = gate(self.op.copy())
1033        return new
1035    def sqrt(self):
1036        '''create a square root gate from a gate.
1037        '''
1038        s = sqrtm(self.matrix)
1039        r = gate(s)
1040        r.name = 'square root %s'%self.name
1041        return r
1043    def controlled(self):
1044        '''convert a gate to a controlled gate
1045        (introduces one more qubit as the control bit)
1046        '''
1047        n = self.op.shape[0]
1048        I = np.eye(n)
1049        r = gate(matrix(block_diag(I,self.op)))
1050        r.name = 'controlled %s'%self.name
1051        return r
1053def controlled(A):
1054    '''controlled gate
1055    '''
1056    n = A.op.shape[0]
1057    I = np.eye(n)
1058    r = operator(block_diag(I,A.op))
1059    return r
1061def Rz(phi):
1062    '''phase rotation gate
1063    '''
1064    i = 1j
1065    r = operator(diag([1,np.exp(i*phi)]))
1066    return r
1068def XX(phi):
1069    '''Ising (XX) gate
1070    '''
1071    R = Rz(phi)
1072    I = np.eye(2)
1073    i = 1j
1074    xx = operator(np.block([[I, -i*(X*R).op],
1075                        [-i*(R*X).op, I]]))/np.sqrt(2.)
1076    return xx
1078if 'sphinx' not in sys.modules:
1079    sx = operator('sx')
1080    sy = operator('sy')
1081    sz = operator('sz')
1082    H = gate('H')
1083    X = gate('X')
1084    Y = gate('Y')
1085    Z = gate('Z')
1086    # H = (sx+sz).N
1087    # X = sx
1088    # Y = sy
1089    # Z = sz
1091    NOT = X
1092    # sNOT = NOT.sqrt()
1093    # cNOT = NOT.controlled()
1094    sNOT = operator(sqrtm(NOT.op))
1095    cNOT = controlled(NOT)
1097    S = operator([[1,0,0,0],
1098                  [0,0,1,0],
1099                  [0,1,0,0],
1100                  [0,0,0,1]])
1102    SWAP = S
1103    sSWAP = operator(sqrtm(SWAP.op))
1104    cSWAP = operator(block_diag(np.eye(4),SWAP.op))
1105    cX = cNOT
1106    I = np.eye(2)
1107    ccNOT = operator(block_diag(I,I,NOT.op))
1110#====================== Tests =======================
1111import sys
1112# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5067604/determine-function-name-from-within-that-function-without-using-traceback
1113# for current func name, specify 0 or no argument.
1114# for name of caller of current func, specify 1.
1115# for name of caller of caller of current func, specify 2. etc.
1117def currentFuncName(n=0):
1118    return sys._getframe(n + 1).f_code.co_name
1120def head():
1121    bling = '-'*60
1122    print ('<%s> %s'%(currentFuncName(1),bling))
1124def tail():
1125    blin2 = '-'*30
1126    print ('<%s> %s PASSED %s'%(currentFuncName(1),blin2,blin2))
1128def test1():
1129    head()
1130    uuu = ket('|uuu>')
1131    print ('%r has %d particles'%(uuu,uuu.n_particles))
1132    print (uuu)
1133    tail()
1135def test2():
1136    head()
1137    a = ket('|ud>') + ket('|du>')
1138    print (a)
1139    b = a.H
1140    print (b)
1141    a.normalize()
1142    print (a)
1143    print (a.H)
1144    tail()
1146def test3():
1147    head()
1148    c = bra('<uuduud|')
1149    print ('*'*60)
1150    print (c.basis)
1151    print ('*'*60)
1152    print (c.bases)
1153    print ('*'*60)
1154    tail()
1156def test4():
1157    global u,d,A,r,l
1158    head()
1159    u = state([1,0])
1160    d = state([0,1])
1161    A = u*u.H - d*d.H
1162    r = (u+d).normalized()
1163    l = (u-d).normalized()
1164    A*r
1165    print (A*r,l)
1166    assert A*r == l
1167    tail()
1169def test5():
1170    head()
1171    u = state('|u>')
1172    d = state('|d>')
1173    sz = u*u.H - d*d.H
1174    s0 = u*u.H + d*d.H
1175    sz1 = sz**s0
1176    sz2 = s0**sz
1177    s = u**(u+d).normalized()
1178    sz1.measure(s)
1179    sz2.measure(s)
1181    uu = u**u
1182    ud = u**d
1183    du = d**u
1184    dd = d**d
1185    s = (uu+ud).normalized()
1186    sz1.measure(s) # (+1,uu+ud)
1187    sz2.measure(s) # { (+1,uu) or (-1,ud) }
1188    s = (du+dd).normalized()
1189    sz1.measure(s) # (-1,du+dd)
1190    sz2.measure(s) # { (+1,uu) or (-1,dd) }
1192    s = uu + dd
1193    s.normalize()
1194    (sz**s0).measure(s) # { (+1,uu} or {-1,dd})}
1195    s = (u+d)**(u+d)
1196    s.normalize()
1197    (sz**s0).measure(s) # { (+1,uu+ud ) or (-1,du+dd) }
1199    tail()
1201def test6():
1202    head()
1203    u = ket([1,0])
1204    d = ket([0,1])
1205    s = (u**d - d**u).N
1206    Sz = u*u.H - d*d.H
1207    S0 = u*u.H + d*d.H
1208    s = ket(list(np.random.normal(size=(8)))).N
1209    c = s.correlation()
1210    print(c)
1211    P = [s.prob(Sz**S0**S0,ket(x)) for x in s.basis]
1212    print(np.sum(P))
1213    s1 = (u**d - 0*d**u).N**(u**d + d**u).N
1214    s2 = (0*u**d - d**u).N**(u**d + d**u).N
1215    rho = 0.5*s1.density() + 0.5*s2.density()
1216    print(rho)
1217    tail()
1219def all_tests():
1220    test1()
1221    test2()
1222    test3()
1223    test4()
1224    test5()
1225    test6()
1226    test_spin()
1227    test_entangled()
1228    test_ptrace()
1229    test_readme()
1231s0 = operator('s0')
1232sx = operator('sx')
1233sy = operator('sy')
1234sz = operator('sz')
1235u = state('|u>')
1236d = state('|d>')
1238uu = u**u
1239ud = u**d
1240du = d**u
1241dd = d**d
1242# singlet state
1243s = (ud - du).N
1244# triplet states
1245t1 = uu
1246t2 = (ud + du).N
1247t3 = dd
1249# spin of an electron
1250sx_e = sx/2.
1251sy_e = sy/2.
1252sz_e = sz/2.
1253spinx = (sx_e**s0) + (s0**sx_e)
1254spiny = (sy_e**s0) + (s0**sy_e)
1255spinz = (sz_e**s0) + (s0**sz_e)
1256spinx2 = spinx*spinx
1257spiny2 = spiny*spiny
1258spinz2 = spinz*spinz
1259spin2 = spinx2 + spiny2 + spinz2
1261def test_spin():
1262    """ calculate the spin of an electron and pairs of electrons
1263    """
1264    head()
1265    print ('spin of the electron along z axis is 1/2:')
1266    print (u.H*sz_e*u)
1267    print ('magnitude of the spin is sqrt(3)/2:')
1268    print ('  quantum number is J=1/2 so')
1269    print ('  spin = sqrt( J*(J+1) ) = sqrt( (1/2)*(3/2) ) = 0.866')
1270    print (np.sqrt( u.H*(sx_e*sx_e + sy_e*sy_e + sz_e*sz_e)*u ))
1271    print ('magnitude of spin of the singlet state is zero:')
1272    print (np.sqrt( s.H*spin2*s ))
1273    print ('magnitudes of spins of the triplet states are sqrt(2):')
1274    print ('  quantum number of paired triplet state is J=1 so')
1275    print ('  spin = sqrt( J*(J+1) ) = sqrt(2) = 1.414')
1276    print (np.sqrt( t1.H*spin2*t1 ))
1277    print (np.sqrt( t2.H*spin2*t2 ))
1278    print (np.sqrt( t3.H*spin2*t3 ))
1279    print ('spins of triplet states projected onto z axis:')
1280    print ('  these are the m quantum nummbers and should be +1, 0, -1')
1281    print (t1.H*spinz*t1)
1282    print (t2.H*spinz*t2)
1283    print (t3.H*spinz*t3)
1284    tail()
1286def test_entangled(s = s):
1287    """ the argument can be any mixed state of two particles.
1288    the singlet state is the default argument.
1289    """
1290    head()
1291    print ('(perhaps) entangled state:')
1292    print (s)
1293    print ('Alice and Bob:')
1294    print (s.density())
1295    print ("Alice's view:")
1296    rhoA = ptrace(s.density(),[1])
1297    rhoB = ptrace(s.density(),[0])
1298    #rhoA,rhoB = s.density1()
1299    print (rhoA)
1300    print ("Bob's view:")
1301    print (rhoB)
1302    print ("entropy of Alices's view")
1303    S = entropy(rhoA)
1304    S_frac = entropy(rhoA,frac=True)
1305    print ('S = %.3f which is %.1f%% of max entropy'%(S,S_frac*100))
1306    print ("entropy of Bob's view")
1307    S = entropy(rhoB)
1308    S_frac = entropy(rhoB,frac=True)
1309    print ('S = %.3f which is %.1f%% of max entropy'%(S,S_frac*100))
1310    print ('tests for entanglement')
1311    rho = s.density()
1312    rhoA = s.density1(0)
1313    print ('density matrix trace test:')
1314    print ('trace(rho_Alice^2) =',np.trace(rhoA*rhoA))
1315    print ('(if it is < 1, the particles are entangled)')
1316    print ('correlation tests <AB> - <A><B>')
1317    cor = []
1318    scor = []
1319    for a,sa in zip([sx,sy,sz],['x','y','z']):
1320        cor_row = []
1321        scor_row = []
1322        for b,sb in zip([sx,sy,sz],['x','y','z']):
1323            scor_row.append('c'+sa+sb)
1324            sigma = (a**s0) # measures first particle without affecting 2nd
1325            tau = (s0**b) # measures second particle without affecting first
1326            c = s.H*(sigma*tau)*s - (s.H*sigma*s)*(s.H*tau*s)
1327            cor_row.append(c)
1328        scor.append(scor_row)
1329        cor.append(cor_row)
1330    cor = np.matrix(cor).real
1331    scor = np.matrix(scor)
1332    print ('correlation ')
1333    print (scor)
1334    print (cor)
1335    #
1336    # cxx = s.H*((sx**s0)*(s0**sx))*s - (s.H*((sx**s0))*s)*(s.H*((s0**sx))*s)
1337    # cyy = s.H*((sy**s0)*(s0**sy))*s - (s.H*((sy**s0))*s)*(s.H*((s0**sy))*s)
1338    # czz = s.H*((sz**s0)*(s0**sz))*s - (s.H*((sz**s0))*s)*(s.H*((s0**sz))*s)
1339    # print 'correlation x,y,z = ',cxx,cyy,czz
1340    print ('(if any correlation != 0, the particles are entangled)')
1341    tail()
1343def test_ptrace():
1344    head()
1345    s = u**d - d**u
1346    s = (s**s).N
1347    den = ptrace(s.density(),[1,3])
1348    den = ptrace(s.density(),[])
1349    den = ptrace(s.density(),range(s.n_particles))
1350    tail()
1352def test_readme():
1353    head()
1354    # from the README.rst
1355    print('Spin states')
1356    #from qspin2 import bra,ket,u,d,s0,sx,sy,sz
1357    u = ket('|u>')
1358    d = ket('|d>')
1359    print(u)
1360    print(d)
1361    print(u+d)
1362    i=1j
1363    print(u+i*d)
1364    print('Operators')
1365    print(sx)
1366    print(sy)
1367    print(sz)
1368    print(sz*u)
1369    print(sz*d)
1370    print(u.H*sz*u)
1371    print(u)
1372    print(u.phi)
1373    print('eigenvalues and eigenvectors')
1374    #import numpy as np
1375    print(sz)
1376    ev,evec = np.linalg.eig(sz.matrix)
1377    print(ev)
1378    print(evec)
1379    print(sx) # spin x
1380    ev, evec = np.linalg.eig(sx.matrix)
1381    print(ev)
1382    print(evec)
1383    ev, evec = sx.eig()
1384    print(ev)
1385    print(evec)
1386    print('conditional probabilities')
1387    l = (u+d).N
1388    print(np.abs(bra(l)*ket(u))**2)
1389    print(np.abs(l.H*u)**2)
1390    print(l.prob(sz,u))
1391    print('string representation of state')
1392    set_base_repr('01')
1393    u = ket('0')
1394    d = ket('1')
1395    s = (u**d - d**u).N
1396    print(s)
1397    set_base_repr('arrow')
1398    u = ket(u'\u2193')
1399    d = ket(u'\u2191')
1400    s = (u**d-d**u).N
1401    print(s)
1402    set_base_repr('ud')
1403    u = ket('u')
1404    d = ket('d')
1406    print('partial trace')
1407    s = (u**d - d**u).N
1408    rho = s.density()
1409    rhoA = ptrace(rho,[1])
1410    print(rhoA)
1412    print('entanglement')
1413    #from qspin2 import ket
1414    u = ket('u')
1415    d = ket('d')
1416    s = (u**d - d**u).N
1417    print(s.entangled())
1418    tail()