1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 /***************************************************************************
8     begin                : Oct 2005
9     copyright            : (C) 2005 by Craig Bradney
10     email                : cbradney@zip.com.au
11  ***************************************************************************/
13 /***************************************************************************
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
16  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
17  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
18  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
19  *                                                                         *
20  ***************************************************************************/
24 #include <QMessageBox>
26 #include "scribusapi.h"
28  /**
29   * \brief This class provides alternate versions of QMessageBox functions
30   * that write to log files when Scribus does not have a GUI.
31   * This class is identical to QMessageBox except that provides an optional default batch button.
32   * In batch mode, functions return the default batch button when it is not NoButton,
33   * otherwise they return the default button when it is not NoButton,
34   * otherwise they return one of the standard buttons.
35   * If a dialog asks "Are you sure that you want to do this?",
36   * the default button can be No to keep users from accidentally destroying data,
37   * while the batch button can be Yes to allow scripts to do what they need.
38   * This class does not include QMessageBox functions marked obsolete in Qt5.
39   * Use non-obsolete functions instead.
40   */
41 class SCRIBUS_API ScMessageBox : public QMessageBox
42 {
45 public:
46 	// Property-based API
47 	ScMessageBox(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
48 	ScMessageBox(QMessageBox::Icon icon, const QString &title, const QString &text,
49 		QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons = QMessageBox::NoButton, QWidget *parent = nullptr,
50 		Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::Dialog | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint);
51 	int exec();
52 	QAbstractButton *clickedButton() const;
53 	void setDefaultBatchButton(QPushButton *button);
54 	void setDefaultBatchButton(StandardButton button);
56 	// Static function API
57 	static QMessageBox::StandardButton information(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text,
58 			StandardButtons buttons = Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = NoButton, StandardButton defaultBatchButton = NoButton);
60 	static QMessageBox::StandardButton question(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text,
61 			StandardButtons buttons = StandardButtons(Yes | No), StandardButton defaultButton = NoButton, StandardButton defaultBatchButton = NoButton);
63 	static QMessageBox::StandardButton warning(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text,
64 			StandardButtons buttons = Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = NoButton, StandardButton defaultBatchButton = NoButton);
66 	static QMessageBox::StandardButton critical(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text,
67 			StandardButtons buttons = Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = NoButton, StandardButton defaultBatchButton = NoButton);
69 	static void about(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text);
70 	static void aboutQt(QWidget *parent, const QString &title = QString());
72 private:
73 	// Saved fields for the property-based API
74 	QString messageTitle;
75 	QPushButton *defaultBatchPushButton;
76 	StandardButton defaultBatchStandardButton;
78 	// Initialize private variables
79 	void initScMessageBox();
81 	// Find the appropriate default button
82 	static QMessageBox::StandardButton findDefaultButton(QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons, QMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton, StandardButton defaultBatchButton);
83 };
85 #endif