1from copy import deepcopy
2from warnings import warn
3import types
5from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
7import numpy as np
8from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
9from nibabel.streamlines import ArraySequence as Streamlines
10from dipy.tracking.streamlinespeed import (compress_streamlines, length,
11                                           set_number_of_points)
12from dipy.tracking.distances import bundles_distances_mdf
13import dipy.tracking.utils as ut
14from dipy.core.geometry import dist_to_corner
15from dipy.core.interpolation import (interpolate_vector_3d,
16                                     interpolate_scalar_3d)
19def unlist_streamlines(streamlines):
20    """ Return the streamlines not as a list but as an array and an offset
22    Parameters
23    ----------
24    streamlines: sequence
26    Returns
27    -------
28    points : array
29    offsets : array
31    """
33    points = np.concatenate(streamlines, axis=0)
34    offsets = np.zeros(len(streamlines), dtype='i8')
36    curr_pos = 0
37    for (i, s) in enumerate(streamlines):
39        prev_pos = curr_pos
40        curr_pos += s.shape[0]
41        points[prev_pos:curr_pos] = s
42        offsets[i] = curr_pos
44    return points, offsets
47def relist_streamlines(points, offsets):
48    """ Given a representation of a set of streamlines as a large array and
49    an offsets array return the streamlines as a list of shorter arrays.
51    Parameters
52    -----------
53    points : array
54    offsets : array
56    Returns
57    -------
58    streamlines: sequence
59    """
61    streamlines = []
63    streamlines.append(points[0: offsets[0]])
65    for i in range(len(offsets) - 1):
66        streamlines.append(points[offsets[i]: offsets[i + 1]])
68    return streamlines
71def center_streamlines(streamlines):
72    """ Move streamlines to the origin
74    Parameters
75    ----------
76    streamlines : list
77        List of 2D ndarrays of shape[-1]==3
79    Returns
80    -------
81    new_streamlines : list
82        List of 2D ndarrays of shape[-1]==3
83    inv_shift : ndarray
84        Translation in x,y,z to go back in the initial position
86    """
87    center = np.mean(np.concatenate(streamlines, axis=0), axis=0)
88    return [s - center for s in streamlines], center
91def deform_streamlines(streamlines,
92                       deform_field,
93                       stream_to_current_grid,
94                       current_grid_to_world,
95                       stream_to_ref_grid,
96                       ref_grid_to_world):
97    """ Apply deformation field to streamlines
99    Parameters
100    ----------
101    streamlines : list
102        List of 2D ndarrays of shape[-1]==3
103    deform_field : 4D numpy array
104        x,y,z displacements stored in volume, shape[-1]==3
105    stream_to_current_grid : array, (4, 4)
106        transform matrix voxmm space to original grid space
107    current_grid_to_world : array (4, 4)
108        transform matrix original grid space to world coordinates
109    stream_to_ref_grid : array (4, 4)
110        transform matrix voxmm space to new grid space
111    ref_grid_to_world : array(4, 4)
112        transform matrix new grid space to world coordinates
114    Returns
115    -------
116    new_streamlines : list
117        List of the transformed 2D ndarrays of shape[-1]==3
118    """
120    if deform_field.shape[-1] != 3:
121        raise ValueError("Last dimension of deform_field needs shape==3")
123    stream_in_curr_grid = transform_streamlines(streamlines,
124                                                stream_to_current_grid)
125    displacements = values_from_volume(deform_field, stream_in_curr_grid,
126                                       np.eye(4))
127    stream_in_world = transform_streamlines(stream_in_curr_grid,
128                                            current_grid_to_world)
129    new_streams_in_world = [sum(d, s) for d, s in zip(displacements,
130                                                      stream_in_world)]
131    new_streams_grid = transform_streamlines(new_streams_in_world,
132                                             np.linalg.inv(ref_grid_to_world))
133    new_streamlines = transform_streamlines(new_streams_grid,
134                                            np.linalg.inv(stream_to_ref_grid))
135    return new_streamlines
138def transform_streamlines(streamlines, mat, in_place=False):
139    """ Apply affine transformation to streamlines
141    Parameters
142    ----------
143    streamlines : Streamlines
144        Streamlines object
145    mat : array, (4, 4)
146        transformation matrix
147    in_place : bool
148        If True then change data in place.
149        Be careful changes input streamlines.
151    Returns
152    -------
153    new_streamlines : Streamlines
154        Sequence transformed 2D ndarrays of shape[-1]==3
155    """
156    # using new Streamlines API
157    if isinstance(streamlines, Streamlines):
158        if in_place:
159            streamlines._data = apply_affine(mat, streamlines._data)
160            return streamlines
161        new_streamlines = streamlines.copy()
162        new_streamlines._data = apply_affine(mat, new_streamlines._data)
163        return new_streamlines
164    # supporting old data structure of streamlines
165    return [apply_affine(mat, s) for s in streamlines]
168def select_random_set_of_streamlines(streamlines, select, rng=None):
169    """ Select a random set of streamlines
171    Parameters
172    ----------
173    streamlines : Steamlines
174        Object of 2D ndarrays of shape[-1]==3
176    select : int
177        Number of streamlines to select. If there are less streamlines
178        than ``select`` then ``select=len(streamlines)``.
180    rng : RandomState
181        Default None.
183    Returns
184    -------
185    selected_streamlines : list
187    Notes
188    -----
189    The same streamline will not be selected twice.
190    """
191    len_s = len(streamlines)
192    if rng is None:
193        rng = np.random.RandomState()
194    index = rng.choice(len_s, min(select, len_s), replace=False)
195    if isinstance(streamlines, Streamlines):
196        return streamlines[index]
197    return [streamlines[i] for i in index]
200def select_by_rois(streamlines, affine, rois, include, mode=None,
201                   tol=None):
202    """Select streamlines based on logical relations with several regions of
203    interest (ROIs). For example, select streamlines that pass near ROI1,
204    but only if they do not pass near ROI2.
206    Parameters
207    ----------
208    streamlines : list
209        A list of candidate streamlines for selection
210    affine : array_like (4, 4)
211        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.
212        The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
213    rois : list or ndarray
214        A list of 3D arrays, each with shape (x, y, z) corresponding to the
215        shape of the brain volume, or a 4D array with shape (n_rois, x, y,
216        z). Non-zeros in each volume are considered to be within the region
217    include : array or list
218        A list or 1D array of boolean values marking inclusion or exclusion
219        criteria. If a streamline is near any of the inclusion ROIs, it
220        should evaluate to True, unless it is also near any of the exclusion
221        ROIs.
222    mode : string, optional
223        One of {"any", "all", "either_end", "both_end"}, where a streamline is
224        associated with an ROI if:
226        "any" : any point is within tol from ROI. Default.
228        "all" : all points are within tol from ROI.
230        "either_end" : either of the end-points is within tol from ROI
232        "both_end" : both end points are within tol from ROI.
233    tol : float
234        Distance (in the units of the streamlines, usually mm). If any
235        coordinate in the streamline is within this distance from the center
236        of any voxel in the ROI, the filtering criterion is set to True for
237        this streamline, otherwise False. Defaults to the distance between
238        the center of each voxel and the corner of the voxel.
240    Notes
241    -----
242    The only operation currently possible is "(A or B or ...) and not (X or Y
243    or ...)", where A, B are inclusion regions and X, Y are exclusion regions.
245    Returns
246    -------
247    generator
248       Generates the streamlines to be included based on these criteria.
250    See also
251    --------
252    :func:`dipy.tracking.utils.near_roi`
253    :func:`dipy.tracking.utils.reduce_rois`
255    Examples
256    --------
257    >>> streamlines = [np.array([[0, 0., 0.9],
258    ...                          [1.9, 0., 0.]]),
259    ...                np.array([[0., 0., 0],
260    ...                          [0, 1., 1.],
261    ...                          [0, 2., 2.]]),
262    ...                np.array([[2, 2, 2],
263    ...                          [3, 3, 3]])]
264    >>> mask1 = np.zeros((4, 4, 4), dtype=bool)
265    >>> mask2 = np.zeros_like(mask1)
266    >>> mask1[0, 0, 0] = True
267    >>> mask2[1, 0, 0] = True
268    >>> selection = select_by_rois(streamlines, np.eye(4), [mask1, mask2],
269    ...                            [True, True],
270    ...                            tol=1)
271    >>> list(selection) # The result is a generator
272    [array([[ 0. ,  0. ,  0.9],
273           [ 1.9,  0. ,  0. ]]), array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
274           [ 0.,  1.,  1.],
275           [ 0.,  2.,  2.]])]
276    >>> selection = select_by_rois(streamlines, np.eye(4), [mask1, mask2],
277    ...                            [True, False],
278    ...                            tol=0.87)
279    >>> list(selection)
280    [array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
281           [ 0.,  1.,  1.],
282           [ 0.,  2.,  2.]])]
283    >>> selection = select_by_rois(streamlines, np.eye(4), [mask1, mask2],
284    ...                            [True, True],
285    ...                            mode="both_end",
286    ...                            tol=1.0)
287    >>> list(selection)
288    [array([[ 0. ,  0. ,  0.9],
289           [ 1.9,  0. ,  0. ]])]
290    >>> mask2[0, 2, 2] = True
291    >>> selection = select_by_rois(streamlines, np.eye(4), [mask1, mask2],
292    ...                            [True, True],
293    ...                            mode="both_end",
294    ...                            tol=1.0)
295    >>> list(selection)
296    [array([[ 0. ,  0. ,  0.9],
297           [ 1.9,  0. ,  0. ]]), array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
298           [ 0.,  1.,  1.],
299           [ 0.,  2.,  2.]])]
300    """
301    # This calculates the maximal distance to a corner of the voxel:
302    dtc = dist_to_corner(affine)
303    if tol is None:
304        tol = dtc
305    elif tol < dtc:
306        w_s = "Tolerance input provided would create gaps in your"
307        w_s += " inclusion ROI. Setting to: %s" % dist_to_corner
308        warn(w_s)
309        tol = dtc
310    include_roi, exclude_roi = ut.reduce_rois(rois, include)
311    include_roi_coords = np.array(np.where(include_roi)).T
312    x_include_roi_coords = apply_affine(affine, include_roi_coords)
313    exclude_roi_coords = np.array(np.where(exclude_roi)).T
314    x_exclude_roi_coords = apply_affine(affine, exclude_roi_coords)
316    if mode is None:
317        mode = "any"
318    for sl in streamlines:
319        include = ut.streamline_near_roi(sl, x_include_roi_coords, tol=tol,
320                                         mode=mode)
321        exclude = ut.streamline_near_roi(sl, x_exclude_roi_coords, tol=tol,
322                                         mode=mode)
323        if include & ~exclude:
324            yield sl
327def cluster_confidence(streamlines, max_mdf=5, subsample=12, power=1,
328                       override=False):
329    """ Computes the cluster confidence index (cci), which is an
330    estimation of the support a set of streamlines gives to
331    a particular pathway.
333    Ex: A single streamline with no others in the dataset
334    following a similar pathway has a low cci. A streamline
335    in a bundle of 100 streamlines that follow similar
336    pathways has a high cci.
338    See: Jordan et al. 2017
339    (Based on streamline MDF distance from Garyfallidis et al. 2012)
341    Parameters
342    ----------
343    streamlines : list of 2D (N, 3) arrays
344        A sequence of streamlines of length N (# streamlines)
345    max_mdf : int
346        The maximum MDF distance (mm) that will be considered a
347        "supporting" streamline and included in cci calculation
348    subsample: int
349        The number of points that are considered for each streamline
350        in the calculation. To save on calculation time, each
351        streamline is subsampled to subsampleN points.
352    power: int
353        The power to which the MDF distance for each streamline
354        will be raised to determine how much it contributes to
355        the cci. High values of power make the contribution value
356        degrade much faster. E.g., a streamline with 5mm MDF
357        similarity contributes 1/5 to the cci if power is 1, but
358        only contributes 1/5^2 = 1/25 if power is 2.
359    override: bool, False by default
360        override means that the cci calculation will still occur even
361        though there are short streamlines in the dataset that may alter
362        expected behaviour.
364    Returns
365    -------
366    Returns an array of CCI scores
368    References
369    ----------
370    [Jordan17] Jordan K. Et al., Cluster Confidence Index: A Streamline-Wise
371    Pathway Reproducibility Metric for Diffusion-Weighted MRI Tractography,
372    Journal of Neuroimaging, vol 28, no 1, 2017.
374    [Garyfallidis12] Garyfallidis E. et al., QuickBundles a method for
375    tractography simplification, Frontiers in Neuroscience,
376    vol 6, no 175, 2012.
378    """
380    # error if any streamlines are shorter than 20mm
381    lengths = list(length(streamlines))
382    if min(lengths) < 20 and not override:
383        raise ValueError('Short streamlines found. We recommend removing them.'
384                         ' To continue without removing short streamlines set'
385                         ' override=True')
387    # calculate the pairwise MDF distance between all streamlines in dataset
388    subsamp_sls = set_number_of_points(streamlines, subsample)
390    cci_score_mtrx = np.zeros([len(subsamp_sls)])
392    for i, sl in enumerate(subsamp_sls):
393        mdf_mx = bundles_distances_mdf([subsamp_sls[i]], subsamp_sls)
394        if (mdf_mx == 0).sum() > 1:
395            raise ValueError('Identical streamlines. CCI calculation invalid')
396        mdf_mx_oi = (mdf_mx > 0) & (mdf_mx < max_mdf) & ~ np.isnan(mdf_mx)
397        mdf_mx_oi_only = mdf_mx[mdf_mx_oi]
398        cci_score = np.sum(np.divide(1, np.power(mdf_mx_oi_only, power)))
399        cci_score_mtrx[i] = cci_score
401    return cci_score_mtrx
404def _orient_by_roi_generator(out, roi1, roi2):
405    """
406    Helper function to `orient_by_rois`
408    Performs the inner loop separately. This is needed, because functions with
409    `yield` always return a generator
410    """
411    for idx, sl in enumerate(out):
412        dist1 = cdist(sl, roi1, 'euclidean')
413        dist2 = cdist(sl, roi2, 'euclidean')
414        min1 = np.argmin(dist1, 0)
415        min2 = np.argmin(dist2, 0)
416        if min1[0] > min2[0]:
417            yield sl[::-1]
418        else:
419            yield sl
422def _orient_by_roi_list(out, roi1, roi2):
423    """
424    Helper function to `orient_by_rois`
426    Performs the inner loop separately. This is needed, because functions with
427    `yield` always return a generator.
429    Flips the streamlines in place (as needed) and returns a reference to the
430    updated list.
431    """
432    for idx, sl in enumerate(out):
433        dist1 = cdist(sl, roi1, 'euclidean')
434        dist2 = cdist(sl, roi2, 'euclidean')
435        min1 = np.argmin(dist1, 0)
436        min2 = np.argmin(dist2, 0)
437        if min1[0] > min2[0]:
438            out[idx][:, 0] = sl[::-1][:, 0]
439            out[idx][:, 1] = sl[::-1][:, 1]
440            out[idx][:, 2] = sl[::-1][:, 2]
441    return out
444def orient_by_rois(streamlines, affine, roi1, roi2, in_place=False,
445                   as_generator=False):
446    """Orient a set of streamlines according to a pair of ROIs
448    Parameters
449    ----------
450    streamlines : list or generator
451        List or generator of 2d arrays of 3d coordinates. Each array contains
452        the xyz coordinates of a single streamline.
453    affine : array_like (4, 4)
454        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.
455        The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
456    roi1, roi2 : ndarray
457        Binary masks designating the location of the regions of interest, or
458        coordinate arrays (n-by-3 array with ROI coordinate in each row).
459    in_place : bool
460        Whether to make the change in-place in the original list
461        (and return a reference to the list), or to make a copy of the list
462        and return this copy, with the relevant streamlines reoriented.
463        Default: False.
464    as_generator : bool
465        Whether to return a generator as output. Default: False
467    Returns
468    -------
469    streamlines : list or generator
470        The same 3D arrays as a list or generator, but reoriented with respect
471        to the ROIs
473    Examples
474    --------
475    >>> streamlines = [np.array([[0, 0., 0],
476    ...                          [1, 0., 0.],
477    ...                          [2, 0., 0.]]),
478    ...                np.array([[2, 0., 0.],
479    ...                          [1, 0., 0],
480    ...                          [0, 0,  0.]])]
481    >>> roi1 = np.zeros((4, 4, 4), dtype=bool)
482    >>> roi2 = np.zeros_like(roi1)
483    >>> roi1[0, 0, 0] = True
484    >>> roi2[1, 0, 0] = True
485    >>> orient_by_rois(streamlines, np.eye(4), roi1, roi2)
486    [array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
487           [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
488           [ 2.,  0.,  0.]]), array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
489           [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
490           [ 2.,  0.,  0.]])]
492    """
493    # If we don't already have coordinates on our hands:
494    if len(roi1.shape) == 3:
495        roi1 = np.asarray(np.where(roi1.astype(bool))).T
496    if len(roi2.shape) == 3:
497        roi2 = np.asarray(np.where(roi2.astype(bool))).T
499    roi1 = apply_affine(affine, roi1)
500    roi2 = apply_affine(affine, roi2)
502    if as_generator:
503        if in_place:
504            w_s = "Cannot return a generator when in_place is set to True"
505            raise ValueError(w_s)
506        return _orient_by_roi_generator(streamlines, roi1, roi2)
508    # If it's a generator on input, we may as well generate it
509    # here and now:
510    if isinstance(streamlines, types.GeneratorType):
511        out = Streamlines(streamlines)
513    elif in_place:
514        out = streamlines
515    else:
516        # Make a copy, so you don't change the output in place:
517        out = deepcopy(streamlines)
519    return _orient_by_roi_list(out, roi1, roi2)
522def _orient_by_sl_generator(out, std_array, fgarray):
523    """Helper function that implements the generator version of this """
524    for idx, sl in enumerate(fgarray):
525        dist_direct = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum((sl - std_array) ** 2, -1)))
526        dist_flipped = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum((sl[::-1] - std_array) ** 2, -1)))
527        if dist_direct > dist_flipped:
528            yield out[idx][::-1]
529        else:
530            yield out[idx]
533def _orient_by_sl_list(out, std_array, fgarray):
534    """Helper function that implements the sequence version of this"""
535    for idx, sl in enumerate(fgarray):
536        dist_direct = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum((sl - std_array) ** 2, -1)))
537        dist_flipped = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum((sl[::-1] - std_array) ** 2, -1)))
538        if dist_direct > dist_flipped:
539            out[idx][:, 0] = out[idx][::-1][:, 0]
540            out[idx][:, 1] = out[idx][::-1][:, 1]
541            out[idx][:, 2] = out[idx][::-1][:, 2]
542    return out
545def orient_by_streamline(streamlines, standard, n_points=12, in_place=False,
546                         as_generator=False):
547    """
548    Orient a bundle of streamlines to a standard streamline.
550    Parameters
551    ----------
552    streamlines : Streamlines, list
553        The input streamlines to orient.
554    standard : Streamlines, list, or ndarrray
555        This provides the standard orientation according to which the
556        streamlines in the provided bundle should be reoriented.
557    n_points: int, optional
558        The number of samples to apply to each of the streamlines.
559    in_place : bool
560        Whether to make the change in-place in the original input
561        (and return a reference), or to make a copy of the list
562        and return this copy, with the relevant streamlines reoriented.
563        Default: False.
564    as_generator : bool
565        Whether to return a generator as output. Default: False
567    Returns
568    -------
569    Streamlines : with each individual array oriented to be as similar as
570        possible to the standard.
572    """
573    # Start by resampling, so that distance calculation is easy:
574    fgarray = set_number_of_points(streamlines,  n_points)
575    std_array = set_number_of_points([standard],  n_points)
577    if as_generator:
578        if in_place:
579            w_s = "Cannot return a generator when in_place is set to True"
580            raise ValueError(w_s)
581        return _orient_by_sl_generator(streamlines, std_array, fgarray)
583    # If it's a generator on input, we may as well generate it
584    # here and now:
585    if isinstance(streamlines, types.GeneratorType):
586        out = Streamlines(streamlines)
588    elif in_place:
589        out = streamlines
590    else:
591        # Make a copy, so you don't change the output in place:
592        out = deepcopy(streamlines)
594    return _orient_by_sl_list(out, std_array, fgarray)
597def _extract_vals(data, streamlines, affine, threedvec=False):
598    """
599    Helper function for use with `values_from_volume`.
601    Parameters
602    ----------
603    data : 3D or 4D array
604        Scalar (for 3D) and vector (for 4D) values to be extracted. For 4D
605        data, interpolation will be done on the 3 spatial dimensions in each
606        volume.
608    streamlines : ndarray or list
609        If array, of shape (n_streamlines, n_nodes, 3)
610        If list, len(n_streamlines) with (n_nodes, 3) array in
611        each element of the list.
613    affine : array_like (4, 4)
614        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.
615        The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
617    threedvec : bool
618        Whether the last dimension has length 3. This is a special case in
619        which we can use :func:`dipy.core.interpolate.interpolate_vector_3d`
620        for the interploation of 4D volumes without looping over the elements
621        of the last dimension.
623    Returns
624    ---------
625    array or list (depending on the input) : values interpolate to each
626        coordinate along the length of each streamline
627    """
628    data = data.astype(float)
629    if (isinstance(streamlines, list) or
630            isinstance(streamlines, types.GeneratorType) or
631            isinstance(streamlines, Streamlines)):
632        streamlines = transform_streamlines(streamlines,
633                                            np.linalg.inv(affine))
634        vals = []
635        for sl in streamlines:
636            if threedvec:
637                vals.append(list(interpolate_vector_3d(
638                    data, sl.astype(float))[0]))
639            else:
640                vals.append(list(interpolate_scalar_3d(
641                    data, sl.astype(float))[0]))
643    elif isinstance(streamlines, np.ndarray):
644        sl_shape = streamlines.shape
645        sl_cat = streamlines.reshape(sl_shape[0] *
646                                     sl_shape[1], 3).astype(float)
648        inv_affine = np.linalg.inv(affine)
649        sl_cat = (np.dot(sl_cat, inv_affine[:3, :3]) +
650                  inv_affine[:3, 3])
652        # So that we can index in one operation:
653        if threedvec:
654            vals = np.array(interpolate_vector_3d(data, sl_cat)[0])
655        else:
656            vals = np.array(interpolate_scalar_3d(data, sl_cat)[0])
657        vals = np.reshape(vals, (sl_shape[0], sl_shape[1], -1))
658        if vals.shape[-1] == 1:
659            vals = np.reshape(vals, vals.shape[:-1])
660    else:
661        raise RuntimeError("Extracting values from a volume ",
662                           "requires streamlines input as an array, ",
663                           "a list of arrays, or a streamline generator.")
665    return vals
668def values_from_volume(data, streamlines, affine):
669    """Extract values of a scalar/vector along each streamline from a volume.
671    Parameters
672    ----------
673    data : 3D or 4D array
674        Scalar (for 3D) and vector (for 4D) values to be extracted. For 4D
675        data, interpolation will be done on the 3 spatial dimensions in each
676        volume.
678    streamlines : ndarray or list
679        If array, of shape (n_streamlines, n_nodes, 3)
680        If list, len(n_streamlines) with (n_nodes, 3) array in
681        each element of the list.
683    affine : array_like (4, 4)
684        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.
685        The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
687    Returns
688    ---------
689    array or list (depending on the input) : values interpolate to each
690        coordinate along the length of each streamline.
692    Notes
693    -----
694    Values are extracted from the image based on the 3D coordinates of the
695    nodes that comprise the points in the streamline, without any interpolation
696    into segments between the nodes. Using this function with streamlines that
697    have been resampled into a very small number of nodes will result in very
698    few values.
699    """
700    data = np.asarray(data)
701    if len(data.shape) == 4:
702        if data.shape[-1] == 3:
703            return _extract_vals(data, streamlines, affine, threedvec=True)
704        if isinstance(streamlines, types.GeneratorType):
705            streamlines = Streamlines(streamlines)
706        vals = []
707        for ii in range(data.shape[-1]):
708            vals.append(_extract_vals(data[..., ii], streamlines, affine))
710        if isinstance(vals[-1], np.ndarray):
711            return np.swapaxes(np.array(vals), 2, 1).T
712        else:
713            new_vals = []
714            for sl_idx in range(len(streamlines)):
715                sl_vals = []
716                for ii in range(data.shape[-1]):
717                    sl_vals.append(vals[ii][sl_idx])
718                new_vals.append(np.array(sl_vals).T)
719            return new_vals
721    elif len(data.shape) == 3:
722        return _extract_vals(data, streamlines, affine)
723    else:
724        raise ValueError("Data needs to have 3 or 4 dimensions")
727def nbytes(streamlines):
728    return streamlines._data.nbytes / 1024. ** 2