2! Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
8! This module contains the variables and routines necessary to the implementation
9! of the two-dimensional Coulomb cutoff. Details of the implementation can be found in:
11! Sohier, T., Calandra, M., & Mauri, F. (2017),
12! "Density functional perturbation theory for gated two-dimensional heterostructures:
13! Theoretical developments and application to flexural phonons in graphene."
14! Physical Review B, 96(7), 75448. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.075448
17MODULE Coul_cut_2D
18  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19  !! This module contains the variables and subroutines needed for the
20  !! 2D Coulomb cutoff.
21  !
22  USE kinds,       ONLY : DP
23  USE constants,   ONLY : tpi, pi
24  !
25  SAVE
26  !
27  LOGICAL :: do_cutoff_2D = .FALSE.
28  !! flag for 2D cutoff. If true, the cutoff is active.
29  REAL(DP) :: lz
30  !! The distance in the out-plne direction after which potential are cut off.
31  !
32  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cutoff_2D(:)
33  !! The factor appended to the Coulomb Kernel to cut off potentials
34  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: lr_Vloc(:,:)
35  !! The long-range part of the local part of the ionic potential
36  !
40SUBROUTINE cutoff_fact()
41  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
42  !! This routine calculates the cutoff factor in G-space and stores it in
43  !! a vector called \(\text{cutoff_2D}(:)\), to be re-used in various routines.
44  !! See Eq.(24) of PRB 96, 075448
45  !
46  USE kinds
47  USE io_global,    ONLY : stdout
48  USE gvect,        ONLY : g, ngm, ngmx
49  USE cell_base,    ONLY : alat, celldm, at
50  !
52  !
53  ! ... local variables
54  !
55  INTEGER :: ng, i
56  ! counter over G vectors, cartesian coord.
57  REAL(DP) :: Gzlz, Gplz
58  !
59  ALLOCATE( cutoff_2D(ngmx) )
60  !
61  ! Message to indicate that the cutoff is active.
62  WRITE(stdout, *) "----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D"
63  WRITE(stdout, *) " The code is running with the 2D cutoff"
64  WRITE(stdout, *) " Please refer to:"
65  WRITE(stdout, *) " Sohier, T., Calandra, M., & Mauri, F. (2017), "
66  WRITE(stdout, *) " Density functional perturbation theory for gated two-dimensional heterostructures:"
67  WRITE(stdout, *) " Theoretical developments and application to flexural phonons in graphene."
68  WRITE(stdout, *) " Physical Review B, 96(7), 75448. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.075448"
69  WRITE(stdout, *) "----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D----2D"
70  !  at(:,i) are the lattice vectors of the simulation cell, a_i,
71  !  in alat units: a_i(:) = at(:,i)/alat
72  !  Check that material is in the x-y plane
73  DO i = 1, 2
74     IF (ABS(at(3,i))>1d-8) WRITE(stdout, *) "2D CODE WILL NOT WORK, 2D MATERIAL NOT IN X-Y PLANE!!"
76  ! define cutoff distnce and compute cutoff factor
77  lz = 0.5d0*at(3,3)*alat
78  DO ng = 1, ngm
79     Gplz = SQRT( g(1,ng)**2 + g(2,ng)**2 )*tpi*lz/alat
80     Gzlz = g(3,ng)*tpi*lz/alat
81     cutoff_2D(ng) = 1.0d0 - EXP(-Gplz)*COS(Gzlz)
83  !
85  !
86END SUBROUTINE cutoff_fact
89SUBROUTINE cutoff_lr_Vloc( )
90  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
91  !! This routine calculates the long-range part of \(\text{vloc}(g)\) for
92  !! 2D calculations.
93  !! See Eq. (32) of PRB 96, 075448.
94  !
95  USE kinds
96  USE constants,    ONLY : fpi, e2, eps8
97  USE fft_base,     ONLY : dfftp
98  USE gvect,        ONLY : ngm, gg, g, ngmx
99  ! gg is G^2 in increasing order (in units of tpiba2=(2pi/a)^2)
100  USE ions_base,    ONLY : zv, nsp
101  USE uspp_param,   ONLY : upf
102  USE cell_base,    ONLY : omega, tpiba2
103  !
105  !
106  ! ... local variables
107  !
108  INTEGER :: ng, nt, ng0
109  REAL(DP) ::fac
110  !
111  IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(lr_Vloc)) ALLOCATE( lr_Vloc(ngmx,nsp) )
112  !
113  lr_Vloc(:,:) = 0.0d0
114  ! set G=0 value to zero
115  IF (gg(1)<eps8) THEN
116     lr_Vloc(1,:) = 0.0d0
117     ng0 = 2
118  ELSE
119     ng0 = 1
120  ENDIF
121  ! Set g.neq.0 values
122  DO nt = 1, nsp
123     fac = upf(nt)%zp * e2 / tpiba2
124     DO ng = ng0, ngm
125        lr_Vloc(ng,nt) = - fpi / omega* fac * cutoff_2D(ng)* &
126                       & EXP( -gg(ng) * tpiba2 * 0.25d0) / gg(ng)
127     ENDDO
128  ENDDO
129  !
131  !
132END SUBROUTINE cutoff_lr_Vloc
135SUBROUTINE cutoff_local( aux )
136  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
137  !! This subroutine is called to re-add the long-range part of the local
138  !! part of the ionic potential, using \(\text{lr_Vloc}\) computed in
139  !! routine \(\texttt{cutoff_lr_Vloc}\).
140  !! See Eq. (33) of PRB 96, 075448
141  !
142  USE kinds
143  USE fft_base,   ONLY : dfftp
144  USE gvect,      ONLY : ngm
145  USE vlocal,     ONLY : strf
146  USE ions_base,  ONLY : nsp
147  !
149  !
150  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT):: aux(dfftp%nnr)
151  !! input: local part of ionic potential
152  !
153  ! ... local variables
154  !
155  INTEGER :: ng, nt
156  !
157  DO nt = 1, nsp
158     DO ng = 1, ngm
159        aux(dfftp%nl(ng)) = aux(dfftp%nl(ng)) + lr_Vloc(ng,nt) * strf(ng,nt)
160     ENDDO
161  ENDDO
162  !
164  !
165END SUBROUTINE cutoff_local
169SUBROUTINE cutoff_hartree( rhog, aux1, ehart )
170  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
171  !! This subroutine cuts off the Hartree potential and defines Hartree
172  !! energy accordingly in G-space.
173  !! See Eq. (34) and (41) of PRB 96, 075448
174  !
175  USE kinds
176  USE gvect,       ONLY : ngm, gg , gstart
177  USE io_global,   ONLY : stdout
178  !
180  !
181  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rhog(ngm)
182  !! local potential
183  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: aux1(2,ngm)
184  !! Hartree potential
185  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: ehart
186  !! Hartree energy
187  !
188  ! ... local variables
189  !
190  INTEGER :: ig
191  REAL(DP) :: fac
192  REAL(DP) :: rgtot_re, rgtot_im
193  !
194  DO ig = gstart, ngm
195     !
196     fac = 1.D0 / gg(ig) * cutoff_2D(ig)
197     !
198     rgtot_re = REAL( rhog(ig) )
199     rgtot_im = AIMAG( rhog(ig) )
200     !
201     ehart = ehart + ( rgtot_re**2 + rgtot_im**2 ) * fac
202     !
203     aux1(1,ig) = rgtot_re * fac
204     aux1(2,ig) = rgtot_im * fac
205     !
206  ENDDO
207  !
209  !
210END SUBROUTINE cutoff_hartree
214SUBROUTINE cutoff_ewald( alpha, ewaldg, omega )
215  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
216  !! This subroutine defines computes the cutoff version of the
217  !! Ewald sum in G space.
218  !! See Eq. (46) of PRB 96, 075448
219  !
220  USE kinds
221  USE gvect,      ONLY : ngm, gg, gstart
222  USE ions_base,  ONLY : zv, nsp, nat, ityp
223  USE cell_base,  ONLY : tpiba2, alat
224  USE vlocal,     ONLY : strf
225  USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
226  !
228  !
229  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: alpha
230  !! tuning parameter for Ewald LR/SR separation
231  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: ewaldg
232  !! Ewald sum
233  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: omega
234  !! unit-cell volume
235  !
236  ! ... local variables
237  !
238  INTEGER :: ng, nt, na, nr, ir, iz, nz, rmax
239  COMPLEX(DP) :: rhon
240  REAL(DP) :: rp, z
241  !
242  ! The G=0 component of the long-ranged local part of the
243  ! pseudopotential minus the Hartree potential is set to 0.
244  ! This is equivalent to substracting the finite non-singular
245  ! part of the ionic potential at G=0. See Appendix D.2 of PRB 96, 075448.
246  ! In practice, with respect to the 3D ewald sum, we must subtract the
247  ! G=0 energy term - 4 pi/omega * e**2/2 * charge**2 / alpha / 4.0d0.
248  ! That is, we simply set setting ewaldg(G=0)=0.
249  !
250  ewaldg = 0.0d0
251  ! now the G.neq.0 terms
252  DO ng = gstart, ngm
253     rhon = (0.d0, 0.d0)
254     DO nt = 1, nsp
255        rhon = rhon + zv(nt) * CONJG(strf(ng,nt) )
256     ENDDO
257     ewaldg = ewaldg +  ABS(rhon)**2 * EXP( - gg(ng) * tpiba2 /&
258              alpha / 4.d0) / gg(ng)*cutoff_2D(ng) / tpiba2
259  ENDDO
260  ewaldg = 2.d0 * tpi / omega * ewaldg
261  !
262  ! ... here add the other constant term (Phi_self)
263  !
264  IF (gstart == 2) THEN
265     DO na = 1, nat
266        ewaldg = ewaldg - zv(ityp(na))**2 * SQRT(8.d0 / tpi * &
267                 alpha)
268     ENDDO
269  ENDIF
270  !
272  !
273END SUBROUTINE cutoff_ewald
277SUBROUTINE cutoff_force_ew( aux, alpha )
278  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
279  !! This subroutine cuts off the Ewald contribution to the forces. More
280  !! precisely, it cuts off the LR ion-ion potential that is then used to
281  !! compute the Ewald forces.
282  !! See Eq. (55) of PRB 96, 075448 (note that Eq. (56), derived from Eq. (55),
283  !! looks somewhat different from what is implemented in the code, but it is
284  !! equivalent).
285  !
286  USE kinds
287  USE gvect,        ONLY : ngm, gg , gstart
288  USE cell_base,    ONLY : tpiba2, alat
289  !
291  !
292  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: aux(ngm)
293  !! long-range part of the ionic potential
294  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: alpha
295  !! tuning parameter for the LR/SR separation
296  !
297  ! ... local variables
298  !
299  INTEGER :: ig
300  !
301  DO ig = gstart, ngm
302     aux(ig) = aux(ig) * EXP( - gg(ig) * tpiba2 / alpha / 4.d0) &
303               / (gg(ig) * tpiba2) * cutoff_2D(ig)
304  ENDDO
305  !
307  !
308END SUBROUTINE cutoff_force_ew
312SUBROUTINE cutoff_force_lc( aux, forcelc )
313  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
314  !! This subroutine re-adds the cutoff contribution from the long-range
315  !! local part of the ionic potential to the forces. In the 2D code, this
316  !! contribution is missing from the \(\text{Vloc}\).
317  !! See Eq. (54) of PRB 96, 075448.
318  !
319  USE kinds
320  USE gvect,         ONLY : ngm, gg, g , gstart
321  USE constants,     ONLY : fpi, e2, eps8, tpi
322  USE uspp_param,    ONLY : upf
323  USE cell_base,     ONLY : tpiba2, alat, omega
324  USE ions_base,     ONLY : nat, zv, tau, ityp
325  USE io_global,     ONLY : stdout
326  USE fft_base,      ONLY : dfftp
327  !
329  !
330  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: aux(dfftp%nnr)
331  !! local ionic potential
332  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: forcelc(3,nat)
333  !! corresponding force contribution
334  !
335  ! ... local variables
336  !
337  REAL(DP) :: arg
338  INTEGER :: ig, na, ipol
339  !
340  DO na = 1, nat
341     DO ig = gstart, ngm
342        arg = (g(1,ig) * tau(1,na) + g(2,ig) * tau(2,na) + &
343               g(3,ig) * tau(3,na) ) * tpi
344        DO ipol = 1, 3
345           forcelc(ipol,na) = forcelc (ipol,na) + tpi / alat * &
346                 g(ipol,ig) * lr_Vloc(ig, ityp(na)) * omega  * &
347                ( SIN(arg)*DBLE(aux(dfftp%nl(ig))) + COS(arg)*AIMAG(aux(dfftp%nl(ig))) )
348        ENDDO
349     ENDDO
350  ENDDO
351  !
353  !
354END SUBROUTINE cutoff_force_lc
358SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_evloc( psic_G, strf, evloc )
359  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
360  !! This subroutine adds the contribution from the cutoff long-range part
361  !! of the local part of the ionic potential to \(\text{evloc}\).
362  !! evloc corresponds to the delta term in Eq. (63) of PRB 96, 075448.
363  !! It is the energy of the electrons in the local ionic potential.
364  !! Note that it is not calculated as such (by itself) in the standard code.
365  !! Indeed, it is "hidden" in the sum of KS eigenvalues. That is why we need
366  !! to re-compute it here for the stress.
367  !
368  USE kinds
369  USE ions_base,  ONLY : ntyp => nsp
370  USE gvect,      ONLY : ngm , gstart
371  USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
372  USE fft_base,   ONLY : dfftp
373  !
375  !
376  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: psic_G(dfftp%nnr)
377  !! charge density in G space
378  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: strf(ngm,ntyp)
379  !! the structure factor
380  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: evloc
381  !! the energy of the electrons in the local ionic potential
382  !
383  ! ... local variables
384  !
385  INTEGER :: ng, nt
386  !
387  ! If gstart=2, it means g(1) is G=0, but we have nothing to add for G=0
388  ! So we start at gstart.
389  DO nt = 1, ntyp
390     DO ng = gstart, ngm
391        evloc = evloc + DBLE( CONJG(psic_G(dfftp%nl(ng))) * strf(ng,nt) ) &
392                        * lr_Vloc(ng,nt)
393     ENDDO
394  ENDDO
395  !
397  !
398END SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_evloc
402SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_sigmaloc( psic_G, strf, sigmaloc )
403  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
404  !! This subroutine adds the contribution from the cutoff long-range part
405  !! of the local part of the ionic potential to the rest of the
406  !! \(\text{sigmaloc}\). That is, the rest of Eq. (63) of PRB 96, 075448.
407  !
408  USE kinds
409  USE ions_base,   ONLY : ntyp => nsp
410  USE constants,   ONLY : eps8
411  USE gvect,       ONLY : ngm, g, gg, gstart
412  USE cell_base,   ONLY : tpiba, tpiba2, alat, omega
413  USE io_global,   ONLY : stdout
414  USE fft_base,    ONLY : dfftp
415  !
417  !
418  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: psic_G(dfftp%nnr)
419  !! charge density in G space
420  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: strf(ngm,ntyp)
421  !! the structure factor
422  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: sigmaloc(3,3)
423  !! stress contribution for the local ionic potential
424  !
425  ! ... local variables
426  !
427  INTEGER :: ng, nt, l, m
428  REAL(DP) :: Gp, G2lzo2Gp, beta, dlr_Vloc
429  !
430  ! no G=0 contribution
431  DO nt = 1, ntyp
432     DO ng = gstart, ngm
433        !
434        Gp = SQRT( g(1,ng)**2 + g(2,ng)**2 )*tpiba
435        ! below is a somewhat cumbersome way to define beta of Eq. (61) of PRB 96, 075448
436        IF (Gp < eps8) THEN
437           ! G^2*lz/2|Gp|
438           G2lzo2Gp = 0.0d0
439           beta = 0.0d0
440        ELSE
441           G2lzo2Gp = gg(ng)*tpiba2*lz/2.0d0/Gp
442           beta = G2lzo2Gp*(1.0d0-cutoff_2D(ng))/cutoff_2D(ng)
443        ENDIF
444        ! dlr_vloc corresponds to the derivative of the long-range local ionic potential
445        ! with respect to G
446        DO l = 1, 3
447           IF (l == 3) THEN
448              dlr_Vloc = - 1.0d0/ (gg(ng)*tpiba2) * lr_Vloc(ng,nt)  &
449                               * (1.0d0+ gg(ng)*tpiba2/4.0d0)
450           ELSE
451              dlr_Vloc = - 1.0d0/ (gg(ng)*tpiba2) * lr_Vloc(ng,nt)  &
452                               * (1.0d0- beta + gg(ng)*tpiba2/4.0d0)
453           ENDIF
454           !
455           DO m = 1, l
456              sigmaloc(l,m) = sigmaloc(l,m) +  DBLE( CONJG( psic_G(dfftp%nl(ng) ) ) &
457                              * strf(ng,nt) ) * 2.0d0 * dlr_Vloc  &
458                              * tpiba2 * g(l,ng) * g(m,ng)
459           ENDDO
460        ENDDO
461        !
462     ENDDO
463  ENDDO
464  !
466  !
467END SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_sigmaloc
471SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_sigmahar( psic_G, sigmahar )
472  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
473  !! This subroutine cuts off the Hartree part of the stress.
474  !! See Eq. (62) of PRB 96, 075448.
475  !
476  USE kinds
477  USE gvect,      ONLY : ngm, g, gg, gstart
478  USE constants,  ONLY : eps8
479  USE cell_base,  ONLY : tpiba2, alat, tpiba
480  USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
481  USE fft_base,   ONLY : dfftp
482  !
484  !
485  COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: psic_G(dfftp%nnr)
486  !! charge density in G-space
487  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: sigmahar(3,3)
488  !! hartree contribution to stress
489  !
490  ! ... local variables
491  !
492  INTEGER :: ng, nt, l, m
493  REAL(DP) :: Gp, G2lzo2Gp, beta, shart, g2, fact
494  !
495  DO ng = gstart, ngm
496     Gp = SQRT( g(1,ng)**2 + g(2,ng)**2 )*tpiba
497     IF (Gp < eps8) THEN
498        G2lzo2Gp = 0.0d0
499        beta = 0.0d0
500     ELSE
501        G2lzo2Gp = gg(ng)*tpiba2*lz/2.0d0/Gp
502        beta = G2lzo2Gp*(1.0d0-cutoff_2D(ng))/cutoff_2D(ng)
503     ENDIF
504     g2 = gg (ng) * tpiba2
505     shart = psic_G(dfftp%nl(ng)) * CONJG(psic_G(dfftp%nl(ng))) / g2 * cutoff_2D(ng)
506     DO l = 1, 3
507        IF (l == 3) THEN
508           fact = 1.0d0
509        ELSE
510           fact = 1.0d0 - beta
511        ENDIF
512        DO m = 1, l
513           sigmahar(l,m) = sigmahar(l,m) + shart * tpiba2 * 2 * &
514                           g(l,ng) * g(m,ng) / g2  * fact
515        ENDDO
516     ENDDO
517  ENDDO
518  !sigma is multiplied by 0.5*fpi*e2 after
519  !
521  !
522END SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_sigmahar
526SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_sigmaewa( alpha, sdewald, sigmaewa )
527  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
528  !! This subroutine cuts off the Ewald part of the stress.
529  !! See Eq. (64) in PRB 96 075448
530  !
531  USE kinds
532  USE ions_base,   ONLY : nat, zv, tau, ityp
533  USE constants,   ONLY : e2, eps8
534  USE gvect,       ONLY : ngm, g, gg, gstart
535  USE cell_base,   ONLY : tpiba2, alat, omega, tpiba
536  USE io_global,   ONLY : stdout
537  !
539  !
540  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: alpha
541  !! tuning param for LR/SR separation
542  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: sigmaewa(3,3)
543  !! ewald contribution to stress
544  REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: sdewald
545  !! constant and diagonal terms
546  !
547  ! ... local variables
548  !
549  INTEGER :: ng, na, l, m
550  REAL(DP) :: Gp, G2lzo2Gp, beta, sewald, g2, g2a, arg, fact
551  COMPLEX(DP) :: rhostar
552  !
553  ! g(1) is a problem if it's G=0, because we divide by G^2.
554  ! So start at gstart.
555  ! fact=1.0d0, gamma_only not implemented
556  ! G=0 componenent of the long-range part of the local part of the
557  ! pseudopotminus the Hartree potential is set to 0.
558  ! in other words, sdewald=0.
559  ! sdewald is the last term in equation B1 of PRB 32 3792.
560  ! See also similar comment for ewaldg in cutoff_ewald routine
561  !
562  sdewald = 0.0D0
563  DO ng = gstart, ngm
564     Gp = SQRT( g(1,ng)**2 + g(2,ng)**2 )*tpiba
565     IF (Gp < eps8) THEN
566        G2lzo2Gp = 0.0d0
567        beta = 0.0d0
568     ELSE
569        G2lzo2Gp = gg(ng)*tpiba2*lz/2.0d0/Gp
570        beta = G2lzo2Gp*(1.0d0-cutoff_2D(ng))/cutoff_2D(ng)
571     ENDIF
572     g2 = gg(ng) * tpiba2
573     g2a = g2 / 4.d0 / alpha
574     rhostar = (0.d0, 0.d0)
575     DO na = 1, nat
576        arg = (g(1,ng) * tau(1,na) + g(2,ng) * tau(2,na) + &
577               g(3,ng) * tau(3,na) ) * tpi
578        rhostar = rhostar + zv (ityp(na) ) * CMPLX(COS(arg), SIN(arg), KIND=DP)
579     ENDDO
580     rhostar = rhostar / omega
581     sewald = tpi * e2 * EXP(-g2a) / g2* cutoff_2D(ng) * ABS(rhostar)**2
582     ! ... sewald is an other diagonal term that is similar to the diagonal terms
583     ! in the other stress contributions. It basically gives a term prop to
584     ! the ewald energy
585     sdewald = sdewald-sewald
586     DO l = 1, 3
587        IF (l == 3) THEN
588           fact = (g2a + 1.0d0)
589        ELSE
590           fact = (1.0d0+g2a-beta)
591        ENDIF
592        !
593        DO m = 1, l
594           sigmaewa(l,m) = sigmaewa(l,m) + sewald * tpiba2 * 2.d0 * &
595                 g(l,ng) * g(m,ng) / g2 * fact
596        ENDDO
597     ENDDO
598     !
599  ENDDO
600  !
602  !
603END SUBROUTINE cutoff_stres_sigmaewa
606END MODULE Coul_cut_2D