1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2011 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #ifndef dealii_matrix_free_dof_info_h
18 #define dealii_matrix_free_dof_info_h
21 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/partitioner.h>
25 #include <deal.II/base/vectorization.h>
27 #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
29 #include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
30 #include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h>
32 #include <deal.II/matrix_free/face_info.h>
33 #include <deal.II/matrix_free/mapping_info.h>
34 #include <deal.II/matrix_free/shape_info.h>
35 #include <deal.II/matrix_free/task_info.h>
37 #include <array>
38 #include <memory>
43 namespace internal
44 {
45   namespace MatrixFreeFunctions
46   {
47     /**
48      * A struct that takes entries describing a constraint and puts them into
49      * a sorted list where duplicates are filtered out
50      */
51     template <typename Number>
52     struct ConstraintValues
53     {
54       ConstraintValues();
56       /**
57        * This function inserts some constrained entries to the collection of
58        * all values. It stores the (reordered) numbering of the dofs
59        * (according to the ordering that matches with the function) in
60        * new_indices, and returns the storage position the double array for
61        * access later on.
62        */
63       template <typename number2>
64       unsigned short
65       insert_entries(
66         const std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, number2>>
67           &entries);
69       std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index, double>>
70                                            constraint_entries;
71       std::vector<types::global_dof_index> constraint_indices;
73       std::pair<std::vector<Number>, types::global_dof_index> next_constraint;
74       std::map<std::vector<Number>,
75                types::global_dof_index,
76                FPArrayComparator<Number>>
77         constraints;
78     };
80     /**
81      * The class that stores the indices of the degrees of freedom for all the
82      * cells. Essentially, this is a smart number cache in the style of a
83      * DoFHandler that also embeds the description of constraints directly on
84      * the cell level without the need to refer to the external
85      * AffineConstraints object.
86      *
87      * This class only stores index relations. The weights for hanging node
88      * constraints are stored in a different field. This is because a
89      * different field allows for the same compressed weight data on different
90      * DoFHandlers for vector-valued problems. There, the indices might be
91      * constrained differently on different components (e.g. Dirichlet
92      * conditions only on selected components), whereas the weights from
93      * hanging nodes are the same and need to be stored only once. The
94      * combination will be handled in the MatrixFree class.
95      *
96      * @ingroup matrixfree
97      */
98     struct DoFInfo
99     {
100       /**
101        * This value is used to define subranges in the vectors which we can
102        * zero inside the MatrixFree::loop() call. The goal is to only clear a
103        * part of the vector at a time to keep the values that are zeroed in
104        * caches, saving one global vector access for the case where this is
105        * applied rather than `vector = 0.;`.
106        *
107        * We set the granularity to 64 - that is a number sufficiently large
108        * to minimize loop peel overhead within the work (and compatible with
109        * vectorization lengths of up to 16) and small enough to not waste on
110        * the size of the individual chunks.
111        */
112       static const unsigned int chunk_size_zero_vector = 64;
114       /**
115        * Default empty constructor.
116        */
117       DoFInfo();
119       /**
120        * Copy constructor.
121        */
122       DoFInfo(const DoFInfo &) = default;
124       /**
125        * Clear all data fields in this class.
126        */
127       void
128       clear();
130       /**
131        * Return the FE index for a given finite element degree. If not in hp
132        * mode, this function always returns index 0. If an index is not found
133        * in hp mode, it returns numbers::invalid_unsigned_int.
134        */
135       unsigned int
136       fe_index_from_degree(const unsigned int first_selected_component,
137                            const unsigned int fe_degree) const;
139       /**
140        * Populate the vector @p locall_indices with locally owned degrees of freedom
141        * stored on the cell block @p cell.
142        * If @p with_constraints is `true`, then the returned vector will contain indices
143        * required to resolve constraints.
144        *
145        * The image below illustrates the output of this function for cell blocks
146        * zero and one with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions at the bottom of
147        * the domain. Note that due to the presence of constraints, the DoFs
148        * returned by this function for the case `with_constraints = true` are
149        * not a simple union
150        * of per cell DoFs on the cell block @p cell.
151        *
152        * @image html dofinfo_get_dof_indices.png
153        *
154        * @note The returned indices may contain duplicates. The unique set can be
155        * obtain using `std::sort()` followed by `std::unique()` and
156        * `std::vector::erase()`.
157        */
158       void
159       get_dof_indices_on_cell_batch(std::vector<unsigned int> &locall_indices,
160                                     const unsigned int         cell,
161                                     const bool with_constraints = true) const;
163       /**
164        * This internal method takes the local indices on a cell and fills them
165        * into this class. It resolves the constraints and distributes the
166        * results. Ghost indices, i.e., indices that are located on another
167        * processor, get a temporary number by this function, and will later be
168        * assigned the correct index after all the ghost indices have been
169        * collected by the call to @p assign_ghosts.
170        */
171       template <typename number>
172       void
173       read_dof_indices(
174         const std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &local_indices,
175         const std::vector<unsigned int> &           lexicographic_inv,
176         const dealii::AffineConstraints<number> &   constraints,
177         const unsigned int                          cell_number,
178         ConstraintValues<double> &                  constraint_values,
179         bool &                                      cell_at_boundary);
181       /**
182        * This method assigns the correct indices to ghost indices from the
183        * temporary numbering employed by the @p read_dof_indices function. The
184        * numbers are localized with respect to the MPI process, and ghosts
185        * start at the end of the locally owned range. This way, we get direct
186        * access to all vector entries.
187        */
188       void
189       assign_ghosts(const std::vector<unsigned int> &boundary_cells);
191       /**
192        * This method reorders the way cells are gone through based on a given
193        * renumbering of the cells. It also takes @p vectorization_length cells
194        * together and interprets them as one cell only, as is needed for
195        * vectorization.
196        */
197       void
198       reorder_cells(const TaskInfo &                  task_info,
199                     const std::vector<unsigned int> & renumbering,
200                     const std::vector<unsigned int> & constraint_pool_row_index,
201                     const std::vector<unsigned char> &irregular_cells);
203       /**
204        * Finds possible compression for the cell indices that we can apply for
205        * increased efficiency. Run at the end of reorder_cells.
206        */
207       void
208       compute_cell_index_compression(
209         const std::vector<unsigned char> &irregular_cells);
211       /**
212        * Finds possible compression for the face indices that we can apply for
213        * increased efficiency. Run at the end of reorder_cells.
214        */
215       template <int length>
216       void
217       compute_face_index_compression(
218         const std::vector<FaceToCellTopology<length>> &faces);
220       /**
221        * This function computes the connectivity of the currently stored
222        * indices in terms of connections between the individual cells and
223        * fills the structure into a sparsity pattern.
224        */
225       void
226       make_connectivity_graph(const TaskInfo &                 task_info,
227                               const std::vector<unsigned int> &renumbering,
228                               DynamicSparsityPattern &connectivity) const;
230       /**
231        * In case face integrals are enabled, find out whether certain loops
232        * over the unknowns only access a subset of all the ghost dofs we keep
233        * in the main partitioner.
234        */
235       void
236       compute_tight_partitioners(
237         const Table<2, ShapeInfo<double>> &       shape_info,
238         const unsigned int                        n_owned_cells,
239         const unsigned int                        n_lanes,
240         const std::vector<FaceToCellTopology<1>> &inner_faces,
241         const std::vector<FaceToCellTopology<1>> &ghosted_faces,
242         const bool                                fill_cell_centric);
244       /**
245        * Compute a renumbering of the degrees of freedom to improve the data
246        * access patterns for this class that can be utilized by the categories
247        * in the IndexStorageVariants enum. For example, the index ordering can
248        * be improved for typical DG elements by interleaving the degrees of
249        * freedom from batches of cells, which avoids the explicit data
250        * transposition in IndexStorageVariants::contiguous. Currently, these
251        * more advanced features are not implemented, so there is only limited
252        * value of this function.
253        */
254       void
255       compute_dof_renumbering(
256         std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &renumbering);
258       /**
259        * Fills the array that defines how to zero selected ranges in the result
260        * vector within the cell loop, filling the two member variables @p
261        * vector_zero_range_list_index and @p vector_zero_range_list.
262        *
263        * The intent of this pattern is to zero the vector entries in close
264        * temporal proximity to the first access and thus keeping the vector
265        * entries in cache.
266        */
267       template <int length>
268       void
269       compute_vector_zero_access_pattern(
270         const TaskInfo &                               task_info,
271         const std::vector<FaceToCellTopology<length>> &faces);
273       /**
274        * Return the memory consumption in bytes of this class.
275        */
276       std::size_t
277       memory_consumption() const;
279       /**
280        * Prints a detailed summary of memory consumption in the different
281        * structures of this class to the given output stream.
282        */
283       template <typename StreamType>
284       void
285       print_memory_consumption(StreamType &    out,
286                                const TaskInfo &size_info) const;
288       /**
289        * Prints a representation of the indices in the class to the given
290        * output stream.
291        */
292       template <typename Number>
293       void
294       print(const std::vector<Number> &      constraint_pool_data,
295             const std::vector<unsigned int> &constraint_pool_row_index,
296             std::ostream &                   out) const;
298       /**
299        * Enum for various storage variants of the indices. This storage format
300        * is used to implement more efficient indexing schemes in case the
301        * underlying data structures allow for them, and to inform the access
302        * functions in FEEvaluationBase::read_write_operation() on which array
303        * to get the data from. One example of more efficient storage is the
304        * enum value IndexStorageVariants::contiguous, which means that one can
305        * get the indices to all degrees of freedom of a cell by reading only
306        * the first index for each cell, whereas all subsequent indices are
307        * merely an offset from the first index.
308        */
309       enum class IndexStorageVariants : unsigned char
310       {
311         /**
312          * This value indicates that no index compression was found and the
313          * only valid storage is to access all indices present on the cell,
314          * possibly including constraints. For a cell/face of this index type,
315          * the data access in FEEvaluationBase is directed to the array @p
316          * dof_indices with the index
317          * `row_starts[cell_index*n_vectorization*n_components].first`.
318          */
319         full,
320         /**
321          * This value indicates that the indices are interleaved for access
322          * with vectorized gather and scatter operation. This storage variant
323          * is possible in case there are no constraints on the cell and the
324          * indices in the batch of cells are not pointing to the same global
325          * index in different slots of a vectorized array (in order to support
326          * scatter operations). For a cell/face of this index type, the data
327          * access in FEEvaluationBase is directed to the array
328          * `dof_indices_interleaved` with the index
329          * `row_starts[cell_index*n_vectorization*n_components].first`.
330          */
331         interleaved,
332         /**
333          * This value indicates that the indices within a cell are all
334          * contiguous, and one can get the index to the cell by reading that
335          * single value for each of the cells in the cell batch. For a
336          * cell/face of this index type, the data access in FEEvaluationBase
337          * is directed to the array `dof_indices_contiguous` with the index
338          * `cell_index*n_vectorization*n_components`.
339          */
340         contiguous,
341         /**
342          * This value indicates that the indices with a cell are contiguous and
343          * interleaved for vectorization, i.e., the first DoF index on a cell
344          * to the four or eight cells in the vectorization batch come first,
345          * than the second DoF index, and so on. Furthermore, the interleaving
346          * between cells implies that only the batches for vectorization can be
347          * accessed efficiently, whereas there is a strided access for getting
348          * only some of the entries.
349          *
350          * The two additional categories `interleaved_contiguous_strided` and
351          * `interleaved_contiguous_mixed_strides` are a consequence of this
352          * storage type. The former is for faces where at least one of the two
353          * adjacent sides will break with the interleaved storage. We then have
354          * to make a strided access as described in the next category. The last
355          * category `interleaved_contiguous_mixed_strides` appears in the ghost
356          * layer, see the more detailed description of that category below.
357          * Again, this is something that cannot be avoided in general once we
358          * interleave the indices between cells.
359          *
360          * For a cell/face of this index type, the data access in
361          * FEEvaluationBase is directed to the array `dof_indices_contiguous`
362          * with the index `cell_index*n_vectorization*n_components`.
363          */
364         interleaved_contiguous,
365         /**
366          * Similar to interleaved_contiguous storage, but for the case when the
367          * interleaved indices are only contiguous within the degrees of
368          * freedom, but not also over the components of a vectorized array.
369          * This happens typically on faces with DG where the cells have
370          * `interleaved_contiguous` storage but the faces' numbering is not the
371          * same as the cell's numbering. For a
372          * cell/face of this index type, the data access in FEEvaluationBase
373          * is directed to the array `dof_indices_contiguous` with the index
374          * `cell_index*n_vectorization*n_components`.
375          */
376         interleaved_contiguous_strided,
377         /**
378          * Similar to interleaved_contiguous_separate storage, but for the case
379          * when the interleaved indices are not `n_vectorization apart`. This
380          * happens typically within the ghost layer of DG where the remote
381          * owner has applied an interleaved storage and the current processor
382          * only sees some of the cells. For a
383          * cell/face of this index type, the data access in FEEvaluationBase
384          * is directed to the array `dof_indices_contiguous` with the index
385          * `cell_index*n_vectorization*n_components`, including the array
386          * `dof_indices_interleave_strides` for the information about the
387          * actual stride.
388          */
389         interleaved_contiguous_mixed_strides
390       };
392       /**
393        * Enum used to distinguish the data arrays for the vectorization type
394        * in cells and faces.
395        */
396       enum DoFAccessIndex : unsigned char
397       {
398         /**
399          * The data index for the faces designated as interior
400          */
401         dof_access_face_interior = 0,
402         /**
403          * The data index for the faces designated as exterior
404          */
405         dof_access_face_exterior = 1,
406         /**
407          * The data index for the cells
408          */
409         dof_access_cell = 2
410       };
412       /**
413        * Stores the dimension of the underlying DoFHandler. Since the indices
414        * are not templated, this is the variable that makes the dimension
415        * accessible in the (rare) cases it is needed inside this class.
416        */
417       unsigned int dimension;
419       /**
420        * For efficiency reasons, always keep a fixed number of cells with
421        * similar properties together. This variable controls the number of
422        * cells batched together. As opposed to the other classes which are
423        * templated on the number type, this class as a pure index container is
424        * not templated, so we need to keep the information otherwise contained
425        * in VectorizedArrayType::size().
426        */
427       unsigned int vectorization_length;
429       /**
430        * Stores the index storage variant of all cell and face batches.
431        *
432        * The three arrays given here address the types for the faces decorated
433        * as interior (0), the faces decorated with as exterior (1), and the
434        * cells (2) according to CellOrFaceAccess.
435        */
436       std::array<std::vector<IndexStorageVariants>, 3> index_storage_variants;
438       /**
439        * Stores the rowstart indices of the compressed row storage in the @p
440        * dof_indices and @p constraint_indicator fields. These two fields are
441        * always accessed together, so it is simpler to keep just one variable
442        * for them. This also obviates keeping two rowstart vectors in sync.
443        */
444       std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> row_starts;
446       /**
447        * Stores the indices of the degrees of freedom for each cell. These
448        * indices are computed in MPI-local index space, i.e., each processor
449        * stores the locally owned indices as numbers between <tt>0</tt> and
450        * <tt>n_locally_owned_dofs-1</tt> and ghost indices in the range
451        * <tt>n_locally_owned_dofs</tt> to
452        * <tt>n_locally_owned_dofs+n_ghost_dofs</tt>. The translation between
453        * this MPI-local index space and the global numbering of degrees of
454        * freedom is stored in the @p vector_partitioner data structure.  This
455        * array also includes the indirect contributions from constraints,
456        * which are described by the @p constraint_indicator field. Because of
457        * variable lengths of rows, this would be a vector of a vector.
458        * However, we use one contiguous memory region and store the rowstart
459        * in the variable @p row_starts.
460        */
461       std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices;
463       /**
464        * This variable describes the position of constraints in terms of the
465        * local numbering of degrees of freedom on a cell. The first number
466        * stores the distance from one constrained degree of freedom to the
467        * next. This allows to identify the position of constrained DoFs as we
468        * loop through the local degrees of freedom of the cell when reading
469        * from or writing to a vector. The second number stores the index of
470        * the constraint weights, stored in the variable constraint_pool_data.
471        */
472       std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>>
473         constraint_indicator;
475       /**
476        * Reordered index storage for `IndexStorageVariants::interleaved`.
477        */
478       std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_interleaved;
480       /**
481        * Compressed index storage for faster access than through @p
482        * dof_indices used according to the description in IndexStorageVariants.
483        *
484        * The three arrays given here address the types for the faces decorated
485        * as interior (0), the faces decorated with as exterior (1), and the
486        * cells (2) according to CellOrFaceAccess.
487        */
488       std::array<std::vector<unsigned int>, 3> dof_indices_contiguous;
490       /**
491        * Compressed index storage for faster access than through @p
492        * dof_indices used according to the description in IndexStorageVariants.
493        *
494        * The three arrays given here address the types for the faces decorated
495        * as minus (0), the faces decorated with as plus (1), and the cells
496        * (2).
497        */
498       std::array<std::vector<unsigned int>, 3> dof_indices_interleave_strides;
500       /**
501        * Caches the number of indices filled when vectorizing. This
502        * information can implicitly deduced from the row_starts data fields,
503        * but this field allows for faster access.
504        *
505        * The three arrays given here address the types for the faces decorated
506        * as interior (0), the faces decorated with as exterior (1), and the
507        * cells (2) according to CellOrFaceAccess.
508        */
509       std::array<std::vector<unsigned char>, 3> n_vectorization_lanes_filled;
511       /**
512        * This stores the parallel partitioning that can be used to set up
513        * vectors. The partitioner includes the description of the local range
514        * in the vector, and also includes how the ghosts look like. This
515        * enables initialization of vectors based on the DoFInfo field.
516        */
517       std::shared_ptr<const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner> vector_partitioner;
519       /**
520        * This partitioning selects a subset of ghost indices to the full
521        * vector partitioner stored in @p vector_partitioner. These
522        * partitioners are used in specialized loops that only import parts of
523        * the ghosted region for reducing the amount of communication. There
524        * are five variants of the partitioner initialized:
525        * - one that queries only the cell values,
526        * - one that additionally describes the indices for
527        *   evaluating the function values on relevant faces,
528        * - one that describes the indices for evaluation both the function
529        *   values and the gradients on relevant faces adjacent to the locally
530        *   owned cells,
531        * - one that additionally describes the indices for
532        *   evaluating the function values on all faces, and
533        * - one that describes the indices for evaluation both the function
534        *   values and the gradients on all faces adjacent to the locally owned
535        *   cells.
536        */
537       std::array<std::shared_ptr<const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner>, 5>
538         vector_partitioner_face_variants;
540       /**
541        * This stores a (sorted) list of all locally owned degrees of freedom
542        * that are constrained.
543        */
544       std::vector<unsigned int> constrained_dofs;
546       /**
547        * Stores the rowstart indices of the compressed row storage in the @p
548        * plain_dof_indices fields.
549        */
550       std::vector<unsigned int> row_starts_plain_indices;
552       /**
553        * Stores the indices of the degrees of freedom for each cell. This
554        * array does not include the indirect contributions from constraints,
555        * which are included in @p dof_indices. Because of variable lengths of
556        * rows, this would be a vector of a vector. However, we use one
557        * contiguous memory region and store the rowstart in the variable @p
558        * row_starts_plain_indices.
559        */
560       std::vector<unsigned int> plain_dof_indices;
562       /**
563        * Stores the offset in terms of the number of base elements over all
564        * DoFInfo objects.
565        */
566       unsigned int global_base_element_offset;
568       /**
569        * Stores the number of base elements in the DoFHandler where the
570        * indices have been read from.
571        */
572       unsigned int n_base_elements;
574       /**
575        * Stores the number of components of each base element in the finite
576        * element where the indices have been read from.
577        */
578       std::vector<unsigned int> n_components;
580       /**
581        * The ith entry of this vector stores the component number of the given
582        * base element.
583        */
584       std::vector<unsigned int> start_components;
586       /**
587        * For a given component in an FESystem, this variable tells which base
588        * element the index belongs to.
589        */
590       std::vector<unsigned int> component_to_base_index;
592       /**
593        * For a vector-valued element, this gives the constant offset in the
594        * number of degrees of freedom starting at the given component, as the
595        * degrees are numbered by degrees of freedom. This data structure does
596        * not take possible constraints and thus, shorter or longer lists, into
597        * account. This information is encoded in the row_starts variables
598        * directly.
599        *
600        * The outer vector goes through the various fe indices in the hp case,
601        * similarly to the @p dofs_per_cell variable.
602        */
603       std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> component_dof_indices_offset;
605       /**
606        * Stores the number of degrees of freedom per cell.
607        */
608       std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_per_cell;
610       /**
611        * Stores the number of degrees of freedom per face.
612        */
613       std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_per_face;
615       /**
616        * Informs on whether plain indices are cached.
617        */
618       bool store_plain_indices;
620       /**
621        * Stores the index of the active finite element in the hp case.
622        */
623       std::vector<unsigned int> cell_active_fe_index;
625       /**
626        * Stores the maximum degree of different finite elements for the hp
627        * case.
628        */
629       unsigned int max_fe_index;
631       /**
632        * To each of the slots in an hp adaptive case, the inner vector stores
633        * the corresponding element degree. This is used by the constructor of
634        * FEEvaluationBase to identify the correct data slot in the hp case.
635        */
636       std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> fe_index_conversion;
638       /**
639        * Temporarily stores the numbers of ghosts during setup. Cleared when
640        * calling @p assign_ghosts. Then, all information is collected by the
641        * partitioner.
642        */
643       std::vector<types::global_dof_index> ghost_dofs;
645       /**
646        * Stores an integer to each partition in TaskInfo that indicates
647        * whether to clear certain parts in the result vector if the user
648        * requested it with the respective argument in the MatrixFree::loop.
649        */
650       std::vector<unsigned int> vector_zero_range_list_index;
652       /**
653        * Stores the actual ranges in the vector to be cleared.
654        */
655       std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> vector_zero_range_list;
657       /**
658        * Stores an integer to each partition in TaskInfo that indicates when
659        * to schedule operations that will be done before any access to vector
660        * entries.
661        */
662       std::vector<unsigned int> cell_loop_pre_list_index;
664       /**
665        * Stores the actual ranges of the operation before any access to vector
666        * entries.
667        */
668       std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> cell_loop_pre_list;
670       /**
671        * Stores an integer to each partition in TaskInfo that indicates when
672        * to schedule operations that will be done after all access to vector
673        * entries.
674        */
675       std::vector<unsigned int> cell_loop_post_list_index;
677       /**
678        * Stores the actual ranges of the operation after all access to vector
679        * entries.
680        */
681       std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> cell_loop_post_list;
682     };
685     /*-------------------------- Inline functions ---------------------------*/
687 #ifndef DOXYGEN
690     inline unsigned int
fe_index_from_degree(const unsigned int first_selected_component,const unsigned int fe_degree)691     DoFInfo::fe_index_from_degree(const unsigned int first_selected_component,
692                                   const unsigned int fe_degree) const
693     {
694       const unsigned int n_indices = fe_index_conversion.size();
695       if (n_indices <= 1)
696         return 0;
697       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_indices; ++i)
698         if (fe_index_conversion[i][first_selected_component] == fe_degree)
699           return i;
700       return numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
701     }
703 #endif // ifndef DOXYGEN
705   } // end of namespace MatrixFreeFunctions
706 } // end of namespace internal
710 #endif