2! Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
8PROGRAM plotband
10  ! reads data files produced by "bands.x", produces
11  ! * data file ready for plotting with gnuplot, xmgr or the like
12  ! * a postscript file that can be directly printed
13  ! for projected band structure, produces
14  ! * a gnuplot script that can be used to generate
15  !   postscript and/or pdf file
16  ! Important notice:
17  ! - k-points processed by bands.x should be along a continuous path
18  ! - no two consecutive k-points should be equal (i.e.: a k-point,
19  !   e.g. 0,0,0, can appear more than once but not in sequence)
20  ! If these rules are violated, unpredictable results may follow
22  !!!
23  USE parser
24  USE kinds, ONLY : DP
25  !!!
27  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: stdout=6
28  real, ALLOCATABLE :: e(:,:), k(:,:), e_in(:), kx(:)
29  real :: k1(3), k2(3), ps
30  real, ALLOCATABLE :: e_rap(:,:), k_rap(:,:)
31  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nbnd_rapk(:), rap(:,:)
32  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: npoints(:)
33  CHARACTER(len=1024) aux
34  INTEGER :: nks = 0, nbnd = 0, ios, nlines, n,i,j,ni,nf,nl, firstk, lastk
35  INTEGER :: nks_rap = 0, nbnd_rap = 0
36  LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: high_symmetry(:), is_in_range(:), is_in_range_rap(:)
37  CHARACTER(len=256) :: filename, filename1, filenamegnu
38  NAMELIST /plot/ nks, nbnd
39  NAMELIST /plot_rap/ nks_rap, nbnd_rap
40  INTEGER :: n_interp
41  real, ALLOCATABLE :: k_interp(:), e_interp(:), coef_interp(:,:)
43  real :: emin = 1.e10, emax =-1.e10, etic, eref, deltaE, Ef
45  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_lines=99
46  real :: mine, dxmod, dxmod_save
47  INTEGER :: point(max_lines+1), nrap(max_lines)
48  INTEGER :: ilines, irap, ibnd, ipoint, jnow
50  real, PARAMETER :: cm=28.453, xdim=15.0*cm, ydim=10.0*cm, &
51                     x0=2.0*cm, y0=2.0*cm, eps=1.e-4
53  LOGICAL :: exist_rap
54  LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: todo(:,:)
55  CHARACTER(len=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
56  !!!
57  LOGICAL :: exist_proj
58  CHARACTER(len=256) :: filename2, field
59  CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: line
60  INTEGER :: nat, ntyp, natomwfc, nprojwfc, nwfc, idum
61  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: atwfclst(:)
62  REAL(DP) :: proj, fdum
63  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: sumproj(:,:), p_rap(:,:)
64  !!!
67  CALL get_file ( filename )
68  OPEN(unit=1,file=filename,form='formatted')
69  READ (1, plot, iostat=ios)
70  !
71  IF (nks <= 0 .or. nbnd <= 0 .or. ios /= 0) THEN
72     STOP 'Error reading file header'
73  ELSE
74     WRITE(*,'("Reading ",i4," bands at ",i6," k-points")') nbnd, nks
77  filename1=trim(filename)//".rap"
78  !!! replace with inquire statement?
79  exist_rap=.true.
80  OPEN(unit=21,file=filename1,form='formatted',status='old',err=100,iostat=ios)
82100 IF (ios /= 0) THEN
83     exist_rap=.false.
85  !!!
86  IF (exist_rap) THEN
87     READ (21, plot_rap, iostat=ios)
88     IF (nks_rap/=nks.or.nbnd_rap/=nbnd.or.ios/=0) THEN
89        WRITE(6,'("file with representations not compatible with bands")')
90        exist_rap=.false.
91     ENDIF
93  !
94  ALLOCATE (e(nbnd,nks))
95  ALLOCATE (k(3,nks), e_in(nks), kx(nks), npoints(nks), high_symmetry(nks))
96  ALLOCATE (is_in_range(nbnd))
98  IF (exist_rap) THEN
99     ALLOCATE(nbnd_rapk(nks))
100     ALLOCATE(e_rap(nbnd,nks))
101     ALLOCATE(rap(nbnd,nks))
102     ALLOCATE(k_rap(3,nks))
103     ALLOCATE(todo(nbnd,2))
104     ALLOCATE (is_in_range_rap(nbnd))
105  ENDIF
106  !!!
107  filename2=trim(filename)//".proj"
108  exist_proj=.false.
109  INQUIRE(file=filename2,exist=exist_proj)
110  IF (exist_proj) THEN
111     OPEN(UNIT=22, FILE=filename2, FORM='formatted', STATUS='old', IOSTAT=ios)
112     IF (ios/=0) STOP 'Error opening projection file '
113     READ (22, *, ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios) ! empty line
114     READ (22, '(8i8)', ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios) idum, idum, idum, idum, idum, &
115          idum, nat, ntyp ! FFT grid (ignored), nat, ntyp
116     READ (22, '(i6,6f12.8)', ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios) idum, fdum, fdum, fdum, fdum, &
117        fdum, fdum ! ibrav, celldm(1-6)
118     IF (idum == 0) THEN ! read and discard the three cell vectors
119        READ (22, *, ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios)
120        READ (22, *, ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios)
121        READ (22, *, ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios)
122     ENDIF
123     DO i=1,1+nat+ntyp
124        READ(22, *, ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios) ! discard atomic positions
125     ENDDO
126     READ (22, '(3i8)',ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios) natomwfc, nks_rap, nbnd_rap
127     READ (22, *, ERR=22, IOSTAT=ios) ! discard another line
129     IF (nks_rap/=nks.or.nbnd_rap/=nbnd.or.ios/=0) THEN
130        WRITE(6,'("file with projections not compatible with bands")')
131        exist_proj=.false.
132     ELSE
133        ALLOCATE( sumproj(nbnd,nks) )
134        ALLOCATE( p_rap(nbnd,nks) )
135     ENDIF
136  ENDIF
137  !!!
140  high_symmetry=.false.
142  DO n=1,nks
143     READ(1,*,end=20,err=20) ( k(i,n), i=1,3 )
144     READ(1,*,end=20,err=20) (e(i,n),i=1,nbnd)
145     IF (exist_rap) THEN
146        READ(21,*,end=20,err=20) (k_rap(i,n),i=1,3), high_symmetry(n)
147        READ(21,*,end=20,err=20) (rap(i,n),i=1,nbnd)
148        IF (abs(k(1,n)-k_rap(1,n))+abs(k(2,n)-k_rap(2,n))+  &
149            abs(k(3,n)-k_rap(3,n))  > eps ) THEN
150            WRITE(stdout,'("Incompatible k points in rap file")')
151            DEALLOCATE(nbnd_rapk)
152            DEALLOCATE(e_rap)
153            DEALLOCATE(rap)
154            DEALLOCATE(k_rap)
155            DEALLOCATE(todo)
156            DEALLOCATE(is_in_range_rap)
157            CLOSE(unit=21)
158            exist_rap=.false.
159        ENDIF
160     ENDIF
161  ENDDO
162  CLOSE(unit=1)
163  IF (exist_rap) CLOSE(unit=21)
165  !!!
166  ! First read the list of atomic wavefunctions from the input,
167  ! then read the entire projection file and sum up the projections
168  ! onto the selected wavefunctions.
169  !!!
170  IF (exist_proj) THEN
171     WRITE(*,'("List of atomic wavefunctions: ")', advance="NO")
172     !read input string of arbitrary length
173     CALL readline(5,line)
174     CALL field_count( nprojwfc, line )
175     ALLOCATE(atwfclst(nprojwfc))
176     atwfclst(:) = -1
177     DO nwfc = 1,nprojwfc
178        CALL get_field(nwfc, field, line)
179        READ(field,*) atwfclst(nwfc)
180     ENDDO
182     sumproj(:,:) = 0.D0
183     DO nwfc = 1, natomwfc
184        READ(22, *, ERR=23, IOSTAT=ios)
185        DO n=1,nks
186           DO ibnd=1,nbnd
187              READ(22, '(2i8,f20.10)', ERR=23, IOSTAT=ios) idum,idum,proj
188              IF ( any( atwfclst(:) == nwfc ) ) sumproj(ibnd,n) = sumproj(ibnd,n) + proj
189           ENDDO
190        ENDDO
191     ENDDO
192     DEALLOCATE(atwfclst)
193     CLOSE(22)
194  ENDIF
195  !!!
198!  Now find the high symmetry points in addition to those already identified
199!  in the representation file
201  DO n=1,nks
202     IF (n==1 .or. n==nks) THEN
203        high_symmetry(n) = .true.
204     ELSE
205        k1(:) = k(:,n) - k(:,n-1)
206        k2(:) = k(:,n+1) - k(:,n)
207        ps = ( k1(1)*k2(1) + k1(2)*k2(2) + k1(3)*k2(3) ) / &
208         sqrt( k1(1)*k1(1) + k1(2)*k1(2) + k1(3)*k1(3) ) / &
209         sqrt( k2(1)*k2(1) + k2(2)*k2(2) + k2(3)*k2(3) )
210        high_symmetry(n) = (abs(ps-1.d0) >1.0d-4).or.high_symmetry(n)
212!  The gamma point is a high symmetry point
214        IF (k(1,n)**2+k(2,n)**2+k(3,n)**2 < 1.0d-9) high_symmetry(n)=.true.
216!   save the typical length of dk
218        IF (n==2) dxmod_save = sqrt( k1(1)**2 + k1(2)**2 + k1(3)**2)
220     ENDIF
221  ENDDO
223  kx(1) = 0.d0
224  DO n=2,nks
225     dxmod=sqrt ( (k(1,n)-k(1,n-1))**2 + &
226                  (k(2,n)-k(2,n-1))**2 + &
227                  (k(3,n)-k(3,n-1))**2 )
228     IF (dxmod > 5*dxmod_save) THEN
230!   A big jump in dxmod is a sign that the point k(:,n) and k(:,n-1)
231!   are quite distant and belong to two different lines. We put them on
232!   the same point in the graph
234        kx(n)=kx(n-1)
235     ELSEIF (dxmod > 1.d-5) THEN
237!  This is the usual case. The two points k(:,n) and k(:,n-1) are in the
238!  same path.
240        kx(n) = kx(n-1) +  dxmod
241        dxmod_save = dxmod
242     ELSE
244!  This is the case in which dxmod is almost zero. The two points coincide
245!  in the graph, but we do not save dxmod.
247        kx(n) = kx(n-1) +  dxmod
249     ENDIF
250  ENDDO
252  DO n=1,nks
253     DO i=1,nbnd
254        emin = min(emin, e(i,n))
255        emax = max(emax, e(i,n))
256     ENDDO
257  ENDDO
258  WRITE(*,'("Range:",2f10.4,"eV  Emin, Emax, [firstk, lastk] > ")', advance="NO") emin, emax
259  READ(5,'(a1024)') aux
260  READ(aux,*,iostat=ios) emin, emax,firstk,lastk
261  IF(ios/=0) THEN
262    READ(aux,*) emin, emax
263    firstk=1
264    lastk=nks
265  ENDIF
266  IF(firstk>1)  kx = kx-kx(firstk)
268!  Since the minimum and miximum energies are given in input we can
269!  sign the bands that are completely outside this range.
271  is_in_range = .false.
272  DO i=1,nbnd
273     is_in_range(i) = any (e(i,1:nks) >= emin .and. e(i,1:nks) <= emax)
274  ENDDO
276!  Now we compute how many paths there are: nlines
277!  The first point of this path: point(iline)
278!  How many points are in each path: npoints(iline)
280  DO n=firstk,lastk
281     IF (high_symmetry(n)) THEN
282        IF (n==1) THEN
284!   first point. Initialize the number of lines, and the number of point
285!   and say that this line start at the first point
287           nlines=1
288           npoints(1)=1
289           point(1)=1
290        ELSEIF (n==nks) THEN
292!    Last point. Here we save the last point of this line, but
293!    do not increase the number of lines
295           npoints(nlines) = npoints(nlines)+1
296           point(nlines+1)=n
297        ELSE
299!   Middle line. The current line has one more points, and there is a new
300!   line that has to be initialized. It has one point and its first point
301!   is the current k.
303           npoints(nlines) = npoints(nlines)+1
304           nlines=nlines+1
305           IF (nlines>max_lines) CALL errore('plotband','too many lines',1)
306           npoints(nlines) = 1
307           point(nlines)=n
308        ENDIF
309        IF (n==1) THEN
310           WRITE( stdout,'("high-symmetry point: ",3f7.4,&
311                         &"   x coordinate   0.0000")') (k(i,n),i=1,3)
312        ELSE
313           WRITE( stdout,'("high-symmetry point: ",3f7.4,&
314                         &"   x coordinate",f9.4)') (k(i,n),i=1,3), kx(n)
315        ENDIF
316     ELSE
318!   This k is not an high symmetry line so we just increase the number of
319!   points of this line.
321        npoints(nlines) = npoints(nlines)+1
322     ENDIF
323  ENDDO
324  !
325  WRITE(*,'("output file (gnuplot/xmgr) > ")', advance="NO")
326  READ(5,'(a)', end=25, err=25)  filename
327  !save this file name for plotting projected bandst
328  filenamegnu=filename
329  IF (filename == ' ' ) THEN
330     WRITE(*,'("skipping ...")')
331     GOTO 25
332  ENDIF
333  IF (.not.exist_rap) THEN
335!  Here the symmetry analysis has not been done. So simply save the bands
336!  on output.
338     OPEN (unit=2,file=filename,form='formatted',status='unknown',&
339           iostat=ios)
340     ! draw bands
341     DO i=1,nbnd
342        IF (is_in_range(i)) THEN
343          IF (exist_proj) THEN
344            WRITE (2,'(3f10.4)') (kx(n), e(i,n), sumproj(i,n),n=firstk,lastk)
345          ELSE
346            WRITE (2,'(2f10.4)') (kx(n), e(i,n),n=firstk,lastk)
347          ENDIF
348          WRITE (2,*)
349        ENDIF
350     ENDDO
351     CLOSE (unit = 2)
352  ELSE
354!   In this case we write a diffent file for each line and for each
355!   representation. Each file contains the bands of that representation.
356!   The file is called filename.#line.#rap
358!   First determine for each line how many representations are there
359!   in each line
361     DO ilines=1,nlines
362        nrap(ilines)=0
363        DO ipoint=1,npoints(ilines)-2
364           n=point(ilines) + ipoint
365           DO ibnd=1,nbnd
366              nrap(ilines)=max(nrap(ilines),rap(ibnd,n))
367           ENDDO
368        ENDDO
369        IF (nrap(ilines) > 12) CALL errore("plotband",&
370                                           "Too many representations",1)
371     ENDDO
373!   Then, for each line and for each representation along that line
375     DO ilines=1,nlines
376        IF (nrap(ilines)==0) THEN
378!   Along this line the symmetry decomposition has not been done.
379!   Plot all the bands as in the standard case
381           filename1=trim(filename) // "." // trim(int_to_char(ilines))
383           OPEN (unit=2,file=filename1,form='formatted',status='unknown',&
384                iostat=ios)
385           ! draw bands
386           DO i=1,nbnd
387              IF (is_in_range(i)) THEN
388                 !!!
389                 IF (exist_proj) THEN
390                    WRITE (2,'(3f10.4)') (kx(n), e(i,n), sumproj(i,n), &
391                          n=point(ilines),point(ilines+1))
392                 ELSE
393                 !!!
394                    WRITE (2,'(2f10.4)') (kx(n), e(i,n),n=point(ilines),&
395                                                          point(ilines+1))
396                 ENDIF
397                 WRITE (2,*)
398              ENDIF
399           ENDDO
400           CLOSE (unit = 2)
401        ENDIF
403        todo=.true.
404        DO irap=1, nrap(ilines)
406!     open a file
408           filename1=trim(filename) // "." // trim(int_to_char(ilines)) &
409                                   //  "." // trim(int_to_char(irap))
410           OPEN (unit=2,file=filename1,form='formatted',status='unknown',&
411                 iostat=ios)
412           IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore("plotband","opening file" &
413                                     //trim(filename1),1)
414!  For each k point along this line selects only the bands which belong
415!  to the irap representation
416           nbnd_rapk=100000
417           DO n=point(ilines)+1, point(ilines+1)-1
418              nbnd_rapk(n)=0
419              DO i=1,nbnd
420                 IF (rap(i,n)==irap) THEN
421                    nbnd_rapk(n) = nbnd_rapk(n) + 1
422                    e_rap(nbnd_rapk(n),n)=e(i,n)
423                    !!!
424                    IF (exist_proj) p_rap(nbnd_rapk(n),n)=sumproj(i,n)
425                    !!!
426                 ENDIF
427              ENDDO
428           ENDDO
430!   on the two high symmetry points the representation is different. So for each
431!   band choose the closest eigenvalue available.
433           DO i=1,nbnd_rapk(point(ilines)+1)
434              mine=1.e8
435              DO j=1,nbnd
436                 IF (abs(e_rap(i,point(ilines)+1)-e(j,point(ilines)))<mine &
437                                                        .and. todo(j,1)) THEN
438                    e_rap(i,point(ilines))=e(j,point(ilines))
439                    !!!
440                    IF (exist_proj) p_rap(i,point(ilines))=sumproj(j,point(ilines))
441                    !!!
442                    mine=abs( e_rap(i,point(ilines)+1)-e(j,point(ilines)))
443                    jnow=j
444                 ENDIF
445              ENDDO
446              todo(jnow,1)=.false.
447           ENDDO
448           DO i=1,nbnd_rapk(point(ilines+1)-1)
449              mine=1.e8
450              DO j=1,nbnd
451                 IF (abs(e_rap(i,point(ilines+1)-1)- &
452                          e(j,point(ilines+1)))<mine .and. todo(j,2)) THEN
453                    e_rap(i,point(ilines+1))=e(j,point(ilines+1))
454                    !!!
455                    IF (exist_proj) p_rap(i,point(ilines+1))=sumproj(j,point(ilines+1))
456                    !!!
457                    mine=abs(e_rap(i,point(ilines+1)-1)-e(j,point(ilines+1)) )
458                    jnow=j
459                 ENDIF
460              ENDDO
461              todo(jnow,2)=.false.
462           ENDDO
463           is_in_range_rap=.false.
464           DO i=1,minval(nbnd_rapk)
465              is_in_range_rap(i) = any (e_rap(i,point(ilines):point(ilines+1))&
466                    >= emin .and. e(i,point(ilines):point(ilines+1)) <= emax)
467           ENDDO
468           DO i=1,minval(nbnd_rapk)
469              IF (is_in_range_rap(i)) THEN
470                 !!!
471                 IF (exist_proj) THEN
472                    WRITE (2,'(3f10.4)') (kx(n), e_rap(i,n), p_rap(i,n), &
473                          n=point(ilines),point(ilines+1))
474                 ELSE
475                 !!!
476                    WRITE (2,'(2f10.4)') (kx(n), e_rap(i,n), &
477                                           n=point(ilines),point(ilines+1))
478                 ENDIF
479                 WRITE (2,*)
480              ENDIF
481           ENDDO
482           IF (minval(nbnd_rapk)==0) THEN
483              CLOSE (unit = 2,status='delete')
484           ELSE
485              CLOSE (unit = 2,status='keep')
486           ENDIF
487        ENDDO
488     ENDDO
490      ! if *.proj file is found, we also simply safe the data,
491      ! for the plotting of projected band. / Junfeng Qiao
492      IF (exist_proj) THEN
493        OPEN (unit=2,file=filename,form='formatted',status='unknown',&
494              iostat=ios)
495        ! draw bands
496        DO i=1,nbnd
497          IF (is_in_range(i)) THEN
498            WRITE (2,'(3f10.4)') (kx(n), e(i,n), sumproj(i,n),n=1,nks)
499            WRITE (2,*)
500          ENDIF
501        ENDDO
502        CLOSE (unit = 2)
503      ENDIF
504  ENDIF
505  WRITE(*,'("bands in gnuplot/xmgr format written to file ",a)') filename
506  !
508  IF (exist_rap) THEN
509     DEALLOCATE(nbnd_rapk)
510     DEALLOCATE(e_rap)
511     DEALLOCATE(rap)
512     DEALLOCATE(k_rap)
513     DEALLOCATE(todo)
514     DEALLOCATE(is_in_range_rap)
515  ENDIF
516  IF (exist_proj) THEN
517     DEALLOCATE(sumproj)
518     DEALLOCATE(p_rap)
519  ENDIF
520  WRITE(*,'("output file (ps) > ")', advance="NO")
521  READ(5,'(a)',end=30,err=30)  filename
522  IF (filename == ' ' ) THEN
523     WRITE(*,'("stopping ...")')
524     GOTO 30
525  ENDIF
526  OPEN (unit=1,file=trim(filename),form='formatted',status='unknown',&
527       iostat=ios)
528  WRITE(*,'("Efermi > ")', advance="NO")
529  READ(5,*) Ef
530  WRITE(*,'("deltaE, reference E (for tics) ")', advance="NO")
531  READ(5,*) deltaE, eref
532  !
533  WRITE (1,'(a)') '%! PS-Adobe-1.0'
534  WRITE (1,*) '/localdict 100 dict def'
535  WRITE (1,*) 'localdict begin'
536  WRITE (1,*) '% delete next line for insertion in a LaTeX file'
537  WRITE (1,*) ' 0 0 moveto'
538  WRITE (1,*) 'gsave'
539  WRITE (1,*) '/nm  {newpath moveto} def'
540  WRITE (1,*) '/riga {newpath moveto lineto stroke} def'
541  WRITE (1,*) '/banda {3 1 roll moveto {lineto} repeat stroke} def'
542  WRITE (1,*) '/dot {newpath  1 0 360 arc fill} def'
543  WRITE (1,*) '/Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont'
544  WRITE (1,*) 'currentpoint translate'
545  WRITE (1,*) '% Landscape: uncomment next line'
546  WRITE (1,*) ' 90 rotate 0 21 neg 28.451 mul translate 1.5 1.5 scale'
547  WRITE (1,*) '% Landscape:   comment next line'
548  WRITE (1,*) '% 1.2 1.2 scale'
549  WRITE (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," translate")') x0, y0
550  WRITE (1,*) '0 setgray 0.5 setlinewidth'
551  ! draw tics on axis
552  ni=nint((eref-emin)/deltaE)+1
553  nf=nint((emax-eref)/deltaE)+1
554  DO i=-ni,nf
555     etic=eref+i*deltaE
556     IF (etic >= emin .and. etic <= emax) THEN
557        WRITE (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," moveto -5 0 rlineto stroke")') &
558             0.0,(etic-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin)
559        WRITE (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," moveto (",f5.1,") show")')   &
560             -30.,(etic-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin), etic-eref
561     ENDIF
562  ENDDO
563  ! draw the Fermi Energy
564  IF (Ef > emin .and. Ef < emax) THEN
565     WRITE (1,'("[2 4] 0 setdash newpath ",2(f8.3,1x), " moveto ")') &
566          0.0, (Ef-emin)/(emax-emin)*ydim
567     WRITE (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," lineto stroke [] 0 setdash")') &
568          xdim, (Ef-emin)/(emax-emin)*ydim
569  ENDIF
570  ! draw axis and set clipping region
571  WRITE (1,*) '1 setlinewidth'
572  WRITE (1,'(8(f8.3,1x))') 0.0,0.0,0.0,ydim,xdim,ydim,xdim,0.0
573  WRITE (1,*) 'newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip stroke'
574  WRITE (1,*) '0.5 setlinewidth'
575  ! draw high-symmetry lines
576  DO n=1,nks
577     IF (high_symmetry(n)) THEN
578        WRITE (1,'(4(f8.3,1x)," riga")') &
579             kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), 0.0, kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), ydim
580     ENDIF
581     DO i=1,nbnd
582        IF (is_in_range(i)) WRITE (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," dot")' ) &
583             kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), (e(i,n)-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin)
584     ENDDO
585  ENDDO
586  ! draw bands
587  ALLOCATE (k_interp(4*nks), e_interp(4*nks), coef_interp(nks,4))
588  DO i=1,nbnd
589     IF (is_in_range(i)) THEN
590        ! No interpolation:
591        !        write (1,'(9(f8.3,1x))') ( kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), &
592        !            (e(i,n)-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin),n=nks,1,-1)
593        !        write (1,'(i4," banda")' ) nks-1
594        ! Spline interpolation with twice as many points:
595        !
596        ni=1
597        nf=1
598        DO nl=1,nlines
599           ni=nf
600           nf=nf + npoints(nl)-1
601           n_interp= 2*(nf-ni)+1
602           IF (n_interp < 7) CYCLE
603           DO n=1,n_interp
604              k_interp(n)=kx(ni)+(n-1)*(kx(nf)-kx(ni))/(n_interp-1)
605           ENDDO
606           DO n=ni,nf
607              e_in(n-ni+1)=e(i,n)
608           ENDDO
609           CALL spline_interpol ( kx(ni), e_in, nf-ni+1, &
610                k_interp, e_interp, n_interp )
611           WRITE (1,'(9(f8.3,1x))') ( k_interp(n)*xdim/kx(nks), &
612               (e_interp(n)-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin),n=n_interp,1,-1)
613           WRITE (1,'(i4," banda")' ) n_interp-1
614        ENDDO
615     ENDIF
616  ENDDO
618  WRITE (1,*) 'grestore'
619  WRITE (1,*) '% delete next lines for insertion in a tex file'
620  WRITE (1,'(a)') '%%Page'
621  WRITE (1,*) 'showpage'
622  CLOSE (unit=1)
623  WRITE(*,'("bands in PostScript format written to file ",a)') filename
626  ! generate gnuplot script to directly draw projected band structure
627  ! Junfeng Qiao (Sep/12/2018)
628  IF (exist_proj) THEN
629    WRITE(*,'(a)', advance="NO") "output file for projected band &
630                                 &(gnuplot script) > "
631    READ(5,'(a)', end=35, err=35)  filename
632    OPEN (unit=1,file=trim(filename),form='formatted',&
633          status='unknown',iostat=ios)
634    WRITE (1,'(a)') '#!gnuplot'
635    WRITE (1,'(a)') 'set terminal postscript portrait &
636                    & enhanced color dashed lw 1 ",12"'
637    WRITE (1,'(a)') 'set output "'//trim(filename)//'_projected.ps"'
638    WRITE (1,'(a,f10.4,a)') 'set xrange [0.0:',kx(nks),']'
639    WRITE (1,'(a)') 'unset xtics'
640    WRITE (1,'(a,f12.6,a,f12.6,a)') '#set yrange [',emin,':',emax,']'
641    WRITE (1,'(a,3(f12.6,a))') 'set ytics ',emin,',',deltaE,',',emax,' '
642    WRITE (1,'(a)') 'set ylabel "E - E_{ref} (eV)"'
643    WRITE (1,'(a)') 'set border lw 0.5'
644    WRITE (1,'(a)') "set style arrow 1 nohead front lw 0.5 lc rgb 'black'"
645    DO nl=1,nlines
646      WRITE (1,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a)') 'set arrow from ',kx(point(nl)),&
647                &',graph 0 to ',kx(point(nl)),',graph 1 as 1'
648    ENDDO
649    WRITE (1,'(a)') "set title '"//trim(filename)//"_projected' noenhanced"
650    WRITE (1,'(a,f12.6,a)') &
651                &"plot '"//trim(filenamegnu)//&
652                &"' u 1:($2 - ",eref,"):3 w l palette lw 1 notitle, "//CHAR(92)
653        ! char(92) = backslash; syntax "something \" confuses the PGI compiler
654    WRITE (1,'(f12.6,a)') &
655                &Ef-eref," lt 2 lw 0.5 lc rgb 'grey50' notitle"
656    CLOSE (unit=1)
657    WRITE (*,'(a)') 'run "gnuplot '//trim(filename)//'" to get "'//&
658                &trim(filename)//'_projected.ps"'
659    WRITE (*,'(a)') 'and/or run "ps2pdf '//trim(filename)//&
660                &'_projected.ps" to get "'//trim(filename)//&
661                &'_projected.pdf"'
662  ENDIF
665  STOP
66620 WRITE(*, '("Error reading k-point # ",i4)') n
667  STOP
66822 WRITE(*, '("Error reading projection file header")')
669  STOP
67023 WRITE(*, '("Error reading projections")')
671  STOP
675SUBROUTINE spline_interpol (xin, yin, nin, xout, yout, nout)
677  ! xin and xout should be in increasing order, with
678  ! xout(1) <= xin(1), xout(nout) <= xin(nin)
681  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nin, nout
682  real, INTENT(in)  :: xin(nin), yin(nin), xout(nout)
683  real, INTENT(out) :: yout(nout)
684  ! work space (automatically allocated)
685  real :: d2y(nin)
686  real :: dy1, dyn
688  dy1 = (yin(2)-yin(1))/(xin(2)-xin(1))
689  dyn = 0.0
691  CALL spline( xin, yin, nin, dy1, dyn, d2y)
692  CALL splint( nin, xin, yin, d2y, nout, xout, yout)
695END SUBROUTINE spline_interpol
697SUBROUTINE spline(x, y, n, yp1, ypn, d2y)
700  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n
701  real, INTENT(in) :: x(n), y(n), yp1, ypn
702  real, INTENT(out):: d2y(n)
703  ! work space (automatically allocated)
704  real :: work(n)
705  INTEGER :: i, k
706  real :: sig, p, qn, un
708  d2y(1)=-0.5
709  work(1)=(3.0/(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
711  DO i=2,n-1
712     sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
713     p=sig*d2y(i-1)+2.0
714     d2y(i)=(sig-1.0)/p
715     work(i)=(6.0*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
716          /(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*work(i-1))/p
717  ENDDO
718  qn=0.5
719  un=(3.0/(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
721  d2y(n)=(un-qn*work(n-1))/(qn*d2y(n-1)+1.0)
722  DO k=n-1,1,-1
723     d2y(k)=d2y(k)*d2y(k+1)+work(k)
724  ENDDO
730SUBROUTINE splint (nspline, xspline, yspline, d2y, nfit, xfit, yfit)
733  ! input
734  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nspline, nfit
735  real, INTENT(in) :: xspline(nspline), yspline(nspline), xfit(nfit), &
736       d2y(nspline)
737  real, INTENT(out) :: yfit(nfit)
738  INTEGER :: klo, khi, i
739  real :: a, b, h
741  IF (nspline==2) THEN
742      PRINT *, "n=",nspline,nfit
743      PRINT *, xspline
744      PRINT *, yspline
745      PRINT *, d2y
746   ENDIF
747  klo=1
748  DO i=1,nfit
749     DO khi=klo+1, nspline
750        IF(xspline(khi) >= xfit(i)) THEN
751           IF(xspline(khi-1) <= xfit(i)) THEN
752              klo = khi-1
753           ELSE
754              IF (klo == 1 .and. khi-1 == 1) THEN
755                 ! the case xfit(i) < xspline(1) should not happen
756                 ! but since it may be due to a numerical artifact
757                 ! we just continue
758                 PRINT *, '  SPLINT WARNING: xfit(i) < xspline(1)', &
759                      xfit(i), xspline(1)
760              ELSE
761                 STOP '  SPLINT ERROR: xfit not properly ordered'
762              ENDIF
763           ENDIF
764           h= xspline(khi) - xspline(klo)
765           a= (xspline(khi)-xfit(i))/h
766           b= (xfit(i)-xspline(klo))/h
768           yfit(i) = a*yspline(klo) + b*yspline(khi) &
769                + ( (a**3-a)*d2y(klo) + (b**3-b)*d2y(khi)  )*h*h/6.0
770           GOTO 10
771        ENDIF
772     ENDDO
774     ! the case xfit(i) > xspline(nspline) should also not happen
775     ! but again it may be due to a numerical artifact
776     ! A properly chosen extrapolation formula should be used here
777     ! (and in the case  xfit(i) < xspline(1) above as well) but
778     ! I am too lazy to write one - PG
780     PRINT *, '  SPLINT WARNING: xfit(i) > xspline(nspline)', &
781                      xfit(i), xspline(nspline)
782     khi = klo+1
783     h= xspline(khi) - xspline(klo)
784     a= (xspline(khi)-xfit(i))/h
785     b= (xfit(i)-xspline(klo))/h
787     yfit(i) = a*yspline(klo) + b*yspline(khi) &
788          + ( (a**3-a)*d2y(klo) + (b**3-b)*d2y(khi)  )*h*h/6.0
789     !
79010   CONTINUE
791  ENDDO
796SUBROUTINE readline(aunit, inline)
797  ! read input of arbitrary length,
798  ! return a string of length at least 256.
799  ! the returning string will have at least one
800  ! whitespace, to be compatible with field_count()
801  ! Junfeng Qiao (Sep/12/2018)
803  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: aunit
804  CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: inline
805  CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmpline
806  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: line_buf_len=256
807  CHARACTER(len=line_buf_len) :: instr
808  LOGICAL :: set
809  INTEGER status, size
811  set = .true.
812  DO
813    READ(aunit,'(a)',advance='NO',iostat=status, size=size) instr
814    IF (set) THEN
815        tmpline = instr(1:size)
816        set=.false.
817    ELSE
818        tmpline = tmpline // instr(1:size)
819    ENDIF
820    IF (IS_IOSTAT_EOR(status)) exit
821  ENDDO
822  ! the inline will have at least one blank at the ending
823  IF (len_trim(tmpline) < 256) THEN
824    instr = tmpline
825    inline = instr
826  ELSE
827    inline = tmpline // ' '
828  ENDIF
830END SUBROUTINE readline
832END PROGRAM plotband