1 // $Id: drawxtl.h 1084 2010-11-17 22:58:30Z martin $
2 //
3 #ifndef DRAWxtl_h
4 #define DRAWxtl_h
5 #define MAX_VERTS 20000
6 #define VERSION "V5.5"
7 #define RAD 57.2957795		/* Conversion from radians to degrees */
8 #ifndef PI
9 #define PI 3.1415926
10 #endif
11 #ifndef M_PI
12 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
13 #endif
14 #define O_OPT 1
15 #define B_OPT 2
16 #define P_OPT 4
17 #define V_OPT 8
18 #define M_OPT 16
19 #define L_OPT 32
20 #define IDI_ICON1  101
21 #define BUFSIZE 512
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 static inline void *
zalloc(size_t size)26 zalloc (size_t size)
27 {
28     void *ret = malloc (size);
30     if (ret)
31 	memset (ret, 0, size);
32     return ret;
33 }
35 struct MAP_INFO
36 {
37     int info_valid;
38     char title[82];
39     float lat_con[6];
40     float rhomx;
41     float rhomn;
42     int map_int[3];
43     float xlim[2];
44     float ylim[2];
45     float zlim[2];
46     float x4lim[2];
47     float x5lim[2];
48     float x6lim[2];
49     int map_type;
50     int res;	/* points per A for calc maps */
51 };
53 struct arrow_struct
54 {
55     int arrow_fn;		/* frame number for this arrow */
56     char col_arrow[40];		/* the color of this one */
57     float arrow_length;		/* the length of this arrow */
58     float arrow_diam;		/*    and its diameter */
59     float mag_xp[3];		/* position of arrow in real-space cell */
60     float mag_xc[3];		/* components of arrow wrt XYZ */
61 };
63 struct cone_struct
64 {
65     int cone_fn;		// frame number for the cone commands
66     char cone_l1[5];		// label for atom end of cone
67     int numlonepairs;		// number of lone pairs to draw at atom
68     float cone_height;		// height of cone
69     float cone_min;		// cone tip radius
70     float cone_max;		// cone base radius
71     char col_cone[40];		// color and properties of cones for POV
72 };
74 struct plane_struct
75 {
76     int plane_fn;		// frame number for plane commands
77     char plane_col[40];		// plane colors for POV
78     char plane_l[5];		// plane center label
79     float plane_size;		// size of plane coordination
80 };
82 struct poly_struct
83 {
84     int poly_fn;		// frame number for polyhedra commands
85     char poly_l[5];		// polyhedral center label
86     char poly_t[5];		// polyhedral vertex label
87     float poly_size;		// size of polyhedron
88     float poly_min;		// lower limit for shell-like polyhedron
89     char poly_col[40];		// polyhedron colors for POV
90     float poly_rad_edge;	// individual edge radius for polyhedron
91     char poly_col_edge[40];	// color of individual poly edges for POV
92 };
94 struct edge_struct
95 {
96     char name[5];
97     char color[40];
98     float radius;
99 };
101 struct bplane_struct
102 {
103     char bplane_t[10][5];	// atom labels in plane list
104     int bplane_n[10];		// atom numbers in plane list
105     int nbatoms;		// number of items in list
106     float bplane_d1;		// width of plane segment to draw
107     float bplane_d2;		// second dimension
108     char bplane_col[40];	// color
109 };
111 struct bond_struct
112 {
113     int bond_fn;		// frame number for bond commands
114     char bond_l1[5];		// label for one end of bond
115     char bond_l2[5];		// label for other end
116     float bond_size;		// bond diameter
117     float bond_min;		// minimum bond distance
118     float bond_max;		// maximum bond distance
119     char col_bond[40];		// color and properties of bonds for POV
120     int bond_style;		// solid bond or dash
121 };
123 struct sphere_struct
124 {
125     int sphere_fn;		// frame number for sphere commands
126     char sphere_l[5];		// sphere label
127     int sphere_n;		// atom number - -1 for old behavior
128     float sphere_size;		// sphere size
129     char sphere_col[40];	// sphere colors
130 };
132 struct label_struct
133 {
134     int label_fn;		// frame number
135     float label_x[3];		// position of textual labels
136     char label_label[64];	// label text
137 };
139 struct map_struct
140 {
141     int FourierContourSolid;
142     float FourierContourLevel;	// Level for 3d, initial level for 2d
143     float FourierContourStep;	// Height between contours for 2d
144     float FourierContourTop;	// Upper level for 2d
145     char FourierContourColor[40];
146     char FourierBackColor[40];
147 };
149 struct frame_struct		// allocate at max_frame
150 {
151     float clip_lim[6];		/* limits of clip box in cell coords */
152     float cryst_lim[6];		/* limits of view box in cell coords */
153     float map_lim[9];
154     int map_lim_set;
155     int slice;
156     float mapslice[3];
157     float mapnorm[3];
158     float planeeq[4];
159     char molecule_atom_name[5];
160     int molecule_atom_no;
161     float molecule_distance;
162 };
164 struct atom_struct		// allocate at max_atom
165 {
166     float atom_xyz[3];		// atomic coordinates
167     char atom_l[5];		// atom labels
168     int atom_n;			// input atom number
169     int atom_fn;		// frame number for atom
170     int sv_atom_n;		// saved input atom number
171     int atom_ismod;		// flag for modulated position
172     int occ_ismod;		// flag for modulated occupancy
173     float occupancy;		// average occupancy
174     float min_occ;		// minimum occupancy required for drawing the atom
175     float saved_xyz[3];		// storage to save the atom position
176     int TF_status;		// Temperature factor status (-1 no Uij, 0 sphere, 1 ellipsoid)
177     float radius;		// vdW Radius for solvent calculations etc.
178 };
180 struct ellips_struct		// allocate at max_el
181 {
182     char ellips_col[40];	// ellipsoid colors for POV
183     float ellips_EV[3][3];	// Eigenvectors
184     float ellips_RMS[3];	// RMS amplitudes
185     char ellips_l[5];		// label for anisotropic atom
186     int ellips_n;		// atom number
187     int save_el_number;		// save original atom number
188     int ell_type;		// form of ellipsoid input
189     float ellips[6];		// thermal ellipsoid coefficients
190     int ellips_ismod;		// flag for modulated Uij
191 };
193 struct mod_gbl_struct		// allocate at max_modulation
194 {
195     int vector_mult[3];		// coefficients ijk for modvector = i*cell_vec_1 + j*cell_vec_2 ..
196     float modvector[3];		// atom Fourier modulation vectors
197 };
199 struct mod_x_struct		// allocate at max_atom * max_modulation
200 {
201     float atom_mod_sawtooth[5];	// amplitudes and interval for sawtooth modulation
202     int ellips_modpar_atom;	// atom number for this item
203     float atom_occpar[2];	// cosine and sine multiplier of occ fourier series
204     int atom_occpar_atom;	// atom number for atom_occpar
205     int atom_occpar_id;		// axis number (0-2) for atom_occpar
206     float atom_occ_crenel[2];	// crenel lower and upper limit for occupancy
207 };
209 struct mod_3x_struct		// allocate at 3 * max_atom * max_modulation
210 {
211     float atom_modpar[2];	// cosine and sine multiplier for an item
212     int atom_modpar_atom;	// atom number for atom_modpar
213     int atom_modpar_axis;	// axis number (0-2) for atom_modpar
214     int atom_modpar_id;		// entry in vector_mult for this term (1 - no_mod_vectors)
215 };
217 struct mod_3t_struct		// allocate at 3 * max_el * max_modulation
218 {
219     float ellips_modpar[2];	// wave vector id, cosine and sine multip
220     int ellips_modpar_id;	// entry for this term (1 - no_mod_vectors)
221     int ellips_modpar_term;	// identity of this term (1-6);
222 };
224 struct atprop_struct		// atomic properties
225 {
226     int atprop_fn;		// frame number
227     char atprop_l[5];		// label
228     int atprop_n;		// atom number - -1 for old behavior
229     float radius;		// van der waals size
230 };
232 #endif