1 /*!
2  * @file inoutbox.h
3  * @brief Member definitions for the InOutBox GUI class.
4  *
5  *
6  *      Copyright 2009 - 2017 <qmidiarp-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
7  *
8  *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  *      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  *      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  *      (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  *      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  *      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *      GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  *      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  *      Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
21  *      MA 02110-1301, USA.
22  */
24 #ifndef INOUTBOX_H
25 #define INOUTBOX_H
27 #include <QBoxLayout>
28 #include <QGridLayout>
29 #include <QGroupBox>
30 #include <QMessageBox>
31 #include <QToolButton>
32 #include <QPushButton>
33 #include <QAction>
34 #include <QComboBox>
35 #include <QGroupBox>
36 #include <QSpinBox>
37 #include <QLabel>
38 #include <QCheckBox>
41 #ifdef APPBUILD
42 #include <QInputDialog>
44 #include "parstore.h"
45 #endif
47 #include "midiworker.h"
48 /*! @brief GUI base class for module widgets, creates an in-out settings box
49  *
50  * The three module widget classes ArpWidget, SeqWidget and LfoWidget
51  * inherit from this class. It provides the input
52  * output settings and widget and handlers and some other small functions
53  * and member variables
54 */
55 class InOutBox: public QWidget
56 {
59 	public:
60 	MidiWorker *midiWorker;
61 #ifdef APPBUILD
62     QString name;       /**< @brief The name of this Widget as shown in the DockWidget TitleBar */
63     GlobStore *globStore;
64 /*!
65  * @brief Constructor for InOutBox. Creates the base class and widget for a module
66  *
67  *
68  * @param p_midiWorker Associated MidiWorker Base Object
69  * @param p_globStore The Application-wide globStore widget
70  * @param portCount Number of available MIDI output ports
71  * @param compactStyle If set to True, Widget will use reduced spacing and small fonts
72  * @param inOutVisible Add the module with visible InOutBox or not
73  * @param name The name of the module preceded by its type (Arp: , etc...)
74  */
75 	InOutBox(MidiWorker *p_midiWorker, GlobStore *p_globStore, int portCount, bool compactStyle,
76 		bool inOutVisible, const QString& name);
77     QAction *deleteAction, *renameAction, *cloneAction;
78     int ID;             /**< @brief Corresponds to the Engine::midi*List index of the associated MidiSeq */
79     int parentDockID;   /**< @brief The index of the Widget's parent DockWidget in Engine::moduleWindowList */
80     ParStore *parStore;
81     MidiControl *midiControl;
82 #else
83 	InOutBox(bool compactStyle,
84 		bool inOutVisible, const QString& name);
85 #endif
86     ~InOutBox();
87     bool modified;      /**< @brief Is set to True if unsaved parameter modifications exist */
88 	bool dataChanged;
89 	bool needsGUIUpdate;
90     QLabel *rangeInLabel, *indexInLabel;
91     QGroupBox *inputFilterBox;
92     QComboBox *chIn;                        // Channel of input events
93     QComboBox *channelOut, *portOut;        // Output channel / port (ALSA Sequencer)
94     QSpinBox *indexIn[2];                  // Index input
95     QSpinBox *rangeIn[2];                  // Parameter that is mapped, [0] low, [1] high boundary
96     QCheckBox *enableRestartByKbd;
97     QCheckBox *enableTrigByKbd;
98     QCheckBox *enableTrigLegato;
99     QCheckBox *enableNoteIn;
100     QCheckBox *enableVelIn;
101     QCheckBox *enableNoteOff;
102     QSpinBox  *ccnumberInBox;
103     QSpinBox  *ccnumberBox;
104 	QAction *hideInOutBoxAction;
105 	QToolButton *hideInOutBoxButton;
106     QAction *muteOutAction;
107     QToolButton *muteOut;
108     QAction *deferChangesAction;
109     QToolButton *deferChangesButton;
111 	QWidget *inOutBoxWidget;
113     virtual bool isModified();
114     virtual void setModified(bool);
115     virtual void checkIfInputFilterSet();
getFramePtr()116     virtual int getFramePtr() { return midiWorker->getFramePtr(); }
getNextTick()117     virtual int getNextTick() { return midiWorker->nextTick; }
119 #ifdef APPBUILD
121 /*!
122 * @brief Writes common module parameters to disk
123 * @param xml XML stream to write to
124 */
125 	virtual void writeCommonData(QXmlStreamWriter& xml);
126 /*!
127 * @brief Reads common module parameters from disk
128 * @param xml XML stream to read from
129 */
130 	virtual void readCommonData(QXmlStreamReader& xml);
131 /*!
132 * @brief Setter for the InOutBox::portOut spinbox setting the output
133 * port of this module.
134 * @param value Number of the output port to send data to
135 *
136 */
137     virtual void setPortOut(int value);
138 /*!
139 * @brief stores some module parameters in a parameter
140 * list object
141 *
142 * @param ix Position index in the parameter list
143 */
144     virtual void doStoreParams(int ix) = 0;
145 /*!
146 * @brief Restores some module parameters from the parameter
147 * list object
148 *
149 * @param ix Position index in the parameter list
150 */
151     virtual void doRestoreParams(int ix) = 0;
152 /**
153  * @brief Copies the new values transferred from the
154  * GrooveWidget into variables used by the main routine.
155  *
156  * @param p_grooveTick Groove amount for timing displacements
157  * @param p_grooveVelocity Groove amount for velocity variations
158  * @param p_grooveLength Groove amount for note length variations
159  */
160     virtual void newGrooveValues(int p_grooveTick, int p_grooveVelocity,
161             int p_grooveLength);
163 /**
164  * @brief Handles MIDI-learned controller events locally in each module
165  *
166  * It is called by Engine::sendController() when a MIDI controller is received.
167  */
168     virtual void handleController(int ccnumber, int channel, int value) = 0;
169 /*!
170  * @brief Updates the SeqScreen and other GUI elements with data from
171  * the MidiSeq instance.
172  *
173  * It is called by Engine::updateDisplay(), which itself is
174  * connected to the MTimer::timeout event. It runs in the MTimer thread.
175  * It reads the waveform data and other settings from the MidiSeq instance
176  * and sets GUI cursor, wave display and other elements accordingly. This
177  * way, no memory allocations are done within the jack run thread, for
178  * instance by MIDI controllers, since the Qt widgets are not called directly.
179  * This function also checks whether parameter changes from ParStore are
180  * pending and causes them to get transferred if so.
181  */
182     virtual void updateDisplay() = 0;
183     virtual void updateIndicators();
184     virtual void checkIfRestore(int *restoreTick, bool *restoreFlag);
185 /*!
186 * @brief allows ignoring one XML element in the XML stream
187 * passed by the caller.
188 *
189 * It also advances the stream read-in. It is used to
190 * ignore unknown elements for both-ways-compatibility
191 *
192 * @param xml reference to QXmlStreamReader containing the open XML stream
193 */
194     virtual void skipXmlElement(QXmlStreamReader& xml);
195 #endif
197   public slots:
198 /*!
199 * @brief Slot for InOutBox::deleteAction.
200 *
201 * This function displays a warning and then emits the
202 * InOutBox::moduleRemove signal to MainWindow with the module ID as
203 * parameter.
204 */
205     virtual void moduleDelete();
206 /*!
207 * @brief Slot for InOutBox::renameAction.
208 *
209 * This function queries a new name then emits the InOutBox::dockRename
210 * signal to MainWindow with the new name and the dockWidget ID to rename.
211 */
212     virtual void moduleRename();
213 /*!
214 * @brief Slot for InOutBox::cloneAction.
215 *
216 * This function emits the InOutBox::moduleClone()
217 * signal to MainWindow with the module ID and the dockWidget ID.
218 */
219     virtual void moduleClone();
221     virtual void setInputFilterVisible(bool on);
223 /*!
224 * @brief Store common module parameters and call doStoreParams
225 *
226 * Stores common module parameters to ParStore::list and then calls
227 * InOutBox::doStoreParams(), which is reimplemented in each module widget
228 * to store module specific parameters.
229 *
230 * @param ix The storage location index to write to
231 * @param empty Signal an empty location
232 */
233 	virtual void storeParams(int ix, bool empty = 0);
234 /*!
235 * @brief Restore common module parameters and call doRestoreParams
236 *
237 * Restores common module parameters from ParStore::list and then calls
238 * InOutBox::doRestoreParams(), which is reimplemented in each module widget
239 * to restore module specific parameters.
240 *
241 * @param ix The storage location index to read from
242 */
243 	virtual void restoreParams(int ix);
244 /*!
245 * @brief Slot for the InOutBox::channelOut spinbox setting the output
246 * channel of this module.
247 * @param value Number of the output channel to send data to
248 *
249 */
250     virtual void updateChannelOut(int value);
251 /*!
252 * @brief Slot for the InOutBox::portOut spinbox setting the output
253 * port of this module.
254 * @param value Number of the output port to send data to
255 *
256 */
257     virtual void updateCcnumberIn(int value);
258     virtual void updatePortOut(int value);
259     virtual void updateChIn(int value);
260     virtual void updateIndexIn(int value);
261     virtual void updateRangeIn(int value);
262     virtual void updateEnableNoteIn(bool on);
263     virtual void updateEnableVelIn(bool on);
264     virtual void updateEnableNoteOff(bool on);
265     virtual void updateEnableRestartByKbd(bool on);
266     virtual void updateEnableTrigByKbd(bool on);
267     virtual void updateTrigLegato(bool on);
268 /*!
269 * @brief Slot for the InOutBox::ccnumberBox spinbox setting the output
270 * controller CC number of this module.
271 * @param val CC number to send data to
272 *
273 */
274     virtual void updateCcnumber(int val);
275 /*!
276 * @brief Slot for the InOutBox::deferChangesAction.
277 *
278 * Sets a flag in the midi worker causing parameter changes to become
279 * active/inactive only at pattern end.
280 *
281 * @param on Set to True for deferring parameter changes to pattern end
282 */
283     virtual void updateDeferChanges(bool on);
284 /*!
285 * @brief Slot for the InOutBox::muteOut checkbox.
286 * suppresses output of MIDI data.
287 *
288 * It sets MidiWorker::isMuted and causes a needsGUIUpdate
289 * @param on Set to True for muting this module
290 *
291 */
292     virtual void setMuted(bool on);
294   signals:
296 /*! @brief Emitted to MainWindow::removeSeq for module deletion.
297  *  @param ID The internal module ID of the module to remove
298  *  */
299     void moduleRemove(int ID);
300 /*! @brief Emitted to MainWindow::renameDock for module rename.
301  *  @param mname New name of the module
302  *  @param parentDockID parentDockID of the module to rename
303  * */
304     void dockRename(const QString& mname, int parentDockID);
305 /*! @brief Emitted to MainWindow::cloneSeq for module duplication.
306  *  @param ID module ID of the module to clone
307  * */
308     void moduleClone(int ID);
309 };
310 #endif