1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2008-2013 NVIDIA Corporation
3  *
4  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  *  limitations under the License.
15  */
18 #pragma once
20 #include <thrust/detail/config.h>
22 // The rationale for the existence of these apparently redundant definitions is
23 // to provide them portably and to avoid bringing in system headers which might
24 // pollute the global namespace. These identifiers are in lowercase to avoid
25 // colliding with the real macros in errno.h.
27 namespace thrust
28 {
30 namespace system
31 {
33 namespace detail
34 {
36 static const int eafnosupport    = 9901;
37 static const int eaddrinuse      = 9902;
38 static const int eaddrnotavail   = 9903;
39 static const int eisconn         = 9904;
40 static const int ebadmsg         = 9905;
41 static const int econnaborted    = 9906;
42 static const int ealready        = 9907;
43 static const int econnrefused    = 9908;
44 static const int econnreset      = 9909;
45 static const int edestaddrreq    = 9910;
46 static const int ehostunreach    = 9911;
47 static const int eidrm           = 9912;
48 static const int emsgsize        = 9913;
49 static const int enetdown        = 9914;
50 static const int enetreset       = 9915;
51 static const int enetunreach     = 9916;
52 static const int enobufs         = 9917;
53 static const int enolink         = 9918;
54 static const int enodata         = 9919;
55 static const int enomsg          = 9920;
56 static const int enoprotoopt     = 9921;
57 static const int enosr           = 9922;
58 static const int enotsock        = 9923;
59 static const int enostr          = 9924;
60 static const int enotconn        = 9925;
61 static const int enotsup         = 9926;
62 static const int ecanceled       = 9927;
63 static const int einprogress     = 9928;
64 static const int eopnotsupp      = 9929;
65 static const int ewouldblock     = 9930;
66 static const int eownerdead      = 9931;
67 static const int eproto          = 9932;
68 static const int eprotonosupport = 9933;
69 static const int enotrecoverable = 9934;
70 static const int etime           = 9935;
71 static const int etxtbsy         = 9936;
72 static const int etimedout       = 9938;
73 static const int eloop           = 9939;
74 static const int eoverflow       = 9940;
75 static const int eprototype      = 9941;
76 static const int enosys          = 9942;
77 static const int einval          = 9943;
78 static const int erange          = 9944;
79 static const int eilseq          = 9945;
80 static const int e2big           = 9946;
81 static const int edom            = 9947;
82 static const int efault          = 9948;
83 static const int ebadf           = 9949;
84 static const int epipe           = 9950;
85 static const int exdev           = 9951;
86 static const int ebusy           = 9952;
87 static const int enotempty       = 9953;
88 static const int enoexec         = 9954;
89 static const int eexist          = 9955;
90 static const int efbig           = 9956;
91 static const int enametoolong    = 9957;
92 static const int enotty          = 9958;
93 static const int eintr           = 9959;
94 static const int espipe          = 9960;
95 static const int eio             = 9961;
96 static const int eisdir          = 9962;
97 static const int echild          = 9963;
98 static const int enolck          = 9964;
99 static const int enospc          = 9965;
100 static const int enxio           = 9966;
101 static const int enodev          = 9967;
102 static const int enoent          = 9968;
103 static const int esrch           = 9969;
104 static const int enotdir         = 9970;
105 static const int enomem          = 9971;
106 static const int eperm           = 9972;
107 static const int eacces          = 9973;
108 static const int erofs           = 9974;
109 static const int edeadlk         = 9975;
110 static const int eagain          = 9976;
111 static const int enfile          = 9977;
112 static const int emfile          = 9978;
113 static const int emlink          = 9979;
115 } // end detail
117 } // end system
119 } // end thrust