1 /*	EDEF:		Global variable definitions for
2 			MicroEMACS 3.9
4                         written by Daniel Lawrence
5                         based on code by Dave G. Conroy,
6                         	Steve Wilhite and George Jones
7 */
9 #ifdef	maindef
11 /* for MAIN.C */
13 /* initialized global definitions */
15 NOSHARE int DNEAR fillcol = 72; 	/* Current fill column		*/
16 NOSHARE short kbdm[NKBDM];		/* Macro			*/
17 NOSHARE char *execstr = NULL;		/* pointer to string to execute */
18 NOSHARE char golabel[NPAT] = "";	/* current line to go to	*/
19 NOSHARE char paralead[NPAT] = " \t";	/* paragraph leadin chars	*/
20 NOSHARE char fmtlead[NPAT] = "";	/* format command leadin chars	*/
21 NOSHARE char mainbuf[] = "main";	/* name of main buffer		*/
22 NOSHARE char lterm[NSTRING];		/* line terminators on file write */
23 NOSHARE unsigned char wordlist[256];	/* characters considered "in words" */
24 NOSHARE int DNEAR wlflag = FALSE;	/* word list enabled flag	*/
25 NOSHARE int DNEAR clearflag = TRUE;	/* clear screen on screen change? */
26 NOSHARE int DNEAR execlevel = 0;	/* execution IF level		*/
27 NOSHARE int DNEAR eolexist = TRUE;	/* does clear to EOL exist?	*/
28 NOSHARE int DNEAR revexist = FALSE;	/* does reverse video exist?	*/
29 NOSHARE int DNEAR exec_error = FALSE;	/* macro execution error pending? */
30 NOSHARE int DNEAR flickcode = TRUE;	/* do flicker supression?	*/
31 NOSHARE int DNEAR mouse_move = 1;	/* user allow tracking mouse moves? */
32 NOSHARE int DNEAR mmove_flag = TRUE;	/* code currently allowing mmoves? */
33 NOSHARE int DNEAR newscreenflag = FALSE;/* Create new screen on reads? */
34 NOSHARE int DNEAR overlap = 2;		/* overlap when paging screens */
35 CONST char *modename[] = { 		/* name of modes		*/
36 	"WRAP", "CMODE", "SPELL", "EXACT", "VIEW", "OVER",
37 	"MAGIC", "CRYPT", "ASAVE", "REP", "ABBREV"};
38 CONST char modecode[] = "WCSEVOMYARB";	/* letters to represent modes	*/
39 NOSHARE int DNEAR numfunc = NFUNCS;	/* number of bindable functions */
40 NOSHARE int DNEAR gmode = 0;		/* global editor mode		*/
41 NOSHARE int DNEAR gflags = GFREAD;	/* global control flag		*/
42 NOSHARE int DNEAR gfcolor = 7;		/* global forgrnd color (white) */
43 NOSHARE int DNEAR gbcolor = 0;		/* global backgrnd color (black)*/
44 NOSHARE int DNEAR deskcolor = 0;	/* desktop background color	*/
45 NOSHARE int DNEAR gasave = 256; 	/* global ASAVE size		*/
46 NOSHARE int DNEAR gacount = 256;	/* count until next ASAVE	*/
47 NOSHARE int DNEAR sgarbf = TRUE; 	/* TRUE if screen is garbage	*/
48 NOSHARE int DNEAR mpresf = FALSE;	/* TRUE if message in last line */
49 NOSHARE int DNEAR clexec = FALSE;	/* command line execution flag	*/
50 NOSHARE int DNEAR mstore = FALSE;	/* storing text to macro flag	*/
51 NOSHARE int DNEAR discmd = TRUE; 	/* display command flag 	*/
52 NOSHARE int DNEAR disinp = TRUE; 	/* display input characters	*/
53 NOSHARE int DNEAR modeflag = TRUE;	/* display modelines flag	*/
54 NOSHARE int DNEAR timeflag = FALSE;	/* display time			*/
55 NOSHARE int DNEAR undoflag = TRUE;	/* processing undo commands	*/
56 NOSHARE OBJECT obj;			/* scratch undo object		*/
57 NOSHARE int DNEAR undoing = FALSE;	/* currently undoing a command? */
58 NOSHARE char DNEAR lasttime[6] = "";	/* last time string displayed	*/
59 NOSHARE int DNEAR popflag = TRUE;	/* pop-up windows enabled?	*/
60 NOSHARE int DNEAR popwait = TRUE;	/* user wait on pops enabled?	*/
61 NOSHARE int DNEAR posflag = FALSE;	/* display point position	*/
62 NOSHARE int cpending = FALSE;		/* input character pending?	*/
63 NOSHARE int charpending;		/* character pushed back	*/
64 NOSHARE int DNEAR sscroll = FALSE;	/* smooth scrolling enabled flag*/
65 NOSHARE int DNEAR hscroll = TRUE;	/* horizontal scrolling flag	*/
66 NOSHARE int DNEAR hscrollbar = TRUE;	/* horizontal scroll bar flag	*/
67 NOSHARE int DNEAR vscrollbar = TRUE;	/* vertical scroll bar flag */
68 NOSHARE int DNEAR hjump = 1;		/* horizontal jump size 	*/
69 NOSHARE int DNEAR ssave = TRUE; 	/* safe save flag		*/
70 NOSHARE struct BUFFER *bstore = NULL;	/* buffer to store macro text to*/
71 NOSHARE int DNEAR vtrow = 0;		/* Row location of SW cursor	*/
72 NOSHARE int DNEAR vtcol = 0;		/* Column location of SW cursor */
73 NOSHARE int DNEAR ttrow = HUGE; 	/* Row location of HW cursor	*/
74 NOSHARE int DNEAR ttcol = HUGE; 	/* Column location of HW cursor */
75 NOSHARE int DNEAR lbound = 0;		/* leftmost column of current line
76 					   being displayed		*/
77 NOSHARE int DNEAR taboff = 0;		/* tab offset for display	*/
78 NOSHARE int DNEAR tabsize = 8;		/* current hard tab size	*/
79 NOSHARE int DNEAR stabsize = 0;		/* current soft tab size (0: use hard tabs)  */
80 NOSHARE int DNEAR reptc = CTRL | 'U';	/* current universal repeat char*/
81 NOSHARE int DNEAR abortc = CTRL | 'G';	/* current abort command char	*/
82 NOSHARE int DNEAR sterm = CTRL | '[';	/* search terminating character */
83 NOSHARE int DNEAR isterm = CTRL | '[';	/* incremental-search terminating char */
84 NOSHARE int DNEAR searchtype = SRNORM;	/* current search style		*/
85 NOSHARE int DNEAR yankflag = FALSE;	/* current yank style		*/
87 NOSHARE int DNEAR prefix = 0;		/* currently pending prefix bits */
88 NOSHARE int DNEAR prenum = 0;		/*     "       "     numeric arg */
89 NOSHARE int DNEAR predef = TRUE;	/*     "       "     default flag */
91 NOSHARE int DNEAR quotec = CTRL | 'Q';	/* quote char during mlreply() */
92 NOSHARE CONST char *cname[] = {		/* names of colors		*/
93 	"BLACK", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "BLUE",
94 	"MAGENTA", "CYAN", "GREY",
98 NOSHARE int kill_index;			/* current index into kill ring */
99 NOSHARE KILL *kbufp[NRING];		/* current kill buffer chunk pointer*/
100 NOSHARE KILL *kbufh[NRING];		/* kill buffer header pointer	*/
101 NOSHARE	int kskip[NRING];		/* # of bytes to skip in 1st kill chunk */
102 NOSHARE int kused[NRING];		/* # of bytes used in last kill chunk*/
103 NOSHARE EWINDOW *swindow = NULL; 	/* saved window pointer 	*/
104 NOSHARE int cryptflag = FALSE;		/* currently encrypting?	*/
105 NOSHARE int oldcrypt = FALSE;		/* using old(broken) encryption? */
106 NOSHARE short *kbdptr;			/* current position in keyboard buf */
107 NOSHARE short *kbdend = &kbdm[0];	/* ptr to end of the keyboard */
108 NOSHARE int DNEAR kbdmode = STOP;	/* current keyboard macro mode	*/
109 NOSHARE int DNEAR kbdrep = 0;		/* number of repetitions	*/
110 NOSHARE int DNEAR restflag = FALSE;	/* restricted use?		*/
111 NOSHARE int DNEAR lastkey = 0;		/* last keystoke		*/
112 NOSHARE long DNEAR seed = 1L;		/* random number seed		*/
113 NOSHARE long envram = 0l;		/* # of bytes current in use by malloc */
114 NOSHARE long access_time = 0L;		/* counter of buffer access	*/
115 NOSHARE int DNEAR macbug = FALSE;	/* macro debugging flag		*/
116 NOSHARE int DNEAR mouseflag = TRUE;	/* use the mouse?		*/
117 NOSHARE int DNEAR diagflag = FALSE;	/* diagonal mouse movements?	*/
118 CONST char errorm[] = "ERROR";		/* error literal		*/
119 CONST char truem[] = "TRUE";		/* true literal 		*/
120 CONST char falsem[] = "FALSE";		/* false litereal		*/
121 NOSHARE int DNEAR cmdstatus = TRUE;	/* last command status		*/
122 NOSHARE char palstr[49] = "";		/* palette string		*/
123 NOSHARE char lastmesg[NSTRING] = ""; 	/* last message posted		*/
124 NOSHARE char rval[NSTRING] = "0";	/* result of last procedure/sub	*/
125 NOSHARE char *lastptr = NULL;		/* ptr to lastmesg[]		*/
126 NOSHARE int DNEAR saveflag = 0; 	/* Flags, saved with the $target var */
127 NOSHARE char *fline = NULL;		/* dynamic return line		*/
128 NOSHARE int DNEAR flen = 0;		/* current length of fline	*/
129 NOSHARE int DNEAR eexitflag = FALSE;	/* EMACS exit flag		*/
130 NOSHARE int DNEAR eexitval = 0; 	/* and the exit return value	*/
131 NOSHARE int xpos = 0;		/* current column mouse is positioned to*/
132 NOSHARE int ypos = 0;		/* current screen row	     "		*/
133 NOSHARE int nclicks = 0;	/* cleared on any non-mouse event	*/
134 NOSHARE int disphigh = FALSE;	/* display high bit chars escaped	*/
135 NOSHARE int dispundo = FALSE;	/* display undo stack depth on comand line */
136 NOSHARE int defferupdate = FALSE;	/* if TRUE, update(TRUE) should be
137 					called before yielding to another
138 					Windows application */
139 NOSHARE int notquiescent = 1;		/* <=0 only when getkey called
140 					directly by editloop () */
141 NOSHARE int fbusy = FALSE;		/* indicates file activity if FREADING
142 					or FWRITING. Used by abort mechanism */
143 NOSHARE int hilite = 10;		/* current region to highlight (255 if none) */
145 /* uninitialized global definitions */
147 NOSHARE int DNEAR currow;	/* Cursor row			*/
148 NOSHARE int DNEAR curcol;	/* Cursor column		*/
149 NOSHARE int DNEAR thisflag;	/* Flags, this command		*/
150 NOSHARE int DNEAR lastflag;	/* Flags, last command		*/
151 NOSHARE int DNEAR curgoal;	/* Goal for C-P, C-N		*/
152 NOSHARE EWINDOW *curwp; 	/* Current window		*/
153 NOSHARE BUFFER *curbp; 		/* Current buffer		*/
154 NOSHARE EWINDOW *wheadp;	/* Head of list of windows	*/
155 NOSHARE BUFFER *bheadp;		/* Head of list of buffers 	*/
156 NOSHARE UTABLE *uv_head;	/* head of list of user variables */
157 NOSHARE UTABLE *uv_global;	/* global variable table */
158 NOSHARE ABBREV *ab_head;	/* head of the abbreviation list */
159 NOSHARE int DNEAR ab_bell;	/* are we ringing the bell on completion? */
160 NOSHARE int DNEAR ab_cap;	/* match capatilization on expansion? */
161 NOSHARE int DNEAR ab_quick;	/* aggressive completion enabled? */
162 NOSHARE char ab_word[NSTRING];	/* current word being typed */
163 NOSHARE char *ab_pos;		/* current place in ab_word */
164 NOSHARE char *ab_end;		/* ptr to physical end of ab_word */
165 NOSHARE SCREEN *first_screen;	/* Head and current screen in list */
166 NOSHARE BUFFER *blistp;		/* Buffer for C-X C-B		*/
167 NOSHARE BUFFER *ulistp;		/* Buffer for C-X U		*/
168 NOSHARE BUFFER *slistp;		/* Buffer for A-B		*/
170 NOSHARE char sres[NBUFN];	/* current screen resolution	*/
171 NOSHARE char os[NBUFN];		/* what OS are we running under */
173 NOSHARE	char lowcase[HICHAR];	/* lower casing map		*/
174 NOSHARE	char upcase[HICHAR];	/* upper casing map		*/
176 NOSHARE unsigned char pat[NPAT];	/* Search pattern		*/
177 NOSHARE unsigned char tap[NPAT];	/* Reversed pattern array.	*/
178 NOSHARE unsigned char rpat[NPAT];	/* replacement pattern		*/
180 /*	Various "Hook" execution variables	*/
182 NOSHARE KEYTAB readhook;	/* executed on all file reads */
183 NOSHARE KEYTAB wraphook;	/* executed when wrapping text */
184 NOSHARE KEYTAB cmdhook;		/* executed before looking for a command */
185 NOSHARE KEYTAB writehook;	/* executed on all file writes */
186 NOSHARE KEYTAB exbhook;		/* executed when exiting a buffer */
187 NOSHARE KEYTAB bufhook;		/* executed when entering a buffer */
188 NOSHARE	KEYTAB exithook;	/* executed when exiting emacs */
190 /* The variables matchline and matchoff hold the line
191  * and offset position of the *start* of the match.
192  * The variable patmatch holds the string that satisfies
193  * the search command.
194  */
195 NOSHARE int	matchlen;
196 NOSHARE int	matchoff;
197 NOSHARE LINE	*matchline;
198 NOSHARE char *patmatch = NULL;
200 #if	MAGIC
201 /*
202  * The variables magical and rmagical determine if there
203  * were actual metacharacters in the search and replace strings -
204  * if not, then we don't have to use the slower MAGIC mode
205  * search functions.
206  */
207 NOSHARE short int DNEAR magical = FALSE;
208 NOSHARE short int DNEAR rmagical = FALSE;
210 NOSHARE MC mcpat[NPAT]; 	/* the magic pattern		*/
211 NOSHARE MC tapcm[NPAT]; 	/* the reversed magic pattern	*/
212 NOSHARE MC mcdeltapat[2]; 	/* the no-magic pattern		*/
213 NOSHARE MC tapatledcm[2]; 	/* the reversed no-magic pattern*/
214 NOSHARE RMC rmcpat[NPAT];	/* the replacement magic array	*/
215 NOSHARE char *grpmatch[MAXGROUPS];	/* holds groups found in search */
217 #endif
219 DELTA	deltapat;	/* Forward pattern delta structure.*/
220 DELTA	tapatled;	/* Reverse pattern delta structure.*/
222 /* directive name table:
223 	This holds the names of all the directives....	*/
225 CONST char *dname[] = {
226 	"if", "else", "endif",
227 	"goto", "return", "endm",
228 	"while", "endwhile", "break",
229 	"force"
230 };
231 /* directive lengths		*/
232 CONST short int dname_len[NUMDIRS] = {2, 4, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 7, 5, 5};
234 /*	var needed for macro debugging output	*/
235 NOSHARE char outline[NSTRING];	/* global string to hold debug line text */
237 /*
238  * System message notification (at the moment, VMS only).
239  */
240 #if	VMS
241 NOSHARE char brdcstbuf[1024];		/* Broadcast messages */
242 NOSHARE int pending_msg = FALSE;	/* Flag - have we notified user yet.*/
243 #endif
246 int winch_flag=0;			/* Window size changed flag */
247 #endif
249 #else
251 /* for all the other .C files */
253 /* initialized global external declarations */
255 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR fillcol;	/* Current fill column		*/
256 NOSHARE extern short kbdm[DUMMYSZ];	/* Holds keyboard macro data	*/
257 NOSHARE extern char *execstr;		/* pointer to string to execute */
258 NOSHARE extern char golabel[DUMMYSZ];	/* current line to go to	*/
259 NOSHARE extern char paralead[DUMMYSZ];	/* paragraph leadin chars	*/
260 NOSHARE extern char fmtlead[DUMMYSZ];	/* format command leadin chars	*/
261 NOSHARE extern char mainbuf[DUMMYSZ];	/* name of main buffer		*/
262 NOSHARE extern char lterm[DUMMYSZ];	/* line terminators on file write */
263 NOSHARE extern unsigned char wordlist[DUMMYSZ];/* characters considered "in words" */
264 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR wlflag;	/* word list enabled flag	*/
265 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR clearflag;	/* clear screen on screen change? */
266 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR execlevel;	/* execution IF level		*/
267 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR eolexist;	/* does clear to EOL exist?	*/
268 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR revexist;	/* does reverse video exist?	*/
269 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR exec_error;	/* macro execution error pending? */
270 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR flickcode;	/* do flicker supression?	*/
271 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR mouse_move;	/* user allow tracking mouse moves? */
272 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR mmove_flag;	/* code currently allowing mmoves? */
273 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR newscreenflag;	/* Create new screen on reads? */
274 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR overlap;	/* overlap when paging screens */
275 CONST extern char *modename[DUMMYSZ];	/* text names of modes		*/
276 CONST extern char modecode[DUMMYSZ];	/* letters to represent modes	*/
277 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR numfunc;	/* number of bindable functions */
278 NOSHARE extern KEYTAB keytab[DUMMYSZ];	/* key bind to functions table	*/
279 NOSHARE extern NBIND names[DUMMYSZ];	/* name to function table	*/
280 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR gmode;		/* global editor mode		*/
281 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR gflags;	/* global control flag		*/
282 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR gfcolor;	/* global forgrnd color (white) */
283 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR gbcolor;	/* global backgrnd color (black)*/
284 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR deskcolor;	/* desktop background color	*/
285 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR gasave;	/* global ASAVE size		*/
286 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR gacount;	/* count until next ASAVE	*/
287 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR sgarbf;	/* State of screen unknown	*/
288 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR mpresf;	/* Stuff in message line	*/
289 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR clexec;	/* command line execution flag	*/
290 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR mstore;	/* storing text to macro flag	*/
291 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR discmd;	/* display command flag 	*/
292 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR disinp;	/* display input characters	*/
293 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR modeflag;	/* display modelines flag	*/
294 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR timeflag;	/* display time			*/
295 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR undoflag;	/* processing undo commands	*/
296 NOSHARE extern OBJECT obj;		/* scratch undo object		*/
297 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR undoing;	/* currently undoing a command? */
298 NOSHARE extern char DNEAR lasttime[DUMMYSZ];/* last time string displayed*/
299 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR popflag;	/* pop-up windows enabled?	*/
300 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR popwait;	/* user wait on pops enabled?	*/
301 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR posflag;	/* display point position	*/
302 NOSHARE extern int cpending;		/* input character pending?	*/
303 NOSHARE extern int charpending;		/* character pushed back	*/
304 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR sscroll;	/* smooth scrolling enabled flag*/
305 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR hscroll;	/* horizontal scrolling flag	*/
306 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR hscrollbar;	/* horizontal scroll bar flag	*/
307 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR vscrollbar;	/* vertical scroll bar flag */
308 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR hjump;		/* horizontal jump size 	*/
309 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR ssave;		/* safe save flag		*/
310 NOSHARE extern struct BUFFER *bstore;	/* buffer to store macro text to*/
311 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR vtrow;		/* Row location of SW cursor	*/
312 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR vtcol;		/* Column location of SW cursor */
313 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR ttrow;		/* Row location of HW cursor	*/
314 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR ttcol;		/* Column location of HW cursor */
315 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR lbound;	/* leftmost column of current line
316 					   being displayed		*/
317 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR taboff;	/* tab offset for display	*/
318 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR tabsize;	/* current hard tab size	*/
319 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR stabsize;	/* current soft tab size (0: use hard tabs)  */
320 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR reptc;		/* current universal repeat char*/
321 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR abortc;	/* current abort command char	*/
322 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR sterm;		/* search terminating character */
323 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR isterm;	/* incremental-search terminating char */
324 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR searchtype;	/* current search style		*/
325 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR yankflag;	/* current yank style		*/
327 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR prefix;	/* currently pending prefix bits */
328 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR prenum;	/*     "       "     numeric arg */
329 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR predef;	/*     "       "     default flag */
331 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR quotec;	/* quote char during mlreply() */
332 NOSHARE extern CONST char *cname[DUMMYSZ];/* names of colors		*/
334 NOSHARE extern int kill_index;		/* current index into kill ring */
335 NOSHARE extern KILL *kbufp[DUMMYSZ];	/* current kill buffer chunk pointer */
336 NOSHARE extern KILL *kbufh[DUMMYSZ];	/* kill buffer header pointer	*/
337 NOSHARE	extern int kskip[DUMMYSZ];	/* # of bytes to skip in 1st kill chunk */
338 NOSHARE extern int kused[DUMMYSZ];	/* # of bytes used in kill buffer*/
339 NOSHARE extern EWINDOW *swindow; 	/* saved window pointer 	*/
340 NOSHARE extern int cryptflag;		/* currently encrypting?	*/
341 NOSHARE extern int oldcrypt;		/* using old(broken) encryption? */
342 NOSHARE extern short *kbdptr;		/* current position in keyboard buf */
343 NOSHARE extern short *kbdend;		/* ptr to end of the keyboard */
344 NOSHARE extern int kbdmode;		/* current keyboard macro mode	*/
345 NOSHARE extern int kbdrep;		/* number of repetitions	*/
346 NOSHARE extern int restflag;		/* restricted use?		*/
347 NOSHARE extern int lastkey;		/* last keystoke		*/
348 NOSHARE extern long seed;		/* random number seed		*/
349 NOSHARE extern long envram;		/* # of bytes current in use by malloc */
350 NOSHARE extern long access_time;	/* counter of buffer access	*/
351 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR macbug;	/* macro debugging flag		*/
352 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR mouseflag;	/* use the mouse?		*/
353 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR diagflag;	/* diagonal mouse movements?	*/
354 CONST extern char errorm[DUMMYSZ];	/* error literal		*/
355 CONST extern char truem[DUMMYSZ];	/* true literal 		*/
356 CONST extern char falsem[DUMMYSZ];	/* false litereal		*/
357 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR cmdstatus;	/* last command status		*/
358 NOSHARE extern char palstr[DUMMYSZ];	/* palette string		*/
359 NOSHARE extern char lastmesg[DUMMYSZ];	/* last message posted		*/
360 NOSHARE extern char rval[DUMMYSZ];	/* result of last procedure	*/
361 NOSHARE extern char *lastptr;		/* ptr to lastmesg[]		*/
362 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR saveflag;	/* Flags, saved with the $target var */
363 NOSHARE extern char *fline; 		/* dynamic return line */
364 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR flen;		/* current length of fline */
365 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR eexitflag;	/* EMACS exit flag */
366 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR eexitval;	/* and the exit return value */
367 NOSHARE extern int xpos;		/* current column mouse is positioned to */
368 NOSHARE extern int ypos;		/* current screen row	     "	 */
369 NOSHARE extern int nclicks;		/* cleared on any non-mouse event*/
370 NOSHARE extern int disphigh;		/* display high bit chars escaped*/
371 NOSHARE extern int dispundo;	/* display undo stack depth on comand line */
372 NOSHARE extern int defferupdate;	/* if TRUE, update(TRUE) should be
373 					called before yielding to another
374 					Windows application */
375 NOSHARE extern int notquiescent;	/* <=0 only when getkey called
376 					directly by editloop () */
377 NOSHARE extern int fbusy;		/* indicates file activity if FREADING
378 					or FWRITING. Used by abort mechanism */
379 NOSHARE extern int hilite;		/* current region to highlight (255 if none) */
381 /* uninitialized global external declarations */
383 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR currow;	/* Cursor row			*/
384 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR curcol;	/* Cursor column		*/
385 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR thisflag;	/* Flags, this command		*/
386 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR lastflag;	/* Flags, last command		*/
387 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR curgoal;	/* Goal for C-P, C-N		*/
388 NOSHARE extern EWINDOW *curwp; 		/* Current window		*/
389 NOSHARE extern BUFFER *curbp; 		/* Current buffer		*/
390 NOSHARE extern EWINDOW *wheadp;		/* Head of list of windows	*/
391 NOSHARE extern BUFFER *bheadp;		/* Head of list of buffers	*/
392 NOSHARE extern ABBREV *ab_head;		/* head of the abbreviation list */
393 NOSHARE extern UTABLE *uv_head;		/* head of list of user variables */
394 NOSHARE extern UTABLE *uv_global;	/* global variable table */
395 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR ab_bell;	/* are we ringing the bell on completion? */
396 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR ab_cap;	/* match capatilization on expansion? */
397 NOSHARE extern int DNEAR ab_quick;	/* aggressive completion enabled? */
398 NOSHARE extern char ab_word[DUMMYSZ];	/* current word being typed */
399 NOSHARE extern char *ab_pos;		/* current place in ab_word */
400 NOSHARE extern char *ab_end;		/* ptr to physical end of ab_word */
401 NOSHARE extern SCREEN *first_screen;	/* Head and current screen in list */
402 NOSHARE extern BUFFER *blistp;		/* Buffer for C-X C-B		*/
403 NOSHARE extern BUFFER *ulistp;		/* Buffer for C-X U		*/
404 NOSHARE extern BUFFER *slistp;		/* Buffer for A-B		*/
406 NOSHARE extern char sres[NBUFN];	/* current screen resolution	*/
407 NOSHARE extern char os[NBUFN];		/* what OS are we running under */
409 NOSHARE	extern char lowcase[HICHAR];	/* lower casing map		*/
410 NOSHARE	extern char upcase[HICHAR];	/* upper casing map		*/
412 NOSHARE extern unsigned char pat[DUMMYSZ]; /* Search pattern		*/
413 NOSHARE extern unsigned char tap[DUMMYSZ]; /* Reversed pattern array.	*/
414 NOSHARE extern unsigned char rpat[DUMMYSZ]; /* replacement pattern	*/
416 /*	Various "Hook" execution variables	*/
418 NOSHARE extern KEYTAB readhook;		/* executed on all file reads */
419 NOSHARE extern KEYTAB wraphook;		/* executed when wrapping text */
420 NOSHARE extern KEYTAB cmdhook;		/* executed before looking for a cmd */
421 NOSHARE extern KEYTAB writehook;	/* executed on all file writes */
422 NOSHARE extern KEYTAB exbhook;		/* executed when exiting a buffer */
423 NOSHARE extern KEYTAB bufhook;		/* executed when entering a buffer */
424 NOSHARE	extern KEYTAB exithook;		/* executed when exiting emacs */
426 NOSHARE extern int matchlen;
427 NOSHARE extern int matchoff;
428 NOSHARE extern LINE *matchline;
429 NOSHARE extern char *patmatch;
431 #if	MAGIC
432 NOSHARE extern short int magical;
433 NOSHARE extern short int rmagical;
434 NOSHARE extern MC mcpat[NPAT];		/* the magic pattern		*/
435 NOSHARE extern MC tapcm[NPAT];		/* the reversed magic pattern	*/
436 NOSHARE extern MC mcdeltapat[2]; 	/* the no-magic pattern		*/
437 NOSHARE extern MC tapatledcm[2]; 	/* the reversed no-magic pattern*/
438 NOSHARE extern RMC rmcpat[NPAT];	/* the replacement magic array	*/
439 NOSHARE extern char *grpmatch[MAXGROUPS];	/* holds groups found in search */
440 #endif
442 NOSHARE extern DELTA deltapat;	/* Forward pattern delta structure.*/
443 NOSHARE extern DELTA tapatled;	/* Reverse pattern delta structure.*/
445 CONST extern char *dname[DUMMYSZ];	/* directive name table 	*/
446 CONST extern short int dname_len[NUMDIRS]; /* directive lengths		*/
448 /*	var needed for macro debugging output	*/
449 NOSHARE extern char outline[DUMMYSZ];	/* global string to hold debug line text */
451 /*
452  * System message notification (at the moment, VMS only).
453  */
454 #if	VMS
455 NOSHARE extern char brdcstbuf[1024];		/* Broadcast messages */
456 NOSHARE extern int pending_msg;		/* Flag - have we notified user yet.*/
457 #endif
460 NOSHARE extern int winch_flag;		/* Window size changed flag */
461 #endif
463 #endif
465 /* terminal table defined only in TERM.C */
467 #ifndef termdef
468 NOSHARE extern TERM	term;		/* Terminal information.	*/
469 #endif