1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 // BBR (Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT) congestion control algorithm.
12 // Based on the Quic BBR implementation in Chromium.
17 #include <cstdint>
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "absl/types/optional.h"
23 #include "api/transport/network_control.h"
24 #include "api/transport/network_types.h"
25 #include "modules/congestion_controller/bbr/bandwidth_sampler.h"
26 #include "modules/congestion_controller/bbr/loss_rate_filter.h"
27 #include "modules/congestion_controller/bbr/rtt_stats.h"
28 #include "modules/congestion_controller/bbr/windowed_filter.h"
29 #include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_parser.h"
30 #include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_units.h"
31 #include "rtc_base/random.h"
33 namespace webrtc {
34 namespace bbr {
36 typedef int64_t BbrRoundTripCount;
38 // BbrSender implements BBR congestion control algorithm.  BBR aims to estimate
39 // the current available Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT (hence the name), and
40 // regulates the pacing rate and the size of the congestion window based on
41 // those signals.
42 //
43 // BBR relies on pacing in order to function properly.  Do not use BBR when
44 // pacing is disabled.
45 class BbrNetworkController : public NetworkControllerInterface {
46  public:
47   enum Mode {
48     // Startup phase of the connection.
49     STARTUP,
50     // After achieving the highest possible bandwidth during the startup, lower
51     // the pacing rate in order to drain the queue.
52     DRAIN,
53     // Cruising mode.
54     PROBE_BW,
55     // Temporarily slow down sending in order to empty the buffer and measure
56     // the real minimum RTT.
57     PROBE_RTT,
58   };
60   // Indicates how the congestion control limits the amount of bytes in flight.
61   enum RecoveryState {
62     // Do not limit.
63     NOT_IN_RECOVERY = 0,
64     // Allow an extra outstanding byte for each byte acknowledged.
65     CONSERVATION = 1,
66     // Allow 1.5 extra outstanding bytes for each byte acknowledged.
67     MEDIUM_GROWTH = 2,
68     // Allow two extra outstanding bytes for each byte acknowledged (slow
69     // start).
70     GROWTH = 3
71   };
72   struct BbrControllerConfig {
73     FieldTrialParameter<double> probe_bw_pacing_gain_offset;
74     FieldTrialParameter<double> encoder_rate_gain;
75     FieldTrialParameter<double> encoder_rate_gain_in_probe_rtt;
76     // RTT delta to determine if startup should be exited due to increased RTT.
77     FieldTrialParameter<TimeDelta> exit_startup_rtt_threshold;
79     FieldTrialParameter<DataSize> initial_congestion_window;
80     FieldTrialParameter<DataSize> min_congestion_window;
81     FieldTrialParameter<DataSize> max_congestion_window;
83     FieldTrialParameter<double> probe_rtt_congestion_window_gain;
84     FieldTrialParameter<bool> pacing_rate_as_target;
86     // Configurable in QUIC BBR:
87     FieldTrialParameter<bool> exit_startup_on_loss;
88     // The number of RTTs to stay in STARTUP mode.  Defaults to 3.
89     FieldTrialParameter<int> num_startup_rtts;
90     // When true, recovery is rate based rather than congestion window based.
91     FieldTrialParameter<bool> rate_based_recovery;
92     FieldTrialParameter<double> max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier;
93     // When true, pace at 1.5x and disable packet conservation in STARTUP.
94     FieldTrialParameter<bool> slower_startup;
95     // When true, disables packet conservation in STARTUP.
96     FieldTrialParameter<bool> rate_based_startup;
97     // Used as the initial packet conservation mode when first entering
98     // recovery.
99     FieldTrialEnum<RecoveryState> initial_conservation_in_startup;
100     // If true, will not exit low gain mode until bytes_in_flight drops below
101     // BDP or it's time for high gain mode.
102     FieldTrialParameter<bool> fully_drain_queue;
104     FieldTrialParameter<double> max_ack_height_window_multiplier;
105     // If true, use a CWND of 0.75*BDP during probe_rtt instead of 4 packets.
106     FieldTrialParameter<bool> probe_rtt_based_on_bdp;
107     // If true, skip probe_rtt and update the timestamp of the existing min_rtt
108     // to now if min_rtt over the last cycle is within 12.5% of the current
109     // min_rtt. Even if the min_rtt is 12.5% too low, the 25% gain cycling and
110     // 2x CWND gain should overcome an overly small min_rtt.
111     FieldTrialParameter<bool> probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt;
112     // If true, disable PROBE_RTT entirely as long as the connection was
113     // recently app limited.
114     FieldTrialParameter<bool> probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited;
116     explicit BbrControllerConfig(std::string field_trial);
117     ~BbrControllerConfig();
118     BbrControllerConfig(const BbrControllerConfig&);
119     static BbrControllerConfig FromTrial();
120   };
122   // Debug state can be exported in order to troubleshoot potential congestion
123   // control issues.
124   struct DebugState {
125     explicit DebugState(const BbrNetworkController& sender);
126     DebugState(const DebugState& state);
128     Mode mode;
129     DataRate max_bandwidth;
130     BbrRoundTripCount round_trip_count;
131     int gain_cycle_index;
132     DataSize congestion_window;
134     bool is_at_full_bandwidth;
135     DataRate bandwidth_at_last_round;
136     BbrRoundTripCount rounds_without_bandwidth_gain;
138     TimeDelta min_rtt;
139     Timestamp min_rtt_timestamp;
141     RecoveryState recovery_state;
142     DataSize recovery_window;
144     bool last_sample_is_app_limited;
145     int64_t end_of_app_limited_phase;
146   };
148   explicit BbrNetworkController(NetworkControllerConfig config);
149   ~BbrNetworkController() override;
151   // NetworkControllerInterface
152   NetworkControlUpdate OnNetworkAvailability(NetworkAvailability msg) override;
153   NetworkControlUpdate OnNetworkRouteChange(NetworkRouteChange msg) override;
154   NetworkControlUpdate OnProcessInterval(ProcessInterval msg) override;
155   NetworkControlUpdate OnSentPacket(SentPacket msg) override;
156   NetworkControlUpdate OnStreamsConfig(StreamsConfig msg) override;
157   NetworkControlUpdate OnTargetRateConstraints(
158       TargetRateConstraints msg) override;
159   NetworkControlUpdate OnTransportPacketsFeedback(
160       TransportPacketsFeedback msg) override;
162   // Part of remote bitrate estimation api, not implemented for BBR
163   NetworkControlUpdate OnRemoteBitrateReport(RemoteBitrateReport msg) override;
164   NetworkControlUpdate OnRoundTripTimeUpdate(RoundTripTimeUpdate msg) override;
165   NetworkControlUpdate OnTransportLossReport(TransportLossReport msg) override;
166   NetworkControlUpdate OnReceivedPacket(ReceivedPacket msg) override;
167   NetworkControlUpdate OnNetworkStateEstimate(
168       NetworkStateEstimate msg) override;
170   NetworkControlUpdate CreateRateUpdate(Timestamp at_time) const;
172  private:
173   void Reset();
174   bool InSlowStart() const;
175   bool InRecovery() const;
176   bool IsProbingForMoreBandwidth() const;
178   bool CanSend(DataSize bytes_in_flight);
179   DataRate PacingRate() const;
180   DataRate BandwidthEstimate() const;
181   DataSize GetCongestionWindow() const;
183   double GetPacingGain(int round_offset) const;
185   void OnApplicationLimited(DataSize bytes_in_flight);
186   // End implementation of SendAlgorithmInterface.
188   typedef WindowedFilter<DataRate,
189                          MaxFilter<DataRate>,
190                          BbrRoundTripCount,
191                          BbrRoundTripCount>
192       MaxBandwidthFilter;
194   typedef WindowedFilter<TimeDelta,
195                          MaxFilter<TimeDelta>,
196                          BbrRoundTripCount,
197                          BbrRoundTripCount>
198       MaxAckDelayFilter;
200   typedef WindowedFilter<DataSize,
201                          MaxFilter<DataSize>,
202                          BbrRoundTripCount,
203                          BbrRoundTripCount>
204       MaxAckHeightFilter;
206   // Returns the current estimate of the RTT of the connection.  Outside of the
207   // edge cases, this is minimum RTT.
208   TimeDelta GetMinRtt() const;
209   // Returns whether the connection has achieved full bandwidth required to exit
210   // the slow start.
211   bool IsAtFullBandwidth() const;
212   // Computes the target congestion window using the specified gain.
213   DataSize GetTargetCongestionWindow(double gain) const;
214   // The target congestion window during PROBE_RTT.
215   DataSize ProbeRttCongestionWindow() const;
216   // Returns true if the current min_rtt should be kept and we should not enter
217   // PROBE_RTT immediately.
218   bool ShouldExtendMinRttExpiry() const;
220   // Enters the STARTUP mode.
221   void EnterStartupMode();
222   // Enters the PROBE_BW mode.
223   void EnterProbeBandwidthMode(Timestamp now);
225   // Discards the lost packets from BandwidthSampler state.
226   void DiscardLostPackets(const std::vector<PacketResult>& lost_packets);
227   // Updates the round-trip counter if a round-trip has passed.  Returns true if
228   // the counter has been advanced.
229   // |last_acked_packet| is the sequence number of the last acked packet.
230   bool UpdateRoundTripCounter(int64_t last_acked_packet);
231   // Updates the current bandwidth and min_rtt estimate based on the samples for
232   // the received acknowledgements.  Returns true if min_rtt has expired.
233   bool UpdateBandwidthAndMinRtt(Timestamp now,
234                                 const std::vector<PacketResult>& acked_packets);
235   // Updates the current gain used in PROBE_BW mode.
236   void UpdateGainCyclePhase(Timestamp now,
237                             DataSize prior_in_flight,
238                             bool has_losses);
239   // Tracks for how many round-trips the bandwidth has not increased
240   // significantly.
241   void CheckIfFullBandwidthReached();
242   // Transitions from STARTUP to DRAIN and from DRAIN to PROBE_BW if
243   // appropriate.
244   void MaybeExitStartupOrDrain(const TransportPacketsFeedback&);
245   // Decides whether to enter or exit PROBE_RTT.
246   void MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(const TransportPacketsFeedback& msg,
247                                 bool is_round_start,
248                                 bool min_rtt_expired);
249   // Determines whether BBR needs to enter, exit or advance state of the
250   // recovery.
251   void UpdateRecoveryState(int64_t last_acked_packet,
252                            bool has_losses,
253                            bool is_round_start);
255   // Updates the ack aggregation max filter in bytes.
256   void UpdateAckAggregationBytes(Timestamp ack_time,
257                                  DataSize newly_acked_bytes);
259   // Determines the appropriate pacing rate for the connection.
260   void CalculatePacingRate();
261   // Determines the appropriate congestion window for the connection.
262   void CalculateCongestionWindow(DataSize bytes_acked);
263   // Determines the approriate window that constrains the
264   // in-flight during recovery.
265   void CalculateRecoveryWindow(DataSize bytes_acked,
266                                DataSize bytes_lost,
267                                DataSize bytes_in_flight);
269   BbrControllerConfig config_;
271   RttStats rtt_stats_;
272   webrtc::Random random_;
273   LossRateFilter loss_rate_;
275   absl::optional<TargetRateConstraints> constraints_;
277   Mode mode_;
279   // Bandwidth sampler provides BBR with the bandwidth measurements at
280   // individual points.
281   std::unique_ptr<BandwidthSampler> sampler_;
283   // The number of the round trips that have occurred during the connection.
284   BbrRoundTripCount round_trip_count_ = 0;
286   // The packet number of the most recently sent packet.
287   int64_t last_sent_packet_;
288   // Acknowledgement of any packet after |current_round_trip_end_| will cause
289   // the round trip counter to advance.
290   int64_t current_round_trip_end_;
292   // The filter that tracks the maximum bandwidth over the multiple recent
293   // round-trips.
294   MaxBandwidthFilter max_bandwidth_;
296   DataRate default_bandwidth_;
298   // Tracks the maximum number of bytes acked faster than the sending rate.
299   MaxAckHeightFilter max_ack_height_;
301   // The time this aggregation started and the number of bytes acked during it.
302   absl::optional<Timestamp> aggregation_epoch_start_time_;
303   DataSize aggregation_epoch_bytes_;
305   // The number of bytes acknowledged since the last time bytes in flight
306   // dropped below the target window.
307   DataSize bytes_acked_since_queue_drained_;
309   // The muliplier for calculating the max amount of extra CWND to add to
310   // compensate for ack aggregation.
311   double max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier_;
313   // Minimum RTT estimate.  Automatically expires within 10 seconds (and
314   // triggers PROBE_RTT mode) if no new value is sampled during that period.
315   TimeDelta min_rtt_;
316   TimeDelta last_rtt_;
317   // The time at which the current value of |min_rtt_| was assigned.
318   Timestamp min_rtt_timestamp_;
320   // The maximum allowed number of bytes in flight.
321   DataSize congestion_window_;
323   // The initial value of the |congestion_window_|.
324   DataSize initial_congestion_window_;
326   // The smallest value the |congestion_window_| can achieve.
327   DataSize min_congestion_window_;
329   // The largest value the |congestion_window_| can achieve.
330   DataSize max_congestion_window_;
332   // The current pacing rate of the connection.
333   DataRate pacing_rate_;
335   // The gain currently applied to the pacing rate.
336   double pacing_gain_;
337   // The gain currently applied to the congestion window.
338   double congestion_window_gain_;
340   // The gain used for the congestion window during PROBE_BW.  Latched from
341   // quic_bbr_cwnd_gain flag.
342   const double congestion_window_gain_constant_;
343   // The coefficient by which mean RTT variance is added to the congestion
344   // window.  Latched from quic_bbr_rtt_variation_weight flag.
345   const double rtt_variance_weight_;
347   // Number of round-trips in PROBE_BW mode, used for determining the current
348   // pacing gain cycle.
349   int cycle_current_offset_;
350   // The time at which the last pacing gain cycle was started.
351   Timestamp last_cycle_start_;
353   // Indicates whether the connection has reached the full bandwidth mode.
354   bool is_at_full_bandwidth_;
355   // Number of rounds during which there was no significant bandwidth increase.
356   BbrRoundTripCount rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_;
357   // The bandwidth compared to which the increase is measured.
358   DataRate bandwidth_at_last_round_;
360   // Set to true upon exiting quiescence.
361   bool exiting_quiescence_;
363   // Time at which PROBE_RTT has to be exited.  Setting it to zero indicates
364   // that the time is yet unknown as the number of packets in flight has not
365   // reached the required value.
366   absl::optional<Timestamp> exit_probe_rtt_at_;
367   // Indicates whether a round-trip has passed since PROBE_RTT became active.
368   bool probe_rtt_round_passed_;
370   // Indicates whether the most recent bandwidth sample was marked as
371   // app-limited.
372   bool last_sample_is_app_limited_;
374   // Current state of recovery.
375   RecoveryState recovery_state_;
376   // Receiving acknowledgement of a packet after |end_recovery_at_| will cause
377   // BBR to exit the recovery mode.  A set value indicates at least one
378   // loss has been detected, so it must not be reset.
379   absl::optional<int64_t> end_recovery_at_;
380   // A window used to limit the number of bytes in flight during loss recovery.
381   DataSize recovery_window_;
383   bool app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_;
384   TimeDelta min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_;
386   RTC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BbrNetworkController);
387 };
389 // Used in log output
390 std::ostream& operator<<(  // no-presubmit-check TODO(webrtc:8982)
391     std::ostream& os,      // no-presubmit-check TODO(webrtc:8982)
392     const BbrNetworkController::Mode& mode);
394 }  // namespace bbr
395 }  // namespace webrtc