2(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
4\section[RnSource]{Main pass of renamer}
7{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
12module RnTypes (
13        -- Type related stuff
14        rnHsType, rnLHsType, rnLHsTypes, rnContext,
15        rnHsKind, rnLHsKind, rnLHsTypeArgs,
16        rnHsSigType, rnHsWcType,
17        HsSigWcTypeScoping(..), rnHsSigWcType, rnHsSigWcTypeScoped,
18        newTyVarNameRn,
19        rnConDeclFields,
20        rnLTyVar,
22        -- Precence related stuff
23        mkOpAppRn, mkNegAppRn, mkOpFormRn, mkConOpPatRn,
24        checkPrecMatch, checkSectionPrec,
26        -- Binding related stuff
27        bindLHsTyVarBndr, bindLHsTyVarBndrs, rnImplicitBndrs,
28        bindSigTyVarsFV, bindHsQTyVars, bindLRdrNames,
29        extractHsTyRdrTyVars, extractHsTyRdrTyVarsKindVars,
30        extractHsTysRdrTyVarsDups,
31        extractRdrKindSigVars, extractDataDefnKindVars,
32        extractHsTvBndrs, extractHsTyArgRdrKiTyVarsDup,
33        nubL, elemRdr
34  ) where
36import GhcPrelude
38import {-# SOURCE #-} RnSplice( rnSpliceType )
40import DynFlags
41import GHC.Hs
42import RnHsDoc          ( rnLHsDoc, rnMbLHsDoc )
43import RnEnv
44import RnUtils          ( HsDocContext(..), withHsDocContext, mapFvRn
45                        , pprHsDocContext, bindLocalNamesFV, typeAppErr
46                        , newLocalBndrRn, checkDupRdrNames, checkShadowedRdrNames )
47import RnFixity         ( lookupFieldFixityRn, lookupFixityRn
48                        , lookupTyFixityRn )
49import TcRnMonad
50import RdrName
51import PrelNames
52import TysPrim          ( funTyConName )
53import Name
54import SrcLoc
55import NameSet
56import FieldLabel
58import Util
59import ListSetOps       ( deleteBys )
60import BasicTypes       ( compareFixity, funTyFixity, negateFixity
61                        , Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), LexicalFixity(..)
62                        , TypeOrKind(..) )
63import Outputable
64import FastString
65import Maybes
66import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
68import Data.List          ( nubBy, partition, (\\) )
69import Control.Monad      ( unless, when )
71#include "HsVersions.h"
74These type renamers are in a separate module, rather than in (say) RnSource,
75to break several loop.
78*                                                       *
79           HsSigWcType (i.e with wildcards)
80*                                                       *
84data HsSigWcTypeScoping = AlwaysBind
85                          -- ^ Always bind any free tyvars of the given type,
86                          --   regardless of whether we have a forall at the top
87                        | BindUnlessForall
88                          -- ^ Unless there's forall at the top, do the same
89                          --   thing as 'AlwaysBind'
90                        | NeverBind
91                          -- ^ Never bind any free tyvars
93rnHsSigWcType :: HsSigWcTypeScoping -> HsDocContext -> LHsSigWcType GhcPs
94              -> RnM (LHsSigWcType GhcRn, FreeVars)
95rnHsSigWcType scoping doc sig_ty
96  = rn_hs_sig_wc_type scoping doc sig_ty $ \sig_ty' ->
97    return (sig_ty', emptyFVs)
99rnHsSigWcTypeScoped :: HsSigWcTypeScoping
100                       -- AlwaysBind: for pattern type sigs and rules we /do/ want
101                       --             to bring those type variables into scope, even
102                       --             if there's a forall at the top which usually
103                       --             stops that happening
104                       -- e.g  \ (x :: forall a. a-> b) -> e
105                       -- Here we do bring 'b' into scope
106                    -> HsDocContext -> LHsSigWcType GhcPs
107                    -> (LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
108                    -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
109-- Used for
110--   - Signatures on binders in a RULE
111--   - Pattern type signatures
112-- Wildcards are allowed
113-- type signatures on binders only allowed with ScopedTypeVariables
114rnHsSigWcTypeScoped scoping ctx sig_ty thing_inside
115  = do { ty_sig_okay <- xoptM LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables
116       ; checkErr ty_sig_okay (unexpectedTypeSigErr sig_ty)
117       ; rn_hs_sig_wc_type scoping ctx sig_ty thing_inside
118       }
120rn_hs_sig_wc_type :: HsSigWcTypeScoping -> HsDocContext -> LHsSigWcType GhcPs
121                  -> (LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
122                  -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
123-- rn_hs_sig_wc_type is used for source-language type signatures
124rn_hs_sig_wc_type scoping ctxt
125                  (HsWC { hswc_body = HsIB { hsib_body = hs_ty }})
126                  thing_inside
127  = do { free_vars <- extractFilteredRdrTyVarsDups hs_ty
128       ; (nwc_rdrs', tv_rdrs) <- partition_nwcs free_vars
129       ; let nwc_rdrs = nubL nwc_rdrs'
130             bind_free_tvs = case scoping of
131                               AlwaysBind       -> True
132                               BindUnlessForall -> not (isLHsForAllTy hs_ty)
133                               NeverBind        -> False
134       ; rnImplicitBndrs bind_free_tvs tv_rdrs $ \ vars ->
135    do { (wcs, hs_ty', fvs1) <- rnWcBody ctxt nwc_rdrs hs_ty
136       ; let sig_ty' = HsWC { hswc_ext = wcs, hswc_body = ib_ty' }
137             ib_ty'  = HsIB { hsib_ext = vars
138                            , hsib_body = hs_ty' }
139       ; (res, fvs2) <- thing_inside sig_ty'
140       ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) } }
141rn_hs_sig_wc_type _ _ (HsWC _ (XHsImplicitBndrs nec)) _
142  = noExtCon nec
143rn_hs_sig_wc_type _ _ (XHsWildCardBndrs nec) _
144  = noExtCon nec
146rnHsWcType :: HsDocContext -> LHsWcType GhcPs -> RnM (LHsWcType GhcRn, FreeVars)
147rnHsWcType ctxt (HsWC { hswc_body = hs_ty })
148  = do { free_vars <- extractFilteredRdrTyVars hs_ty
149       ; (nwc_rdrs, _) <- partition_nwcs free_vars
150       ; (wcs, hs_ty', fvs) <- rnWcBody ctxt nwc_rdrs hs_ty
151       ; let sig_ty' = HsWC { hswc_ext = wcs, hswc_body = hs_ty' }
152       ; return (sig_ty', fvs) }
153rnHsWcType _ (XHsWildCardBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
155rnWcBody :: HsDocContext -> [Located RdrName] -> LHsType GhcPs
156         -> RnM ([Name], LHsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
157rnWcBody ctxt nwc_rdrs hs_ty
158  = do { nwcs <- mapM newLocalBndrRn nwc_rdrs
159       ; let env = RTKE { rtke_level = TypeLevel
160                        , rtke_what  = RnTypeBody
161                        , rtke_nwcs  = mkNameSet nwcs
162                        , rtke_ctxt  = ctxt }
163       ; (hs_ty', fvs) <- bindLocalNamesFV nwcs $
164                          rn_lty env hs_ty
165       ; return (nwcs, hs_ty', fvs) }
166  where
167    rn_lty env (dL->L loc hs_ty)
168      = setSrcSpan loc $
169        do { (hs_ty', fvs) <- rn_ty env hs_ty
170           ; return (cL loc hs_ty', fvs) }
172    rn_ty :: RnTyKiEnv -> HsType GhcPs -> RnM (HsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
173    -- A lot of faff just to allow the extra-constraints wildcard to appear
174    rn_ty env hs_ty@(HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf, hst_bndrs = tvs
175                                , hst_body = hs_body })
176      = bindLHsTyVarBndrs (rtke_ctxt env) (Just $ inTypeDoc hs_ty) Nothing tvs $ \ tvs' ->
177        do { (hs_body', fvs) <- rn_lty env hs_body
178           ; return (HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf, hst_xforall = noExtField
179                                , hst_bndrs = tvs', hst_body = hs_body' }
180                    , fvs) }
182    rn_ty env (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = dL->L cx hs_ctxt
183                        , hst_body = hs_ty })
184      | Just (hs_ctxt1, hs_ctxt_last) <- snocView hs_ctxt
185      , (dL->L lx (HsWildCardTy _))  <- ignoreParens hs_ctxt_last
186      = do { (hs_ctxt1', fvs1) <- mapFvRn (rn_top_constraint env) hs_ctxt1
187           ; setSrcSpan lx $ checkExtraConstraintWildCard env hs_ctxt1
188           ; let hs_ctxt' = hs_ctxt1' ++ [cL lx (HsWildCardTy noExtField)]
189           ; (hs_ty', fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi env hs_ty
190           ; return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField
191                              , hst_ctxt = cL cx hs_ctxt', hst_body = hs_ty' }
192                    , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
194      | otherwise
195      = do { (hs_ctxt', fvs1) <- mapFvRn (rn_top_constraint env) hs_ctxt
196           ; (hs_ty', fvs2)   <- rnLHsTyKi env hs_ty
197           ; return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField
198                              , hst_ctxt = cL cx hs_ctxt'
199                              , hst_body = hs_ty' }
200                    , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
202    rn_ty env hs_ty = rnHsTyKi env hs_ty
204    rn_top_constraint env = rnLHsTyKi (env { rtke_what = RnTopConstraint })
207checkExtraConstraintWildCard :: RnTyKiEnv -> HsContext GhcPs -> RnM ()
208-- Rename the extra-constraint spot in a type signature
209--    (blah, _) => type
210-- Check that extra-constraints are allowed at all, and
211-- if so that it's an anonymous wildcard
212checkExtraConstraintWildCard env hs_ctxt
213  = checkWildCard env mb_bad
214  where
215    mb_bad | not (extraConstraintWildCardsAllowed env)
216           = Just base_msg
217             -- Currently, we do not allow wildcards in their full glory in
218             -- standalone deriving declarations. We only allow a single
219             -- extra-constraints wildcard à la:
220             --
221             --   deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)
222             --
223             -- i.e., we don't support things like
224             --
225             --   deriving instance (Eq a, _) => Eq (Foo a)
226           | DerivDeclCtx {} <- rtke_ctxt env
227           , not (null hs_ctxt)
228           = Just deriv_decl_msg
229           | otherwise
230           = Nothing
232    base_msg = text "Extra-constraint wildcard" <+> quotes pprAnonWildCard
233                   <+> text "not allowed"
235    deriv_decl_msg
236      = hang base_msg
237           2 (vcat [ text "except as the sole constraint"
238                   , nest 2 (text "e.g., deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)") ])
240extraConstraintWildCardsAllowed :: RnTyKiEnv -> Bool
241extraConstraintWildCardsAllowed env
242  = case rtke_ctxt env of
243      TypeSigCtx {}       -> True
244      ExprWithTySigCtx {} -> True
245      DerivDeclCtx {}     -> True
246      StandaloneKindSigCtx {} -> False  -- See Note [Wildcards in standalone kind signatures] in GHC/Hs/Decls
247      _                   -> False
249-- | Finds free type and kind variables in a type,
250--     without duplicates, and
251--     without variables that are already in scope in LocalRdrEnv
252--   NB: this includes named wildcards, which look like perfectly
253--       ordinary type variables at this point
254extractFilteredRdrTyVars :: LHsType GhcPs -> RnM FreeKiTyVarsNoDups
255extractFilteredRdrTyVars hs_ty = filterInScopeM (extractHsTyRdrTyVars hs_ty)
257-- | Finds free type and kind variables in a type,
258--     with duplicates, but
259--     without variables that are already in scope in LocalRdrEnv
260--   NB: this includes named wildcards, which look like perfectly
261--       ordinary type variables at this point
262extractFilteredRdrTyVarsDups :: LHsType GhcPs -> RnM FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
263extractFilteredRdrTyVarsDups hs_ty = filterInScopeM (extractHsTyRdrTyVarsDups hs_ty)
265-- | When the NamedWildCards extension is enabled, partition_nwcs
266-- removes type variables that start with an underscore from the
267-- FreeKiTyVars in the argument and returns them in a separate list.
268-- When the extension is disabled, the function returns the argument
269-- and empty list.  See Note [Renaming named wild cards]
270partition_nwcs :: FreeKiTyVars -> RnM ([Located RdrName], FreeKiTyVars)
271partition_nwcs free_vars
272  = do { wildcards_enabled <- xoptM LangExt.NamedWildCards
273       ; return $
274           if wildcards_enabled
275           then partition is_wildcard free_vars
276           else ([], free_vars) }
277  where
278     is_wildcard :: Located RdrName -> Bool
279     is_wildcard rdr = startsWithUnderscore (rdrNameOcc (unLoc rdr))
281{- Note [Renaming named wild cards]
283Identifiers starting with an underscore are always parsed as type variables.
284It is only here in the renamer that we give the special treatment.
285See Note [The wildcard story for types] in GHC.Hs.Types.
287It's easy!  When we collect the implicitly bound type variables, ready
288to bring them into scope, and NamedWildCards is on, we partition the
289variables into the ones that start with an underscore (the named
290wildcards) and the rest. Then we just add them to the hswc_wcs field
291of the HsWildCardBndrs structure, and we are done.
295*                                                       *
296           HsSigtype (i.e. no wildcards)
297*                                                       *
298****************************************************** -}
300rnHsSigType :: HsDocContext
301            -> TypeOrKind
302            -> LHsSigType GhcPs
303            -> RnM (LHsSigType GhcRn, FreeVars)
304-- Used for source-language type signatures
305-- that cannot have wildcards
306rnHsSigType ctx level (HsIB { hsib_body = hs_ty })
307  = do { traceRn "rnHsSigType" (ppr hs_ty)
308       ; vars <- extractFilteredRdrTyVarsDups hs_ty
309       ; rnImplicitBndrs (not (isLHsForAllTy hs_ty)) vars $ \ vars ->
310    do { (body', fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi (mkTyKiEnv ctx level RnTypeBody) hs_ty
312       ; return ( HsIB { hsib_ext = vars
313                       , hsib_body = body' }
314                , fvs ) } }
315rnHsSigType _ _ (XHsImplicitBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
317rnImplicitBndrs :: Bool    -- True <=> bring into scope any free type variables
318                           -- E.g.  f :: forall a. a->b
319                           --  we do not want to bring 'b' into scope, hence False
320                           -- But   f :: a -> b
321                           --  we want to bring both 'a' and 'b' into scope
322                -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
323                                   -- Free vars of hs_ty (excluding wildcards)
324                                   -- May have duplicates, which is
325                                   -- checked here
326                -> ([Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
327                -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
328rnImplicitBndrs bind_free_tvs
329                fvs_with_dups
330                thing_inside
331  = do { let fvs = nubL fvs_with_dups
332             real_fvs | bind_free_tvs = fvs
333                      | otherwise     = []
335       ; traceRn "rnImplicitBndrs" $
336         vcat [ ppr fvs_with_dups, ppr fvs, ppr real_fvs ]
338       ; loc <- getSrcSpanM
339       ; vars <- mapM (newLocalBndrRn . cL loc . unLoc) real_fvs
341       ; bindLocalNamesFV vars $
342         thing_inside vars }
344{- ******************************************************
345*                                                       *
346           LHsType and HsType
347*                                                       *
348****************************************************** -}
351rnHsType is here because we call it from loadInstDecl, and I didn't
352want a gratuitous knot.
354Note [Context quantification]
356Variables in type signatures are implicitly quantified
357when (1) they are in a type signature not beginning
358with "forall" or (2) in any qualified type T => R.
359We are phasing out (2) since it leads to inconsistencies
362data A = A (a -> a)           is an error
363data A = A (Eq a => a -> a)   binds "a"
364data A = A (Eq a => a -> b)   binds "a" and "b"
365data A = A (() => a -> b)     binds "a" and "b"
366f :: forall a. a -> b         is an error
367f :: forall a. () => a -> b   is an error
368f :: forall a. a -> (() => b) binds "a" and "b"
370This situation is now considered to be an error. See rnHsTyKi for case
371HsForAllTy Qualified.
373Note [QualTy in kinds]
375I was wondering whether QualTy could occur only at TypeLevel.  But no,
376we can have a qualified type in a kind too. Here is an example:
378  type family F a where
379    F Bool = Nat
380    F Nat  = Type
382  type family G a where
383    G Type = Type -> Type
384    G ()   = Nat
386  data X :: forall k1 k2. (F k1 ~ G k2) => k1 -> k2 -> Type where
387    MkX :: X 'True '()
389See that k1 becomes Bool and k2 becomes (), so the equality is
390satisfied. If I write MkX :: X 'True 'False, compilation fails with a
391suitable message:
393  MkX :: X 'True '()
394    • Couldn't match kind ‘G Bool’ with ‘Nat’
395      Expected kind: G Bool
396        Actual kind: F Bool
398However: in a kind, the constraints in the QualTy must all be
399equalities; or at least, any kinds with a class constraint are
403data RnTyKiEnv
404  = RTKE { rtke_ctxt  :: HsDocContext
405         , rtke_level :: TypeOrKind  -- Am I renaming a type or a kind?
406         , rtke_what  :: RnTyKiWhat  -- And within that what am I renaming?
407         , rtke_nwcs  :: NameSet     -- These are the in-scope named wildcards
408    }
410data RnTyKiWhat = RnTypeBody
411                | RnTopConstraint   -- Top-level context of HsSigWcTypes
412                | RnConstraint      -- All other constraints
414instance Outputable RnTyKiEnv where
415  ppr (RTKE { rtke_level = lev, rtke_what = what
416            , rtke_nwcs = wcs, rtke_ctxt = ctxt })
417    = text "RTKE"
418      <+> braces (sep [ ppr lev, ppr what, ppr wcs
419                      , pprHsDocContext ctxt ])
421instance Outputable RnTyKiWhat where
422  ppr RnTypeBody      = text "RnTypeBody"
423  ppr RnTopConstraint = text "RnTopConstraint"
424  ppr RnConstraint    = text "RnConstraint"
426mkTyKiEnv :: HsDocContext -> TypeOrKind -> RnTyKiWhat -> RnTyKiEnv
427mkTyKiEnv cxt level what
428 = RTKE { rtke_level = level, rtke_nwcs = emptyNameSet
429        , rtke_what = what, rtke_ctxt = cxt }
431isRnKindLevel :: RnTyKiEnv -> Bool
432isRnKindLevel (RTKE { rtke_level = KindLevel }) = True
433isRnKindLevel _                                 = False
436rnLHsType  :: HsDocContext -> LHsType GhcPs -> RnM (LHsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
437rnLHsType ctxt ty = rnLHsTyKi (mkTyKiEnv ctxt TypeLevel RnTypeBody) ty
439rnLHsTypes :: HsDocContext -> [LHsType GhcPs] -> RnM ([LHsType GhcRn], FreeVars)
440rnLHsTypes doc tys = mapFvRn (rnLHsType doc) tys
442rnHsType  :: HsDocContext -> HsType GhcPs -> RnM (HsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
443rnHsType ctxt ty = rnHsTyKi (mkTyKiEnv ctxt TypeLevel RnTypeBody) ty
445rnLHsKind  :: HsDocContext -> LHsKind GhcPs -> RnM (LHsKind GhcRn, FreeVars)
446rnLHsKind ctxt kind = rnLHsTyKi (mkTyKiEnv ctxt KindLevel RnTypeBody) kind
448rnHsKind  :: HsDocContext -> HsKind GhcPs -> RnM (HsKind GhcRn, FreeVars)
449rnHsKind ctxt kind = rnHsTyKi  (mkTyKiEnv ctxt KindLevel RnTypeBody) kind
451-- renaming a type only, not a kind
452rnLHsTypeArg :: HsDocContext -> LHsTypeArg GhcPs
453                -> RnM (LHsTypeArg GhcRn, FreeVars)
454rnLHsTypeArg ctxt (HsValArg ty)
455   = do { (tys_rn, fvs) <- rnLHsType ctxt ty
456        ; return (HsValArg tys_rn, fvs) }
457rnLHsTypeArg ctxt (HsTypeArg l ki)
458   = do { (kis_rn, fvs) <- rnLHsKind ctxt ki
459        ; return (HsTypeArg l kis_rn, fvs) }
460rnLHsTypeArg _ (HsArgPar sp)
461   = return (HsArgPar sp, emptyFVs)
463rnLHsTypeArgs :: HsDocContext -> [LHsTypeArg GhcPs]
464                 -> RnM ([LHsTypeArg GhcRn], FreeVars)
465rnLHsTypeArgs doc args = mapFvRn (rnLHsTypeArg doc) args
468rnTyKiContext :: RnTyKiEnv -> LHsContext GhcPs
469              -> RnM (LHsContext GhcRn, FreeVars)
470rnTyKiContext env (dL->L loc cxt)
471  = do { traceRn "rncontext" (ppr cxt)
472       ; let env' = env { rtke_what = RnConstraint }
473       ; (cxt', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsTyKi env') cxt
474       ; return (cL loc cxt', fvs) }
476rnContext :: HsDocContext -> LHsContext GhcPs
477          -> RnM (LHsContext GhcRn, FreeVars)
478rnContext doc theta = rnTyKiContext (mkTyKiEnv doc TypeLevel RnConstraint) theta
481rnLHsTyKi  :: RnTyKiEnv -> LHsType GhcPs -> RnM (LHsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
482rnLHsTyKi env (dL->L loc ty)
483  = setSrcSpan loc $
484    do { (ty', fvs) <- rnHsTyKi env ty
485       ; return (cL loc ty', fvs) }
487rnHsTyKi :: RnTyKiEnv -> HsType GhcPs -> RnM (HsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
489rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf, hst_bndrs = tyvars
490                            , hst_body = tau })
491  = do { checkPolyKinds env ty
492       ; bindLHsTyVarBndrs (rtke_ctxt env) (Just $ inTypeDoc ty)
493                           Nothing tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
494    do { (tau',  fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env tau
495       ; return ( HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf, hst_xforall = noExtField
496                             , hst_bndrs = tyvars' , hst_body =  tau' }
497                , fvs) } }
499rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = lctxt, hst_body = tau })
500  = do { checkPolyKinds env ty  -- See Note [QualTy in kinds]
501       ; (ctxt', fvs1) <- rnTyKiContext env lctxt
502       ; (tau',  fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi env tau
503       ; return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField, hst_ctxt = ctxt'
504                          , hst_body =  tau' }
505                , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
507rnHsTyKi env (HsTyVar _ ip (dL->L loc rdr_name))
508  = do { when (isRnKindLevel env && isRdrTyVar rdr_name) $
509         unlessXOptM LangExt.PolyKinds $ addErr $
510         withHsDocContext (rtke_ctxt env) $
511         vcat [ text "Unexpected kind variable" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name)
512              , text "Perhaps you intended to use PolyKinds" ]
513           -- Any type variable at the kind level is illegal without the use
514           -- of PolyKinds (see #14710)
515       ; name <- rnTyVar env rdr_name
516       ; return (HsTyVar noExtField ip (cL loc name), unitFV name) }
518rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsOpTy _ ty1 l_op ty2)
519  = setSrcSpan (getLoc l_op) $
520    do  { (l_op', fvs1) <- rnHsTyOp env ty l_op
521        ; fix   <- lookupTyFixityRn l_op'
522        ; (ty1', fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty1
523        ; (ty2', fvs3) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty2
524        ; res_ty <- mkHsOpTyRn (\t1 t2 -> HsOpTy noExtField t1 l_op' t2)
525                               (unLoc l_op') fix ty1' ty2'
526        ; return (res_ty, plusFVs [fvs1, fvs2, fvs3]) }
528rnHsTyKi env (HsParTy _ ty)
529  = do { (ty', fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
530       ; return (HsParTy noExtField ty', fvs) }
532rnHsTyKi env (HsBangTy _ b ty)
533  = do { (ty', fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
534       ; return (HsBangTy noExtField b ty', fvs) }
536rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsRecTy _ flds)
537  = do { let ctxt = rtke_ctxt env
538       ; fls          <- get_fields ctxt
539       ; (flds', fvs) <- rnConDeclFields ctxt fls flds
540       ; return (HsRecTy noExtField flds', fvs) }
541  where
542    get_fields (ConDeclCtx names)
543      = concatMapM (lookupConstructorFields . unLoc) names
544    get_fields _
545      = do { addErr (hang (text "Record syntax is illegal here:")
546                                   2 (ppr ty))
547           ; return [] }
549rnHsTyKi env (HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2)
550  = do { (ty1', fvs1) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty1
551        -- Might find a for-all as the arg of a function type
552       ; (ty2', fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty2
553        -- Or as the result.  This happens when reading Prelude.hi
554        -- when we find return :: forall m. Monad m -> forall a. a -> m a
556        -- Check for fixity rearrangements
557       ; res_ty <- mkHsOpTyRn (HsFunTy noExtField) funTyConName funTyFixity ty1' ty2'
558       ; return (res_ty, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
560rnHsTyKi env listTy@(HsListTy _ ty)
561  = do { data_kinds <- xoptM LangExt.DataKinds
562       ; when (not data_kinds && isRnKindLevel env)
563              (addErr (dataKindsErr env listTy))
564       ; (ty', fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
565       ; return (HsListTy noExtField ty', fvs) }
567rnHsTyKi env t@(HsKindSig _ ty k)
568  = do { checkPolyKinds env t
569       ; kind_sigs_ok <- xoptM LangExt.KindSignatures
570       ; unless kind_sigs_ok (badKindSigErr (rtke_ctxt env) ty)
571       ; (ty', lhs_fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
572       ; (k', sig_fvs)  <- rnLHsTyKi (env { rtke_level = KindLevel }) k
573       ; return (HsKindSig noExtField ty' k', lhs_fvs `plusFV` sig_fvs) }
575-- Unboxed tuples are allowed to have poly-typed arguments.  These
576-- sometimes crop up as a result of CPR worker-wrappering dictionaries.
577rnHsTyKi env tupleTy@(HsTupleTy _ tup_con tys)
578  = do { data_kinds <- xoptM LangExt.DataKinds
579       ; when (not data_kinds && isRnKindLevel env)
580              (addErr (dataKindsErr env tupleTy))
581       ; (tys', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsTyKi env) tys
582       ; return (HsTupleTy noExtField tup_con tys', fvs) }
584rnHsTyKi env sumTy@(HsSumTy _ tys)
585  = do { data_kinds <- xoptM LangExt.DataKinds
586       ; when (not data_kinds && isRnKindLevel env)
587              (addErr (dataKindsErr env sumTy))
588       ; (tys', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsTyKi env) tys
589       ; return (HsSumTy noExtField tys', fvs) }
591-- Ensure that a type-level integer is nonnegative (#8306, #8412)
592rnHsTyKi env tyLit@(HsTyLit _ t)
593  = do { data_kinds <- xoptM LangExt.DataKinds
594       ; unless data_kinds (addErr (dataKindsErr env tyLit))
595       ; when (negLit t) (addErr negLitErr)
596       ; checkPolyKinds env tyLit
597       ; return (HsTyLit noExtField t, emptyFVs) }
598  where
599    negLit (HsStrTy _ _) = False
600    negLit (HsNumTy _ i) = i < 0
601    negLitErr = text "Illegal literal in type (type literals must not be negative):" <+> ppr tyLit
603rnHsTyKi env (HsAppTy _ ty1 ty2)
604  = do { (ty1', fvs1) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty1
605       ; (ty2', fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty2
606       ; return (HsAppTy noExtField ty1' ty2', fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
608rnHsTyKi env (HsAppKindTy l ty k)
609  = do { kind_app <- xoptM LangExt.TypeApplications
610       ; unless kind_app (addErr (typeAppErr "kind" k))
611       ; (ty', fvs1) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
612       ; (k', fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi (env {rtke_level = KindLevel }) k
613       ; return (HsAppKindTy l ty' k', fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
615rnHsTyKi env t@(HsIParamTy _ n ty)
616  = do { notInKinds env t
617       ; (ty', fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
618       ; return (HsIParamTy noExtField n ty', fvs) }
620rnHsTyKi _ (HsStarTy _ isUni)
621  = return (HsStarTy noExtField isUni, emptyFVs)
623rnHsTyKi _ (HsSpliceTy _ sp)
624  = rnSpliceType sp
626rnHsTyKi env (HsDocTy _ ty haddock_doc)
627  = do { (ty', fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
628       ; haddock_doc' <- rnLHsDoc haddock_doc
629       ; return (HsDocTy noExtField ty' haddock_doc', fvs) }
631rnHsTyKi _ (XHsType (NHsCoreTy ty))
632  = return (XHsType (NHsCoreTy ty), emptyFVs)
633    -- The emptyFVs probably isn't quite right
634    -- but I don't think it matters
636rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsExplicitListTy _ ip tys)
637  = do { checkPolyKinds env ty
638       ; data_kinds <- xoptM LangExt.DataKinds
639       ; unless data_kinds (addErr (dataKindsErr env ty))
640       ; (tys', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsTyKi env) tys
641       ; return (HsExplicitListTy noExtField ip tys', fvs) }
643rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys)
644  = do { checkPolyKinds env ty
645       ; data_kinds <- xoptM LangExt.DataKinds
646       ; unless data_kinds (addErr (dataKindsErr env ty))
647       ; (tys', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsTyKi env) tys
648       ; return (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField tys', fvs) }
650rnHsTyKi env (HsWildCardTy _)
651  = do { checkAnonWildCard env
652       ; return (HsWildCardTy noExtField, emptyFVs) }
655rnTyVar :: RnTyKiEnv -> RdrName -> RnM Name
656rnTyVar env rdr_name
657  = do { name <- lookupTypeOccRn rdr_name
658       ; checkNamedWildCard env name
659       ; return name }
661rnLTyVar :: Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
662-- Called externally; does not deal with wildards
663rnLTyVar (dL->L loc rdr_name)
664  = do { tyvar <- lookupTypeOccRn rdr_name
665       ; return (cL loc tyvar) }
668rnHsTyOp :: Outputable a
669         => RnTyKiEnv -> a -> Located RdrName
670         -> RnM (Located Name, FreeVars)
671rnHsTyOp env overall_ty (dL->L loc op)
672  = do { ops_ok <- xoptM LangExt.TypeOperators
673       ; op' <- rnTyVar env op
674       ; unless (ops_ok || op' `hasKey` eqTyConKey) $
675           addErr (opTyErr op overall_ty)
676       ; let l_op' = cL loc op'
677       ; return (l_op', unitFV op') }
680notAllowed :: SDoc -> SDoc
681notAllowed doc
682  = text "Wildcard" <+> quotes doc <+> ptext (sLit "not allowed")
684checkWildCard :: RnTyKiEnv -> Maybe SDoc -> RnM ()
685checkWildCard env (Just doc)
686  = addErr $ vcat [doc, nest 2 (text "in" <+> pprHsDocContext (rtke_ctxt env))]
687checkWildCard _ Nothing
688  = return ()
690checkAnonWildCard :: RnTyKiEnv -> RnM ()
691-- Report an error if an anonymous wildcard is illegal here
692checkAnonWildCard env
693  = checkWildCard env mb_bad
694  where
695    mb_bad :: Maybe SDoc
696    mb_bad | not (wildCardsAllowed env)
697           = Just (notAllowed pprAnonWildCard)
698           | otherwise
699           = case rtke_what env of
700               RnTypeBody      -> Nothing
701               RnTopConstraint -> Just constraint_msg
702               RnConstraint    -> Just constraint_msg
704    constraint_msg = hang
705                         (notAllowed pprAnonWildCard <+> text "in a constraint")
706                        2 hint_msg
707    hint_msg = vcat [ text "except as the last top-level constraint of a type signature"
708                    , nest 2 (text "e.g  f :: (Eq a, _) => blah") ]
710checkNamedWildCard :: RnTyKiEnv -> Name -> RnM ()
711-- Report an error if a named wildcard is illegal here
712checkNamedWildCard env name
713  = checkWildCard env mb_bad
714  where
715    mb_bad | not (name `elemNameSet` rtke_nwcs env)
716           = Nothing  -- Not a wildcard
717           | not (wildCardsAllowed env)
718           = Just (notAllowed (ppr name))
719           | otherwise
720           = case rtke_what env of
721               RnTypeBody      -> Nothing   -- Allowed
722               RnTopConstraint -> Nothing   -- Allowed; e.g.
723                  -- f :: (Eq _a) => _a -> Int
724                  -- g :: (_a, _b) => T _a _b -> Int
725                  -- The named tyvars get filled in from elsewhere
726               RnConstraint    -> Just constraint_msg
727    constraint_msg = notAllowed (ppr name) <+> text "in a constraint"
729wildCardsAllowed :: RnTyKiEnv -> Bool
730-- ^ In what contexts are wildcards permitted
731wildCardsAllowed env
732   = case rtke_ctxt env of
733       TypeSigCtx {}       -> True
734       TypBrCtx {}         -> True   -- Template Haskell quoted type
735       SpliceTypeCtx {}    -> True   -- Result of a Template Haskell splice
736       ExprWithTySigCtx {} -> True
737       PatCtx {}           -> True
738       RuleCtx {}          -> True
739       FamPatCtx {}        -> True   -- Not named wildcards though
740       GHCiCtx {}          -> True
741       HsTypeCtx {}        -> True
742       StandaloneKindSigCtx {} -> False  -- See Note [Wildcards in standalone kind signatures] in GHC/Hs/Decls
743       _                   -> False
748-- | Ensures either that we're in a type or that -XPolyKinds is set
749checkPolyKinds :: Outputable ty
750                => RnTyKiEnv
751                -> ty      -- ^ type
752                -> RnM ()
753checkPolyKinds env ty
754  | isRnKindLevel env
755  = do { polykinds <- xoptM LangExt.PolyKinds
756       ; unless polykinds $
757         addErr (text "Illegal kind:" <+> ppr ty $$
758                 text "Did you mean to enable PolyKinds?") }
759checkPolyKinds _ _ = return ()
761notInKinds :: Outputable ty
762           => RnTyKiEnv
763           -> ty
764           -> RnM ()
765notInKinds env ty
766  | isRnKindLevel env
767  = addErr (text "Illegal kind:" <+> ppr ty)
768notInKinds _ _ = return ()
770{- *****************************************************
771*                                                      *
772          Binding type variables
773*                                                      *
774***************************************************** -}
776bindSigTyVarsFV :: [Name]
777                -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
778                -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
779-- Used just before renaming the defn of a function
780-- with a separate type signature, to bring its tyvars into scope
781-- With no -XScopedTypeVariables, this is a no-op
782bindSigTyVarsFV tvs thing_inside
783  = do  { scoped_tyvars <- xoptM LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables
784        ; if not scoped_tyvars then
785                thing_inside
786          else
787                bindLocalNamesFV tvs thing_inside }
789-- | Simply bring a bunch of RdrNames into scope. No checking for
790-- validity, at all. The binding location is taken from the location
791-- on each name.
792bindLRdrNames :: [Located RdrName]
793              -> ([Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
794              -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
795bindLRdrNames rdrs thing_inside
796  = do { var_names <- mapM (newTyVarNameRn Nothing) rdrs
797       ; bindLocalNamesFV var_names $
798         thing_inside var_names }
801bindHsQTyVars :: forall a b.
802                 HsDocContext
803              -> Maybe SDoc         -- Just d => check for unused tvs
804                                    --   d is a phrase like "in the type ..."
805              -> Maybe a            -- Just _  => an associated type decl
806              -> [Located RdrName]  -- Kind variables from scope, no dups
807              -> (LHsQTyVars GhcPs)
808              -> (LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> Bool -> RnM (b, FreeVars))
809                  -- The Bool is True <=> all kind variables used in the
810                  -- kind signature are bound on the left.  Reason:
811                  -- the last clause of Note [CUSKs: Complete user-supplied
812                  -- kind signatures] in GHC.Hs.Decls
813              -> RnM (b, FreeVars)
815-- See Note [bindHsQTyVars examples]
816-- (a) Bring kind variables into scope
817--     both (i)  passed in body_kv_occs
818--     and  (ii) mentioned in the kinds of hsq_bndrs
819-- (b) Bring type variables into scope
821bindHsQTyVars doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc body_kv_occs hsq_bndrs thing_inside
822  = do { let hs_tv_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit hsq_bndrs
823             bndr_kv_occs = extractHsTyVarBndrsKVs hs_tv_bndrs
825       ; let -- See Note [bindHsQTyVars examples] for what
826             -- all these various things are doing
827             bndrs, kv_occs, implicit_kvs :: [Located RdrName]
828             bndrs        = map hsLTyVarLocName hs_tv_bndrs
829             kv_occs      = nubL (bndr_kv_occs ++ body_kv_occs)
830                                 -- Make sure to list the binder kvs before the
831                                 -- body kvs, as mandated by
832                                 -- Note [Ordering of implicit variables]
833             implicit_kvs = filter_occs bndrs kv_occs
834             del          = deleteBys eqLocated
835             all_bound_on_lhs = null ((body_kv_occs `del` bndrs) `del` bndr_kv_occs)
837       ; traceRn "checkMixedVars3" $
838           vcat [ text "kv_occs" <+> ppr kv_occs
839                , text "bndrs"   <+> ppr hs_tv_bndrs
840                , text "bndr_kv_occs"   <+> ppr bndr_kv_occs
841                , text "wubble" <+> ppr ((kv_occs \\ bndrs) \\ bndr_kv_occs)
842                ]
844       ; implicit_kv_nms <- mapM (newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc) implicit_kvs
846       ; bindLocalNamesFV implicit_kv_nms                     $
847         bindLHsTyVarBndrs doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc hs_tv_bndrs $ \ rn_bndrs ->
848    do { traceRn "bindHsQTyVars" (ppr hsq_bndrs $$ ppr implicit_kv_nms $$ ppr rn_bndrs)
849       ; thing_inside (HsQTvs { hsq_ext = implicit_kv_nms
850                              , hsq_explicit  = rn_bndrs })
851                      all_bound_on_lhs } }
853  where
854    filter_occs :: [Located RdrName]   -- Bound here
855                -> [Located RdrName]   -- Potential implicit binders
856                -> [Located RdrName]   -- Final implicit binders
857    -- Filter out any potential implicit binders that are either
858    -- already in scope, or are explicitly bound in the same HsQTyVars
859    filter_occs bndrs occs
860      = filterOut is_in_scope occs
861      where
862        is_in_scope locc = locc `elemRdr` bndrs
864{- Note [bindHsQTyVars examples]
866Suppose we have
867   data T k (a::k1) (b::k) :: k2 -> k1 -> *
870  hs_tv_bndrs = [k, a::k1, b::k], the explicitly-bound variables
871  bndrs       = [k,a,b]
873  bndr_kv_occs = [k,k1], kind variables free in kind signatures
874                         of hs_tv_bndrs
876  body_kv_occs = [k2,k1], kind variables free in the
877                          result kind signature
879  implicit_kvs = [k1,k2], kind variables free in kind signatures
880                          of hs_tv_bndrs, and not bound by bndrs
882* We want to quantify add implicit bindings for implicit_kvs
884* If implicit_body_kvs is non-empty, then there is a kind variable
885  mentioned in the kind signature that is not bound "on the left".
886  That's one of the rules for a CUSK, so we pass that info on
887  as the second argument to thing_inside.
889* Order is not important in these lists.  All we are doing is
890  bring Names into scope.
892Finally, you may wonder why filter_occs removes in-scope variables
893from bndr/body_kv_occs.  How can anything be in scope?  Answer:
894HsQTyVars is /also/ used (slightly oddly) for Haskell-98 syntax
896   data T a = forall (b::k). MkT a b
897The ConDecl has a LHsQTyVars in it; but 'a' scopes over the entire
898ConDecl.  Hence the local RdrEnv may be non-empty and we must filter
899out 'a' from the free vars.  (Mind you, in this situation all the
900implicit kind variables are bound at the data type level, so there
901are none to bind in the ConDecl, so there are no implicitly bound
902variables at all.
904Note [Kind variable scoping]
906If we have
907  data T (a :: k) k = ...
908we report "k is out of scope" for (a::k).  Reason: k is not brought
909into scope until the explicit k-binding that follows.  It would be
910terribly confusing to bring into scope an /implicit/ k for a's kind
911and a distinct, shadowing explicit k that follows, something like
912  data T {k1} (a :: k1) k = ...
914So the rule is:
916   the implicit binders never include any
917   of the explicit binders in the group
919Note that in the denerate case
920  data T (a :: a) = blah
921we get a complaint the second 'a' is not in scope.
923That applies to foralls too: e.g.
924   forall (a :: k) k . blah
926But if the foralls are split, we treat the two groups separately:
927   forall (a :: k). forall k. blah
928Here we bring into scope an implicit k, which is later shadowed
929by the explicit k.
931In implementation terms
933* In bindHsQTyVars 'k' is free in bndr_kv_occs; then we delete
934  the binders {a,k}, and so end with no implicit binders.  Then we
935  rename the binders left-to-right, and hence see that 'k' is out of
936  scope in the kind of 'a'.
938* Similarly in extract_hs_tv_bndrs
940Note [Variables used as both types and kinds]
942We bind the type variables tvs, and kvs is the set of free variables of the
943kinds in the scope of the binding. Here is one typical example:
945   forall a b. a -> (b::k) -> (c::a)
947Here, tvs will be {a,b}, and kvs {k,a}.
949We must make sure that kvs includes all of variables in the kinds of type
950variable bindings. For instance:
952   forall k (a :: k). Proxy a
954If we only look in the body of the `forall` type, we will mistakenly conclude
955that kvs is {}. But in fact, the type variable `k` is also used as a kind
956variable in (a :: k), later in the binding. (This mistake lead to #14710.)
957So tvs is {k,a} and kvs is {k}.
959NB: we do this only at the binding site of 'tvs'.
962bindLHsTyVarBndrs :: HsDocContext
963                  -> Maybe SDoc            -- Just d => check for unused tvs
964                                           --   d is a phrase like "in the type ..."
965                  -> Maybe a               -- Just _  => an associated type decl
966                  -> [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]  -- User-written tyvars
967                  -> ([LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn] -> RnM (b, FreeVars))
968                  -> RnM (b, FreeVars)
969bindLHsTyVarBndrs doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc tv_bndrs thing_inside
970  = do { when (isNothing mb_assoc) (checkShadowedRdrNames tv_names_w_loc)
971       ; checkDupRdrNames tv_names_w_loc
972       ; go tv_bndrs thing_inside }
973  where
974    tv_names_w_loc = map hsLTyVarLocName tv_bndrs
976    go []     thing_inside = thing_inside []
977    go (b:bs) thing_inside = bindLHsTyVarBndr doc mb_assoc b $ \ b' ->
978                             do { (res, fvs) <- go bs $ \ bs' ->
979                                                thing_inside (b' : bs')
980                                ; warn_unused b' fvs
981                                ; return (res, fvs) }
983    warn_unused tv_bndr fvs = case mb_in_doc of
984      Just in_doc -> warnUnusedForAll in_doc tv_bndr fvs
985      Nothing     -> return ()
987bindLHsTyVarBndr :: HsDocContext
988                 -> Maybe a   -- associated class
989                 -> LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs
990                 -> (LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> RnM (b, FreeVars))
991                 -> RnM (b, FreeVars)
992bindLHsTyVarBndr _doc mb_assoc (dL->L loc
993                                 (UserTyVar x
994                                    lrdr@(dL->L lv _))) thing_inside
995  = do { nm <- newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc lrdr
996       ; bindLocalNamesFV [nm] $
997         thing_inside (cL loc (UserTyVar x (cL lv nm))) }
999bindLHsTyVarBndr doc mb_assoc (dL->L loc (KindedTyVar x lrdr@(dL->L lv _) kind))
1000                 thing_inside
1001  = do { sig_ok <- xoptM LangExt.KindSignatures
1002           ; unless sig_ok (badKindSigErr doc kind)
1003           ; (kind', fvs1) <- rnLHsKind doc kind
1004           ; tv_nm  <- newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc lrdr
1005           ; (b, fvs2) <- bindLocalNamesFV [tv_nm]
1006               $ thing_inside (cL loc (KindedTyVar x (cL lv tv_nm) kind'))
1007           ; return (b, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
1009bindLHsTyVarBndr _ _ (dL->L _ (XTyVarBndr nec)) _ = noExtCon nec
1010bindLHsTyVarBndr _ _ _ _ = panic "bindLHsTyVarBndr: Impossible Match"
1011                             -- due to #15884
1013newTyVarNameRn :: Maybe a -> Located RdrName -> RnM Name
1014newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc (dL->L loc rdr)
1015  = do { rdr_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
1016       ; case (mb_assoc, lookupLocalRdrEnv rdr_env rdr) of
1017           (Just _, Just n) -> return n
1018              -- Use the same Name as the parent class decl
1020           _                -> newLocalBndrRn (cL loc rdr) }
1023*                                                       *
1024        ConDeclField
1025*                                                       *
1028When renaming a ConDeclField, we have to find the FieldLabel
1029associated with each field.  But we already have all the FieldLabels
1030available (since they were brought into scope by
1031RnNames.getLocalNonValBinders), so we just take the list as an
1032argument, build a map and look them up.
1035rnConDeclFields :: HsDocContext -> [FieldLabel] -> [LConDeclField GhcPs]
1036                -> RnM ([LConDeclField GhcRn], FreeVars)
1037-- Also called from RnSource
1038-- No wildcards can appear in record fields
1039rnConDeclFields ctxt fls fields
1040   = mapFvRn (rnField fl_env env) fields
1041  where
1042    env    = mkTyKiEnv ctxt TypeLevel RnTypeBody
1043    fl_env = mkFsEnv [ (flLabel fl, fl) | fl <- fls ]
1045rnField :: FastStringEnv FieldLabel -> RnTyKiEnv -> LConDeclField GhcPs
1046        -> RnM (LConDeclField GhcRn, FreeVars)
1047rnField fl_env env (dL->L l (ConDeclField _ names ty haddock_doc))
1048  = do { let new_names = map (fmap lookupField) names
1049       ; (new_ty, fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
1050       ; new_haddock_doc <- rnMbLHsDoc haddock_doc
1051       ; return (cL l (ConDeclField noExtField new_names new_ty new_haddock_doc)
1052                , fvs) }
1053  where
1054    lookupField :: FieldOcc GhcPs -> FieldOcc GhcRn
1055    lookupField (FieldOcc _ (dL->L lr rdr)) =
1056        FieldOcc (flSelector fl) (cL lr rdr)
1057      where
1058        lbl = occNameFS $ rdrNameOcc rdr
1059        fl  = expectJust "rnField" $ lookupFsEnv fl_env lbl
1060    lookupField (XFieldOcc nec) = noExtCon nec
1061rnField _ _ (dL->L _ (XConDeclField nec)) = noExtCon nec
1062rnField _ _ _ = panic "rnField: Impossible Match"
1063                             -- due to #15884
1067*                                                                      *
1068        Fixities and precedence parsing
1069*                                                                      *
1072@mkOpAppRn@ deals with operator fixities.  The argument expressions
1073are assumed to be already correctly arranged.  It needs the fixities
1074recorded in the OpApp nodes, because fixity info applies to the things
1075the programmer actually wrote, so you can't find it out from the Name.
1077Furthermore, the second argument is guaranteed not to be another
1078operator application.  Why? Because the parser parses all
1079operator applications left-associatively, EXCEPT negation, which
1080we need to handle specially.
1081Infix types are read in a *right-associative* way, so that
1082        a `op` b `op` c
1083is always read in as
1084        a `op` (b `op` c)
1086mkHsOpTyRn rearranges where necessary.  The two arguments
1087have already been renamed and rearranged.  It's made rather tiresome
1088by the presence of ->, which is a separate syntactic construct.
1092-- Building (ty1 `op1` (ty21 `op2` ty22))
1093mkHsOpTyRn :: (LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn)
1094           -> Name -> Fixity -> LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn
1095           -> RnM (HsType GhcRn)
1097mkHsOpTyRn mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1 (dL->L loc2 (HsOpTy noExtField ty21 op2 ty22))
1098  = do  { fix2 <- lookupTyFixityRn op2
1099        ; mk_hs_op_ty mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1
1100                      (\t1 t2 -> HsOpTy noExtField t1 op2 t2)
1101                      (unLoc op2) fix2 ty21 ty22 loc2 }
1103mkHsOpTyRn mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1 (dL->L loc2 (HsFunTy _ ty21 ty22))
1104  = mk_hs_op_ty mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1
1105                (HsFunTy noExtField) funTyConName funTyFixity ty21 ty22 loc2
1107mkHsOpTyRn mk1 _ _ ty1 ty2              -- Default case, no rearrangment
1108  = return (mk1 ty1 ty2)
1111mk_hs_op_ty :: (LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn)
1112            -> Name -> Fixity -> LHsType GhcRn
1113            -> (LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn)
1114            -> Name -> Fixity -> LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn -> SrcSpan
1115            -> RnM (HsType GhcRn)
1116mk_hs_op_ty mk1 op1 fix1 ty1
1117            mk2 op2 fix2 ty21 ty22 loc2
1118  | nofix_error     = do { precParseErr (NormalOp op1,fix1) (NormalOp op2,fix2)
1119                         ; return (mk1 ty1 (cL loc2 (mk2 ty21 ty22))) }
1120  | associate_right = return (mk1 ty1 (cL loc2 (mk2 ty21 ty22)))
1121  | otherwise       = do { -- Rearrange to ((ty1 `op1` ty21) `op2` ty22)
1122                           new_ty <- mkHsOpTyRn mk1 op1 fix1 ty1 ty21
1123                         ; return (mk2 (noLoc new_ty) ty22) }
1124  where
1125    (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
1129mkOpAppRn :: LHsExpr GhcRn             -- Left operand; already rearranged
1130          -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> Fixity   -- Operator and fixity
1131          -> LHsExpr GhcRn             -- Right operand (not an OpApp, but might
1132                                       -- be a NegApp)
1133          -> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn)
1135-- (e11 `op1` e12) `op2` e2
1136mkOpAppRn e1@(dL->L _ (OpApp fix1 e11 op1 e12)) op2 fix2 e2
1137  | nofix_error
1138  = do precParseErr (get_op op1,fix1) (get_op op2,fix2)
1139       return (OpApp fix2 e1 op2 e2)
1141  | associate_right = do
1142    new_e <- mkOpAppRn e12 op2 fix2 e2
1143    return (OpApp fix1 e11 op1 (cL loc' new_e))
1144  where
1145    loc'= combineLocs e12 e2
1146    (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
1149--      (- neg_arg) `op` e2
1150mkOpAppRn e1@(dL->L _ (NegApp _ neg_arg neg_name)) op2 fix2 e2
1151  | nofix_error
1152  = do precParseErr (NegateOp,negateFixity) (get_op op2,fix2)
1153       return (OpApp fix2 e1 op2 e2)
1155  | associate_right
1156  = do new_e <- mkOpAppRn neg_arg op2 fix2 e2
1157       return (NegApp noExtField (cL loc' new_e) neg_name)
1158  where
1159    loc' = combineLocs neg_arg e2
1160    (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity negateFixity fix2
1163--      e1 `op` - neg_arg
1164mkOpAppRn e1 op1 fix1 e2@(dL->L _ (NegApp {})) -- NegApp can occur on the right
1165  | not associate_right                        -- We *want* right association
1166  = do precParseErr (get_op op1, fix1) (NegateOp, negateFixity)
1167       return (OpApp fix1 e1 op1 e2)
1168  where
1169    (_, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 negateFixity
1172--      Default case
1173mkOpAppRn e1 op fix e2                  -- Default case, no rearrangment
1174  = ASSERT2( right_op_ok fix (unLoc e2),
1175             ppr e1 $$ text "---" $$ ppr op $$ text "---" $$ ppr fix $$ text "---" $$ ppr e2
1176    )
1177    return (OpApp fix e1 op e2)
1181-- | Name of an operator in an operator application or section
1182data OpName = NormalOp Name         -- ^ A normal identifier
1183            | NegateOp              -- ^ Prefix negation
1184            | UnboundOp UnboundVar  -- ^ An unbound indentifier
1185            | RecFldOp (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn)
1186              -- ^ A (possibly ambiguous) record field occurrence
1188instance Outputable OpName where
1189  ppr (NormalOp n)   = ppr n
1190  ppr NegateOp       = ppr negateName
1191  ppr (UnboundOp uv) = ppr uv
1192  ppr (RecFldOp fld) = ppr fld
1194get_op :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> OpName
1195-- An unbound name could be either HsVar or HsUnboundVar
1196-- See RnExpr.rnUnboundVar
1197get_op (dL->L _ (HsVar _ n))         = NormalOp (unLoc n)
1198get_op (dL->L _ (HsUnboundVar _ uv)) = UnboundOp uv
1199get_op (dL->L _ (HsRecFld _ fld))    = RecFldOp fld
1200get_op other                         = pprPanic "get_op" (ppr other)
1202-- Parser left-associates everything, but
1203-- derived instances may have correctly-associated things to
1204-- in the right operand.  So we just check that the right operand is OK
1205right_op_ok :: Fixity -> HsExpr GhcRn -> Bool
1206right_op_ok fix1 (OpApp fix2 _ _ _)
1207  = not error_please && associate_right
1208  where
1209    (error_please, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
1210right_op_ok _ _
1211  = True
1213-- Parser initially makes negation bind more tightly than any other operator
1214-- And "deriving" code should respect this (use HsPar if not)
1215mkNegAppRn :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> SyntaxExpr (GhcPass id)
1216           -> RnM (HsExpr (GhcPass id))
1217mkNegAppRn neg_arg neg_name
1218  = ASSERT( not_op_app (unLoc neg_arg) )
1219    return (NegApp noExtField neg_arg neg_name)
1221not_op_app :: HsExpr id -> Bool
1222not_op_app (OpApp {}) = False
1223not_op_app _          = True
1226mkOpFormRn :: LHsCmdTop GhcRn            -- Left operand; already rearranged
1227          -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> Fixity     -- Operator and fixity
1228          -> LHsCmdTop GhcRn             -- Right operand (not an infix)
1229          -> RnM (HsCmd GhcRn)
1231-- (e11 `op1` e12) `op2` e2
1232mkOpFormRn a1@(dL->L loc
1233                    (HsCmdTop _
1234                     (dL->L _ (HsCmdArrForm x op1 f (Just fix1)
1235                        [a11,a12]))))
1236        op2 fix2 a2
1237  | nofix_error
1238  = do precParseErr (get_op op1,fix1) (get_op op2,fix2)
1239       return (HsCmdArrForm x op2 f (Just fix2) [a1, a2])
1241  | associate_right
1242  = do new_c <- mkOpFormRn a12 op2 fix2 a2
1243       return (HsCmdArrForm noExtField op1 f (Just fix1)
1244               [a11, cL loc (HsCmdTop [] (cL loc new_c))])
1245        -- TODO: locs are wrong
1246  where
1247    (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
1249--      Default case
1250mkOpFormRn arg1 op fix arg2                     -- Default case, no rearrangment
1251  = return (HsCmdArrForm noExtField op Infix (Just fix) [arg1, arg2])
1255mkConOpPatRn :: Located Name -> Fixity -> LPat GhcRn -> LPat GhcRn
1256             -> RnM (Pat GhcRn)
1258mkConOpPatRn op2 fix2 p1@(dL->L loc (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon p11 p12))) p2
1259  = do  { fix1 <- lookupFixityRn (unLoc op1)
1260        ; let (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
1262        ; if nofix_error then do
1263                { precParseErr (NormalOp (unLoc op1),fix1)
1264                               (NormalOp (unLoc op2),fix2)
1265                ; return (ConPatIn op2 (InfixCon p1 p2)) }
1267          else if associate_right then do
1268                { new_p <- mkConOpPatRn op2 fix2 p12 p2
1269                ; return (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon p11 (cL loc new_p))) }
1270                -- XXX loc right?
1271          else return (ConPatIn op2 (InfixCon p1 p2)) }
1273mkConOpPatRn op _ p1 p2                         -- Default case, no rearrangment
1274  = ASSERT( not_op_pat (unLoc p2) )
1275    return (ConPatIn op (InfixCon p1 p2))
1277not_op_pat :: Pat GhcRn -> Bool
1278not_op_pat (ConPatIn _ (InfixCon _ _)) = False
1279not_op_pat _                           = True
1282checkPrecMatch :: Name -> MatchGroup GhcRn body -> RnM ()
1283  -- Check precedence of a function binding written infix
1284  --   eg  a `op` b `C` c = ...
1285  -- See comments with rnExpr (OpApp ...) about "deriving"
1287checkPrecMatch op (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ ms) })
1288  = mapM_ check ms
1289  where
1290    check (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = (dL->L l1 p1)
1291                                   : (dL->L l2 p2)
1292                                   : _ }))
1293      = setSrcSpan (combineSrcSpans l1 l2) $
1294        do checkPrec op p1 False
1295           checkPrec op p2 True
1297    check _ = return ()
1298        -- This can happen.  Consider
1299        --      a `op` True = ...
1300        --      op          = ...
1301        -- The infix flag comes from the first binding of the group
1302        -- but the second eqn has no args (an error, but not discovered
1303        -- until the type checker).  So we don't want to crash on the
1304        -- second eqn.
1305checkPrecMatch _ (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
1307checkPrec :: Name -> Pat GhcRn -> Bool -> IOEnv (Env TcGblEnv TcLclEnv) ()
1308checkPrec op (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon _ _)) right = do
1309    op_fix@(Fixity _ op_prec  op_dir) <- lookupFixityRn op
1310    op1_fix@(Fixity _ op1_prec op1_dir) <- lookupFixityRn (unLoc op1)
1311    let
1312        inf_ok = op1_prec > op_prec ||
1313                 (op1_prec == op_prec &&
1314                  (op1_dir == InfixR && op_dir == InfixR && right ||
1315                   op1_dir == InfixL && op_dir == InfixL && not right))
1317        info  = (NormalOp op,          op_fix)
1318        info1 = (NormalOp (unLoc op1), op1_fix)
1319        (infol, infor) = if right then (info, info1) else (info1, info)
1320    unless inf_ok (precParseErr infol infor)
1322checkPrec _ _ _
1323  = return ()
1325-- Check precedence of (arg op) or (op arg) respectively
1326-- If arg is itself an operator application, then either
1327--   (a) its precedence must be higher than that of op
1328--   (b) its precedency & associativity must be the same as that of op
1329checkSectionPrec :: FixityDirection -> HsExpr GhcPs
1330        -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> RnM ()
1331checkSectionPrec direction section op arg
1332  = case unLoc arg of
1333        OpApp fix _ op' _ -> go_for_it (get_op op') fix
1334        NegApp _ _ _      -> go_for_it NegateOp     negateFixity
1335        _                 -> return ()
1336  where
1337    op_name = get_op op
1338    go_for_it arg_op arg_fix@(Fixity _ arg_prec assoc) = do
1339          op_fix@(Fixity _ op_prec _) <- lookupFixityOp op_name
1340          unless (op_prec < arg_prec
1341                  || (op_prec == arg_prec && direction == assoc))
1342                 (sectionPrecErr (get_op op, op_fix)
1343                                 (arg_op, arg_fix) section)
1345-- | Look up the fixity for an operator name.  Be careful to use
1346-- 'lookupFieldFixityRn' for (possibly ambiguous) record fields
1347-- (see #13132).
1348lookupFixityOp :: OpName -> RnM Fixity
1349lookupFixityOp (NormalOp n)  = lookupFixityRn n
1350lookupFixityOp NegateOp      = lookupFixityRn negateName
1351lookupFixityOp (UnboundOp u) = lookupFixityRn (mkUnboundName (unboundVarOcc u))
1352lookupFixityOp (RecFldOp f)  = lookupFieldFixityRn f
1355-- Precedence-related error messages
1357precParseErr :: (OpName,Fixity) -> (OpName,Fixity) -> RnM ()
1358precParseErr op1@(n1,_) op2@(n2,_)
1359  | is_unbound n1 || is_unbound n2
1360  = return ()     -- Avoid error cascade
1361  | otherwise
1362  = addErr $ hang (text "Precedence parsing error")
1363      4 (hsep [text "cannot mix", ppr_opfix op1, ptext (sLit "and"),
1364               ppr_opfix op2,
1365               text "in the same infix expression"])
1367sectionPrecErr :: (OpName,Fixity) -> (OpName,Fixity) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> RnM ()
1368sectionPrecErr op@(n1,_) arg_op@(n2,_) section
1369  | is_unbound n1 || is_unbound n2
1370  = return ()     -- Avoid error cascade
1371  | otherwise
1372  = addErr $ vcat [text "The operator" <+> ppr_opfix op <+> ptext (sLit "of a section"),
1373         nest 4 (sep [text "must have lower precedence than that of the operand,",
1374                      nest 2 (text "namely" <+> ppr_opfix arg_op)]),
1375         nest 4 (text "in the section:" <+> quotes (ppr section))]
1377is_unbound :: OpName -> Bool
1378is_unbound (NormalOp n) = isUnboundName n
1379is_unbound UnboundOp{}  = True
1380is_unbound _            = False
1382ppr_opfix :: (OpName, Fixity) -> SDoc
1383ppr_opfix (op, fixity) = pp_op <+> brackets (ppr fixity)
1384   where
1385     pp_op | NegateOp <- op = text "prefix `-'"
1386           | otherwise      = quotes (ppr op)
1389{- *****************************************************
1390*                                                      *
1391                 Errors
1392*                                                      *
1393***************************************************** -}
1395unexpectedTypeSigErr :: LHsSigWcType GhcPs -> SDoc
1396unexpectedTypeSigErr ty
1397  = hang (text "Illegal type signature:" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
1398       2 (text "Type signatures are only allowed in patterns with ScopedTypeVariables")
1400badKindSigErr :: HsDocContext -> LHsType GhcPs -> TcM ()
1401badKindSigErr doc (dL->L loc ty)
1402  = setSrcSpan loc $ addErr $
1403    withHsDocContext doc $
1404    hang (text "Illegal kind signature:" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
1405       2 (text "Perhaps you intended to use KindSignatures")
1407dataKindsErr :: RnTyKiEnv -> HsType GhcPs -> SDoc
1408dataKindsErr env thing
1409  = hang (text "Illegal" <+> pp_what <> colon <+> quotes (ppr thing))
1410       2 (text "Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds")
1411  where
1412    pp_what | isRnKindLevel env = text "kind"
1413            | otherwise          = text "type"
1415inTypeDoc :: HsType GhcPs -> SDoc
1416inTypeDoc ty = text "In the type" <+> quotes (ppr ty)
1418warnUnusedForAll :: SDoc -> LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> FreeVars -> TcM ()
1419warnUnusedForAll in_doc (dL->L loc tv) used_names
1420  = whenWOptM Opt_WarnUnusedForalls $
1421    unless (hsTyVarName tv `elemNameSet` used_names) $
1422    addWarnAt (Reason Opt_WarnUnusedForalls) loc $
1423    vcat [ text "Unused quantified type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv)
1424         , in_doc ]
1426opTyErr :: Outputable a => RdrName -> a -> SDoc
1427opTyErr op overall_ty
1428  = hang (text "Illegal operator" <+> quotes (ppr op) <+> ptext (sLit "in type") <+> quotes (ppr overall_ty))
1429         2 (text "Use TypeOperators to allow operators in types")
1433*                                                                      *
1434      Finding the free type variables of a (HsType RdrName)
1435*                                                                      *
1439Note [Kind and type-variable binders]
1441In a type signature we may implicitly bind type/kind variables. For example:
1442  *   f :: a -> a
1443      f = ...
1444    Here we need to find the free type variables of (a -> a),
1445    so that we know what to quantify
1447  *   class C (a :: k) where ...
1448    This binds 'k' in ..., as well as 'a'
1450  *   f (x :: a -> [a]) = ....
1451    Here we bind 'a' in ....
1453  *   f (x :: T a -> T (b :: k)) = ...
1454    Here we bind both 'a' and the kind variable 'k'
1456  *   type instance F (T (a :: Maybe k)) = ...a...k...
1457    Here we want to constrain the kind of 'a', and bind 'k'.
1459To do that, we need to walk over a type and find its free type/kind variables.
1460We preserve the left-to-right order of each variable occurrence.
1461See Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
1463Clients of this code can remove duplicates with nubL.
1465Note [Ordering of implicit variables]
1467Since the advent of -XTypeApplications, GHC makes promises about the ordering
1468of implicit variable quantification. Specifically, we offer that implicitly
1469quantified variables (such as those in const :: a -> b -> a, without a `forall`)
1470will occur in left-to-right order of first occurrence. Here are a few examples:
1472  const :: a -> b -> a       -- forall a b. ...
1473  f :: Eq a => b -> a -> a   -- forall a b. ...  contexts are included
1475  type a <-< b = b -> a
1476  g :: a <-< b               -- forall a b. ...  type synonyms matter
1478  class Functor f where
1479    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b   -- forall f a b. ...
1480    -- The f is quantified by the class, so only a and b are considered in fmap
1482This simple story is complicated by the possibility of dependency: all variables
1483must come after any variables mentioned in their kinds.
1485  typeRep :: Typeable a => TypeRep (a :: k)   -- forall k a. ...
1487The k comes first because a depends on k, even though the k appears later than
1488the a in the code. Thus, GHC does ScopedSort on the variables.
1489See Note [ScopedSort] in Type.
1491Implicitly bound variables are collected by any function which returns a
1492FreeKiTyVars, FreeKiTyVarsWithDups, or FreeKiTyVarsNoDups, which notably
1493includes the `extract-` family of functions (extractHsTysRdrTyVarsDups,
1494extractHsTyVarBndrsKVs, etc.).
1495These functions thus promise to keep left-to-right ordering.
1497Note [Implicit quantification in type synonyms]
1499We typically bind type/kind variables implicitly when they are in a kind
1500annotation on the LHS, for example:
1502  data Proxy (a :: k) = Proxy
1503  type KindOf (a :: k) = k
1505Here 'k' is in the kind annotation of a type variable binding, KindedTyVar, and
1506we want to implicitly quantify over it.  This is easy: just extract all free
1507variables from the kind signature. That's what we do in extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs
1509By contrast, on the RHS we can't simply collect *all* free variables. Which of
1510the following are allowed?
1512  type TySyn1 = a :: Type
1513  type TySyn2 = 'Nothing :: Maybe a
1514  type TySyn3 = 'Just ('Nothing :: Maybe a)
1515  type TySyn4 = 'Left a :: Either Type a
1517After some design deliberations (see non-taken alternatives below), the answer
1518is to reject TySyn1 and TySyn3, but allow TySyn2 and TySyn4, at least for now.
1519We implicitly quantify over free variables of the outermost kind signature, if
1520one exists:
1522  * In TySyn1, the outermost kind signature is (:: Type), and it does not have
1523    any free variables.
1524  * In TySyn2, the outermost kind signature is (:: Maybe a), it contains a
1525    free variable 'a', which we implicitly quantify over.
1526  * In TySyn3, there is no outermost kind signature. The (:: Maybe a) signature
1527    is hidden inside 'Just.
1528  * In TySyn4, the outermost kind signature is (:: Either Type a), it contains
1529    a free variable 'a', which we implicitly quantify over. That is why we can
1530    also use it to the left of the double colon: 'Left a
1532The logic resides in extractHsTyRdrTyVarsKindVars. We use it both for type
1533synonyms and type family instances.
1535This is something of a stopgap solution until we can explicitly bind invisible
1536type/kind variables:
1538  type TySyn3 :: forall a. Maybe a
1539  type TySyn3 @a = 'Just ('Nothing :: Maybe a)
1541Note [Implicit quantification in type synonyms: non-taken alternatives]
1544Alternative I: No quantification
1546We could offer no implicit quantification on the RHS, accepting none of the
1547TySyn<N> examples. The user would have to bind the variables explicitly:
1549  type TySyn1 a = a :: Type
1550  type TySyn2 a = 'Nothing :: Maybe a
1551  type TySyn3 a = 'Just ('Nothing :: Maybe a)
1552  type TySyn4 a = 'Left a :: Either Type a
1554However, this would mean that one would have to specify 'a' at call sites every
1555time, which could be undesired.
1557Alternative II: Indiscriminate quantification
1559We could implicitly quantify over all free variables on the RHS just like we do
1560on the LHS. Then we would infer the following kinds:
1562  TySyn1 :: forall {a}. Type
1563  TySyn2 :: forall {a}. Maybe a
1564  TySyn3 :: forall {a}. Maybe (Maybe a)
1565  TySyn4 :: forall {a}. Either Type a
1567This would work fine for TySyn<2,3,4>, but TySyn1 is clearly bogus: the variable
1568is free-floating, not fixed by anything.
1570Alternative III: reportFloatingKvs
1572We could augment Alternative II by hunting down free-floating variables during
1573type checking. While viable, this would mean we'd end up accepting this:
1575  data Prox k (a :: k)
1576  type T = Prox k
1580-- See Note [Kind and type-variable binders]
1581-- These lists are guaranteed to preserve left-to-right ordering of
1582-- the types the variables were extracted from. See also
1583-- Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
1584type FreeKiTyVars = [Located RdrName]
1586-- | A 'FreeKiTyVars' list that is allowed to have duplicate variables.
1587type FreeKiTyVarsWithDups = FreeKiTyVars
1589-- | A 'FreeKiTyVars' list that contains no duplicate variables.
1590type FreeKiTyVarsNoDups   = FreeKiTyVars
1592filterInScope :: LocalRdrEnv -> FreeKiTyVars -> FreeKiTyVars
1593filterInScope rdr_env = filterOut (inScope rdr_env . unLoc)
1595filterInScopeM :: FreeKiTyVars -> RnM FreeKiTyVars
1596filterInScopeM vars
1597  = do { rdr_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
1598       ; return (filterInScope rdr_env vars) }
1600inScope :: LocalRdrEnv -> RdrName -> Bool
1601inScope rdr_env rdr = rdr `elemLocalRdrEnv` rdr_env
1603extract_tyarg :: LHsTypeArg GhcPs -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1604extract_tyarg (HsValArg ty) acc = extract_lty ty acc
1605extract_tyarg (HsTypeArg _ ki) acc = extract_lty ki acc
1606extract_tyarg (HsArgPar _) acc = acc
1608extract_tyargs :: [LHsTypeArg GhcPs] -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1609extract_tyargs args acc = foldr extract_tyarg acc args
1611extractHsTyArgRdrKiTyVarsDup :: [LHsTypeArg GhcPs] -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1612extractHsTyArgRdrKiTyVarsDup args
1613  = extract_tyargs args []
1615-- | 'extractHsTyRdrTyVars' finds the type/kind variables
1616--                          of a HsType/HsKind.
1617-- It's used when making the @forall@s explicit.
1618-- When the same name occurs multiple times in the types, only the first
1619-- occurrence is returned.
1620-- See Note [Kind and type-variable binders]
1621extractHsTyRdrTyVars :: LHsType GhcPs -> FreeKiTyVarsNoDups
1622extractHsTyRdrTyVars ty
1623  = nubL (extractHsTyRdrTyVarsDups ty)
1625-- | 'extractHsTyRdrTyVarsDups' finds the type/kind variables
1626--                              of a HsType/HsKind.
1627-- It's used when making the @forall@s explicit.
1628-- When the same name occurs multiple times in the types, all occurrences
1629-- are returned.
1630extractHsTyRdrTyVarsDups :: LHsType GhcPs -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1631extractHsTyRdrTyVarsDups ty
1632  = extract_lty ty []
1634-- | Extracts the free type/kind variables from the kind signature of a HsType.
1635--   This is used to implicitly quantify over @k@ in @type T = Nothing :: Maybe k@.
1636-- When the same name occurs multiple times in the type, only the first
1637-- occurrence is returned, and the left-to-right order of variables is
1638-- preserved.
1639-- See Note [Kind and type-variable binders] and
1640--     Note [Ordering of implicit variables] and
1641--     Note [Implicit quantification in type synonyms].
1642extractHsTyRdrTyVarsKindVars :: LHsType GhcPs -> FreeKiTyVarsNoDups
1643extractHsTyRdrTyVarsKindVars (unLoc -> ty) =
1644  case ty of
1645    HsParTy _ ty -> extractHsTyRdrTyVarsKindVars ty
1646    HsKindSig _ _ ki -> extractHsTyRdrTyVars ki
1647    _ -> []
1649-- | Extracts free type and kind variables from types in a list.
1650-- When the same name occurs multiple times in the types, all occurrences
1651-- are returned.
1652extractHsTysRdrTyVarsDups :: [LHsType GhcPs] -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1653extractHsTysRdrTyVarsDups tys
1654  = extract_ltys tys []
1656-- Returns the free kind variables of any explictly-kinded binders, returning
1657-- variable occurrences in left-to-right order.
1658-- See Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
1659-- NB: Does /not/ delete the binders themselves.
1660--     However duplicates are removed
1661--     E.g. given  [k1, a:k1, b:k2]
1662--          the function returns [k1,k2], even though k1 is bound here
1663extractHsTyVarBndrsKVs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -> FreeKiTyVarsNoDups
1664extractHsTyVarBndrsKVs tv_bndrs
1665  = nubL (extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs tv_bndrs)
1667-- Returns the free kind variables in a type family result signature, returning
1668-- variable occurrences in left-to-right order.
1669-- See Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
1670extractRdrKindSigVars :: LFamilyResultSig GhcPs -> [Located RdrName]
1671extractRdrKindSigVars (dL->L _ resultSig)
1672  | KindSig _ k                              <- resultSig = extractHsTyRdrTyVars k
1673  | TyVarSig _ (dL->L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ k)) <- resultSig = extractHsTyRdrTyVars k
1674  | otherwise =  []
1676-- Get type/kind variables mentioned in the kind signature, preserving
1677-- left-to-right order and without duplicates:
1679--  * data T a (b :: k1) :: k2 -> k1 -> k2 -> Type   -- result: [k2,k1]
1680--  * data T a (b :: k1)                             -- result: []
1682-- See Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
1683extractDataDefnKindVars :: HsDataDefn GhcPs ->  FreeKiTyVarsNoDups
1684extractDataDefnKindVars (HsDataDefn { dd_kindSig = ksig })
1685  = maybe [] extractHsTyRdrTyVars ksig
1686extractDataDefnKindVars (XHsDataDefn nec) = noExtCon nec
1688extract_lctxt :: LHsContext GhcPs
1689              -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1690extract_lctxt ctxt = extract_ltys (unLoc ctxt)
1692extract_ltys :: [LHsType GhcPs]
1693             -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1694extract_ltys tys acc = foldr extract_lty acc tys
1696extract_lty :: LHsType GhcPs
1697            -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1698extract_lty (dL->L _ ty) acc
1699  = case ty of
1700      HsTyVar _ _  ltv            -> extract_tv ltv acc
1701      HsBangTy _ _ ty             -> extract_lty ty acc
1702      HsRecTy _ flds              -> foldr (extract_lty
1703                                            . cd_fld_type . unLoc) acc
1704                                           flds
1705      HsAppTy _ ty1 ty2           -> extract_lty ty1 $
1706                                     extract_lty ty2 acc
1707      HsAppKindTy _ ty k          -> extract_lty ty $
1708                                     extract_lty k acc
1709      HsListTy _ ty               -> extract_lty ty acc
1710      HsTupleTy _ _ tys           -> extract_ltys tys acc
1711      HsSumTy _ tys               -> extract_ltys tys acc
1712      HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2           -> extract_lty ty1 $
1713                                     extract_lty ty2 acc
1714      HsIParamTy _ _ ty           -> extract_lty ty acc
1715      HsOpTy _ ty1 tv ty2         -> extract_tv tv $
1716                                     extract_lty ty1 $
1717                                     extract_lty ty2 acc
1718      HsParTy _ ty                -> extract_lty ty acc
1719      HsSpliceTy {}               -> acc  -- Type splices mention no tvs
1720      HsDocTy _ ty _              -> extract_lty ty acc
1721      HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys    -> extract_ltys tys acc
1722      HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys     -> extract_ltys tys acc
1723      HsTyLit _ _                 -> acc
1724      HsStarTy _ _                -> acc
1725      HsKindSig _ ty ki           -> extract_lty ty $
1726                                     extract_lty ki acc
1727      HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = ty }
1728                                  -> extract_hs_tv_bndrs tvs acc $
1729                                     extract_lty ty []
1730      HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = ty }
1731                                  -> extract_lctxt ctxt $
1732                                     extract_lty ty acc
1733      XHsType {}                  -> acc
1734      -- We deal with these separately in rnLHsTypeWithWildCards
1735      HsWildCardTy {}             -> acc
1737extractHsTvBndrs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
1738                 -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups           -- Free in body
1739                 -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups       -- Free in result
1740extractHsTvBndrs tv_bndrs body_fvs
1741  = extract_hs_tv_bndrs tv_bndrs [] body_fvs
1743extract_hs_tv_bndrs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
1744                    -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups  -- Accumulator
1745                    -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups  -- Free in body
1746                    -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
1747-- In (forall (a :: Maybe e). a -> b) we have
1748--     'a' is bound by the forall
1749--     'b' is a free type variable
1750--     'e' is a free kind variable
1751extract_hs_tv_bndrs tv_bndrs acc_vars body_vars
1752  | null tv_bndrs = body_vars ++ acc_vars
1753  | otherwise = filterOut (`elemRdr` tv_bndr_rdrs) (bndr_vars ++ body_vars) ++ acc_vars
1754    -- NB: delete all tv_bndr_rdrs from bndr_vars as well as body_vars.
1755    -- See Note [Kind variable scoping]
1756  where
1757    bndr_vars = extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs tv_bndrs
1758    tv_bndr_rdrs = map hsLTyVarLocName tv_bndrs
1760extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -> [Located RdrName]
1761-- Returns the free kind variables of any explictly-kinded binders, returning
1762-- variable occurrences in left-to-right order.
1763-- See Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
1764-- NB: Does /not/ delete the binders themselves.
1765--     Duplicates are /not/ removed
1766--     E.g. given  [k1, a:k1, b:k2]
1767--          the function returns [k1,k2], even though k1 is bound here
1768extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs tv_bndrs =
1769    foldr extract_lty []
1770          [k | (dL->L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ k)) <- tv_bndrs]
1772extract_tv :: Located RdrName
1773           -> [Located RdrName] -> [Located RdrName]
1774extract_tv tv acc =
1775  if isRdrTyVar (unLoc tv) then tv:acc else acc
1777-- Deletes duplicates in a list of Located things.
1779-- Importantly, this function is stable with respect to the original ordering
1780-- of things in the list. This is important, as it is a property that GHC
1781-- relies on to maintain the left-to-right ordering of implicitly quantified
1782-- type variables.
1783-- See Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
1784nubL :: Eq a => [Located a] -> [Located a]
1785nubL = nubBy eqLocated
1787elemRdr :: Located RdrName -> [Located RdrName] -> Bool
1788elemRdr x = any (eqLocated x)