1 // emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*-
3 /****************************************
4 *  Computer Algebra System SINGULAR     *
5 ****************************************/
6 /*
7 * ABSTRACT - The FGLM-Algorithm plus extension
8 *   Calculate a reduced groebner basis for one ordering, given a
9 *   reduced groebner basis for another ordering.
10 *   In this file the input is checked. Furthermore we decide, if
11 *   the input is 0-dimensional ( then fglmzero.cc is used ) or
12 *   if the input is homogeneous ( then fglmhom.cc is used. Yet
13 *   not implemented ).
14 *   The extension (finduni) finds minimal univariate Polynomials
15 *   lying in a 0-dimensional ideal.
16 */
18 #include "kernel/mod2.h"
20 #include "misc/options.h"
22 #include "polys/monomials/ring.h"
23 #include "polys/monomials/maps.h"
25 #include "kernel/polys.h"
26 #include "kernel/ideals.h"
28 #include "kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.h"
29 #include "kernel/fglm/fglm.h"
31 #include "Singular/fglm.h"
32 #include "Singular/ipid.h"
33 #include "Singular/ipshell.h"
34 #include "Singular/tok.h"
37 // internal Version:
38 //     enumeration to handle the various errors to occour.
39 enum FglmState{
40     FglmOk,
41     FglmHasOne,
42     FglmNoIdeal,
43     FglmNotReduced,
44     FglmNotZeroDim,
45     FglmIncompatibleRings,
46     // for fglmquot:
47     FglmPolyIsOne,
48     FglmPolyIsZero
49 };
51 // Has to be called, if currRing->qideal != NULL. ( i.e. qring-case )
52 // Then a new ideal is build, consisting of the generators of sourceIdeal
53 // and the generators of currRing->qideal, which are completely reduced by
54 // the sourceIdeal. This means: If sourceIdeal is reduced, then the new
55 // ideal will be reduced as well.
56 // Assumes that currRing == sourceRing
fglmUpdatesource(const ideal sourceIdeal)57 ideal fglmUpdatesource( const ideal sourceIdeal )
58 {
59     int k, l, offset;
60     BOOLEAN found;
61     ideal newSource= idInit( IDELEMS( sourceIdeal ) + IDELEMS( currRing->qideal ), 1 );
62     for ( k= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal )-1; k >=0; k-- )
63         (newSource->m)[k]= pCopy( (sourceIdeal->m)[k] );
64     offset= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal );
65     for ( l= IDELEMS( currRing->qideal )-1; l >= 0; l-- )
66     {
67         if ( (currRing->qideal->m)[l] != NULL )
68         {
69             found= FALSE;
70             for ( k= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal )-1; (k >= 0) && (found == FALSE); k-- )
71                 if ( pDivisibleBy( (sourceIdeal->m)[k], (currRing->qideal->m)[l] ) )
72                     found= TRUE;
73             if ( ! found )
74             {
75                 (newSource->m)[offset]= pCopy( (currRing->qideal->m)[l] );
76                 offset++;
77             }
78         }
79     }
80     idSkipZeroes( newSource );
81     return newSource;
82 }
84 // Has to be called, if currRing->qideal != NULL, i.e. in qring-case.
85 // Gets rid of the elements of result which are contained in
86 // currRing->qideal and skips Zeroes.
87 // Assumes that currRing == destRing
88 void
fglmUpdateresult(ideal & result)89 fglmUpdateresult( ideal & result )
90 {
91     int k, l;
92     BOOLEAN found;
93     for ( k= IDELEMS( result )-1; k >=0; k-- )
94     {
95         if ( (result->m)[k] != NULL )
96         {
97             found= FALSE;
98             for ( l= IDELEMS( currRing->qideal )-1; (l >= 0) && ( found == FALSE ); l-- )
99                 if ( pDivisibleBy( (currRing->qideal->m)[l], (result->m)[k] ) )
100                     found= TRUE;
101             if ( found ) pDelete( & ((result->m)[k]) );
102         }
103     }
104     idSkipZeroes( result );
105 }
107 // Checks if the two rings sring and dring are compatible enough to
108 // be used for the fglm. This means:
109 //  1) Same Characteristic, 2) globalOrderings in both rings,
110 //  3) Same number of variables, 4) same number of parameters
111 //  5) variables in one ring are permutated variables of the other one
112 //  6) parameters in one ring are permutated parameters of the other one
113 //  7) either both rings are rings or both rings are qrings
114 //  8) if they are qrings, the quotientIdeals of both must coincide.
115 // vperm must be a vector of length pVariables+1, initialized by 0.
116 // If both rings are compatible, it stores the permutation of the
117 // variables if mapped from sring to dring.
118 // if the rings are compatible, it returns FglmOk.
119 // Should be called with currRing==sring
120 FglmState
fglmConsistency(ring sring,ring dring,int * vperm)121 fglmConsistency( ring sring, ring dring, int * vperm )
122 {
123     int k;
124     FglmState state= FglmOk;
126     if ( rChar(sring) != rChar(dring) )
127     {
128         WerrorS( "rings must have same characteristic" );
129         state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
130     }
131     if ( (sring->OrdSgn != 1) || (dring->OrdSgn != 1) )
132     {
133         WerrorS( "only works for global orderings" );
134         state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
135     }
136     if ( sring->N != dring->N )
137     {
138         WerrorS( "rings must have same number of variables" );
139         state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
140     }
141     if ( rPar(sring) != rPar(dring) )
142     {
143         WerrorS( "rings must have same number of parameters" );
144         state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
145     }
146     if ( state != FglmOk ) return state;
147     // now the rings have the same number of variables resp. parameters.
148     // check if the names of the variables resp. parameters do agree:
149     int nvar = sring->N;
150     int npar = rPar(sring);
151     int * pperm;
152     if ( npar > 0 )
153         pperm= (int *)omAlloc0( (npar+1)*sizeof( int ) );
154     else
155         pperm= NULL;
156     maFindPerm( sring->names, nvar, rParameter(sring), npar,
157                 dring->names, nvar, rParameter(dring), npar, vperm, pperm,
158                 dring->cf->type);
159     for ( k= nvar; (k > 0) && (state == FglmOk); k-- )
160         if ( vperm[k] <= 0 )
161         {
162             WerrorS( "variable names do not agree" );
163             state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
164         }
165     for ( k= npar-1; (k >= 0) && (state == FglmOk); k-- )
166         if ( pperm[k] >= 0 )
167         {
168             WerrorS( "parameter names do not agree" );
169             state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
170         }
171     if (pperm != NULL) // OB: ????
172       omFreeSize( (ADDRESS)pperm, (npar+1)*sizeof( int ) );
173     if ( state != FglmOk ) return state;
174     // check if both rings are qrings or not
175     if ( sring->qideal != NULL )
176     {
177         if ( dring->qideal == NULL )
178         {
179             WerrorS( "source ring is a qring, destination ring not" );
180             return FglmIncompatibleRings;
181         }
182         // both rings are qrings, now check if both quotients define the same ideal.
183         // check if sring->qideal is contained in dring->qideal:
184         rChangeCurrRing( dring );
185         nMapFunc nMap=n_SetMap(dring->cf, sring->cf );
186         ideal sqind = idInit( IDELEMS( sring->qideal ), 1 );
187         for ( k= IDELEMS( sring->qideal )-1; k >= 0; k-- )
188           (sqind->m)[k]= p_PermPoly( (sring->qideal->m)[k], vperm, sring,
189                           dring, nMap);
190         ideal sqindred = kNF( dring->qideal, NULL, sqind );
191         if ( ! idIs0( sqindred ) )
192         {
193             WerrorS( "the quotients do not agree" );
194             state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
195         }
196         idDelete( & sqind );
197         idDelete( & sqindred );
198         rChangeCurrRing( sring );
199         if ( state != FglmOk ) return state;
200         // check if dring->qideal is contained in sring->qideal:
201         int * dsvperm = (int *)omAlloc0( (nvar+1)*sizeof( int ) );
202         maFindPerm( dring->names, nvar, NULL, 0, sring->names, nvar, NULL, 0,
203                     dsvperm, NULL, sring->cf->type);
204         nMap=n_SetMap(currRing->cf, dring->cf);
205         ideal dqins = idInit( IDELEMS( dring->qideal ), 1 );
206         for ( k= IDELEMS( dring->qideal )-1; k >= 0; k-- )
207           (dqins->m)[k]=p_PermPoly( (dring->qideal->m)[k], dsvperm, sring,
208                          currRing, nMap);
209         ideal dqinsred = kNF( sring->qideal, NULL, dqins );
210         if ( ! idIs0( dqinsred ) )
211         {
212             WerrorS( "the quotients do not agree" );
213             state= FglmIncompatibleRings;
214         }
215         idDelete( & dqins );
216         idDelete( & dqinsred );
217         omFreeSize( (ADDRESS)dsvperm, (nvar+1)*sizeof( int ) );
218         if ( state != FglmOk ) return state;
219     }
220     else
221     {
222         if ( dring->qideal != NULL )
223         {
224             WerrorS( "source ring is a qring, destination ring not" );
225             return FglmIncompatibleRings;
226         }
227     }
228     return FglmOk;
229 }
231 // Checks if the ideal "theIdeal" is zero-dimensional and minimal. It does
232 //  not check, if it is reduced.
233 // returns FglmOk if we can use theIdeal for CalculateFunctionals (this
234 //                 function reports an error if theIdeal is not reduced,
235 //                 so this need not to be tested here)
236 //         FglmNotReduced if theIdeal is not minimal
237 //         FglmNotZeroDim if it is not zero-dimensional
238 //         FglmHasOne if 1 belongs to theIdeal
239 FglmState
fglmIdealcheck(const ideal theIdeal)240 fglmIdealcheck( const ideal theIdeal )
241 {
242     FglmState state = FglmOk;
243     int power;
244     int k;
245     BOOLEAN * purePowers = (BOOLEAN *)omAlloc0( currRing->N*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
247     for ( k= IDELEMS( theIdeal ) - 1; (state == FglmOk) && (k >= 0); k-- )
248     {
249         poly p = (theIdeal->m)[k];
250         if (p!=NULL)
251         {
252           if( pIsConstant( p ) ) state= FglmHasOne;
253           else if ( (power= pIsPurePower( p )) > 0 )
254           {
255             fglmASSERT( 0 < power && power <= currRing->N, "illegal power" );
256             if ( purePowers[power-1] == TRUE  ) state= FglmNotReduced;
257             else purePowers[power-1]= TRUE;
258           }
259           for ( int l = IDELEMS( theIdeal ) - 1; state == FglmOk && l >= 0; l-- )
260             if ( (k != l) && pDivisibleBy( p, (theIdeal->m)[l] ) )
261                 state= FglmNotReduced;
262         }
263     }
264     if ( state == FglmOk )
265     {
266         for ( k= currRing->N-1 ; (state == FglmOk) && (k >= 0); k-- )
267             if ( purePowers[k] == FALSE ) state= FglmNotZeroDim;
268     }
269     omFreeSize( (ADDRESS)purePowers, currRing->N*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
270     return state;
271 }
273 // The main function for the fglm-Algorithm.
274 // Checks the input-data, and calls fglmzero (see fglmzero.cc).
275 // Returns the new groebnerbasis or 0 if an error occoured.
fglmProc(leftv result,leftv first,leftv second)277 fglmProc( leftv result, leftv first, leftv second )
278 {
279     FglmState state = FglmOk;
281     ring destRing = currRing;
282     // ring destRing = currRing;
283     ideal destIdeal = NULL;
284     ring sourceRing = (ring)first->Data();
285     rChangeCurrRing( sourceRing );
286     // ring sourceRing = currRing;
288     int * vperm = (int *)omAlloc0( (sourceRing->N+1)*sizeof( int ) );
289     state= fglmConsistency( sourceRing, destRing, vperm );
290     omFreeSize( (ADDRESS)vperm, (sourceRing->N+1)*sizeof(int) );
292     if ( state == FglmOk )
293     {
294         idhdl ih = sourceRing->idroot->get( second->Name(), myynest );
295         if ( (ih != NULL) && (IDTYP(ih)==IDEAL_CMD) )
296         {
297             ideal sourceIdeal;
298             if ( sourceRing->qideal != NULL )
299                 sourceIdeal= fglmUpdatesource( IDIDEAL( ih ) );
300             else
301                 sourceIdeal = IDIDEAL( ih );
302             state= fglmIdealcheck( sourceIdeal );
303             if ( state == FglmOk )
304             {
305                 // Now the settings are compatible with FGLM
306                 assumeStdFlag( (leftv)ih );
307                 if ( fglmzero( sourceRing, sourceIdeal, destRing, destIdeal, FALSE, (currRing->qideal != NULL) ) == FALSE )
308                     state= FglmNotReduced;
309             }
310         } else state= FglmNoIdeal;
311     }
312     if ( currRing != destRing )
313         rChangeCurrRing( destRing );
314     switch (state)
315     {
316         case FglmOk:
317             if ( currRing->qideal != NULL ) fglmUpdateresult( destIdeal );
318             break;
319         case FglmHasOne:
320             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
321             (destIdeal->m)[0]= pOne();
322             state= FglmOk;
323             break;
324         case FglmIncompatibleRings:
325             WerrorS( "source ring and current ring are incompatible" );
326             destIdeal= NULL;
327             break;
328         case FglmNoIdeal:
329             Werror( "Can't find ideal %s in source ring", second->Name() );
330             destIdeal= NULL;
331             break;
332         case FglmNotZeroDim:
333             Werror( "The ideal %s has to be 0-dimensional", second->Name() );
334             destIdeal= NULL;
335             break;
336         case FglmNotReduced:
337             Werror( "The ideal %s has to be given by a reduced SB", second->Name() );
338             destIdeal= NULL;
339             break;
340         default:
341             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
342     }
344     result->rtyp = IDEAL_CMD;
345     result->data= (void *)destIdeal;
346     setFlag( result, FLAG_STD );
347     return (state != FglmOk);
348 }
fglmQuot(ideal first,poly second)350 ideal fglmQuot( ideal first, poly second )
351 {
352     FglmState state = FglmOk;
354     ideal sourceIdeal = first;
355     poly quot = second;
356     ideal destIdeal = NULL;
358     state = fglmIdealcheck( sourceIdeal );
359     if ( state == FglmOk )
360     {
361       if ( quot == NULL ) state= FglmPolyIsZero;
362       else if ( pIsConstant( quot ) ) state= FglmPolyIsOne;
363     }
365     if ( state == FglmOk )
366     {
367       if ( fglmquot( sourceIdeal, quot, destIdeal ) == FALSE )
368         state= FglmNotReduced;
369     }
371     switch (state)
372     {
373         case FglmOk:
374             break;
375         case FglmHasOne:
376             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
377             (destIdeal->m)[0]= pOne();
378             state= FglmOk;
379             break;
380         case FglmNotZeroDim:
381             WerrorS( "The ideal has to be 0-dimensional" );
382             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
383             break;
384         case FglmNotReduced:
385             WerrorS( "The poly has to be reduced" );
386             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
387             break;
388         case FglmPolyIsOne:
389             int k;
390             destIdeal= idInit( IDELEMS(sourceIdeal), 1 );
391             for ( k= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal )-1; k >=0; k-- )
392               (destIdeal->m)[k]= pCopy( (sourceIdeal->m)[k] );
393             state= FglmOk;
394             break;
395         case FglmPolyIsZero:
396             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
397             (destIdeal->m)[0]= pOne();
398             state= FglmOk;
399             break;
400         default:
401             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
402     }
404     return destIdeal;
405 }
407 // fglmQuotProc: Calculate I:f with FGLM methods.
408 // Checks the input-data, and calls fglmquot (see fglmzero.cc).
409 // Returns the new groebnerbasis if I:f or 0 if an error occoured.
fglmQuotProc(leftv result,leftv first,leftv second)411 fglmQuotProc( leftv result, leftv first, leftv second )
412 {
413     FglmState state = FglmOk;
415     //    STICKYPROT("quotstart\n");
416     ideal sourceIdeal = (ideal)first->Data();
417     poly quot = (poly)second->Data();
418     ideal destIdeal = NULL;
420     state = fglmIdealcheck( sourceIdeal );
421     if ( state == FglmOk )
422     {
423       if ( quot == NULL ) state= FglmPolyIsZero;
424       else if ( pIsConstant( quot ) ) state= FglmPolyIsOne;
425     }
427     if ( state == FglmOk )
428     {
429       assumeStdFlag( first );
430       if ( fglmquot( sourceIdeal, quot, destIdeal ) == FALSE )
431         state= FglmNotReduced;
432     }
434     switch (state)
435     {
436         case FglmOk:
437             break;
438         case FglmHasOne:
439             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
440             (destIdeal->m)[0]= pOne();
441             state= FglmOk;
442             break;
443         case FglmNotZeroDim:
444             Werror( "The ideal %s has to be 0-dimensional", first->Name() );
445             destIdeal= NULL;
446             break;
447         case FglmNotReduced:
448             Werror( "The poly %s has to be reduced", second->Name() );
449             destIdeal= NULL;
450             break;
451         case FglmPolyIsOne:
452             int k;
453             destIdeal= idInit( IDELEMS(sourceIdeal), 1 );
454             for ( k= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal )-1; k >=0; k-- )
455               (destIdeal->m)[k]= pCopy( (sourceIdeal->m)[k] );
456             state= FglmOk;
457             break;
458         case FglmPolyIsZero:
459             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
460             (destIdeal->m)[0]= pOne();
461             state= FglmOk;
462             break;
463         default:
464             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
465     }
467     result->rtyp = IDEAL_CMD;
468     result->data= (void *)destIdeal;
469     setFlag( result, FLAG_STD );
470     // STICKYPROT("quotend\n");
471     return (state != FglmOk);
472 } // fglmQuotProt
findUni(ideal first)474 ideal findUni( ideal first )
475 {
476     ideal sourceIdeal;
477     ideal destIdeal = NULL;
478     FglmState state;
480     sourceIdeal = first;
482     state= fglmIdealcheck( sourceIdeal );
483     if ( state == FglmOk )
484     {
485       // check for special cases: if the input contains
486       // univariate polys, try to reduce the problem
487       int i,k;
488       int count=0;
489       BOOLEAN * purePowers = (BOOLEAN *)omAlloc0( currRing->N*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
490       for ( k= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal ) - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
491       {
492         if((i=pIsUnivariate(sourceIdeal->m[k]))>0)
493         {
494           if (purePowers[i-1]==0)
495           {
496             purePowers[i-1]=k;
497             count++;
498             if (count==currRing->N) break;
499           }
500         }
501       }
502       if (count==currRing->N)
503       {
504         destIdeal=idInit(currRing->N,1);
505         for(k=currRing->N-1; k>=0; k--) destIdeal->m[k]=pCopy(sourceIdeal->m[purePowers[k]]);
506       }
507       omFreeSize((ADDRESS)purePowers, currRing->N*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
508       if (destIdeal!=NULL)
509             state = FglmOk;
510       else if ( FindUnivariateWrapper( sourceIdeal, destIdeal ) == FALSE )
511             state = FglmNotReduced;
512     }
513     switch (state)
514     {
515         case FglmOk:
516             break;
517         case FglmHasOne:
518             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
519             (destIdeal->m)[0]= pOne();
520             state= FglmOk;
521             break;
522         case FglmNotZeroDim:
523             WerrorS( "The ideal has to be 0-dimensional" );
524             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
525             break;
526         case FglmNotReduced:
527             Werror( "The ideal has to be reduced" );
528             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
529             break;
530         default:
531             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
532     }
534     return destIdeal;
535 }
536 // The main function for finduni().
537 // Checks the input-data, and calls FindUnivariateWrapper (see fglmzero.cc).
538 // Returns an ideal containing the univariate Polynomials or 0 if an error
539 // has occoured.
findUniProc(leftv result,leftv first)541 findUniProc( leftv result, leftv first )
542 {
543     ideal sourceIdeal;
544     ideal destIdeal = NULL;
545     FglmState state;
547     sourceIdeal = (ideal)first->Data();
549     assumeStdFlag( first );
550     state= fglmIdealcheck( sourceIdeal );
551     if ( state == FglmOk )
552     {
553       // check for special cases: if the input contains
554       // univariate polys, try to reduce the problem
555       int i,k;
556       int count=0;
557       BOOLEAN * purePowers = (BOOLEAN *)omAlloc0( currRing->N*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
558       for ( k= IDELEMS( sourceIdeal ) - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
559       {
560         if((i=pIsUnivariate(sourceIdeal->m[k]))>0)
561         {
562           if (purePowers[i-1]==0)
563           {
564             purePowers[i-1]=k;
565             count++;
566             if (count==currRing->N) break;
567           }
568         }
569       }
570       if (count==currRing->N)
571       {
572         destIdeal=idInit(currRing->N,1);
573         for(k=currRing->N-1; k>=0; k--) destIdeal->m[k]=pCopy(sourceIdeal->m[purePowers[k]]);
574       }
575       omFreeSize((ADDRESS)purePowers, currRing->N*sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
576       if (destIdeal!=NULL)
577             state = FglmOk;
578       else if ( FindUnivariateWrapper( sourceIdeal, destIdeal ) == FALSE )
579             state = FglmNotReduced;
580     }
581     switch (state)
582     {
583         case FglmOk:
584             break;
585         case FglmHasOne:
586             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
587             (destIdeal->m)[0]= pOne();
588             state= FglmOk;
589             break;
590         case FglmNotZeroDim:
591             Werror( "The ideal %s has to be 0-dimensional", first->Name() );
592             destIdeal= NULL;
593             break;
594         case FglmNotReduced:
595             Werror( "The ideal %s has to be reduced", first->Name() );
596             destIdeal= NULL;
597             break;
598         default:
599             destIdeal= idInit(1,1);
600     }
602     result->rtyp = IDEAL_CMD;
603     result->data= (void *)destIdeal;
605     return FALSE;
606 }
607 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
608 // Local Variables: ***
609 // compile-command: "make Singular" ***
610 // page-delimiter: "^\\(\\|//!\\)" ***
611 // fold-internal-margins: nil ***
612 // End: ***